Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 May 1863, p. 3

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" L.C, Ge B: L. Fellowes, L. C. 'Simcoe North--A.- Morrison, C. ¢ South--Thos. Ferguson, L. C. Stormont--S. Ault, R. * Toronto East - John Crawford, L. C. | © #4 West--John Robinson, C. * Vietoria--Dunsford, Ey Cus Waterloo North--M. H. Foley, R ; Jackson, R. : : '« South--James Cowan, R; Geo. Robinson, L. C, : Welland--T, C. Street, L. C. Wellington North--Dr. Parker, R. * South--D. Stirton, R. Wentworth Norch--Wm. Notinan, R. « South-Joseph Rymal, R. York East-- « West--W, P. Howland, R. * « North-- eer Sn res The New Administration, The Macdonald-Dorion Administration has been completed by the appointment to the Solicitor Generalship ot Lower Canada ot Mr. L. 8. Huntingdon, member for Compton, a very able lawyer and journalist and clever politician. The new Ministry now satis as follows :-- y UPPER CANADA. Joha Sandfield Macdonald, General. Oliver Mowat, Postmaster General. Wm.. McDougall, Commissioner Crown Lands. | -Y Wir. P. Howland, Receiver General. A, Fergnson Blair, Provincial Secretary. Lewis Wallbridge, Solicitor General. LOWER CANADA. A. A. Dorion, Attorney General, L. H. Holton, Finance Minister. Isidore Thibadeau,. President Council. ~ Luc Letellier de St. Just, Bureau of Agii- culture. Lewis °T. Drummond, Commissioner of Public Works. . Loeius 8. Huntingdon, Solicitor General. Attorney of the New aAvvertisements. 'TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS! OF THE NORTH RIDING OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. GENTLEMEN, -- His® Excellency the Governor General having, under the advice of his Executive Council, dissolved Parliament, you will shortly be called on to exercise your elec- tive franchise. In consequenee of this dissolution, I have been allowed 10 serve you for two sessions only, instead of four, as was contemplated when yowdid me the houot to select me as your representative. I, therefore, feel 'it to be my duty to offer you my services again, and to ask you to renew the confidence you have already reposed in ~me, in order that you may have the opportunity of marking your approval or disapproval of my * conduet winlst in Parliament, by returning me again, er ejecting ine, at the polls. The course | pursued, aud the votes | have given, you have been made acquainted with through the public press, and if you desire in your representative (as my experi- ence of you tells me you do), a firm ad- herence to principles aud pledges, I am confident 1 «hall have your approval = marked bya largely increased majority. Bat, should you desire to hatwe~aaman to represent you, who will put his principles in his pocket when his personal interest re- 'quires them to be out of sight --who will be 'the champion of Upper Canada to-day, and 'the abject and submissive elave of Lower 'Canada to-morrow, in consideration of office and its emoluments, you will find such a man in the candidate provided for you by the self-chosen and self-styled Re-| form Convention of North Outario--und the honest consistent Reforme:s of North Ox- ford, in the personwf the present Commis- sioner of Crown Lands, the Houorable William McDougall, who, rejected by his former freinds, seeks 10 retain office through your aid. Electors, mark the contrast between the Reformers of North Oxford and those who have assumed to act in the nwme of, and for the Reformers of North Outario-- the former rejected the Hougrable William McDougall, a member of the Government though he be, for his political apostacy and treason to Up- per Canada ; the latter itvited him to be your représentative. Will you eonsum- mate the disgrace thus begun by electing him? Will you thus sully the good name and fame of the Riding in the estimation of -all Canada--of all consistent and honorable men? QFRWill you teil him and those who have insulted you by presnming such a thing possible, that honor with you 1s not u mere sound, and principle a thing to prate about when in Opposition, but to be 'laid aside when in office as entirely be- «neath the dignity and notico of a states- man. Electors, think of 1, and act and vote as -your honest couvicuons dictate, without re~ ference to the political party 10 which you belong. We mnst have economy in our expendi- 'tore and the management of our public affairs, but can we hope to obtain it trom or by the aid of men who trample upon prin- ciple and chmb to power over heaps of their broken and cast off pledges. Does not every day's experience teach us that those who deceive us 1n one thing will do so in another? : My principles are theme as when last 'I solicited your suftrages. A Conservative 1 have been, and will continue to be the advocate of fair and equal justice to all accepting office upon the terms of making the question a close one, hus lost us more ground than we shall beable to recover by ten years of dilligent and fanhful advocacy. The prorvgation of Parliament and a new election brought about by meu, condemned them to keep in office and to enjoy emolu- ments for the longest time permitted by the constitution, will cause an expense and loss to the country of at least one hundred thou- sand dollars. It has also stopped much | useful private legishiion, aswell as public, || in the. hands of private members, and has prevented the continuance of the proceed- ings of a commiltes appointed' to inquire into the practicability of construgting a Canal from Georainn Bay to Lake Simcoe, and thence through your Riding and adjoining Counties to the River Trent--a work which, should it be proceeded with, will benefit you more than any public work that has been undertaken in this Province--and a work which would have received my most hearty support, and which will yet receive The evidence to be obtained by the com- mittee establish it can be accomplished at an expense that will be warranted by the traffic and benelits to result fiom its accom- plishment to you and the country at large. I hope to have the opportanity of more fully expressing my views to many of son at publie meetings, and in my canvass, on the various other matters that have engaged and will hereafter engage the attention of Par- liament--also upon those who look to Washington and think that no armament our bestarmament against the aggression of those who may engage in « war with us --and wn the meantime, I am, Gentlemen, Your faithful servant, M. C. CAMERON. Prince Albert, Ma . 1863. 23-tf WHITEY, Princo Albert and Port Perry. FIYHE Subscriber begs to intimate to the travelling community that he continues to furnish a Coveren Convevancr between the above miectioned places, every lawful day, leaving Whithy after the arrival ofthe Morning Trains, aud reacting Prince Al- bert in time to eonnect with the Stage for Manilia and the North, ves Port Perry and Prince Albeit after the arrival of the Manilla Stage, and reaches Whitby in time for the early trains, East and. West. FARES REASONABLE! (= Baggage and Parcels av the risk of the owner, unless booked and paid for. N. RAY, Pioprietor. Whitby, May 20, 1863. 21 A RARE CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS MAN! ox FEIYAE Subscriber offers for Sale uta low price one of fi the best business stands in the County of Ontario. The p property is situated in the flou lage of PRINCE ALBERT! In the ceiire of the business part of the place. The Buildiog 1s large and commo- dious, bemg 25 by 50, 24 fect high, with stone cellar the whole size of the building. The first story i« fitted up for a Store, and is one of the best finished shops in the County 3 the second flat is well finished and Toeupied as a Punting office. The purchaser can have any teasonable time to pay for the shing Vil- property, by paying 6 per cent. miterest, For further particulars appiy to the un- dersigned if by letter post-paid JAMES HOLDEN. Proce Albert, Moy 00, 193, : DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario!l No. les Whithy. .ovusiinse June 1, 1863. 2. Duffin's Creek .... « 9, « « 3. Poit Penry. .. 4 5. 6 " 29, " Lea ee . Cannington . July 21, « . Beaverton ........ "ian Z. BURNHAM, Judge C. 0 22 Usbridge. . Whitby, May 18, 1863. J COUNTY COUNCIL, COUNTY OF ONTARIO!' HE JUNE SESSION of the County Council of Ontario, will be holden at the Comt House in the Town of Whitby, On Tuesday, June 2, 1863, At the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. H. J. MACDONELL, Clerk of Ontario. County Council Chambers, Whitby, May 18, 1863. 22-2w STR TR gn NOTICE County of Orario, S hereby given that To Wit: the :Court of Gen- eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and County Court, will be holden iu ani for the County of Ontarie, at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, ; {On TUESDAY; the 9th of JUNE, 1868, At the hour of 12 o'clack, noon, of which all 'Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and Con- stables, and all others concerned will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0! «classes of the people, without reference to party, color, race, or religion. The riylits and interests Bf Upper Canada demand ro- Per C. Novess. Sheriff's Office, by the peopiw's representatives, to enable | that support should you again elect me. MANCHESTER HOUSE! OF Press Goods, Je - Shawls, Parasols, Parachutes, di ~ ~ RIBBONS, MADE CLOT READY- TO BE HAD AT CURRIE & BROVN'S! ~ PRINECE ALBE £5= Also large Stocks PRINCE ALBERT, April 29, 1863. 0 a8, \s Odps /) Sf 2 'ys v Ay yf "7 FG LARGE ARRIVALS! 14 THE © 7 £2 A; i dw 227 ; OF NEW nay J / BAILY REGEIVED AT THE BROADWAY EMPORIUM, PRINZE ALBERT! And which the Subscriber is Selling off at the LOWEST FIGURE FOR CASH ! Prince Albert, May 27, 1863. . The' subscriber would beg to inform the inhabitant of Manchester and surrounding district that he has opened outa FRESH STOCK OF GOOUS I In the premises lately occupied by HAMILTON & ROBERTS, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, And BOOTS AND SHOES, which will be £o1d as low as any house ia the trade. (+ Great Bargins in Ready-made Clothing. Salt and Plaster kept constantly en hand. WM. McPHERSON. 4-1f FARK 10 LET, EING Lot No. 1, in the 8th concession of the Township of Seugag, Field and Garden Seeds! Manchester, Jan. 14, 1663. To Common School Trustees. 1 : Wie by a Teacher of 14 years experience an engagemént for the | Ye pe lars apply b "ett paid | Pit A C articulars y etter pre- i Seven cres ls Pr TEACHER," y res Cleared, 43] Georgina, P. O. Eighteeh acues of Fall Plowing done. Apply at the x WILLIAM BEALL, Osserver Ofgice, < SSUER of Marriage Lieenses, Commis- or to PHEBE CLERKE, I sioner of the Court of Queen's Bench, Town of Whitby. Whithy, Apnl 1, 1863, 15-3w | "Wirithy, May 19, 1863. § 22-3w < Township Cletk, &c. Office, CoLunbus. \ EWEST STY : Ladies' Eats, Bonnets, PRINTS, of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &c. ee) NN, ASTD : 8 0 4 Rr rE RS = T. C. FORMAN. || ES! Blantles, HING, &e., nr. CURRIE & BROWN. WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELRY EXCELSIOR BLOCK, FORD'S OLD STAND. 'MHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO announce to the inhabitants of Piince Albert and vicinity, that he has just opened a New Store in the above busi with a large and well assorted Stock consisting of Gold and Silver Watches, English and . American Clocks, Gold and Silver Chains, Studs, Breast-Pins, &e., Brooches, Ear Rings, &c., Jet Bracelets aid Breoches, Electro-plated Forks, Spoous, Tea Serviced, &e., Spectacles to suit all Sights, Pocket-Books, Penknives, &c. (= Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, care- fully repaired and warranted to give satis- faction, Remember the Address-- J. P. JOHNSTON, FORD'S OLD STAND. Prince Albert, Nov. 5 1862. 47-tf DENTISTRY! Messrs. CARD & HAWKE, DENTISTS, WHITBY, C. W,, ~ \ [7 OULD respectfully inti- "mate to the habitants of the following Villages and surrounding neighborhoods, that one of them will visit the following places at stated times, viz : Prince Albert.--The first Monday and Tuesday of each and every mouth ; at Scott's Hotel. Manilla. --Wednesday and Thursday of the same week ; at Conway's Hotel. Cannington.-- Friday and Saturday of the same week ; at Ward's Hotel, Beaverton.--The second Monday of each and every month ; at Workman's Hotel, Uxbridge Village.-- Wednesday and Thursday of the sume week; at Plank's Hotel. Markham Village. -- Friday and Saturday of the same week ; at Hall's Hotel-- where they will be happy to attend to all cases relative to their profession. 07 All Work Warranted. Oue of the firm way always be found at our office in Whitby. H. W. CARD. JH ithy M 3 G. W. HAWKE, 3 de . 12kc FANCY DRESS GOODS. ees o gs ALBERT! REY, WHITE, AND PrixTED CoTTON they offer at Retain below wholesale prices : 1 a An immense quantity of G premises, are now prepared for the comin PRINCE ¢ enlarged their stock than heretofore. in §3 z3 oo =~ £s i] 23 [ST] = 13 es nn So AD - Hav | | Ne . Good Tweed Vests $1.2. GROCERIT 9 S53 2 HN \ T 5 2 wld | oo 22 5° 4 3 gS oD es Ce " : a rs ™ & Q Ss Kd Jun ---- ~ -~ - gz E § 9 SLAY 2 wy smal ne ) wp Boe a 3 g 8b oE = ~ = 3 + bn 8.1: * 8 wn & s P Bin 9 : >. -- sq) WD £2 5: : 3 3 < ge a =. ! : » QQ 87 d na =i . Ww BE ' $1! 5 aE s = ) wo» 38 as no Pa 3 : = > gx 23 iy = 2 3 BE Eg ii. F = 23 = aa 3} SS % E ed | 53 a] - = si) ha 1 © Sf ip $2 y - io ~ - 2 » = : ID £Y * of 5 1s ] « B ( = es 3 =< = 3 = E § I) . £ < = a . oS = - @ = het 3 3 J - 5 5 yy hy) o 8 3 1 $ CLOTHING Ys 2 8 a = 2 G ini i Ro SKE I RX 30% fb Ey we 5 YIE%2 » 37s E8 i 3AEmEE -, or 1 tp as Pi ogmE MEE. eR WM ITAI2ST Q len Pp BR Ne si 8. Bb TE Sp) / ti 820232 oa Xy LE d= rE g ~NEF 1: SQEVEi ii EN EmpeE ln it EE yg il ps UEEeS 2 § 3 £03 SER mm gs ( om = 2 SRE. 13 Ea 3 HE HS V2 O 13 3 2 ZBL 23 iz 2 To SUZ ZB Row = EAR) x iz 3 8 353 = 8 2°0 i 3: 2 « SE, ER "= 3 5 SE Ess gc ETS © igmm SR 23-8 2 ZeRerap pL 3 g 0 ww 02 (23 § 133QE §5 S FX saz mPs as 3 £740 re ¥ 22 3 sph3 24 Ph a =E2 3 3; NEW GG O0DS od BROOKLIN. A pee subscriber has now open his NEW STOCK which 1s well ussorted in its various branches. DRESS G:00DS{ MANTLES I Call and examine his Cloths, Ready-made Clothing, Bonnets, Hats, Caps, &o., &o, His stock of GROCERIES is also complete, and at piices to suit the times. them and Jove their quahties for yourselves, anything that can be said of them. (5 Boots and Shoes, Crockery, and Hardware, at very low prices.) Farm and Dairy Produce Brooklin, May 5, 1863. taken in svchange for Goods. "T. J. HOLLIDAY. - 21-1y ind a : Try which is a 'etter recommendation than NORTHERN HOTEL, . , y mage 0 BLA DEEDS AND MEMORIALS ---- 10,000 DOLLARS F PRIVATE FUNDS to Loan on' Real J Estate security, for a term of years, in sums from $400 to at moderate interest. Parties wishing to obtain money should apply at once. Applications will be received at the LAW OFFICE OF P. A. HURD, Prince Albert, and if the security offered be Pp | of, the pplied for wiil bu paid at the above mentioned place as soon as the papers are execnted, and those re- quiring registration are Registered. The undersigned is also prepared to ne- gotiate for parties wishing to apply for money to "The Canada Agency Assovin- tion," or « Real Estate Building Sceiety," Toronto. All transactions connected with the above business will be atteuded 10 with prompti= tude and despatch, P. A. HURD, ; Solicitor, &e. Prince Albert, Nov. 19, 1862. 49-1 NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FIRST Meeting of the COURT OF REVISION, For the purpose of Revising the Assess- ment Roll of the Township Sry will be held on SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1863, AT \ Mr. Gordon's Hall! At the hour of ten o'clock, a. m. JOHN FOY, Township Clerk. Scugog, April 28, 1863. 20-3w SEED GRAIN! "ie SUBSCRIBER HAS, FOR SALE 600 Bushels of Oats, 400 Bushels of Peas, A small quantity of BARLEY! A large quantity of Fresh Clover and Timothy Seed, and Fresh Garden Seeds. Also,!-200 bushels of Pinkeyes and Cap Potatoes. x W. GAMBLE. Port Perry, March 25, 1863. 14-1 ad OF = wa - - = £981 '85 ue[ 'Usq|y ooung *Kyadord wav lwo ys faq ue 10j ase osu we | ay Jo $9) v olpred-asd 'aom9] £q dg jsere 'Surfidde senued 10faowy() eatesay £3121) pue pue] umos)) ol jo no ual Poa] pue 'oj paoueape JueD I 'SAVAX ¢ OA HVHIUOM NO i spead) pur QOig Jo swung u 'SIWUV.I ATAOUINT N INVO'L OL XANOT = B -- 2 en Q 8 508 Sw ° 23 fp 72] gg id 2 z8 s we 2 2 ® HENRY GRIST, EPARTMENTAL and Parliamentary J Agent, Queske, investigates-and ad- justs Crown Land Claims, sceures Land Patents, procures information obtainable from any of the Public Departments, takes out Patents of Inventions, registers Trade Marks and Designs; takes charge of Private Bills during their passage through the Leg- irae, &e.; for parties who are unable to devotestheir own time to such business or unwilling to incur the expense of traveling to Quebec. | Business with the Crown Land and other | Government Departments, which often | takes months to do by correspondence, can be transacted in a fgw dayspand at a sinull | cost, by employing a resident agent. Address, post-paid, to HENRY GRIST, Box 344, P. 0., Quebec. N. H, J. WESTBY, CON EYANCER, General Commission and Insurance Agent, Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Accountant, Copyist and Draftsman, Manchester. References.--Z. Burnham, County Judge; IL. J. Macdondell, Clerk of the Peace; N. G. Reynolds, Sheriff, C. 0.; J. H. Perry, Registrar, C. 0. . VARS & PETERSON, PRACTICAL DENTISTS ! OSHAWA, C, W, "= NE of the above firm will visit Prines < Albert professionally every Monduy and Tuesday until the first of June. 4 05 Rooms over R. fl. Tomlinson's Drug tore. Prince Albert, March 11, 1863. 12 ONTARIO BANK Dividend No. 12. NE hereb given that a Dividend ot Four Per Cent upon the paid ap Capital'Stock of this Institution tor the cur- rent half year, has this day been declared, and that the same will be payable at Bank and its Branches, on and after Monday, the 1st day of June next. The Transfer Books will be closed fram the 16th to 31st May inclusive. Notice is also given that the Annual Gen= eral Meeting of the Stockholders for the en= suing year, will be held at the Banking House, in Bowmauville, On Monday, 1st of June next. noon precisely. BROCE Slavet, Uxbridge. Coremaw AY . Thompsorl:) he best liquors and cigars. By aderer the Bia, Good accommodation for the traveling pub- D: FISHER, Cashier. He, and a first-class ostlers always in at- tendance. Special attention paid to the cowfort and requirzments of fanners. 1 | WITH AND WITHOUT DOWER, 05 For Sale at this Office, OxTarlo Bank, Bowmanville, April 26, 1863. ! 194 ' i = " / ~ a vod \ : 5 . < . or SE -- re sore: emer teeeetere -- : pp ---- presentation by population as a measure of * z i TT justice, and I will continue to affirm and J. Po JOHNSTON, mamta tho right, though I feel thy con- . = : * duct of my opponent and his colleagues in IMPORTER AND "DEALER IN ? < -- The Chair to be taken at Twelve o'clock ;

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