| @he A POLITICAL, LITERARY, gon COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL, AND GENERAL Di NEWSPAPER ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVAN CE,) rata Spt puss fos ie VOL V, No. 48.1 '10YAL Lid OUR QUEEN AND COUNTRY. PRINCE ALI JLRT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. Two I DOLLARS AT THE END OF THE YE AR Ww. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1862. [WHOLE No. 255 ' The Ontario 'Observer, © 18 PUBLISHED A: EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, - JAMES S HOLDEN, Prince Albert, ony of Ontario, C. W. -- | CA -- TERMS PER ANNUM. Jr pain iy advance $1 00; ai the end of one month 8 ie end of the yeut, $2 00. riod than six mouths 0) a lus: [i Nusumoipi tuke £3 No paper dis "Pais rule will be strictly ed Lo. ered) and ud- (INCE ALBERT," mailed in a i dressed 10 MES HOL iH will be at the of the Pan tasters and Commuuieaiinns, addressed to the Pub lisher 07 Lditor, must he post-paid. Remitta "a When peoplesee se. they know that he | is a business meu, and his a s proclaims that ke is wok ondy wailing, but anrious to do business, £080) 000 t00m0r-- @crms of Advertising : Six lines and under, first insertion . Each subsequent ins 0 124 From six toten lines, first insertion. . 0 87 Lach subsequent insertion ..... 0 20 For every live above ten L008 Every subsequent insertion. . +002 | TF \dvertissinents wien dispuyea are charged ue- earding to ihe spuce they All advertisciients sent w ited wat util cotter ed, and chu ge rtisenient taken Gut watil pai for. Order: tina at the ofiice in wilting. A liber discount allowed to Merehwntg andl others ho udveriise by the yeut or hali-year. = eet 02 BV) G0 Frere es Book and Job Department. pascrption of Bouk xb Jou PRINTING Usivie, wid at the ckeapesirates Ivertivemenis must be lef | AND FORMS, &c. | PIKTING IN COLOURK, Gi LD, SILVER AND BRONZK | J The utmost despuich will uniformly be observed the exceution of wil viders, Prince Albert, Apal 16, 1861, "Business Mivesto ve. CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Solicitors County Council Outagio.-- (Z Oflices :-- Count House. | iH MACON KLL. JOHN BILLINGS, Bisnares R, Attorney at' Law, in ( cory, Notary Public, Convey- two NM. ¢. Canin ances, &e., P A Albert. Office doors west u of T. LC. Forman's Store P. A. HURD, : {3 ARRISTE SR, Attorney at Law, Solicit Ag in Chancery, Notary Public, Convey ancer, &c, Price Albeit. « Victoria Block," two doors south of 'N. H. Davis' Dry Goods Store, and over F.C, Forman's Furniture Warerooms, adjoining he Obse eroer office. Ww. H. TREMAYNE, inl areears are paid up. | x50 50 | i | Shop--Que U written instructions | Attorneys-at- ~Law, |" Solicitor | Otfise in the | % Dm. MARTIN & TWEEDIE, ANCHESTER,--Office, at the resi- dence of Dr. Tweedie, in the pre- B iy known as the Powson Property, wliere Tweedie may be consulted at all hours, hi Martin every alternate Wednesday. Entrance to the office, 2ud door south side THE STORY OF LIFE, BY JOHN G. SAXE. | the building. \ . 1. | C. E. Marin, M.D., | G. Tweepte, M.D, | Say, what is life? *Tisto be born ; Lands Maric ester, A helpless Babe, to greet the light With a sharp wail, as if the morn Foretold a cloudy noon and right ; Ta weep, to sleep, and weep again, JOHN CHRISTIE, L, HIP Clerk far Reach, Convey. Yow ancer, Commissioner of the Comt of | Queen's Bench, &c. Office--Near + Tot- | With sunny smiles between; and then ? {ness Mills," between AManchester and | Unica. Business carefully attended to, IL a To HAVELOCK HOTEE, | QTOUFFVILLE, R. Kx, Proprietor, Good accommo ations tor travelers. Aud then apace the infant grows To be a laughing, puling boy, Happy, despite his littls woes, Were he but conscious of hus joy 5 To be in short, from two to ten, A merry, moody Child ; and then ? IIT. And then, in coat and trousers clad, To learn to say the Decalogue, And break it; an unthinking Lad, With mirth and mischief all agog ; A traant oft by field and fen To capture butterflies ; aud then ? 1v. And then, increased in strength and size, To be, anon, a Youlk full-grown ; A hero in his mother's eyes, A young Apollo in his own j To imitate the ways of wen | RJ. TYLER, S leave to wlorm the public that he is ready 10 wait upon all, beth great and small, 11 Shaving Haire Dressing, &e. u Street, Bore 3-6m © WILLIAM BEALL, SSUER of Marriage Licenses, Commis | aor of the Court of Queen's Beuch, Township Cletk, &c. Otlice, CoLomnus. ALBERT SPRING, ie ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE | 24 Townstup of Reach, Brock, Uxbridge land scott. Orders taken at this office and days of id appointe: pointed. . E. E S.D DECKER, 1 ICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of 4 all kinds attended on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Residence-- opposite the residence of Mr. G. Currie.-- Vv. Applic tions made at the Ontario Observer| And then, at last, to be a Man ; elon Will bs Qronly slic lo. To fall in love ; to woo and wed ; plist Sul sh RR With seething brain to scheme and plans R., WALSH. To gather gold, or wil for bead ; To sue for fame with tongue or pen, i ORSE FARIER, is in this neighbor- hood, and will be in readiness to at- And gaia or lose the prize ; aod then? yi. tend to all who may favor him with a call, He is well acquainted with the mode of pricking, and rimming; and can treat! Aud then in gray and wnnkled Eid, | successfully any disease That horses are sub- To mourn the speed of life's decline § I ect to. Cuances Moperate. Residence | ; ? Prince. ALRERT. To praise the scenes his youth beheld, And dwell in memory of Lang-Syue ; To dieam awhile with darkened ken, Then drop into the grave ; and then? In fashionable sins ; and then? Prinee Albert, June 6, 1860. Qi, FRED. Ss. TAYLOR, ARLIAMENTARY, Laud and General Agent, Patents for Crown Lands ob- "| tained, Claims befoie the department of Crown Lands prosecited, Patents of In- { vent:on and general business with the pub- | tic offices attended 10. Titles examined und legal advice given free of charge. i S. Boulton, Cobomg; 1.1 Out again on 2 said Mrs. Hayes, " pe Be ity ! fretfully, as her husband rose from the tea- kesbiry table and donned his gicat cuat. with A. Kiizaowski, | # Yes, have an engagement with Moare ; shall be in early; leave a light in the libra- 1.2 And with a careless fBiteraiure. HOW TO KEEP HIM. flow. D. Chir I | Hon GJ. Goodhue, on Rion. | St Chiles. Orrice-- Corner of Buade and Fart streets, i Good ni Quebe [37-3m | ¥- BE mm -- | nod, William Hayes left the room. : HENRY GRIST, : « Always the way," murmured Lizzie | EPARTMENTAL aud Paliamentary Hayes, sinking back upon a sofa. «Out Agent, Quenke, investigates and ad- { : ' 2 {justs Crown Land Claims, secures Land procures "information obit y night. T don't believe he cares one bit about me now, aud yet we have been ev | tice when i ask you." did not detaot fom, her beauty, At ft] William thought there must bo a guest, but glancing, he found they were alone. «Come, William, your coffee will be stone cold," said Lizzie, in a cheery, plea- saul voice. Not one fretful speech, notone complaint, fell upon William's ear during the meal.-- a Good Stury of 2 2 Musical Horse, When 1 was a boy, says Dr. Jackson, my father owned a sorrel mare, which was called « Tib." The was ordinarily slog- gish, but possessed speed and great power. Sho was never frightened at anything, and, aside from her laziness, was a good beast, The newspaper, his usual solace at that|except gn particular occasions, when she hour, lay untouched, as Lizzie chatted gaily | would, Without guy apparent cause, refuse jon every pleasant subject she thought of, [10 go. For a long time she was subject to | warming by Lis graufied inicrest aud cor- dial manner. © ' "Yon will be at home to dinner?" she said as he went out, . as a bad course, and she was released from "Cant, to-day, Lizzie ; I have business! this harrassment. A close observation of out of town ; but Pll be at home early to | her tantrums led me to the conculsion that ten. Have something substantial, for I dont | expect to dine. Good-bye." And the | smiling look, warm kiss, and lively whistle, were a marked contrast to his loungiug, careless gait the previous evening. the usual treatment of balky animals--se- vere whipping, pounding, torturing, &e. she was subject lo paroxyms of the nervous system, growing out of electrical changes of the atmosphere. She was always true to diaw o1 travel in bright, clear, blue sky, spring or summer weather; and for the "am in the right path," said Lizzie, in | dozen years that we owned her, we were a low whisper. 0, what a fool 1 have | never troubled with her iu a cold, frosty, been for two years! A fretful dowdy !-- | sull winter's day. But on a summer's day, William, you shall never say that again." i when the electric fluid passed rapidly from Tea-time came, and William came with | the earth's surface, and dyspeptics would it a little figure, in a tasty silk dress, look like committing suicide, and rheumat- smooth cuils, and O! such a lovely blush ies would predict a change of the atmos- and smile, stood ready to welcome William | phere, when thunder-caps, white and gor- as he came in; and tea-time passed as the | geous as an East Lodian palace, lilted their morning meal had done. heads 10 the north-west, betokening the elap After tea there was no movement, as, | and flash ot coming storm, then look out for usual, toward the hat rack. William stood | old + Tib," She would suddenly stop in up between the table, lingering, chatting, | { the furrow, i in the harvesi-field or highway, till Lizzie also rose. aud pitchfork-tines, or apple-tree clubs, or + What are you making, Lizzie " i | bundles of fired straw under her belly, could "A pair of shippers, Do you not remerm- | Like a sentinel at his post, ber how much you admired the pair | made {she was deaf to all urgencies and, appeals for you ever so long ago 7"? [eave one. That would start her after a «1 remember; black velvet with flowers | while. The same resuit would be wit- on them. I used to put my feeton the fen- | nessed in a winter's day, when tie air was der and dream of blue eyes and light curls, | from the-wouth, and thawy. So she always and wished tims would move faster {o the | worked with these reservations ; for she was day when I couid bring home my bainle novalways reliable. After we had owned wee wife to make music in my house." | her about eight years, my father hired a Lizzie's face saddened for a moment, as | man by the name of John Hart. He was a she thought of the last two years, and how | pious man, and hked above all things to little music she had made for his loving [sing Ouve bright Angust morning we were heart, gradually weaning it from its aliegi- | drawing in wheat, and old Tib?? had been ance, and then said, +1 wonder if you love | drafted into harness, She had worked well music as you did then 1? ! until about four o'clock in the afternoon, "0 course § do. have often dropped | when suddenly. hs.we ware loading, there in w Miss Smile p nothing else than to | came a clap of thunder fiom an almost car the music." wolear sky? on vur ears, and we saw iu the «| can play and sing beter than Miss | west a cloud ¢ a lntle bigger than a man's Smiths," said Lizzie, half 2 hand," portending tain, "We were not far « But you always say fo are ont of prac- from the barn, and hoping to get loaded and | into the baru before the rain reached us, the "1 had the pio tuned this morning. -- | sheaves were thrown on by two men, and Now open it and we will hear its sounds." loaded by Hart with great dexterity, Our William obeyed ber joyfully, and tossing | hopes were: quite rangmuoe that Tib? aside her sewing, Lizzie wok the puno |W ould be reasonable this tune : first because stool. She had a very sweet vue, not she had had thander-shower powerful, but mest musical, and she was a | | enough to know that it was not pleasing to very fair performer on the piano. her, nor at all ebiiging to those employing Ballads, Lizzie 1" i let 5 second, because she was + homeward uot start her. experience, But my father and the hited man gave up| | Rov. 'Wm, 'Stephenson on the Distressed Operatives, AN APPEAL TO CANADIANS. The public of Woodstock, in the prompti- tude of ther response to the appeal for aid in behalf of the suflering operatives of Eng- latud, awd the character of that response, are entitled to the consideration of intelligent humainty., Aud it is not only what we have done asa commumty that aflords emo- tions of pride. As individuals, us religious denominations, we press the good work upon others ; and the example we afford is net without its effect. Que instance in point mity be given ; and the language of that oc- casion cannot be wo often repeated. We allude to the occasion of the recent lecture of ihe Rov, Win. Stephenson in London. The address was, in the main, similar to one de- livered in the Wesleyan Church here ; but, having the Hon. Mr. Carling in the chair, and before 'him a large and respectable au- dience, the reverend speaker conceived it his duty to seize the opportunity of such meeting and speak a fow words in behalf oly the distressed in England. We give the sbstaice of Mr. Stephenson's impassiondd appeal, regretit g that we full to present it in the same buraing words iu which it was dehvered. * When, in years not far distant, the voice of trampled Greflee arose in its appeal to classic Europe, imagination took wing to the land where Hower swept the lyre, and Demosthenes thundered--to the seats of Philosophy, and the groves of the sages--to Athens and its Acropolis, Thermopylw and its matchless brave, and the thunder of Nar- varin voiced the reply. We can wield no such potent spell, command no such magic power, realise no sch imposing results, im our appeal on behalf of the hungering ope- ratives of Britain. But were the most weird and powerful associations of poeiry, and eloquence and logic, all at our beck and bidding, they are all absplutely needless here. Across the wide Atlantic there has rung a ery, so deep, piercing, delorous, un- mense, that it must either break up the fountains of the great deep of Canadian sympathy, or leave us unwoithy the name of a generous and philanthropic pecple. In the manufacturing districts of Great Britain we ure presented with the painful spectacle of thousands and tens of thousauds i fierc- | est want without previous xine Amico] severest suliering, without the provocation, | and distress made absolute, without the sin of meiiting il. The grand magnammity of | those prostrate thousands appeals mightily | to British sympathy, wind takes ag Butish | heart by storm. When they hadiled un- | ul they could toil no longer, and had en- | dared nntl endurance was outdone ; when many of them had famished for days, that their bates might live, and when every | no light entering the clamp, 1 | sential 10 keep the bees healthy. Wintering Bees. This is the most difficult of all bee-man= agement; and no tules can be laid down that will prove entirely successful in all cases. I have tried the most of the sys- tems in practice, and will now briefly give my opinions, after twenty years' trial. I object to wintering in cellars, for the reason that they are too damp, and cause the combs to mold and the bees to become unhealthy. Burytig bees in the ground is liable to the sume objections. Plactug the hives in a won of one's dwelling is dangerous, if any light is ad- mitted at the windows, as the bees if not shut nn, will leave their hives, fly to the light aud perish. If the passage-ways of the hives are closed, they will, in mild weather, gather around the closed passages, and there div in large numbers ia stiiving lo escape, Wiutering in bee-houses made expressly for the purpose, does very well, if the walls are 80 made as to prevent the sudden chan- foes of weather fiom cold to warm from ailueting the temperature of the atmosphere within a great degree. There is no danger frum the cold, but only from the mild and sometimes juite wana weather of January, February and March. It such buildings are constructed of wood, there should be a double wall, and fillled in between with sawdust. If made of brick, there ouglit 10 be au open space between the two walls, and left open, by which means tho temperature of the iuterior 1s generally uniforin, Bees, perhaps, winter as well in "clamps" as in any other way, made as follows: Fist lay down two scantlings, 3 x 4 or less, parallel to each other, upon which the hives are set, about December 1st, mn a row, and as close together as may be. . The tow of hives may be extefled 10, 20 or 50 feet. Oy ether side of the hives ate to be placed boards, cut to the rigat length, so as to form a steep roof, and bat- as to make it tened over the cracks so water-tight, Now, against this roof, on both sides, the earth is to be tuowa up, so as to cover the boards avout a foot thick ueui ike giound, aud tapering off 10 "about six inches at or near the ridge. A couple of narrow boards nay be nailed togather at the edges, to torm a cap, and thus prevert any rain from Teakivg metho nl ends are 10 be closed on the seme i as far as practicable, so that there Al ed ar the gronny, an opening must be made fend, large ecrough to admit a steani- pi} we, or wooden box five or six inches square, open | at both ends, to admit a curient of air to pass through the clamp, which is very es- Over the [ends of these pipes or boxes should ba «0, yes! I know youn dislike operatic | bound," and a little effort would put us all | qvailabie thing had been converted int music in the parlor." | nuder a dry cover, She made no hostile | pread-- then, but not until then, did their i! The httle mantie-clock struck eleven. {declarations unl the rack was loaded, [moaning sand their the | + Eleven! 1th hit it was about mine. [ when at the usual word, | I cught to apologize, Lizzie, as 1 used 10 do, [budus one inch. ARRISTER aod County Crown Attor- | Patents, 4 ey. itice--In Arnold's New Brick | | from any of the Public De partments, its of Tuventions, registers T '. Brock --| Second Floor. out Pate ' ! or mam : | Marks and De 18, takes charge of Driv MILLER & TILT. | Bills during thew TTORNIES, Conveyancers, Notaries | islatine, &e., for parties who are ey 10 Pubiic, &e., corner of Chrch and King | devote theif own time to such business or married but two years, No man could have a mere ord rly house, I'm sure: and I never go anywhere ; [am not a bit extiava- gant. Oh dear! why is it? I was not] rich 3 he did not marry me for money, and | placed wire-cloth, 10 prevent wats sud mice honey and and destoying | Irom entenin L gioanings break shie refused 10 | Litherto unbroken silence of their sorrow Fhe men proposed to! [ pave on private, but unquestionable au { bees. It will be necessary to see that the £0 | flow of air through these passages is note | strug ted by snow during the winter; and od Streets, Sims Lunwitling to eur the expense of traveling he must have loved me then-- why does he | for staying so long ; and [can tly say, as | pound her, but my father forbade, and sug- thority, that the instances of undividual suf | they should be ko. ure aged as to admit Sl de Tilo Queiinios ; Pre I did then, that the time has passed so plea- | vested to Hirt to sing. He lad a fil | fing are such as can sea be paralleled . treat me now with such neglect © Aud} pa I i uch as ¢ reely be paralleled | y . 1 0. " DARINELL, | Business with the Crown Land and other | hhior { filled: with fretful que- | 5antly, 1 can scarcely beheve it is so late." | manly, melodious voice, which rang 100 | iy the gloomiest anvals of human atihiction. little or no ii 4 : ! | Government Departments, which often with her mind dried 1 such lreiul que = 2 4 \ I have generally pred a somewhat i ART *R, Solicitor and Couveyancer, I 35 Tell 4 the sof; The piano was closed, Lizzi 1k put | lis throat in tones sweet and beautiful; and {amd in the Scriptures concentiing a - 3 Deputy Registrar, and Master in C haus! takes months to do by correspondence, can | ries, Lizzie fayes fell us.cep on the sofa. : Fp : | ! " Hoot" | Susi 5 4 {different system, though aboot the same in epury 2 | few days i Hen Lin the basket, and William wag reads go | he knew al the ballads from + Robin Hood" | Syrian micther, that so desperate had she! 3 2 2 | be transacted in a few day Let me print her picture as she lay there. | ) ) ' 1 we Tala {oy He eNnbtiined ia cery. Oiiicein Waliace's new Brick Build I I y > 9 principle, which I fully explained ia the ings, over J. 8. Donaldson's Hardware | cost, by employing a resilent She was it blonde, with a very small, zrace- |" stairs; but, glneing backylie saw his [10 « Yankes Doodle,' and te, Huiogin | become, goaded by hunger, that she took a fast scasetts yt [do sor think it Store Br Whitby, C 0G. WW. Address, post-paid, to ; oy 3 rg tv fice. TH ile wife near the fire-place, Pher hands | hymns from ¢ Rw the Trompe" 10 # Bow | the son of her womb and boiled him for food, ; ' A / 8, br HE NRY GRIST. ful figure, and a very pretty face. lie | dead Te Wa {any beter than the + clamp" plan, but GEO. W. JONES, NM D, Box 344, P. 0 hair, which showed, by its rich waves, its | elasped, herthead bent, and Jarde tears fell | | Happy are ey." was i scene apd sat down, more mavage than a beast of | merely requires a little Tess lubior. et 21 Riv oC we . vo trom her eyes. He was beside| her in an | Turner's pencil. In the west the heavens prey, and fattened on the hideous repast.= | = ¢ h r STET A a a -- eee ~---- | tendency to curl, was brushed smoot! be I Same neonle avite the grotind a foot HYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Obstetrician MES BAIN, M.D ore black as Erebus. In the east lay | Thanks to « : . | Some people ex Medical Adviser of the Life Asso JA » 2.2 hind, and gathered into a rich knot §t the hu da hard jon ack. a ho . o oe 3h y hanks to a gracious and bemgnant provi- Lor more, where it is diy, aud thus have less 5 sion of Scotland, Suncoe-St., Prince Albert. | ¥ \ WwW back--it was such a bother to curfit," | " Lizzie, darling, are you ul? hat is | thunder-cap: while as snow, the | elon | jence, that concerning the operatives in| o diss said dor tit i 07 Hasidunoe aud Office, inthe builds > 445 ILL, C. > dh said 3 her cheek was pale, aud \her the matter 72 upon Ossa. North and south the rain had | Briain, we have no such story to tell. But So J2dig fom the wi di die nme ing lately occupied by Rev. J. Law, two| (= Orpice--Conway's Hotel. 5-4 'hole fa = discontented expressig «0, Willianu! 1 have been such a bad flanked us like the wings of an army. | oh, the recital of unmitigated, unussuaged A a my ; foots nowt of Capt. Swelaiv's Grocery ~~ 0 ee _[WOE Tae Wore & disconiedied expressing, Y big Aron, Barbus 5 SHES standing ithe excavations. SR Store Her dress was a neat chintz wrapper, by wife! I heard you tell Mg. Moore, last | Here and there fell a big rain-drop, harbiu- | quffering, borne with a fortitude never sur- T. B. MINER J tore, | Law, Chancery & & Conveyancing Lo hos la ivr evening, how I disappointed you ; but I will | ger of more, 'while arouLs the load stood the | aecad, were enoush to harrow up the soul a 2 Jn Ahh : she wore neither collar nor sleeves. Pi y ! " i ' i I y a ---- : IN. AGNEW, M.D, Mg. J JOHNSTON MANILLA « What's the use of dicssing up just for|!ry 10 make your bome pleasant--indeed | hired men, aching to pound old ile ute and kindle emotions, we had @lmost said in Dry Goods. \ HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC-| | ? hii William 2? will if you will forgive and love me," mince-meat: Hart wason the load. © Sing," | hearts of ice. Their fortitude js their elo-| JT % covcnkur, Medical Adviser of the] 07 Agent "for the Liverpool §& London Yigzio slo div for two hot al "Love you! 0, Lizzie, you cannot guess | said my futher. Hart began and suig 4 | quence, their suflrings are their arguments, | Tlie tollowing incident occurred, as we i Scottish Provincial Life Assurance Com- Insurance Co. Lizzie slept soundly for two hours, an : oh An hy . two lines of which was a : = it a from good authority, in one of our : pany, Prince ALERT. Musil, Aug. 14, 1861. 35-1y | then awoke suddenly. She sat up, glanced how dear yl leve you. : Ayman, every 8 i LL and the ground of their appeal at the ba q) I davis ' hy ay 3 | ut the clock, and sighed drearily at the long As the little wife lay down that night, chorus of Canadian conuniseration, 1s a vital, li ing | B vvh ro 1 re I said a. contr 3 A : i f ith back agai : « Buy any butter here 7°? said r i 7. OAKLEY, M. D,, Victoria Hotel, intgrvat still to bo put 3 alone before bed-| she thought: « Liave won him back again! Blow ye the trumpet ! Blow! brotherhood, which we are not ashamed to stor > NS cult dito 9 div ¥ 3 HYSICIAN, Sargeon, and Accoucher, time. The library was jist over the room Better than that, 1 have jearned to keep Sing glory ! Hallelujub! acknowledge. Our obhgation, as Cana- |" omen Hiked. 1:00. 01). Boos { \ ™ Medical Adviser of the Unity" Life | AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE im? 8 8l0y > T ee : store on King-street and looked much like « mn v | he hi fl him! 3 diaus, to Great Brtam--the proteciion we 1 Assurance Company of London. Office x DE in which she sat, and down the furnace fue, em ------------ d his eye dilated, and his breast heaved ) I a character who/knew a vast deal more of A id if : To lat residen f R. | SIMCOE STREET, PRINCE ALBERT, |, rough the regisier, a voice came to the a SR and. iis oye Jiiater, al pe ? | enjoy from a 4 hy = and Residence--The late residence of . 2th gister, Shall I Learn to Dance?" and he forgot that behind him, but a litle Fa fair thts braved » ThoRssind Vea, himself than he cared to teil. 3 . Lond, Put Persys 2 ¥ WM SCOTT, Proprietor. young wife's vars--it Aas Hoy lgland's, = way off, were thunder and hghtening, "Fie ule wud the breeze « No, sir," replied the merchant, "we wR A (Zr Successor to William Boynton. <2 «Well, Moore, what isa mantodo? I Certtinly, by all means. Commence | rightly expended, to * blow" up half of Our professed loyally to the British throne, | 154° wish 10 buy any." ass JOSEPH BASCOM, M. B,, wie di inted, and I must have pleasure | i : y oxp 8, i y HYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, T 6 Wt Ls and Pp 7' with the "quickstep'® out of bed in the creation ; and that before him was a crazy | and to that dear Sovereign Lady, Queen | « Wan't to buy any eggs 2" AR Main Street, Ux ridge Village. Office, ONTARIO HOTEL, somewhere. Who could have fancie that morning, and keep it up until the "chores" | 4d mare, within ten rods of a good barn, Victoria, all, all conspire to give an impres-| «No, sir, wo keep a diy zoods store 3 TREE a i 1 htl d . y 81Ty i y € J Avors South of Plank's Hotel. 10 " Sues Snowe WHITBY. ; V Lizee Jarvis, » pesfstly 1 y y 2 are finished. Tle boys will of course have | go mad, or too upset, however, to make her | sive emphasis to that appeal. Men, Breth-| | ure.» | p\HE Subscriber desires to inform his | loving, could change to the fretful dowdy |, « 50-drill?? athe barn, while the girl i } i issi ren and Fathers, I ask, in the name of asso- IW . coud li » 4 : » girls | way to it. He thought of his mission, | #1 § y J ask, 1n | «So! Wall then, inaybe you'd like to » oR a T.|and a ihe ra whe iow is? Whe Wakly io a 2 ho Late engaged in 3 country-dance" in the | which wus to sing God's praise "mid flash- elations. sull cherished In your heart of buy some chickonsfat as pgs, and a B J Foor, M. D. | H. Warren, M. D. chased the premises lately occupied by Mr. and hear his wife whining all the eveniygly open, After this, all hands « change," ing fire and thunder stroke, and he filled his hearts, in the name of ties that hme and wighty sight nicer tu.' : : Jacob Bryan, in Brock Street, and known about her Soules tomas, Sot i ad-1 30d promenade 1 school, keeping step to | mission full. change can never sunder, 10 the name of | No, sir, I tell you ht dealin any- ) J. VI. Ct BROWN, as the Ontario Hotel. faches and all sorts of bothers. She haduot |, mysic of metty laughter." Repeat the | iio away 1" cried my fi «oi | kindred dear ones who linger in the land of | gi but dry goods." N x o : fitte : 2 ; ! y !" cried my father, "sing ] : iu y 8 OTARY ii ide, CW Lang ar a ths aie of drawing, tet 0g , pase bu the way ois at highly witli en ses vis, Han 5 the oid hag is yn Vase | J0z homey the nme of il that gives « Could I seli you a nice hind quarter * ms r ae % 0 il erg i t s road y . 2 5 y Riss . JAgent, &e., Uxbri ge, C Bana fortes to: afford. the bost do net bejieve che could speak a pleasaut| ., qa] variation in Winter by tripping it iu her eye ; and the tip of her ear is play- sacredness to Britain--in the name of our| of pork." JOHN HEAL, possible accommodation to guests aud word. . . 1 Wag ih! ? the toe"" and having a ¢ break-down?' ina ing to your music like the fingers of a | COMMON Father--I ask, shall such grim, | «| ell you «ir, we deal in dry goods ex- NS : FENAILOR, Prince Albert, C. W., begs to vinitors. Lizzie sat as if stunned. Was this true 1} io hank, A kreel" now and then will mcidoti to her coltar, | She likes the + Hal. | gaunt ominous misery be stalking through a | cjusively here." FR i , ) . x 3 HEk ; 3 annoance lo his customers, and the in- Phe etibling js of the bes) deseri Nees She looked in the glass. If not exactly ai yo ue in pla for the girls Who have |.) os "eirain, It soothes her brain which | heusand homes, and will you not "stoop 10 «wall, whall you give for dried habitants of the neighbourhood that he is eo oar re dowdy, her costume was certainly not fit, 00 10 spin, put the boys should never Ee barn Dminiieluriniduny conquer," and help to save? Can you lis- | peaches.' ha prepared to exes ordors for Tudlorings about the premises. for an evening, even if it were an evening |, of it. If tJese and kindred dances are redehot cauldron. Hu! ha! give her the|®" 10 the wail of distiess and not sweep off et -- Bs -f cheap for cash. (= Cutting done on the | "on ho * oil be supplied with the best | at home, with only William to admire, She |, 0 hiy pracfsed, they will leave little | ? stay fat "| the needless luxuries of your tables, and re- The cartoon in the last number of { hortest notice. PP i gly Pp $ y rein j she'll go --huriah! we're iu time-- : x Vay -" A Liquors, Wines, Cigars, &e. Care will also | rose and softly went to her own room, Withl ne and no necyssity for the polkas, echot- hari di I there has been no such smging trench the supeifluities of a lavish-expendi-{ Puch represents the Pope in the guise of an Ran . COMMERCIAL HOTEL, be ken > Jee the sitting rooms reserved | piyier and sorrowful thouglits, and a firm re- tiches, any othef immodest fooleries of the aloe Tinoheds aha at tha Tonst of Air ture, and open your hand to the masses, thus | old woman, sitting in a yailroad station, ROCK Street, Whitby, opposite Hamil- P P " solution to win back her husband, and then |, 1 oo e ground down to all the gauntness and ghast- | while two porters (Napoleon and Victor Em- ' Crocker } C. DAWES. 4 . 5 bal ander." ; 8 & P P ton & Rober % Boker » Crockes tae Whitby, Feb. 4, 1862. g.1f | bis love regained, keep it. : ft A ,. .|liness of uttermost destitution ? This is|mavuel) quarrel over a trunk which is la- R Oe a UN eid re spared | -------- The next morning William came into the A y Mistake, We had made a discovery. Hart's voice | priyuin'y extremity--it is our opportunity, blied with the words + Temporal Power." bier: A this spacious and airy house equal To Common School Trustees. breakfast-room with his usual careles man- : vd = would control the old mare in her tantrums and by seizing it, we may exhibit to the | Victor says to Louis, « No! you look after ny ifn the countr: ner, but a bright smile came on his' lips as| A little toy asked his mother what |like the lyre of Orpheus the trees; and | oooh sublime fact, that the greatness of | the old woman 5 I'l take cate of ber lug ny > D Teacher of 1 hy L A pretty chintz wrapper, | "blood relations" meant. She explained | while he lived with my lather, a Methodist ada ie 8 2 ANTED by a Teacher of 14° years e saw Lizzie. pretty chintz wrapper, A . ' Canada is not indexed by vastness of terri- | gage." w NOAH WINDSOR, experience, an engagement for the | with a neat collar, and sleeves of snowy | to him that t signified near relatives, etc. | hymn would always start her. She was a ; T tory, by internal resources, b; hty lakes, TTT E-- OUSE and Barn Builder, Carpenter| year 1863. : muslin, and a wioath of - soft full curls, had | After thinking a moment, he said, Then, | Methodist from iustinct, and Hart declar- oy ny Toad, t+ Why is a beautiful lady' 7s ot like a i f th or : oi : Sr oe of i So to For paticalars apply 2 Jotter repaid really metamorphosed her ; while the blush | mother, you must be the bloodiest relation | ed that ¢ Tib" knew a Methodist from a! {ar-heard throbbings of a heart that can feel | romantic tale of olden ties ? Because it is : of the Pos! Co. i y ) 1" 'teria i x i sti . and Chair Shop, Prince Albert, ' 43] Georgina, P. 0.1 his admiring glance called up to ber cheek | I've gat! | 1 Presbyterian hymu instanter. for another. an interesting leg end : 1 : fie x b, x . Foal ad L | . Ne . : : N