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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 May 1862, p. 4

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( \ \ 4 ONTARIO BANK! > s-- SE LEC T SCHOOL! FOR GIRLS! ME SKAE fog ro AniOH that she fas opened a Select School for girls, in Prince Albert. The usual Eigli<h branches, together with French, Music and Denariment, taught on moderate terms. May 5, 1812. . 21-8w ------ WHO'S FOR FRAZER'S RIVER ! The Overland Route is the Way EFORE YOU GO get your Wool Carded aud your Cloth Wove and D:essad at the Port Perry Woolen Factory WHICH 18 hy AGAIN IN FULL OPERATION! The undersigned wisnes to return his sin= cere hanks 1o all his customers for the hb- eral patronage which he has received the Inst year, and wishes 10 iilorm them-that he 1s again prepared, with all his Machinery in first rate order this year, to give as good satisfaction as ean be given any where else, in Carding, Weaving, Cloth Dressing and yeinz. His St Power-Loom is in full operation, and ready for Weaving Satetr, Cotton and Wool, Flanuel and Blankets. -- H: will lurmsh Cotton Warp, as usual, which he will sell cheaper than it can be bought in the Skein, and warranted good.-- He ean weave from one to 500 yards. All orders punclually attended to. Call and try him. cnn be learned by the fa 1s he will NL every man, - ar ordess with so hile delay, luborer is worthy his pay. Wau. DILLON. 21-6m And wine " Remember the Port Perry, May 7, 1862. BROWN & PATTERSON'S Agricultural Works! AT THE OLD WHITBY FOUNDRY, BROCK STREET, WHITBY, C. W. ANUFACTURERS and dealers in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, four different kinds of Two-Horse Wh Cultivators, fonr different Straw and Feed Cutters, Giant Grain Crushers ; Scotch, Am- erican and Canadian Plows of vations makes and styles ; Stell Plows, with steel points, Ditching Plows, Fanning Mills, Seufflers ; Corn and Potato Cultivators, Seed and Tur nip Drills, Road Seripers, &+. Mill Cast- ings made 10, order; Plow Castings in great vanely, Every article connected with the | business kept on hand, Threshing Ma- chines repaired on short notice, Every- thing in the above fine of business attended to with punctoality, and on reasonable terme, Whuby, May 7, 1862. . 14 A CAUTION! HERERY forbid any person or persons 4 ervediting my son, Hiram Houvek, on my acconnt, after this date, as I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by him. LEWIS S. HOUCK. Prince Albert, May 7, 1862. 21-3w 21-3w Court of Revision ! FP HE Council of the Corporation of the El a Cort Township of Reach, w ment Roll of Revision to revise the Ax of the smd Township for the year 1862, | THE TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER, Monday, the 26th day of May, inst, At 10 o'clock, a. m., of which all parties terested are required to take notice and govera themselves accordingly. JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, May, 7, 1862. 21-3w oh DIVIDEND NO. 4 TOTICE is hereby atven that a Dividend ol Fonr per cent npon the paid up Cap- ital Stock of this Institution, for the current hall year, has this day been declared, and that the sam» b2 payable at the Bank and its Branches on and afier Monday, the 2ud day of June next. 1 The transter books will be closed from | a the 16th to the 31st May, elusive. Natice is also given that the Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders, for the election of Directors fur the ensuing year, will be held atthe Banking House in Bowmauviile, on Mot day, the 2ud day of June next The chair to be taken at twelve o'clock, noon, precsely. By order of the Board, D. FISHER. Ontario Bank, Bowmanville, April, 19, 1862. 20-4w B. PATTERSON, M. D, (LATE OF BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY.) OULD most re; ENSUING DIVISION COURTS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! Whitby ....s.. sarees May: 1, 1862. Pickering . " 2, Reach . "w 17, © Uxbridge "18, Broek... cveriirirnanns June 17, « Atherly... oan an 4. 19, 4 Z. BURNHAM. 6 Judge. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Reach Post Office, April 23rd, 1862. McConnell A Maik N McCoy Wm Marsh Mrs A Munro Jn 2 Martin Jno. Newton Wm Ogilvie Wm Palmer Mrs M. A. Pound Geo, Penhall Win 2 Piatten Wm Park Wm Quackenbush Mary 2 Reid Geo Richardson Mrs Rattenbiry Wm 5 Robinson Jno Saunders Miss E Saunders Jas 3 Stephenson Jno Stewart Robt Spencer J Smith Wm Tate D Tauzhney Luke Trebell Juo Taglor Jno F Wilson Wm Boynton E Black David Bellenger B Beston Mr. Brown Geo Conroy F Culbeit Wm Cary Ti oto Miss M Chambers Jno Clanghton Wm Calhonn Chas Crandell Ben Cross W Congnerazodd Wm Cowell Wm Davis E * Deby James Dillon Michael Forman Wm F Frailick Isaac Foley Mis. Graham Fred raham Jno Gerow Gideon Hergie Wm Hiscocks Chas, Haight Harrison Hurd Philander 2 Heron Mrs Waldron Miss A. Inglis James Weeks N Johnston Jeff, Way J. B. Jamieson Thos Wood J. P. nston Geo. Weir Walter Leaman Jos, Weston Juno Loftos Thos Webster Robt MeGerek A Waite Miss Aun McConnell Sam Vernon Sarah Marrs Win. Yarnold Win Post Office hours from 8, a. m. to 6 p. m. 20-3w M. G. ROBSON, P. M. FARM FORSALIE T HE EAST NEVENTY- T™ acres of Lot No. 21, in the 2ud concession of Reach, Fifty acres cleared and a small house and barn on it. Terms Cash=-Price $1,100. JOEL DAY, Carden. 13-3m Carden, March 12, 1862. HEATHER BALM 3 A DEMAND FOR THIS MEDICINE? | Facts answer the question. Because by | it the blind receive their it. Becanse by Jat the deat are made 10 h and hence they beceme to kiow the use of the F and the hitherto dumb are ens and because by 1t the lame ihat OW IS IT THAT THERE IS SUCH 10 spea 1 i many years huve been enabled to walk by a few applicationss In one instance, a complica e of Chronic Rheumatism and White Swelling, of four years? standing, during which time the legs had to be kept wa horizontal positie The nights and days of those four lon ars were speft in extreme suffering. Reader, think of the joy when in one hour and forty minntes" ap- plication, by the proprictor of this Medicine, the patient was enabled to walk as well as ever, and free from pain. Alike in eases of Piles, of from éne to sty years' standing, ino which Surgical ions and every Medicine that venld ve thought of had failed. This Balm has given perfect relief in a few days, and made a complete and permanent cure in from two to six weeks. All Chronic Dis- eases treated with the same success. Extraordinary Cure of Deafness. ny to they ge Meleans ix ese, being 1) w sin dumb fron, bi th we |W, C. N, VARS, | PRACTICAL DENTIST! OSHAWA, C. W, » © A PRACTICAL experience of 13 years in his pro'ession, and a thorough ac quaintance with all its, branches, enable lim to sate with confidence that in all cases entrusted to his care the best satisfaction will ba given. : ; (Z=Dental Rooms directly opposite the Posi Office,--entrauce on Simcoe Street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. C. N. VARS. Oshawa, Oct. 9. 1861. 43 New Goods AT | J. W. MORRIS Has juet received a large and complete as- sortment of Fall & Winter Goods * which he is Selling Cheap, Cheap, I'OR CASH! > All who Want Bargains Should Call at Once! Borelia, Oct. 16, 1861. 44-tf CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE PLACE TO GET ARNTURE CHEAP I8 AT H - (EXCLUSIVELY) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! erin KEDWAKE | HARK he has taken the new premises WARE 1 THE Subscriber informs the inhabitants of Oshawa and the surrounding country that Under the Corinthian Hall, Together with a large STORE HOUSE, two doors east fiom My Satton's Drug Store, and | i an In all its varions branches. He Tools, Circular Saws, Iron, I Oi! and Grass, House Furnishing, Papier fudia Rubber Packmg, Wire Cloth, Rope, &e. Having imported direct from England and can sell as low as the larger houses of Toronto. HARD W iticularly calls the attention of the public to his impor- ation of RODGERS AND OTHER CUTLERY, Skates, . Steel tor Sleigh Shoes, Connter Scales, Guns, Pistols, Paints, Mache Tea Trays, double handle Hay Knives, ARE! Wire, Fenders, Mechanics' the United States, he feels confident that he C.R.JARVIS. 'Observe the Sign of the OC. R. JARVIS. Oshawa, Feb. 5, 1862. 8-1f \ A NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF 2) aD B & co 3 g % 5 S = &D = 7] me < FOR SALE AT Allin's Book & Music Store. PIANOS GOING VERY CHEAP! rivals every week. OsHawa, Feb. 5, 1862. A Good Melodeon can be had for $381 [& Who would be without one? Call and see our beautiful Stock. Fresh ar- D. ALLIN. 'aL (ach "ell Che ng elsewhere. Prince Albert, Oct. 30, 1861. ~n 8-tf Lin. Phe Subscriber has on hand a well assorted Stock of Ccoking, Parlor,& Box stoves which he is prepared to A nnraved Credit! Also a large Stock of Tin, JaPanred ware, Zinc, Stove -PiPes, ctc Parica'ar attention paid 10 Eve. Troughing, und Job Work of every description. | Intending purchasers will save m ney by inspecting my stock previous to purchas (<r Shop adjoining the Post Office. (46 6m) T. BROWN. THE BALL ROLLING ! STILL THEY COME. H. PARRK'S, Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. .| Look at the following Prices Lond after three wecks of 1 ils of 1 1b twill produ + treatment of Mr M he inl resiilts ting of M. vland. WILLIAM 11AL 1, M.D. M R.C. 8. Edinburgh. + Toroxto, November, 1899. p. George MeLrax.--Dear Sir --We the undor- fi of the grea value of nu, from the ficis. of many extio dina y mde ih our nudstgeheertully and stongly to the public, pe) recenmmend it 1 O'Danohoe. Alderman. J. Hutchinson, Vx-Mayor, 1. Canny, A in. resi- R. Den Jounty Ate Con-| Toney nl. O'Donclee, Auctioneer We. | nd Commission: Mes N F. BH. Hewaul, ¥ "Toronto Fixe Captain of the pul Zimmerman. Alder, ki wronto, es | dgar, Prim, Min. For further particulars see my Family Herald, which can be had of me or any of wy agents, ' GEO. McLEAN, 83 Bay-st., Toronto. JAMES HOLDEN, Ww Port Perry, and Manchester, and surronnd- 1g country, that by special request of Iriends living in the above named places, he wiil visit each place once a month for the pui- se of treating all kinds of Chronic Diseases incident to thehumun system. Cancersand Tumors taken out and cured without the use ofthe knife. Special attention paid to the treatment of Dropsy, Dispepsia, diseases of the Lungs, and Eye and Ear, Diptheria cured in oll cases. N. B.--Havinu supplied himself with a full set of Surgical Instruments, he 1s now prepared to perform all kinds of snrgical operations, at his office in Town, or Country. Daye oF Visit.--On the 1st and 15th of every thotith 3 at McClue's Hotel, Man- chester, from B to 10, a. m.; at Jewel's 1, Borelia, from 10 a. m. to Lp. m.; and at Parkin's Hotel, Port Perry, from 1 to Wholesale and Retail Agent, . PRINCE ALRERT. fully 210 "Toronto, Aug. 14, 1861. 35-1f the citi f Price Albert, Borelin, e cilizens ol ice ) ela. R. WALSH, Horse Farier! I NOW IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD, and will be in readiness to attend to all who may favor him with a call.. He is well acquainted with the made of pricking, and trimming; afd can treat successfully any disense that horses nie subject 10. CHARGES MopkraTe. Residence PRINCE ALRERT. Prince Albert, June 6, 1860. 251, E. 8S. OECKER: LICENSED AUCTIONEER! ! LL ORDERS MADE TO ME, IN person, or left at the Observer office, Prince Albert, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and attended fo free of charge. Blank Notes arranced for decimal curtency furnished at very chep raten. ve | Sewing Chairs from $1 npwards. . | Boston Rockers from $2 upwards. CHAIRS, Cain Seat, $1 25, sold elsewhere for $1 50. Tradalgar, loose &eat, har cloth, § French, spring bottom $3 25, sold elsewhere for, .... ......... . 4 50. SOFAS. 3 Sweep Serpentine $15, sold else- WHEE TOF ov vu ioc ois ab sianvini + $ Small Straight, $13, sold elsewhere 0 00 15 00 TABLES, Centre Tables from $4 upwards. Fall Leaf Tables from $3 upwards. STANDS. Wash Stauds from $1 25 upwards. BEDSTEADS. Common Bedsteads from $2 upwards. Walnut do from $b upwards. BUREAUS, Bureaus [rom $5 upwards. CUPBOARDS, Cupboards from $4 upwards. All other articles in the above line will Now is the time to be sold wn proportion. Remember the buy if you want bargains. place opposite Scott's Hotel. (= Lumber of all kinds taken in ex- chinge. Fabroary, 12, 1862. 9 E. CASH'S Pump & Fanning Mill - FACTORY! SIMCOE STREET, PRINCE ALBERT. HE Subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitauts of Prince Albert, surronnd- ing villages and conntry, that he is still carrying on business in the above line Opposite Jno. Heard's Blacksmith Shop Where he will be happy to supply the wants ol his customers with a superior ar- ticle on reasonable terms, and feels confi- dent that by leaving yeur orders with him, you will find the workmanship and material &nch as cannot fail to give universal satis- faction, © Orders and Repairs Prompl Attended oe id ALL WORK WARRANTED. [Wo | Cooking, Parlor, § Box Stoves, "Samuel P, Barber ULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN- erally that he is now 1eeeiving his Fall supply ot Which he is Selling on the most Liberal Terms for CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT ! ALSO STOVE-PIPES, Tin, Sheet-Iron, Copper, Sheet-Zine, §c. In fact every thing connected with his line of business. (= Sheep Skins, Rags, old Copper, and most Kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. Cash ciistomers lake particu! other Establishment in the County of Ontario. Prince Albert, Nov. 20, 1861: ar notice: you can bay Stoves with ready cash as cheap at Bwiber's as w any 49-f DONOVAN, WALKEY & GO. (LATE IRA B. CARPENTER,) MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, : "OUTTERS, &oc. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. All of the above work exectued with neatrees ard despatch All work warranted. Call and see specimens. Remember the ada. ss. Whitby, Sept. 6, 1859. - 39 DONOVAN, WALKLY & CO - D. FORD, CARRIAGE MAKER, BROCK STREET WHITBY. FIVHE SUBSCRIBER in returning his singere thanks to his friends and the Public gen- I erally who have hitherto so liberally patronized him, would say that he intends 10 make Whitby his permanent residence, they will find atall umes 'a superior class of LIGHT AND HEAVY CARRIAGES and examine before going elsewhere, (= Don't forget D. FORD'S Carriage F actory on Brock Street, where er. 02 Ref given if d apm. ) ha a For particulars see Circulars to be at his office. 16 . _E.S. DECKER. Prince Albert, Mazch 28, 1860. 15-1 "E. CASH. Al-tf : Prince Albert, Sept. 25,186 Whitby, November 21, 1860. class of Work, manufactured of the best materials and by the cho Cortintly on hand, which will uit all classes of customers. They will do well to call Joa will finda icest workmen. D. FORD, Propuision, £3,000 TO INVEST ON REAL ESTATE, 6 At Low Interest. £3 Apply to id Yon BILLINGS, Solicitor, Prince Albert. September 18, 1861. 40-1f FARM FOR SALE. JHE subsciiber offers his Farm for sale on the most reasonable terms. This farm is composed of the noth east quarter of Lot No. 3. in the 4th concession of Ruch, containing 5) acres, about 30 acres cleaied aud under a good state of cultivation-- soil good. 'This property is within a short dis- tance of the village" of Utica. For further particulars apply to the owner on the pre- mises, or by letter pre-paid to THOMAS CROSIER, Utica P. O. Reach, March 12, 1862. 13 IMPORTANT NOTICE! . Subscriber hereby begs to call the attention of all indebted to the LATE FIRM OF &. & M. DURRIE. whose notes and accounts are due, to the necessity which now ex'sts of making prompt payment this Fall, as the cireum- stances of the late firm make it necessary that all debts should be called in-as soon as possible. All therefore remaining unpanl after a reasonable time has elapsed will be put in Court for collection without any fur- ther notice. The subscriber is authorized to collect the debts due to, and to pay the debt due by, and to settle ail malters that iu any way effect the business of the late firm, as speedily as possible. GEORGE CURRIE. N. B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain, Pork, &c. A full assortinent of General Merchan- dize on hand at low prices. 3 GEO. CURRIE Pirnce Albert, Sept. 12, 1861. (39-1 THE = 4 FE = = A EF oo0oeo0n 0000 vO0O 3 000! oo 3 H i i2 i i @ 2 Ho an 882122:23 §83272343 #2 ada §3 33 33 32 83 da e548 333 333 LNVAA 000A II i £3unop 5703 UT espe exoym Aue wey) 9OTFQ SIG} 98 IOYOWP PUS tejEON Tadedyy peruLg Woy) 303 WED WOK DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. FYHE Partuership hitherto existing be- tween Hurd & Billings, at Prince Albert, and Billings & Hurd, at Pout Perry, has been dissolved by nutual consent. JOHN BILLINGS. P. A. HURD. June Ist, A. D., 18bl. GCG. W: IRVINI WwW Fuends aud the Public, that he has now in operation, A TOUNDRY In the flourishing village of Uxbridge, where he intends manufacturing such Agricultural the country may require, of the best Material and most approved Pat- terns. As none but the best workmen will be employed, the workmanship may be relied on. Threshing Machinés. Having engaged Mr. M. W. Forster, 'who 15 well and favorably known as a machinisi, to manage the mechanical department, par- ties ordering machines, may rely on getting them made, not ouly in a substantial manner, but with all the late valuable Improvements. Plows, Cultivators of various sizes, Road- Scrapers, Straw-Culters, &§c. Particular attention will be paid to the Manufacture of the most popular patterns of Plows, including the Cavadian Iron Beam. He will also continue to keep coustautly on hand an assortment of . Stoves, Pots and Sugar Kettles, All of whieh he intends offering at pricés which he feels confident will merit support. IF OLp 10x, Brass & CoPrkr TAKEN IX EXCHANGE. He takes this opportunity of tendering his gratelul acknowledgments, for the very libe- ral favors received during the past winter, and hopes, by strict attention and just deal- ing, to merit a large share of public pationage. Uxbridge, April 15, 1861. 18-1y Money ! Money !| Encourage Home Manufacture !| OULD respectfully announce to his! W. H. CARD, Dentist, © Dentist, (oF THE FIRM OF CALENDER & cand) WHITBY, C.W,, AY OULD intimate io his gn pun tomers, ang the 16 gener: ET bi INSERTING TEETH Upon the most modern and approved me- thod of the ait, TEETH Hook with the most approved material, and warranted. Do hot be humbugged by the would-be Dentists, ranming around through the conn~ try. but come to responsible persons, and get your work done by those that have perma- went offices, and not be cheated by those quacks that are running around through the cotintry, here to-day and away to-morrow. Dental Rooms over Mr. Carleton Lyude's Store, Dundas Street, Whitby. Whitdy, June 5, 1861. 25-1y UNION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. Tue undersigned begs to acquaint fhe public that no expense hus been spared in fitting up the Hotel lately ocenpicd by Francis Rusnell; he trusts, therefore to 1e= ceive a liberal share of the patronage of t! @ travelling community, The best brande of wines, liquers and cigars. Roomy and con= venient sheds, good stubling, and an atten= tive Ostler,-- ugh Moore. N.B. Meals at all hours. $ CHARLES McCLUE,. . Proprietor. 34 Manchester, Aug. 3. 1861. GOOD NEWS. Courtice & Rolph HAE just received a Qnty of New "} Goods, comprising Whalebone and Gut Whips [just imported from England.] Horse Nots, Saddles, Bridles, Maitingales, anid Harness of all desbriptions, all of which will be sold at the lowest rennnerating pios fits. Please call and examine for your- selves, » Prince Albert, Ang. 8, 1860. 34-1f Marriage Licenses ! R. T.UND, AUTHORITY,--Issner of *Marnage Lie Commissioner for taking wer, &c., Clerk Third Division Court, County of Ontario, Office:---QUEEN-ST,, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, July 17, 1861. 31-1 CONSULT THE Old English Fhysicians id FOR Dyspepsia, General Debility. Fever & Ague, Old Ulcers, Scrofula, Eyysipelas, Fistula, Piles, Kidneys, Debil- ily, Infirmities of Youth & Old Age, &c., &c. No ---- ("No Mercury Used. Dr. AMOS & SON, 8 Eh he sitet Worraie, RS TONLY PHYSICIANS INTHE 8 1 1y singe und $y mptons of 14 ' cy adopt 1s the result of upwards thirty years! extensive practice in London, YOUNG MEN. th system shi . AMOS & SON, m order to satiety the 10 the merits of this instonent, pl dgs Where iia Prove wie money will be refunded good order. | | ! " | For Seminal 1 {of the Kid unl Skin, 1 hah m 1 stitutions des % ipossipie and, in the end, dee | stioy both body and mind. | COUNTRY INVALIDS, ons ang pa A Io il render y Che wie be successfully rectdetnil of then care, with t wee L&e whieh will be retained | with the utmost dispatch. secure from observation 1 i Address Dr. AMOS & SON, 48 Lust Genesee Street, Three Doors West of Ellicot Street. i 13) | ROYAL MAIL STAGE EAVES Whitby daily, connecting with _4 the Northern Stages for Manilia, Bea- verton, and Lindsay. This is the shoitest and cheapest route rom Toronto to either of {the above places. This stage leaves Crock= er's Hotel, every morrmg (Sundays ex- cepted) on the arrival of the trains from east and west, and arrives in Prince Albert ig time for the stages going north. Returning, leaves Frince Albert on the anival of the Northern Stage and arrives in Whitly in time for the Trains going eastand west. Good accommodation, and & obliging drivers. Vv N. RAY, Pro righr : Es i i NEW TAILORING ESTAGLISHMENT ». iri Lean '| UE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RENTED the prewises lately occupied by Mr.' Unger, two doors east of the Anglo-Ameri- can Hotel, where all kinds of Tailoring will be done in the most Fashionable aun Approved Styles. with neatness und des~ patch, and hopes by striet attention to, busi- ness and punctuality to all orders to merit a liberal share of public patronage. (= Merchants Cloths also; made np.-- All work done on the most ssh terms. - £ NL ; {4 CUTTING ATTENDED TO. uy Sept. 28, 1858. y J. BULLEN Prince Albert, March, 98, 1860. "16-11

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