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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Jun 1866, p. 2

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0 \ , sel ag Atlautio, and plant the green flag of Erin QUARTER | SESSIONS AND SOUNTY | dut ho octasll J "of_Provincial Palia- of the commu ia ro- | patty Lin=triomph on the + walls-of Derry," and =" " odin LE at thay. do-net he ment; 3 EE 0 N. he decline pared build upon the ruins of the-power of Bri-| _ ~ Shh for the. Observer.) nee y device, a. " i "the ond of ution {4 prices a tain in' d a model Republic, "which 4 Thg:Cou 4 fe noou on Tuesday last, oEnKl ag ment, the moral and " : AREHOUSE |**°¢ irfesorioha world, win when itis followidg Graad Jurdte suymored . ques, ££ The great | peopl { un es overy ordeal, and far|(o (heir names " Stir fot i : to. yo : patie ck m., H a downs ooh a should stand, the | John Dick i; Foreman, i : Tov y loan eont of maokind, my Beeon, 'Alex- cn ios, Pu Bul the legions have gods, sluak away fo | ander Caldwell," larkson, 'Dotiald Hal d Straw Had trims | the dens fom Whence they had jut emerged, | MePherson, ds Reuben, John Claug od § Sm a targe lot of Straw and and hiding (herr ¢ diminished leads" , Heotor , Allred Ham liberty Podjost a | seri me of Silk and Milton ol, go from the scorn aud dension of ath who have ood: Pur 108; Edward J; ee fein Mr. J. Shuter Smith asked whether the i and pil oof the most elegant, shapes, Al the capacity "to distinguish hoise * stealing | san; Josep Laughland, James Lofi, b bl JN ir 4 bo wil would pri persons whe had : wear, Wi additions to the Stock of ele- prom honourable wariare, or the "honesty and |'McCorockie, 'Sh or, Caspar Will ' i ee by Sir N. F. Bellen. #] ted Boob asi Macdonald wid i ; gan! ine Clothing, He lation for moral courage to denonnce a thief and cut: | There word 'eight civil cases u hoven 1 r Camtobell Iand on the table the | would, - Ses ¥ x {lemen in want of & Summer outfit | throat, wherever known, regardless' of the | (he County. Co ot and two on the [almost npassab 'Crown 'Repoit. The Speaker pre-| The bill was then rend third ime ? ) call an ne, a3 in addition to | 110s he may assume, even though he ma Dock villay | seu vepoit-on the library passed. the ubscriber offers a large lot of y. » ug Y | Criminal ot. pin fair then adj lea a a------ Cohn Se Mixtures, and Tweeds, of the newest | seek to lide his owb real character under Forman, et od dl Assess. Wblio i fase Si in | . oy a) hewadjounied by. Pi he HOUSRYESTRRDAY patterns, at very low Pros, Suits nade 1p 10 tlie trappings and title of Major-General ur en Vas Sella for $144 12, -- pa very h hho a nom 1 "Tam happy . At half-past hres am, * Order by 8 fashionghle Tailor on Shor President. R aintil ; 8. H. Cochrane |; q through fa Ise os from the | Jolt advice in sertivg ev the orarumun, from the Asombly intimating. "hat -- Mr. Dorion has bis old amend- st indigna J _SAMPLE PRICE LIST: . mpmi------------ 48nd Joka Biliosa fot Defendant, on tion Sd" S66FT of the public, I trast th FOS ad Ther wingul: tind pasaad a bili ior the suspension for one ment on the Confederation question, in . ~ Yurd ide White Cottons Tjd per yard, form- Cochrane vs. rrow.-- Action on_a h 3 ut boi ee, is cit hosah nl aot writ of habeas corpus, i favor of a papnl ; diffiond E. ¢ erl 0. Ge ¥ gr Farary Cottons Fin rei yas pe re -- [a maga gloy! or Pini iH he: on feb BE do EAE ho Sg I faethe of Gortoome vi oT Lower Canada the hil Ti enti hal a ph ot i fie hiring Sa per yard, formerly Jaa A special meeting of this body was he!d doneli¥or Siders # Plamtfl; H." J. -- Bios inoreaed aii Roope. Fei soba of the. i Buia uf anign a, pre pm gon os Ree > is gountry ced in Foportion, Dress Go svely . g 4 from 6d 1 al Manchester, yesterday, at which it was al.~Verdictfor | abl impu- jguate na raat fi Ou motions of Sir N. F. Bellenu the rules gpivigne 8 i Ci and Bi Basenes, Dep. yard » Gréenwood vs, Wesley, et ordi o to de padshenseives from the impo. 8 a The: pall 1, and the bills no te rio igne, smdng ihe minédiately a of ans soma \ obourgs in all col er yard ; Re decided to guarantee to each non-commis- | Plaiotiff by, consent , ot $226 86, R. J. |1ation cast them, and I do not. doubt. 18 3d per yard ; Blae Flannel yard wide 183d; | ; Y y 1 session of Parliament, [ convened, b: first, second and third ti d passed at he oe it hould oa et Fumi at 1s pee ane Abort oe ae igre, Fries to Dtontan CL Bow roe din ri a insirachibn frorn the Secretary of Site for wold 4 o'clock. His Excellency rurnod to the | We should lose vich uch Hrs p- vid expan '2 i Pants, Best Whit:, Blue, and Bed Cotton Yarn, {11°50 CS > y pany. Olly Pp (Payne vs. Allison, Verdict for $10560. | how to A odes who has the temerity Polouiot, 4 Coututiba/ Trade, Trade, insluiing: re- re- Connell Cham er and gave his ot to oo aa ney bor of ol gus sou i at the lowest prices' Lndies' Trimmed Hats from | 18Y, n addition to_the Goverument allow~ Cuehiana dc "Coshirifie for Pinioull ; R. [to em foul wn preseniatives yy Ci danas} the bi ils. § be 1 Ir. only Bit i each. Menten from 51.50 19 $10 surh, ance, 80 long as the Company is on active]. Wilson for Detendant, . rf their choice. hen oBmoned this IX Brian North EL ars doe roves Hie Exeellsnoy then left the buildin and | got 19 votes.-- Globe, ie runella Gaiters ro duty. letter 1 i led 10 refer 10 'sé 0 i was loudly cheered as he passed through ui t variety; Ready-made | IU'y. Proc . Davidson. Interpl, aden Ce roo 9a 3 B0°to $15 per suit, with cap, | Joshua Wight Tog. Reeve, James) Veras or Dri iy W. EH. Bill Ye for [1 which Mr. Gordon is interested, which t'ohall direct to 'be laid' betore oo Yhe| the erowd outside. 0% A report is in citculation that Mr. v J y ' rs relating to 4ife termination "of the| The H ed at t t mem : Forman! jr ig suit. a = in inallcahes when's Baird, Esq., and Capt. Sinclair were ap- Plaiuiift ; Wilson for defendant. Th a i) nas [Reviproony Treaty with the United States | four wail ondey ot pi - 20 inten it McConnell, a bor. of; hes i . on s per gallon,--an unusnally splendid variety | pointed 10 sve to the proper application of | Paxton et al. vs. McMichael et al. of 'assurance he must' ox 'when he pre- | of Americs, and othe negotiations, the Inisnicy. Company. has. Bs gf hes, sommevelng soe Leib undies id the above allowance, Verdict for Plaintift for $170 15. Cochrane sumes lo impugn ithe motives, and de- subject of our' commercial relations with LEGISLATIVE 4 ASSEMBLY. presume that the story onginsted with some { 0 oa] p 2 - & Cochrane 'for Plaintiffs ; F. Piwoudfoot, |, o,1.ce the acts of men, whase public and that country. "Iv has new become still nore Fripay, June 8. | person who placed a wrong Tconstruetion r 1s 10d h; with a host of other things The foll lut 1 1 Bi i od eae LI EE i nr : 1e following resolution was also 9, passel Defendant's Attorney. private career will | p least a favorable ijerative to apen by an extension of the The. Speaker having taken the chair at | upon the letter of the Captam, in last weeks and examined, esolved, --That the Reeve with X comparison with" "hid. dt 1 will not uow trade 9 the Suuniry with other Rations, new hres wreloek the lem U hy f th ADAM GORDON. fo Reeves of the Townships of Whitby and 6 : ti trespass further upon yout spice. marketer, Jor the veried products of our ' > Soul py oo . plato Ne Observer. - Injustice lor. MgConvell; Wo 200 bartels of Plaster for sale; also barrel | Voi loo V2 sdenta ths Towashin, whie og of QIMMUNICALLONS, . I remain, | industry. In consequance of the notice, lor Blas kR Reg Relioncy ra ney | most say that there is no troth in theje try. Pork, dried Meat, South Bay Herings, Salt, Tur- | jong 10 the Brooklin and Col : a Yours truly, the tefinination of the Recipracity Treaty, 11 oy gayired the attendance of the House in | The men had retired on Meaday evening, nipand oth other seeds. Wheat, | Companies, and should he find 'that A pany = : osiua Wiignr. | thought st neelful, with the assent and ye the chamber of the Legisiat Council d be ealled fi ED--20,000 Ths of Wool; also ot, lies are not properly cared for, then he, (the To the Editor of the Ontario Observer. Prinbe 'Albert, June 16 Josus probation af Her, Majeaiy's Government, to mber gislative , Council. | and were not expecting wo on for Peas, a Os, for which the highest price will | Reeve) is hereby authorized to' grant such. as. : i fs send a d pula representing the Colones The Awembly then ed to the Coun= duty until the next day, but at 11 e'clock be paid in Cash. Butter and «Eggs taken in €x- | sistance as he may think proper, and the Trea- Mag. Eviror.~Mr | Adam Gordon ; of British North America, or the winter, cil chamber, ¥ their Speaker, and \ les somided 1 r change for Pood, at cash prices. 4G." [Sureris hereby authorized to. pay the, orders of | faces his letter in your issneof the 31st ult, ld 10 the Wast Ind Bal . | after the delivery of his Excelleucy's speich Uiesbyglos lis aagumbiy, the bile Manchester, 18th May, 1866. the Reeve for the above purpose. with. the question * Does might make A Meeting of the Teachers of Reach ® Scugog | 7 !'® tes and Brazil, to ascertain returned to their own chamber. of the city rung out 'dn alarm, and in's very 4 convened b 5, Esq., the best means of developing and extending A The Commitiee above named have 'de-| iBht #2! to which & reply, it does mot; bat fin inten a 8 mls Sommuisial iio whi horn couatrir. vor a ante, the hewly glevied mem- Taw tnikovde 1 the Company hd Soll to an StL i e fy ) Ee fitaria burt, ci 'ed that the fumily of each married man might ja not jnlrogoaut/y Sxeteited 19. prés ter Su $e 3th instant. turned "trom thir mission, their oe by Mr, Stitton and Mr. Rymal. gang the Fonians confined there. Mr. in the Company, shall receive two dollars | Y2t Wrongs, and redrasa grievances, and r. John Taylor was called to the he chair 80d | not yet have been preserited, but aksoon as| SUSPENSION OF THE HABEAS CORPUS ACT. nell was a moment behind the thers, Mr. I; Jenni : : . | | per week out of the appropriation made by sociely is Sry Sesleri, dp bane int Nv sh Paoli that anion § Sacrblary il the | 1eceived it will be eommunicwted 10 'you.| On the Speaker again taking the chair, |2nd walked the sifgets all night hunting Shad yas schools bh) ch and Sc be held on Wed- | The threats snd pre ios for attack on| Attorney-General Macdonald pose and | for his companions. He found them in the s the Council, tlie ballance to be paid on | pelling unsciupalous, and dishonest men to nesday, Sto and of Jul uly, poime, as that da Canty any jis gh nly organized in | said er tapoudil alfausing the ordinary moming, aud has no idea of deserting his' the return of the men home. «| respect the rights of others ; and ndamon hi | had been appointed by ommittee on Schol- | the U.'S. of Atmore, and known as ¢ Fe- | formal bilf to assert the legislative privi- colors. . Mex ROBINSO. of whining and complaint about gots of | arships on which to examine $ orally the Candi- i 2 niaris? compelled meu, 'wince Parliament | leges of the House, before taking into con- bey rrrpery : Purr PE : Guanbo-- The iulabi. | injustice' will awaken public sympathy | dates for scholarships granted to these Town- 4 eral , ech , "niNGE ALE IT | on Co Te ay Set |, LS bl: yh i Mts 1 olen he Bayt deb 53 coun: ooowors. to do sv, who ignore the exist.noe of rights | ter. 'A Committee to arrange for the Five volunteer militia force of the province, under the almost unprecedented vireum- Jone sxisiow, 1866. : a marauders shall desecrate the Bacred soil of | strong arm of law, do dot hesilate 10 sac pointed ; ; their ready respoiise to 'my proclamation, | ask the House to consider, first, that portion The patriot host, whose numbers, wealth, Cauads, and have organized themselves fee the best interaels * the pu oo jo the Visa ir eT themselves into an asso- | have received the well warund approval of | of the speech which relers 10 the roposed Pe omental u the Ba ro id into a Home Guard, and elected Mr. H. | vancenen Sir OWA ses ends. | ciation . for the promotion of general education, Her Majesty's Government. suspension of the habeas corpus and 5 "y ' The couree pursued by. the Township | After much discussion, in which all present took | Th ts which h red within | al h fe d . prose ; Charles, Captain, Mr. John Rolph, of | Council at itaJast sittings in * dismembey- | part, an association was formed to theet onoo. In the To a a, 'afford adtiional oo of | pi plys hy Ewer Canada the br 0p lap. Messrs. Chapman, Dryden, Guy, Haght, this place, has kindly offered his services| ing" the Manchester Road Beat, 1s a | three months with James Baird, adc Jay prov's of Pag 8 ON us I" | Kennedy, McRae, Neison, Pe Proctor, $10 TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI, neither ¢ Finuegaug," or any other set of | in'other men ; and unless restrained by i} sisting of all ; Co s in y the sonal istiug A¢ Gm spony? he Toad Sim The spirit displayed by the people, and | #tances in which the Province 1s placed, 10 | yo regular seasion of tlie County Coun- enthusiasm, and undying devotion to the Banse of Ireland's emancipation, 'has been : the necessity for the precaationa; in Upper Canada, for the trial of hos- for months paraded before our wondeting |, 4, wstructor, free of charge, which good fnstdnse o might, euplaved in sud Mr. Meredith iden ta The or eving of OP Toe Prope ou Wy onsns), } io In Upper Canale, for J A Prelit Rowe: adr, ints peo, and astonished minds, whose invincible [the have availed themselves of. defonea of i divi . n am of M ie tight. at Manchester on the secon: 4 Saturday 1d July | by 4 lawless band of marauders, but 1 con- | sion of the habeas corpus Act is an adap. ont Y Teiste maior and | oY diebuet DE nd from the mann in if r. Gordon | next, commencing 841.30 p. all the gratilaleibe Souls} that they were prompt - | tation of the bill passed in February last . 3 : biavery, undaunted courage, and vnflagging TITS ; winces under the punishment, 1 am -con- Tonihtry in fhe Townships of Beach aud Scugog y eenfronted, and within twenty-four hours | for the suspension of 1he Act in Ireland. 'WARDEN'S ADDRESS, > zeal, has been trumpeted by the American Fresn ARRIVALS. --Messrs, Currie and Vince that f no She fone follows the P EO 3 compelled to make a ipitate retreat. 1| It was read inthe House of Commons three The Warden on taking his seat referred y from Maine to | R0% have just received a large supply of Jigmembetmebl, fx - am teach deplore the loss of life and the sufferings ioy in one sitting, and passed sub silentio | 10 the Fenian invasioniof Canada, and sid Prosetinidonble lasfed' ype from new goods which they are selling at ex- hiss, that 3 in the Fights of ha Te The [To the Editor of the Ontario Observer] which have been entailed Ld the gailaut| en résponsibility of the G he bulieved that it wes i i, in view of Oban, to the astonishment and infinite de- | 10 m01y ow rates. They are paying the rt the Council in not making Soave Canudiny Volintgers, fa the on 8 despaioh. from the Lonl-Lisuten- |the unsettled sists of affairs in the hn Sine Pursuant ta notice, a pablic meeling ba engagemen hich took place in n repelling an " Ireland, hn wainiod that he would not [to adjourn the Council without proceeding oF | so p he i who hi light of the great unwasted withifi the | i }ogt prices for Wool, Wheat snd Oats, -- the.cbunte wo Jeats gn, lias Juwonsirated boon held this braving n h i and safety of | With the regular busiiiess. memmbe.s domains of Uncle Sam ; he veleran victois | See advertisement, clearly that withoul compulsion such men |the par of forming a Cavalry volunteer the count and 1 feel Whol that. yon Be countr! Fo fl pases rivile f the writ | were in the discharge of important . J {i ' fields ; the invins rr ae-- i ------ We Gordon will fever deal justly and | Troop, for the servide of our eountry in will noi uy, 10 alleviate, ns fai as pn vio suspanad. Tne bill be a the frontier, and Et an anxiety ' ofa hundred hard: fought fields; the ir horiorably with 'their neighbors" and the Grossi emergency. | Mr, Faguson acted in your tower, 'the 'miseries so wanionly | duded, which it Is a. shall remain w | vaded the minds of atk} ! io ous folf pre- ible. legions who crushed rebellion, and | Frex Lectures.~It will be seen by re- poblie generally, when i n their op any ; and Dr. McKay, of S on many families: But while | he sifasts red to : 4 CL Jad in oe y. Dr. Knowlys "of Greenbank, one year, contain lwo clauses not re "aquelched" the fires of treason in the renee: lo or ailvertisiog columns that ah slightest degree their interest, I admit | was called res sd ose es Briers tor Spout wndsridaal out swe cove ee » hn ae te Fa ; @hfight and sunny South? when liberty | 70% ee, intends delivering a course of | (hat the Manchester Beat is about the size | being himself the leader in this laudable danger has sown that Canads posscesca| Council may, within the year, if he sees| Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. White, a aie ree lectures in the Mechanio's Hall, Port | given by Mr. Gordon : but by far the largest | movement, which he did in a veryable and | in her Volunteers a body of men ready to| proper, and thinks the circumstances of the | moved that sith deepest' feelings of : and slavery met iu fierce array upon the |, Subject 1-- art of the work on the roads within the [forcible speech. He pointed out the great J pe io m= . erry. Subject :--Phrenology, and Phys- | 4 ei | f Caval po great | peril their liven in defence of their Queen | country will permit, suspend the operation | pathy this Council desires to express ils « dendly tented field™ ; the valiant sons of | ojogy. Beal has beeu done, an tie roads are now | va avalry agaitist such marauders | and country. The entire people have been | of the Act by proclamation, so that parties | condolence with the bureared families of : SEkiei vi J kept in repair without the application of [88 noW theuace us, 'and gave a 'brilliant | thoroughly aroused by recent occurences, | under arrest may be (ried or bailed, and |our Volunteers, who, in defending homeand Eiin have fled. Tell it not in Gath, whis- RL aR Sl statute labor. ~The Centre Road has been | historical sketch of 'some of the. exploits of ' ' The Broad x is C d Cavaley both i and it must now be apparent 10 all that _the| within the period of ene year from the pas. (country against a lawiess band per it not+in Ascalon: The mareh of the 05=_The Broa way Emporfum is-in full | graveled by the County and: the Whitby dg ry in ancient and modern times. | whole resorces of tiie coulitry, both in men | suge of the Act, the Governor may by pro- | ers from the United States, known ae Fenie blast, notwithstanding the absence of Capt | Road is saiaived by Mr Gould, leaving I ° meeting ry then addressed by Mr. [ang means, will, it any moment, be cheer- | clamation put it in force again if circum. ans, met with an grtimaty, but glorious Forman, at the frontier, his customers will | 29t ® litle or al a mile of Road a old British «fficor--in a" brief fully given, in repelling any invasion of | stances shall require jt. lt is to be hoped -- | death on the field of Late oT I. ud 9t bis store nw uunsually furgs stock oF | 21008 lots 12 an h 42a the half of 14, aid sol oily mannet, With referense to the | their homes. In the measures of defence | and recent events eiicourage the hope--that | That with like feelings of 3 | between the 4th an concession, on | duties of Cavairy, . His temarks would te { which f have been called upon to (ake, I| there will be no necessity for exercising the | we condole with those brave i fierce embattled host, the intrepid thou- fands, whose crusade against the "cruel Saxon' has been long looked for and long | Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware-and Crock- | which 10 apply: the statute lubor of the | mind one of the renowned motio England | have received the unremitt 0 f + th ers which thi ill eonfe their families who have received promised, haa betora.a thing of the past ; | ery, from which to supply their wants. Beat which labor, if 1t had been judiciously oxpeets every man fo do his duly." ~ Mr. | Lieut.-G a a The G . nf + buLSIE it is Foobslered but ever honorable wounds, in i Tet : lad out iy repairing the main traveled | Spring followed with very feeling remarks | Si; James Hope. I ip aléo u source of un=| necessary that ihe Government should be [defending the same good and holy caves. } has added another page to history ; a page ---- dn road, instead of constructing cross streets on | in regard to those lately allen defence | feigned pléasure 10 me 10 acknowledge the | armed with this power so as to use it in case Lk if our sympathy could be rendered ¥ replete with 'instiuction tw the wise and | 04 The prompt action of our Govern- iiiéh oi ooo Tveaor travels, and drawing fscemos LL pi, raaplted in | gallant "devotion displayed by officers and | of il, therefore, ask the | still greater, wd oor feeling= of deep saow gool, and with warning to- base and ua- { ment in suspending the Habeas Corpus Act Rags 'House, that road wonld, instead. of [ter Roll. J ghing 88° | men of Her Majosty's Miliary, and' pa pe e without disons- Er 'would be fron the rdfec- [forees m Canada. | PP To be Able' 4 to state, that the Prosidont fapps has issued a proclamation Sesto aring VE serious in "actions of the laws of that country have been and are being committed by evil er measures are {tion that ugh yalua eo should have recnvl favorably by the other branch of [been sacrificed, and ood Canadiana the Legislators, I'am authorized to state that { shed wm a" encounter with a horde' ol) his Excellency will be prepared at once to | desparadoes, who, regardiess of the! ro- g ve his sanction 10 them al this sitting, and | straints of all Jaw, and of bamanity.. i If, incipled demago like the leaders of | Meets the approbation of all loyal Cana- being in such a scandalous state, bean = Yours truly," % frineipled detragoges 1 : dians, and gives fair warning 10 all traiters | first rate condition. BL Two years since t } Da. A! Mehr and disturbers of the peace of our country, Council resolved to take steps to secord ro a Secretary. to{look out for squalls. Stragglers and sneak that road the attention Which its importance | Reach, 8th June, 1866. the Fenian enterprise, who fatten upon the miseiies, and mis-directed energies of their as a leading road of the Township de TY within the territor fore leaving the building.-- (Cheer: conspired to pander and ra deluded dupes. To the world we have who cannot give a good account of them- | ed, and a By-law wan pasgad (the, en [To the Editor of the Ont io, Ox 1 Jurisdiction of the United States, Ain Mr. Toho id that he. he crate Canadian soil, Yage; pv Usmonstrated that no man or association of | selves, had better govern themselves pg-| Couneil voting for it except Mr. Graham : the British Jotstarione in North Amerian, | eral West was slightly in error when he| 10a while mourning for féh 8ati put hostile foot uporiour soit, with | €ordingly, and sek south of 45% a sale Whoa 1 have 100 good an" opinion to be- ole al ak 3. m, Mend, & fund » officers of his' Govern~| stated that the Tporal bill similar to this | M0 of our countiymen' aud trends lig; he acied on 1hat occasion as the | inst. we were a al officer out finding a united and powerful people asylum. " eli sou ot apy peisor,) by which the bugle, snd for this object." 1| had passed the House of Commons without snd fost cates for J astm -- _ hed J 0 ? ed Prevent | disenes was, n 1 deed ba } Baily and willing to hurl a proud defiance rr ---- i ---- ees ite Prine Aue ws d Beat was exte i ptly ponds , Prin iw Ban aL further lobes of. onaklorapi minions Fons | RS pe Ba Su ¥olduiuy ¥ ravel Ro; ! Fad ae ert fant i i from the oulizens of a nation as troe, and immediately ufteryvards by ily at. them, and with the help of God, able to| THE SWEENEY BRUCLA NATION. chester samo tl The Hoan: of Lorde who it recived the] Mes White, seconded by, Mr. Pony, vernment has been compelled | Royal sanction, but there wan nevertheless moved that 'as ® mark of respect 1o the 10 call out, has involved an expenililure to a| a debate upon it, several members ng | memory of those brave and lamented Vale large amount which wus not et ided for |. speeches of more or less length upon the | unteers, who have fallen oii the field of bai -- defend their homes, their alters, and the Wo bod al thee papa wena SoH] brave old flag, the: glorions Uwswis JACK) what wo. bavacend Tron woth ol sgmmel all: comers, come. when or whence ' Américan $ 5 changes that Sweeney had, at least; some] mad : a mew bia; a h hic! ¢ re t. by the votes of la: t session. e accounts | subject. He Mr. Holt felt pa od tle, in defending Canadian soil sgamst they will: «The host hae vanished, --gons | He un prion min venga | lk ree rok a oars that ih y di oF this expenditure. will be specially laid is much in scplaaion ots ey Hedoe co | lawlors marauders, and whose renthine sre Fhe: redoubtable. O'Neil, the flashings of a military leader ahd a man § but 'Whew we | Prom! bi cutroiAl ven would bu carried out in to haves 3 | before you, and I feel confident that, Ju risipg 10 say a Fs Ik | being this day interred 'in 'Toron whose military genius wore, a few short _ ¥ 4 yrinsl Wey ou Lo faith, a -law was, at my, request, will immediately 'a bill, Luhrs s that the | Renda nk by _ Couneil do toon hid "a Fin review dhe address which he fins Heed 16| repealed the sami day that it was passed. a are ing this 'unavoidable departure from the Attorney-General "West could in- | ed at the ¢ al of ite days ago; about 10 shed a halo of glory upon | he inhabitants of the - British - American | Bat how have the 'gentleinen who made ° ste respects, bat, provisions of the Audit Act. wus VY yoked in order to ---- him or gis othet' Ali lrish fave." The valiant Sweeney has | pioyinces, (which we reproduce on our first sugh, fine Teg #o the Council kept Recent gocurrences. shew the necessty member of the House from express his gonesSweeiiey the Géneraliesimo of the page,) we have 16 come 10:the coficlusion | 'NEM? has not been repaired, of extentling to Lower Canada the Salk views upon the measure. Now, he di od wimps of Ireland; Major-Gen, Sweeney " , and the Council were driven lo the necessil the PaaOana ted Statutes for Upper Car intend to vofrihe ® alightout obstacle to -- * it bat ms as appeared from the: hoi F y i a , 4hat he is a miserable recreant, and" well of making an Jupropriiticy from the Town- | r a eot the inhabitants of that 'section "o} passage of th bill. (Hear.). The Ator- tesolution, the intention to adjourn the dnvineible--who was aboul 1» Wipe oul} yor ihy of being the leader of sach a mob | ship fuuds to buiki the bridge which - those ; ve | t ince st lawless ney-General Sad reiterated on behalf of eo weeks, he should empty : with one fell blow of Irish retributive jus=1,g 1g ronresents.! He'tmuet be either pro- | men promised to pila, by. slatate labor PI es, | His ph of for ures at pe the government; the statement that had | 16 vole'againat it. He Ji come b Yo i tics the empire. of 'the' cruel and bloody | fo, 1y ignorant of the feslingsthe Colonists 1, do not charge Jj. having nar wit Her uy. t hus made on the authority of the: Lord- il fox the pi pose of havis »" 10: iho. cinstinets: of. Aheir 4 : made thess on, 3 on oly 1 sary for the preteen Jew and 'ofder| Lieutenant of lteland in puforsnos lv. the. n which Saxon,' {rue to. the 'in: enterlain toward the mother country; or he'| that the Couneil had good raason 0 fo adopt a pours similarto that' taken: in sate of there: a and he (Mr.+ natures, they eould not resist the templa- |, 4 coward df the meanest stamp when he | the steps which they did, hat they' were | ners. : To A the present seasion of the Imperial Parlia-, po be the Auorney-General Token) r gbseiic hi tishs, 40 indulge "in the practices to which | 00,14 oive iierance to sich sentiments 'as | driven to it dh bad faith A uoiaiinens p ce Aa with the res be 8 | mnt for the temporary suspension of the the same meaning-that-he would not be "Volunteers pwns s of the Ma chest writ of liabeas corpus. "Iw ile your imme- by nature and education they are best |. G00 in that document. - No Porson pos- fe g } 4 ume, I lo Sub bat ie NAL he tor, : ess, f diate gr these necessal measures was passed, and. 3 adupted, they suo ihe idiot mto the sessing the Jenst spark of manhood could be | |y well the nature of the' koe po Hkh : oi ! measntes. 1 Phe. fixed by. oon vernment was armed with the Mothority { lotsa thvef,; and as thieves, they may in gui'ty of euch pusilanimity 'as To" beg of | had been made in 4 a uriang 10 the road e a the first day of August nex} de the ime a od.' Tl "he r. Son ton was. night in 1 fotore receive a small degree of public at- |), 000 40 iy about 10:40b 10 be 60 kind as not we Pringe Albert 'and kit aochour and ; : | which the civil te of La h ho. besitatingly that it was tention. We know them no longer as |, with him:and his rabbIé Wil hat he consented to, and} eonnived . at] We passed in the last! very rable member of this solliet, {ha wok no. longer. recognizes 9:4ptevigre cup Eh rabblé wile fof 0 ot Iillment_of 'those promises. lich | shall Er ie oii the hands of the exes are anarmottuo the { 12%, 819 commiting: sete 'of plualler and T, « Gone avin Veto thus dedorvad and day wk marched to Teyinasel Loew, aa 1e "the bill on the statute them, ay soldiers, they have reture rapine thronghout-our country. "What lolty pus wp pr il rtoolcof ail ¢ : pared: a . subm y on_ this bat in every. from which they so lately sprung. views he must gntertain ofthe extraardins| bound Ap. par Sl Mi dpe or Ja ® for re s for port uring the' Sa u ibie © ry (Hear, hear. Yor Jon lel Adis a *niche in the Temple of ary, benevole f the lo to forth | Ot: im most solemn: : promises, deter-| , ; ad - and be thought he might speak 5 6 asourn) 2 place Wib other) LaaTe eselelta 0 - He Punp 9 pu mined. to; put it out of their power; 10 sen- | bas been © ; 4 harer doused sin finiansial how Aeod P sugh a snivelling request. 'There is some-| tinue the nefenous. systom which ey have 1 inc om » Toy the conmarae of ox. I avin of he's rule And ha anes bill, ver in the, « Rogue's Gallery." | 1: ing. in the: general 16ne of th ng brilhant and versatile Roberts, the St he Sona willl Era TR ; wy } ou vo 10 ef } Ce TC hn dost then. moved E y he J J ny i o g 4 on god Beside of » vest Rook. sie tle contempt. and cor of evry one ived t results of the commerce] a a carried. be. the Coune v | d posseasiiig : the least: particle. ofp Y ; bit ny Lg iargely, kopes. ; 3 ¢ led Ry cies aushibioga fines! Tosings which adorn mai ny ito as dow. by. him Di Lo : he Sssithates as {o enable, with i ada |r nfm > . n unde Md © 1 rovide for thi =| of : pe eme to be' But he can scarcely keep back the ahi a | , : of 'ol " n pel rgency ideas which are uppermost in his mind" a ® | th 'now ' eoun-|' , g den alone, . he knows how:10 4 punish'the depredations done ¥ man nilemen, a 7 Thay, ak, ab» To ae | of our foes"--a beautiful: index onlder gus x yi which thi it : Johin 'A! Macdonald said fsndonr whe a which would follow the track of such' a be-{ my mind jf Juin 2a ] mop ve io ' Province «North i " he it sentative. haye boen heaped. upon ) and sing to the a? f cha arity Ae i . al ems. . : A | America has aes uel | " "they _ vi e i igs Se by. Ji bund: a , £1 : co i i doar Ek Weho. Sug we Ea Be families, ; { to "Sim while { perusing that| PSP 5 J : ; Hobe' sail bahov, wil he for 5 . them. | 78 tier Towns 5 En the. fon, of fat = ¢ "Sih oF Vis diug practicable ssion, to i ne " iopalities querars, A change, however, hus takon giv me a home thrus "But, when ihe] Lincnas.~=Theounty Counsil of We ivi Hs confi Ei » wt, BU n 88 long acqus oto i ol {te wm 8 Whtac soniu of os : oa ppv iol belate 1

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