¢ ~- » » ~ ty ABER fi ant {] | 1 % / For i Ae bi i % % % £5% 4 oy 4 >) .¥ 2% wh 14, ER i 8 vain Ts Ane 3 OY Se 4 3 23 VA be triad LL is Je , 0 oki AL 2 3 Se Eh (ai ] 5dr bo 5 2% y ag ie nl i ; ai + A 3 : il i 3% i ih 3 3 » ] ol TATDN ut VASE 5 gH L i i hy 41s i A 4 fe RE gor % i ils 4) 2 4 X Wi Be LS Ab ; EAA OD Fh eh 7 ids 43 His Ng 5 fi Gone 5 hy SOR Yi wih ERE bs 4! Vi EE i i i i) A 2 or Sh Bey 4 2 Z " paper." "in the house. _ five-mile race by 22 yards, in 37 minutes © Momestit Fconony, String Beans and Green Corn in Brine, Tt is not generally known that string beans can be kept in salt, the same as cu- cumbers, When of suitable size for cooking «pick and string them, and break in small pieces, as for ordinary cooking, aud pack in firkins or stone jars, using a layer of salt, two inches in depth of beans, more salt, and 80 on until tha vessel is filled, covoring with a good coating of salt. Over this pluce a board cover, kept down by a stone or other weight. The salt soon extracts sufficient water from the beans to cover the whole with brine, in which condition they will keep for a year, if required. To prepare them for evoking, soak in water over night, and if too salt, freshen in more water before boiling. : ( Green corn ears may also be preserved in salt, and when required for use, soak till freshened, and boil, Cucumbers, for pickles, may be put in with the beans, thus saving an extia fickin ; 8 TT = as they are boiled in precisely the same manner, freshening in water, and putting in| vinegar, with or without spices, befurc | BOREL Hi | RY using. | | | Beef Tea. | | - | ------ Beef Tea should not be made hike com- | mon gravy ot broth, but by a process which | will prevent the fat mingling with it. Cut | THe. S. BOUNSALL & SON. half a pound of nice gravy meat to thin et slices, and lay them in a hollow dish, pour "iig over them a pint and a half of boiling watar ; cover the dish, and place it near the fire for half an hour ; remove the tea to a saucepan, and boil it ten minutes "over a quick fire; remove the scum which has risen in boiling; let it stand covercd ten minutes longer ; strain off, and seuson with ealt only. Beef tea thus made 13 a light and useful nourishment stomachs are weak and inatable. to those whose TAisccllancous. Dido't Read the Papers. Of all the "penny wise and pound foolish ™ peuple on the earth, none are more so than those who "can't afford to take a news- As an instance of one of the ways in which thus class of stupid people some- times pay dearly for their misernees, take the following, which wo find in the Cape Elizabeth correspondent of the Portland (Me) State Press. "An old farmer came over here from the Northern parit of this county, to tuke up a mortgage of $2000 held against him by a man on the sca-shore who holds many mortgages. The farmer, it is said, had been ¢ saving up," and, fearing to trust the banks in war time, had gaved itin gold, and paid it over, when the following colloquy ensned : "Why, you don't mean to give this $2000 in gold, do you, said the louder. 4 "Yes certainly," said the farmer. was afraid of these pesky banks, and so I've been saving up the money in yellow boys, for you, this long time." + All night," responded the lender, "only 1 thought you didn't take the papers, that is all.» « Take the Papers? No, sir, not I.-- They have gone on so since the war's been gomg on, that 1 wouldnt have one of them But the money's all nght, «] isn't jt 22? «Of cousee, all right; you owe me $2000 and here is $2000--all night; here's your note and mortgage." And well he might have called it all right, as the premium on gold that day was 22 per cent., and his gold was not only worth the face of his bond, but $410 be- | rides, enough to have paid for the sub-| scription 10 a weekly newspaper for himself | and remote posterity, for two hundred years But ¢ he didn't take the paper." who got the gold thinks it pays to take. the paper. I'he man | ee me 0% Cronwall, England, was at one period | in such a barbarous condition as to have beon engaged with its entire population in tho nelarious business of what 1s termed « wrecking?-- that is lying in wait for ship- wrecked vessel, and robbing them and their passengers and crews, of whatever property they carried. One Sunday, the population were at Church, when a runger camo in breathlessly, exclaiming: «A wreck !| A wreck!" A general stampede was the result. ¢ Hold 1' said the clergy- aan." My dearly beloved brothen, let me Adress to you only five words." In the eantime, he divested himself of his robes, 1d rushing to the door, he excluimed-- Now my brethren, let us all start fair I"? Sm emt = ---- ee #75 One of Dean Trench's sermons on 5 1 + subject, "What we can end cannot 4 ry away when we die," commences i appositely : "¢ Alexander the great, ng upon his beath-bed, commanded that en he was carried forth to his grave his ads should not be wrapped, as usual, in @ cere-clothe, but should be left outside ie bier, so that all men might see them, «nd might eee that they were empty." (5 Joshua Ward of Neda, N. Y, has been considered the "champion oars- man of America." He has been beaten, h , by James Hi ill of Piusbure, in two races of three and five miles, which took place at Philadelphia on August 13 and 14, Hammill won the three-mile race by 60 yards, in 22 minutes 30 seconds ; and the 41 seconds ; and is we suppose, the ¢ cham- pion oarsman of America." 05 An Irish servant, being struck by his "master, cried out, ¢ Devil take me if.l am certain whether he hae killed me or no; bu | K Discontinuing the Newspapers, The Quebec Mercury, alluding to the late order from the Postmaster General to several newspapers to discontinue their sheets to that Department, writes :-- "The direction was a general one, ap-| plying to ail the departments, and rendered necessary by the dishonest practices of some of the newspaper publishers in the interest of the late Adminjstration. Not content with inundating the public offices with one copy of each of their trashy effusions, they, for the sake of the few extra dollars a year in each case to be mado by it, actually re- sorted to the petty larceny expedient of di- recting several numbers, under divers pre- texts, to the same establishment. Thus, one copy would be addressed to the head.of the Department without naming hun; an- other, with the name, a third to the depart- meet itself; a forth to the Deputy, and so on ; 80 as to obtain for the concern, in the | public offices alone, a circulation of as many | as forty or fifty numbers." iv 3) Qn Surcaus fiom $5 upwards. Cheaper than Ever! THE PLACE TO GET FURNITURE CHEAP IS AT Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. Look at the following Prices Cain Seat, $1 25, rold elsewhere for $1 50. 'Trafalgar, loose seat, hair cloth, } French, spring bottom $3 25, sold elsewhere for... .... ....... 00 $1 Sewing Chairs from $1 npwards. Boston Rockers from $2 upwards. SOFAS. 3 Sweep serpentine $15, sold else- where for. . co. dL inn vin dass $20 00 Small Strmght, $13, sold elsewhere for......... EA a 15 00 TABLES, Centre Tables {rom $4 upwards. Fall Leaf Tables from $3 upwards, . STANDS, Wash Staiids from $1 25 upwards, LEDSTEADS, Common Bedsteads from $2 upwards. Walnut do from $b upwards. BUREAUS, ! CUPBOARDS, Cupboards from $4 upwirds, All other articles in the above line will be sold in proportion. Now is the time to buy if you want bargains. = Remember the | CASTINGS! BRASS AND IRON. ALL KINDS OF (SMITHS WORK, &C. 1 Threshing Machines ! | REPAIRED!!! | POINTS, & OTHER PLOW CASTINGS | COSTANTLY ON HAND! Steam up for Job Work Tuesdays and Fridays !! I Best Prices Paid for Old Metal ! Borelia, Aug. 27, 1862. 37 | NOTICE. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT N SHAW & CLARK, Of Prince Albert, have this "day made a general ASSIGNMENT {Of all their effects for the benefit of the creditors to | Geo. C. Gross & Samuel P. Barber, Esgs., Said Assignment now lies at the of- fice of Samuel H. Cochrane, Barrister, &c., Whitby, for execution and inspection.-- All parties having claims against the said Shaw & Clark, or either of them, are re- quested fo send to the said Samuel P, Bar- ber, at Prince Albert, (if by post, pre-paid,) a detailed statement of tho same by the 13th day of August, 1862 And all persons indebted to Shaw & Clark, | or either of them, are requested to make im- | mediate payment to the assignees. Dated 23rd July, 1862. SAMUEL #H. COCHRANE, : Barnster, w 31-8w] ON. VARS, PRACTICAL DENTIST! OSHAWA, C. W. | A PRACTICAL oxperience of 13 years | 4X in his profeseion, and a thoroush ac | quaintance with all its branches, enable him to state with confidence that in all cases [entrusted to his care the best satislaction | will be given. . | {7%-Dental Rooms directly opposite the | Post Oflice, entrance on Simcoe Street, | thivd door north of the Ontario Bank. C..N. VARS. Oshawa, Oct, 9. 1861. 43 PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COM'Y OF CANADA. Incorporated in 1849. CAPITAL, ......... 81,743,528. $5 -- PRESIDENT--Hop. J. HiLLyann CAMERON, VICE-PRESIDENT--J. 8. Howarn, Esq. . -- DIRECTORS. 1 Cameron, + Ti qa A. Morrison, Esq MPD. W. J. Mi Manager and Secretary -- las. Sidney Crocker, Esq! Assistant Seerctay-- Dignough O'Brien Esq, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. MRE AND INLAND MARINE IN- SURANCH transacted at fair rates. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. fr he numerons and fosponsifle Stock- holders of this Company, and the large sub- scribed Capital, afford an amount of security to the | Pp i by any Company ting busi in this 'P: A. ROSS, Agent, : PRINCE ALBERT. Toronto, Nov. 13, 1861. 48-f GOOD NEWS. Courtice & Rolph AVE just received a quantity of New Goods, comprising. Whalebone and Gut Whips [just imported from Englind.] Horse Nets, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, and Harness of all desbriptious, all of which if Tam dead it wil] afford me great satisfac- tion to hear the old rogue wae hanged for! killmg me." : J will be sold at the lowest renunerating pro- | fits. + Pleade call and examine for your- | calves, { Prince Albert, Avg. 8, 1560. 3 place opposite Scot's Hotel. (Te Lumber of all kinds taken in co- change. February, 12, 1862. 9 E. CASH'S Pump & Fanning Mill FACTORY! SIMEOE STREET, FRINGE ALBERT. FEE Subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of Prince Albert, surround- ing villages and country, that he is still carrying on business in the above line Opposite Jno. Heard's Blacksmith Shop Where he will be happy to supply the wants ol his customers with a supenor ar- ticle on reasonable terns, and feels coufi- dent that by leaving yeur orders with him, you will find the workmanship and material such as cagnot fail to give universal satis. faction. » Orders and Repairs Promptly Attended to. ALL WORK WARRANTED. (5 References given if required. L. CASH. Prince Albert, Sept. 25, 186 FARM FOR SALE N excellent fam for dale, being lot No. 7, in the 4th concession of Reach, containing by measurement 100 A 0 of which will be sold for $35 per 4 -- The land is good and thoroughly improved, aud uvarty ee Aum EUMps. © SACI are twa young orchards on the premises, and suit- able buildings for three small farms, It will be sold in the bulk or divided to suit the purchaser. The property is well situated being within a short distance of the villag: of Uueca, and only four miles from the flourishing village of Prince Albert. This is a rare chance for any person wanting buy a good farm at a low price, and on the most liberal terms. For further particulars (it by letter post- paid) apply to : JAMES HOLDEN, Observer Office, Prince Albert. Reach, June 25, 1862. 28-11 \ ih J SHNTA [= "19ST 'ET "AON "UOq[Y @oulif 1100 day 'esn [oIpaly 105 1810 pue ay a « e nfo: | pe hem sh obE Fl gE Eg gv 2 | SS. 2 PY 8 | =] 23. mofE | IW SEQ ERB § | SrlepE cB ] 7g 2 5] E_MHa = pes) EEMp BE PIES wm - = o of Bs ga SB a Fa 3g 5 EE Ca oO gE iE H = Ea oo £4 a 5 gf fo o 2 B & "HIVIONIS "HONY g < = = 0 z j=<d 5 8 = & & - ee g | | | | | Farm for Sale. frog SALE 50 Acres of Land, being the north-east quar- ter of Lot No. 4, in the 2nd con- cession of Reach. The land is d2=x good--about 40 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is also on the premises a good frame barn, a comfortable log dwelling house, ard a fine young or- chard. The property 1s well situated, being only fourteen niles from the Town of Whitby, and three miles from the village of Ashburn. (TERMS EASY!!&f ~For further particulars apply to the owuer. : S. P, BARBER. Prince Albert, Aug. 6, 1862. 340 THE OLD STAND FOR EVER! UNION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. HE undersigned begs to acquaint the public that no expense hus been spared in fitting up the Hotel, lately occupied by Francis Rusnell ; hegTrusts, therefore to re- ceive a liberal share'of the patronage of the travelling community. The best brands ot wines; liquors.and cigars. Roomy and con- venient sheds, good stabling, and an atten- tive Ostler,-- Hugh Moore. N.B. Meals at Ww. BH PARKS] 1-1 | MELCDECNS irr FOI Allin's Book SALE AT Music axv 'S¥009 QNV Store. A' Good Melodeon can be had for $38! (== Who would be without onc? PIANOS GOING VERY CHEAP! rivals every week. L Osawa, Feb. 5, 1862. i Manufacturer I INVITE YOUR Patent Balmoral, Patent and Enameled Congress, Cloth Gaiters (Flannel Lined), a full | gravings, usd will be sent to any a Cali and see our beautiful Stock. Freeh ar- D. ALLIN, A Work of Absorbing Interest. Thrilling Adventures AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS ! BY WARREN WILDWOOD, ESQ, Rwy from the most eventful period of American History, and from the most authentic sources, these stories yet partake of all the wild, weird, and fearful character of romance. The volume con- tains the following, amongothers, McCullough's Fearful Leap, The Bloody Block House, Poes' Desperate Encounter with Big Foot, Adverftures of Daniel Boone, Perilous Adventures in a Canoe, The Mystery at Lancaster, Davy Crocket's Adventures, The Desperadoes' Mistake, An Old Trapper in a Tight Place, The Wondertul Escape, The Desperado and the Regul s The Ranger's Thrilling Indian Adventure, The Fighting Parson, Horsors of a Bombardment,--Norfolk in 76, Fearful Adventure among the Guerillas, The Gamblers' Den at Natchez, Perilous Adventures of Captain Brady, . 8-tf A. IR ANS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WIN wa JU all and Winter Stock ROSS, and Dealer in ; TS, SHOES, RUBBERS, LADIES' Stock of India Rubles, aud Cork Soles. French Calf, Heavy Soles, Canadian Calf, Kip Boots, Coarse Boots and every deseription bw Shoes, India Rubbers; also Heavy Cloth Flannel Lined Over Shoes of su-| = sy of Gait MEN'S penor quality, very Cheap. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. » i YOUTHS? AND BOYS', a more excellent Stock cannot be desired for Cheapness, | durability and variety. Prince Albert, Nov. Eiighest Price in Cash paid for CFLEATHER! OD Best Spanish Sole, Upper, Kips, French, Calf, Patent Calf, Canadian Cult, Enameled, Bindings, Lining Skins, 0: 1861. manufacture, "heup as the Cheapest. ATTENTION TO MY COMPLETE STOCK OF | | nd in style re. RBildes and Skims. 5 A. ROSS. The Subscriber has on hand a well assorted Stock of Cooking, & Sell Cheap or Cash, or Approved Credit! Tin, JaPanned-ware, Zinc, Stove-PiPes, etc, Particular attention paid to Eve-Troughing, and Job Work of every description. Intending purchasers will save monev by inspecting my stock previous to purchas. +" Shop adjoining he Post Ofiice. T. BROWN. ing elsewhere. Prince Albert, Oct. 30, 1861, which he is prepared to Also a large Steck of lav) (46-6m) arlor,& Box stoves Purch Fearful Encounter with a Bear, General Putnam's Daring Exploits, 'I'he Massacre at Fort Mimms, The White Horseman, - Black Dick and the Lynchers, Adventures of Simon Kenton, A She-Devil among the Tories, i Te Seep hs of Lopisiana, { Thrilling Escape from a Prison Shi The Riffeman eo liso 8 Surprised by Guerillas, 'The Candian Rebellion and Gen. Scott, A Desperados Thrilling Adventures, How a Brave Man saved Detoit, A Desperado among the Mail Bags, The Indiane and the Hatlow Log, The Traveller and the Arkansas Bully, | A Race for Life, "a | Thrilling Adventures of Two Scouts, | 4 7 The Murderer's Ordeal, The Walves and the Darkey Fiddler, The Murderer's Creek, &e., &e. Everybody everywhere should get THRILLING ADVENTURES!! This book contains 381 pages, llustrated {ahs A . i with Two Hundred new and original En- dress, | postage paid, on receipt of price. Ixtra [ cloth, $ 25, | . Everybody's Luwyer and Counsellor in ss, By Frank Crosby, Exq. Price, 5. he Horse and his Diseases, By Dr. Robt. | Jennings, V. 5. Price, $1.25. The Family Doctor, By Prot, 11. 8. Tay- Hore M.D. Price, $1 00, . Sunlight and. Shadow, or, «The Poetry of Home," By Hany Penciller, Price, $1. Life and Adventures of Kit Carson, 'The | Great Western Hunter and Guide. Price, {81.95 Modern Cookery, in all its Branchés, By Mis, Hale. Price $1. Together with other valuable and useful works, a C 3 | logue of which will beysent free on apy tion. Books forwarded to any add y postage paid, on receipt of price. We also ¢ make PHOTOGRAPH ALUUMS in every Th ye. Bookeellers, News Agents, Book Agents, Canvassers, Peddlers, and others will do well to order a package of our Books. . They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. 1,000 Local and Travelling Agents! wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for terms in quanti- ties, with other information apply to or ad- dress, JOEN EDWIN POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. i Gl BE -- Just Received at the > BORELIA CHEAP | 1 Approved Styles, with neatnessa THE BALL ROLLING ! ORAATITR ¥ STORE ¥ The Cheapest lot of STILL THEY COME. : Samuel PP. Barber y Cooking, Parlor,§ Box Stoves, Which he is Selling on the most Liberal Terms fer R APPROVED CREDIT I CASH Tin, Sheet-Fron, Copper, Sheet-Zine,. §c. (= Sheep Skins, Raas, old In fact every thing connected with his Ine of business. ustomers take Copper, and most kinds of Country Prodyee particular notice : you can buy Stoves hi ready cash as cheap at ey as mn any OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GEN- erally that he is now receiving his Fall supply ot ALSO STOVE-PIPES, ken in exchange. other Establishment in the County of Onthio, Prince Albert, Nov. 20, 1861 i Cas : J. W. MORRIS. Borelia, May 12 1862. 23-1 B, PATTERSON, M. D, (LATE OF BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY,) hY 7 OULD most respectfully announce to the citizens of Pringe Albert, Borelia, Port Perry, and Manchester, and surround- mg country, that by special request of friends hving in the above named places, he will 49-tf DONOVAN, WALKEY & CO., (LATE IRA B. CARPEN'ER,) MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs; BROCK STRLET, WHITBY. All of the above work exectid with neatness and despatch, Remember the address. 'All work warranted. : DONOVAN, WALKEY & CO | Whitby, Sept. 6, 1859. CUTTIRS, &c. Call and see specimens. 3 pose of treating all kinds of Chronic Diseases tncident to the human system. Cancers and Tumors taken out and cured without the use of the knife. Special attention paid to the treatment of Dropsy, Dispepsia, diseases of the Lungs, and Eye and Ear. Diptheria | cured in all cases. h full set of Surgical Instruments, he 1s now prepared to perform all kinds of surgical operations, at his office in Town, or Country. every month; at McClue's Hotel, Man- chester, from 8 to 10, a. m.; at Jewelt's Hotel, Borelia, from JO a. wm. to 1 p.m. ; and at Parkin's Hotel, Port Perry, hom 1 to 4p. m. 07 For particulars sce Circulars to be had at his office. 16 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSH HE Partnership hitherto existing hb tween Hurd & Billings, at Prin Albert, and Billings & Hurd, at Port Pers has been dissolved by mutuat consent. all hours. : CHARLES McCLUE, = Proprictor. Manchester, Ang. 3. 1861, 3M June Ist, A.D, 1861. JOHN BILLINGS. P. A. HURD 25% Toronto, July 24, 1861 |W. C. ADAMS, D.D. 5s. To. Kg ERR, Eat Ton PAETCuLAR attention given to clean- ing, filling and regulating teeth. "The best of mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit the requirements of cach patient. {= Dentists supplied with majerial Marriage Licenses ! "R.. LUND. AUTHORITY, -- Issuer of Marnage Ontario. econsed by th visit each-place once a-month for the pu- i of the Kidueys, Disc N. B.--Having supplied himself with a " Davs or Visim--On the 1st and 15th of |! 3) Department of Crown Queskc, 25th July, 18 NOTICE is hereby given that the in the TOWNSHIP OF MONTEAGI in the County of Hastifgs, U. C. Will be Open for Sa on and after the 1 27th OF AUGUST NEX On the usual condition of actual settle thereon, at. 70 cts, cash, or $1 if paid by Instalm Upon application to M. P. Hayes, Crown Land Agent, at Madoc. y ANDREW RUSSELL, Assist, Commimioittg LAND TWENTY CENTS AN A 34-6w] x Queskc, 4th July, 1862°% ot Notes is hereby given that the Lands Bi wi the Townships of Rose, Lefroy, Pattbng Thompson, Fsten, Spragg and Salter, siln= ated on the North Shore of Lake Huron (cask of the Bruce Mines) wiil be open for si upon the usual condition of actual set ment thereon, on and after the Twentieth Day of August ni Upon application to Joseph Wilson, Fi Crown Land Agent at Sault Ste Marie, U Price Twenty Cents an Acre--one-fj to be paid down, and the remainder in fi equal annual instalments, with meres ANDREW RUSSELL, Assistant Commis Quebee, July 12, 1862. ys PR DIVISION No. 1. Whitby.... ... Sept. 1, 184 ¢ 2, Pickering aid Ca «3. Reach . . Avg. M, 4 «4, Uxbridg Jo 4B, oh «.. 5. Brock. ... ... Sept. 1b, « « bt. Beaverton .. Len vie Z. BURNHAM, 31 Judge, C. 0. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT! I HESUBSCRIBER HAVING RENTED: * the premises lately occupied by Nre Unger, two doors east of the Anglo-Ameyi- an Hotel, where all kinds of Tailor be done in the most Fashionable apd oF will ) im, pafeh, and hopes by strict altention to bn} ness and pnnetuality to all orders 10 dts | iberal share of public patronage. {= Merchants Cloths also made np. All work done on the most reasonall: terms. (= CUTTING ATTENDED TO. .£y) J. BULLEN Prince Albert, March, 28, 1860. 15- 8 CONSULT THE Old English Physician FOR Dyspepsia, General Debility, Fever & Agu Old Ulcers, Serofula, Erysipelas, Fistula, Piles, Kidneys, Debil- ity, Infirmities of Youth & Oid Age, &c., &e. XZ" No Mercury Used Dr. AMOS & SON 18 East Genesee Steet, three doors w Ellicott Street, Burraro, N. Y., // Hi2 ONLY PHYSICIANS INTHE S87, il cuibiers of the: Royal Colleg i ° YOUNG MEN. s am evil habit sometimes indulged in by iy Ror om 10 of protracted, lasidiol hose huse is one , for ndthing " van mind, ion and a namo evils more A 0s i dreaded than death st, YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTIQ Di. AMOS & SON take pleasure in announcing Hr they avented i most important instiument for has heen subjected tf wins in London, 1 has been declan ied for the ews v case of the genital or: habits of yowh. Price $10 | Mul or Express, Fi AMOS & SON, in ouder 10 satisfy. ) the merits of this instrument, | AND QUICK CURES, Pains in the Loi of the Head, und Skin, and all those dreadiul af in el habit of RW REM For Seminal We; ¢ Saris, 13 which produce constitntional §- hpaseiple and, in the end nd. COUNTRY INVALIDS. Personen any part of the eated by forwarding a cor tae for medicines, e., which wif utmosidispateh, secure from observa Address Dr. AMOS & SON, 48 Eust Genesee Street, , Three Doors West of Ellicon Snel. Money ! Money! £3,000 TO INVEST ON REAL ESTAR | may he successfily nil of Tense, yh 1 ¢ Y B Licenses, Commissioner for 1 a wits, Conveyaneer, &e., Clerk Thi | Duwvision Court, Coumty of Ontarip. | "Oifico:--QUEEN-ST, PORT PERRY. | 31-1y Dort leiiy, uly 17, 1861, 31-1 iv" Al Low Interest. 4; Apply 10 a JOIN BILLINGS, Solicito; Prince September 18, 1861.