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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jul 1861, p. 4

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5 wots -- Tigcellaneons. Turnips Sown among Corn.' A Berks County (Pa.) correspondent of the Germantown Telegraph says :-- ¢ The practice of sowing turnips among Indian corn, at the last hoeing, and especi- ally where the latter has been thinned by worms or other insects, is one which can- not be too urgently recommended. The turnip is a vegatable which requires less assistance from solar light, during the in- ry NOTI | § HEREBY GIV. that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach, at a meeting to be held at the Town Hall, Manchester, on the 2nd day of August, next, propose to pass 8 By-law, to Hop up and close that portion of the Brock , Now lled{"and being on the Kast quarter of cipient stages of its develop than almost any plant in the whole catalogue of edibles; consequently it is but slightly in- jured by the foliage of the corn plants, or the cli of the at here thus created. After the corn crop is harvested, and before the advent of trost, there will be ample time for them to root, especially if the soil be well cultivated. Burnt lands, in which the natural vegetative powers of the soil are augmented by the alakine principles of the - ashes, are very favorable to the cultivation of turnips ; and when they are sowed among corn on such, they almost invariably pro- duce a lucrative crop. Hundreds of bushels of excellent turnips may frequently be grown in this way without any appreciable diminutionof the corn crop. ¢ Economy is wealth," says the adage, and it is certain no one can praciigd u long without increas- ing to some extént his means for future operations and enterprises. In this busi- ness of producing cheap crops in substitution for the more expansive cereals, we gain several important advantages, among which may be mentioned, as not the least promi- nent, the saving of time and the realization of a lucrative yield of produce from land prepared for another species of roots or grain. The ravages of insects often prove fatal to many vegetables--especially to Indian corn : and when this happens, unless the vacated land cairbe, filled with some crop of later growth, it must remain either in part or wholly idle. " Again, the turnip bears late sowing so well that it may be grown on fields from which early vegetables have been taken j it succeeds well after a crop of peas, beans, &e. "Bone manure, wood ashes; lime and poudrette, are all excellent articles to be, used in the culiivation of turnjps. Ground and crushed bone, and dissolved in sul- phuric acid--itsell possessing powerful stimulant and manurial properties, makes applied with success, both before and after an admirable dressing. Gypsum, also, is | Lot No. 6, in the 2nd concession ; and, also, that portion of the said Road, established on Lot No. 6, in the 2nd concession, which may be known as follows :--Commencing at the rear of the said 2nd concession, and on the Division Liné between the Lands of Alexander and John Brown, thence south 15 degrees, east 15 chains 20 links ; and to open and establish in lieu thereof another Road, 1 chain in width, which may be de- scribed as follows 1--Cormmencing at the rear of the 2nd concession of the Township of Reach, and on the western limits of the East quater of Lot No. 6, thence south 15 degiees, east 15 chains 20 links, more or Jess, till it intersects with the Road now travelled, on Alex. Brown's land, the above line forming its western boundary. JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, 25th June, 1861. 28-5in FOUND! LADY'S SCART, between Manches- ter and the toll-gate, on the Gravel Road, on Sunday last. The owner can have the same by calling at this office and paying for this advertisement. Prince Albert, June 3, 1861. WOOL CARDING, Cloth Dressing, AND IOWER LOOM WEAVING ! N consequence of recent great improve- I ments in my Carding Machine, I am able to Card fully one half more wool per daysthan any machine in Canada, and at the same time doing the wook better, mak- ing the rolls look as smoth as mould candles. I would say to those coming from a dis- tance they can have their rolls home with them the same day. Drive in your Wool and Yarn--I pay no rent--but little taxes-- motive power costs me nothing--with these advantages I can'and wili do work cheaper than any establishment in the Province.-- Situated at the old stand ol J. C. Bowerman & Co., Whitby, Lot No. 18, 7th Con. W. D. BOWERMAN. 30-1m 29-tf Whithy, June 10, 1861. planting. Green and fermented should never be used on this crop." How to Keep Eggs a Year, It has been an interesting question and one that has been argued and experimented on from the earliest history of the world to the present day, namely the best, cheapest and safest mode of putting up eggs to keep good the greatest length of time. Nearly every farmer has experimented on 1t more or less, and the longest I have ever heard of .. eggs being kept was six months, I be- lieve. : But I'think I have struck a plan (or rather the hen struck it,) that will settle the ques- tion for all practical purposes. The discov- ery was in this wise :--Over a year ago, 1 had some hens laying in a hollow gum, filled or nearly full of unleached ashes; the gum was upset by accident and I paid no further attention to it until I needed some' ashes this spring in making mortar. In taking the ashes off the ground at the end of the gum, I dug out four eggs that had been laid there cne year ago; they were perfectly sound and good. We used one immediately after finding them, and kept the others four weeks and then used them, and found that they were as good as if they had not been laid a week. There is" no doubt that these eggs were laid in the unleached ashes, pre- vious to the gum being upset, over one year ago ; the upsetting covering them with ashes which' were leached in course of time by the weather. Let some of your readers try this, and satisfy themselves that eggs can be kept fresh and good for one year. I am trying the experiment with a larger lot, and wil let you know how it succeeds at the proper time. - Spanish Designs on America, --_-- A paper published in Madrid cailed the Cronica de Amos Mundos avows that it is the design of Spain not only to retamn he: hold of#St. Domingo, but to annex Hayti and. proceed with the work of 'aggrandize- .ment all over the West Indies aud Central and South America. Speculating upon the consequences of this agaressive line of con- duet, the journal referred to says: -- "In regard to diplomatic complications, they need neither be expeeted nor feared. Oue nation alone would have been able to prevent Spain from enlarging her posses- sions in America, and that one 1s not now, nor will she be for some time, probably, disposed to offer any opposition. The civil war which has broken out in the former confederacy of the United States, and its division into two confederacies of the North- ern and Southern States, render it absolutely impossible for the government at Washing- ton to continue the application of the Monroe doctrine, or to think of new territorial acqui- sitions as well as at the same tie, render- ing it imp to prevent European nations from making such acquisitions in America, and preventing it from endeavoring to cause those powers to lose their colonies on the new continent." A petition is in circulation in New York, praying the President to call a Convention of all the States to decide on a peaceable separation of the seceeded States from the Union. Tt has received about 500 signa- tures. About three hundred men--being the whole of the Royal Canadian Rifles in gar- rison at Quebec--lett that city on Monday afternoon, in the steamer Victoria for Kings- ton. The Chronicle understands that hall -of their number will be stationed at Kings- IST of LETERS remaining in the bron] REACH Post Office, July 10th, Adams Wm Acton Robt Aberdeen Geo Barber S P Brown Wm Lansing Peter Lake Joseph Lacarte G Lang Andrew Lehman H Bell Jos McClintock John 2 Bullen J McCallum Peter Blank J P Meclntyre D McKinley R McKrimmon A McCoy H 2 McConnell Thos Bassingthwaight E Bravener Wm Brembour J Bryant Jos Bureh~Charlotte McGan Mark Burnett Jas Maguire John Bell J H Moody Jas Morris Geo Morrison Wm Martin John Martin Geo Marsh F Marsh Jos Nichols Chas Nott John Bush Geo Bullen & May Cowell Wm Corbot John Campbell B Cook Rev M Clark Julia Coleman N Campbell A ; Obile M Coryell C Potts Chas 4 Capling Wm Purdy D Covey Thos Pound Geo Clotten Geo Powers John Decker ES Powson W Dervey Wm we Perry Mrs F Duff Thos Platten J W Eddy Miss Phillips Wm Ensign Benj Robinson W "arewell Miss J Rose Chas Faller 8 Richardson R Fanson Mrs Wm Revell R Ferri Smith John , Smining John Sec Reach C Cc s A well Miss A M o John "itchett Robt well John R Saddler S T Stall Wm Sammis Wm Squirrel G E Shell M 2 am Thos Groat Ira Hulburt Rev W 2 Thompson Misg ill Sam Torrance Alex" Holtby John Vernon Jas . Williams J Winters M Wood E G Walsh R Yarnold W Harrison Geo Hurlbert E W Johnson S B Jeffrey John King Wm Lake Rev Chas Post Cffice hours 8 o'clock p.m. to 6 a.m 30-3in M. G. ROBSON, P. M. READ THIS!! AND BEE WHAT 18 GOING ON IN PORT PERRY. WOOL CARDING, AND Power Loom Weaving HE undersigned wishes to inform the inhabitants of Reach and surrounding country that he has leased, for a term ol years, the Port Perry Carding and Fulling Works. He has been at the expense of repairing all the Machinery, making it as good as new, thus enabling him to accommodate his cus- tomers with good work, according to their] wool, and make as quick returns as possible. He aldo wishes too inform them that he will have in operation a Steam - Power Loom, by which he ean accommodate all in Weaving | SCOTISH PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE g tice. The best workmen employed and all rk Greenbank, June 27, 1860. Licensed Auctioneer. Prince Albert, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and attended to free of charge. currency furnished at very chep rates. Prince Albert, March 28, 1860. COMPANY; | [Incorporated by Imperial Act of Parliament. J Capital One Milion Sterling. Canapa--Head Office, Montreal. ~~ A. DAVIDSON PARKER, Secretary. IFE Assurance transacted in al branch Prospec ining rates (which will be found moderate in compari- son with those of most other British offices) together with forms of application, &c., may be obtained on application to M. 6. ROBSON Agent for Prince Albert. N. Aenew, M. D., Medical Adviser. Prince Albert, July 25, 1859. Pump & Fanning Mill FACTORY, PRINCE ALBERT. CASI, formerly of Markhasm, begs E. to intimate tn inate of Prince Albert, Borelia, Port Perry, and sur- rounding country that he has commenced the Pymp and Fanning Mill business in the Shop formerly occupied by L. C. Clark, south of Baynton's Hotel, and Opposite John Heard's Blacksmith Shop, where he 'will be happy to furnish Pumps or Fanning Mills to all who need them at _the shortest notice and on 7 Reasonable Terms. oY The snbseriber does not intend puffing up his work to the public, but will let it spea for itself. Order and Repairs promptly attended to ALL WORK WARRANTED !! E. CASH. 17-3m. I its | 32 Prince' Albert, April 10, 1861. APRII., 1861. . ---- & M. CURRIE, are now re- No coiving New Bonnets, Hats, and Turbans; New Hats and Tarbans for Gentlemen; New Rendy-made Cloth ing; New Goods generally ; nll Cheaper than ever before offered here. IF Coms AND See!l! £1 ) Encourage Home Manufacture ! G. W.IRVINE y OULD Jespneilalsy announce to his i Friends aud the Public, that he has now in operation, A FOUNDRY! In the flourishing village of Uxbridge, where he intends manufacturing such Agricultural Implements as the country may require, of the best Material and most approved Pat- terns. - As none but the best workmen will be employed, the workmanship may be relied on. Having engaged Mr. M. W. Forster, who 18 well and favorably known asa hinist Threshing Machines !| mi VICTORIA BLOCK ! Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, ITARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, &C., All of which 1 am determined to Sell (lLeaper than ever. the Goods will at once convince that the quality and prices cannot be beut. First Class Clothing made to Order ! May 8, 1861. 3 NEW GOODS! THE MILLION! I NOW OFFER TO THE PUBLIC AT THE PRINCE ALBERT, Ever offered in this Town, consisting of Ready-mado Clohing, Groceries, Crockery, An inspection of (21.10) N. H. DAVIS. rYHE Subscriber, thankful for the very liberal patronage extended him since he com- menced business in Prince Aibert, would beg to inform his friends and the public COOKING STOVES! Of every description constantly on hand or manufactured to order. Fave Troughing and General Jobbin Orders from, a distance thankfully received, and punctnally attended to. Nearly every kind of country Produce taken in exchange i N. B. have a more varied assortment to choose from, and better finished than can be foand m any other establishment in the County of Ontario. He will sell as cheap for cash or ap- proved credit as any other man who intends doing a regular and permanent business. Come and see, and Mr, H. H. McCAW will be en hand to serve you. Prince Albert, May, 1861. Of every variety--warranted good as the best furnished in Canada. STOVE-PIPES, TIN, A CARD. 0 --a@-- 0 generally that he has now on hand a large and complete assortment of Also Sheet Iron, and Copperware, r Particular atten- tion paid to ' o / - Intending purchasers of Cook Stoves-should examine his stock as they will at S. P. BARBER. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS a w 2 2 BESFERT % B= < Ld o Sic EB. Iilzaty 4 ° Jeo 2=888.% ei Kir. $52,023 0 = 43 SEE 2,3ZE 8, 5 B cfnEsa 3 sh EI; Emag iri." I7: m7 | = 3] Sgggiteniiis orl ° te BE. 9284 2efndhis ° ae z 393 Bn 8 A3=EgCUHE A 4 R Fez SER vw E82 9 4 = Jus Egy £55523284 Bo S ESE ¥s EE aeteliugs a = S53 MBBS 5835.4 °c Ww eo PY Jef R37 Js1t55g2; = ® oC E22T SAS Co LI ==3FEgE"8 a0 > Z4 HE 3 Sega 255 8 35 _--r 08 EEwg FES .3xBE™ = D ZF BEBO cyelingi od = he E222 a [=] bp © a E82" Fm AH = Sf 48° wifrisi; 8 . ~ -- ha Eo 3 S 2 373 2 Sg,04s 4 o -% E3222 3 = e 2 $E3 Es 2 é <= KE 253534: 403802 Hp to manage the mechanical department, par- ties ordering machines, may rely on getting them made, not only in a substantial manner, but with all the late 'valuable Improvements. Plouk, Cultivators of various sizes, Road- Scrapers, Straw-Cutters, §c. Particular attention will be paid to the Manufacture of the most popular patterns of Plows, including the Canadian Iron Beam. He will also continue to keep constantly on hand an assortment of Stoves, Pots and Sugar Kettles, All of which he intends offering at prices which he feels confident will merit support. LF OLn Irox, Brass & Correr TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. He takes this opportunity of tendering his grateful acknowledgments, forthe very libe- ral favors received during the past winter, and hopes, by strict attention and just deal- ing, to merit" a large share of public patronage. Uxbridge, April 15, 1861. 18-1y BLACKSMITHING.--Wm, FERGUSON EGS to announce to the inhabitant of GreeNpaNk, and the surrounding neigh- hood, that he is prepared to do all kinds of general Blacksmithing on the shortest no- work warranted to give satisfaction. orse Shoemg executed in the best Charges Moderate. Wn. FERGUSON. 28-tf LE. S. DECKER, LL ORDERS MADE TO ME, IN person, or left at the Observer office, Blank Notes Swanged for decimal S. DECKER. 15-tf Satinett, Cotton and Wool Flannel, and Single Blankets, as Cheap as can be done anywhere else. He wishes to remark, too, that he keeps Cotton Warp, suitable for Satinett, Flanoel, ahd Blankets, already beamed, and warranted good, so that he can weave from one yard to one hundred.--, It will be sold as cheap as it can be bought in the skein. He is also prepared to Dye Yarn, Cloth, Womens' Wear, &c., at very Reasonable Rates. Cloth Dressing done to NEW TAILORING T the premises latel Unger, two doors east of the Anglo-Ameri- can Hotel, where all kinds of Tailoring will be done in the most Fashionable and Approyed Styles, with neatness and des- order. (Call and try him. patch, and hopes by &tfict attention to busi- fio note ons he lass the Prrmerat logs ness and punchiaiis to all orders to merit a That by bringing their orders he will take. them in | liberal share of public pationage, Bo Snipe Sek oY i, Merchants Cloths also made np.-- o and envy) as 3 reaso Both jo Ry and Dro gid every nan; All 'work done on the most unable When Le meets your orders: with little delay, terms. . . y Remember the laborer is woithy his pay. (1 a CUTTING ATTENDED TO. . 'There is Nothing Like Leather Come unto me all you that want Boots or Shoes and I wil Before purchasing elsewhere call at the PORT PERRY BOOT & SHOE STORE, Where you will be able to get your orders promptly attended to with such material and by such workmen that cannot tai '| except a poor article. All kinds o Port Perry, May 16, 1860. 0 --@P>-- 0 --@»-- 0-- furnish you with the article that will look neat, feel comfortable, and as hard to wear out, and as low in price as any christian man or woman would have the face to ask. | to give satisfaction, Iu fact everything in the line { Leather for sale. (= Casi ror Hipgs. C. MARSH. 2 T CARRIAGE MAKER, Whitby, November 21, 1860. HE SUBSCRIBER in returning his siicere thanks to his friends and the Public gen- erally who have hitherto so liberally patronized him, would say that he intends to make Whitby his permanent residence, they will find atall times a superior class of LIGHT AND HEAVY CARRIAGES Constantly on hand, which will suit all classes of customers. They will do well to call and examine before going elsewhere. (0% Don't forget D. FORD'S Carriage Factory on Brock Street, Superior class of Work, manufactured of the best materials and by the choicest workinen. D. FORD, BROCK STREET WHITBY. where you will finda DF ietor. ORD, Broprieiar. ESTABLISHMERT HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RENTED occupied by Mr. * Wx. DILLON. ton and the other half at London. Port Perry, April 24, 1861. 19-4m Prince Albert, March, 28, 1860. J. BULLER. 154 BONOVAN, WALKEY & €0., Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. All of the above work exectued with neatness and despatch. All work warranted. Call and see specimens. Remember the uddress. Witby, Sept. 6, 1859, (LATE IRA B.-CARPENTER,) MANUFACTURERS OF CUTTERS, &c., CHEAPEST GOODS! With Spacious Sky-Light! [mmnediately over Anis' Shoe store, at the Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, Prince He still Warrants a Perfect Likeness, no pay. es Likenesses are taken from 50 cts. and upwards, and in all kinds of weather, (The public are invited to call and see Specimens. Prince Albert, May 7, 1861. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. FHE Partnership hitherto existing be- tween Hurd & Billings, at Prince Albert, and Billings & Hurd, at Port Perry, has been dissolved by mutoal consent. JOHN BILLINGS. P. A. HURD. June 1st, A. D., 1861. PROCLAMATION! FJYHE undersigned would tuke this oppor- tunity of returning his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Greenbank and surround- ing vicimty for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him and hopes for a contingance of the same. The sub- scriber would also state for the in Jor- maticn of the public that in consequence of the arrival of the PRINCE OF WALE: wm Canada, new fashions have come ont in Dress Goods, and as the advertiser holds business relationship with some of the first Wholesale Establishments in Canada he is enabled to present them this Fall and Win- ter some of the finest Goods ever brought into the Canadian Market in the way of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Drogs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Putty, Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Boots, Shoes, and Ready-made Clothing, &ec., all of which he offers at 15 per cent. below the general price for Cash, being determined not to be undersold by any the County. Therefore 1 would advise you to call, examine, and price the 'Goods at my Store in GREENBANK, before purchasing elsewhere. + Gro. M. EVERE Greenbank, April 17 1861. 21-tf 2WB-1f ST. 41-1y or| p " . § a " _-- v AMBROTYPE| oor . . : | "Tine Maxrrras, Witnase ia ion sectarien in religion, = Eby IEE SL hate PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. |ihligel lis itie rioh toes Hots F. BRADLEY HAS REMOVED ! | TheMinistar, the M: 2 h od B. From the Photograph Cat to a Lurge, beds find 1 alike nlerasting: Pri Commodious, and well fitted Room; The Daur Witstee; eunsbiiit thew. objid a a aor. tila - eR SEA 'by the early morning mails at' $2 per Whew sent by carriers inthe city, the price is $3. The WerxLy Wirxues, containing 12 lished every Thursday moming, rd sem Ty Jo pb $1 80c. per annum, . In all the above editions fhe price is uni ble m advance--and thie paper stops eg hr di expires, unless A fia The posta able by each Subscriber; pr - in Fie postage fo rave ISNT ach at the ar of half-a~ cent each number. For all Bubscribers out of Canadn, hal ber is 10 be remitted with, and in scription price. All ipti faecent a Num 1b, thre Buby Ci to be d " jomw poveatr, PROPRIETOR ** wirnves MONTREAL. HEALTH AND ITS PLEASURES | DISEASE WITH ITS AGONIES: CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM! ---- Kervous Disorders. is more fearful than a breaking down of the 1 stem? "To be excitable or nervous in a sinall nos distressing, for where can a remedy ba found ? 'There is one :--diink but little wine, beer os spirits, or fur better, none; take no coffee--wenk fea being preferable; get all the fresh mir you cun; take three or four Pills every night; eat plenty of solids, Weoidnig the use of slops; aid if these golden rules are followed, you will be happy in mind and strong in bedy, and forget you have any nerves. Mothers and Daughters, If there is one thing more than another for which these Pills are xo famous it is their purifying propertie especially their power of cleansing the VY be impunties, and removing dangerous and suspended se- cretions. Universally adopted as the one grand remedy for feniale complaints, they never fuil, never weaken the system, aid always bring about what is required. R. WALSH, HORSE FARIER, S NW IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD, and will be in readiness to attend to all who may favor him with a call. Ile is well acquinted with the mode of pricking, and trimming ; and can treat successfully any disease that horses are subject 10." "CHARGES Residence Prince: Apert. 25-tf MopEeraTE. Prince Albert, June 6, 1860. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS F SO, remember that the thorough bred Bull, " Youne Prince," is in my pos- session. The charges for the Season are :--$2 for one cow ; $5 for three cows, payable by Cash or due bill. - Wa. BOYNTON. N. B. Fedigree made knpwn on appli- cation to the &ubser ber. Prince Albert, Apri 18, 1860. 18-tf ROY AT. MAIL. New Line of Stages from Oshawa to Manilla in 5 hours, RST-CLASS Horsex and Stages and careful Drivers. This is one of the cheapest and best lines by far for passengers going east or west by the Grand Trunk Rail- road." Stage leaves McEloy's Hotel, Osh- awa, on the arrival of the Cars from east and west. Every morning, leaves Manilla m time for Cars going east and west. Pas- sengers by this line going to Lindsay get there the same Sreniny Wa. THOMAS, 4 oo -- COULTHARD. } Proptietors. N. B. Mr. Thomas is well known for over twenty years on this route, for being very attentive and obliging to passengers. Try it by all means and you will be con- vinced that this is a first-class line. 9-11 ROYAL MAIL STAGE J raves Whitby daily, connecting with the Northern Stages for Manilla, Bea- verton, and Lindsay. This is the shortest and cheapest route from Toronto to either of the above places. This stage leaves Scrip- tures Hotel, every moremg (Sundays ex- cepted) on the arrival of the trains (rom east and west, and arrives in Prince Albert in time for the stages going north. Returning, leaves Prince Albert on the arrival of the Northern Stage and arrives in Whitby in time for the Trains going eastand west. Good accommodation, and careful, obliging drivers. N. RAY, Proprietor. Sept. 28, 1858. -t THE Incorporated under special Act of Parliament. Head Office, - - - - Hamilton, C.W. PRESIDENT, JOHN YOUNG, Fsq, Every security, advantage and facility which prudence or hberihty can sug- gest are OFFERED BY THIS COMPANY. THE RATES, which are founded on the higher interest obtainable in this country than home, are lower rates than those of British offices. The following are specimes of the Tables of Premiums for assurances of $100 for life. with profits :-- VICE-PRESIDENT, JOIIN FERRIE Esq." Pa Harr CrEpiT System. ORDINARY SyrEd, [Hal recy = minum Semi- art & Mor first] thereaf- || Annual.| Annual. 2a er Tyears, | 21 $0 91 #168 | 063 $015 25 103 1 90 0 9 0 50 30 119 238 H] 28 115] 059 35 13m | 2 67) 132 | oss 40 161 322 305! 156] 090 45 1.89 378 8569 | 184 0 94 50 ( 228 | 446 426 218 111 56 281 '. 662 || 539! 275 140 LF . Rates for other ages, copies of late report and ecery inf lon given on licati at the Head Office, or any of the Agencies. Agentat Prince Albert, Jans IloLpey, Esq. 30 DONOVAN, WALKEY & CO. A. G. RAMSAY, Manager. THOS, M. SIMONE, Secretary, CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COM'Y |x: Bick H and Want of Appetite, 'There feelings which co <adden ns, most frequently arise from annoyances or trouble, fiom wbsiraeted pers spiration, or from eating and king what is not fit fer us, thus disordering the liver h. These organs must be regulated if you wish t L The Pills, if taken according to the printed instructions, will quickly rertore a healthy action 10 both liver and stomach, whence follow as a nat oo tite and a clenr head. scarcely any other medicine is ever used for orders. Disorders of the Kidneys In all diseases effecting these organs, whether they 100 much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the kidneys, these Vills should be taken 10 the printed di , uid the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed-time. This treatment will give almost imi mediate relief when all other means have failed. For Stomachs out of order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity, oe casioned either by intemperuice or improper pif | -- They, rench the liver and reduce it 10 a healthy action; they are fully effic 1 cases of sp i fact they never fail in curing alldisorders of the liver and stomach. -- . Holloway's Pills a, the best remedy in the world for the ny diseases ; Ague, Female frregn. |Scrofula,or K ng®- Asthma, fi egn Evil, ' td Billious' Com- (Fevers ofall kinds| Sore Throats, Stone and Gavel, Secondary Symp- Fits, Gon, toms, Ti Head-ache, Colics, Inflammation, | Tumours, Coustipation of [Jaundice Jlcers, the Bowels, Venereal Aficc- Consumption, , tions, Debility, Piles, Worms of all Dropsy, Rheumatism, kinds, Dysentery, Retention of Weakness from [* CAUTION !--None are genuine unless the werds ** Hol A NEw York axp Loxpon? are disceina- ater-mark in every leaf of the book of direes id each pot or box; the same may be pluinly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsol ward will be given to any one rendering such information lead 10 the detection of ary party or parties iting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. : ----Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HoLLoway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable and Dealers mi Medicine, throughout the orld, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and, $1 irysipelas, rine, whatever cause n civilized w euch, I3= There is considerable savi sizes. -B.--Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are afiixed to ench hox. NEW TREATMENT. Bufialo Medical Dispensary ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE OF ng by taking the larger Dyspepsia, General Debility, Fever & Age, Old Ulcers, Scrofula, ' inyaipelas, Fistula, Piles, Kidneys, Deblity, In- firmities of Youth & Old Age, &c., &e. 0 NO MERCURY USED. rg Dr. AMOS & SON, '48 East Genesee Street, three doors west of Ellicott Street, Burrano, N. Y., RE THE ONLY PHYSICIANS IN THE STATE LX who nre members of the Royal College of Surgeons Londen. May be consulted from 8 o'clock in the mom- na until atnight. in every stage and syniptom of diseuse. The treatment they adopt ie the resalt of upwards of thirty years' extensive practice in London. YOUNG MEN, There ix an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys § in solitude, ofien growing up with them 10 manhoos, nnd which, ifnot ni] by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but i rise to a series of protracied, lasidions, and devas of those who give way to this ue) until tiections, Few us practice are aware of the cou: u they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange aud unaccountable feelings, and vague fears in the mind. Self abuse is one of the most formulable encniies te health, for nothing else in the dire cawlogne of humaw senses cnuses xo (lestructive udm system, drawing its thousands of vic ugh 'a rew years of suffering down to an witiniely grave, Itde- &troys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the en ergies of life, causes mental derangement, Arevenis the proper development of the system, disqualifies for mar- riage, society, business, and all earthly happiness, renves the sufferer wrecked in body and md, predis- posed to consumption and a trainof evils more to be dreaded than death itself. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS & SON take pleasure in annonneing thet they have invented a most important ument for the cure of the above diseases. It has I subjected 10 a test by the most eminent physicians in London, Paris, hilnelphin and New York; it'has been declared the only useful instrument ever invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genial ne, ennsed by the secret habits of youth. Price $10 by Mul or Express, . ; N. B.--Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as 10 the merits of this instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove wi- satisfactory, after a fair trial, the money will be refunde'd by returning the mstrument in good order. NEW REMEDIES AND QUICK CURES. For Seminal Weakness, Prins in The. Loins, Affection of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Head, Throat, Nose, and Skin, and all those dreadful affections wi ising from n secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional de bility, render marria ipuseiple and, in the end, de, stroy both body and mi COUNTRY INVALIDS. Persons in any part of the world may he rnecessfully trenied by forwarding a correct detail of their case, with a reminunee for medieines, &e., which will be retuned with the utmost dispatch, accure from ol servation. Address Dr, AMOS & SON, 48 Fast Gencaee Street, three doors west of Elficottest., a BUFFALO, N

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