, als So A PE _ "Clellan"with speedy reforms. He says the © ernment. -. + borrowing of England.- t ro -- We maj with no casualty of any con- segunda ¥intovr Fad y ; % Ey" The suriender was unconditional. For all particulars Bh Jefe to the re ports ri 2 ng oes Butler, han with ig provisions, munitions of war, &c., landed-- rts of | ¢ thet, abont 300, amid.a heavy surf, | 2 Boia ld and bocara bamanage: quarter less ; white, per-430. ibs. 80s. a 34s. ; Solow 30s. a 30s. 6d; mixed, 29s. 6d. a ' The Condemned Prisoners in Montreal. From the Montreal Pilot, Morddy Evening. _ + able 2a . en men-of-war hauled in and com- si. & heayy cannonade at 10.15 a.m. 28th, and kept -it up at intervals all 'and re-commenced on the 20th at 8.15 with inereased effect. ; enemy aitempted to land 1,000 or 1,500 men, Jo Nore Siyon back. a 11.30 they a flag of truce, and were Pot £1 vs AS at cretion VAL of the NORTH AMERICAN. SR ry Faruer Point, Sept. 2. The North American from Liverpool 22nd Sip ad. Londonderry 23, passed Bove 5t an Yesterday morning the Sheriff proceeded to the jail to convey to the unfortunate coh- victs, Patterson and Burns, the last com- mands of the E ive. No t of sentence can be allowed, and in spite of all the efforts to save at least one of them, the law must take its course. The two prisoners will be executed on Friday morn- ing at ten o'clock. Sheriff Boston discharged his painful duty with the gredtost humanity and tenderness. Burns did not seem to feel much either one way or the other, but evi- eredtion of the ecaffold was commenced on Friday ; and already it begins to loom omi- nously above the prison walls. The prison- ers will meet their dsorp ut the same corner of the jail wall where wregard suffered. this morning, with 189 p g $100,000 in specie. $ The - North. American .met the Nova Scotian at sea at neon of the 20th, and the Bohemian off' Anticosti lay aft J J She experienced strong westerly gales dur- ing the first part of her voyage. . , GREAT BRITAIN. The Quéen-and Royal family reached Queenstown, Iretand, via Holyhead, on the htof the 21st inst. "They were to land i proceed to Dublin the following morn- Pr aR An p ; Am he #5 read af the meeting of Shei Sie Contin Dublin; tas] one by. Mr. Bazley, M7 P., from Matiehes- ter," entitled, « With cotton employment, and foed, without it famine and expatria- tion." ~ He said the manufacturers expected to be able to command a supply of colton to kaép them working with tolerable regularity until the spring. The crop was growing in the Southern States, but the difficulty will be to obtain it. Certainly it will be short of past years.: Mr. Bazley is an extensive spinner, and said that cotton is now laid | down in his warehouse at 12} per cent. in excess of the price paid to American plan- ters ; whereas to bring cotton from Beirout would cost 100 per cent, on the price paid, owing to the difficulties of transportation. ir. McGowan, an American, said the Statesmen of the country would hail with delight the éfforts to relieve them from the . monopoly of cotfon. The matter of supply of .the staple was further discussed, when Miss Sarah Remomd read a paper on Am- erican slavery and its influences on Great Britain. ; M. Chevalier, the celebrated French free- r, then denounced the Morrill tariff as the child of disorder. The Times aunounces the following chan in" Colonial D t:--P. E. a Births. At Poit Perry, on the 1st 1ist., the wife of Mr. 'C. Marsh, of a son. * In Reach, on the 3¢d insti, the wife of Mr. Josiah Wales, of a difighter. At Port Perry, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. J. W. Gamble, of a daughter. ©. 'At Port Perry, on the same day, the wife of Mr. Austin Platton, of a daughter. At Prince Albert, on -the same day, the wife of Mr. Daniel Staley, pf a danghter, ee . Marriages. rer --YYI, At Borelia, on the 22nd ult,s by the Rev. R. Monteath, Mr. Lachlan McPhail, farmer, in Brack, to Miss Catharine McLachlan, of Reach. : The FWavkets. 'Toronto, Sept. 4, 1861. 'The Toronto market continues to be poorly supplied with grain. The following are the prices currént:-- Fall Wheat $1 00 to 81 05 for prime, and 85c to 95¢ for inferior. Spring Wheat nominal at 75c to 80c. Barley 40c 10 43c. Pens 40c to 43." Oats 28¢ 10 30¢ per bush, Hay 10 to $15 per ton, Potatoes 25¢ 10 30¢ per bush. Wiursy, Sept. 4, 1861. Tn Whithy, Fall Wheat was selling at 90c a $1 00. Spring Wheat T5¢ a 80c. Oats 2c. Peas 40c a 450 per bushel. Butter 12}¢ per Ib. Eggs 10c per dozen. Prixcr ALBERT, Sept. 4, 1861. The market here is very dull, there being but very little produce coming in at present. The prices range as follows :--Fall Whea! 90c a 96c. Spring Wheat 76¢ a 80c. Barley 35 n 87lc. Oats 25c. Peas 37 per bush, Fresh butter is fetching 12fe per.1b. Eggs 10c per doz. Woodhouse, late British Governor of British Guiana, succeeds Sir George Grey as Gov- enor of the Cape of Good Hope. Hon. Francis Hinks goes from the Governorship of Barbadoes to that of British Guiana. Hon. Robert. Arthur Gordon, son of the Earl of Aberdeen, is to succeed H. Manners Sutton, in'New Brunswick. Governor Brown, late Governor of New Zealand, succeeds Sir Henry Young in Tasmania ; and Sir Dom- inick Daly, late Governor of Prince Edward Island, goes to South Australia. _. Loudon market-- Bullion. in Bank of Eng- land has increased £185,000 since last weekly report. Consols for money 913.-- The quotations for American stock are, for ~" Erie shares 23}. FRANCE. The Emperor continued to remam "at the €halons Camp. : Grand .manguvres had bepn:prevented by the intense heat of the, weathers mt or 13 The Paris bourse was firm and 'animated at. the opening, but closed lower. Reutes quofed at 68f. 45c. eh wr ITALY. It was reported that Marqms D'Evil- lamanpa had bagn appointed Governor of Naples in place of the Marquis Daffito. "General Cialdini, in a speech to the Municipal Council of Naples reiterated the poliey of the King's Government, including "the deliverance of Venice and the obtaiu- ment of Rome as the Capital of Italy. He expected all faction-10 cease, and that the people might be united. he English squadron remained at Naples, and the French papers complain "that the crews of the same are daily suf- asd to go on shore in detachments to o drill \ N AUSTRIA. Count Hallak arrived at Pesth on the 21st ot August, with an order for the dissolution of the Hungarian Diet, and would in his duality of Royal Commisioner dissolve the f et on the 22nd of August. : The Lower House had held a special ®ession to discuss its future course. - The new Diet was to be convened within six months. It is stated that no nifesto will be . issued to the people of the Wort emive, neither will an internal fage be ad- Aressed to the Council of the empire. The Hungarian Chancellor will issue a circular explaining the sitoation of affairs. tx d70¥ Pew ATvertisenents, Farm for Sale or to Let. HE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, or to Let an excellent Wheat growing Farm of 100 acres, being Lot No. 9 in the 3rd Con. of Reach. There are about 80 acres cleared, with'good suitable out:buildings, and a fine young orchard. ai 05 For further particnlars, apply on the premises, or, if by letter, pre-paid, to SAMUEL BARRETT, Manchester, P. O. Reach, Sept. 2, 1861. 38-2m READ PFHIS!! AND SEE WHAT IS §01G oN IN PORT PERRY. WOOL CARDING Power Loom 'Weaving. THE undersigned wishes to inform the inhabitants of Reach' and surrounding country that he has leased, for a jerm of years, the™* A Port Perry Carding & Fulling Works. He has been at the expense of repairing all the Machinery, making it as good as new, thus enabling Lim to a¢ late his ous- tomers with good work, according to their wool, and make as quick returns as possible. He also wishes to inform them that he will have in operation, a Steam-Power Loom, by which he can accommodate all in Weaving Satinett, Cotton and Wool Flannel, and Sin- gle Blankets, as cheap as can be done any where else. He wishes to remark, too, that he keeps Cotton Warp, suitable for Satinett, Flannel, and Blankets, already beamed, and warranted good, so that he can weave from one yard te 100. It will be sold as cheap as it can be bought in the skein. He is also prepared to Dye Yarn, Cloth, Womens' wear, &ec., at very reasonable rates. Cloth Dress- ing done to order. (ZG Call and try him. So now it may be lenrned by the farmers at large "That by bringing their orders he will tuke them in charge; Do carding and weaving as quick ax lie can, Both coloring and dressing 10 suit every man j--. When he meets your orders with little delay, Ren ember the luboror is worthy hus pay. Wu. DILLON. Port Perry, April 24, 1861. 21-6m It is asserted that M. Deak's policy will he one of d prad , but nnflinch ingly decisive. . INDIA. . The. Bombay mail of July 28 arrived at 'Marseilles ou the 21st August, and at Lon- don on the 23rd. The news is of no particular importance, and has mostly been already telegraphed. LATEST VIA LONDONDERRY. Loxnon, August 23.--The 7jmes pub- .lishes Russell's correspondence to the 5th _,of August. The letter mainly referred to Take Notice. Dx AGNEW has his Notes and Accounts in my hands for Collection, with instructions to place all unpaid in Court after the 1st October mext. In or- 103. 3d." Corn is offered freely-at 1s. per. dently Patterson was deeply moved. The | Carriage 8% Factory! ! EMANEY & WHITE RESECTRULLY beg to return sincere thanks to_their numerous customers in this section of the country, for their patronage during the past four years, and armestly solicit a continuance of the same. aving resey wt a age 8 wep ud otherwise aterially added to our facilities, we are now pre, to man ure, within our own biscann B. kinds y , Cutters, Sleighs, and Agricultural Imple- : 'ments, of every description. We now offer J 3 i WAGONS at $50 and Upwards. PLOWS at 815 and Upwards. BUGGIES at 60 do do HARROWSat - 8 do do at lower rates than any other shop in the County. Repairs with Fink wok despatch. All work warranted. i Prince Albert, July 24, 1861. eng " Fim 82-1y HAY & HARVEST TOOLS AT THE JVCIESTER WARY Scythes, Snaths with Blades, Hay Forks and Rakes, Grain Gradies, Scythe Stones and Sickles !! SIIBLETS PATENT GRAIN FORKS ! JUST 'RECEIVED A LOT OF SUPERIOR Black and Green Teas! HAMILTON & ROBERTS. Manchester, July 11, 1861. [SPRING Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest ! J. W. MORRIS | BY RETURNING THANKS TO HIS CUSTOMERS FOR THE LIBERAL PA- tronage bestowed upon him for the past seven years, would age {hia ho has just received his' NEW STOCK of SPRING AND GOODS! 3 . Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF * SCUGOG,, County of Ontario, at its meeting on the FIFTH day of OCTO- BER, purpose to pass a By-Law to establish the Road, known as the Centre Road, said Road to be fifty feet in width-- in beg to inform them cession of that part of Scugog, formerly a SUMMER G00DS And may be better known as follows-- |} Commencing in front of the sixth con of g of every descrip part of the Township of Reach, and at the distance of 26 feet from the south-e st angle of lot 22, (25 feet off lots 22 and 23, at il Dry Good S, Groceries, Crockery, front of the concession making the width of READY-MADE CLOTHING; BOOTS & SHOES, &c., Which will be Sold at the very lowest Prices for Cash: All those, th . 'to buy Goods, and BUY THEM CHEAP, said Road, although the division line be- tween the lots does not form the centre of the said 50 foot Road as at Prose traveled § hrough the entire length of the concession. then north 13 degrees 46 minutes west, chains 1 link ; then north 13 degrees west, 28 chains 3] links ; then north 8 degrees 35 minutes east, 8 chains 52 links, across the the north-west part of lot 28, to the southern limit of the allowance for: 'road be- fore, who wish Should not fail to emb this opp purchasers. : 05 Now is the time Therefore, don't forget to Call. Boreria, April 8, 1861. ity as Great Barg i i i tween the 6th and 7th concessions.-- Wilf Bo given 1 Cash Then in the 7th concession, commencing at a point on De north vide, of fhe § ~ allowance, at istance of cl 7 to Save Your Money, links, 'on a course north 74 degrees east, from the south-east: angle of lot 22; then north 8 degrees 23 minutes east, 85 chains 31 links; then north 33 degrees east, 14 17-tf | hains 61 linkg, to the line between lots 23 BRODNAL PRINCE ALBERT! and 24 ; thence in the same direction 1 chain 20 links; then north 23 degrees, 'east 17 chains 68 links ; then north 21 degrees # minutes east, 5 chains to the centre line lot 24 ; thence on in the same direction 6 chains 64 links; then north 21 degrees 35 [] minutes cast, 6 chains 74 links, to the north limit of road allowance between the 7th and 8th concessions ; then in the same direction 17 chains 10 links, to the centre of the town line, being the east boundry of that part of The Subscriber begs leave to 7 Reach now forming pdtt of the Township of . hs Sengog ; then in the same direction on lot 1 acquaint his customers and the in the 8 concession, of that part of the public generally, that. he is again ,on hand with a splendid as- | Township of Cartwright,now forming a part sortment of of the Township of Seugog, 23 chains 23 links to the southern limit of the road al- lowance between the 8th and 9th conces- sions. Then in the 9th concession, com- mencing at a point on the north side of the HOODY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT !icceciciivie on a course north 74 degrees east; then : ~~ And will be prepared to supply one and all with a full assort- [north 24 degrees 10 minutes east, 13 chains ment of 71 links ; then north 24 degrees 25 minutes east, 11 chains 23 links, to the line between lots 1 and 2, then in the same direction 16 Spring and Summer Dry Goods imi, ore, me In all the very latest styles and at the lowest prices imaginable. His Stock in grees east, 16 chains 15 links, to the centre of the 9th concession, atid on in the same direction 6 chains 15 links, fo centre line of lot 2, and. in the same course 7 chains 56 links ; then north 29 degrees 45 minutes east, a GROCERIES, HARD W A RE, | huis inks tothe seu mit of he Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &e¢., &ec., concessions. Then in the 10th concession on lot 4, commencing at a point on the north himit of the road allowance, at the dis- tance of 68 linke from the south-west angle Is most complete, and prices, as usual THE LOWEST IN THIS PART of lot 4, on a course north, 74 degrees east ; oF Her MaJEs?Y's Dominions. then north 16 degrees 23 minutes east, 22 chang 79 links; then north '16 degrees 5 minutes east, 17 chains 75 links, to centre I would also beg to intimate to all those in want of anything in the FURNI. |of 10th concession, and on in the same TURE LINE, that, having purchased the Stock and business formerly carried | direction 7 chains 49 links ; then north 16 on by D. JOLLY, and engaged him to superintend the same, I shall be prepared degrees 13 minutes east, 7 chains, to line \ to furnish every article in this line, and on terms to suit all. ~N As formerly advertised, I still offer for and lease of the Premises with entry first of September, next. Prince Albert, May 29, 1861. between lots 4 and 5, thence in the same - M estion 26 chains 21 Jinks 0 he foun [emmy * 7 | limit of the road between the 10th an - T.7C. FOR AN. concessions. Then in the 11th concession, sale the business carried on by myself, |on lot 5, commencing at a point on the north limit of the road allowance, at the dis- [tance of 14 chains 81 links, on a course 24-4f north 74 degrees east, from the south-west 31-tf dg o 8 i.8! REMOVAL! Qo <3 . eB TR. JONES respectfully intimates to the - hs : =| 4 ZO « D public that he has removed to the . [ale 8 © 2a building lately occupied by Mr. J. Jury, on Zz, o = = 2 & 2 King siiust,} oe doors east of the Anglo- ®@ O 9 = American Hotel. « gq a Prince Albert, Aug. 14, 1861. 35-tf @ S=Fg.l NY. of a 8s Dissolution of Partnership. 0 y = 02 = id FPHE Partnership hitherto carried on in al . the village of ; Prince: Albert, under the -- [=] > firm of G. & M. Currie, as General Mer- 8 f P e chants, is this day dissolved by etfluxion of one a om) : Uma, All dubls due to or by the sad fem 9S + D 'CS wi LY y George Currie, who 1s &. oy 8 mel 52 & | hereby authorized to dischurge the same. GQ EprEd---24 GEO-CURME. -- & mg ~g ' ° MARK CURRIE. oD Nn o roe a | Witness, Joun H. Brows. fd = ie 3 2 & | Prince Albert, August 12, 1861. ® sw BF 2 - ne a = g ITH reference 'to the above the sub- Zi 5 = ecriber begs to say-to the cust fo] iy b a. 2 |of the late firm, and the; public generally, - fi) ? ji 2 that he will continue the business, withoat any material change, except such as will be for the benefit of customers. The stock of gbods is very complete and will continue to be so--while prices will be matenally reduced--and many articles of "summer goods offered at and under cost to clear out and make room for new FALL GOODS, * | shortly to arrive. Cash paid at all times for all kinds BP. iy yg s GEO. CURRIE. IE HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council | August 12, 1861. 35- of the Corporation of the Township of = Reach, at a meeting to be holden On the First day of October mext,|I10USE & Lot for Sale. propose to pass a BY-LAW to confirm and ~ siemens establish as a WELLING HOUSE in the Village of ) : Uxbridge, with half an acre of Land PUBLIC HIGH W AY, attached, and a good well of water. The that portion of the road known as the | House is 26 X 40 and fronts on Toronto and Brock Road, and as now traveled in the 6th | Wellington Streets. concession of 'this. Township, and which| For further particulars, apply to may be more particularly known or de- 3 ie 4 as follows :--Commencing at the ALEX. am south-west angle of lot number seven in the ; said 6th concession of the Township of | Cannington, April 10, 1861. Reach ; then north seventeen degrees thirty- six TNR! ar the west Jiiniof the said ~ ot, thirty-four chamns thirty-four links, to J the centre of the on ; then north LAN D E OR SALE. seventeen degrees six minutes west, thirty- four chains thirty-four links, to a post pl | HE d { offers for sale 90 acres at the rear of the concession at the distance of wild Jand being composed of the of thirty links from the north-west angle of | South part of Lot No. 25,in the 6th conces- lot ber seven. sion Tn Parties wishing to pur; 17-tf der lo save cost an 1; di settl ¢ 18 solicited. i M. G: ROBSON. Prince Albert, Aug. 27, 186%. 37-1d "tlie demoralized 'and fnsiib @ state of © tlie army, at the same time crediting Me- they hold out until October, and that at the 'end of the year the Northerncrs will be further from their aim than ever. : * The Times has th ditorial on the thd believe they will be safe if INFORMATION WANTED F a young man mamed RICHARD BECKETT, who starfed from the pre- mises of Jas. Brigur, lot No. 8, in the 9th "financial difficulties of tlie American gov- It says that the course pursued "at Washington throws 'ito the shade all - The election for member of Parliament in South Lancashire resulted in the choice of Charles Turner, Conservative. This is re- * garded as a Ministerial defeat. The weather in England-was rather vari- able and Jess favourable, but no injury has been Sone 4 the crops. The harvest pro- _gresees finely, <= The ariel treaty between England and the German Customs Union is being |. pepchistel A "The Moniteur publishes the text of a 'Convention between France and England, regulating the emigration of Indian lal in the French colonies. ' ~The Italian Minister' of Marine has con- tracted with Mr. Webb, the New York shi builder, for two iron-cused frigates on the model of La Gloire. - : i Liverpoor. August 22.--The weather has been changeable, but an 'thé' Whole favorable for harvest work. Flotir quiet; Western ' Canal per 280 lbs., 24x. a 25s. ; Philadel= .phia and Baltimore, 24g. a 25s. Wheat-- A modern bnsinesa in Ametican red; white, of East Whitby, last Sunday, the 25th inst., to go. to James Bond's, near Payne's Tavern, Reach, and who, lacking in intellect, appears to have lost his way.-- Any one directing or taking the said young man back to Mr. Blight, or to this office wil confer a favor on 'JAS. BLIGHT. 1 cLAN P. O. Whitby, Aug. 28, 1860, ° i 37-2in NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT T HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RENTED the premises lmaly occupied by Mr. Unger, two doors east of the Anglo-Ameri- can Hotel, where all, kinds of Tailorin will be done in the most Fashionable an Approved: Styles, with neatness and des- patch, and hopes by strict attention to busi- ness and punctuality to all orders to merit a liberal share of public patronage. ~ - Merchants Cloths: also made up.-- Al Tork 'done on' the most reasonable terms. sib . BULLEN. per 100 Ibe, 12. 3d. a 12s. {red 9. 4. a Prince Albert, March, 28, 1860, .. . 15-4f a hi - 3 J (5+ CUTTING ATTENDED TO. £3 "| Tie ove desorbed road is four rods [chase can get this property at a baigain.-- wide and the line as above described form- (0G- Terms Easy ! 00 ing its eastern limit. JOHN. CHRISTIE, For further particulars Sri of the sub- Ci hip Clerk. ib 3 sid 2 Lot or I worl # _r: | ceseion of Reach ; 1f-by fetter. . post pai #-5in Greenbank, P. 0. : hy ALVARY BECROFT. Reuch, July 18, 1861. 3 31-tf $5 Reward. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY the abave reward lo any person or persons who will return or give information respecting a_ FLAG ROPE taken last Thursday or Friday wish: Jom she Piay { ngtitute Ol . URING the seanihs of Gorasce and Pole, at the Mchanies' Ingtitute I it Perry. Z Le VENER of the present year, Sales THOMAS BENSON. wi eld of the located and vacant un- so i, granted Crown Lands, and of certain Crown Wu. KENNEDY, D. M., and Clergy Lands which are liable to re- ! . Port Porry. sumption for default of payment, Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1861. in Reach, 26th August, 1861. Sale of Public Lands. Crown LaNps DEPARTMENT, Quebeo, 16th August, 1861. In the Counties of Lanark, Carleton, |p: : : Leeds, Grenville, Northumber Division Courts for 1861 in the County of ha oth of Ontario, Buy Petqr ; ugh, Vie No. 1 No. 2 prog No. 4 No.8 No. 6. itoria, Simeoe, York, Peel, a ee and Ontario, May si piiipie ew Lists of the lands to be offered for sale | J" ye. "RH 8.2 will shortly be placed in the handsofthe(}Y = 3 J 8 8 oo © Lpeal stents for the respective Counties for |' hr 3. 3 Hi wm a Signy © mee . jovember 0. P.M. VANKOUGHNET, . |December 3 gm Ceri om nes Z 871d] Commissioner. BURNHAM, Jupcek. Mil angle of the lot ; then north 13 degrees 43 12 chains 50 links, to the front of the 12th 1 1 minutes east, 30 chains, to the line between i 1 a | lots 5and 6, then in the same direction 13 | J chains 47} links : then north 30 degrees 20 | | minutes east, 33 chains 31 links, to the | | road allowance between lots 6 and 7; then [] north 30 degrees 7 minutes east, on Jot 7, --_-- A. R MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN concession, toa point 8 chains 34 'links from the south-west angle of lot 7, then in the same direction 71 chains 82 links. to the east limit of lot 8, then on lot 9 north 30 de- grees 20 minutes east, 26 chains 65 1 nks, to OSS, - the road allowance between the 12th and 13th concessions. y J J In the 13th concession commencing at a and Findings, Wholesale and Retail. post planted on the north limit of the road allowance at the distance of 19 chains 26 links from the sonth-west angle on lot 9, on a conse north, 74 degrees east ; then north 30 dagroer east, 11 chains 50 links, to west BEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO MY COMPLETE AND | limit of lot 10, thence: on in the same well assorted Stock of direotion 8 chains 66 links: then north 32 degrees east, 4 chains 73 links ; then north = 31d ) i i . Ladies' Balmoral, COngIess, ri ims mi me jie then north 67 degrees east, 7 chains 90 Patent Tip Kid, Calf Tap Sole Boots, Persian, Patent Calf, Enameled Common Calf, | links, to west line of lot 11,then on in Buskins and Slippers. can be obtained at - MISSES' AND These excellent, durable and neat Spring and Summer articles | the same direction 3 chains 88 links: then A. ROSS'. CHILDREN'S. north 30 degrees east, 21 chains 42 links ; then north 30 degrees 30 minntes east, 20 chains 8 links, to Nesbet's Landing on Lake Scugog. A. ROSS has a full suppy of feet covering for the young,from the Patent Jenny Lind and | "The, above described line forming the B Balmoral to the common Calf Boot. MENS', BOYS' AND YOUTHS. A more excellent Stock of this class cannot be desired for Cheapness, Durability and Variety ; which consists of Boots, Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers. LEATHER. of Best Spanish Sole, Upper, Kips, French Calf, Patent Calf, Canadian Calf, Enameled, Bindings, Lining Skins, Common Sheep Skins. ch BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS which consists in part of Zi Tacks, Pincers, Hammers, Knives, Awls, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Eylets, &c. 3 + (= The above Stock.ot Boots and Shoes are principally of my own manufacture, and in style and quality are well adapted to the country trade. The whole Stock will be sold 4 Purchasers are 1espectfully invited to call and examine my as Cheap as the Cheapest. Stock before buying elsewhere. Highest Price in 0 ash paid for Hides and Skins Prince Albert, April 3, 1861. west limit of the said 50 foot Road. JOHN FOY, : Township Clerk. W. E. YARNOLD, Road Surveyor for the North Rid- ing of Ontario. Angnst 9, 1861. 87-5 ! cp a 0! at d Tron Shoe Nails, t Webb, Lacets, oki I ving t T1 A. ROSS. JOSEPH BIGELOW. $10,000,000 CAPITAL! = -_-- Unity Insurance Association, * OF LONDON, WITH WHICH 18 AMALGAMATED THE EQUITABLE FIRE OFFICE. CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA: Merchants' Exchange, Montreal DIRECTORS FIRE DEPARTMENT: J. Frothingham, Esq. | W. Lunn, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. J.G. Mackenzie, Eq. A. Larooquf, Eeq. J. Torrance, Esq. n VERY description of Fire Insurance business transacted at the most moder- ate Rates of Premium. , . 'M. @. ROBSON, Agent. P.-S. Office at (ke Post Office. 'Prince Albeit, May 3, 1861. PY Uf CHEAP COAL OIL! Best Coal Oil - * - $125 per gallon Best Kerosene Oil - $1 25 per gallon suit customers from the Penny- My- stock is complete in every --AT THE--- HOUSE, PORT PERRY %$10,000 WORTH OF NEW GOODS ! , which will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICE Butter, Eggs, and Produce generally taken in exchange for Goods. and New Goods are continually ar At GEO. YULE'S, s = TELEGRAPH STORE. B& g <> ---- = EK 8 COAL OIL LAMPS FROM 75cts. TO 87 00. s 8 : Chandel pplied 10 Churches, Halls E pr and Lodges at low rates. iN = SA ea BD Fluid and other Lamps altered to burn ove §= Bd» COAL OIL! SEES» [== RS Stationery, Violins, Flutes, Accordeons, ESE S = Melodeous, Music, Violin Strings, &c., for re % = Sale, Cheap for Cash. . : Zz e B = E ~ GEO. YULE, By z® ta & Telegraph Store. ©) ig San 5 Whitby, Feb. 22, 1860. 10-8 C82 Fz RA )