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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Sep 1862, p. 3

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4 on Sunday. ~ GREAT BRITAIN. + | Palmerston, in a epeech at Mel- in o, referred to tho "Trem?" affair, TO FIT US OUT RIGHT! Cannington, Sept. 10, 1862. 30 th; he said, was settled in a cof ang America. There was consequent! 1rigmph on either side. wils sida 5 0 | The only tryumph hat of truth and justice, which each was equally. interested in maintain- ing. The Times reiterates its arguments that the North cannot conquer tie South, and sags the time for compromise has arrived, ani the worst settlement of the dispute can= nol be 80 fatal as the contmuanee of the war. The Pines then draws an analogy between the position of England duting the revolu- tupary war, and the present position of the Neth, and say that it ix time the North fol- lowed the example of England. The Army and Navy Gazette describes General McClellan's campaign as the most signal failure seen in this country. The Liverpool Post draws attention to Se- cretary Seward's late circular to encourage emigration, and urged the distressed opera- tives of Lancashire and the Insh poor to fol- low Mr. Seward's advice and emigrate. There were vague rumors that England had protested against any French occupa- tion of Neapolitan territory, and that Eng- land even threatened a corresponding move- ment in Sicily if France resorted to such a step. By FRANCE. ; Re EmDberor svipwrcon pfesiaed at an important Cabinet sistent with the dignity of both Bngland > "onneil on the 28th of Religious Notice. EV. JOHN CAMPBELL, of Brock, Presbyterian Minister, (Church of Scotland,) will preach, (D. V.,) in the TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER, On Sabbath evening next, September 14th, at 6 o'clock, and thereafter once atortnight. VILLAGE LOTS In the flourishing Village of CANNINGTON! YEYE undersigned has reeerved instrue- tions from Hugh Mutioe, ¥sq., to offer i for rale by : Public Auction, on Wednesday, Oct. 15 At 12 o'clock, noon, [Fifty Viilace Lots, beautifully situated, and worth the attention of those who are desirous of locating m this part of the County: 'The lots will be pul up at an upset price Jarying from £15 to hr according to location of lot. £8.55 10 Do paid on the day of sale, the balance in one and two yeurs August on Itahan affairs. A French squadron had been sent to Nap- les, and an Euglish squadron it is said, had also been placed there. ITALY. The latest advices from Turin report that Garibaidi and his volunteers continued thei march from Reggio, pursued by a column of Bersagleri. There had been no ealiision with Gari- baldP's forces and the royal tronps, since the trifling one reported by the Norwegian, AUSTRIA. The military movements continue. Out- breaks were apprehended, bot preca®ion- ary measures have been taken to counteract them. Liverpoor, Saturday evening, Ang. 30.-- Tho steamship Arabia arrived here at three o'¢lock this afternoon. Latest, via. Queenstown, Pants, Aug. 30, Noon.--A telegram, just Jeterved in this ¢ity, states that Guribuldi al been defeated, wounded, and captur- ed. LoNnox, Ava. 3l.--The Monitor cays that the insurrection 'which threatened 'to compromise the destinies of Italy has term- inated. ? saribaldi, after a very sharp contest, was compelled to surrender. An Italian frigate was immediately or- deved to cofivey him 10 Spozzi The blockade of the Italian cost is ordered tobe ruised. Paris, Ang. 31-- Tuc capture of Ganbaldi isifully confirmed. iLiverroor, Saturday Evening.-- Bread- rtgils Market dull, but" more steady. Pro- vjtons active. (Coneols closed at 937 a. 93] for money. aris Bourse excited ; rentes clove at 69 4 LATEST WAR NEWS, is yet nneertain whether Jackeon means sh on to Pennsylvania or will turn to- s Baltimore. Possibly he may do ér, batt, resting in the rich Maryland ry, may await the attack ot McCicllan, lines stretching from the Potomsue t HPennsyivania line. The rebels have upied m force the ek, 22 miles from V pare for McClellan's Ber is at all prepared to 'have a better opportumty. 0 The enemy apy a very Jang live, and the forces divided by the Pdtomae, the passage which might very easily be prevented. 8 new troops arriving at Wi e numbers have been brig Eu! s0 as torender them as efliciont as ible, and are being sent into the 3 A new anny is bel nsburg for the dofenee d reermiting i8 going on ad States, here is httle importance from the west; a report that Rosencranz bas been de- vely repulsed at Tupelo, mm the Mussis- pi, south of Corinth. The Indians have lken out into insurrection in Dacotah ter- ty, and have committed some ravages. Missouri gueiilin, Quantrell, has gam- ome success in Kansas.-- Globe. Deaths. t Uxthidee, on Sunday, the Tth inst., John Smith, native of Ayrshire, Scot- I, aged 75 years-- father of Wm, Smith, ., Warden of the County of Ontario. @enunsvcind, Piaxce AnsesT, Sept. 10 h SE AT $0 90 a $0 95 075 a 080 45 a 500 02 a 0230 650 a 058 040 a 045 10 CO a 12 CO 010 a 012 010. a 012 003 a 010 300 a 450 400 a 450 044 a 050 050 a#i00 195 a 150 500 ap 500 030 a 035 era! Commission Agent A le nas, and wou of the same. thir patronage may deper ness and steicf attention to Parties before getting out th ledve business. ( are registered. anninaton, Sept. 10, 1862. N70 caBET MAKERS. sBimet Maker, to WwW. I PARK. pAlbert, Sept. 10, 1862. scriber a good ty throughout the Nor mam oe A i ns ENSED AUCTIONEER, and Gen- The sub- bor begs to return Nis sincere thanks tp ublic for the liberal support given to his career in the above busi- id rolieat a further continuance Parties favoring him with id upon prompt- eir bills, enll ot his establishment and se his Sale Book, where the days en- 39 ANTED immediniel. by the sub- with iglevest at six per cent. by furnishing approved joint notes. Title indisputable. THOMAS HENRY WALSHE, Auctioneer. n, Sept. 12, 1862. 39-1d Cannir Department of Crown Lands! ' ry Qurore, 22nd August, 1562, Nories is hereby given that the lands in the Townstup of C hish, in the County of Peterborough, U. C., will be open for salo on and after the Twenty-fourth of September next, On the nsunt condition of netual settlomont thercon, at 70 cents an acre, cash, or $1, it paid by instalments; upon application to Riciiarp Hucurs, Esq, Crown Land Agent, at Bobeaygeon, ANDREW RUSSELL, Assist. Commissioner, 38] Ra Zyl NOTICE. County of Ontario, } S hereby given that To Wit: the Court of General Quarter sions of the Peace, and Gums 1 be holden mand for the County Court, v r 1 of Guario at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on TUESDAY, the Sth day of Sept., 1862, at 12 o%clock, noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, and all others concerned, will take uotice and govern themselves according s NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheritl, C. 0. Per C. Nourse. Sheriti's Office, Whitby, May 12 * NOTICE! LL ONS indebted to the under- Ae #ignod by BOOK ACCOUNT. Or otherwise, are reg mediate pa i remaining unpaid alter th ) next, will be placed in Court for colle C. MAL all accounts 20th of October ion, Port Perry, Ang. 31, 1862, GREDIT SALE ho | premises eituate, lying, and being in the. annmber of figt-class we In order to close np the nt will » work at the lowest y number of Hug, s and Car . » Prince Albert, April, 2, 1862. pC . [Ves] Sherifi's Sale of Lands County of Ontario, ( N SATURDAY - To Wit: | J the 20th day of cembery A.D. 1862, at 12 o'clock, noon. Digmbeny Bde YA clots othe, in the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, the right, title, and interest which the undermentioned de- fendants severally possess, in the under- mentioned « lands and tenements thereon, ized by me under and by virtue of certain writs of Fieri Facias, viz IN THE COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. Henry Williams, William * Brooks and Frederick Whitmore, Assignees of the estate of Abraham Bettridge, a Bankrupt Plaintiffs, Vs. Gearge, Suter, > Defendant. Lot 11, 6th concession, Thorah. IN THE COUNTY COURT. ing purchasers would do well to inspec Norman George Ham, : Plaintif, VE. | Defendant. | All that certamn parcel or tract of land and Daniel Silver, This 1 Farmers Read EILEEN il AA NRE IN FULL ADEE ALTON ¥ OPERATION ¥ HE undersigned feeling grateful forp favors, wonld respectfully intimate the public that they have their Now Grist and Flouring Mill in full oper has been built speeially for Gristing, on the their cnstom work, flour from their own wheat, and to accomplish this, the proprie- tors have succeeded in getting the machin- ery co arranged that the tour oa lon iene ly from the Bolt to the Baz. They have also engaged A First Class Miller, who has had long experience mn gristing and merchant work ; consequently the sub- senibers feel confident that they are in a : "position to give the very BEST OF SATISFACTION 0 all who may favor them with their pa- tronage. Grist home withthem. » FLEOURING! Done for Farmers by the Barrel. be judged. V judged T. & G. PAXTON. Port Perry, May 12, 1862. latest improved principal, with a view of ! insuring each person who favors them with South-half Lot 8 " BE § rae | South-half Lot- 7 « " 8, 4% Lot, 2 "« " 8 «® Lot 12 " " 8, 4 Lot « « 019, of f Lot 22° « 19,0 ul South-halt Lot 3 " (LER Lot 4 "« " 10, " Lot 21 "« ®€ 10, .¢ Lot 1 " " h " Lot 3 « "« 7% on Lot 4 " " Ho Parties from a distance will get their Give them a fair trial with Good Wheat, and by that they are willing to 22-tf Township of Reach, in the Ceunty of On- | tario, in the Province of Canada, being com- I posed of the north 40 acres of the west half sid Township of Reach. | | | | ! H IN THE COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCIL ! | | Zacheus Burnham, | Plaintiff, Va. | Carleton Lynde, | West-hat Lot 15 in concession 11, Mara, Lot No.3, on Brock St., Block D., Town of Whitby ; Lot No. 3, on William 8t., Block D., Town of Whitby ; Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in the 1st tier, 3rd double range south of Dun- Town of Whitby, on which is erected a Tannery, Town lot 209 on Palace Street, in the North Ward of the Town of Whitby, and Town lot 270 en Euclid Street, in said North Ward. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0. 3 Por C. Nourse. Sherifi's Office, Whitby, Avg. 27, 1862. 38 CrowN LANDS DEPARTMENT, Quebec, 6th August, 1862. NOTICE is hereby given that vacant lands in the Township of Rama, in the (Established 1848.) ° JOEEN NOT, EALER mn all kinds of Furniture House Paper Hanger, and general Undertaker, &e. 'N, B. Jumber taken in exchange for work. 39 3w tf Borelia, Sept. 25, 1861. CHAIR AND CABINET MAKER |{Upo and Sion Painter, Glazier, All kinds of produce and good County of Latario, Upper Canada, will be * open for sale, On and after the Eighth September next, to John Al 1 mn appli Crown Land Agent at Barrie. »| "The price 70 cents an acre, cash, or 51 with interast, ANDREW RUSSELL, 35-6w] {of lot No. 10,in the 1st concession of the| -- Defendant. ; * das St., 'and east of Brock Street in the! y Esq. an acre, ona fifth to be paid down, and the - | remainder in four equal annual instalments Aspictant Cornmiesioner. ONTARIG arriage 7% Factory! ! rpe undersiatf, Assignees of the firm of EMANEY §& WHITE, respeettully announce that they intend to cany on the business of WAGON, CARRIAGE, & SLEICH ~ 1 » : Manufncturers & General BlacKsmiths, On the same extensive senle it has heretofore been by the above firm. Having em ven, all work turned ont will be of a superior q ts of Emaney & White as soon asp muneraling pric Jor Cash or pr Ve are now in conrse of manufacture.-- them before purchasing elsewhere. THOS. C. FORMAN, GEO. CURRIE R. H. TOMLINSON, anees, Estate of Emaney & White. 16-tf Wits's FOR FRAZER'S RIVER! The Cverland Ropte is the Way fREFORE YOU GO get your Wool Carded is and your Cloth Wove aud Dressed at the ort Perry Woolen Factory AGAIN IN FULL OPERATION! The undersigned wishes to return hia sin- cere thanks to all his customers for the hb- eral patronage which he has received the ast year, and wishes to inform them that he 18 again prepared, with all his Machinery in first rate order this year, to give as good sfaction ax can be given any where else, ding, Weaving, Cloth Dressing and Dyeing. He also begs to remark thatdio has A New Invention! Lately patented, on his carding machine, with which he can Card 100 Ibs. a day more, and do better work than has ever before been done in the County, thu: enabli i to ¢ customers, from a dista work home with them the same da bring it. His 8 ver-Loom ia in full operation, and ready for Weavine Satinett, Cotton and Wool, Flannel and Biankets.-- He will farmsh Cotton Warp, as usual, which he will sell cheaper than it can be bought in the Skein, and warranted good.-- He can weave from one to 500 yards. All orders punctually attended to. ~ Call and try hin. Ay they Wh. DILLON. Port Perry, May 7, 1862. 21-6m HO ang uy 'GOLS a 3 I= 9p ot gr © B LA Ran) £8 n= =H aT bey A JEL CEy ge TL Ed Fev, ESP 0 55:08 S 8 pn TB = C g 58 980 E288 @ @ 22 Kd, = = we =] ea = [oe] ) . [3m © jug EY R= = §icE ppd 32£3 = EFoZb ATR fr Lb sb 5 Tp sn a A gs - 10,000,000 CAPITAL! ity Insurance Association, _ OF LONDON, WIE WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE EQUITABLE FIRE OFFICE. CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA: rchants' Exchange, Montreal DIRECTORS FIRE DEPARTMENT : rothingham, Esq. | W. Lunn, Esq. 1} Holmes, Esq. J.G. Mackenzie, Eq. Larooquf, Esq. J. Torrance, Esq. [\VERY description of Fire Insurance [4 business transacted at the most moder- p Rates of Premium. M. G. ROBSON, Agent. P. S.--Office at the Post Office. ince Albert, May 8, 1861. TO PUBLISHERS. ¥ SaTona situation, as compositor, in ® country Offi i" 8 bee rv M 23-11] T=: Statutory Annual Meeting of the SI ry Hamilton, on Tuesday, the 5th instant. John Ferrie, Esq., Vice-I'resident, in the Chair. The Manager read the Directors Report and Statement of Securities held by the Company, when it was moved by the Chairman, seconded by Mr. Sheriff Thomas, that the Report be adopted. ; On motion of the Rev. S. D. Rice, seconded by Samuel Sharpe, Esq., it was" : Resolved,--That this ing has received with much gratification the Report which has just been laid before it by the Directors, and having heard the' explanations which have been offered in support of its statements, and the general discussion which has'taken place thereon, has jis pl inr ling its entire confid in the stability of the Cofpany, and in the good faith, business ability, and general careful management of the present Directors, and can eordially declare its beliet that the Institution is entitled to a continuance of that public confidence which has haretofore been extended to it. These Motions and Resolutions were carried unanimonsly with the exeeption of the Hon. D. McDonald, of Toronto, who expressed his wish to be considered a dissentient. On the motion of T. Bickle, Exq., seconded by Dr. Hamilton, of Dundas, the meeting adjourned to 23th October, after a vote of thanks to the Chairman for his conduct in the Chair. : "(5 Detailed Reports of the Moeting may be had on application. A: G. RAMSAY, Manager. AGENT FOR PRINCE ALBERT :--JAMES HOLDEN. . 36-6w "Augnst 15, 1862. ° 1862.) TA v EO. CURRIE HAS RECEIVED A VERY LARGE JMPLETE ASSORTMENT J New Goods ! IN ALL THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS INCLUDING ALL THAT 1S AND fp Ww New, Cheap, and Usefal, WHICH HE WILL BE HAPPY TO SHEW AND SELL ! 07" GALL AND SEE oy RO Prince Albert, May 7, 1862. I | Ty ERAN FOR NEW GODBS & Gb Broadway Emporium ! > AT THE { HE Subscriber beas to intimate that he haa now to hand one of the larsest and best assorted Stock of Goods in every department, that he has ever had the pleasurg of offering to a discerning publie, and" which he has determined 70 SELL AT LOW PRICES to euit the times, for Cash only, being tived of the Credit business, and be- lieing it to bo wo the advantage of both Buyer and Seller, terdaal for Cash or its equivalent, ' every possible advantage will be given to those who can' pay the Ready Money. Just. compare the following with Prices chargod anywhere in this County's Dress Goods in Orleans, Cobourgs, Reps, 2,000 Iba Tobacco, from. ......1s 6d perld Plaids, Wineeys, &ec., from. 74d per yd. | Sugar, (beautiful), 10 lbs for 5s Od Blacks Cloth, double width, Rice, 11ibalor ., ..ciiviusaiaiis 5s 0d SER Ca 6s do | Currants, (new fruit), 8 lbsfor.... 5s 0d Tweeds, all wool, regular price Pails, 2 hoops............. ce. Os lH 58 74d, from ....,.. 486d do [Pai ce Is 14d Satmetts, . .. Coal Dil pet us Hon 3s 4d Od por 100 ths ils, only.... oy 153 per bbl Cut Herri White Cotton Yarn, Ameri Cotton Bags, (heavy), Men's Fur Cape, good. . Boys" do do 4s 11 Young Hyson Tea, 4s 6d per Ib., guaranteed equal to any sold in this County at 5s 6d. } And other Goods equally Low. ! ; A splendid lot of Fars, Boots, Shoes, Ready=made Clothing, - - Cheap! = Parties will remember the above prices are for Cash only. Those haying ac- conuts now open will be supplied with Goods on credit to the first of January} aftor which the Books will positively be closed, unless where parties have paid up in full and defimte arrangements have been made. Those having accounts, &e., now past due must re- member they have already had due notice to pay up, and unless settled at once, they will find thom in the Sheriff's and Bailitfs' hands for Collection forthwith, as op account of heavy losses sustained this year on wheat and flour, it is impossible to grant longer in- dulgence. With many thanks to those who have heretofore kindly favoured me with their patronage, and trusting still to receive a continuance of the same li | support. Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1861. T. C¥ FORMAN. WW SPRING AND SEAGER Goops ! AT THE Victoria Block, Prince Albert! AAR AAA AA SARA VAAN LA YALL AND SEE N. H. DAVIS' New Goods at prices lower than ever, notwith- { standing the advance on Cotton, Muslin, Ginghams, Delaines, Prirts, Fancy Robes, &e., &e. Great'bargamns in Shawls and Mantles. Boiinets and Hats at prices which defy competition. Clothing, and Groceries, a full Stock. of Prince Albert, Borelia, and' (Remember the stand opposite A. Ross' Shoe Store. « Privec Athan, May 23, 1862, i ¥ N: N. DAVIS # \ Per i i = 4 = ' i 3 v = : ' : . - : Ny : Arrivalf the * Australian" | Who's Four Tailor ? : ee wal ; Ca Rac, Seprn. | WHY WALSHE, \(F (80h wnt Gono o th i, amined] OF CANNINGTON! Ga Se . . HE'S i 1 : | holders of the C. y was held at its WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELRY, NEXT DOOR TO N. H. DAVIS' VICTORIA BLOCK! T HESUBSCRIBER BEGS TO to the hab of Prince Albert and vicinity, that he has just opened a New Store in the above business with a large and well aseorted Stock consisting of Gold and Silver Watches, English and American Clocks, Gold and Silver Chains, Studs, Breast-Pins, &e., Brooches, Ear Rings, &o., Jet Bracelets and Breoches, Electro-piated Forks, Spoons, Tea Services, &ec., Spectacles to suit all Sights, Pocket-Books, Penknives, &c. (> Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, care- folly repaired and warranted to give satis- faction. Remember the Address-- J. P. JOHNSTON, Under the ¢ Observer" Office. Prince Alben, July ¥, 1802. 30-tf Wm. DECKER, WD . oy h PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER; JEWELER, &c., W oun respectfully mform the in- . habitants of Prixce ArLperT and surrounding country, that he has removed from his old stand in Borelia, to the stand formerly occupied by G. H. Ford, next door to C. Akl Bakery, Prince Albert, where he intends keeping a good assort- ment of | Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry, which he intends to sell as cheap as the cheapest. N. B. Being a practical workman he foels confident that all work entrusted to his care will give satisfaction. Every style of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry, repared in the best manner and warranted. ' Prince Albert, June 18, 1862. RAISING THE DEAD AND Restoring the Sickly to Good, Strong, Vigorous Health Again!! T IIE SUDRSCRIBER would announce to the public that he has removed his CLOCK AND WATCH ii Ra 1 To the Shop occupied by Henry %iraham, opposite W. Scott' Hotel, in Prince Avpert, where he intends (as formerly) to Raiso to Life and Health all the Clocks-and Watches with which he may be favored. = Repairing of Jewelry carefully attended to.-- Wark Witanted. 2 i All § R. BABCOCK. Prince Albert, July 16, 1562. . 31-3m WW. HH. CARD, Dentist, ¢ Dentist, (OF TRE FIRM OF CALLENDER, & CARD) WHITBY, C. W., 'Y OULD intimate to his numerous cur= tomers, and the public generally, that he is still INSERTING TEETH Upon the most modern and approved me- thod of the art. TEETH FILLED with the most approved material, and warranted. Do not be humbugged by the would-be Dentists, running around through the coun- try, but come to responsible persons, and get your work done by those that have perma- nent offices, and not be cheated by those quacks that are running around through the country, hero to-day and away to-morrow. Dental Rooms over Mr. Carleton Lynde's Store, Dundas Street, Whitby. Whitby, June 5, 1861. HURRAH FOR THE GOLD DIGGINGS. rye a5 05- ly subseriber has heard a great deal of | late about the Gold Diggings in British Columbia, but hus made up hts mind that thera is Jots of Gold to be obtained in Prince Albert, by the sweat of the brow ; therefore, he has opened up his Oud EstapLisuMENT for the purpose of manufacturing | Wagons, Agricultural Implements, &e. Blacksmithing eargied on in all its branches. The undersigned takes this method-of re- turning his sincere thanks to his old friends and customers and the public generally for the very hibieral patronage he has received forthe last nineteen years, He,would also take the liberty of informing them that he | is back to his oid stand in Prince Albert, where he wishes a continuance of the same | patronage formerly bestowed upon him.-- Call and see the work and judge for your- aclves, (7 He also wants a.Blacksmith , whe! thoroughly understands the bus 3 either hire sych a man ns journey-man, ren. him the shop, or give him an mterest in thi, business. % } hs JAMES SANDERS Prince Albert, May 14, 1862. 4 i FARM FO MALE HE subscribers offer for sale 25 acres Land, being composed of part of thy east half of lot No. 15, in the 5th Con. o Reach. There is About 20 Acres Cleared ! The property is well situated, being within a short distance of the flourishing villages Terms liberal. For further, particulars apply to the own- ors if by letter post-paid Port Perry post T. & G. PAXTON. Port Perry, May 12, 1962. 22-1f NOTICE. LL porsons indebted to' mo either by A Note, Book Account, or otherwise, are' requested to PAY UP by The 12th Day of September next, office. otherwise the same will be placed in Court for collection. . JOHN NOTT. 86-3w 8, 1862, xD Port Perry. bv

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