Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Feb 1865, p. 1

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"EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, i BY Parsons & Robinson. TERM : -- 81.50 per aiinnm, 1 paid within kix #5 iC not paid within that time, $2.00. ptaken for Jess than six months ; and no paper isl atin until all arrears wre paid. =F Letters containing money, when addressed to Indi DE, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, No =ub- this Office, pre-paid and 1egistered, will be at our isk. For each line, first insertion - - 8 1bsequent insertions, per line Cards, under 6 lines, per annum Advertisements measured in Brevier, nnd chargeduc- RATE S$] OF ADVERTISING. cording to the space they occupy. Advertisements ri ive « eifie instructions, will be inserted until forbid, © eharged uceordingly. out until puid for, Any Si the pecunia.y benefit $0.08 «= 0.02 "Bovaud are under the cha wd for publication, without spe- and No advertisement will be taken haunts and others h is 10 promote ty mdividual or company, 10 be Sounder an advertisement, auld charged accord- ing 2 These terms will, in aii cases, be strictly ad- _hered to, The constantly increas "Riding ot On any local puper published m Caiiula. Heads, Circulars, Bu every styl Parties (rom a (hs ean have them done HH. PARSO JOB DEPARTMEN Pamphlets, Mand il ar Blank | lille Ke, pi take howe with them | W. RO - __ Business ; Div cctory. R.A AGREW, Co Coroner, Piince Allert, CW, (NEO. WL a wi Ostet en. Shee steel, With Ofice--Oppusitc {Vii co Ala OBERT J. WILSON, "Han baw, Sabicitgr me Clineeny, Xe. NR. BAIN 1) wecupied by Dr. Man 1d ton's Hot 1 OHN BILLINGS, Bub Subcom Chaweng, Not, &e., Puce Albert ie « NES, M.D., Uy. mee Aller emoved to the lmuse door no rd 10 his W huthy offiey. & MACDONELL, | Socios Couiity 0 oinit House, na. ister, Alton wy Suigeol ACDONE| ral news given, will be unsurpassed by lower med, is ot be able to Allert Oflice--Over Mr. Holden's Office, ris ered nell Oula- ni Office in the clon Butlins, ness to the Registry Oldice, Lrock Breer, \\ iby. J EM. FARSWELLy, Ls Le Cha street, J HAMER o Chineery, ficem Bruck Law, de. de 1 MCGEE, B. A., Attoniey-at-Taw, Solicitor. jn- n : OI 5 N the Victo Sieeet, ¥ 0 he Registry ( al Uxondge and Re a hp B., Bunsicr-ale Mice, e, EF Always visits hie Courts EO. H. DAR NN tL, C Canter oy vue, Dun tiers Ha pores Store, Bock 5 rr CW ¥MAN ENGLISH, L. 4 Chancery, Atti, Conve difice { --¥imeoe Steel, « AV. OWATT & MCLENNAN, Guiri-ters, & ST Qilicé=Outar io Hall, Corner of and Court streets, A OLIVER MOWATT, « Dental oo ILLIAM BEALL, isu: Churges Moderate, Ri \ NM 5. _Albart, P. Barber. egy Reg A adlace's ne Entice on Gout sect. retin] Dentist, 1s duectly opposite the Post Off hued JAMES MCLENNAN Oshawa, C, \V hee-- ce duncve Street, thi door itorth of the Ontario 16 cduses Combnssioner of Qu slip Gierk, &e, Oflice, CoLumpus, y any §i¥ wwnships. of Reach, Bro jo Unio id Morin tuken ut this office and lduys ol sale ap- " of Marriage Lic Lin Clerk Vhird Div i Township Cierk (0 Li To io Com to. Wien, ucen sled, eer in ge, und of Matimge Lie Col Gens each. t Rum. in ny ot ricking aid isneg i horsds are subje Prince Abert, anki he sitke,--such ws Chairs, Be inter, nid pay hinge for, works ' ASH, ANURACTORGR of. Pumps: and: Fan- Vie. 1 an, 33= Good Lantos ning Mills, Simcoe street, Prince All work warranted, Shop--oppneite the resilence of 20 oi | competion and ALBION HOTEL 4 I'HE ' FAST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, CaulV., THE Subscriber having leased ¢ The ternational? he has converted the two pre- rises into ong mammoth Rotel--the largest and most eommodions in the Cny, where lie will be glad to receive his friends and the public. No labor or expense will be spared likely to conduce to the comfort and convenience of the guests, BOARD---ONLY $1 PER DY. The yardand stabling are very extensive, of careful hostlers, THOMAS PALMER, Proprietor. Taranto, Feb. 17. 1864. BOY ~ BOYNTON'S HoTEL JEWETD'S.) and' surrounding Counties, that he has apened the Hotel on William street, lately oucupied by Jew: and has had it fined and [rmshed in List rate style, Visitors will find every convenience. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the best quality. An attentive ostler always in attendance e. Lindsay, Jan. 20, 1864. 2 THE ROBSON § LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOT ' DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, c, Wy, GEORGE ROBSON, - « - PROPRIETOR, FEYHE Subscriber begs to announce that i he has leased the building formerly own as Scriptures Hotel, for a term af years, and that he has now renovated and re=furmshed the building thronghout. The premises are pleasantly situated, opposite the Post Office, and in the centre of the Town, . The Railway Ommbus ealls at the Motel, and the s lor Uxtridee and Beaverton ave the door every mori "| 6SCareful Ostless sai in attendane Graduate of the University of >M College. 4 "(SUCCESSOR OF DR. WARE.) R. F. BRATUWAITE begs leave to form the i ts of Prince Al bert and saronnding country, that he has rented the honse fore rly occapred by Di Ware, and intends to settie himseélt per- manently among them for the practice ol his profession. References kindly permitted to Dr. Bovell, Dr. Richaidson, » Toronto. Dr. Hodder, "Prof. Campbell, Prof. Howiud, Montreal. Prof. Hall, Be eau, J Odiawea, 4 Guin, ¥ J Whitby, Prince Albeit, 0:1. 12, 1864. "0 7% 5 2% (A: CNet WM. DI CRER, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER! AND JEWELER!! MIE subscriber begs to return his thanks to his friends nud pubic generally for their liberal support, and would state that he has Removed his Shop to Prince Albert! Where may be found a good stock. of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. As a practical waichmaker he' defies will warrant all work executed by him. Slop in Courtice & Rolph's old" stand. wm, DECRER. | Prince Albert, Nov. 11, 1863. NEW AND FASHIONABLE "Tailoring EMPORIUM. "| SHOP--VER T.C, FO C, FORMAN! s STORE THE: Subseril r Wishes." to rin 'the public that he has opened a Tailoring estabiishment over T. C. Forman's Store, where gentlemen can get their garments y emade.up in tHe: Latest New York. © And in the mest rub A PERFECT FIT + i CHAS. FORMAN. ie Albert, Dee. 1, 1864. 47-1] Styles, a. i CAUTION! HEREBY forbid TRY person' holtling a Due Bul against John Gienn; in favor of Peter Snyder or bearer, to the agount "of $7.50 to be pail in work in the 'Boot uni Shoe line, value for thé'same, JOHN GLENN. 1-d4w. Borelia, Jan. 11, 1865, 4 «€ 3 Albion Hotel," in addition to the * In- | i, Wi BOY) ON begs to inform the |} inhabitants of the County of Victoria | delicacies of the season. as I have receiveil no Rervice he foi | Kania ii ench month, REV. Methodist I piscupal Chirch, Borelin in at 10 am and 6) p om, Sahbith School nt 2 p.m REVS. CALDWE & WILL, Service in the Mechanics' WW. KING Paptist Ghurch, Borelin, Ha lat 6) p.m t Church, , Borelia, Servier, at 1d am. pt 1 LOK R HENLY dist Vpis soo Church, Mi Church, M Pe th ul Union Sabbath School, Manchester, Town Hull, Ww, Pumitive Methodist Church, one mile sonth of 3 an- chester. Service at 104 I GARNER & ROFFE, SOCIETIES M TINGS. Prince Allert Division Sons « mperniee No, 34,-- Rexular meeting on Mowday evenings. ui 94 p.m, n Wik § » La No. 060; Prince Alvert, meet. ine the first Thursgay mesh month at 24 pomo,ow Huds Hail. [13 v vomeeting uw 7 pom. wt TONG Seety, Templars, No, wings, ag} ge, Nn, 223, Rorelia nesday ne cach month J. 8 6pm. Muig I Letters posted atfer that me Mi wehek non -- wil , AL GL ROE er unt] the next IN, Postmuster. diye THE STORES.--The Merchanis of Prince Al- bert have agreed 10 open their business places i futnre at 7 a. w., wid ef 4 p.m. FAS HIONABLI Tailoring A Fit Warran after. Natur ey "Model !! Cutting always attended to immediately. -oppusite the Ontario Car ULLEN. 39-1y (= SHOP. ringe Factory. J.B Prince Albert, Oct. 4. 1864. 18d UZITV 308 LSE VAVAYD [418 REVERE HOUSE BEAVERTON, C.. W ; EVIE subscriber begs to announce that lie has leased the above hotel, which has been furnished and fitted np thronghout in the best of style. None but the choicest lignors-and cigars will ba kept in the bar, and his table will be farnished with all the Careful and obliging ostlere alwavs in altendance. + WM. PARKIN, Proprigtor. Beaverton, July. 27, 1564., AUCTION BUSINESS. Erastus Kcster, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and Collector.---Residence; Brooklin. UCTION SALES, and Valuations in any part of the County of Outario, at- tended to on moderate terms. Cash ad- vanced on Goods consigned for sale. REFERENCES. -- Alex. Macdonald B. O'Donohoe, Auctioneers, Torouto ; J Geirio, Drpagist, Whitby; 8 M. Thor and T.* 'Hotilly, Merchants, Brook!i Win. Wiles, Banifl, Prince Albert; J. W. Ganble, Es Port Perry 5 J. C. Widdi- field, nail, and Samuel \Y ildifield, Esq., Uxbridge. N.B.= Orders can be left and terms made 11 anp H | knewn at this office. Brooklin, March 21, 1864. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y T o RO xT T Oo, CT WV. \ INCORPORATED, " 1851. Capital, - - $400,000. ! GRO. MICHTF, Enq. 1 JON. J. Me MURRIC aie RNARD HALLAN, JAMES PRINGLE, Prustnrs'.... aaron} fields five of stumps, ere is The farm is situated abont. a mile ang ha from the village of Argyle, being in a wel settled part of the country. (= Price per acre--$2. Half year i Possession piven Reat always in advance. e | immediately. Apply if by letter pre-paid io M. G. ROBSO} $40,00 (PRIVA b-4 FUNDS) TO LOA A T a Low Rate of Interest on Imgfoved Farm Property. -- (= Mortgages on Farm Property Yught on reasonable terms. . (= Also a first ¢lase Farm, Sawmi{ and Tannery, in the Town of Bowmanvill, lor sale or to rent, Also, 20,000 Acres of Wild Lan| for A G00 mi CHEABR! pe fort fn of Lot 16, wm the 1 the 4th cdncession of the Township o tag. DoLes in Drugs, 3 Coutaining by admeasarement 53 ACRIS, The Property of MOY STON, Equi i property is situated with limits of the flonnishing vi I'rinee Aibert, and fronts on the nain tasi- ness slree There are excelln( frame buildings on the property ; it ix sel lenced mid ned er a good state of cultiviion, | Ap- ply, if by letter prey pind 10 . JAMES HOLL Pianed \ thert, Orrice-- Opposite the Town Hai, 3 doors no th of Mog « Hotel Prince All , 1564 FARM FOR NALE IVHE undersigned offers tor A Lot No. 31, in the 41h ¢ aneessinn of Av-mesia, containing 100 Acres 75 cleared sul under good cultivation, and well fenced There fonse amt Bash, and an cater on the promis-s. The property 1s situated about 20 mies from Collingwood. There is a geod grovel road r to the farm. For further particu!are apply to SAMUEL WILSOY, Lot 23, in the 2nd con. keach. 1565, i bide 1, D 47-10 wa gol Log abundance of Reach, Jan ISSOLUTION CF PARTN LRSHIP I y OTICE is hereby Fron tht the periner- ship heietolore existing betwepn George both of ony of [li K. Richardson and Joshua Weighs, the Township of Reach, in the Ontario, under the FIRM OF WRIGHT & RICHARDSON, Was dissolved this day by mutual consent. All debts «ue the said firm are to be re- ceived by enid Justina Wriglhn, fife aikde- mands on the said firm are to bé presented 10 him for payment. Dated at Prince Albert. this 14th dyy of | January, A.Di, 1865. GEORGE F. RICHARDSON, A SPLENDID FARM OF 100 RES "FOR $6800!! HE subscriber offers for Sale: the N.§ of Lot No. 14, 1p the 12th confession of Mariposa--about 8 acres cleargll Hard woud lot, good soil, und converrie i mills, PRICE 8600; $200 hi And the balance in four equal stalments with 'interest. Brooklin Drug' Store. h JORN DAWES Soin Patent Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &o. Travelling Agent, _ County of Ontario. (7 Horse and Cattle Medicines always on hand. .oz House and a splendid Cedar Si 1 Geo Kitchen James Camplin: Robert Wat- genre jThe Milivin Ballot for pL] L Ontazio 0 n ey gh seo. Jchnston, Wm. ULervie John W rown, Benjamin Sweet, Daniel Lark, John Graham, Henry W Payne, Chas Ste- phens, James E Vernon, Wm_ McGill, James Strong, James Jessup, Peter Me- Gann, Geo. Miles, Alex McCoy, William Bartlett, W Heron, Wm Lyle, David Lyle Johnston Dewith, Wm Holby, Wm Me- Clintock, Richard Combe, Wm Rooke, Jos. Marsh, Stephen Wilson, Thomas Beatty, jr-s Chiver Buck, Thos Alex Edgar, Francis Ward, Wm Lamb, Joseph Stubbs, Donald WS Powson, Thos Tomlinson, John Pierce, Philip MeNuan, ( Andrew Dolby, Donald Christie, John Tur ! cy, John Colville, Joseph Claughton, Issac 1 Cuson, Peter Christie, Hugh Christie, Chas 1 Letcher, John Cooke, Milton Vansmicklcr, John Thomas, Awan Mason, Israel Sharp, I] Cruthers," Samuel Bayes, David Bren- nan, Duncan Christie, Wm Blight, Wm Smith, John Smith, Caleb Crandle James Heldington, Henry I McConnell Geo S.nith James McConnell James Hogg II § Johnston RV Johnston Robt Town Robert Veitch jr. Francis Elliot Thomas Watson Joseph Scott Edward Ta- hanny Jolin McClintock John MeDonnell Chas Grser Walter Pound Wm Marks Henry Miller Johti Gibson Clinton Cooke Ales [© Brown John Ward Francis Dobson George Fate PatThompson Wm Conway WinLee Wm Henry Lazier Issac Clemmans John Bray r son Jumews fanson I Curran James MeLaten Dunk Wheelan Areh Johnston Wn ietie Jokp, Walsh Abralipim Nage Absefoin Wag or Wen Spring Jna ar ren Alex Jamieson Calvi Asling Jonathan Sullwell Jamer Mitter Colin. Miller Jio N Byers James Cameron Nathaniel Cameron Thomas Shaw Wm Mark Chas Cross John Hotne Robert Alfen joo John Craig Joh | ¢ Salter Arehd McMillan Jones MeMillan Christopher Dronan Jacob McVeigh Wm English Wm Grills Gilbert Gritlith Jere- mh Leary jr. Chancey Brown Geo Mane ning Wm Moflaut je. Henry Robinson jr. Thomas Robinson Thos Lofius Samuel McConnell Wm Harvey Daniel Coryell Donald McLean Andrew St. John Patk Cantoran John Riley Robt Ashburg jr. Geo Foster jr. John Kerby Wm Dyton Donald Campbell Donald McDonald Fim Troax Wm McLeod Henry Honter John Saunders Wm McFarlane Alex Black Joshua Cais- well Henry Ifinge Thos Daniels Thomas Leonard John Vansickler John Campbell | Wm Wightman John Beaty Richard Wii- son Geo Parkes John 1 Brown Samnel Chnstian Daniel Scott Daniel Perkins Wn Davis James Tyler Geo Richardson John Adams Richard Jones Win Brown Walter Spencer. John P Johnston Win . Beatty R.chard Langdon James Welsh John Fox Thos Bundy R-H Tomlinson Bryant Biad- ley John Arnold John Cluchey Joseph Christopher Leskey Neil 'MePheaden Chae, max Taylor Tames Doy'e John Purvis Pat- McKmoon John Me- Pheaden Im. Moshier John Sample Geo Speran John McCleary John Oke David C Whie A, L Martin FR Norton, William Bond; John Coulton, Daniel Staiey, lasac Nicholas, Henry Tro | man, John Gerow, Wm Gamble, Henry. : Blanchard, C Smith, Richard Pierce, Chas | Sweetman, John Atkinson, Nii -hael. Walsh, | George Howard, W. Alfred, Daniel Sweet. man, Nicholas Sweetman, Soloman Hadley, Wm Beynson, Henry Taylor, Joseph Ro- [ omy: A TowNeIIP or on Robert Mooney John BROCK. Acton Willia Brandofi John Som Thomas Crosby Stew- art:McRay Anthony Gillespie Robert Brabe N frown Thomas Davidson Wateon P Wid- azon Robert Chambers John Curtin Alex. Tipp John Sowenburger Charles. McLean Robert Thompson James Rennie David Baker Wm'. Marrow Donald McLean Chris. Taylor Thos. Evans Robert McCanley Ad- Barker W. C. Stapleton Lachlin MeEarcher John [ryv- Chiistie, Chas Hobbs, Wm McConnell, ine Win. Doble Wm {jr Peter Scott, ThosMozzitt, John Welsh, m Spears Chas. Wells John Baird Robt. Jood Roby. Tale IF. Hale Edwin Shier Ge os. Thompson Jos. Heron Im. Hodgs Adam Baker James Baker John Armstrong aflory in. Buck Morrison Mai J. T. Ryan Joseph Thompson Georze Hodgson Thos Lrmstrong Fm. McC ohh Tarrow Jas. St. John Donald M. Phaden Duncan McGregor Maleolm Me Tohn Spe m J, Cloecin Rev. Geo. Thompson Melheaden Tho ick Curtin Donald ortis Win, O'Diyan James MeFEaery 7 Tames Cavanagh Hoch Me Arthar John Me- Donald Donald Me Lean Robt MeKinnon Thee, Reckie Georae Raocehaw Jolin Bagshaw Abraham Bagshaw Bagshaw Jr Androw Lowes James. Malou Tohn Danberiy Hector Regen John MeKin- | nom Thos Rogers John Manning: a. Cor Ton Phas, Clayiow Wind "Pliompeor Toh | Mastur-on Thos, Contain J. urtain Arch. Toaan John Joliffie Geo, Silverthorn hown Thos. MeéKenzir loch ong \Wm. Andrews Jas. WV, Ward Wm. Brandon John Givens Jas. ens Duncan Brown George Melndoer John Anderson James Shier Thos, Shier Dunean MeMillao Fred Little Chas. Wilkinson Wm, Gibbs Hugh McKay Robt Thompson. Robert Godfrey Arthar MARA AND RAMA. J. Adams Colin Bgin Hugh Broce James Beatty Owen O. Boyle R Barber J Cameron Michael Cavanagh Michael Cleary John Cu 'ohy David Ducette Ed. Donelly James Duffy Paik, DnfTy Thos, Freel Patk. Gethur Timothy Gleeson George Hodgson Thomas Paird Thos. Cosgrove Donald Carmichael Robert Cunningham John Doble Wm. Fair Thos. Doble Matthew Kelly James we Shier hier Ruben Shier ITesley Umphrey Moore Hugh William Hani-on Park | McKinnon Wm, Till Wel lington Preston James Chambers Richard Ross John Francis Andrew Fran. sig Robt, Toighton A. Leighton Wm, Master Jahn Gonld Phillip Dawson Jampe Dae MeLean John Lloyd Thos, Nugent Win, Tart Win Harngon Henry Skelton Thos, Randle Jas Spronle C as Johnstone William Reandon JohinS. ford Wm. Andrews Al x. Currie John Clos- tou J. R. lam Dona'd Brown Thos. Hateh- inson Robt. Lloyd Robt Shier Wm. Taylor John Millen Jos. Oke John Littlejohn Chas Giv- Craw- Shier Richard Chiehey Alex Bradley John Parker Henry Gordon Hector MeKinnon John W Allison Gaor_e [fe ley jr. Pulmer Bigelow Robe McMichael W Joseph Hodgson Christopher Houck Wm Waggoner, 'Alonzo Miller, Jos Kilpatrick, Henry Reynolds, John Acky, Chris El- J Trounce John Haollgeon ott, Chris Pound. SCOTT. » Henry French, Augustus Airheart, Robert Miller Joseph Miller Henry Netherton Jas Arnold Nathan Pegg Robert Rowland Wm Hain Samuel Bain Rovert Bain Daniel Me- Can Nexfield Thrusk Rufus R Hall Sam!. LOglesby® Chris Watts, Jerome Churchill Leonard Shell William Smith Josh Leitch Samel Leitch Alex Davidson Thos Rogers -| Thomas Murry, Wm Strain, Wm Campbell | James Dowling, John Jones, Robert Oxtody Li Richard Harrison, Robert Munroe, Joseph Sellars, Joho Dow, Thos Mugzan, Thoma: | Dow Wm Galloway, John Veitch, John 0'Donnel, [hos Kennedy, Robert Lowry, Joseph Orr, John Clark, Richard Clark, Wm Bentley, Alex Hardy, Alex Hood, Peter Sinclair, John Thompson, Edward Hushnell, John Kay, Marshall Blanchard, Howley Thomas Hart Chas Hewett Alfred Hewett Joh [Haley James Heshp Jos. Hes- lip , Ahir Donelly D Hesline J Johuston Jus, Johnstone Pak. Kelley John Lavel'e Déyid Law Henry L Lee John Lee Neal Muir A Muir Jas. Morrison F Murphy John Mellet James Magoverign Thos. Mahoney Wm. Morriza Owen Morris Donald Mc Rea Jr. Jamps McGregor Angus McKay Alex. Melly Wma McDonongh Philip McRea Peter McCuaig Martin McGrath Alex Me- Leuven; John McRea John Melntaguan Thas MeCamn Geo, MeDonald John MeKin- non Ed: Me Grath Thos MeHuzh John Me- Neal Alex Mofsane Archd MeDonald Luoh- lin. MeBonald Donald MéKinnou Jus. Me- Dermott Jr. Angus MgDonald Thos Neliis John Norris Patk. O'Neal Francis O,Nea! 2-3w JOSHUA WRIGHT. 3 Jacnp Those, ji Burlon Toby Bell Job Magic 0 Daunel Rout Quigley Ju, Richi Wallis, harles Armand ames rner, . a+ J 1H : * i -" 1 Jas Robinson Wm. Robmison Moses Sim- RARE CHA CE Rufus Fletcher, Wm_Monre, David Blair mons James Sinclair Maurice Steele Geo. : FOR A 1 rn Spector, James. Purtest, Jatin ¥ fallace, Strathorn Joel Schamettom J E Trottier Robert Nelson, Thos Langley, W n Lockie, Chas. Tyrrell John Tunlin Benjamin Tho- SMA LL CAPITA LIS 181 Robert Lockie, John Barton, Henry Batton, | nas Aniny Yoong Franeis O'Donnell Robt, Thos Parks, Micheal Reynard, Wiiharg,| banal) Dun. O'Donnel A Muir John Me- ermotl, . UXBRIDGE. Ephraim Reader, ation, A Win Snooks, Thomas Brown, Charles Townsend, David Taylor, Thomas Stone, Edward Mouvre, Cornelins Marr; Robert Hamphrey, Edward A«ibury, Christopher Morison, Charles H Pearce, John Hughes, John Bolster, Lewis Parrish. Robert Stewait, Samupel Baker, Jacob Baker, Adum Frahek, Peter Thompson, jry John Harris, William Flint, | + Albert. BE Weeks, George Thoi n, Barqum, E M Pringle, George Cowan, John N L D| yon, «Keep thyself pure." Tiflen, Ji Aaron Madi, 3 Thornton, Wm McClennan, Henry Madill, WS Lyons, Wm Husick, ThosAtkine, Lewis Collins, Robert McClennan, Chas Long- a Armand, Henry Tiffen, Robt Hot , BCUG0G. ; es : Tames Bennett, Toseph Stoneliouse, Cons Thorne, Joseph Thoirpson, Charles Norton, ph MeClepnan, John Suoddon, fred Thom peon, Joseph pon, W. Me- Gni'e, Jacob Young, John Maore, Michael MeGrithy: Alex. Hamilton, Wm. Bertram, Edward Gollen, John O'Neil, Andrew Smith, Wm Flanagham, Joseph E. Gonld, Charles Gould, James Webster, John Mor- 8, James Arbuckle, Henry Killington, Geo amilton, Matthew Sione, jr., John Boden, | Wm. Tom, Jonathan Wilkirson, Wm. Wile kinson, Collins Smith, James Reid, John Duncan, John Gerow, John Thompson; Geo Houck, Charles Blow, Toko Hoy Hughes, Daniel OFalten. Robert To. Little, Janes Leonard, oseph Andrew, Wm. Hardy. jr., Isaac Ar buekre, Charles Midd] eorze Middle- tel David, organ, JAmen Dunshealh, John Lindsay. ol Davig/Gamble, Wm. Gamble; aor tell, il Gleason, Charles Lee, John Lewis, J Blakely, Alohzo Webb, Charles Hatrigk, jr., Wm, Faulkner, Hiram Raster, John (Williams, John Roach, John HRochan.. Rol Milla Ro vo John Morris Soh Jolin Kerr Wm, dd ton «Cliristopher Furner, » Grahmm Aobrone Lewis rr James Brant" Hozh definld Matthew Frankish John Keller Josh Mill rjr Simeon P Degear Charles Degear John Leonard Joseph Shaver Leonard Long Harrison Lone John Morden Wm. Wag Geo Wage Giles Hilts James Dillon Alfred Hills Pat Dillon Matthew Spang Solomon Stump Jas Bawshaw Jno Dolan Ephriam Rayner Win Reed Josiah Tompkins Sam- nel Londv Wm Tompkine Amos Tompk- ine Wm P.eney Geo Lewis John Dows- dale Matthew Costar Peter Costar Josiah Vinzant Geo Contonth Jno Smith Chas Gould WL, Hiltorn Corneling Culling Chas Toys 1m Vance Sam! Lohum Isang James Chas Chapman Thos Copeland Jr Adlred York Georae Armitage Ben Willson Peter wi | Willson James Iactis Thos Phillips. TAORAI. John McRea, Dongald Campbell, John Campbell, Langhlin MeBain, Farquhar MeBaim, Geo Giassford, Neil Gordon, Fran- cis McRea, James H McHenry, Laughlin Jolisston, Alex Montgomery, John Me- Swen, Neil MeEarehern, Doneald Me Lean ir A Snle---Cheap, : Duncan Richard Gibson, Newberry Munroe Pha ny amnbell, Dona'd Sutherland, Robt For further paiculun apply 10 Robert Howson jr. James Moros Dotald | vlden Loachlin. McDonald John Witte Af Tagaart Pet r Cameron. Roderick Ross, + HOL pox hs McDermott, Archd Lees, Dacras Ensign, | .y Samuel Brethour Chas Hodson Daniel | Donald Gilahrist, George Melntyre, Hogh ipsam, Dec. 21, peoiny vies 1 w | Alex Munro John Tummonds Wm Tum- { Comboy Adam Murray Alex. Tivine Wn. Storin; Donald MeRea, Jolin "Gibertson, nmin i lw , .h ve Beri M Swan Robt fiyzkman Jr, Robt, Umphrey Aly Me Millan, Hueh McMillan, James monds, Wm Nott jr, Jesse Burge Benj May- f McMillan, John Gord J b Robt. Jardine Chas. Smith Thos. Francie | knw. J. n Bordon lines Me. bee Francis Tripp Wm Tucker Thoma: | as . MCE | kay, James Watts, Peter Watts, Donald Arch Gilles, Wim IInrton, Peter y- | MeCuaig, Gilbert 'MeEwen, Hoch Mont- aomery, Wm MeArlnr, WJ Mel, Peary, Alex Menzies, BW Ladd, John Mc Hattie, IPitiam. Gordon, Georga Proctor, Anans Curie, Exeen Camoron, Alex Calder, John Hodason, enry Farnese. Robert MeTag- aerty Arehd MeDermid, Franklin Thomp- san, Wiltinm Waddell, Donald Dinece, Geo Wines, Ronalil Fracer, Donald Cameron, Maleotn 8mith Dionean MeArthor, Anana Campbell, Gaorge Martin, Alex Meclnnis, Henry Glassiont. Kennedy, r -- -- -- THE IND IN WEED. The Dean of Carlisle, in a rieant lecture "nthe nse ol tobaco 4 © Jouluted that she aiitise world of smokers, soutiers, and chew- r=, enisnme 2 000 LC ut tons annually, or 4, ISO,000,660 [e. weisshit--as much in "w The corn econsum v 10,000,000 of and actually at cost sufficient 3 the eon bread eaten in Great » wallions and a halt of acres nits growlh, chiefly cultivat- 3 ¢ prodoce of which at two pence per pound, would yield thiry=- seven millions of cpounds sterling, The i d furl to tell of the vast amount m Tarkey and Persia, Ta n= I both sexes andulge in amese both chew and y smoke. In Burinah all ages practise it-- chi'dren three years old and of both sexes. China eqnatly contributes to the general mania and the advocates of the habit boast that ab nt one-fourth of the humsn race are their «lists, or that there certanly are 100,- 000,000 smokers ! It costs mora than elueation or religion, the army or navy. It costs England and America a sum suflicient to support 50,000 ministers with a salary of $1,000: or more than $60,000 for ergnrs iv. Ittends to illeness, poverty, strong drink, and the whole family of vices. It tends to debility, dyspepsia, palsy; cers, insuhity, de- lirium tremens, sudden deaths. It weaves a winding sheet arronnd 20,000 in ont land e veer! Its estimated that mn New York city more than twice the am= ount is pufled away in cigars than 1s exe pended for bread ! Some eighty diseases are traced by Dr. Shaw to the vse of this vile narcotic. 11 in- jores the health of the body, mind and soul ! The haut 1s indecent--the exampla is per- icons on the rising youth, The expen- ditore is wicked, the gratification ofa vitiat= ed appetite. It leads to strong drink. Said a poor Indian: "1 want three things: all the rum in tie world, all the tobaceo, then more ram. [ smoke because it makes me love to¥Irink."? The use of this pisduous drug binnts the moral sensibilities, grieves the Holy Spirn, hinders prayer. * [ be- seech von as stringers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, ®hich war against the =ou The excuses for using the dirty tyrant are frequent. One nses it (or hae testh 5 anoth- er tor his zeneral health ; a third for bis eorpulence ; a fourth for hin. leanness ; a fifth for a watery stomach 3 n sixth to help digestion : another because ome ignorant, ottishe winehilline, or smoking doctor ve logue of excuses and subteffuges is filled out. Itis a matter of devont and hearty thanks- giving 10 God, that the most respectable, learned, and eminently suceassful of the medical facnliy, with onited voice, veto the accursed thing," warn their patients to lay wt aside forever. " Friend, do not exense thyself," says the Hon. Gerritt Smith, ¢ by saying that some great and good men use tobacco, The great and good men whe do #0 are 1n danger of sinking into very little und very wicked men betore they die." Tobacco and Rom --hat twin brothers ! what miehty agents of Satan! What a larwe share of the American people they are de- stroyina ! As Paul said to Timothy. so say we to Be clean in I= | your person, and ho elean in your heart. But, depend upon it, you can be neither, if yon nse tobacco, s Where lurk ye, thon blot an the race? Still dwell vo with eivilized men ? Why eriwl ye not into some desolate place, The lai: of a wolf, ora den In the cle'ts of the rocks, in the desert aw From the g- wad of mankind and the light of the day 7? --[fome Thrusts, by.D. F. Newrox. (WHOLE 2 No. 368 | commends it :--thus and thie, till the eata- = t 1A ' 4 " § ¥ % vi Wr

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