Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Aug 1861, p. 3

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Ed im The Amierican- Reyolution.. THE NEW PASSPORT. SYSTEM. REA A 85 mie IR SR 4 1GHTING. = mgt i CL A WasriNeToN, Aug. 18) * The:statement made several days ago, that the Confederates' were slowly moving forces to the line of the Potomac, with the View of entering into Maryland, and supporting the revo ajonary spirit there, with ultimate designs of Washington, is now reported with an increased assurance of ita truth, with such evidences as cannot be dis ed. © shin ! The city is full of secession rumours to- day. "We have various accounts of the rapid and near approach of from 170,000 to 200,000 rebels, under Beauregard, Lee, Johnson, and Jeff Davis, butall agaee that they are coming immediately down' on Washington. es The State department has'issued a notice that until further notice no person will he allowed to go aboard from a port of the United Sfates without a passport 1ssned by the Secretary of State, nor will any person be allowed to land in the United States, withont a passport from a minister or consul of the United States, or, if a foreigner, from his own government, countersigned by such minister and consul. This regulation, however, is not to fake effect in regard to persons coming from aboard until a reasonable time shall have elapsed for it to become known. InoEpENDENCE, Mo., Aug. 19. - A rgport reached Santa Fe, two days, be- fore the mail left, that Major Lynd of the Tofantiy of the United States army, in cémmund of about 500 Federal troop, sur- 'endered to the Texas troops, 3,000 in num- ber, withont firing a shot. Major Lynd abandoned Fort Fillmore on the 26th ult., and marched towards Fort Staunton, eighteen miles from Fort Fill- more. - He surrendered his whole command to the Texas troops. An engagement took place at Messila between a body of Federal troops and 700 Confederatery under Capt. Baylor. Capt. McNeally and Lieut. Brooks of the Federal army, were wounded in the engage- ment, the: Texans remaming in Messila and the Federals going to Fort Fillmore, about two miles distant. Caro, Aug. 20. A battle took place last night, at 12 o'clock, at Charleston, Missouri, between the Federal forces, about 250 strong, con- sisting of the 22nd Illinois regiment, under the command of Col. Dougherty, accom- Panied by Lieut. Col. Rawson, of the 11th linois. The. rebgl forces were estimated at be- tween 600 and 700, and were commanded by Colonel \Hunter, of Jeff. Thompson's army. = The Federal fre were victorions, com- pletely ronting the enemy, killing 40, and taking 17 - prisoners. No Intercourse with the Confederates. President Lincoln has issued a proclama- tion, dated Washington, August 16, trom which we make the following extracts, embodying the object of the proclamation : "Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, in pursnance olan act of Congress July 13th, I861, do hereby declare that the inhabitants of the said States of Georgia, South Carolina, Vir- gluis, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, .ouisana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Florida, (except the inhabitants of that part gf the State of Virginia lying west of the Alleghany Mountains, and of such other paits of the State, and the other States hereinbefore named, as may maintain a loyal adhesion to the Union and the Consfitution or may. be fram time to time occupied and controlled by the forces®engaged in the dis- persion of said insurgents.) are in a State of insurrrection against the United States, and that all commercial intercourse between the same and the habitants thereof, with the exceptions aforesaid, and the citizens of other States and other parts of. United States, is unlawful, and will remain unlawfet- until sich insurrection shall cease or has heen suppressed'; that all goods and chattels, wares.:and merchandise coming trom any of the raid States, with the exception ufore- said, into other parts of the United States without the special license and permi 1 of the President, through the Secretary of the Treasury, or proceeding to any of the said States, with the exceptions aforesaid, by landror water, fogether with the vessel or vehicle conveying the same, ot convey- ing persons to or from said States, with said exceptions, will be forfeited to the United States ; and that from and alter fifteen days) from the issuing of this proclamation, all ships and vessels belonging if whole or in part to any citizen or inhabitant "of any of said State, with sail exceptions, found at sea, or in any poit of the Umted States, will pe forfeited to the United States. " And I hereby enjoin upon all District Attorneys, Marshals and officers of the Revenue and of the Military and Naval forces of the United States, to ba vigilant in the execution of said act and" the euforce- ment of the penalties and forfeitures imposed or declared by it, leaving any party who may think himself agarieved thereby to his application to the Secretary of the Treasury for the remission of any penalty or forfeiture, whieh the said Secretary is authorized by law to grant, if; in his judgment, the special circumstances of any case shall require such remission." ; Garibaldi not Coming. The Washington = correspondent of the Philadelphia Press says: " Phere is no truth in the reports that Garibaldi proposes to help vs out of our troubles, A allen here, 'personally acquunted with Gaubaldi and his son, re- ceived a letter frem tha latter a few days ago, in which the soi says he desired him- self to come out and take a part in the struggle now going on here for liberty, but that his father objected, on the ground that ours was a family quarrel, and could be set- tled more easily without foreign interference than with it, and that it was based upon a political question in" which the nations were not interested, and in the settelment of which they could not become parties.-- These are now the views and sentiments of Garibaldi, as expressed by his son in private correspondence of very late date." Duration or THE U. S. War.--Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island, in his recent message to the Legislature of that State, Rays i-- ¢The war will of necessity be a long one. We have been in error as to the strength of the enemy and as ta the long and persistent course which has been pursued by the Sonth tending towards this point; while we have been ocenpied in our business, they have been creating revolution. We were nnder the impression that they were lacking in all' the rexonrces which go fo raise and main- tain armies. Wherear, in almost every particular, we have fonnd them superior to ourdelves; we have not only found the physique of their mei equal to ours, bat their clothing, their arms, their rubristence And their. menus of transportation--every- thing that goes. fo. make up military effi- creney-- superior ors." é BianXiang 'England and France United and fA cord on the. American Question, | Corsipderice. of thé London Post Paris, Ad. 1, The civil war in- America, it -is believed, is about to consolidate and cement still closer the alliance between England apd France. The British Cabinet, it is to day announced, is in close and constant corres pondence with that of the Tuilleries. The alleged object is the establishment or the « inauguraton" of a combined action on the pait of the twa governments towards that of America. This co-opperation added that a perfeet understanding on' the subject has already been arrived at." ' 4 CC IICTRCS A Userul CrLerk.--A New York letter to the Mobile TYibune says :--*¢ There is a re- markable man connected with the Custom House here, a Spaniard. His business is to receive and test money. He will pour the contents of a bag of gold or silver coin into a scale--for it is weighed, not gounted--and iu a trice announces the amannt in dollars and cents ; then running his fingers through the shining pieces, and applying his nose to them, immediately takes out every counter- feit coin. He was never known to make a mistake in 'pronouncing money good or bad; and his infallible instinct for detecting the spurions metal is located in his olfactory organs. > The Perth (County of Lanark) Courier states that the potato crop is likely to prove very destructive in that section. The army worm also has made its appearance in seve- ral localities in the district around. THe FWavkets. Tonoxto, Aug, 21. The deliveries of grain in the Toronto Maiket continue to be very light: Wheat is in active request, ranging from $1 a $1 04 per bush. Spring Wheat is selling at 86c. a 8Sc. per bush. Barley 42. per bush. Outs 30c. a 32c. per bush. Potatoes from 30c. to 35¢. per bush, Paice ALexrt, Aug. 21. The following are the current rates at present : Spring Wheat 0c. a 5c. Fall Wheat 85¢. a95¢. Outs 25c. a 20c. NOTICE County of Ontario, S hereby given that To Wit: } the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and the County Court will be holden in and for the County of Ontario, at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on Tuesday, September the 10th, A. D., 1861, at twelve o'clock, noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, Coustables, and all others concerned will jake notice and govern themselves accord- mgly. " NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0. per C. Nourse. Sherifl's office, . Whitby, Aug., 1861. NOTICE. HEREBY give public noticg that on and after this date, I will notbhe responsible "for any debts contracted in gpy name, no matter by whom, without my writtert vrder. 36-td HIS. » HECTOR X MoGINNIS. 'MARK. Mariposa, Aug. 17, 1861. 36-3t To UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY A the above reward to any person or persons who will return or give information respecting a FLAG ROPE taken last Thursday or Friday night from the Flag Pole, at the Mchanies' Institute Port Perry. THOMAS BENSON, Borelia. Wx. KENNEDY, D. M., : Port Perry. Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1861. 36-4in W.C. ADAMS. D. D.S. No. 99, King-St FH Fast, Toronto. Psi R attention given to clean- | ing, filling and regulating teeth. The best of mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit the requirements of each patient. 17 Dentists supplied with material. Toronto, July 24, 1£61. . 31-1y rringe ¢B% Factory! ! "EMANEY & WHITE RESrEcTEvLY beg to return sincere thanks to their numerous customers in this section of the country, for their patronage during the past four years, and earnestly aving recently built a large shop and otherwise matevially added to our facilities, we are now prepared to manufacture, within onr own hi all kinds of Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Agricultural lmple- : ments, of every description. We now offer © 4 WAGONS at $50 and Upwards. | PLOWS at 815 and Upwards. BUGGIES at 60 do do HARROWSat 8 do do _ (7 Horses Shod on improved principles at lower rales than any other shop in the solicit a continuance of the same. County. Repairs executed with neatness and despatch. All work warranted. Brince Albert, July 24, 1861. - 32-1y AT THE TR WAREHOCAE, Scythes, Snaths with Blades, Hay Forks and Rakes, Grain Gradies, Scythe Ston ¢ and Sickles !! JIBLEYS PATENT GRAIN FORKS ! eae JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF SUPERIOR Black and Green Teas! HAMILTON & ROBERTS. Manchester, July 11, 186". a 31-f Division Courts for 1861 in the County of REMOVAL! Outarle. "AR. JONES respectfllly intimates to the No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5.No. 6. D public that he has removed to the Anil 3 ! 2 00 0.1 building lately occupied by Mr. J. Jury, on Vay : 1 n 15 0 | King street, Te doors east of 'the Anglo- Jung 3 1 2% =» 5 5 American Hotel. Jul 2 1 0 \ doy Fb 8h 2 Ll Pues AlenjAug 1, 1861, 354i September 8 2 n 28 6 e)|.--mm-- mrcape October ~~ 2 1 0 0-0 0. TA > / e210 2 0w HHEATHER BALM December 3 " wan n..nB : op Hy Z. BURNHAM, JupGe. H OW IS IT THAT THERE IS SUCH : A DEMAND FOR THIS MEDICINE ? Pa Facts answer the question. Because by re RT) ind receive their sight. Becanse by Ta A he i are made to hear, and hence they g "4 3 become to know the uee of the organs of $3 speech, ud he Tiherts dumb are enabled a 3 p= to speak ; and becavse Ly it the lame that omg 2 were unable to lay a foot unider them for ~ 2 FB 8 many years, have been enabled to walk bv @ Of on a few appl ons. In one instance, at ase of Chronic Rheumatis and White Swelling, of four years' standing, during which time the lega had to be kept in a horizontal position. The nights and days of those four long years were spent in extreme suffering. Reader, think of the joy when in one hour and forty minutes' ap- plication, by the proprietor of this Medicine, the patient was enabled to walk as well as ever, and free from pain, Alike in cases of Piles, of from one to twenty years' standing, in which Surgical operations and every Medicine that could be thought of had failed. This Balm has given perfect relief in a few days, and made a complete and permauent cure in from two to mix weeks. All Chronic Dis- eases treated with the same success. p . G. In M ON MORTGAGE FROM 3 TO 5 YEARS, ON IMPROVED FARMS. Extraordinary Cure of Deafness. © $50,009 LOAN, In Sums of not less than $8400, Toroxto, May 16 0 Rates of Interest from 8 to Apply, if by letter, pre-paid, to Toronto, Nov. 28, 1860. Having witnessed the examination of John F have much please in adding our testimony to ery I cial effects of Mr. George Mclenn's persevering | aud energe at of a deaf Dissolution of Partnership. fd wii deat wd the hands of to hear, Lut to artic bet, and pronouie promess he has al «of nge, Attention at "JHE Partnership hitherto carried on in the village of Prince Albert, under the - . Ontario Banik. | TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by | I anthority of the Act 24 Vie., chapt. 95, passed last session of Parliament, and enti- tled « An act to amend the charter of the Ontario Bank," the President and Directors of this lustitution have resolved to issue One Million Dollars of new stock, divided into twenty-five thousand shares of forty dollars each, which shares shall be allotted pro rata among such persons as may be shareholders of the Bank on the tenth day September next ensuing. That stock books will be opened at the Head Office, and its branches at Mon- treal, Téronto, Oshawa, Prescott and Alex- andria, for sharehoiders only, and that said Stock Books will remain open from the tenth of September to the "tenth of October next inclusive, and that in' case of such shareholders or any of them refusing to sub- scribe of neglecting to accept the shares to which they may be respectively entitled within the period above mentioned, then such shares so refused or neglected to be ac- cepted will be sold by the Bahk as paid up stock but no shares to be sold less than pat and any profit made from such sales shall be credited to the resepve fund of the Bank. The said new issue of Stock will be pay- able as follows, to wit: 'The first instalment of 10 per cent. at the time of subscribing. The second instalment of 10 per cent. on the 1st of June, 1862. The third instalment of 10 per cent. on the 1st of December, 1862. The fourth instalment of 10 per cent. on the 1st of June, 1863. The fifth instalment of 10 per cent. on the 1st of December, 1863. The sixth instalment of 10 per cent. on the 1st of June, 1864. The seventh instalment of 10 per cent. on the 1st of December, 1864. ; The eighth instalment of 10 per cent. on the 1st day ot June, 1865. The ninih instalment of 10 per cent. on the Ist of December, 1865. " The tenth instalinent of 10 1st of June, 1866. By order of the Board, D. FISHER, Cashier. Lowmanville, Avngnst Oth, 1861... 34-1w per cent. on the firm of G. & M. Carrie, as General Mer- chants, is this day dissolved by effluxion of time. ~All debts due to or by the said firm | will be sctiled by George Currie, who 1s iy gett ; y ze i eifectly safe. and. in many stances where hereby authonzed to discharge the same, [unites patel) fe yl Lo emmaily sues Ll GEOMCURRIE. cessful a CRILAY: MARK CURRIE, x JAMES MEILATURTAY Witness, Joux il. BrowN. Prince Albert, August 12, 1861. y TITH reference to the above the sub- reriber begs to say to the customers of the late firm, and the public generally, that he will continue the business, without any material change, except such as will be for the benefit of customers. The stock of goods is very complete and 'will continue to be so--while prices will be matenally reduced--and many articles of summer goods offered at and under cost \to clear out and" 'make room for new FALL GOODS, continuance of the treatment will produ "Tlie treatment of Mr. Mel, is very 3 ound the internal and ex- is ** Heather table ingredients, which we WILLIAM HALLOWELL, M.D, M. R. C.4. Lidinburgh, Tonoxto, November, 1850, Mp. Groner McLrav.--Dear Si the under- signed, being fully convinced of the wlue of your Heather Balin, from the (cts, of extinordinary ny cures it has mide m our midst, cheerfully and stiongly recommend it to the public. F. H. Heward, President). O'Donolioe, Aldermén. "Toronto I change. 3 J. Hutchinson, Ex-Magor. J. Carty, Aldermun. i-|R. Dempsey, County .At- tomey. : B. O'Donchoe, Auctioneer ference and * General | Superi and Cojumission Mer chant. D. Mulloy, Captain of the Angus Morrison, M ) steamboat Zimmerman. John McLeod, M. 1, W. P. Howhind, M. P,P, [John Carr, Alderman, shortly to arrive. J. Hillyard Cameron, Q. C.[A. N. Mclean, 183 King- Geo. Do. las, Superintend-| st. West, Toronto, (7 Cash paid at all times for all kinds of Grain, &c. GEO. CURRIE. 3 5-1f ent West Circuit, W. Rev. James Edgar, Prim. M., Toronto. Meth. Min. For further particulars ree my Family Herald, which can be had of me or any of my agents. . GEO. McLEAN, 83 Bay-st., Toronto. JAMES HOLDEN, Wholesale and Retail Agent, PRINCE ALBERT. 35-1f August 12, 1861. W. H. CARD, De ntist, FRR Dentist, (OF THE FIRM OF CALLENDER & CARD,) WHITBY, C. W., OULD intimate to his numerous cus- tomers, and the public generally, that he is still 2 INSERTING TEETH Upon thé most modern and approved me- thod ofthe art. . TEETH FILLED with the most [approved material, and warranted. not be humbugged by the would-be Dentists, running around through the coun- try, put come to responsible persons, and get your work done by Fe that have perma nentoffices, and not be cheated by those quacks that are running around through the country, here to-tlay and away to-morrow." Dental Rooms over Mr, Carleton Lynde's Store, Dundas Street, Whitby. Susy 1Y Toronto, Aug. 14, 1861. THE OLD STAND FOR EVER! UNION HOTEL, MANCHESTER, HE undersigned begs to acquaint the 'T public that no expense hus been spared in fitting up the Hotel lately occupied by Francis Rusnell ; he trusts; therefore to re- ceive g liberal share of the patronage of the travelling community. The best brands of wines; liquors and cigars. - Roorfly and con- venient sheds; good «tabling, 'and an' atten= tive Ostler,--ITugh Moore. N.B. Meals at all hours. * ; CHARLES McCLUE, "Proprietor. SPRING GOODS! ~ Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest ! J. W. MORRIS | RETURNING THANKS 0. HIS CUSTOMERS eR THE LIBERAL hoi t bestowed him for the past seven years, would again inform them Tonege enn hi pin just his NEW STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Congisting of every description of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, &c., Which will be Sold at the very lowest Prices for Cash. All those, therefore, who wish BUY THEM CHEAP, Should not fail to embrice this opportunity as Great Bargaine will be given to Cash purchasers. . 07~ Now is the time to Save your Money, Therefore, don't forget to Call. Boreria, April 8, 1861. BROTDN: PRINCE 17-tf HPORILH | ALBERT! "The Subscriber begs leave to acquaint his customers and the public generally, that he is again on hand with a splendid as- sortment of 400DS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! And will be prepared to supply one and all with a full assort- : ment of Spring and Summer Dry Goods In all the very latest styles and at the lowest prices imaginable. His Stock in GROCERIES, HARDWARE, +Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &ec., &ec., Is most complete, and prices, as usual THE LOWEST IN THIS PART oF HER MaAJESTY'S DoMINIONS. I would also beg to intimate to all those in want of anything in the FURNI. TURE LINE, that, having purchased the Stock and business formerly carried on hy DIOLLEY, and engaged him to-superintend the same; t shaltbe prepared to furnish every article in this line, and oni terms to suit all. T. C. FORMAN. As formerly advertised, T still ofr for sale the business carried on by myself, and lease of the Premises with entry first of September, next. 24-11 Prince Albert, May 29, 1861. a A . Rn 0 8S 8S 9 \PRING AAD ALAR STOCK, U Mina BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, rey () CGRP ) m---- and Findings, Wholesale and Retail. BEG LEAVE TOACALL YOUR ATTENTION TO MY COMPLETE AND well assorted Stock of I Ladies' Balmoral, Congress, Patent Tip Kid, Calf Tap Sole Boots, Persian, Patent Calf, Enameled Common Calf, Buskms and Slippers. These excellent, durable ail neat Spring and Summer attic can be obtained at A. ROSS'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. A. ROSS has a full suppy of feet covering for the young, {rom the Patent Jenny Lind and Balmonal to the commou Calf Boot. . MENS, BOYS AND YOUTHS. Variety ; which consists of Boots, Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers. BFLEBEATHEBR. 4 " Best Spanish Sole, Upper, Kips, French Calf, Patent Calf, Canadian Calf, Enameled, Bindings, Lining Skins, Common Sheep Skins. : BOOT AND*SHOE FINDINGS which consists in part of Zine and Iron Shoe Nails, Tacks, Pincers, Hammers, Kuives, Awls, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Boot Webb, Lacets, Eylets, &e. op (= The above Stock of Boots and Shoes are principally of my own manufaetore, and in style and quality are well adapted to the country trade. The whole Stock will be sold as Cheap as the Cheapest. Purchasers are 1espectiully invited to call and examine my Stock before buying elsewhere. Highest Pricc in Cash paid for Hides and £kins : A. ROSS. Prince Albert, April 3, 1861. NEW TAILORING | the same direct A more excellent Stock of this class cannot be desired for Cheapness, Durability and I hereby give notice that the Council of the Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG, County of Onlario, al their meeting on the 14th day of September next, purpose to pass a By-Law to establish the Highway, known as the Centre Road, said Road to be fifty feet in widlth, and may be better known as Jollows :-- 3 = Commencing in front of the sixth corns cession, between lots 22 and 23 of that part of Seugog, formerly a part of the Township of Reach, wenty-five feet off each lot, at the front of the concession, although the di« vision line between the lots does not forme the centre of the road, as at present traveled, through the entire length of the evucession ; then north 13 degrees 46 minutes west, 36 chains 1 link ; then noith 13 degrees west, 28 chains 344 links; then north 8 degrees 35 minutes east, 8 chains 52 links, across the the north-wast part of lot 23, to the southern limit of the allowance for road be- tween the 6th and Tth econcessions.-- Then in the 7th concession, commencing at a point on the north side of the road allowance, atthe distance ot 5 chains 72 links, on a course noith 74 degrees east, from the south-east angle of lot 22; ther north 8 degrees 23 minutes east, 35 chains 34 links; then north 33 degrees east, 14 chains 61 links, to the line between lots 23 and 24 thence in the same direction 1 chain 20 links; then north 23 degrees, esst 17 chaius 68 links ; then north 21 degrees 30 minutes east, 5 chains to the centre line of lot 24; thence on in the same direction G chains 64 links; then north 21 degrees 35 minutes east, 6 chains 74 links, to the north limit of road allowance between the 7th and 8th concessions ; then in the same direction 17 chains 10 links, to the centre of the town ling, being the east boundry of that part of Reach now forming part of the Township of Seugog ; then in the same direction on lot 1, in the 8 concession, of that part of the Township of Cartwright,now forming a part of the Township of Scugog, 23 chains 23 links to the southern limit of the road al- lowance between the 8th and 9th conces- sions. Then in the 9th concession, com- mencing at a point on the north side of the road allowance, at the distance of 13 chains 12 links, from the south-west angle of lot 1, north 24 degrees 10 minutes east, 13 chains 71 links ; then north 24 degrees 25 minntes cast, 11 chains 23 links, to the line between lots 1 and 2, then in the same direction 16 links; then north 57 degrees 30 minutes east, 13 chains 38 links ; then north 30 de- grees east, 16 chains 15 links, to the centra of the 9th concession, and on in the samo direction 6 chains 15 links, to centre line of lot 2, and in the same course 7 chains 56 links ; then north 29 degrees 45 minutes east, 34 chains 40 links, to the south limit of the road allowance, between the 9th and 10th concessions. Then in the 10th concession 'on lot 4, commencing at a point on the north limit of the road allowance, at the dis- tance of 68 linke from the south-west angle of lot 4, on a course north, 74 degrees east; then north 16 degrees 23 minutes east, 22 chains 79 links ; then north 16 degrees 5 minutes east, 17 chains 75 links, to centre of 10th concession, and on in the same direction 7 chains 49 links ; then north 16 degrees 13 minutes east, 7_ between lots 4 and 5, thence in the snma direction 26 chains 21 links, to the south limit of the rgad between the 10th and 11th concessions. Then in the 11th concession, on lot 5, commencing at a point on the north limit of the road allowance, at the dis- tance of 14 chains 81 links, on a conrsg north 74 degees east, from the south-west angle of the lot ; then north 13 degrees 43 minutes east, 30 chains, 16 the line between lots 5 and 6, then in the same: direction 13 chains 474 links : then north 30° degrees 20 minntes east, 33 chains 31 links, to the road allowance between lots 6 and 7; then north 30 dearees 7 minutes east, on lot 7, 12 chains 50 links, to the front of the 12th concession toa point 8 chains 34 linke from the south-west angle of lot 7, then in the same direction 71 chains 82 links, to the east limit of lot 8, then on lot 9 north 30 de- grees 20 minntes east, 26 chains 65 1'nke, to the road allowance between the 12th and 13th conecssions, In the 13th concession commencing at a post planted on the north limit of the road allowance at the distance of 19 chains 26 links from the south-west angle on lot 9, on a conrse ngrth, 74 degrees east; then north 30 degreeseast, 11 chains 50 links, to west limit of Jot 10, thence on in the same direction 8 chains 66 Inks; then north 32 dearees east, 4 chains 73 links 3 then north degrees east, 8 chains 64 Jinks: then north 37 degrees east, 4 chains 12 links g then north. 67 degrees east, 7 chamne 90 links, to west line of lot 11, then on In n 3 chains 88 links: thew north 30 decrecs east, 21 chains 42 links 3 then north 30 degrees 30 minntes east, 20 chains 8 lings, to Nesbet's Landing on Lake Sengog. The above described line forming the west liniit of the present travelled road. JOHN FoY, Township Clerk. W. E. YARNOLD, Road Surveyor for the North Rid- ing of Ontario. --August 9, 1861. My stock is complete in every ¥ PORT: PERRY! JOSEPH BIGELOW. suit customers from tle Peuny- | Whitby, June 5, 1861. LF a5.1y Manchester, Aug. 3. 1861. 31 Prince Albert, May 8; 1861. cD 4 = E=l Ba Ran § cB 2g o ia . ge 8 $10,000,000 CAPITAL! a £ | 8 Ra ~ : : ESTABLISHMENT a §=4 Unity Insurance Association, pe 8 Enllll = . >8 = S A ENTE = © vp LoNbow Tie premier lately octupint by Mr.| ie GB. FH 435 SBF WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE Unger, two doors east of the Anglo-Ameri- =n 2 m=E =o EQUITABLE FIRE OFFICE. can Hotel, Whers all kinds 3 Tailoring « jo tx = & vo Daan tn . will be done in the most Fashionable and + | Bef ~ oo CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA 1 Approved Styles, with neatness and des- S Le) i) ©] = 8 ha Merchants' Exchange, Montreal. | patch, and hopes by strict attention to busi- & = -- 2 = 5 3 2 : a------ ness and punsivality to all orders to merit a o'.8 oz a - DIRECTORS FIRE DEPARTMENT : liberal share of public patronage. "gy = CE - J. Frothingham, Esq. | W. Lunn, Esq.' Merchants Cloths also made np.-- --p---- Yea = = Io 7 = B. Holmes, Esq. J.G.Mackenzie, Eq. | All work done on the most reasonable wi eS © - A. Larooquf, Eq. J. Torrance, Esq. | terms. : ' fn 328s £ = = {7% CUTTING ATTENDED TO. 44) Reese VERY description of Fire Insurance ? . J. BULLEN, os 22% 8 NE | 14 business transacted at the most moder- | prince yjhert, March, 28, 1660 15-41 yn Zi DnES§T ate Rates of Premium. : a Ne [3880 = M. G. ROBSON, Agent. JAMES-BAIN, M. D:, o RE = a ~ P. 8.--Office at the Post Office. HYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, = ow Ba 3 21-1f Residence, Manchester, ~ cRSE 2 ) on a course north 74 degrees east; then ° -- EL

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