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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Jun 1862, p. 3

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ny ' fence of their institutions, their homes and their altars against foreign attacks, is a duty incumbent on the inhabitants of Canada. Gentl of the Legislative A bly I thank you in the name of Her Most Gracious Majesty for the provision you have made for the public service of the year. Honble. Gentl and Gentl In terminating for the present the labours consequent on your legislative functions, I would ask yot on returning to your homes, to apply yourselves to the-lischarge of those social duties on the performance of which the welfare of society so mainly depends, and for the execution of which the confi- dence of your fellow citizens gives you such great facilities. The Following Bill Received the Royal Assent, -- -~ For facilitating the conveyance by the Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada of lands in the Province of Canada, by and through their Commissioners and Attorneys, to continue for a limited time the several acts therein mentioned, and for other pur- poses. To explain the act to provide for the sepa- ration of the city of Toronto from the United Counties of York and Pee! for certain Ju- dicial purposes. 3 To authorize the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the city of Montreal to borrow certain' sums of money for drainage and other purposes therein mentioned. To incorporate the Academy de Sainte Scholastique. To divide the township of Hemmingford in the County of Huntingdon, nto two sep- arate municipalities. To incorporate the Montreal Racket Club. To incorporate the 1st and 2nd Congrega- tions of Hinchinbrooke in connection with the United Presbyterian Church of North America. To amend the act to confirm ceitain side roads in the township of Scarboro' and to provide for the defining of other road allow- ances and lines in said township. To erect the parish of £t. Pierre de Dur- ham in the county of Drummond into a sep- arate municipality. To extend the provisions of chapter 32nd of Consolidated' Statutes of Canada.with re- spect to the Bureau of Agriculture. To empower the Town Council of the Town of Lindsay in county of Victoria to lease a portion of the town plot called Queen's Square in the said town. To incorporate the College of St. Ignatius, Guelph. To incorporate the Societe de Union, St. Ruch. To establish and confirm certain roads in the township of Reach. To amend Charter of the Merchants' Bank. ° To authorize Municipality of township of Acton to open roads according to operations of Patrice Renault Blanchard, Land Sar- veyor, with reference to the survey boun- dary lines, reports and plans executed and For the division and settlement of the lots in the first five ranges of said township of Acton in the county of Bagot and district of St. Hyacinthe. Lo incorporate the Association of St. Fran- cois Xavier de Montreal. To enable the Trustees of the Toronto General Hospital to issue debentures in re- demption of those already issued. Incorporating the Synod of the Diocese of Outario. To amend the law relating to the limita- tion of Actions and Suits in Upper Canada. Respecting Public Exhibitions in Lower Canada: To incorporate the Quebec Ship Laborers' Benevolent Society. To incorpmate the Victoria Skating Club of Montreal. To be Continued. Birt hs. In Brock, on the 4th inst., the wite of the Rev. R. Macarthur, of a daughter. At Prince Albert, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. Law, Mr. Robert A. Worswick, of Whitby, to Miss Margaret Buchanan, of Reach. At Borelia, on the 31st ult., at the resi- dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. W. Grant, Mr. Wm. Dillon, of Port Perry, to Miss Melissa, eldest daughter of Mr. H. V. Benson. . At Williamsburg, on the 3rd inst.. by the Rev. A. E. Edwards, Mr. D. Jolly, to Miss Laura, daughter of Mr. J. Heal, all of Prince Albert. Dew Auertisentents. CRICKET. MEETING will be held of scorms _ HOTEL, on Friday evening, June 13, at eight o'clock, for the purpos organiz- iug a Cricket Club. N. F. PATERSON, 3 SECRETARY, pro tem. Prince Albert, June 11, 1862. 26 N. AGNEW, M.D, HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC- covcukur. Office -- Wood's Hotel, Woodville. HENRY GRIST, PRARTMENTL and Papliamentar; Agent, QUEBEC, investigates and ad- justs Crown Land Claims, secures Land Patents, procures formation obtainable from any of the Public Departments, takes ant Patents of Inveutions, registers Trade Marks and Desgné, takes charge of Private Bills during (heir passage through the Leg- islatine, &c., for parties who are unable to devote their own time to such busiuess or unwilling to incur the expense of traveling to Quebec. - * Business with the Crown Land and other Government Departments, which often takes months to do by correspondence, can be transacted in a few days, and at a small cost, by employing a resileut agent. Address, post-paid, to ' Gd "HENRY CRIST, Box 344, P. 0., Quebec. Prince Albert, March 28, 1860. Department of Cr QueeEc, 23rd May, 1862. NOTICE is hereby given that the lands in the Township of Prince and Parke, near Sault Ste. Marie, Upper Canada, will be open for sale on and after the TWENTY- FIFTH of JUNE next." For lists of the lots and conditions of sale, apply to Josera WiLsoN, Esquire, Crown Land Agent, at Ste. Marie. ANDREW RUSSELL, . Assistant Commissioner. June 4, 1862. 26-1d Tog ox " DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS, Queskc, 16th May, 1662. NOTICE is liereby given that the lands in the Township of Hindon, in the County of Victoria, U. C., will be opened for sale on and after the A 17th of June Next. For lists of the lots and conditions of sale, apply to Ricuarp HucHes, Esquire, Crown Laud Agent, at Boyeaygeou. ANDREW RUSSELL, Assist." Commissioner. June 4, 1862. 26-td STRAY COLTS. STRAYED from the premises of the sub- he scriber, on the 30th May, TWO MARE COLTS, Both Mares; one three years old this Spring, a little lame, 'light bay color ; the other, one year old, dark bay color. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be enitably rewarded. Wu. BOYNTON. Prince Albert, June 11, 1862. 26-tf UARMS FOR SAL TO RENT. THE North-west 50 Acres of Lot No. 23, in the 10th concession Reach,--about 35 acres cleared--ged buildings, and in Liotal good 'order. Pi given i y. Also for Sale the North-east 50 Acres of Lot No. 18, in the 1st concession of Brock-- 'one of the most desirable little farms in the County of Ontario. GEO. CURRIE. Prince Albert, April 1st, 1862. 17-f B. PATTERSON, M. D, (LATE OF BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY,) A OULD most respectfully announce to ; the citizens of Prince Albert, Borelia, Port Perry, and Manchester, and surround- ing country, that by speciaktequest of friends living in the above named\places, he will visit each place once a month for the pur- pose of treating all kinds of Chignic Diseases incident to the human system. Cancers and Tumors taken out and cured without the use ofthe knife. Special attention paid to the treatment of Dropsy, Dispepsia, diseases of the Lungs, and Eye and Ear. Diptheria cured in all cases. N. B.-- Having supplied himself with a full set of Surgical Instruments, he 1s now prepared to perform all kinds of surgical operations, at his office in Town, or Country. Days of Visrr.--On the Ist and 15th of every month; at MeClue's Hotel, Man- chester, from 8 to 10, a. m.; at Jewett's Hotel, Borelia, from 10 a, m. to 1p.m.; and at Parkin's Hotel, Port Perry, from 1 to 4p. m. For particulars sec Circulars to be had at his office. 16 CAUTION. 1 HEREBY forbid any person or persons fiom crediting. or harboring. my wile Cartherine E. Chadsey, on my account as she has left my bed and board" without any just cause or provocation. JAMES W. CHADSEY. Reach, June 4, 1862. © 25-3w FARM FORSALRE T HE EAST SEVENTY- _ TureE acres of Lot No. 21, in the 2nd concession of Reach, Fifty acres cleared and a small house and barn on it. Terms Cash--Price $1,100 JOEL DAY, Carden. 13-3m Carden, March 12, 1862. f . 20H i 2325 i Pf -38 £730 %® F Tf i : 2: 5530 FER 2 ; Eide © © < @ TEE 5p LE Ho &@ grr =f" © BZ: 5 £5 bt 0 BS .E gq" mi FORE po wl ng 53 0 © © =e OR cp BP 83%a 2 md 25k 1570 2 fr & se 8 g'r 22S E. S. DECKER LICENSED AUCTIONEER!! LL ORDERS MADE TO ME, IN person, or left at the Observer office, Prince Albert, will receive prompt attention. Bills made out and attended to free of charge. Blank Notes arranged for decimal currency furnished at very chep rates. E. 8. DECKER. «15-t1 Lands, 1862) SPRING! (1862. JUST RECEIVED AT THE CHESTER WAREMOLAE A large assortment of FANCY and STAPL DRY GOODS! BLACK AND GREEN TEAS, SUGARS, TOBCCOS, &c. Also to hand the usual supply of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, Imported from the Royal Agricultural Society of Scotland. HAMILTON & ROBERTS, April 24, 1862. Whitby and Manchester. Fall pad Winter Stock ! A. ROSS, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, WHOLESALE: AND RETAIL! I INVITE YOUR ATTENTION TO MY COMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES' Patent Balmoral, Patent and Enameled Congress, Cloth Gaiters (Flannel Lined), a full Stock of India Rubbers, and Cork Soles. MEN'S French Calf, Heavy Soles, Canadian Calf, Kip Boots, Coarse Boots and every description of Gaiters, Shoes, India Rubbers; also Heavy Cloth Flannel Lined Over Shoes of su- penior quality, very Cheap. BD MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. YOUTHS' AND BOYS', a more excellent Stock cannot be desired for Cheapness, durability and variety. LEATHER! £ Common Sheep Skins. AND SHOE FINDINGS which consists in part of Zine and [ron Shoe Nails, Tacks, Pincers, Ham- "hread, Boot Webb, Lacets, Eylets, &c. : x eipally of my own maufacture, and in style and quality are adapted 10 the country trade. The whole Stock will be sold ns Cheap as the Cheapest. respectfully invited to call and examine my Stock before buying elsewhere. MWighest Price in Cash paid for Hides and Skins. Prince Albert, Nov. 20: 1861. A. ROSS. ONTARIO Carriage Factory!!! mers. Knives, Awls, Lasts, Shoe Ti urchasers are HE undersigned, Assignees of the firm of EMANEY & WHITE, respectiully T announce that they intend to carry on the business of WAGGON, CARRIAGE, AND SLEIGH] ! Manufacturers & General Blacksmiths, On the same extensive scale it has heretofore been by the above firm. Having employed a number of first-class workmen, all work turned out will be of a superior quahty. In order to close up the affairs of Emaney & White as soon as possible, the Aesigness will sell all work at the lowest remunerating prices for Cash or prompt pay. A large number of Waggons and Carriages are now in course of manufacture.-- Intending purchasers would do well to inspect them before purchasing elsewhere. THOS. C. FORMAN, ) Assignees, Estate GEO. CURRIE, ! of : R. H. TOMLINSON, )Emaney & White. Prince Albert, April, 2, 1862. 16-tf W.C. ADAMS, D.D.S. No. 0, King. (RRR, Fst Tob ARTICULAR attention given to clean- ing, filling and regulating teeth. The best of mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit the requirements of each patient. 0% Dentists supplied with material. Toronto, July 24, 1861. 31-1y WHO'S FOR FRAZER'S RIVER ! The Overland Route is the Way EFORE YOU GO get Wool Carded FARM TOR ALE | B and your'Cloth Wave DR vend 4 the 1 | Port Perry Woolen Factory WHICH IS HE subscribers offer for sale 25 acres of | AGAIN IN FULL OPERATION ! Land, being composed of part of the east half of lot No. 15, in the 5th Con. of Reach. There is The undersigned wishes to return his sin- vere thanks to all Tid Shuamers for the hb- eral patronage which he has received the About 20 Acres Cleared !|j, Li and wishes to inform them that he The property is well situated, being within | 1s again prepared, with all his Machinery a short di of the flourishing villages |in first rate order this year, to give as of Prince Albert, Boreha, and Port Perry: satisfaction as can be given = where else, Terms liberal. in Carding, Weaving, Cloth Dressing and For further particulars apply to the own- Dyeing, He also begs to remark that i has arn; if by lotter post-paid Port Perry post -A New Invention! Lately 1 d, on his ing hi with which he can Card 100 Ibs. a day more, f|and do Wetter work .than has ever before been done in the County, thus enabling him to give from a di work home with them the same day the bring it. His Steam Powar-Loom is in ful) operation, and ready for Weavin, Cotton and Wool, Flannel and Blankets. office. T. & G. PAXTON. Port Perry, May 12, 1862. 22-tl (Established 1848.) JOHN NOTT, Jew Advertisements. itd EOF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! AT THE Victoria 'Block, Prince Albert! ARAAAAAAAARAARAAAAARAARARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IAN ALL AND SEE N. IL. DAVIS' New Goods at prices lower than ever, notwith- standing the advance on Cotton, Muslin, Ginghams, - Dé'aines, Prints, Fancy Robes, &c., &e. Great bargains in Shawls and Mantles. Bonuets and Hats at prices which defy competition. Clothing, and Groceries, a full Stock. (Remember the stand opposite A. Ross' Shoe Store. N. H. DAVIS. Prince Albert, May 23, 1862. h\ 24-tf CODINE AND CIUMED £00 PRING AND SUAER GOODS GEO. CTRRIE COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ! New Goods ! THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS INCLUDING ALL THAT IS New, Cheap, and Useful, WHICH HE WILL BE HAPPY TO SIIEW AND SELL! 0- GALL. AND SEE Y¥ 1 Prince Albert, May 7, 1862. 21-tt Beat Spanish Sole, Upper, Kips, French, Calf, Patent Calf, Canadian Calf, Enameled, Bindings, Lining Skins, { \ i) SN § BOC ; | rs, Thread, | | ¥ e above s and Rhos are well adap hole Stock | } EW G00DS & CHEAP GOOES Broadway Emporium ! YHE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has now to hand one of the largest and best assorted Stock of Goods in every department, that he has ever had the pleasure of offermna to a discerning public, and which he has determined 70 SELL AT' LOW PRICES to suit the times, for Cash only, being tired of the Credit business, and be- lieving it to be 1 the advantage of both Buyer aud Seller, to deal for Cash or its equivalent, every possible advantage will be given to those who can pay the Ready Money. Just compare the following with Prices charged anywhere in this County: Dress Goods in Orleans, Cobourus, Reps, 12,000 Ibs Tobacco, from. .. 1s 6d per Ib Plaids, Winceys, &c., from. 74d per yd. | Sugar, (beautiful), 10 1bs for ee 2 0804 Blacks Cloth, double width, Rice, 171bafor caveuneninerennns 5s Odd FER s3d do |Currants, (new fruit), 8 lbsfor ... 5s od Tweeds, all wool, regular price Pails, 2 hoops... .uneenneennnens 0s 11d 5s 74d, from 456d do |Pails, 3 hoops..... Is 14d Satinetts, ...... 3s 14d do {Coal Oil, per gallon. aveva inns, 3s 4d Cotton Yarn, American. . ....««.«« 8s 14d | Cut Nails, only 18s 9d per 100 lbs Cotton Bags, (heavy), per dozen... 21s 3d[Herrings........covn covennn. 15s per bbl Men's Fur Caps, good. ... . 7x 6d| White Fish, [Fall caught]......... 0s do Boys' do do. ..s.. . 4s 14d : Young Hyson Tea, 4s 6d per Ib., guaranteed And other Goods equally Low. equal to any sold in this County at 5s 6d. A splendid lot of Furs, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, = = Cheap ! 0 Parties will remember the above prices are for Cash only. Those having ac- conuts now open will be supplied with Goods on credit to the first of January, after which the Books will positively be closed, unless where parties have paid up in full and defimte arrangements have been made. ¢ member they have already had due notice to pay up, and unless settled at once, they will find them 1n the Sheriff's and Bailiffs' hands for Collection forthwith, as on account of heavy losses sustained this year on wheat and flour, it is impossible to grant longer in- dulgence. With many thanks to those who have heretofore kindly favoured me with their patronage, and trusting still to receive a continuance of the same liberal support. Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1861. T. C. FORMAN, PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY ! THE Subscribers in returning thanks, for the liberal support heretofore given them, would beg leave to say, that they are still prepared to furnish Carriages, Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, & Sleighs, Got up in the Latest Style, by competent workmen, and of the very best material, at the their | LOWEST PRICES, and warranted-Yo give satisfaction to one and all. We would say, also, that having a good Sa PRACTICAL BLACKSMITIL EMPLOYED! CHAIR AND CABINET MAKER || He will farmsh Cotton Warp, as usual;{ We are able to do Horse Shoeing and General Jobbing in a way that cannot fail to merit 3 : DEALER m all kinds of Furniture, | bought in the Skein, and warranted good.-- House and Sign Painter, Glazier, He can weave from one to 500 yards. Paper Hanger, and general Undertaker, &c. | All orders punctually attend N. B. All kinds of produce and and try him. inds of p ga Wir. DILLON. lumber taken in exchange for work. Borelia, Sept. 25, 1861, 41tf Port Perry, May 7, 1862. > d to. Call N. B. 21-6m | Prince Albert, Jan. 7, 1862, - which he will sell cheaper than it ean be | public favor. : : Parties wishing to purchase any of the above articles will do well to give us a a call, before purchasing elsewhere. ¢ A word to the wise is sufficient." We have a few splendid Cutlers al hand, that we will Sell Cheap for Cash or A Crdit. C and them. or dpgromeq Cid. Be on ee Ne STIAW & ULABK. f | Farmers Read This ! Those having accounts, &c., now past due must re=p PORT PERRY OY HEEL OPERATION ¥ HE undersigned feeling grateful for past tavors, would respectfully intimate to the public that they have their New Grist and Flouring Mill in full operation. It has been built specially for Gristing, on the latest improved principal, with a view of insuring each person who favors them with their custom work, flour {rom their own wheat, and to accomplish this, the proprie- tors have succeeded in getting the machin- ery so arranged that the flor empties direct- ly from the Bolt to the Bag. They have also engaged A First Class Miller, who has had long experience in gristing and merchant work ; consequently the sub- scribers feel confident that they are in a position to give the very BEST OF SATISFACTION to all who may favor them with their pa- tronage. : Parties from a distance will get their Grist home with them. FLOURING! Done for Farmers by the Barrel. Give them a fair trial with Good be judged. . T. & G. PAXTON. Port Perry, May 12, 1862. 22-tf ENSUING DIVISION COURTS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO ! Whithy ... May 1, 1862. Pickering ofc ET yn Reach . .. "wo 1, oo Uxbridge . "19 uw Brock... : .June 17, « Athaily.......... ps " 19, « Z. BURNIAM, 6 Judge: Be Just Received at the BORELIA CHEAP CASH STORE ¥ The Cheapest lot of SUMNER GOODY ! Ever Shown in North Ontario. J. W. MORRIS. Borelia, May 12, 1862. 23-tf orgs 'sSuuia yg vy 'SpuoWyY 'sjuelin) 'seago) 'seay, fe SHNIAMA '£19001 "1981 '€1 "AON 'Haqly soul fasn [ROIPa]Y 10] 1aUog pue AY aNVv (j-8¥) "puey uo Anueinod day 'sotpueg 'sourpy pepog <£J -yse) of deay) [[o§ [Im Of S029. SuIsT 'dure pus '10 [80D 'Azepnd °[qEL 'SLIIIdS - 'souTpIeg "s1038q0T 's1038KQ 'UTI AA 'qsgpop "4IVIONIS "HOY V 'S, HIVIONIS 'V SYA THY LYHL SVE.L HURRAH FOR THE GOLD DIGGINGS. Ta Subscriber has heard a great deal of late about the Gold Diggings in British olumbia, but has made up his mind that there is lots of Gold to be obtained in Prince Albert, by the sweat of the brow ; therefore, he has opened up his OLD ESTABLISHMENT for the purpose of manufacturing Wagons, Agricultural Implements, &c. Blacksmithing carried on in all its branches. The undersigned takes this method of re- turning his sincere thanks to his old friends and customers and the public generally for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last nineteen years, He would also take the liberty of informing them that he is back to his old stand in Prince Albert, where he wishes a continuance of the same tronage formerly bestowed upon him.-- all and see the 'work and judge for your- selves. (= He also wants a Blacksmith who h hly und ds the busi will either hire such a man as journey-man, rent him the shop, or give him an interest in the business. JAMES SANDERS. Prince Albert, May 14, 1862, Wheat, and by that they are willing to RN-1y LN

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