Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Jun 1866, p. 4

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. bers having ens a into Si netshin 58 as Tailors and General Oi ters, under Ye fir an i 5 FORMAN . 'WILSON, Beg to inform the public that 3 Hoy fre J up red lo quai i ethi Iotuning Ens to hist Higtierows dbstom "the past SIX FANS. and begs, fg imate that i : a 4 1 ¢ ' pi L p: | HER A ] i 1 ork wad cons *, prepa Tania: with A id A ns, Al Prag. fr Money to Loan! | Bl ruiosiio tuiory |B 0; ow esis GW gons" dnd : "IB ugg pert. : | Pum 81001 to 1500, on unencum- | PRINCE ALBERT! 2 Al nlisg , Prince th 2 = = a . RPO el. & MBE, | Behan . oT) a nua. [And chat he Series TTY ean PRRMIVY IRON $0 0 SEED - CALL T THE 8 o 5 rr EF Barrigtors WH : , ha, al a z ye ¥ § ¥ and Solicitors, : i J i April 17, 1866. hapa Burch Sloak or Cann Lio gal seedy Ro BE oF B " & 8 K 5 & w nites order = : 5< manutd@urer in the Uouniy, B= ol "5 wa. i 5 T™ 0 v BE RA I lg «x EAT I TIN SHOP Vout ' Costiy AND . | ROOM PAPER, IM PAPER 55 : EE A ; gv . 3 HERE you will find a begs assort- He ( J BULLEN 1s ROOM PAPER, 00M. od at Lone ROOM, PAPER, APER, Yo WEANTRD AT THE | cooing, REMOVED "te 37 8 irae i ws A ") ny, i Wisows Duis fi PERRY, UNION MILLS yrs "| ii, \ 4 {ip . £9 = 3 1 Warranted, Miehebin April 10, 1866, 333838 South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles Rnd a Fit war- From his Oid Stand to one door a, As : | mation' of PN TE { ranted. 20,000 BUSH. oy WHEA T, PRESSED : 7} TIN, and all darangements by the in= | WHICH SED. A ternal Visderas»® x3 Spring and Smch Fashions just re-I" Ld" --t ---- rab ANNED WARE, weive 2 suis. we = |H ighest price ve Will be paidin Cash, | resending Keli OFS To 8% sossS ane 2 : SAD IRONS Warrauted 10 elket a: Rosin "Care. | SHEET "ZINC Prince cpt, March 28, 1866. 4 g Together with a variety of other articles mn LE [CARRIAGE FAC TOR Y. GRISTINGBEY GOODST: hoe Tamia le "omen R fof RC mention. al LT LN Welk have our prompt attentioni-- ROCERIES, CROCKERY; &c., for enti living of whaekywi 9 Sos Ae $d ; $3 q ase give us a trial, and we will Sale Cheap for ; 6% Particular attention paid to repairing, ARE COMPOSED FE ars Tee subsoriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the | Guarantee Satisfaction, Cash or.any kind of Farm Produce, hong old ovens, &e, PREPARED IN VACUO; public that having take: e<pecial pains in securing-the best material the country Washing Machines re-zinced and made Vuperier{o aif Pirguties Shes or Altera- as good as new. ive Medicines jn genexal use, yur NOTICE affords, and having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is Preparediio 0 Salt and Plaster for Sale C he 'ap, . Remember the Stand--directly opposite COATED wir n . os ply superior 4 Couniy of Ontario, } TS, HEREBY GIVEN WwW MA RSH & TROUNCE. the Globe Hotel. Which voridars then bry op te eral Quarter Hn I" flat the © ours of Gon: a o 80 n 8, Ca rr i 0 ges & Im ple ments Port Perry, Feb. 1, 1866. foi Dec. 20, 1665B08:- ROBSON, 501 de aE ta fake Soil ty of Radway's over all of ther pi 5 in Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be 3 1 » "SHORT NOTICE A oD REASONABLE PRIC ------ use, is the fact of their wonderful holden at the Cunt iiouse, in the Town of 7 LE PRICES. £ to ks oa Parties in want of anything in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article, tl F y o S On Tuesday, June 12th, 1866, ComeTiRinte and childish hint at counterfeiters by a jealous rival, Some ota arial Articles HARRISO N MA Ww, & "SONS, a I'm 0 Ir a le ! At the hous. of. 12. o'clack, , noon, of Se a Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing. and 5 enerd] Al Jophiag: me | ¢ = PAE -- Te ustices of the Peace, Coroners. Constables, and x Chon WH § Sale private contrac he rear foe all aot erned will Ao notice, and govern Pines Albert, Api 18. 1866. : be 2 Builders and half of Lots No. 13 and 14, 5 the lst THE GRIAT rN SUPPLIED. : 1 73 of 3 coucession of the It is a well kn { = owrefeh n themselves accordingly. mh C 0 NTRACT OR 8, TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA. {have long sought to no by AE. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sherif C. O. i u 5 = O N ! Y purgative as a substitute for C. forme I, & " Per C. Noungs. A PORT PER R.Y.l There are about 75 aie cleared on Lot 13; 5 a Substitute. for Calomel, and} Sheriihs Office and about 60 acres on Lot 14. The stunfps that would cleanse the aes Whitty, ¥ Mayo, 1000. 9, 1866. 19 7 j- ARE prepared to" Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinde, whether Wood, that remain could easily be removed us the | all diseased and retained ivi 8 s ) Brick or Store, and finish off in the latast styles, with all the most modern Improve=1 most of it: has been cleared pix or seven / 8 ER i : es aie waive good work done will do well to call, (= Plans and Specifica years. The laud is equal to the best in roughly se Jilin wil the stonfach, = ag AE . i ie t the townghip, and from: which there isa| 'ut pra uging Sickness at ston hj, wen - NIST 4 ' § | Rh Peiry, Dec. 0, 1865, . 50-1y , I beantiful view of Lake Scugog. 'ess, or irritation of the fos en brane. | i For further partieal f by lett I HEREBY notify the public generally and intending purchasers particularly, to be Porta yof pation ars inquire (i ¥ Jolter In Dr. Radway's Pills, this. cautious with whom they conclude Bargains, before they call at the Y TIIOS. SPEIGHT, Sr. . srtant 'and essential principle is oy wana oe ay ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY A: BARRE T T'S... pif imine oy i Albert. MARSH & & FAINT wie ihy ean feo GENUINE CARRIAGES, WAGONS, and BUGGIES, -&e. i FIRST PRIZE Markham, Oct. 3, 1865. 39-1} ills will produce a.l the positive alterative . J EG to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry, | made of the best material, and by men that understand the business, As alt thevarions 0 J 3) [ ¥ 'hange--from a sluggish or torpidy ta, a Prince Albert, Borclia, Manchester, and parts of the 'work are m: ade on the premises and under 'my own supesendance, I can P KE 0% 0 fa BR AP Hl R 00 0 HS g GENERAL L AGENCY. wealthy action of the Tiver--as the phy- surrounding country that they have warrant every article lo give entire satisfaction. Carriages, and Wagons repaived 'and ii) y Fie PAINTING done for the trade. TE undersigned begs to announce to the in- cian hopes to obtain by a dose of! ! painted, aa mi RSE SHO. 3 } DY 3 rp oi f Os) d vicinity, that he| p Opened a Shecp HORSE SHOEING and General Jobbing done with neatness and de «patch. FE ES 8%, £35 FATWA, phil He ig Veil i ue Pills, or Calomel; and will as thatoiighly Agent for Flint's Revolving Horse Rake. leanse the Stomach, and so fom dn Port. Perry, where they will be oonstautly JAMES EMANEY. - D. Hepburn, as'a Boot and Shoe Manufactory, cleanse the Stomach, anc purge from the 2 2 Which he intends to open as an AUCTION bowels the disoased and: retatiod ha prepared to execute all kinds of Prince Abert, A - . . Abe pul 4, 1866. . > § $ . t of ROOM, where he will receive consignments of hi hm ; g Photographs $2 per dozen. Satisfaction goods of all kinds, on Commission, sn moderate 1s the most approvell cuictio. oF. Siti 'Qi av D 14 Pp 5 -cent 8 guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. FX ADCTION SALES ingthe Village qnd| vithout ocotsioning inconvenionees br Xi Fresco, iE YW 3 e) X N {x G 0 0 S Country attended to on the #hortest notice,-- ¥ . ™ i A Osnawa, Jan. 10,1866. Terms reasonable. Acgounts of merchants and wo to the patient, sig Al ¢ SA A 4 SJ x A = = = - -------- | others collected on commission. Also Agent for Profussos Roeid~Lollege of Shika pA and Oraamental AT THE 3 the Weatern Iire Insurance Company. ww THE GREAT PURGATIVEL are E. S. DECKER P. A EN. *. x® i wf © 5 WM. DEC CI Ta Oshawa, July5; 1865 26| The celebiated Prof. Reid, of Newxibrk, oN 4 Qiid hat on Chemistry In the College of Pharmacy, style 7 Radway's ills as * the trent I'urgative, Buia] hi thy Prince Albert, and Yurgative Mediefio suf to adip ister iif €asbs "PRACTICAT, Port Perry. reme Debiliy, und in Keysipelas, Swal-Fos., 75 Shop for Carriage Painting at the "Ontario ELT "PORT PERRY. ELI LE hes ee ry nds 2 3 mE Subscriber to intimate to the tivels houling, cloansing, vurifying, | upton, o ipl O arriages painle g Y ties OPee ry | ing community that he continues to farnish | vitting, debilitating, aud vauscating "After ex reasonable rales. (=-d, | I a Covered Conveyance between the above men- amining these Pills," writes the rs "1 find oe ff HE Subscriber wishesyo h " s 9 : MARSH § FAINT. | [Tg Boerne moot wih Be Food pepsin ie novgtariond of san | : | Ea ay eas Wht | erm ourapoinod ot prams of en SE s y y { reaching Prince Albert in time to conneet with and ure free from Mercury and other das.geffus sub- PopPersy. April 29, 1866. IF nes and Liquors, &c., 'am hy : Ww lade A nn HAN AP i quors, ' hich are the following : Woolen Clothing and HY Removed to the premises lately oeetpied by Mr. D. Joiey, in the Victoria Tock, two the Stage for Manilla and the North. Leaves| stances, and prepared with okill and care. Miving of Port Perry and Prince Albert after the arrival | loug known Dr. ka idway as a scientific gentleman of, Blankets, Twilled 42 inch Speer | f Basing. Forse selgetion of Hoop Ho south of the Town ZZall, where may be found &igood stock of the Manilla. S 1 h Wii by e t. C che; 1 hizh attainme Q 0) 1107 | RA | WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, |b oy travis i itm 13 Sa fancy P rent $ & Dress Goods, 4 4 FARES REASONABLE! iE AW "HE ho over the Carpenter Shop of Messrs. II. er Sons, Port Perry. Au a practical watchmaker he defies competition, and will warrant all work exccuted by hin rag p Superior; * Young Hyson and Sonchong Teas, FREsy HOPS, Loaf and Mus- | I3= fe will not be responsible for anyework left in his possession over one year. a. TE isk of the - WOULD most respectfully inform the Inhabi- | ("15 Sugar and Coff -e, Fresh Raising, Corrants and Fiaw: choice PORT ant St the shop--in the Victoria Block, nearly under the "Observer" office, G: ROBSON, Proprietor: Dr.' Sydngy 7 Stevens' Treat 1 A 1 dway 8 tants of SHERRY WINES, 20 bY, SCOHQ, and other WRISKRYS and BRANDY, | Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1565. 48 | whith, Jan, 17 1860. Ay 2 T' |sniable for < BON-VAVA go, Codfish, Whitefish, and tubal Hor- Tufmation of the Buwel: hid a= Dyn PR I N c 0 A L B E R T, rao a. a gopd-assortinent o RAN with OIL at she lowest Yemunerating prices, tony Ve od bee dS oe Choise, : "And vicinity, that 1 have opened a and last (though not least) Ewcellent Cheese and Fresh Oatmeal. , Foe s2. English Pink Dental Rubber; New and Du, Ta Ax & Co: 1 Si1dy or pu bhcation or bs a 1 o re Gallery Price of the best whiskey, réduced to 60. te. | 5 NS I ON, beautiful Vuleanite Bas for Arti- of my eam wiley our Lila fu the following icture atiery and. LODDY. in" Proportion. vib | ; Hificid] Tea! TART Ves ui) & . May woge aw hen you visit The Port," "= i rn 22u¢ cf i tion of thie by In Mr. fued's buldjog, 1 RT iy 1 Bo forgotten I Ph: "Ww A T C HH M A K D) R, C.D. WA ID, a Bay Lyn a py: i C 's Store : Let your staysbd ever so short, > 3% - fires lwursy . FA. Over i owan' in the Wester Please to give the «: 'Scugog House" a call. AND JWELER, UR a ON-DENTIS T, in A Fai oonkey ven ins ns : I grates ot fst summer, sl ving torougd oh I HENRY CHARLES. INPORTER AND DEALER 1 JAain=St, Urveivge. |: ; aki seid Rowiel ge 5 f -| Port Perry, March 28, 1866. C ] VE A LL Dental operations. performed with the ot Sow walla tures cannot be surpassed for beauty and dura ' 4 oe (GH DA S I r C op P ™ Hino tu ha 1 t d Smet () mms : {3 W -- I utmost skill and care, warranted to give sat- | mination & bility. I feel confident I can turn out as goo. 3B (ND 1 ER A 1 H S IRON of To Se an at prices Ro gly defy dangor by. & he PR Ire pliner] the best galleries in Canada. Iuse the MARRIAGE LICENSES, --Office at the Scugog House, Port Perry. | hh sgle, S competition. 0 gt material shat ean be Diachied, fthe simess JCES, FANCY GOODS, &C,, &C., nt cES.--Rev. Short, and, JZ. D, ow Neto orin 4 tor in England), and spare . . - 3 TT pA lh to foes 5 cing Stoe Set East iN J OSHAW Griggs, Port Hope; or oT. Burns, Whith Rk =D 5 Need b call Tanda by the common run of artist a) A. Jos. Gould, Bs Esq., vu 7, Dalston B., Usbridge i owidith ht Hat Jie! i Ambrotypes, Locket Pictures and Lettergraphs or ' 7 very four Lousy: nd rive Bim wary ed hod. . ; 5 0f ea. In (wey taken by the most improved math . |0Z" Watches and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. JED) ed ne ro Cah ¥& Special attention paid to Children, and : Copying from old pictures. ; HELP! HELP! |Z . Oshawa, Jan 25, 1865, x5 ive bo aro ES PIR years vee will £3 You who know good pictures and want : FLA a . - 3-1y 184 teil four Bours; applied tlie Jen by, helief to Ler them--CALL! You who don't know ged pe- . # 4 Ll wi 3 i 4 rave her lemonade i it B; wi ag ; bon : T tures when you see them--come and see 1. em. TF : us 28 dei 2 ir y-sl 3 ou He was play I~ Instrocfions given in the Art. - : 8 aon MAIL CON TRACT. Pills cases of D. y pein, In Indigo n, ete or Call and examine specimens. d Diag Fh m Shu aness of t or Sorpidity aud ) EY o 2 10 In08! ui cures, 0c) e T. CHESTERFIELD. > / £2 C i Se S, addressed to the Postmaster | the Hi true purgat| ut : they are iuyalual et 4 CY Ge 2 CAEN i 3 a BO wy Tender for Mail § | haying | Prince Albert, Feb. 1, 1268; | 7 NGA Will be received at rior 12 orotook: Noon, Spleen el e pill, Your h bt eon) ve alo x ~ ¥ £ £7 % ON FRI Lil ly purga Farms for Sale. : Co oN . h BE R GLEBE F mRRIDAY THE IS Day or 0 NE ht Sl Pos uy Eiupti 3 lid - : BE A p 3 > gE -- REC : mw Ww * week, each yay, between ribe ers for 'Sale Lot No. 3 gl Y 7 i \ NW : POR A A 25, io he gh ei "hl ogicer Here you fateatl whit gre doing?' ti gadri od BAVC] EN p * INS' STALL: te -- et a' pair of i pnd h ; ical whip of Reach, Lt ying lo gut thiy' ton make t hom they are gn lw CTCHMARER TN JEWELER, 3 ining 100 acres each, Officer.--Well, go and leave your measyre, and 1'Il- £3 ie] A old th BROOKTIN. a aldwin-~t., Clearéfw 'each Lot, | get you up 8 pair, right away, whith for w for wo rknausliip Tous be " Jotk ling ' JASE Kinds of Watches and Clocks neatiyaepaired at reasonable rates and warranted 3 EE EEE the wy = Smid satis he asc » re wa t 5 BownE LL IA Ahab tanted about three- | and of the best material. a onl, Ps of i rs ta of Saint- | gay= Mending punctually attended to. Tay Saal 0 Ww Ly doy Fourie SHOP--opposite the [5 Ball, - is SE anh nit : pmediately. ot fe Prinee Albert, i, Fob. " S134 x Ol Tp § fu weg pai = rpms obit is still working at his pp pe of bisineh P.O, phi M. 0. D 0 VN v A N, ing in the. CABINET LIN Sel Centre, Dining, iain s; Bureaus, Bedsteads, C House and Sig} rh 7 g done on the shol iP vice lot of STE '| Bale and Framed to ord A Special 1 Notice: "NEAR THE TOWN HALL, A num of GORFINS of all sizes, ready. hdd ry NG 4 em a = BROCK STREET, WHF Yaga > 7 X A GOOD assortment of Buggies or on hand made from 'best material. ~ Work |. ALSO : : NES, made {o order with Ninos and dispatch, Particular attention pod 10 "pe BF ALL) WORK WARRANTED, a J HeNEY Tod i pe £1

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