Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Jul 1859, p. 3

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[a We heat that the Bethel Sabbath - School Anuiversary was quite a suc- sessfal affair. Upwards of 900 people being in attendance on Sunday, and nearly the same number on Monday. This School has been established but two years, and now numbers 150 chil- dren in regular atferdance. The Su. perivtendent, James ance' "his neighbours 'in this truly philanth pic movement. Upwards realised by the celebration. > 0 We notice with pleasure that the Rev. R. H. Thornton, of the United Presbyterian Church, Whitby, has had the degree of D:D. conferred upon him by the Princeton College, of New Jersy, U.S. say that the Rev. gentleman well de served the high honor conferred upon him. 2 E / 0" Wx have been informed that ph on y last a man named Wilson Lessemby, who has been carrying on ¢ business of Harness Making in the of Greenwood, township of Pickering, for some years, has been y commited to Whitby Jail to await his trial at the next Sessions for stealing gosdwetbsife=wmmomnt of $2, from a general store in Greenwood. 0 Rememser the Temperance Demonstration to-day at Port Perry. Oshawa Agrieutural Implement Factory. 'Our farming friends will do well to send for their Agricultural [mplements--when ir want--to Joseph Hall's ay Osha- wa, who is extensively engaged in the above branch of industry. We had a peep over his premises, a week or two ago, and was astonished to find no less a number than 50 men engaged. They tarn cut, on an average, 60 Ploughs per weeic. and have \ fa d 100 Threshi Mach z dar- g the present year. See his advertise- ment in I We are { that Hall's Treshing Mach are ider- 1p! «od the best in the country. Our Township Coancil.--Bright Pros- pects Ahead. We are happy to be enabled to inform our readers that our Township affairs 'are not in the sad and deplorable condi. tion they were last vear, and indeed we may say for the last four years pre- viously ; and we think we are justifind in atiributing the change partially to the "02-opecation of the Clerk with the Coun. cil, in order to arrange and straighten the complicated gate of affuirs that had * Sabbuth School Anniversary at Smith | sd 'ress-d 10 the Editor of the London We need hardly | ~~ British Columbia, o : Hida Lom TORONTO MARKETS. Below we give an exiract ot a letter WepNEspay, Jury 13, 1859, * Free Press," dated May 31st 1859 | yn... an 30. Sots, ' bush which. will be found interesting :-- 5 a oper rine 140 ) 0 The climate here is delightful : the ng, bit 126§ a * 126} winters are mild ; the spring sets in early. Flow, Su perfive s = 2 S& and the present weather is charming. "« ee 675 2 $3 making this a rather desirable place 10] Peas................ 080 a 085 live in. There are large tracts of farm. 2 . 050 a 050 ing lands in the vicinity of Queenboro',| Barley.... 075 a 076} and our fisheries are said 10 be, by com | Butter, per 012} a 015 petent judges. second to none, while we | - Peas, d 012}a 013 have larg: traets of timbered land avail ? 15 a. 500 »| nble for lumbering purposes. So I pre. 93,0 2 psume all we want is a good governmen'.| Hay....: 12000 a 2600 a liberal land system, and we are bound to prosper, notwithstanding the larges proportion of miners have lefi the country, and that we have, for the present, to de. pend upon something else than the gold fields. We are boring the ruling powers for a change in the land system, and | Rew ovvertisements, NT OF LETTERS roman 3 the L Reach Post-Office, July 15th 1859, not previously advertised. think that Governor Douglas and his i Lieutenant are ani to see the Bediong: Tou 2 YePariia, Thos necessity of using their discretional | Bleskey, Elias Heian Donald powers in providing a present remedy. |Buidell, F J Moore, WA 'Th-reis a project on foot for uniting | Briuey, John Milne, John Rel Colariiva and Vancouver's Island. iin 2g Munim, James ia wa , John clntyre, Jo '0 not want, for we should then Crown, Henry Mitchell, Joseph be placed in a worse position than at isti . 1 r-sent, being ruled ye body of men, Critiey Peter the majority of. whom have no other Coffee, P interest than that of the Hudson's Bay |! lark, R P Company. What we avant here is men | Curtis, W from Canada,--nien of talent, men of | gman, W R infu nce, men of means,-- Reformers in Day, Julia Nichols, Chas 4 Nott, James * Prudhomme, Gideon Orser Sam'l & Andrew Orser, Solomon Parish, William Peat, Andrew. principle, whom we nay, at the carliesr , Jos Roberts, Mary opportunity, pluce a the head of affaird Duly, J } Son Boal, Wm R Here is a good opening for the inves: Eddy, R H Randal ok ment of capital, as also for men wlo are Foy Honey mens, Raed willing to undergo soma hardships and |G 1am, hos Smith, Francis privations. As to thoce who wish to Joseph Shaw,;R make their fortunes in a few months, Gol wa - el they will allow me to inform them there | [ryin Robert are no openings for such Jamieson, W June 41h, 1859. | Johnson, W A ' We have just heard of the results of [James Robert Sweet, Benjamin R S., Sons of T Simpson, Rev J 2 Tyler, Esther Vausickler, Henry Vansickler, Phebe the land sale. It has surprised every Lemmon ome Yau Ro bidy. The lots have brought pric:s | McLeod, Angus Waggoner, John which, tinder the present circumstances, | McLean, Jane R Wadill, Mrs no one ever dreamed of, ranging from | Matlimode, T Wood, Geo McCallum, Peter 33 POST OFFICE CLOSED AT 7 O'CLOCK. o£] M. G. ROBSON, P. M. 28-3t Y $110 to 82,000. What is to be the re- <ult remains to be seen. There ar quite a number of Canadians here, and we hope to see many more, of them.-- The steamer leaves in a few minutes, so I shall have to close, hoping soon to give Fa you better news. - al e of the Best Ma- ing ordeg. 31-1. Some time ago there was a dancing arty given '* up north," near Weaver ville, Cal. Most of the ladies little babies, whose noisy perversity required 100 much attention to allow the mothers 10 enjoy the dance. A numberof gallant young men volunteered to watch the young ones while the parents indulged in a "break down." No sooner had the women left the babies in charge of "the mischievous rascals, than they strip. ped the infants, changed their clothes, giving to one the apparel of another. The dance over, it was time to go home, and the mothers hurriedly took each a baby, in the dress of her ows: and start wl, some to their home en or fifieen miles off, and were far on their way be. fore daylight. But the day following (LEA HLIA Everything 1s complete and in good work HAS FOR SALE A FIRST RATE been accumulzting Tix so long "a period reat deal of time hos buon necessasils " wpent by the Clerk in fixing the non-re- sident land rol's, the taxes on which are 10 ri lieve us of our entire indebtedness. He has al<o firmed «nd submitted 10 the . Council an estimate of the necessary outlay required in the Township, alto. gether showing a very cheering prospect \ for the future. ] It is exceedingly gratifying to find that we are not in debt above what we are well able to pay. It would seem from the Clerk's statement that thenon-resi- | dent land texes will cover the whole amount of our indebtedness ; and conse. quently the Council have wisely deter- mined to expend an amount of $2,500 for the purpose of repairing the Roads and Bridges in the different sections of "the Township. Now, if our roads were in good order, the Council would be in a position to fulfil the promise made by them, at the polls, in January last, viz :--reducing the taxes fifty per cent; and indeed it laid in their power en Monday last to re- fuse to appropriate a single cent towards the much needed repairs on our roads ; but they acted in accordance with the known wishes of their constituents, and | therefore are entitled to the thanks of "the Township. Another fact our readers will be glad to learn, and that is in reference to the claim of the Township on W. Powson, Dawe have heard several people speak of this claim as entirely lost, and in fact we have been sorry to hear many hard and serious charges made against several of our Councillors with Tespect to this matter; we trust they LL Lg ANTED.--For which the highest Po aud : Fall Wheat. .......... 135 a 150 H . will now see the uncharitableness.of| 0 = yn Ct C120 a 130 CASH PRICE i be paid, at the | EH ts of the Metal, Lumber, and other | KL fueter, surest, their conduct and learn never to pro | Oats......... ©» 050 a 060 ores 0 Markets. f ois ai tiie Hach 1¥aierd, 3 Pp For Freight or pussage, apply to Capt. Kell mounce a man guilty until they have| Peas. . 075 a 086§ ERTS Every number will contain sixteen pagesand | 2° J 8! i ges pp! yi Gap: Je y, p gus ili Barley 090 HAMILTON & ROB 3 | forty-eight columns of matter, with several illus- | 7 P00r¢, OF to Messrs. Dixon & lvison, Peter- good grounds of his culpability. ey . ory a : d | "| boro'. . € Pork. . 600 a 700 Whitey. trations of patented machines and other pograv ey, rewhat wr] oF 550 a 600 ; ings, comprising in a single year about DAYS OF SAILING. 10 see Mr. right record his vote | of "cc 000" D3 No. 1 & 2 Till's Block, : . Ent ve a damp Eat ST 3 yyy, |e wo gem | |rire fo Spe 1 had against Mr. Powson. [It seems ool .... .02 a 027 - larged Series i d . " Lindsay, ........ «4pm, pags that such a " people's man" as| Green Hides......... 600 a 650 IST OF LETTERS remaining in, the Te Buisrghd Sirs iv gesemied an 2p. WEDNESDAYS--Leave Lindsay at... 10 a.m. Mr. Wright' professes-io. be should reer emt MANCHESTER POST OFFICE on the |g 00 years It will be like commencing Arrive ar Port Perry atic... 4 p.m. : the Itetiats of soc pore mache WHITBY MARKETS. 1st of JULY, 1859, and not previously adver- © 0 onc vol, , No, T, New Series. FRIDAYS Lawve Port Perry at. 2 am P 3 MA tized i= \ d i bscripti ithout delay, 80 a rrive at Lindsay at.... p.m Fomarkable way. Happily for the town-| ~~ (By Telegraph.) Armcld, James Lamb, J I Ww By a ext, "| MONDAYS--Leave Lindsay at. 10 a.m ship, Mr. Wright's vote did hot affect Boynton, James Vitehell, Jean Tavs §2 8 Year] Dollar for Six Months. . «Bobcaygeon at...... 1 p.m. . ymotion ; and we have no doubt but| Reporteddy H. W. Woodward, Commission Merchant. | Cresor, Robert ~ Munro, Robert ; Arrive at Bridgenorth at...... ..... 4 p.m. 3 y Warrsy, July 13, 1839. McDonagh Robert Soutberen, Western and Canadian money or w--. that before long we shall all find that HITBYy #0 ¥ 1% * | Coulier, James iE ona g Post Office stamps taken at par for subscriptions, | She will call at Cwsarea and Port Hoover on ithe claim has been properly secured. $ots. Sets: | Davis, William Me XL Canadian. subscribers will please to reriit twen. | her trips between Port Perry and Lindsay, and Z We are also leased 19 Shaetvy the 2 1s " 1 ES Geter Danie Vincamp, Samuel 1y-Si¥ Cents EXira on esol y subscription, (6 ing will run between Bridgenorth and Bros tmanimiry 1 at existed at the Coun-, "058 060 |Hoween, John Wilkinson, Geo 3 | Prepay bostage. onto" SHEEPX Hicapectus Peterboro' every Monday and Tuesday in con- . .eil Board'on Mondusy last, may it long 080 Johuson, James giving fall particulars of the fod of clabs, | nection. 4 30-1f. | oontinne. We cannot but remark upon "100 2 ELIZABETH POWSON, with specimen copies of the paper, and & pamph- = the excellent good-feeling evinced by all 750° 800 | Mancesres Post Orrick, ! Postmisirens, . | 15 specimen sobies it Lid r the Councillors, whilst the appropriations 250 : July 1, 1859. 30 | Patents may be had gratis, brn : R. SIMS, were being made, [Eyal juste gor 0 . WHII'E FISH. MUNN &€O. | |pjouse & Carriage Painter, ed to be the ominant feature, and al 0 1 . read lot of Publishers of the Scientific American, | Z1ER, GRAINER, AND PAPER HANGE, the. re was not represented : t ; THE Subscribers have _reccived a lot 3% Park Row, New-York. N tha Council Board, sull the same amount 4 a WHITE FISH, which they offer for sale Et PRINCE ALBERT, C.W. f of fundg yore meted out to its inhabil- 250 Shean. G. & M. CURRIE. Paints, Oils, Paper Hangings, Putly,| BRIA ce 02 ¢ Prince Albert, Jan. 19, 1850. 6-tf. - Glass, §¢., furnished if required: Prince Albert, March 9; 1959. Those who are acquainted with it knew it tv be or. here was a prodigious row in the settle. ment, Mothers discovered that a single day had changed the sex of their babies --Observation' disclosed startling phy. siological phenomena, and then com- menced some of the tallest female pedes- Irani -- living... mle egy RE quired two daysto unmix the babics, and as many months to restore the mothers to their-naturally sweet disposi. tion. Tothis day, it is unsafe for any of ihe baby mixers to venture within the t rritory.-- Boston Post. JOSEPH BIGELOW For Sale Cheap--Terms Moderate. chinein the eountry. Port Perry, Juy12 1859. TEARL® SEW. PHREING MACHINE rT WILLIAM HEPINSTALL, WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &ec., Horroway's Priis.----If we would destroy | a peisonvus plant, we attack the roots, not ie leaves and blossoms. The operation of | oo c/o TE GLOBE HOTEL, EROOKLIN: Holloway' Pille proceeds upon ihe same FYYAKES this opprrtunity to express his hearty principle. The cadaveraus complexion, thanks 1o the inhabitants of Brooklin, and sunken eye, and stooping frame, are smply surrounding vicinity, for their liberal support indications that the iuterual CIguns. are not daring the past, and wonld resp-etfully solicit a doing their duty. If the skinis suffused | ,piquation of patronage, feeling confident that with bile, und the breath offensive, there are | ji jubs entrusted to his care will gve entire obstructive in the liver. If the food, after |gqiicfaction. 4 cating, seems to lie like lead at the pit of the stomach, and is turned into foul gasses in- steed of wholesome pabulum, the organs of digestion are diseased. Upon these dis- A . x tempered viscora the Pills act asa power-| Brooklin, tune 29, 1859. 29-1f. tul alterative. They purge mildly, aud at the same time regulate and purify the secre- | tons and the bool. Need we tay tra tg, T0 STOCK BREEDERS ANT OTHERS. inevitable consequence is a thorough cure bo Constantly on hand, Cheap for Cash, FLUTINAS &c, REPAIRED AND TUNED! MARRIED. ZAR At Borelia, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. 1 s R. Monteath, George Murray, Eeq., Mas- D. ) AL ter of the Grammar School, Oakwood, to _ ) ai : Cataarise Frora McLavceniy, danghter GO AND SEE THE MONSTER !! of William MeLauchlin, Esq., near Oak- L. ROBSON, & Go., have just purchased wood, Marigosa. Te aeplendid GALLOWAY BULL, direct 'DIED In Scugog, on the 26th ult., the wife of Ezra W. Gamble, Esq., Reeve of the Town- ship of Scugog. 3 Reach, on the 2nd inst., John Fitchett, ., aged 35 years. Ee Township of Blanchard, Joseph Fitchett, Esq., aged 101 years. ~ THE MARKETS, PRINCE ALBERT, JULY 13 Cansda. He can bo seen at his own Stables, Lot No. 12, 20d Concession «f Reach. G. I. ROBSON. Reach, Ju'y 5, 1859. 30-1f. WOOL. WOOL. 20,000 Ibs. And receives fresh arrivals every week. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING cut and made Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry, |~_ from Scotland, which cannot be surpassed in|; . PH HALLS JONI ] = AB tar | LAB Carriage, Wagon, and Agricultural Implement Makers, Prince Albert, June 23, 1859. ; » EMANEY & WHITE, MILLWRIGHTS AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, _ PRINCE ALBERT, C. W, : N B.--Horses Shod on Improved Principles: 98-3 . I ar A i Fr gy pr X ASE POWERS | JRED AT OSHAWA, C.W,, By JOSEPH HALL, Or Rocmrster. ALSO, THRESHERS, SHOLYHVd3S . Al B MANUF A 7 HURRAH FOR FRAZER RIVER. TAILORING! HE "Subscriber would beg leave to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry, Borelia, Prince and the piri neighbourhood that he has resumed ae n & up to order on the shortest notice, and in the most fashionable styles. Cutting Done as Usual--Terms Moderate, . LJ J. SQUIRE. Perry, July 20, 1858. 33-tf. PLOWS, - g [t IRON BEAM fN) WOOD BEAM PLOWS, Cultivator 3traw Cutters, &e., x drei Orders, : hs JOSEPH HALL, Oshawa, July 12, 1859 N t Lif] Oshawa, C. W. MANUFACTORY. BOREIA, C.W. JAMES HILBORN, | An | EING desirous of bringing the e valuable improvement under the notice of the Public' | at 28 well as to inform them that Riinl is only needed to eonvince the most sceptical of its vast WASHING MACHINES, at present in use, takes this 0 Pow prepared to receive orders for the above r He is article, which will be supplied at also prepared to sell the RIGHTJTO MANUFACTURE 4 A ish North America, upon liberal terms. Crioh 8 jet of 12, 14, and 15, dollars, according to the size. To parties living in any part of Borelia, July 6th, 1859. 20:17. REMOVAL REMOVAL HE SUBSCRIBER begs respectfully to i i : ) y to inform his numerous custome: LJ public generally, that id has removed from his Old Stand on Simcoe a ~NEW AND COMMODIOUS PREMISES - ON KING STREET, 2 Dofrs west of G. & M. CURRIE'S, where he has just opened out a LARGE STOCK of en BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., &c. d haviag imported largely from the ENGLISH MARKETS, he is prepared to sell unusually ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH,* on his usual terms of Credit to good paying Customers. To do justice to CASH PAYING cbsto IERS, he will deduct, for Cash, 10 per cent. on all purchases over $1. ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. .T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, June 8 1859. NEW STORE!!! ---- N. H. DAVIS, H* COMMENCED BUSINESS AT PRINGE ALBERT, WANTED, 5,000 lbs. OF WOOL. HE SUBSCRIBER intends giving strict attention to the purchase of the above ar- ticle, and will at all times pay the highest price in CASH, and has on hand TWEEDS SATINETS AND BLANKETS TO EXCHANGE FOR WOOL. ' T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, June 8, 1859. y 2 STOCK OF DRY GOODS; - Replete-with every variety and etyle, which he willsell for CASH at prices equal to To- f ronto and Montreal Houses. He has also an extensive stock o | FAMILY GROCERIES. | to order, and A ST TW TUT CLOTHING 11 (= Go at once to DAVIS' NEW STORE, and secure bargains. LJ ' N. H. DAVIS. Prince Xlbert, July 5th, 1859. 30-tf MANUFACTURES, SCHANICS SUOTISH PROVINGIAL ASSURANCE 1 CoMPANY. @he Scientific American. TO BE ENLARGED! A NEW VOLUME--NEW SERIES, , TO COMMENCE ON JULY 2d, 1859. (INCORPORATED BY IMPERIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. ] Capital One Million Sterling. Canapa--Hend Office, Montreal. Instead of 416 pages, the Yearly Volume, A. DAVIDSON PARKER, Secretary. Enlarged Series, will eontain Ent SOMETHING NEW. G. & IE HY" RECEIVED THEIR USUAL FULL ASSORTMENT OR { kOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! The stock is large and very complete, and offered to [the public on the most nefrioms. Prince Albert, May, 1859. TFE ASSURANCE TRANSACTED IN all ite b I ini rates (which will be found moderate in com- parison with those of most other British offices), together with forms of application, &c., may be obtained on application to Hunprep anp THIRTY-TWO faces of Valuable Reading™Malter, useful and instructive to all classes. The Scientific American is Piblished Week! in Qurto Form Suitable for Binding, and is N A ON tert numbers for a single year contains information 4 in regard to New Inventions, Machinery, all N. Aanew, Medical Adviser. + of M ing proc Agricultural Prince Albert, June 15, 1859, * ny Linplemen's, Engineering, Millwrighting, Iron INVENTORS AND PATENTEES WOOL! WOOL! May, 1859. . G. & M. CURRIE. To Hotel Keepers. manufacture, Chemistry ; in fact, almost every % . xy « x industrial pursuit receives more or less attention . Il THE Subscribers intend giving up the Liquor trade as soon as they can sell o their in its columns 4 lg present stock, and for that purpose they o er the whole at LESS iHAN €OS The All Patent Glaims officially published every oF Bl | giock is yet large, aud comprises Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wine, and Whiskey. All at leggy week, as reported from the Patent office ; and for 8 es usASAIING Np Pooessueenct than Cost. THROUGH ROUTE FROM May, 1859. 24] G. & M. CURRIE: . BRIDGENORTH TO PORT PERRY ! Tt contains informotion not to be obrained else- where, and which no mechanic, inventor or pa- wnice can well do without. | Passing through the whole chain of Back Lakes. "| As a Family Journal it has no supedor for ------ 2 o real grociicel xi, xine in its columns will! THE STEAMER "SCUGO0G" be found Useful Practical Recipes. } od ' : a AS been refitted, and is now one of the Careful attention will be given, from }ime to & fastest, 'surest, 'and most. comfohisble 5 nm ' ants. | 5s Prince Albert, December 10, 1857, ADVERTISE! 4 d in this Township. They are princiy 30. on fancy and substantial, for Gents, Ladies and Children, and are HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY that he has at present one of the largest and best-ussoried stocks of Boots and Shoes lly of my own or ard Shoes Of Supcrior Style and Workmanship, AND SUITED TO THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. As I have been engaged in, and given up my whole attention to, the manufacture of bonts - | and shoes for the last twelve years, I feel confident that I can suit my numerous friends, both for neatness and durability. ; x which are not surpassed by any other establishment in the County. Iam prepared to offer, at In connection with ny long experience, I have facilities for manufacturipy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At less prices than those of equal quality can be procured in the County. I Dave, also ALARGESTOCKOFLEATHE R OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND . ; ) 4 - A Of every kind, kept constantly on hand, -- 1 hope you will give me an opportonity tc show you my stoek, feeling assured that I can me®' AARON ROSS, your wants, both as to quality and price. Albert, 8 ininthe TAILORING DEPARTMENT, next door to Mr, MeMichael's store, where he will be happy to see his old customers. Murchants and others can have their own materials made Sey -- i b | % AV, ? 71 & oes by 3 3 bh A ho} Er taal

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