N r Ee ---- . Benjamin, Boudreau," Blanchet, Boor Brousseau, Bureau, Caron, Auy. Gen. Cars tier, Cauchon, Chupuig, Daoust' Dawson, DeBoucherville, DeCazes, Denis, Desaui- nier, Dorion, Dostaler, Drummond, Alex. Dufresne, Joseph Dufresne, Donkin, livan- turel, Faulkner, Fortier, Fournier, Gagnou, Galt, Gaudet, Hebert, Huot; Jobin, Joly, Jones, Kierzkowski, Kuight, Labrecha Viger, Laframboise, Langevin, LeBoutiilier, Loranger, Macbeth, Attorney General Mae donald, J. S. Macdonald, McCann, Mc- Lachlin, Mongenais, Solicitor-General Morin, Mortoh, O'Halloran. Pope, Portinan, Poupore, Powell, Prevost, Remillard, Robi- taille, Rose, John J. Ross, John 8. Ross, Scott, Sherwood, Sicotte, Simard, son, Sylvian, Taschereau, Tasse, Tett.- : The House then adjourned at half-past twelve o'clock. - SEI : Still Later from Quebec, By Special Telegraph to the Gicbe. Quesre, April 1, The Speaker took the chair at three o'clock. The House sat twenty minutes with closed doors, Ou the admission of stianuers, Hon. Mr. Le resumed the debate on the Address and Me. posed amendment the Canchon's spe againet Coalition of 1858, and exc i ter. Mr. Cauchon made no ropiv. At half-past five the House divi Mr. McDougall's motion. Yeas.-- Anderson, Ault, Beli (North U k), Biggar, Bown, Barwe son, M. C. Cameron, Cla ke an.'Crawford, Dickson, Dunsford, Foley, Harcourt, Haultaine, FH I's po- McDoug y; He 17 land, Jack<on, McKenzie, MeDouga |, Meo- | Kellar, Morrison, Mowat, Munro, Netman, | Patnck, Ryerson, Rykert, Rym atcherd, | Smith, Somerville, NS! Street, Wall- 1 Wy bridge, Walsh, White, Wilson, ult 2. Navs.-- Abbott, Alleyn, Boudrean, Blanchet, B Bugeau, Caron Cartier Cauchon, st, Dawson, DeBourchierville, Denis, Desaunlnier, Dorion D mond, A. Dufresne, J. Evanturel, Faulkner, Gagnon, Galt, Gaudet, Tle Hact, Jobin, Joly, Labreche a LeBoutillier, Lorang Macdonald, J. S. McGee McLachlin, Morton, O'Halloran, Pope, Portman, | | | | Vice | | | pore, Prevost, Remillard, 2y | J. J. Ross, Ju 8. | Sicotte, Sir | Taschereau, Tasse, Mr. Dickson of Haron ed by Mr. Donon of Dei baska, the one represe stituency in Upp the largest in Lower € following addition to the nevertheless we must express that your Excellency has not b to tecommend to the eonsideia House a measure to re-adjost each s } ; I tion of the Province respectively, the Par- Li p. ' liamentary "Representation, so as 10 in their respective limits. the in existing between certain pari divisons which are a source of « and agitation, franght with good working of representative wn this country and to its g perity," Mr speech. Mr. Harcourt in a spsited sp ed Mr. Hillyard Cameo the Opposition raising an it ved amidst the laughter of the the member for Peel's ree which he talked of havi pist snake, and now propos Mr. Cowan attacked 1 Pi My. Belleau as chief of the Bui cnlture, for which he is utterly wi Mr. Canchon made a long | Representation by Popul Loranger interchanged a great many com- | pliments, : | Dr. Clarke waimly advocated Reproseri- | tation by Population. -- ' - i Dickson made a Dbiief NE ORIN Affairs at Quches, (From the Special conespandent of the ¢ ) { Q a | | | dming the | rout mny | tatty obi | » Hou in course ol the foolish thir most absurd Is the House that he is La man tha he could aimost be : ment of bim- | self! Next day he objects to an hon. 1 ber's motion, on the ground that itis inf 10 th y ! Yesterday, during the tions, lie gave his con press another venti! press of the Province, quo it | were arrayed against the ( t, the | Government were | true, it would be bat a poor compliment to the mass of those who support the Govern- ment of "me and my ec : { would say equally little for the influence of | the well-paid journals which farish th pubhie with indiscriminate praise of the | + plucky" Premier and his associates. As | it is; "me and my colleagues' have great | difficulty in keeping the reins of power hands. ~ If the whole iniiu isteriad press would not be suflicient to tain the scale, that influence must be impercep- | tibly small. { If Mr. Cartier and the Coaliti tain themselves without any y aul from the press, why are such pains andstcl disrepu- table means employed to subsidize the Min- isterial press 2? Why are the York Road | «ebts foraiven 2 Why is the proprietor of the Chronicle in this city allowed to cram the different departments of the Government with stationery enough to last for some years, and to receive pay for the same at an extremely profitable rate 2 « Why are Gov- ernment advertisements of the niost nseloss soit, stuck into feeble and poorly ai ated papers in every section of the Ir ve? Why 1s it thought necessary that a little paper in-thotewn of Sherbrooke should be the recipient of several columus of Covern- ment advertisements 2 Why were so many useless advertisements shoved into the To- ronto Freeman, so soon alter it deserted from the Reform party ? If the press is so contemptible as Mr. Cartier would have us believe, why is so much money wasted upon it? Our neighbours of the-United States once had among their law-makers a Souther member of the Honso of Representatives, who expressed his thaokluiness that in his District there were neither newspapers nor free schools. That gentleman, however, never wot to the head of aflairs in his coun- try, as his counterpart in Canada has unfor- nately succeeded in doing. 'There is, per- haps, ore excuse for the opinion of the Pre- mier. It must be said that that portion of the press with which he has had to do, has done much to deserve the contempt with which he regards it. Several of the leading Government journals w ted in the gallery at the time the tusull offered; { to them. These ho _ stead of the Ilonorable John Ross, resi | Canad but good | LIPHE | sce of the Min- | 1 roaleywill doubtless con- tinue to deserve the opiitioh Mr tier entertains. of them, by coutinuing to carn at the same time the. nage of the Government, aud the contempt of rights thiuking men. Fé d ---- APPOINTMENTS, Skcrerary's OFFICE, } . . Quesgc, 27th March, 1862. His Excellency the Governor General has been pleased to make the following ap- pointments; yiz : The Honorable George Sherwood, to be Commissioner of Crown Lands, in the room and stead ot the Honorable P. M. Van- koughnet, resigned. * Jumes Patton, Esquire, to.be a Member of the Executive Couucil of the Province of Canada. 3 The Holole Tames Patton, to be Soli- citor General in and for that part of the Province ot Canada called Upper Canada, in the room and stead of the Honorable Joseph C. Morrison, resigned. John Beverley Robinson, Esquire, to be a Member of the Executive Council of the Province of Canada. 'The Honorable John Beverley Robinson, to Le President of the Executive Council of the Province of Canada, in the room and gned. John Carling, Lequire, tobe a Member of Le Lxecutive. Couficil of the Province of 'Iie Honorable John Carling, to be Re- ceiver General of thé Province of Canada, in the room and sad 9f, the "Honorable _ | George Sherwood, appointed Commissioner _ of Crown Lands. The Honorable Sydney Smith, to be one Col Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Latv, in that part of the Province of Canada called Upper Canada. The Honorable James Patton, to be one of Her Majesty's Counsel Learned in the Law, in that part of the Province of Canada "| callea Upper ('anada. . Marriages. In Brooklin, by the Rev. Mr. Curts, on - | the 21st of December, Mr. Hiram Carter to Miss, Jane Livin, all of Brooklin. Deaths. , on the 28th ult., the be- At Port P err; 1. ¥ , | loved wife of Wii. McLaren. At Borelia, daughter. of Mr. weeks. on the 3lst uit, Emma, James Nott, aged six €onuercial, Prince Avert, Apnl 2, 1862. "ull Wheat............. 80 95 a $1 00 ing Wheat. . 08) a 082 oe 45 a b % 02 a 0 050 a 059 040 a 045 8C0 a 900 010 a 012 010 a 012 012 a 014 300 a 450 400 a 450 044 a 050 Apples... .. 050 a 100 Cordwood .. . . 125 a 150 i a 500 a 030 a 100 I ". Pork Thew FOLertigentents. NOTICE! COURT OF REVISION for the Township of Tuorah, will be held inthe COURT HOUSE, BEAVERTON, oN | Saturday, 26th April, at 11 o'clock, a. m, (7#= Parties interested will govern them- elves accordingly. GEO. SMITH, a Township Clerk. Thorah, April 1, 1862. 16-4w which Mr. Car-|. 0 Lh 172 'NOTICE is Horehy sives that the firm of EMANEY ITE, ot the village of Prince Albert, Blacksmiths and Waggon- Makers, have this 31st day of March, A. D., 1862, made an assignment of all their Estate and Effects to Thomas C. Forman, George Carrie, and Richard R. Tomlinson, trustees therein named ; and that all parties 'having any claim against said firm' are re- vired to 'execute said assignment within re calendar months from the date'thereot. The deed of Assignment now lies at the office of R. H. Tomlinson, Prince Albert, for inspection and signature. THOS. C. TORMAN, GEO. CURRIE, RICH'D H. TOMLINSON. Prince Albert, March 31, 1862. 16-3w B. PATTERSON, M. D, (LATE OF BOWMANVILLE AND WIHTBY,) WwW OULD most Fe recuvly announce to the citizens of Prince Albert, Borelia, Port Perry, and Manchester, and surround ing country, that by special request of friends living in the above named places, he will visit each place once a month for the pui- pose of treating all kinds of Chronic Diseases incident to the human system. Cancers and Tumors taken out and cured without the use of the knife. Special attention paid to the treatment of Diupsss Dispepsia, diseases of the Lungs, and Eye and Ear. J i cured in all cases. .N. B.--Having supplied himself with a full set of Surgical Instruments, he 1s now prepared to perform" all kinds of surgical operations, at his office in Town, or Country. Dave or Visit--On the 1st and 15th of every month ; at McClue's Hotel, Man- chester, from 8 to 10, a. m.; at Jewelt's Hotel, Borelia, from 10 a. m. to 1p. m.; and at Parkin's Hotel, Port Perry, from 1 to 4p. m. po For particulars see Circulars to be had at his office. J 16 I'ARM TO LET. rp HE undersigned wishes to let his farm \ for a term of years--being composed of part of Lots No. 13 and 14, in the 11th concession Reach, over 100 acres cleared and under a good state of cultivation.-- There is about 29 acres of fall plowing done on the premises. Possession given the first day of April, 1862. For further particulars apply to JOHN PH(ENIX, : Greenbank. Greénbank, March 19, 1862. "*14-3w CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE PLACE TO GET FURNITURE CHEAP I8 AT W. H. PARK'S, Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. Look at the following Prices Cain Seat, $1 25, sold elsewhere for $1 50. Trafalgar, loose seat, hair cloth, § French, spring bottorn $3 25, sold elsewhere for $4 Sewing Chairs from $1 upwards. Boston Rockers from $2 upwards. SOFAS. 3 Sweep Serpentine $15, sold else- where for 20 00 ABLES, Centre Tables from $4 upwards. Fall Leaf Tables from $3 upwards. STANDS. Wash Stands from $1 25 upwards. BEDSTEADS. Common Bedsteads from $2 upwards. Walnut do from $6 upwards. RUTREAUS., 4 Bureaus from $5 upxards. CUPBOARDS, Cupboards from $4 upwards. Ril other articles in the above line will be sold in proportion. Now is the time to buy if you want bargains. Remember the place Spyosite Scott's Hotel. (Lumber of all kinds taken in ex- change. February, 12, 1862. 9 Notice of Application. NOTICE is hereby given that applica- tion will be made by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach, to the Parliament of Canada at its next "CAUTION! HEREBY forbid any person or persons crediting or harboring my wife, JL ANN Ero 3] I'tuax, on my account, as I will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by her, as sou lias left my bed and board without any TRUAX. 16-tf in | Just cause or provoeation. -, ABSALOM Reach, April 1, 166% : NQTIGE! MEETING OF THE OFFICERS 'and Directors of the EA o BROCK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, will be held at Jones' Tavern, on Saturday, April 10th, at one o'clock, p.m. GEO. BRABAZON, See'y. Broek, April 1, 1862. 6-3in HARM FOR SALE "OR TO RENT. A FARM of about 40 Acres--all cleared -- at Utica. For particulars apply to Prince Albert, April 1, 1862. T. C. FORMAN. 16-tf h : FARM FOR SALE. 7 I VHE subscriber offers for sale 50 Acres of Land, being composed of the south- wast quarter of Lot No. 15, in the 13th con- cession of 'Reach, --there is about 25 Acres cleared atid under a good state of cultiva- ton. Terms of Sale.--$400 down--the bai- ance i remain eight or ten years, if re- quired . For further particulars apply to thé under signed on Lot No. 14, in the fourteenth con- cassion of Reach, or if by letter pre-paid, JOHN TRUAX, _ Greenbank Post Oftice. Reach, April 1, 1862: : 16-3m address, Te S for an Act to Legalize all the Roads as now travelled in the said Township. JOHN CHRISTIE, Clerk, Township of Reach. Reach, Feb. 11, 1862. 9 IMPORTANT NOTICE! Subscriber hereby begs to call the dttention of all indebted to the LATE FIRM OF 6. & M. CURRIE, whose notes and accounts are due, to the necessity 'which now exists of making prompt payment this Fall, as the circum- stances of the late firm make it necessary Diptheria| ig ~-- ONTARIO Carriage 5% Factory! ! ht 1 HE Assignees of the firm of EMANEY"& WHITE, respectiully announce that intend to carry on the business of le" WAGGON, CARRIAGE, AND SLEIGH ! : Manufacturers & General Blacksmiths; On the same extensive scale it has heretofore been by the above firm. Having employed In order to close up the affairs of Emaney & White as soon as p TR ATE THON NEVER | NEW GOODS & CHEAP GOODS Broadway Emporium ! - ow" begs 10 i that he has now to hand one of the largest and best ted Stock of Goods in every department, that he has ever had the pleasure of rT bw a number of first-class workmen, all work turned: out will be of a superior quahty. th ible, the Atsig 1 will sell all work at the lowest remunerating prices for Cash or prompt pay. 0% A large number of HWoggons and Carriages are now in course of manufacture.-- Intending purchasers would do well to inspec} them before, purchasing elsewhere. THOS. C. FORMAN, ) Assignees, Estate GEO. CURRIE, { of R. H. TOMLINSON, Emaney & White. -1 Prince Albert, April, 2, 1862. FALL & WINTER 0018 GEO A VERY L NEW . CURRIE ARGE ASSORTMENT AND CHEAP Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Shirting, Steamloom, ! Prints, Grey Cottons, Ticking, Bagging, Flannels, Blankets, Horse Blankets, Winceys, Plaids, Shawls, Alapacas, Cashmeres, Delaines, Cobourgs, Lustres, Challis, Reps, Silks, Satins, And all the NEWEST NOVELTIES in Hats, Caps, Mantles, Dresses; Shawls ! And DRESS GOODS, and a very, large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING ! All at Prices lower than formerly. Prince Albert, Octobr, 1861. « 43-tf PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY ! THE Subscribers in returning thanks, for the liberal support heretofore given them, would beg leave to say, that they are still prepared to furnish Carriages, Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, & Sleighs, best materiill, at the Got up in the Latest Style, by competent workmen, and of the very We would say, LOWEST PRICES, and warranted to give satisfaction to one and all. { also, that having a good PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH. EMPLOYED! We are able to do Horse Shoeing and General Jobbing in a way that cannot fail to merit public favor. s 1 . Parties wishing to purchase any of the above articles will do well to give us a a call bef hasin, It ei « A'word to the wise is sufficient." "NIB. We ne a few splendid Cullers at hand, that we will Sell Cheap for Cash or Approved Crdit." (Z~Come and sce them. } SHAW & CLARK. Prince Albert, Jan. 7, 1862. 4-tf VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT! AAARAAARIAAAAAANANANANANNANANAASNAAANNNNANS EE N.H. DAVIS HAS NOW "OPENED OUT HIS IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods, Olothing, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, &c., Which he intends to Sell for «CASH AND CASH ONLY!" at ngoh prices as will be to all Fatios Ling 1 rchase. The Stock is now complete in every that all debts should be called in as soon as | an advantage possible. 'All therefore remaining unpaid aftera ble ti has el i will be put in Court for collection without any fur- ther notice. : The subscriber is authorized to collect the debts due to, and to pay the debt. due by, and Yo settle all matters that in any way effect the businéss of the late firm, as speedily as possible. GEORGE CURRIE. N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain, Pork, &c. Je A full assortment of General Merchan- dize on-hand at low prices. GEO. CURRIE _ Pirnce Albert, Sept. 12, 1861. (39-tt (Established 1848.) JOHN NOTT, GHAIR 'AND CABINET MAKER ! DEALER mn, all kinds of Fumiture, House and' Sign Painter, Glazier, Paper Hanger, and general Undertaker, &c. N. B. All kinds of produce and good lumber taken in exchange for work. Borelia, Sept. 25, 1861. 41-tf Pp Give him a call. FINE CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Prince Albert, Octobar 29, 1861: : 46-tf "THE subsciiber offers his Farm for sale on the most reasonable terms. This farm is composed uarter of Lot No. 3, in the 4th eoncession of ning containing 50 acres, about 30 acres cleared and Diy a Sot siete of Sultivation 461 . This pr is within a short dis. gl of the Fille of Utica. For farther particulars apply to the owner on the pre- mises, or by letter pre-paid to : ; THOMAS CROSIER, _ Utica P. O, Reach, March 12, 1862. © 134f W. C. ADAMS, D.D.S. No, 89, Ting. Tl, Toft ARTICULAR attention given to clean- ing, filling and lating teeth, The Foot of on Frat ae t Eire 1 FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. HE following are the Auctioneers who have taken out License up to the pre- sent date: : 1 Lech & Markeiveiz for County. 2. may Henry Walshe for Brock and k orah. 3. George Hodder for Brock. 4. James Woodruff for Pickering. 5. Levi Fairbanks, Jr., of the firm of Fair- * banks & Mucdonell for County. 6. Thomas Myets for County. 7. James M. Pattersoh for County. 8. Albert Spring {id Reach, Broo k, Ux- offering to a discerning public, and which he has determined 70 SELL AT LOW PRICES to suit the tide for Cash only, being tired of the Credit business, and be- lieving it to be 10 the advantage of both Buyer and Seller, to deal for Cash or its equivalent, every possible advntage will be giveu to those who can pay the Ready Money. Just compare the following #ith Prices charged anywhere in this County: Dress Goods in Orleans, Cobourgs, Reps, {2,000 Ibs Tobacco, from. ...... 1s 6d per ib Plaids, Winceys, &e., from. 74d per yd. | Sugar, (beauuful), 10 Ibs fo . Ssed Blacks Cloth, double width, | Rice, 1710 for . eens sisnaonse: 5a OM MOM oo vueensonsiaans--s. 683d do |Currants, (new fruit), 8 Ibsfor ... 5:0 Tweeds, all wool, regular price Pails, 2 HOOPS. «ecu vuv'vinnsennnns Os 11d 58 74d, from ....cep..:... 486d do | Pails, 3 hoops...... 141 Salinas, o..00ne rs FI 8s 14d do | Coal Oil, per gallon . 3s dd RY. | Cotton Yarn, Americab........... 14d | Cut Nails, only. ... 18s 9d per 100 [hs ke | Cotton Bags, (heavy), per dozen... 21s 3d|Herrings............ ...... #155 per bbl Men's Fur Caps, good. .......... Tw, 6d | White Fish, [Fall caught]......... 30s do Boys' do dO, [Su va meriss aps s 13d Young Hysan Tea, 33-64 por b- guaranteed And other Goods equally Low. equal to any sold ip this County at 5s 6d. A splendid fot of Furs, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, - - Cheap (5 Parties will remember the above prices are for Cash only. Those having ac- conuts now open will be supplied with Goods on credit to the first of January, after irhich the Books will positively be closed, unless where parties have paid up in full and definite arrangements have been made. Tnose having accounts, &c., now past due must re- member they have already had due notice to pay up, and unless settled at once, they will find them in the Sherifi's and Bailifis' hands for Collection forthwith, as on account ol heavy losses sustained this year on wheat and flour, it is impossible to grant longer ih - dulgence. With many thanks to those who have heretofore kindly favoured me with their patronage, and trusting still to receive a continuance of the same liberal support. Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1861. T. C. FORMAN. ! A. ROSNS, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! 1 INVITE YOUR ATTENTION TO MY COMVYLETE STOCK OF - LADIES' Patent Balmoral, Patent and Enameled Congress, Cloth Gaiters (Flannel Lined), a full Stock of India Rubbérs, and Cork Soles. MEN'S French Calf, Heavy Soles, Canadian Calf, Kip Boots, Coarse Boots and every description of Gaiters, Shoes, India Rubbers ; also Heavy Cloth Flannel Lined Over Shoes 4) su- perior quality, very Cheap. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. YOUTHS' AND BOYS', a more excellent Stock cannot be desired for Cheapness, durability and variety. CrLEATHER!£ Best Spanish Svle, Upper, Kips, French, Culf, Patent Calf, Canadian Calf, Enameled, Bindings, Lining Skins, S| , CHOOT Piya "BINDINGS which consists in part of Zinc and Iron Shoe Nails, Tacke, Pincers, Hum- mers, Knives, Awls, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Boot Webb, Lacets, Fiylets, &c. : ; The above Stock of Boots and Shoes are principally of my own maufacture, and in style and quality are well udupted to the country trade. The whole Stock will be sold as Cheap us the Chenpest. Purchases wo respectfully invited to call and examine my Stock before buying elsewhere. . Highest Price in Cash paid for HIdcs and Skins. Prince Albert, Nov. 20: 1861. A. ROSS. craves EB som The Subscriber has on hand a well assorted Stock of Cooking, Parlor,& Box Stoves which he is prepared tog Sell Cheap for Cash, or Approved Credit! Also a large Stock of Tin, JaPanned-ware, Zinc, Stove -PiPes, etc. Particular aitention paid to KEve-Troughing, and Job Work of every description. Intending purchasers will save money by inspecting my stock previous to purchus- ing elsewhere. 0<- Shop adjoining the Post Office. Prince Albert, Oct. 30, 1861. (46.6m) T. BROWN. NEW GOODS! AT THE JIVCHESTER WAREAOLS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, Groceries? ® CROCKERY, 07 Wines, Spirits, and Hardware ! 1 . Goods Sold at Whitby prices, and a pro per allowance mads to Cash Customers ! ; rene Wheat Wheat Wheat. bridge and Scott. : W. PAXTON, I¢., rh . tg hd to suit the requirements of each patient. County Treasurer. (=~ Dentists supplied with material. "Toronto, July 24, 1861. 4 31-1y Co. Treasurets' Office, Whitby, March 4, 1862. 13 Highest Prices paid for good Marketable Wheat at the Manchester Warehouse HAMILTON & ROBERTS. Manchester, Oct 2, 1861. 31-tf