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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 May 1862, p. 3

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Arrival of the Y Great Eastern." Sanpy Hook, May 17, {1 a.m, The steamship Great Eastern has just passed in. She is from Miltord Haven.-- Wo have Liverpool dates of - Tuesday even- ing 6th inst. © ' The Asia arrived out on the 4th. Livespoor, May 6, a.m.--Breadstufls still declining. Provisions steady. Ashes dull; pots 33s. Sugur firmer. Rice steady. Coffee inactive. Loxpon, May 5, p.m.--Teas tend down- ward. Wheat declined 2s. Sugar declin- ing. Coffee firm. Rice quiet and steady. Tallow quiet and steady at 40s 3d. Consols 933 a 94. Illinois Central shares 47 a 47] discount. Ene 32} a 323. hy! Liverroor, May 6.--The Pans Patrie says that the visit of the French Minister to Richmond was entirely political, and that its purport was known to President Lin- coln. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH TO MILFORD. Livereoor, May 6, p.m.--Flour (eclined 6d. Wheat irregular and easier. Corn quiet and steady. Beef declining tendency. Pork heavy. Lard quiet and firm. Loxpoxn, May 6, p. m.--Consols 93] a 94. American securities quiet and steady. The Times argues that the true test of public feeling in the Noith will come when the taxes are collected. Meantime, so long as the Federals are not absolutely winners, they are losers; whereas, so long as the Confederates are not actually subdued, they : may regard themselves as wmnmg: These are considerations which counterbalance the superiority of the North. Capt. Wilson who re-captured the Emily St. Pierre, from the prize crew, has been formally presented by numerous Liverpool merchants with a valuable service of plate and a gold chronometer, also with a sex- tant from his own crew, and with £2,000 by | the owners of the ship. | The Mercantile Marine Association of Liverpool also announced its intention to present him with a gold medal, and his cook and steward with silver medals ; valu- able money presents were also made to the cook and steward. Speeches eulogistic of the Captamn's act were made on the oc- casion by several prominent merchants. The Parie Palrie asserts that Mercer, the French Minister at Washington, fad a long conference with Jeff. Davis'at Richmond, that the step taken by Mercer is entirely political in its character, and was known to President Lincoln. Ad litional arrests had been made at War- saw for singing prohibited songs. = LATEST. Tuespay Morning, ® Via Milford Haven. Parliament is engaged on the educational question. Gdvernment views are generally accepted. The Morning Herald argues that from the reports of Meicier's mission to Richmond, |" the hasinnine af tha. dnd 1a nat far distant It says that France and England suffer more than neutrals every suffered from any con- test, and both begin to regard the war as interminable and atrocious. "The Archbishop of Canterbury had been seriously ill, but had rallied and was ont of danger. ' The bids for the Russian loan in all the cities were one third more than required. Carcutta, April 16.-- Laing had made his financial statement. He estimates the sur- plus at a million and a half. The import duties on cotton goods had be n reduced. Canton, April lst.--Tea firm and quiet. New ADLertisenvents. ATTENTION ! THE FIRST TROOP vo Ny North Ontario Cavalry Are requested to meet at the Drill Rocmn in Prince Albert, On Saturday next,---Queen's Birthday, At 10 o'clock a. m.-- Prompt, with Ilorses for Drill and Exercise. - T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, May 21, 1862. 3-1w NEW GOODS -- et ® --e Just Received at the BORELIA CHEAP CASH STORE ¥ The Cheapest lot of MER 600 © Ever Shown in North Oniario. J. w. MORRIS. Borelia, May B& 1862. - 23-1 : "JOHN CHRISTIE, YOWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Convey- ancer, Commissioner of the Conrt of RAND CELEBRATION ! Her Majesty's Birthday PRINCE ALBERT ! [HE citizens of Prince Albert intend cele- 'brating the Birthday ol Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen on Saturday Next, 24th inst, By a Graud Display of FIRE WORKS TORCH LIGIIT PROCESSION, &e. In the morning at 10} o'clock, the Ist Troop of North Ontario Cavalry will meet for Drill, &e. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock, the HIGH- LAND GAMES will uke place, when Prizes will be awarded to the successful competitors in the following Games, viz: For Foo » " i figh Jump. g « Standing High Jump. ¢ Running Long Jump. «4 Standing Long Jump, . y elbarrow Race (blind-fold.) " Climbing Greased Pole. And other Games too numerous to mention. Competitors will be required to pay a | entrance fee of 25 cents. Not less than three to start in any game. (7% In the evening at 8 o'clock a grand Torch Light Procession, headed by the Prince Albert Brass Band, will march through the principal Streets. The whole to conclude with a grand display of Fue Works ! "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Prince Albert, May 21; 1852. 23-1w TO TEACHERS FJYHE Board of Public Instruction for the County of Ontario, will meet at Prince AnserT, ON THE 20th AND 30th OF MAY, At 10 o'clock,-a. m., for the Examanation of Teachers. All appheants must produce clory testimonials of good moral char- er from their respective ministers, By order of the Board, R. H. THORNTON, D. D. Secretary. May 9, 1862. 23-2w Ym, FO I 3 T§ 25 P 3 tt Er fF xP tong rs ed = =~ 5 $8 § 5 om . =a &Edmb : is lZEh @ >= LEE ----- z R2fiymid. & B Ig: pM EM- 3 EZ FYE, @ Ea > d 3 ip He - BP or dB 5 FZ ~~ © i if © ® 22 © 2 rg iz Tyt - tC) ht SO) > FoHm FO a hy 1S SEE8 To prEE SE o 85 £8 Rhy 2 pozb rs g » pain nt 7 pi Q gel pi ® an Qo S - . TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CINCERN. OTICE is hereby given, that no person LX whomsoever has authority to purchase goods, or contract debts, in my name, or on my account. FLORA BROWN. Lot No. 20, 13th con. Brock, County of Oatario. April 22nd, A.D. 1862. 19-4in a iH a Zod Pb HER ' Esa S SPRING ! 1862.) (1862. JUST RECEIVED AT THE WINCHESTER WARFHOLAE A large assortment of FANCY and STAPLE . DRY GOODS! BLACK AND GREEN TEAS, SUGARS, TOBCCOS, &c. Also to hand the usual supply of FIELD AND GARDEN SE EDS, Imported fiom the Royal Agricultural Society of Scotland. HAMILTON & ROBERTS, | April 24,1869. © Whitby and Manchester. Fall and Winter Stock ! A. ROSS, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! I INVITE YOUR ATTENTION TO MY COMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES' Patent Balmoral, Patent anil Enameled Congress, Cloth Gaiters (Flannel Lined), a full Stock of India Rubbers, and Cork Soles. MEN'S - Frefich Calf, Heavy Soles, Canadian Calf, Kip Boots, Coarse Boots and every description of Gaiters, Shoes, India Rubbers; also Heavy Clotit Flannel Lined Over Shoes of su- perior quality, very Cheap. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. YOUTHS' AND BOYS', a more excellent Stock cannot be desived for Cheapness, durability and variety. a TILIA LL XTIIXV RE cor ' Best Spanish Sole, Upper, Kips, Fre Calf, Patent Calf, Canadia Bindings, Lining Skins, heep Skins. PIN [NGS which consists in part of I 1) 5 amd Iron Shoe Nails, Tacks, Pincers, Ham- Shoe Xe. ote, Ke : 0 ny own maufactore, and in style and goality w "oli ns Cheap us the Chiegpess. Pimnchusers are buying elsewhere. are well adapted 10 the country trade. The respectfully invited to call wid examine my $ Highest Price in Cash paid for Hides and Skins. Prince Albert, Nov. 20: 1861. . A. ROSS. ONTARIO Carriage 2% Factory!!! rE undersigned, Assignees of the firm of EMANEY §& WHITE, respectiully announce that they intend to carry on the business of WAGON, CARRIAGE, AND SLEIGH ! Manufacturers & General Blacksmiths, On the same extensive scale it has heretofore been by the above firm. Having employed a number of first-class workmen, all work turned out will be of a superior quality. In order to close up the atfairs of Emaney & White as soon as possible, the Arsigness will sell all work at the lowest remunerating prices for Cash or prompt pay. (7% A large number of Waggons and Carriages are now in course of manulacture.-- Intending purchasers would do wel! to inspect them before purchasing elsewhere. THOS. C. FORMAN, ) Assignees, Estate GEO. CURRIE, : 0 R. IL. TOMLINSON, }Emancy & White. Prince Albert, April, 2, 1862. 16-tf HL 1 "T9ST "ET "AoN 'Waqy souls f -yse) 105 deayy) (a dNV (1-81) -puey uo Apuryitod 1day 'asa [eatpajy 10§ 1au0g pue oy 'SLIYIAS 'due pus '10 120) 'ArspIn o[qey 'A10¥001) 'soutpIeg 's133sqOT 's1038£Q 'USTT OYA qsgpoy 'suisivy 'SPUOW]Y 'sjueiIng 'seopo) 'sve, Jo §20ig [{Bg 11] PaAtaoas jsul sey tequosqng oy, 'S.MIVIONIS SURT HEY LY SUIVIIONIS "HOUY | 'sprpuer] 'soutpy pajiiog £3) 'Farm for Sale. BENG the north-west quarter ot Lot No 3; ite 3rd concession Mariposa, con= taining 50 teres, (40 acres cleared) and well watered, with good frame buildings thereon. Terms Liberal. Apply to the subscriber on the premises. JOHN McDOUGALL. Mariposa, March 10, 1862. 13-3m B. S. DECKER | LICENSED AUCTIONEER!! LL ORDERS MADE TO ME, IN person, or left at the Obserrer office, Prince Albert, will receive prompt atféntion. Bills made out and attended to free of charge. Blank Notes arranced for decimal | Queen' Berich, &o.. Office~Near * Tot- nees. Mills," between Manchester and Unca, * Business carefully attended to. currency furnished at very ehiep rates. ; I. 8. DECKER. FARM FOR SALE. ~~ \ CI Bay : Bi oT Tren W. C. ADAMS, D. D. S.| ] No. 93, King-t. FER Fast, Toronlo, PaRncuian attention given slog OR ing, filling and regulating teeth. The best of mineral teeth inserted in a manner Pe Oo rR Bn RT T . to suit the requirements of each patient. ists i vi terial. (= Dentists supplied with materi i | NE North-west 50 Acres of It No. 23, Torgnto, July 24, 1861. 31-1y in the 10th concession Reach,--abont -- 135 acres cleared--good buildings, and in ! good order. Possession given imediately. ! | Also for Sale the Naith-east 50 Acres of Lot No. 18, in the 1st concession of Brock-- L 0 | one of the most desirable little farms in the County of Ontario. ; GEQ. CURRIE. raHE subscribers offer for sale 25 acres of | ad . . i being composed of part of the Prince Albert, April 1st, 1862. 17-10 cast half of lot No. I5, in the 5th Con. of wee 1 he 1 Y ; Reach. There is BOY WANTED. v pe About 20 Acres Cleared ! y 7 ANTED an Apprentice to learn the The property is well situated, being within Cubinet-making business. a short distance of the flourishing villages W. H. PARK. of Prince Albert, Borelia, und Port Perry. | prince Albert, April 23, 1862. 194 Terms liberal. : For further particulars apply to the own= ere; if by letter post-paid Port Perry post office. : n ere rYHE subscriber offers for sale 50 Acres of t Perry, May 12 any G. PARTON [ Land, being composed of the south- Port Peny, May 12, 180% west quarter of Lot No. 15, in the 13th con- "| cession of Reach,--there is about 25 Acres cleared and under a good state of cultiva- tion. (Established 1848.) Terms of Sale.--$400 down--the bal- JOHN NOTT » [ance can remain eightior ten years, if re- 8 quire du ; CHAIR AND CABINET MAKER ! + «For farther particulars apply to the under- EALER mn all kinds of Furniture, | izned on Lot No. 14, in the on teenie House and Sign Painter, Glazier, |cassion of Reach, or if by letter pre-paid, Paper Hanger, and general Undertaker, &c. | address, N. B. All kinds of produce and good JOUN TRUAN. Greenbank Post Office. j Urince Albert, March 23, 1860. 15-11 lumber taken in exchange for work. ; . Borelia, Sept. 25, 1861, 41-tf. Raach, April {, 1862, 16-3m New Advertisements. + a (1862. PG GEO. CURRIE HAS RECEIVED A VERY LARGE AND IN ALL THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS INCLUDING ALL THAT IS New, Cheap, and Useful, WHICH HE WILL %i: HAPPY TO SHEW AND SELL! 77 GALL AMD SEB ¥ TIER LUTE THAN MEDER FOR a j sp f iS & GEEAP LODDS DD § AT THE Broadway Emporium ! WHI Subscriber begs to intimate that he has now to hand one of the largest and best A assorted Stock of Goods in every department, that he has ever had the pleasure of PRICES 10 suit the times, for Cash only, being tired of the. Credit busi d be- lieving it to be ro the advantage of both Buyer and Seller, to deal for Cash or its equivalent, every possible advantage will be given to those who can pay the Ready Money. Just compare the following with Prices charged anywhere in this County: ....Is 6d per lb . 50d 5s O 5s 0d Dress Goods in Orleans, Cobourgs, Reps, 12,000 Ibs Tobacco, fiom. .. Plaids, Winevys, &e., from. 74d per yd. | Sugar, (beautiful), 10 Ibs for. Blacks Cloth, double widths Rice, 171bafor.......5. .. -. from i. acer Currants, (new fruit), 8 lbs for. 1 ) 6s 3d do Tweeds, all wool, re Pails, 2 hoops. . 0s 11d ei, from La 45 6d "do Pails, 3 hoops. .... 1s 1d Satineitsy «oc -e x 3s 13d do [Coal Oil, per gallon 3s 4d 8s 14d { Cut Nails, only. ... 8s ad por 100 tbs Cotton Y \ B 21s 3d Herring... coovvnrs nuininn bs per bhi Lonioh ¥ 7x 6d | White Fish, [Fall caught]......... Us do y 4s 14d Hovs" a 0 rs 'ee 2 : boys filo Tea, 45 64 per Ib., gnaranteed And other Goods equally Low. equal to any sold in this County al 5s 6d. | A splendid lot of .e Fars, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, - = Cheap or the above prices are for: Cash only. Those having ac- + Parties will rememb { 6 lio with Goods on eredit to the first of January, after which counts now open will be supp! the Books will posiiivdly be closed, unless where g arrangements have been made. Tnose having accounts, &c., now past due must re member they have already had due notice to pay up, and unless settled at once, they will find them in the Sheriff 's and Bailifls? hands for Collection forthwith, as on account of heavy losses sustained this year on wheat and flour, it is impossible to ut longer in- dulgence. With many thauks to those who have heretofore kindly favoured me with their patronage, and trusting still to receive a continuance of the same liberal support. Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1861. T. C. FORMAN. » VICTOR) BLACK, PRINCE ALBERT y N.H. DAVIS HAS NOW OPENED OUT HIS IMMENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries an advantage to all parties wishing to purchase. The Stock is now complete in every department. Give him a call. (= FINE CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Prince Albert, October 29, 1861. . ? 46-11 PRINCE ALBERT |Parmers Read This l Prince Albert, May 7, 1862. 2-1 patties have paid up in full and defimte | » PORT PERRY [NOY MILLS IN FULL OPERATION ¥ THE undersigned feeling grateful for past favors, would respectfully intimate to the public that they have their New Grist and Flouring Miil in full operation. It has been built specially for Gristing, on the latest improved principal, with a view of their custom work, flonr from their own wheat, and to accomplish this, the proprie= tors have succeeded in getting the machin- ery so arranged that the For empties direct- ly from the Bolt to the Bag. also engage A First Class Miller, who has had long experience in grising and merchant work ; consequently the sub- scribers feel confident that they are in a position to give the very BEST OFF SATISFACTION to all who may favor them with their pa- tronage. (= Parties from a distance will get their Grist home with them. I"LOURING! Done for Farmers by the Barrel. Give them a fair trial with Good Wheat, and by that they are willing to be judged. ey have | | T. & G. PAXTON. Port Perry, May 12, 1862. 22-1f HURRAH FOR THE GOLD DIGGINGS. Th ubseriber has head a great deal of la Columbia, out the Gold Diggings in British but has made up his mind that there is lots ol Gold to be obtained in Prince Albert, by the sweat of the brow ; therefore, he has opened up his OLb ESTABLISHMENT for the purpose of manufacturing Wagons, Agricultural Implements, &e. Blacksmithing carried on in all its branches. The undersigned takes this method of re- turning his sincere thanks to his old friends and customers and the public generally for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last nineteen 3. He would also take the liberty of informing them that he is back to his old stand in Prince Albert, where he wishes a continuance of the same patronage formerly bestowed upon him.-- Call and see the work and judge for your- selves. (Z= He also wants a Blackemith who thoronghly understands the business--will either lure such a. man as journey-man, 1ent him the shop, or give hini an terest in the business. JAMES SANDERS. Prince Albert, May 14, 1862. R-1y JOURNEYMAN TAILOR WANTED ! =( gn unuersignen wanta ta employ a 'Tailor. Apply at once to J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, May 12, 1862. 22-1f EXTENSIVE OF PHX.TONS, CARRFAGES, BUGGIES, &c. THE undersigned has been instructed by | & HOCKING & MADILL, who are about { closing up the business heretofore carried on by them under the superintendance of Mr. D. Ford, to sell by public Auction on "= Thursday, the 22nd May, 1862, at Mr. Ford's Carriage Factory in the n r al TOWN OF WHITBY! The following valuable property, viz:--2 plain top Phietons, 1 Victoria top Pawton, 1 standing top, rolling seat, skeleton door | Rockaway ; 1 rolling two-seat top Phiton | 2 seat extension top Carriages; 1 business | top Bugey; 2 rolling-seat open Carriages ; | 2 two-seat Democrat Wagons ; 1round-flang | two-seat open Carriage ; 1 fine open Yacht Buggy; 1 Yacht top Buggies; 3 New York open Buggies; 1 gay eleton Wagon; 1 two-seat prize Sleigh 3 3 business open Buggies; 1 second handed turfu-over seat jopen Carriage; 1 light shifting three-seat | Brett--a very ar : &eu | As the parties concerned are about closit g | their business the whole will be sold without reserve. - The above work is manufactured from the best imported materials, Eastern white Hickory in all the gearing, and made by ths best workmen. Mg. D. Forp having per- sonally superintended it in all its branches, the work will be warranted. The sale will afford a rare opportunity for parties to furnish themselves with an excellent Carviage, as the selection is large and terms (as below) 4 > Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, &c., vole. Which he intends to Sell for ¢ CASH AND CASH ONLY I"? at such prices as will be | Teams or Sare--Six months credit on approved joint notes. Mg. Forp is also desirous of selling his excellent and weLr-kNowN Factory AND Suor, or will lease the same for a term ol years. THOMAS MYERS, Aucti uctioneer. Whitby, May 2, 1862. AN-1w CARRIAGE FACTORY ! THE Subscribers in returning thanks, for the' liberal enpport heretofore given them, would beg leave to say, that they are still prepared to furnish Carriages, Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, & Sleighs, Got up in the Latest Style, by competent workmen, and of the very best material, at the LOWEST PRICES, and warranted to give satisfaction to one and all. We would say, also, that having a good maT { PRACTICAL BLACKSMITHI EMPLOYED! We are able to do Horse Shoeing and General Jobbiny in a way that cannot fail ta\merit public favor. : : : ] Pafties wishing to purchase any of the above articles will do well to give usa a call before purchasing elsewhers. + A word to the wise is sutlicient."" . N. B. We have a few splendid Cutlers ad hand, that we will Sell Cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. 7- Cone and gee, them, SHAW & CLARK. Prince Albert, Jan. 7, 1862, 1-H PHILADELPHIA CHURCH! PORT PERRY. rgillE ADVENT HALL; on Lot No. 180, on Stanley Street, Port Perry, will be {open every Sunday, commencing on the 20th inst., at 3 o'clock p.m. HENRY BUSIL Port Perry, April 16, 1862. 18-1 | | | FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. A FARM of about 40 Acros --all cleared -- at Utica. For particulars apply to T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 1, 1862. 16-1f COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Proce Street, Whitby, opposite Hamil ton & Robert's store. J. Crocker has the largest and best fitted up house in the County of Ontario. No pains will be spared to make this spacioris aud ary hoyse anal to any in the country, : y insuring each person who favors them with AUCTION SALE

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