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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Mar 1862, p. 4

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rm ---- " " : agricultucal, A A AAAAAARAAA AAR AR AA AAA DENI INN Time of Sowing Spring Wheat, : 'A correspondent writes to the Rural New Yorker thus :--I will give you my experi- ence 1n sowing spring wheat for the past few years, from data which I have kept :-- 1656--Sowed May 7th. . Crop poor. Ear- lier sown wheat around me was good.-- Commenced harvest Angust 4th. 1857---Sowed April 23rd. Crop mid- dling. Commenced harvest July 31st. 1858 -- Commenced sowing April 7th, and finished April 26th." The season was very wet. The first sown was very good--the last very poor. . 1859--Sowed Apnl 8th; finished April 19th. First sown very good ; the latter not 50 good. Commenced harvest July 25th. ' 1860---Finished sowing 20 acres March 23rd. Crop good--32 bushels to the acre. Commenced*harvest July 16th. "1561--Commenced sowing April 15th; | finished April 29th. First better than last | sown, though crop was poor. Commenced harvest July 30th. I am satisfied from observation that you cannot sow too early, if the ground is fit to work. The past few years we have had to contend with the chintz-bug, and by early sowing get the start of them, while Jate sow- ing is sure to be aflected to a great extent. Another thing*1 have observed that fall plowing is a great L-'» 'oc getting wheat in carly, and better for the ciop.-- I, East Troy, Wisconsin, Feb., 1862. Scr wine o§ Nuts.-- We have sometimes known nuts on threshing machines, circular saws, &c., to be found so tight that no wrench would move them. This is because they had been held in the hand til! they be- came warm, and being then applied to very cold screws in winter, they contracted by vooling on, and thus held the screw with an immovable grasp. Always avoid putting a warm nut on a cold screw; and to remove it, apply a large heated iron in contact with the nut, so as to heat and expand it, and it will loosen at once--or a cloth wet with boiling water will accomplish the same pur- | pose.-- Country Gentleman. | How to Teri Gooo Frax Seen.--The Ohio Vulley Farmer says thatthe quality of good flax seed is shown by Iden, rather yellowish, or very light brown tint--shining, full, heavy, smonth and oilish appearance. Itis good when, if thrown into a tub of water, 1t goes to the bottom at once, and when taken into the hand and pressed, i easily escapes throngh the fingers. Take care not 10 use very dark or black seed, or a thick and round seed, Harxesses.-- After being wet, wipe and oil them thoroughly before they dry. Have al the harnesses overhauled and put in good order. Domestic FEconomy, All contributions to this department will be thankfully received, and puctually inserted, each week, under the Sabbath Fusings. We have read of (Cain, how long he walked nightly on the heights that com- HARDWARE | HARDWARE | (EXCLUSIVELY) manded a view of Eden, gazing on those fragrant, celestial bowers in which no bu- man form might repese,--flowers whose aroma might gladden no human soul, « wasting their sweetness on the air around them,'"'-- delicious, golden fruits that human WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! he has taken the new premises Under the Corinthian Hall, general gaol delivery in and for the County of a will id holden at ie Soanty mmm ns TO CONSUMPTIVES. HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a very few weeks by a very simple re. medy after having suffered several years with & severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption--i anxious to make known to his fellow-sullérers the means of eure. To those who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre. NOTICE -- County of Ontario, } "8 hereby given that| scription used, (ee of chrrges), with directions fo is i 3 . g i it: i ing and ng the same, which they will finda THE Subscriber informs the inhabitants of Oshawa and the surrounding country that and Ne Orr Lhe Courof Amize; Preparing iw Ee me Arua, Baoxcuns &e. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread infor mation which he conceives 10 be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost House, in the Town of Whitby, on R. J. TYLER, EGS leave to inform the public that ho is ready to wait upon ail; both great and small, in Shaving Hair Dressing, &c. Shop--Queen Street, Borelia., 3-6m W. If. CARD, Dentist, § Dentist, (oF THE FIRM OF CALLENDER & CA®D,) WHITBY, C.'W., : OULD intimate to his numerous cua- | 1t belongs to our Father, and he will give us lips might never taste, dropping, ungathei= ed, on the ground. How the desire burned in his soul to enter and possess what he called his inheritance, regardless that it was forever forfeited, and that he was unworthy to set his foot on the holy ground. How he pressed nearer, night after night, ever wounding himself more deeply on the flam- ing sword of the Cherubim, till the bitterness of his pain made him go raging all the day. So have I ever found it when looking for earthly happiness. It is as fair to look upon as the deserted garden. If we permit onr- selves to gaze, it awakens in our soul just such a burning desire, and unconsciously preesing nearer and nearer to grasp the golden fruit, we find ou¥selves pierced through and through with the flaming sword. "India Rubber Packing, Wire Cloth, Rope, &ec. can sell as low as the larger houses of Toronto, Observe the Sign of the Oshawa, Feb. 3, 1862. Yet, God is good. We are fallen and | Eden is foreversjost; but he has sent his | Son to redeem us. Jesus has come to raise | ug vp, and make us meet once more to be | called<the sons of God. He has gone fo} prepare for us an inheritance, the beauty and glory of which far exceed that of the Eden lost. By faith we can look across the river and see this inheritance, and the de- sire that it awakens in us is holy and pleas- ing in the sight of God. No Cherub holds a flaming sword toplerce us as we press to- ward it, but the Spirit and the bride say, come ; and whosoever will may eat of the fruit and drink of the water of life freely. And this world belongs to our God. He has promised that all things shall work to- PIANOS MELODEONS Together with a large STORE HOUSE, two doors east from Mr. Sutton's Drug Store, . and opened an extensive assortment of HARDWARE! In all its varions branches. He particularly calls the attention of the public to his impor- tation of RODGER'S AND OTHER CUTLERY, Skates, Wire, Fenders; Mechanics' Tools, Circular Saws, Iron, Steel for Sleigh Shoes, Counter Scales, Guns, Pistols, Paints, Oil and Glass, House Furnishing, Papier Mache Tea Trays, double bandle Hay Knives, Having imported direct from" England and the United States, he feels confident that he mere TR C.R.JARVIS. R.JARVIS. 8af gn = & 5 & & 3g oD = @ oem FOR SALE AT Allin"s Book & RMusic Store. gether for zood to them that love Him, and itis our privilege to enjoy all the good things of this world, psing them in such a way that they will help us on to God. Whatever earthly good thing we behold, we may say so much of it as will be for our good, for no good thing will He withhold. He spared not His Son, but delivered Him up for ue, and we may trust Him with safety and thankfulness for all that we necd by 'the way.--J. A. McMaster. PIANOS GOING VERY CHIAP! nvals every week, Osawa, Feb. 5, 1862. DoN'r Swear. -- A laboring man, who was extremely addicted to profane swearing, was one day at work with a yoke of oxen near his house. 'The oxen not working to suit him, he began to whip them severely, at the sare time uttering volleys of blas- THE BALL ROLLING ! STILL THEY COME. W&= Who would be without one ? Call and eee our beautiful Stock. Fresh ar- D. ALLIN. 8-1f phemous oaths. The oxen breaking loose Ifrom-their harness ran away, while the man in a passion pursued them, and coming np with them at the house, began to whip them again, and to swear as horribly as before. His little boy who was at this time jost old enough to begin to talk, began to pratle his above heading. Water Pounp Cake.--One cup of bui- ter; 3 of sugar; 1 of water; 4 of flour; 6 eggs; 4 teaspoon of soda; 1 of cream tar- tar. Driicate Cake.--Three cups of flour; 2 of sugar; § of sweet milk; } of butter; whites of six eggs ; 1 teaspoon of cream tar- tar; } of soda. Snow Cake.--Two cups of sugar; 1 of cream ; whites of six eggs; | teaspoon of soda; ~4 of cream tartar; 3 tablespoons of melted butter; 3 cups of flour. Fruit Cake. =One pound of flour; § of butter; 1 of sugar; 4 of raisins; 2 of cur- rants : } of citon; 1 cup of molasses ; 8 eggs ; 1 teaspoon of soda; spices to your taste. Cony Cakk FoR BREAKFAST.-- Mix at night one quart of corn meal with water enough to make a thin batter, adding a ta- blespoonful of yeast, and salt to suit the taste. In the morning, stir in two eggs and a small teaspoonful of soda, and with a spoon beat it long and hard. Butter a tin pan. pour the mixture into it, and bake immedi- ately about half an hour in a moderately heated oven. ; Cony GrivoLe Cakes.--Make your bat- terof sour or butter milk, and a little thicker than when wheat flour is used. A handfu! of wheat flour should be stirred in, or they will break in pieces while being turned. Cakee, half of white flour and hall cornmeal are more easily digested than wheat alone. Purr Paste.--The art of making puff paste consists in keeping the dough firm and cool at the same time that it is thoroughly kneaded ; if it becomes at all warm and sticky, it will never be light; it should be skilfully handled, and made in a cool place ; also baked in a moderately quick oven. Friep Rice.--Any cold rice left from din- ner, or prepared for that purpose, may be. made ont with the hands or a spoon into "ieakes about an inch thick, dipped in an egg- and flour batter, and fried a handsome brown in the frying-pan, with a small piece of butter. Dumprings.-- In boiling dumplings, or any kind of paste, the cover should never be removed, nor the water allow d to cease to boil until the paste is done, when it should be taken off before it becomes soaked and heavy. ArrLe Pie Witnovt Arrres.--1 cup of water ; 1 cup sugar; juice and peel of one lemon, 14 or 2 Boston crackers broken into small pieces ; bake with under and upper crust. The pieces of cracker look like ap- " ple when the pie is baked. The addition of a little stewed apple makes the deception complete--to eye and taste. Corn Meat. Gripor# Cakes.--Take 2 cups of corn meal; 1 cup of wheat flour; 1 cup of sour cream ; 1 cup of sugar; three eggs: 1 teaspapnful of saleratus; 1 tea- spoonful of salt; sweet milk enough to make a thin batter, = Bake thesamo as buckwheat | cakes, Tt is good. sired by Mr. Hestrop's thorough bred Boar, Othawa, Fairs last year, ~1R ich, Nov. 20, 1861, profane oaths over after him. No sooner did the father hear this, than his feelings were powerfully wrought upon. He paused {fora moment, dropped his whip, and set down and wopt bitterly. A flood of keen reflections at once rushed upon his con- science, which produced such an effect, that he found no restdo his mind, until he found peace where [Gigiveness can alone be had,-- at the footstool of mercy.-- British Work- man. CASH Tin, Sheet-Tron, From House To House.--The 'Apostle says, "I taught publicly, and fiom house to house." We have none too much church religion in our day, and too little house or home religion ; none too much teaching publicly, and too hitle 'from house to house." The pastor is to tuke not only a : general, but a particular oversight, reach- ing to every member of the flock. Baxter says, "If a physician should only read a public lecture on physic, his patients would not be much the better of them'; nor would a lawyer secure your estate by reading a lecture on law" --and so intimates neither would a pastor accomplish the work of over- sight of the flock, who only calls after them publicly ance a week. He is to "'go preach ;* | not merely to set himsell in the pulpit once | a week, and preach to those who come--the' Saviour's language still being, « I was sick and ye visited me, and in prison, and ye came unto me." other Establishment in the County of Ontario. Prince Albert, Nov. 20, 1861- Carriage (UTTER | IIS IMMENSE T J MYERS & SPRING, Licensed Auctioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, BEG most respectfully fo return their sin- cere thauks to the inhabitants of the County of Ontario, for the liberal support which they have received from them, and would kindly solicit a further continuation of the same. Having a License for the whole County. they are prepared to attend all orders with promptness and on liberal I terms. Address, THOMAS MYERS, Whitby P. 0. ALL WORK WARRAKRTED, Prince Albert, Nov. 27, 1861. BOMOY A} ALBERT SPRING, Greenbank P. 0. In fact every thing connected with his line of business. Copper, and most kinds of Country Produce taken in e g particular notice : you can buy Stoves with ready cash ad cheap at Barber's as wn any ONTARIO Samuel P, Barber OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN- erally that he is now receiving his Fall supply ot Cooling, Parlor, § Box Stoves, Which he is Selling on the most Liberal Terms for OR APPROVED CREDIT ! ALSO STOVE-PIPES, Copper, Sheet-Zine, §c. 0% Sheep Skins, Rags, old b Cash 49411 Factory!!! (FTTERS! CUTTER! B50 Cutters to be given away, or Sold at the Smallest Remu- nerating Profits for Cash or Approved Credit ! ! STOCK BEING MADE UP OF THE VERY BEST MATE- nat. and manufactured by firsiselass mechanics cannot fail to give satisfaction to all. Intending Purchasers will find it to their advantage to give us a call! EMANEY & WHITE. 50-tf (LATE IRA B. CARPENTER,) MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs CUTTERS, &c BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Whitby, Feb. 18, 1861. 10-1f THE OLD STAND FOR EVER!! AN : | -- | All of the above work exectued with neatness and despatch UNION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. All work warranted. Call and see specimens. Remember the address. Wiitby, Sept. 6, 1859. 39 Tie undersigned begs to acquaint the DONOVAN, WALKEY & CO A public that no expense has been spared in fitting up the Hotel lately occupied by Francis Rusnell; he trusts, therefore to re- ceive a liberal share of the patronage of the travelling community. The best brands ot wines, liquors and cigars. Roomy and con-' venient ee good stabling, and an atten tive Ostler,--Hugh Moore. N,B. Meals at all hours, : CHARLES McCLUE, Proprietor. Manchester, Aug, 3. 1861. 34 TO STOCK BREEDERS ! FYHE subscriber begs to inform Stock Breeders that he has a BOAR PIG, LIGHT and examine before going elsewhere. which took the first prize at Whitby and Ci 'erms $1, - JOHN JEFFREY, Lot No. 19, 5th Con,, Reach, 108m Whitby, November 21, 1860, make Whitby his permanent residence, they will find at all times 'a AND HEAVY Constantly on hand, which will suit all classes of customers, They will do well to call D. FORD, CARRIAGE MAKER, BROCK STREET WHITBY. HE SUBSCRIBER in returning his siucere thanks to his friends and the Publie gen- T erally who have hitherto so liberally patronized him, would say that he intends to class of CARRIAGES D. FORD'S Carriage Factory on Brock Street, where yon will finda _| Superior class of Work, manufactured of the best materials and by the choieest workmen. Ae] a D. FORD, Proprietor, take Monday, March, 24, 1862, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, oi which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, Con- stables, or others concerned will take notice, and govern th Ives ingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0. 12-td Sherif's Office, Whitby, Feb. 11, 1862. Farm to Rent! TS RENT fora term of veare a Farm, being part of Lot No. 6, in the 4th con- cession, Reach. There 1s Sixty Acres cleared aud nearly free from stumps.-- Possession given immediately if required. Fuither particnlars can be had by applying 10 the undersigned on Lot No. 11, 2nd Con. Brock, or if by letter pie-paxd, Address, JOHN STONE. i Wick P. O., Broek. | Jrock, Feb. 5, 1862. 6-11 | , | inn ' 1 ca | PROGRAMME OF APPOINTMENTS | FOR LECTURES on TEMPERANCE | { | | AKRANGED BY THE Ontario County Temperance Lecture Committee AnneEvIATION:--m for Monday--1 for Toe. W. --th for Thuisday--f 1 J for Jwiay--I for Fen for April. \y--w for | ~5 for | bel Altona, James Holden, w I 12th. Rev. W. Pirntte, f F 21st. Rev. G. W. Colston, | f F 28th. Rev. R. H. Thornton, D. D., t M| 4th, Balsam, Rev, L. C. Thomas and A. G.| Alexander, t F 4th, Francis Davis, f F 21. Beaverton, A, Farewell and R. Harnden, fM 7th, Beggs Sch. H., M. Robinson and E. L. Steegar, m F 3rd. F. Davis, m F 17th. Borelia, F Davis, m F 3rd. Rev GW Colston, f F 14th, Revs M D Archer and T Argue, m M 17th. Brooklin, Rev Dr Thornton, m F 17th.-- | Rev R Babcock and N H Davis, [ F 28h. | Rev W Lumsden, f M 21st. Jas Brent, M D, and E L Steegar, f A 4th. Brougham, Rey W Lumsden, f F Tih. F Davis, w*F 19h. Dr Thornton, m M 3rd. Rev Jas Curts,[M 28th. Rev GW Colston, th A 3rd. Cannington, Thos Paxton, m F 17th.-- Meerrs Farewell and Hainden, f M 28th. Canton, Rev Jas Curts, m F 10th. Di Thornton, t F 25th. Jas Brent, M D, and E L Steegar, f M 14th. Claremont, Rev G W Colston, w F 12th. Dr Thornton, t F 25th. Rev W Lumsden, fM 14th. Coates' S H, Reach, Rev M D Archer and Harnden, m F 3rd. Rev R Babcock and N H Davis, f F 14th. Thos Paxton, t F 25th. Columbus, Rev Dr Thornton, f J 31st.-- Rev W Lumsden, f F 21¢t. Rev Jas Curts, m M 10th. Rey. W Pirritte, { M 21st. E; , Rev R Babcock and N H Davis, th F 6th. Dr Thornton, th F 20th. Thos Pasion, w F 26th. Rev W Pirritte, m M 10th. Forest Div, near Clark's Mill, north of Dunbarton, Rev W Lumsden and A Fare- well, { F 14th. Rev James Corts, w F 26th. Rev L C Thomas and A G Alexander, f M Tth, Fraser's Chapel, Messrs R Balfour and J Ratclift, and Rev C W Fraser, m F 2th. Messrs Robinson and Steegar, f M 21st. Goodwood, James Holden, t F 11th.-- Revs Archer and Argne, m F 17th, Greenbank, Rev R Babcock and N H Davis, { F 7th. Dr Thornton, f F 21st. Gr d, Rev L C Thomas and A G Alexander, fJ 31st. R Balfour and J Rat- cliff, m F 10th. Francis Davis, th F 20th. James Brent, M D, th M 61h. Harmony, Rey W Piuitte, { F 14th.-- { Messrs M Potion and E L Steegar, th F 27th. Rev C W Frarer and R Balfour, m M 10th. . Kinsale, Francis Davis, th F 6th. Rey L C Thomas and A G Alexander, t F 18th. Messrs Robinson and Steegar, t M 11th. Major, Rev L C Thomas and A G Alex- ander, t F 11th. Rev GW Colston, th IF 17th. Rev W Lumsden, f M 28th. Manchester, Messrs. Thos Paxton and Jas Bairel, fF 7th. F Davis, 8 F 22nd.-- Revs Archer and Arcue, t M 11th. Manilla, Rev Dr Thornten, mF 10th. -- Messrs A Farewell and R Harnden, { F 21st. James Holden, th I 27th. Myrtle, Rev Dr Thornton, th F 6th. Rev James Corts, and A Farewell s F 15th. Rev R Babcock and N H Davis, th F 27th. Rev C W Fraser and R Balfour, m M 3d. i Rev! Oshawa, Francis Davis, { I Tih. Dr Thornton, th F 27th Rev James Curts, f M 14th, Rev W Pirritte, { M 25th. Prince Albert, Revs Archer and Argue, t Filth. James Brent, M D, | F 21st, F is, £.M Tth. nm, t Fo 4th.= ar, th F Q0th.-- Rev W Lumsden, f M 7th. Secugog, centre, Thos Paxton, w M 5th. Secugog, foot, F Davis, t I 4th. James Brent, M D, th F 20th. Secugog, he F 1h, F Ds Shaw's S H, Archer and Argue, t M . Utica, Messrs Paxton and Baird, t F 4th. James Brent, M D, { IF 14th. and Argue, t IF 25th, Uxbridge, James Holden, m F 10th,-- Rev Dr Thornton, t F 18th. Messrs Fare- well and Harnden, f M 14th. Vroemanton, Thos Paxton, w F 19th.-- James Holden, fF 28th. 2th, F 8th. Revs Davis, 1 © I8ti. Rev gies Carts, | M 21, Wick, Thos Paxton, t F 18th, CommrrTer.--Thos Barnard, Alex Burns, Edwin Cliff. H S Derby, A Farewell, Lorin 'Foster, BR' Holdershaw, J M Huckins, Win H Orr, 8 W Sharrard, John Wetherald. Wn. H. ORR. Sec'y. A. FAREWELL, Chairman and Treas. ROYAL MAIL STAGE J Saves Whitby daily, connecting with the Northern Stages for Manilla, Bea- verton, and Lindeay. This is the shortest and eheapest route from Toronto to either of the above places, This stage leaves Crock~ er's Hotel, every morring (Sundays ex- cepted) on the arrival of the trains from east Hime for the ing north. urning, | edifice, Fog oi gg 43 Northern and arrives in Whitby in time for the -eastand west. Sopt. 28, 1858, = Paxton and Baird, | « Revs Archer 4 Whitby, Rey R Thornton, m F 3rd. F| mo cure of the above di test bw Philadelph only unsefi Seminal ¥ ennsed hy of and Sn, and ail thase ee ge ova: ao vor patina de and weet, and arrives in Prince Albert in| stioy both body and mind © Tid a remitiance for medicines, &c., oa the utmost secure , and careful, | with the & them nothing. and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, 50 3m] King County, New York, RES Ticenses ! Marriage R. LUND: BY AUTHORITY,--Issner of Marriage Licenses, Commissioner for taking Afhdavits, Conveyancer, &e., Clerk Third Division Court, County of Ontatio, 4 Ofiice:---QUEEXN.ST,, PORT PERRY. Port Pe July 17, 1861. 31-t ) Encourage Home Manufacture ! GCG. W.IRVINI Wi "OULD respectfully annonnee 10 his $y Friends< and the Public, that he has now in operation, . A FTOUNDR In the flonrishing village of Uxbri where he intends manufacturing such icultaral Implements as the country may require, of the best Material and most approved Pai- terns. As none but the best workmen will v be employed, the workmanship may by relied ou. ¢ { Threshing Machines! Having engaged Mr. M. W, 1s weil and vorably known ax uw machinist, he mechanical department, par- o machines, way rely on getting ade, not only in a sul i manner, but with all the late vulua Improvements. Plows, Cultivators of various sizes, Road- Scrapers, Straw-Cutters, &c. Particular attention will be paid ible to the tomers, and the public generally, . that he is still a INSERTING TEETH Up? the most modern And p paved me- | thod.of the art. TEETH FILLED with the | must approved material, and warranted. Do not be humbugged by the would-be Dentists, running around through the conn= try, but come to responsible persons, and get your work done by those that have perma- Forstrn, who | Joy whensin on nent offices, and not be cheated by those | quacks that are running around through the | conntry, here to-day and away to-morrow. | Dental Rooms over Mr. Carleton Lynde®s | Store, Dundas Street, Whitby. | Whitby, June 5, 1861. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, | FRYHE Partnership hitherto existing be- { R tween Hnrd & Billings, at Prince Albert, and Billings & Turd, at Port Perry, has been dissolved by mutval consent. JOHN BILLINGS, P. A. HURD. 25-1y June 167A, D., 1861, 25-1 HEATHER BALM i OW IS IT THAT THERE IS SUCH ! I A DEMAND FOR THIS MEDICINE? | Facts answer the question. Because by Lit the blind receive their sight. Because by {1t the deat are made to hear, and hence they | beceme to know the nse of the organs of I speech, and the hitherto dumb are enabled to speak ; and becanse by nt the lame that | were unable to lay a toot under them for 1 : been enalied to walk by ne, In one: instance, a » of Chronic Rlvpmatism a. of four years" standing, am doring in a horizontal p days of those fou extivine suff nutes' ap=_ ~~ Medicine, pheanon, hy th walk as well as the patient was {to Love rel free it lo in. Piles, of from one which S Manufacture of the most popular patterns of | of Plows, including the Canadian Iron Beam. He will also continue to keep constantly on hand an assortment of Stoves, Pots and Sugar Kettles, All of which he intends offering at prices which he feels confident will merit support. IXF= Orn Irox, Brass & Corpkr TAKRN 1% NG He takes this opportunity of ten grateful acknowledzments, for the ral favorsreceived during the past w and hopes, by strict attention and just dea ing, to merit a large share of public patronage. Uxbridge, April 15, 1861. GOOD NEWS. Courtice & Rolph 18-1y AYES jos received a quantity of New | Goods, comprising Whaleh Gut Whips [just imported from Hérse Nets, Saddles, Bridles, Nun ane. } os, and Harness of all desbriptions, all of whic: | will be sold at the lowest renunerting pro- | fits, Please call and exwmnine for your- selves, Prince Albert, Ang. 8, 1860, 3 Splendid Farm To be sold by private sale 120 wer acres cleared, sitnated on th Road, 5th con. of Eldon, 12 mi verton, and 12 miles from Wood land is of the very best des loamy soil, mixed wih | timbered with haidwood. 1c mises, orto M. Gi. Robson, Prince Albert, MRS. CAMPBE N.B.--All letters must be pre-paid. Eldon. Ang, 22, 1860. y 26-1 CORSULT "BEd 2 Old English Fhysicians FoR Dyspepsia, General Debility. Fo old Ulcers, Sevofula, I Fistula, Piles, Kidney: ity, Infirmities of & Ol } ge. | GF No Mercury Used. AMOS.&L SON, Genesee Street, three doors west of Eliicott Street, Burraro, N. Y., 10 destructive admin upon the yin thousanls of victims through a tew 2 down to an untimely grave, Jig s system mpidly, wastes sway the ens tal deriigenient. prevents the ba mai - Why and er wrecked In body id predis- prion and a unin of evils more 10 be posed to cos I dreaded than denth sell, YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, Dr. AMOS & BON take pleasure in amouncing tht tiey have invented n most important instiunient for the es. ted ton 1 in Pures, Jt lus been declared th invented for the cure of ness, or wy disense of the genial orgubi » secret habits of youth, Price $10 by Mul or Express. N B.--Dr. AMOS & SON. in order 1n spfisty the the must ey most skeptical as 10 the merits of this instrnment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it nny prove un- satisfactory, fier a fuir trial, the money will be refunded hy returning the mstiument in good order, NEW REMEDIES AND QUICK CURES, For Seminal Weakness, Pains in the Loins, A the Kidneys, Disencce of the Head, Thos: oe: dreadiul affections arising from COUNTRY INVALIDS. Parsonsin any part of the werld may be succes reated a a correct detail of bin m ich will ba returned 3 im gbservarion Dz. AMOS & SON, 48 Eust Generee Strees, Thee Dons Vest of Ellicon Stray, Address i pir= ticulars apply 10 Mrs, Campheli on ibe pre- given perfect re made a complete ! from Wo tn sin Ww | enses treated with ein nnent cure in All Chioiie Diss Same SHCCess, the | Extraordinary Cure of Deafness, inl Toroxro, May 16,1561. N » examination of Jolin Fallis, we produce still further" of Mr Mel, is very exe will arment a | other remedies have failed, have proved enanently sues | cessful, Mn, 6 { wigned | Hew the Fas, | enres in bins nade in oar mudst, cheertlly sie soongly recommend it to the pnblie, IF Hewnd, Mer- in of the For further particulars see my Family Hevald, which can be had of me or any of ny agents, GEO. McLIAN, i 83 Bay-st., Toronto. JAMES IIOLDEN, Wholesale and Retail Agent, i PRINCE ALBERT. | Toronto, Ang. 14, 1861. 35-f Money! Money! £3,000 'TO INVEST ON REAL ESTATE, (7 At Low Interest. £0 Apply to JOHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Prince Albert, 40-f Ment! Meat! \ THO WANTS FRESH MEAT? The | Subscriber wishes to supply the fwants of the people in this hue." His | Butcher Stall will be found at No. 47, North Street, Port Perry; a short distance west of W. 8. Saxton's Mill, where he will keep a good shpoly of the above mentioned artigte, He will continue his usual toute (HD. V.) throngh Port Perry, Boreha, Prince Albert, and Manchester, every Monday, Wednes, day and Saturday, He will aiso visit Utica and Epsom every Tuesduy ; Sonya and Harper's Store every Thursday. : JOHN MIDDLETON. Port Perry, April 15, 1861. 18-1y NEW TAILORING ESTABLISEMENT THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RENTED the premises lately occupied by Mr. Unger, two doors east of the Anglo-Ameri» can Hotel, where all kinds of Tailorin will be done in the most Fashionable ap Approved Styles, with neatness and dess patch, and hopes by strict attention to busi- ness and punctuality to all orders lo merit a liberal share of public patronage. J Marlins Cloths also made np All work done on the most reasonable terms. tr CUTTING ATTENDED TO. £3) J. BULLEN Tiinee Albert, March, 26, 1860, 15-t§

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