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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Apr 1863, p. 1

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/ NEWSPAPER Sn ---- ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR IN ADVANCE] VOI, VI, No. 17} "LOYAL TO OUR QUEEN AND ptt i COUNTRY." . TURAL, AND GENERAL FAMILY = -- (TWO DOLLARS AT THE END OF THE YEAR. 16. 1863. [WHOLE No. 276 ' PRINCE The Ontavio Observer, I8 PUBLISHED EVERY THUASDAY MORNING, JAMES HOLDEN, AT Prince Albert, County of Ontario, C. W. % rr ---- (|) ---- TERMS PER ANNUM. If paid iy advante $160; al the end of the year, $2. No subscription taken for a less period than six months, No paper disewitimur uni arrears are paid up. This rule will be siridily udlieredio. mailed Tn a etter (registered) aud ad- Reni rey 0 "JAMES HOLDEN, PRICE ALBERT? will be at the risk of the Punfisier, i - J cations, addressed to (he Puli- post-paid; inlier 0 LF When peoplesce a man advertise, they know that he ix dusiness man, and his advertising proclaiis that he is Wok only willing, but angus (0 do business, Emmeat ad £4 Lag £0 none @erina of Advertising : Six lines and under, first insertion. .. $0 50 Eich subsequent jusertion. ........ 0 12} From six toten les, first usertion. . 0 87} Bach subsequent insertion. . . . 020 For every line above ten L008 Every subsequent insertion. ....... 0 02 EF Vdvertisema ais when dispimy ec are charged ace carding to the spree "hey occape | All ulvertiseimeits sent wv will be tnsected aii! count eordingly. No advertise Orden for discomiiming adveriizements nust be len at the oldice in witing. A liberal discount allowed 10 Merchants and others who advertise by the yenr or half-year, rea 000 0) £0 2p ree Book and Job Department. Every daseription of Bok axn Jos Prinrive executed tn the vest style, and at the cheapesirales ont written instructions nded, wad eliged ac- 1 taken out unl pai for, TR UY LAWS, RN, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, SHOW BILLS, POSTERS, HAND HILLS, NK ANG PROMISSORY NTU HINT PLANS, 3 axD FORMS, &e. PINTING IN COLOURE, GOULD, SILVER AND BRONZK £9= Tie atmost despateh will uniformly be observes the execution otal! orders. Privee Allert, April 16, 1361. Buginess CAMERON & MACDONELL, {7 Otlicos :=Court House. ARRISTERS and Attorneys-at-Law, MC. CAMKRON. | Directory, I Solicitors County Council Outasio.-- J. RH. MACDONRLL JOIN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Convey- GEO. W. JONES, M. D, HYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Obstetrician, Medical Adviser of the Life Associa- 10n of Scotland, Simeoe-St., Prince Albert, (5 Residence and Office, in the busld- ing lately occupied by Rev. J. Law, two doors north of Capt. Swmclair's Grocery Store. N. AGNEW, M.D, prea, SURGEON, AND "AC- covcHkur, Medical Adviser of the Scottish Provineial Life Assurance Com- pany, PRINCE JALVERT. ¥. OAKLEY, M. D,, HYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Acconcher, Medical Adviser of the *Uniy" Lite Assurance Company of Loudon. Office and Residence--Thie late residence of R. Lund, Esq., Port Perry, C. WW. _ @ TWEEDIE M.D, : PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Aceoncheor, Greenbank. Residence and Office-- the late residence of Mr. nearly oposite Bolton's Hotel. eee eer en Isaac Crag, JOSEPH BASCOM, MN. B, Man Street, Uxbiidee Village. Office, floors South of Plauk's Hote 10 DRS, FOOTE & WARREN, B3 ROOKLIN, CANADA WEST. 2}. FooreeM. D. | 1. Waren. M, D. JAMES BAIN, M.D, MANILT.A, CC. VW. (= Orrice-- Conway's Hotel. 5-1 ALBERT SPRING, i ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THI 4 "Township of Reach, Brock, Uxbidus and Scott, Orders taken at this otfice aud days ol sale appointed. ICENSED AUCTIONEER. 4 all Kinds attended on the shortest notice and most reasonable tims, Residence-- opposite the residence of Mr. G. Cun - Applic tons made ai the Ontario Obser office will be promptly attended wo, Prince Albert, Aung. 27,1 R, WALSH. i ORSE FARIER, is m this neighbor- hood, and will be in readiness 10 at- tend to ull who may favor him with a call. He is well acquainted with the niode ol pricking, and trimming; and ean treat successfully any disease that horses are sub- ect 10. Cuarces Moperate. Residence PriNcE ALRERT. Prince Albert, June 6, 1860. 37 285i. aneer, &c., Prnce Albert. Office two doors west of T. C. Forman's Store. P. A. HURD, {3 ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Pubhie, Convey- encer, &c, Proce Albeit. Otlice in the « Victoria Block," two doors south of N. H. Davis' Dry Goods Store, aud over T. C. Forman's Furniture Warerooms, adjoinmg the Observer oiiic W. H, TREMAYNE, Prarie and County Crown Attor- ney. Oliice--In Arnold's New Brick Brock --(Z=Sccond Floor: MILLER & Liui, | TTORNIES, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, &e., cornerof Church and King Streets, Toronto. G30. H. DARTNELL, ) ARRISTER, Solicitor and Conveyancer, o B Deputy Registra , and Master in Chau- sery. Otlice in Wallace's new Brick Build- ings, over J. 8. Doualdson's Hardware Stare, Brock Street, Whitby, C. W. ROBERT J. WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor wn Chaneery, &e. Office m the Victoria Building, uext to the Registry Ollie, Brock Street, Whitby. J. HAMER GREENWOOD, TTORNEY - AT - LAW, Solieitor in Chancery, Notary Puolie, Conveyan- cer, &c. Office 1 the Victoria Buildings, next to the Regisny Office, 'Brock Street, Whitdy. (= Always visits the Couits at Uxbridge aud Reach. J. W. C. BROWN, OTARY Public, Conveyancer, Land Agent, &e., Uxbridge, C. W. S035 ALLY & OHADWICK, * ARRISTERS and Auorneys, Convey- ancers, Notaries Paulie, &e. No. 12 Toronto Exchange, Wellington Street, To- 1000. W. H. BEATTY. JOHN CHRISTIE, rrowNsHIP Clerk for Reach, Convey- ancer, Commissioner of the Court of 'Queen's Beuch, &e. Otfice--Near * Tot- ness. Mills," between Manchester and Utica. Business carefully attended to. TT WILLIAM BEALL, = Tee of Marriage Licenses, Commis- FE. M. CHADWICK. _ sioner of the Court of Queen's Bench, owiship Cletk, &c. Office, Corumbus, VARS & PETERSON, PRACTICAL DENTISTS ! OSHAWA, C.'W. NE of the above firm will visit Prince Albert professionally every Mouday and Tuesday until the first of June. f= Rooms over R. H. Tomlinson's Drug Store. Prinee Albert, March 11, 1863. 12 DENDISTRY. R. JAMES STEPHENS Dentist, from Ostiawa, | takes great pleasure in offering his services to the inhabitants of Prince Albert, Bore and surrounding conntry, on y Thursday, and Fiiday, ot each week.-- Whole upper setts from fifteen to twenty dollars 3 other dental work reduced aceond- ingly, and all work warramed. Of Excelsior Block, over J. P. Johuston's Jewelry Store, Prince Alu DENTISTRY! Messrs. Card & Hawke, DENTISTS, WHITBY, C. W., QULD respectlully witi- mate to the inhabitams ER of the following Vitjages and fas) surrounding neighborhoods, that one of them will vist the following places at stated Limes, viz: Prince Albert.--The first Monday and Tuesday of each aud every mouth ; at Scott's Hotel, Manilla. --Wednesday and Thursday of the same week ; at Conway'¢ Hotel, Cannington.-- Friday and Saturday of the sume week ; at Ward's Hotel. Beaverton.-- The second Monday of each and every month 3 at Workman's Hotel. Uxbridge Village.-- Wednesday and Thursday of the same week; at Plank's Hotel. Markham Village.-- Friday and Saturday of the sume week ; at Halls Hotel -- where they will be happy to attend to all cases relative to their profession. 0 All Work Warranted. One of the firm may always be found at our office in Whitby. Law, Chancery & Conveyancing . Mg. J. JOHNSTON, MaxtLta; Agent the Liv London Sire foros ty slimie Manilla; Aur. 14, 1861. ! '85-1y © JOHN HEAL, PIVAILOR, Prince Albert, C. \V.; begs to T announce to his 'customers, and the in- habitants of the neizlibourhood that hes prepared to exedute orders' for Tailpfing, «heap for cash. (= Cutting 'done gn the shortest notice. ' sp | NOAH WINDSOR, "J OUSE and Barn Builder, Carpenter T and Joiner, &e. Shop five doors north of the Post Office. (7 Sizn of the Cabinet H. W. CARD. G. W. HAWKE Whitby, March, 1863. "18 2. HENRY GRIST, EPARTMENTAL dnd Parliamentary : Auent, Queskc, investigates and ad- juste Crown Land Claims, secures Land Patents, procures information obtamable fiom any of the Public Departments, takes ont Patents of [uventions, registers Trade Marks and Derigne, takes charge of Private Bills during ther passage throuch the Leg- islatoe, &e., for. parties wlio are unable 10 He her own time to such business or unwilling to eur the expense of traveling to Quebec. : Government Departments, which olten takes months to do by correspondence, can be transacted in a few days, and at a smal cost, by employing a resulent agent. Address, post-paid, to HENRY GRIST, «11 Chair Shop, Prince Albert. PUYSICIAN, Surceon, and Accoucheur, | Business with the Crown Land and other Box 344, P. 0., Quebec. Poetry, = If WINTER. BY BAYARD TAYLOR. The valley stream 1s frozen The hills are cold. and bare, And the wild white bees of winter Swarm in the darkened ar. I look ou the naked forest; Was it ever zieen in June ? Did it burn with gold and erimson In the dim autwinnal noon? I look on the barren meadow ; Was at ever heaped with hay ? Did it hide the grassy cotiage Whee the skylark's children lay 7 1 look on the desolate garden ; d< it true the rosg was there 7 And the woodbine's musky blossoms, And the hyacinth's purple hair? { I look on my heart, and marvel If love wax ever ils own-- If the spung of promise brightened, Aud the summer of passion shone ? Is the stem of bliss bot withered, And the root survives the blast ? Are the sevds of the future sleeping Under the leaves of the past? Ah, yes! for a thousand Aprils 1 And the dews of a thonsaud summers Wait in the womb of snow ! fiozen germ shall grow, Fiseellancous, MR. SCOTT'S BILL. We print below, for the information of oor Mr. R. School Bitl,"? as amended by the Select readers, W. Scott's ¢ Separate Commutiee to which it was referred :-- An Act to restore to Roman Catholics in Upper Canada certain Rights in respect to Separate Schools, WHEREAS Jt is just aud proper to restore to Roman Catholies in Upper Canada certain rights which they formerly enjoyed an re- &pect to Separate Schools, and to bring the Provisions of the Law respecting Separate Schools more in. harmony with the Piovi- the [Law respecting Common Schools: Therefore sions of Her Majesty, by and with the advige and consent of the Lewslative Council and As- sembly of Canada, enacts as follows :-- 1.8 melusive, of chapter gixty-five of the Con- solidated Statutes for Upper Canada, inti 3 'tions eighteen to thirty-six, both tuted, ¢ An Act respecting Separate Schools, are thereby repealed, and the following shall be substituted in lien thereof, and be deemed to form part of the said Act. II. Any number of persons, not less than tive, being heads of families, and freehold- any school Section of any, Township, Incoipo- rated Vi of any City or Town, and bemg Roman i Catholics, may convene a public meeting of ers or householders, resident within age or Town, or within any ward persons desiring to establish a Separate | School for Roman Catholics, in such School Section or ward, for the eiection of Trustees for the management of the same. II. A majority of the persons present, ALBERT. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. W.. a -- several Wards of any form one body corporate, under the tile of «I'he Board of Trostees of the Roman Catholic Separate 'Schools for the City (or Town) of 3 VI. It shall be lawful for the majority of the rate-paying supporters of the Separate School, in each Separate School Section, whether it be in the same or adjoining Mu- nicipahities, at a public meeting duly ealled by the Separate School Trustees of each such geetion, to form such sections into a Separate Schoul Union Seetion, of which union of 8 ctions the Trustees shall give no- tice within filteen days to the Clerk or Clerks of the Muntcipahity or Municipalities, and to the Cliet Superintendent of Educa- tion, and each such Separate School Union Section thus formed, shall be deemed one School Seetion for all Roman Catholic Sepa- rate School purposes, and shall every year thereafter be represented by three Trustees, to be elected as in Common School Sec- tions, 2. Aud the said Trustees shall form a body corporate, under the title of «The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic United: Separate Schools for the United Sections Nos. (as the case may be), in the (as the case may be). VIL. The Trustees of Separate Schools forming a body corporate wider this Act, shall have the power to impose; levy and colled chool rates or subscriptions, upon and from persons sending children to, or | sabscribing towards the support of such Schools, and shall have all the powers in respect of Separate Schools, that the Tros- tees of Comunen Schools have and possess wider the provisions of the Act relating to Common Sehools, VIL The Clerk or other officer of a Mu- nicipality within or adjoming which a Sepa- tate School is establighed, having possession of the Assessor's or Collectors roll of the said Municipality, shall allow any one of the said Trust es or heir authorized col- lector to make a"copy of snch roll in so far as iL 1elates to the persons supporting the Separate School under thew change. IX. The Trustees gf Seourmte Schoo's shall take and subserib: the following de- claration before any Jusigh of the Peace, Reeve, or Chahiman of the Bourd of Com- mon Schools: «1, » will truly aud faithfully, to the best of my judgment and ability, discharge the office of School Trus- tee lo which | have been elected': and they shall perform the same duties and be subject to the sume penalties as Trustees ol Comtuon Schoo and teachers of Separate Schools shill be liable to the same ouliga- tious and penalties as teachers of Common Seliools. X. The Trustees of Separate Schools shall remain respectively in office for the same periods of tine that the Trustees for Com- mou Schools do, and as is provided by the Thirteenth Section of the Common School Act of the Conroludaled Statutes for Upper Canada; but no Trustee shall be re-elected without his consent, unless alter the expi- ration of fonr years from the tine he went out of office : Provided always, that when- ever in any City, or Town divided into wards, a united Board now exists, or shall be hereafter established, there shall be for every Ward two Trastees, each of whom, alter the first election of Trustees, shall cou- tinue 1 office two years and until his suc- cessor has been elected, and one of such Tiustees shall ietire on the second Wedies- | being freeholders or householders, and be- ing Roman © athulics, and not candidates for election as Tiastees, may, at- any such | meeting, elect three persons resident within | such section or adjoining section 10 act as Trustees for the management of snch Sepa- | rate School, and any person, beng a British | subject, not less than 21 years of age, may beelected as a Trustee, whether he be a { eelivlder or householder, or not. 1V. Notice in wring that such meeting has been held and of such election of Tius- [tees, shall be given by the padties present | at snch meeting to the Reeve or head of the Municipality, or 10 the Chairman of the Board of Common School Trustees, <in the Township, Incorporated Village, Town, or City in which such School is about to be e<tublished, designating by their names, fessions, . and I the elected in the manner aloresaid, as Trusiees for the management thereof, and every such notice shall'be delivered to the proper officer by one of the Tiustees so elected, and it shgil be the duty of the officer re- ceiving the same to endorse thereon the date of the Tecwipt therezf, and to deliver a copy of the same so endorsed and duly certified uy him to such Trustee, and from the day of the delivery and receipt of every such no- tice, or in the event of the neglect or refusal of such officer to deliver a copy so endorsed and certified, then from the day of the de- livery of kuch notice, the Trustees therein named shall be a boly corporate, under the name of * The Trustees of the Roffian Cath- ole Separdte School for the Section num- ber ,m the township of 50° for the ward of , in the city or town (as the case may be), or for the vil- lage of , in the county of 2 V. The 'I'mstees of Separate Schools heretofore elected, or herealler to be elected according to the provisions of this Act in the day in Janvary, yearly in rotation ; aud pro- vided also that at the first m of the Trustees after the election on the se ond Wednesday in January next, it shall be de- termined by fot, which of the said Trustees, in each Ward, shall retire fiom office at the time appointed for the then next annual Election, and the other shall continue in oflice one year longer. XI. After the establishment of any Sepa- rate School the Trustees thereof shall hold office for the same period and be elected at ihe same time in each year that the Trustees of Common Schools are, and all the pro- | visions of the Common School Act relating to the mode and time of election, appoint- ments and duties of Chairinan and Secie- tary at the annnal meetings, term of office and manuer of filling up vacancies, shall be i 1 aud held 10 apply to this Act. XII. The Trustees of such Separate Schools may allow children from other School Sections, whose parents or lawful guardians are Boman Catholics, to be re- ceived into any Separate School under their management, at the request of such parents or guardians ; and no children attending such School shall be included in the return, hereafter require to be made to the Chiei Superintendent of Education, unless they are Roman Catholics. XII. A majority of the Trustees of Separate Schools iv any City, Town, Town- ship or lucorperated Village, or of the Board of Trustees forming a Union under this Act, shall have power to grant certificates of qualification 10 hers of Separat under their management, and to dispose of all School Funds of every description com- ig into their hands for school purposes. XIV. Every person paying rates, whether as proprietor or tenant who, by himseil or tie agent, on or before the first day of March in any year, gives, or who, on or before the Nehool THURSDAY. APRIL, oity or town shall ] first day of March, of the present year, has given to the Clerk of the Mufficipality, no- tice in writing that he is a Reman Catholic, aud a supporter of a Separate School sitnated in the said Municipality, or in a Muni- cipality contiguous thereto, shall be ex- empted from the payment of all rates im- posed for the support of Common Schools, and of Common Sthoo! Libraries, or for the Town, Incorporated Villnga, or section of such Separate School in which he resides, for the then current year, and every subse- quent year thereafter, while he continues a supporter of a Separate School. Aud such notice shall not be required 10 be renewed annuatly'; and it shall be the duty of the Trustees of every Separate School to trans- mit to the Clerk of the Municipality or te) on or before the first day of June m each year, a correct list of the names and resi- dences of all persons supporting the Separate Schools nader their management, and every rate-payer whose name shall not appear on such list shall be rated for the support of Common Schools, XV. Every Clerk of a Municipality, upon receiving any such notice, shall deliver a certificate toc the per son giving such natice, to the effect that the same has been given, and shewing the date of such notice. XVI. Any person who frandently gives auy such notice, or wilfully makes any false slatempat, therein, shall not thereby secure any exemption from rates, and shall be ha ble to a penalty of Forty Dollis recoverable with costs, betore any Justice of the Peace at the suit of the Municipality interested. XVI Nothing in the last three preced- ing sections contained, shall exempt any person fiom paying any vate for the support of Common Schools or Common School Libraries, or for the erection of a School House or School Houses, imposed before the establishment of such Separate School. XVI, Any Roman Cathohe who may ddkire to withdraw his support from a Sepa- sate Sahool, shall ize actice in wiiting to the Clerk of the Municipality, before the second Wednesday in Jaunnury in any year, otherwise he shall be deemed a supporter of such School: Provided always, that any person who shall have withdrawn his sup- port fiom any Roman Catholic School, shall not be exempted from paying any rate for the support of Separate Schools or Separate School Livraries, or for the erection of a Separate School House imposed before the time of his withdrawing such support from the Separate School, 3 XIX. No person shall be elected as Trus- tee of any Neparate School unless he resides within three miles of the site of the Schoo! House 5 nor shall any person be deemed a supporter of any Separate School unless he resides within three wtics (in a direct Line) of the site of the School House. | purchase of land or erection of buildings for [ject to such inspection as may be directed Common School purposes, within the City; | fiom time to time by the Chiel Superinten- Clerks of Municipalities (as the case mayd ferred to the equitable arbitrament of the titled to a share in the fund annually grant- ed by the Legislature of this Province for the to a share in all other public grants, invest- ments and allotments for Common School XX. Every Separate School shall be en- | purposes now made or herealier to be nade ties, according to the avékage numbe of pupils attending such school durii twelve next preceding months, or durin from the establishment of a new Se School, as compared with the whole age number of pupils attending school in the same City, Town, Villag X XI. Nothing herein contained suall en- or Township. ship, to any part or portion of school moneys arising or acervng from local assessment tor Common School purposes within the City, Town, Villaze or Township or the County or Union of Counties within which the City, Town, Village or Township is situnte, =: XXil. The Trustees of each Separate Seto shall, on or before the thirtieth day of June, and the thity-fist day of Decem- ber of every year, transmit to the Chief So- perintendent of Education for Upper Can ada, a correct return of the names of the children attending such school, together with the average attendance during the six next preceding months, or dung the num- ber of months which have elapsed since the establishment thereof, and the number of months it has been so kept open ; and the Chief Superintendent shall, thereupon, de- termine the proportion which the Tiustecs of su¢h Separate Schoo! are entitled to re- ceive ont of the Leuisiative grant, and shall pay over the amount thereof to such Trus- lees. XXIII. All Judges, Members of the Legislature, the heads of the Municipal bodies in their respective localities, the Cifief Superintendent aud Local Superinten- dent of Ci Schogls, and Clergymen of the Roman Catholic ch, shall be Visic tos of separate Schools. XXIV. The elncton of Trustees for any Separate School shall become void unless a Separate School be established under their management within three months from the o election of such Trustees. . TT 1 | o sh irale . 1 a at by the Province or the Municipal anthori- | ™M* nt of such separate xehooly declaring tha awver-1 18V ¢ 13], 54, | J) shall perform the same duties and shall be X No person subscribing towanis the support of a Separate School established as hercin provided, or sending children there- to, shall be allowed to vote at the election cf any Trustee fora Common School in the City, Town, Village or Township in which such Separate School in situate, XXVL. The Roman Catholic Separate Schools (with their Registers) shal! be sub- dent of Eduaeation, and shall be subject also 10 such regulations as may be imposed from time to time by the Council of Public Iu-! struction for Upper Canada, XXVIL Inthe event of any disagreement between Trostees of Roman Catholie Sepa- rate Nehools, and Local Superintendents of Common Schools, or other manicipal authorities, the case 1m dispute shall te re- Chief Superintendent of Edueation in Up- pet Canada; subject nevertheless to appeal to the Governor in Council, whose award shall he final in all cases. Lf XXVIIL This Act shall come into force, and tike effect, from and after the thiny- first day of December next: But all con- tracts and engagaments made, and rates imposed, and all corporations formed under the Separate School Law, hereoy repealed, shall remain in foree as if made under the authority of this Act. -- --- A -- ee THE OLD BILL. In order to give our readers a correct idea of this Separate School affair, and to show them that there 18 a "gicat ery® for a very +t tle wogl," ubout it, we give below the sections of the old Bill which have been re- praled. We advise our readers to peruse | | and compare the two before coming to a| conclusion. From the Cons Upper Canada, 18. Any nu. perrdng, not less than #ubject to the same penalties as Trustees of commoipseliools ; and teachers of separate schools pe be liuble to the same penalties as teachers of common schools. 18 V, ec. 131, &. 8 26. The Trusteea of such separaie school shali remain in office until thesecond Wed - nesday of the month of January next follow- ing their election on which day in each year a meeting shail te held in' each such sec- tion or ward, commencitig kt the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the election of three Trustees (or separate schools thereto- | fore established ; but no tinstéde shall be re-elected at any such meeting without his consent, unless after the expiration of four years from the time when he went out of office. 18 V, ¢. 131,85. 9. 27. The Tinstees of such separate schools shall allow childrea from other school sec- tions, whose parents of lawful guardi ins are Roman Catholics, to be received into any separate school under their management, at the request ol such parents or guardians; and no children attending such school shall be included in the retarn, hereafiér. required to be made 10 the ChivlSaperintendent of Education, unless they are, Roman ®atho- lies. 18 V. e. 131, 8. 10. . 28. A majority of the Trustees of such separate schicols many Township or Village or of the bound" of Trustees in any town or village, shall hav : the power 1o grant cer- tificates of qualification to teachers of sepa- rate schools under their management, and to dispose of all school funds of every des- cription coming into their hands lor school 18 V.e. 131, 5. 11. 29, Livery person paying rates, whether as proprietor or tenant, whe, on or before the first day ot February of any year, gives to the Clerk of the Municipality in which any separate school 1s situated, notice that he is a Roman Catholic and a rupporier pf such Sepirate School, shall be exempted from the payment of all rates imposed for the year then nest following for the support of Common Schools and of Common School purposes. five, being heads of families and freeholders or householders, resident within any School Scetion of any Township or within. any Ward of any City or Town, and being Ro- man Catliolics, may couvene a public ineet- mg of persona desiring 1 : rate School for Roman Catholics in such School Seetion or Waid, for the election of Trustees for the management of the same. | 18 V.c 131,82. 19. A majority of the persons present, not {bss than ten in number, being Jreeholders | or householders, and being Roman Catho- | hina ites, may at any such meeting, elect threc persons resident within such section to act | as Tinstees for the management of such | 8 parate School, and any person, being a British subject, may be elected as a Tros- tee, whether he be a fioeholder or house- holder, or not. 18 Ve 131, 8 3. | 20. A notice in writing addressed to the | Reeve, or to the Charman of the Board of | Common Schoo! Trustees, in thie Township, | Cy or Town in which such 's tion is | situate, may be given by all persons, he) : : or thiey Ww gee : i Common Schools, and shall be entitled also | ther they were present at sach meeting or not, who are fieeholdess or householders, residents within such rections, and Roman Catholics, and favorable 10 the establish- | | : : | fey desire to establish a separate school 1 | | such school section, and" designating by as Trostees for the management thereof, -- { 21. Every such notice shall be delivers | to the proper officer by one of the Trustee. ! and it shall be the duty of the #0 elected deliver a copy of the same, so endorsed and | duiy certified by him, to such Trustee. 18 Veldl, sh : 22. From the day of the delivery and re. | "eipt of every such notice, the Trustees | therein named shall be a body Corporate utder the name of "The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate School for the section number » in the Township (City or Town as the case may be,) in the County of A 18 Ve 131,56. 23. When such Sepniate Schools are es- tablished in more than one Ward of any City or Town, the Trustees of such Separate Schools may, if they think fit, form a union of neh Separate Schools, and, from the day of the notice m any public newspaper pub- lished in euch City or Town announcing such union, the Trustees of the several Wards shall together form a body Corporate under the ttle of # The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic United Separate Schools for the City' (or Town) of in the County of 2 18Vel3ls 24. The Trustees of such Separate Schools, forming a body Corporate under this act, sliall huve the same power to im- pose levy and collect school rates or sub- scriptions upon and from persons sending children to, or subscribing towards the support of such schools, and all other powers in respect of Separate Schobls, as the Trus- tees of Common Schools have and possess under the provisions of the Act relating to Common Schools. 18 V. e. 131, s. 18. 25. The 'I'tustees of such separate school Libraries, within the Waid or School See- tion wherein such S:parate School is estab- lished. 18 V. ec. 1318. 12:1 30. Every Clerk of a Municipality, upon receiving any such notice, shall deliver a to the eflect that the same n and shewing the date of such notice. oe. 3, r. 12 31. Any person who fiaudently gives any such notice, or wilfully makes any false statement therein, shall not thereby mecuie any exemption from rates, and shall be lia= tle to a penalty of forty dollars recoverable, with costs, before any Justice of the Peace ' 18YV, | at the suit of the Municipality interested. -- I8 V.e. 15, 5. 12, 32. Nothing in the last three proceding sections contained shall exempt any person from paying any rate for the support of Common Schools or Common School Libra- ries, or for the erection of a school house or school houses, imposed before the establish. ment of such Separate School, 18 V. ¢. 131, =. 12. . 3 3% Every such Separate School shall be entithed t9 a share in the fand annually granted Ly the Legistatore of this Province for the st pport of Common Fehools, accord ng to the averagm number of pupils antend- ing such school danvg the twelve next pre- ceding months, or dunng the number of By ; he | their names, professions and places of abod | months, which may have elapsed from the number of months which may have elapsed | the persons elected in the manner aloresail | establishment of a new Separate School, as compared with the whole average number of pupils attendi Lown, Village or - choo! in the same Cary, owuship. 18 V. ec. 131, . 13. (1) Rut no such Separate School shall be entitled to a shate in any soch fund unless title any such Separate School within any | oflicer receiving the same to endorse there- | the average nomber of pupils so atte uding City, Town, Tncorporated Village or Town- {on the date of the reccipt themof, and to | the same » filteen or more, (periods ot epi- | de nie rious disenses excepted 3) 2) ring herein contained shall entitle any such separate school within any city, town, village or township to any part or portton of school moneys arising or ac- ering from local assessment for common senvol puiposes with the ely, town, vil- lags or township, oF the county or union of counties within which the city, town, vil= age or township is situate, 31. The Trusiees of euch ench Separate school shail on or before the thirtieth day of June wind the thitty-fi st of December m year, transmit to the Chief sepenntendent of Education for*Upper Canada a correct statement, verified by at least one of such Trustees under oath, made before a Justice of the Pence for the county within which the Separate School is situate. of the names of the children attending such school, to- aether with the average attendance during the six nest preceding months, or during the number of manths whieh have elapred since the establishment thereof, and the nnmber of months it has been so kept dpen, and the Chief Supenntendent shall there= npon determine the proportion which the Trustees of ench Separate School are enti= tled to receive ont of ench Legislative grant, and ehall pay over the amount thereof to woch Tinsteer. 18 V. @. 131, a. 14, 35. The election of Tinstees for any cuch Separate School shal! become void un= less a Separate School be established under their management wi hin two months from oy election of such Trustees. 18 V, ¢. 131 = 15. 5 86. No person subseribing towards the support of a Separate Sehanl established as herein provided either for Roman Catholics, Protestants, or colored people, or sending children thereto, shall be allowed to vote at the election of any Trustee for a Common School in the City, Town, Village or Towne ship in which euch Separate School is situ- ate. 16 Vv. 0. 185, 8 4,18 V. ¢. 181, 8. 16.

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