wv Evnorg.»~Col. Gowan of | n, coming down from St. Petersburg, \hosgly Georgps and Circassia, when in the § " neighbourhood of the sea of Azof, stumbled xi =» upon some oil wells which the natives were ¢ working in a very indifferent way, and which the Colonel bought. He then came to Paris and London, organized a company, sent out men to work the wells, and ships to carry to London and Liverpool the pro- ., duets, and they are now paying handsome / dividends. But what is more surprising "till, the Colonel, in returning lately from the Black Sea to Paris, stopped on {he way atthe Island of Samos, on the eastern shore "of the Mediterranean, where he found and bought another oil well. What is slill more cutious, this well was spoken of by Hero- dotus, the great Greek historian, 450 years [Solute Chia, and from that day fo this no Jone has thought of turning to use this impor- / tant discovery.: Col. Gowan has bought fifteen acres of ground at the ordinary price of land on the lsland-- Boston Journal. f ¢ The small pox is raging fearfully in New Orleans. Ohio oil in said to be double the value of Pennsylvania oil. a) (I UCICIUTES$ LUU;U00 Wort .+ of beér ina month, : ' The export of petroleum from America the past year was 21,288,499 gallons. The overland mail to California has been suspended for the present. Phil. Sheridan succeeds Butler in com- "mand of the Army of the James. H A Brooklyn pastor is said to have made $80,000 in stock speculations. i Porter Palmer pays the heaviest tax in | Chicago. His income is $333,483. | Artemas Ward is paid a salary of $17,- M 000 a § ear 10 exhibit his ¢ show." or Tt is said Gen. Grant is soon to remove * his headquarters to Washington. § { M.S Sackett of Middlebury, Vt., recent- ly sold two ram lambs for $2,000. Pierre Soule is in Richmond, on a mis- sion to the Confederate States from Mex- ico. Water from the River Jordan is kept for sale in a Paris shop for baptismal purposes. J.H. Clint, one of the directors of the Quebec Bank, has failed for about $240,- 000. Earnest efforts are being made in Spain for the abolition of slavery in her colonies. The State of Wisconsin is likely to dis- franchise those who skeddadle to escape the draft There are 8 street railways in New York city with an aggregate capital of $16,320,- 000. PRINCE ALBERT MARKETS. February 1, 1865, Fall Wheat 80c a 86¢. Spring Wheat 70¢ a 78c. Oats 35¢ a 40¢. Peas 45: a 55¢. 4 Barley 45¢ a 55¢. k Pork $5 a $6.50, y Butter 16: @ 180, + Cheese 10 a 12¢. Eggs 8¢ a 10¢ Green Tlhides $3.50, Hay $10 a $12. : Poultry of all kinds 5e per Ib. Cordwood green $1.00--dry $1.50. eet TORONTO MARKETS. Feb 1, 1865. ? Fall Wheat 90c a 92c. u Spring Wheat 80c a 82c. | "Barley 70¢ a 75¢. Oats 40c a 43c. Peas 60c a 62¢. At his father's residence, Prince Albert, on 3 Sunday, the 29th inst., after a lingering ill- ness, WiLLiam Josep Lancpon, aged 19 years. rob eriigements. 27 JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, = "BRITISH Passport Agent, Commissioner in the Court of Common x Pleas, GENERAL AGENT, en i A&C., &0., &O. a OFFICE--Opposite the Town Hali, three * 'door north of Moggridge's Hotel. © Prince Albert, Feb. 1 186. . v ; . 4-1y | * BESTFARM FOR SALE! rpuE subscriber oflers for sale pe} in the 4th Con. of MARIPOSA, i containing by admeasurement ¥ And mostly free from stomps. There is a goad Buildings and an abundance of water with | eedar and hardwood rails. For further particulars apply to the pro- HECTOR McINNIS. orto M. G. ROBSON County of = Victoria ! he. North-hall Lot No. 3, 100 Acres--85 Cleared on the pioperty. The farm is well fenced prigtor oi the premises. Prince Albert. ¥ Insolvent Act of 1864. n. the- liam Alexander In the patter x ~ dam. Ale [HE creditors of the Insolvent are. noti- fied that he has made an assignment of his estate and effects, under the above Act, 'to me, the undersigned Assignee, and they are required to furnish me within two months from * this date, witli their, claims, specilying the security they hold, if any, and the value of it, and if none, stating the fact; the whole attested under oath, with the vouchers in support of such Boor elling O -At the Red White and Blue & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT PRINCE ALBERT!" » fF! Dated at Prince Albert, in the Connty of Outario, this 30th day of January, 1865. For Thirty Days Only, at and under Cost, for the purpose of making room for Spring and Summer goods. Encourage home manufacture and buyjyour Boots and_Shoes of JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee. GOLD PENS For the Million ! Suit the Hand, and Prices to Pen W fp the ? et. THE BEST GOLD PENS IN THE WORLD!! N receipt of the followi i Oy oablicuing sams, we Cardin to the description, namely : - GOLD PENS, IN SILVER PLATED EXTEN. SION CASES, WITH PENCILS, For Ns Tpeui or $133 fin 3 pebior Ap Ne These are well 4-2w ns ave stamped ** The Imperial Pen," and inished and fine writing Gold Pens, with goad aridum puints, although' they are unwarranted, and cannot be exchanged, \ ' WARRANTED GOLD PENS, . Que name (American Gold Pen Co. N. Y.) is stamped on all our 1st quality Pens, a1 d the points a warrnnted for six months, except against ac Our second quality Pens, are stamped ** 'The Nutional Pen," with the initials of our fiem (A. G.P, Co..) and are carefully made, having the same points as our first quality Pens, the oniy great difference being in the BAIN, the Prince of Shoemakers, The man to inake boots for the free-- Men who dwell on Ontario's broad acres-~ All get the best work from thee Thy Wellington's when Volunteers assemble, Bring every manly form into view, And they say to the shop-slops which tremble, We came from the ¢ Red White and Blue." When mud spreads its wide desolation, i And cold-wet, 10ads, and sidewalks leform, g8 Your Double-soled are healtl's foundation, Your Warm-lined brave sleet, wet, and storm ; » Your Water, of Ae best, not a fow, Skat % i Si V stern, he (1 Rs Ra Tb i © vos ve tlt w hd wag A welcome, a welcome to you hither, To Prince Avpert our village so prim, May thy calf, kip, or cowhide never wither, Nor thy Spanish sole let the wet in; May thy uppers and soles never sever, But still to thy stitches prove true, May thy Findings keep dry feet forever, Three cheers for the « Red White and Blue!" JAMES BAIN. quality of the Gold. Gold Pens, 1st and 2nd quality in Solid Silver Extension Cases, with Pencils. For $2 00a No 1 pen 1st qual., or a No 2 pen 2nd qual. For 82 25a No 2 pen 1st qual, ur a No 3 pen 20d qual. For $2 50 n No 8 pen 1st qual, or a No 4 pen 2nd qual. For 83 50 a No 4 pey 1st qual, ora No 8 pen 2ud qual, For $4 80a No 6 pei 1st qual, or a No 6 pen 2ud qual, For 85 50a No 6 pen 1st quality. The same Gold Pens, in Solid Silver or Gold-Plated Ebony Desk Holders and Morocco Cases. For 82 25a No 3 pen 1st qual, or a No 4 P For 82 50.4 No 4 pen 151 qui! or a No 5 pe For 83 20a No 6 pen 141 qual, or a No 6 pe qual. For $4 00 a No 6 pen 1st qual. For $5 80 u No. 7 pen, For $12 00 a No. 12 pen ; all first Quality, Our gens rank throughout the country ns equal if not superior to any gold pens manufactured. Net only for the writing qualities but durability und elegant finish. -- The greatest cure is used mn their munufacture, and none are sold with the slightest impeifeetion which kill can detect. Parties in_ordering must specify the nnme, number and Jualiy in all nstunces and whether suff or limber, le, To Clubs. A_dissount of 12 per cent will be allowed on snms of 15. if sent 10 one nddress, at one line $15 per cent on $25 ,20 per cent on' $40 All rennttances by minil, Registered, are at eur risk. To all who enclose 20 centr extn for 1egistenng, we guarantee the sufe delivery of goods. Circulars of all our new styles, with Fngiavivgs of Jxact kiges. and prices. sent upon receipt of stamp, if desired. Pens repointed for 80 cents, by mail, 2" Mationers and Jewelers are requested to cor respond with us us we can offer them great induce - me. MERICAN GOLD PEN Co,, 4-3m) Now 200 Broadway, N. Y. x = RS > Z Co > { Gus 4 Comms RE~UNION ! A GRAND Social Re-Union will be held mn the TOWN HALL, PRINCE ALBERT Friday Eve'g, Feb. 17, To which the public are respectfully invited. Tickets admitting Gent and Ladies $1.50 E. B. CLearwATER's full Quadiille Band 'will be in attendance, (= The Committee will spare no effort ie a § -- 22 NTo p10 -- IEE A= 01254 tlie Trade! ON IN PRICES Sides Superior Upper Leather at 28.cents per lh, Sides best Spanish Sole Leather at 22 cents per Ib. An immense pile of Kip, Calf, and Findings at corresponding Prices. 40 "Cm -- On hand, and constantly manufacturing a large Stock of Boots& Shoes NOW OFFERED FOR SALE AT INPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES (G- Cash for Hides, Sheepskins and Tallow. J. WRIGHT. Prince Albert, Jan. 10, 1865. or expense to make this entertainment the most britliant and chaste of the kind ever held in the County. WM. DECKER, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER! AND JEWELER!! HE subscriber begs to return his thanks T Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. As a practical watchmaker he defies RARE CHANCE wood lot, good soil, and convenient to mills. PRICE 8600; $200 DOWN, And the balance in four equal annual in- stalments with Interests Prince Albert, Aug. 10, 1864. (7 Horse and Cattle Medicines always DANCING will commence at 8 o'clock. FOR A SUPPER to be provided by W. Scott, 4 A /| SMALL CAPITALIST !! ¥ OADER OF COMMITTEE » YAME into th remises off-the sub Prince Albert, Jan. 25, 1865. 3.3w|A SP EN A 100 ACRES C : riba 0. ve ae as the| 2nd con . ---- a cession of Reach, HE subscriber offers for Sale the N.1! 1 Red Two year old|Steer, T of Lot No. 14, in the 12th concession AN { b of Mariposa--about 8 acres cleared. Hard- AND d Steer, 1 Greyish Colored One year Unless sooner claimed and expenses. paid roofs, Rubber-bottomed, and Gaiters, rd SALT, PLASTER, &c., FOR SALE CHEAP. CURRIE & BROWN. Prince Albert, Jan. 10, 1865. (TATION 0 eral order from the War Department to fill up his Compumy to 65 men, and hold himself IN READINESS for immediate and actual service, would now beg leave to inform his numerous cus- tomers and the public generally that he will (in order to dispose of his entire Stock during the winter months) be prepared to SELL GOODS | Ata ruinous sacrifice, cither for caSH, or in exchange for an lind oF Taoduce, OR ON CREDIT Below find List of Prices: 2% ae Cali man AathY. cin ol i oot tio Dress Gouda fiom 11} cents sherds, 750. Goleman Sunita for $5, and other Cloth= "yt s 50, WV She Ba ner. vi mg equally low all made on the s ol, indy ks 350 pot ya, Younz Hyson Teas 40, 50, 60 and Te, Stripe Shirting apo Coftee 20 and 25¢, Brown and Drie Denims 20 and 25¢, Raisins (ood) 10 bs for $1, Atirge tot of Shawls (double) $310 $8, Cut Naiis $4 per 100 [bs, Ladies' Victorines, a large lot, $2, White Paint $2 per Keg, Fur Caps, &e., China Tea Setts for $5, very beautiful, A splendid lot of Velvet Bonnets $3, White Granite ware $2 per Sett, And a large assortment of -all- kinds of Goods-- VERY CHEAP, Lumber, Cordwood, &c., taken in exchange for Goods. . All unsettled accounts must be paid immediately or they will positively be placed in my attorney's hands for collection, as in consequence of the above order there must not and cannot be-allowed any delay in setthng. Panties will therefor see it to be to their advantage to call at once and settle up and eave costs, which must of necessity be in- curred. T CC. FORMAN. mr -- VV ANTED 10 Recruits to fill up the Prinze Albert Infantry Company to the full strength required by General order. Any persons having in their possession any Clothing, accoutiements, &e., belonging to the Prince Albert Infantry Company, which was not inspected by the undersigned on Wednesday, the 28th Dec, are requested to bring them in immediately,and any one retaining any such alter this notice wiil be prose- d according to law. Tote 's T. C. FORMAN, Prince Albert, Jan. 4, 1865. Captain Commanding. I MON! 'eel ha'e the leg ' SAY CLD BLUECOAT ! let me go, for I have been trying fr the last six months to » get a pair of boots to fit me ; but I can't, and mound 10 have theee. CONSTABLE--Tat, tut, man ; let him be, for McCaw & Daynes Can fit you with a pair of Boots of the latest style and of the best leather. If you want a good and fashionable square-toed Boot, give them a call-fthat's where this Scotsh gen- tlemun got those you are eying 10 steal. THEIR PRICES will be found to compare favorably with any other Shop in Town for the purchaser. g&=SHOP--One door north of Moggridge's Hotel, (formerly occupied by A. ROSS.) JAMES McCAW. | GEORGE DAYNES. Prince Albert, November 9, 1864. . HAVING completed arrangements with a few of the largest Capitalists in Up- per Canada, to invest their money, [ am therefore prepared to lend any aniount on . improved farms for five or ten years, goad impose rma" rv than Bank interest. TE subscriber is also Agent for a Com- pany, who let Money for ten years, at 6 per cent on Farm property. Mortgages Wanted! HE undersigned is prepared to pur- chase Mortgages on Farm Property. Conveyancing done with neat- ness and dispatch. nid Apply (if by letter pre-paid) to JAMES HOLDEN, Prince Albert. OFFICE---Opposite the Town Hall, 3 doors North of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince Albert, Dec. 1, 1864. LANCASHIRE Fire and Life Insurance Com'y. 7 Orrice tv Lonpon--10 Corn Hill. Orrice IN LivErroor--7 Water Street. Orrick IN GLasGow--4 Hanover St. Orrice IN MANCHESTER -- St. Ann's Square. Capital, - $10,000,000. Opinion of the Chancellor of Exchequer The Directors of the LANCASHIRE have always been content to let the figures in their annual balance eheets prove the sound financial position gf the Company, but think it due to their numerous Insurers to draw attention to the complimentary re- marks of the €hancellor of the Excheqner, made in the House of Coinmons on Tth March, 1864. (See Times of Bth. March.) The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in mov=- ing the adoption of the ¢ Government An- nuities Bill,"? said, -- DAIL! Till next Fall, to alt Who have paid up their accounts, ns the whole must be disposed of. r "1 wish toshow the way business is transacted by d the reserve they think it gives themselves a secure offices of he hbghest elas, necegsary to hokl in order \ he position of an Tas things--first of all it from gu emiuns; wid hie ear. hear.) From the rela other you know petty clear of any office." One of the fonr named by the Chancellor as of the lughest class" was the LAN CASHIRE, which iy the only one of the four doing business in Canada. Insurances against Loss by Fire of every description of Property may be effected with this Company at moderate rates of pre- nium. Thiee Years Policies granted on more favourable terms than Ly Mutual Come panies, thos presenting to intending In- surers, advantages not offered by any other Sn psrae Compuny doing Lusiiiess in 3 LO S--~An claims adjusted and paid in Canada, with protpitudeand hberality. DUNCAN, CLARK, & mt» wy, same HOLDEN; Agen, Piince Albert. LUMBER? "HE Subscriber 1s prepared fo supply any quantity of Lumber at his MEA HILL SOUTH OF UTICA! ON THE Shortest Notice. All the ordinary kinds constantly on hand CHEAP! GEO. CURRIE. Prince Albert, Jan. 13, 1865. 2-3w i fi. THE undersigned has received sion from the Sheriff of the County of Durham, of the East 4 lot 5, in the 6th - concession of the Township of CARTWRIGHT HE County of Durham ! Containing by admeasurement 100 acres more or less; Which was valued a shoit time ago for $2,500 at a cash valuation. It can now be hased for one-half that amount on the the said animals will be sold to 'ie law. FUKE NE . G. ROBSON, NK. Postmaster, | Reach, Jan. 2, 1865. 3-3w Piinee Albert. 3 DIVISION COU 10 his friends and public generally for Brook lin Druo Store FORTHE heir liberal , and would state that i » ee . their libera suppor, wid would state tha Tr County of Ontai ol! Removed Lis Shop fo Prines Al ! EALERan Drugs, Patent Medicines, No. 1. Whitby ...... ween. Jan. 4 1865. Where may be found a good stock of Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &c. | «2. Pickering ........ " "" 3. Prince Albert competion and will warrant all work executed by him. ; : Shop in Courtice & Rolph's old stand. WM. DECKER. 7 Manposa, Fub. 1, 1864. 4-1] BLANK NOTES J _LWAYS on hand gndfor Sale at this Office. § : Prince Albert, Nov. 11,1863..- . 45 ANUFACTURER of Pumps and Fan= ning Mills, Albert, .S. P. Barber. All work warranted. Shop--opposile the residence of # 4, Usbridge.......... « HM} ¢ E. CASH, i 6. Beaverton... .... " Simcoe street, Prance ++ Z. BURNI J * 20. Whitby Deo. 5, 1864. vr wks QD. % J. P. JOHNSTON, #° WATCHMAKER, AND JEWELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C., &C., King Street East, ro - - OBHAWA., 0 Watches 50, Oshaws, Jan. 25, 1865. 3-1y and' Jewelry Neatly Repaired. most reasonable terms of payment. If not sold within a short time it will ba rented fora term of years at a low rate, There is about 45 acres cleared, mostly free from slug and well fence. Log Housegind B: nthe promises, | For tanther 'particulars, apply, if by letter pre-paid, to 3 - JAMES HOLDEN, - Prince Atbert. Orricr--0ppokitg the Town Hall, 3 doors north of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince Albert, Dec. 1, 1864, 474f TP. A HURD; ATTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chane cery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, ey SLCe Office Removed to Lindsay, Co, Victoria