of "The Pomes hus an-exhitoriat onthe. ill- Yeeling of the North towards England, and, azn . Spon a Erouistiessnves, page { ess Nidie: to ex) ¢ ednviohon that secession Has Hontived the. of « last by 57,794 bush por n ag- week Federal Union, aud that to which i f\ g ab in 1 bi inoian its reconstruétion on he ald following iii $1350; 810 son fn be basis is impossible. . . . . ; Weck suding Nov. 17.80. - Nov: Incrense "COMME CE | Expos, tu =3 som mem Hisar Ms 2 wed Wd - regale 3s vals of I Fosdiiutls in besu unse rime kT. ne SLY Ee an) a RT ] sy 0 ii ve, al to a d opis and" Bol 1 530.704 | millones of bushels a6 4saer 2" Tho ag- heat in fair con white, | gregate shipments fo~ thie St. Lawrence, so 13s. Hn. HH 'Corn fr this season, have been equal to more, Whi; Sa 3, yellow, Sia oA PI a-half millions of tushels, jomixed, Ashes--No 2 oy, 0 WT ogy gd ek butail 0 repo tin fy.]| The arrivals of Lumber during last week Cs ie toport. es gious were 37 bags go-cargoss, including. 2437,000 The Wreck of the North Briton, STATEMENT OF ONE OF THE passeNorms.| Fall From the Quebec Chronicle, Friday. SonDiRS faseangors ap ha i) ake: rs by the 1 steamer North Briton, i arrived in this city on Weduesday aflernoon in the inward bound steamer, for. the following statement in rela- tion to the wreck of the former vessel, Mr. Clarke got on board the Nova Scotian at Father Poly; Where he had arrived in a schooner. from Mingan, in it the third rr vin ompany wy "" Invmediately after the vessel struck, the C Captain gave orders for the boats: to be low- ered.. There was great confusion 'in exe- Wi cuting this order, owing to the fearful dark- ness of the night. When, however, it was done-aud tle officers and part of the graw got into them, they drified away from the vessel. The first that returned in the morn- ing was boat No. 3, under the command of | S Mr. F. Brown, third officer. She then com- menced to take off the passengers to the Island. No. 4 boat next made her appear- ance. She had left the vessel about 3 o'clock a.m., With a number of ladies on board wio remained exposed to the wea- ther from that hour until 8 a.m., wher she returned. Mr. Laing was the officer in command of the latter boat. With some difficulty she also reached the Island. In about three hours from thia time all the pas- sengers were landed on the Island "The Captain and Mr. Brown, the 4th officer, were the last to leave the wreck.-- After erecting a sort of awning with tarpau- lin, and" some canvas, which remawed on the Island from the wreck of the NS. Clyde (lost on these rocks in 1857), for the purpose of sheltering the passengers, the Captain, In officer and purser then returned to the ship. *" Shortly after, when the ea somewhat abated, they came back, bringing some pro- visions, bedding and blankets for the com- fort of the passengers. Fires wege then lighted and provisions were cooked. The whole of the next day was passed in this manner, when the Captain despatched the first officer for the purpose of intercepting a schooner which hove in sight a little before dark. "Next 'morning the schooner Violet 'came to the Inland; and Captain G ange at once engaged her for the purpose of bring Ing as many of the passengers as she could carry 10 Mingan Harbour. Another schooner being discovered laying off at anchor, Captain Grange at "once sent for this rchooner which took off the remainder of], the passengers. "After the passengers had been safely landed, the Captain chartered the schooner Violet to put ont to sea and keep a look-out for the Anglo-Saxon. The other <chooner. the Breeze, was despatched to Father Point. with the third officer on board, so that in- telligence might at once be transmitted to Quebde of the sad plight in which the North Britdn's passengers found themselves. I came in this schooner to Father Point, and thence in the Nova-Seotian to Quebec. "1 was a passenger in the SS. North Briton, on an outward trip seme six or seven months azo ; and the only complaint | have to make against the vessel is in consequence of their being too heavily Iaden with freight. "Too much credit cannet he given' to Capt. Grange and the, steamer's officers for the creditable manner in which they be- haved thoronghont the whole of the trying position in' which they found themselves place/l~-the Captain ~ remaming on the steamer until the last passenger had left. -- The mail officer, Mr. Henderson, the purser, Mr. Roebuck, and the chiet engineer, Mr. Marriatt. rendered most valuable assistance in getting the passengers into the boate.-- They. in fact, did everything in their power to alleviate the suflerings of the passengers in the trying circamstances under which they were placed. "FRED. CLARKE. " Russell's Hotel, Nov. 14th." @omumercial, Movements of Produce. The arrivals of produce in Montreal, by the Grand Trunk Railway and Lachine Canal, during the week ending Nov. 16, with the totals since January 1, are shown in the following table ; also the exports by the St. Lawrence for the week, and since the opening of navigation :-- RECEIPTS BY CANAL AND R. R. Week ending. Nov. 16. Since Jan. 1. Flour, brls ,021 90,6: 417,202 7,364.455 73.805 1,333,718 7,191 120,568 14,217 113,637 Oatmeal, brls. . 436 20,492 Corn, bu ...... 81,416 1,528.840 Rye, bu. 6,11 15.858 Ashes, brie... .. 490 20,310 Butter, kegs... 3,290 66,170 Pork, brls..... 60 14, --- 1 Tallow, brs... 138 1,433 Lumber, ft.... 2,437,000 52,105,000 EXPORTS BY ST. LAWRENCE. Week ending Since ' Nov 16 ng nav. Flour, brs ... 38,335 B86, 'Wheat, bu.... 344.097 5,407,632 Peas, bu .... 92,201 1,490,606 Barley. bu. ... - 2.457 Oats, bu. .... -- 276,375 Oatmeal, brls. . 176 23,876 Corn, bu. .... . 1,429,611 Rye, bu. ..... -- -- Ashes, brls. .. 647 21,488- Butter, kegs. . 3,431 955 Pork, brls.. .. - 626 , brls.... -- 130 3 378 1,433 Tallow, brls. . -_ 112 Lumber, ft... = -- - It thus appears that the receipts of bread- stuffs in this city, during thé week ending Nov. 16, (rendering Flour into Wheat,) 1 10.852,235 bushels, showing ar in- crease, as compared with the preceeding week, of 200,754 bushels ; and that the ship- then's by the St: Lawrence were 794,441 ashels, being ad of 43,818 bushel «Prince Aupeary Nov. 20, 1861. : ceediaadianny 81:00 a $1 Spring Wheat '080 a 0 la, 55 a 6 0.25 a0 +040 .a 0 035 a 0 8C0 a 9 0120a 0 ..010 a 0 009 a 0 ..400 a 4 4.5053 § 02 a 0 . 050 a.1 v7. 195. .a 1 400 a 4 001. +. gun 2: 0380 a 0 Sheep Pelts .i-060 a 0 Warrsy, Nov. 20, 1861. $0 95 a $107 085 a 088 . 500 a 525 . 02 a 025 . 040 a 040 035 a 035 800 a 10 02 .012a 013 . 010 a 010 . 500 a 517 Toronto, Nov. 20, 1861. Fall Wheat. .........c.. 09 aslo05 Spring Wheat. ..... . 085 a 088 Flour. ...... . 455 a 460 Oats. . . . 034 a 036 Peas .. 045 a 050 Barley 048 a 051 Potatoes. . . D40 a 050 Pork. «. 35 a 450 Beef. 35 a 354 Butter. . ... 013 a 018 vo Ee 012 a Uv 16 Apples, (per barrel.) ..... 15 a 30V Tarkies.........5: +e» 060 a 070 Geosn. vu... cri...e . 030 a 040 Ducks (per rair) ....... 025 a 030 Chickens (do). ......... 020 a 025 Bay... cm il sev 12 00 a 17 00 8 New York Markers, Nov. 20. Flour.still and drooping. Wheat slightly in favour of buyers. Oats firm at 44c. to 50c. Barley firm at 75c to 86c. Peas steady at 82¢ to 85. Deaths. ,. In Borelia, with croup, on Saturday the 16th inst., Florence Berthey, daughter of Mr. James Jewitt, aged, 4 years and ten months. On Saturday, the 16th inst., at his resi- dence in Borelia, John Foster, after'a lin- gening illness. "'* # ries New Avurtilacnients, EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE 0 LAND, STOCK, &. HE undersigned will sell by Public Auc- tion, on WEDNESDAY, 'NOV. 27, the | gregate 1m) "exports ¢ endiiig. 16th insti, aa 'contrasted with cor-|. SESBLIBSRESEERB2S "HAS Now NEW Hats, Caps, And DRESS GOODS, and Prince Albert, October, 1861. GEO. CURRIE A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT AND CHEAP And all the NEWEST NOVELTIES in Mantles, READY - MADE CLOTHING ! All at Prices lower than formerly. Ti Manufacturer and Dealer in TRL 07 00 STARD FoR EVER T= TNR iio Bi ROS S, « HE undersigned begs "16 rcquaint the: public that po expense hus been gpared in fitting up he Hotel lately occupied by, Francis ell ; he trusts, therefore tote- Geive a liberal share of the fatroringe of the travelling community, The best brands ot wines, liquors and cigars. Roomy and con- venient sheds, good stabling, an alten tive Ostler,--~Hugh Moore. N.B. Meals ai all hours. A p CHARLES McCLUE, efor. LEATHER we | Boots, Shoes ! S AND FINDINGS, Maschesioh, Aug 4.1981 pls Tae Wholesale and Retail. | RUBBERS, hel RECEIVED © |. I INVITE YOUR ATTENTION To MY COMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES' Cloth Gaiters (Fiunel Lined), a full Patent Bal 1, Patent and E led Cc g Stock of India Rubbers, and Cork Soles. perior quality, very Cheap. Freneh Calf, Heavy Soles, Canadian Calf, Kip Boots, of icky Shoes, iy Rubbers ; also Heavy Cloth FI: CrowN Laxps DEPARTMENT, 3 Quebec, 16th August, 1861. | Dy months of OcTomEr and wil Coarse Boots and every description anne] Lined Over Shoes of su- Novemsxr of the present year, Sales } be held of the localed and vacant un- THE BALL ROLLING y . . NCE 3 i N. nted Crown Lands, and of certain Crown Cloths, Doeskins; Cassimeres, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Bors 92 EVERY i lp ed, and Clergy Landa which are liable 1o-re- eat Io Nes dust YOUTHS' AND BOYS', a more excellent ot ; a i sumption for default of payment, Shirting, Steamloom, PHS durability and variety. 52 iz nt In. tie Cougtich of Carlen. Grey Cottons, Ticking, "Bagging; Wr LEATHERLM | ews Jans Saxe ; oot A Best Spanish Sole, Upper, Kips, French, Calf, Patent Calf, Canadian Calf, Enameled, [Bindings, Lining -, Dur Peterborough; Vio. Flannels, Blankets, Horse Blankets, | Comm Shee x DINGS which consists in part of Zine and Tron Shoe Nails; Tacks, Pincers, Hain: urham, a i 4 mevs. Knives, Awl, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Hoot Web Lacets, Bye 8c. © and quality itoria, Simcoe, York, Peel, Winceys, Plaids, - Shawls, Bs ab Lh i Ble Ag ete tack will be sold as Cheap aa the Chenpent, Parchascre aro and Ontario. : reapecifully invited to call and examine my Stock before buying elsewhere. ; Lists of the lands to be offered for sale Alapacas, Cashmeres, . Delaines, Highest Price in Cash paid for Hides and Skins. | Gis S00 (0S 5 C000 of the Cobour; Lust; Challis Prince Alber, Nov. 20: 1861. A. ROSS. Local Agents for the respective Counties for obourgs, usires, J 4 istribution. . © Sati (Signed) atin Reps Silks, : 5 P. M. VANKOUGHNET, 37d) . Commissioner. ., Dresses, Shawls! a very large assortment of STILL THEY COME. WAR! WAR! WANTED IMM EDIATELY 43-1 Carriages, Bu OUTTE DONOVAN, WALKEY & C0. (LATE IRA B. CARPENTER,) MANUFACTURERS OF ggies, Sleighs. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. RS, & c. All work warranted. Wiiliby, Sept. 6, 1850, L All of the above work exectued with neatness and despatch Call and see specimens. In fact every thin, Remember the address. DONOVAN, WALKRY & CO other Establishment in the County of Oiitario. Prince Albert, Nov. 20, 1861: Samuel P, Barber Wy ouLp RESPECTFULLY INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN- erally that he is now receiving his Fall supply of Cooking, Parlor, § Box Stoves, Which He is Selling on the most Liberal Terms for CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT ! ALSO STOVE-PIPES, ; Tin, Sheet-Iron, Copper, Shect-Zinc, §c. connected with his line of business. r J : Copper, and most kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. Cash customers take Natural Sleigh Crooks. particular notica: you can buy Stoves with ready cash as cheap at Barber's as in any 60,000 Ibs. WOOL ! ALSO 30,000 Sheep Pelts! For sthich I will pay the very HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH at the Post Office, in Prince Albert. (= Also a quantity of Money to Let. £3) M. G. ROBSON. Prince Albert, Oct. 16, 1861. 44-1f Wanted Immediately AT THE ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY ! 40 SETTS OF 05~ Sheep Skins, Rags, old EMANEY & WHITE. A | prince Albert, Oct. 23, 1861. 45-0 £3,000 TO INVEST ON REAL ESTATE, <r At Low Interest. [0 Apply to JOHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Prince Albert, 40-1f September 18, 1861. following Valuable Property belonging to WILLIAM PENHALL On Lot No. 13, in the thirteenth concession of Reach. As he is relling part of his Farm, the whole offered for Sale will be positivery Sold without Reserve. HORSES. 1 span of Geldings eight years old; 1 Grey Maro rising or pid 1 Colt ric years old, got by ¢ Golden Pippin;" 1 Spring Filly, got by « Young Arthur." CATTLE. 1 Bull nearly two years old, got by ¢ Lord Elgin," which took the first prize at the Township and County: Fairs; 1 Bull Calf nearly thorough bred, took the second prize at the County Fair, at Uxbridge; 6 well bred Cows in Calf; I two yearold Heifer in Calf ; 3 superior Yearling Heifers, one of them took the first prize at the County and Township Fairs; 1 Yoke Working Oxen, pest quality ; 1 Yoke of Steers three years old; 1 Yearling Steer; 1 Heifer Calf; 2 Steer Calves. SHEEP AND SWINE. 24 Breeding Ewes; 8 Ewe Lambs ; 1 Aged Ram; 6 Ram Lambs; 10 large Hogs; 5 Spring Pigs. IMPLEMENTS. 1 Bungay, single or double ; 1 Lumber Wag- gon ; 1 Iron Plow ; 1 Wooden Plow ; 1 one horse Cultivator; 1 pair Bob-Sleighs, cast shoes ; 1 Cutter, ningle or double; 1 Straw Cutter; 1 large Sugar Kettle. Also several | Tons of Hay. The number of prizes taken by the Sheep and Cattle must be their recommend.' Lunch on the Table at Ten o'clock, a. m. Sale to commence at Eleven. Terms or Sark.--All sums of $6, and under, cash ; over that amount ten months credit will be given JF furnishing approved notes ; interest charged from date it not paid when due. MYERS & SPRING, Auctioneers, N.B. ApartofLot 14, in the 13th con- concession of Reach, 40 acres or more, to suit purchasers; also a Dwelling House with Ral an acre of Land, in the Village of Manchester, situated on the Gravel road. For further particulars apply to the sub- eriber on the premises, or at the Greenbanl Post Office, Reach. Reach, Nov. 20, 1861. STOLEN. TOLEN from my house, on Lot No. 31, | 8th concession of Whitby, on Monday the 18th of November, 1861, A POCKET BOOK! C ining $52 in eash, together with Re- 49-1w e arrivals of Flour were 15,000 barrels 'more, Wheat over 100,000 bushels more, and Corn over 10,000 bushels more, during Inst week ax ddimpared with week ending Sih | 1861 ceipts, and a Note made by Francis Kens nedy, payable to Andrew Dowsel, or beater, for the sam of $14, due on'the 15th of Oet., . All partied are cautioned against inst; while ne &howed| nearly (8,000. batrels. of Flonr-less, Corn F haging said Note. vy. : gt "J HOPKINS: 13,203 bushels less, nnd: Pens 13,256 Whitby, Nov, 20, 1861. 19:3w TEAS THAT ARE TEAS (Established 1848.) JOHN NOTT, CHAIR AND CABINET MAKER! "JEALER in all kinds of Furniture, House and Sign Painter, Glazier, Paper Hanger, and general Undertaker, &c. N. B.. All kinds of produce and good lumber taken in exchange for work. Borelia, Sept. 25, 1861. 4 41-tf TWO NOTES LOST. HE Subscriber lost two notes of hand on - the 6th of November, 186I, at Mr. James Rolson's, near Manchester, in the Township of Reach, one of them being for the sum of $80, due twelve months after date, made by Robert Munro, in tavor of Robert Kelly, or bearer ; the other for $100, dated the 17th November, 1860, due twelve month afier date, made by Wm. 8S. Sexton, in favor of Robert Kelly, or bearer. I hereby forbid all parties purchasing the said notes as I am the real owner. ROBERT KEL Reach, Nov. 13, 1861. LY. 48-3w &e., 05~ Bottled Wines, Brandies, use, kept contantly on hand. - ARCH. SINCLAIR. for Cash. 1 (48-tf)y Table Cutlery, Coal Oil, and Lamps, WINES AND SPIRITS : which he will Sell Chea, Ale and Porter for Medic: a The. Subscriber has just received his Fall Stock of Teas, Coffees, Currants, Almonds, Raisins, C AT : A. SINCLAIR'S. Herrings, White Fish," Oysters, Lobsters, Prince Albert, Nov. 13, 1861. TO STOCK BREEDERS ! FIVHE subscriber begs. to inform Stock, I Bregders that he has a BOAR PIG, sired by Mr. Hestrop's thorough bred Boar, which: took: the first prize at Whitby and Oshawa Fairs last year. ~~ Terms $1. { JOHN JEFFREY, Money ! Money !! (tice. The best workmen employed and all {FARM FOR SALE a 'NOTICE. attention of all those indebted to him to the necessity of IS hereby given, that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach, at a meeting to be holden on the Ninth day of December next;. Propose to pass a By-Law, to stop tip and close that portion of Road established on Lot No. 10, in the Ist concession of the 'Township of Reach; which may be better known or described as follows :--Com- mencing at a stake planted on the allow- ance for 'Road, between the Townships of Reach and Whitby, at the distance of 4 chains 13 links westerly from the somifeast Let a "word to the PROVINCIAL: INSURANCE COM'Y OF CANADA. Incorporated in 1849. CAPITAL, -. exieres $1,743,528. PRESIDENT--Hon. J. HiLLyAsd Cameron,' VICE-PRESIDENT--J. 8. Howan, Esq. DIRECTORS. fon. PR Cameron. George Duggan, Jr., Esq. nL. Or rawiog . 8. Howard, 8 '. . . . H Hon. M_Cmeron. John Cameron, Bog to furnish every article in this lice, and on terms to suit sll. Lewis Moffatt, Esq. Smith. Esq A. M. Smil h A. Morvisar, Ee M PIL Cliris. Robinson. W. J. Macdonald, Esq. Manager and Sccrourycine, Ridney Crocker, Esq. Assistant Secretary-- Donough O'Brien Esq. Prince Albert, Oct. 16, 1861. SpE dE $= 3.21 - e-t «l= i PRE 111 =. 3] We 308 LE ia pS 2 BS Tot THE Subscriber would beg leave to call the Be 5% Se 8 £5 od making arrangements for immediate payment ; as, on account of - © bs 52 » very rs losses sustained this ycar, on wheat and flour, it is 4 = zi g it is impossible to give that indulgence which' he has hitherto done, w + g -- Es & [and trusts, therefore, that every one will make ita point to call @ 9 > aw) Biel aiid ay up during the present month, which will, greatly oblige ~ Fm ERE ; him J save tosts lo those indebted. ~ oe 9 ~ 2s 8 3 2 4 wise" be sufficient. EtE:L 2 Bai 4 SES $37: ¢|All kinds of Produce received on Account. =} 2 i! : a ' ' SINE Il Are RS & ne) -] g FH ] Just receiving & splendid lot Zz rr = z MI <i Ss & S 1 a" Of. FF £ li s ) 1 ) With a regular supply of Fall and Winter Goods, All Cheap for Cash, or Short Credit!! I would also beg to intimate to all those in want of anything in the FURNI. TURE LINE, that, having purchased the Stock ard business formerly carried on by D. JOLLY, and engaged him to superintend the same, [ shall be prepared 4 rod angle of said Lot No. 10; then north 16 de- gress, west 10 chaing; then north 22 degrees, east 6 chains 79 links, more or less, to tHe division Jine between Lots Nos, 10 aud 11; and to open and establish in lieu thereof a road 4 rods wide which nny be known ag fol- lows :--Commencing on the northern limits of the allowance for Road, between the Townships of Reach and Whitby, and on the division line between Lots Nos. 10 and 11, then north 16 degrees, west 13 chains 50 links, the dividing line between the Lots Nos. 10 and 11 aforesaid to be the centre of the road. All parties who have encroached with their fences, &c., on the continuation of the said road northwards, through the re- maining portion of the first concession, and through the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th concessions of this Township, and between Lots Nos. 10 and 11, as abave described, are hereby notified to open the same oiit to its width of s. of TINGS, 0. JOIN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. 45-1f T. C. FORMAN A410 Reach, Oct. 22, 1861. READ THIS!!! HEAD OFFICE, ..TORONTO. IRE AND INLAND MARINE IN- fhe suBANCE ftahancled at fair Teles, Losses iberally adjusted and primptly paid. er he ert Ee Stock- holders of this Company, And the large sub- scribed Capital, afford an amount of recurit to the assured unsurpassed by any Company transacting business in this Province. A. ROSS, Agent, Prince ALBERT. 48-1f Toronto, Nov. 13, 1861. BLACKSMITHING.--Wm. FERGUSON BEss to to the inhabi of G ANK, and the ding neigh- hood, that he is prepared to do all kinds of | Blacksmith on the sh t ro- work w d to give Horse Shoeing executed in the best manner. Charges erate. Wx. FERGUSON. Greenbank; June 27, 1860. 2-4 NEW GOODS! AT THE IWANCHESTER WAREHOUSE, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF D G d G 2 14 ani with good work, according to their ry 00 S, roceries ® | wool, and mnke as quick returns Posie CROCKERY, 07> Wines, Spirits, and Hardware ! _r Goods Sold at Whitby prices, and a proper allowance rade to : Cash Customers ! AND SEE WHAT 1S GOING ON IN PORT PERRY. I'WOOL CARDING AND Power Loom Wcaving TE undersigned wishes.to inform the inhabitants of Reach and, surrounding country that he has leased, for a term of years, the Port Perry Carding & Fulling Works. He has been at the expense of repairing all the Machinery, making. it us good as new, hus bling him to acco late his ens- He also wishes to inform them that he wil have in operation, a Steam- Power Loom, by which he can accommodate all in Wenying Satinetty, Cotton and Wool Flannel, and Sin- gle Blankets, as cheap as can be done any where elo. He wishes to remark, too, thoy tn keeps Cotton Warp, suitable for Sarinets. Flaonel, and Blankets, already beamed, and warranted 1, «0 that he can wenve from Lone yard to 100. It will be cold as cheap av 1tcan be bought in the skein, He ix alsa 'TJYHE Subscriber offers for sale the south 'A half of Lot No. 18, inthe 10th, con- cession of Reach, containing 100 Acres, 60 cleared, and 20 free from stumps. od Apply 6n the premises, of if by letter pre- gwen lap Reagh, Nov, 20; 0. 19, 5th Con:, Reach. 861, 49-3m paid to . hata THN Nu pid Reach, Nov. 6, 1661; 47-4w | Manchester; Oct. 1,186"; Highest Prices peid for good Marketable Wheat at the Mavchester Warehouse T HAMILTON & ROBERTS. hd coves pared to Dye Yarn, Cloth, Womens' wear, Cloth Dros : . hile ne {re a a stared to Bre aro, Go Wheat Wheat Whezt. ! innit orders 5 Catt and {ry him, So now it rat ha leamiad br the Sirmers af Taga hat hy bran thair orders ne wif] take the m in chs: =a 6 C11 Gg and wweiving we quick me he em, a h caloning and dressing 10 Sit #vary mp Wheii he mers vane irdars with little de tgs Remember the laboron 16 Worthy hrs pay, i "ASr-DILION. Port Perry, April 24, 1861, , 2N-8m 31-6 a