Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Jun 1866, p. 4

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manage such cattle. be held on Soott's Hotel, in this am etal trie. "The committee appointed to provide entertainment for the Volunteers, met on Saturday evening, and on making up thef © mesounts four that enough had been real- nd in oo armics, the | , reflections in Gi PRINCE ALBERT! even better Jan the noodle gun, and which will shortly be i small-arm. tnded as the Iti ina converted Edfield on the rally and intend} 1 fr Bargain y can see GENUINE CARRIAGES, made of the best material, and by men that understand, Woolwich Laboratory. - T . $ tho advantages of on. § ; ) 'cheap, non-capping, ; and little liable to get of order. Moreover, : it does not require such a reduction of the stoc hitb of a wea- pon f "poses, is required ROOM PAPER, to # ro asa fire-arm, It ROOM PAPER, may be worth while, perhaps, to repeat a Gendt description of the arrangement : A portion of the upper side of the breech " endof the barrel is cut out for the admis- sion of the cartridge. This vacant place the ¢ breech-stopper * or ¢ breech-piece '-- . is close. alter loading by a lumy of ateul-- which hinges upon one side of the barrel and forms a fulse breech, against the face of which the back end of the cartridge rests ; the barrel is, in fact, shortened to this extent. A plunger or piston transmits the blow of of the hammer through the stop- per tothe cap of the cartridge, which is withdrawn after firing by a little instrument which forms paitof the stopper.--The cart- ridge 1s onthe sentrq) fire ' system, the ow novelties being the case and ballet. lgATds Abe former, 1 the object has been I e a case which shall unchange. ROOM PAPER, PRINCE PRINCE CARRIAGE 338% 33 § 355 ROOM PAPE fords, and having had some rov Td e 'ie & combination of various con- (mage of them origiual, but pro- ducing together a projectile bf a sufficient distinctive character. It has the general forg@aud appearance of the Enfield rifle bullly, Wilh ite hollow Lase and baked clay plug; 3 it hike' the cannelures which originally characterized the Tamister and the Minie butlets ; and the wood plug in the head to which Mr. Metford and Mr. Whitworth, may both lay some claim. The caitrndge is perfectly impervious of moisture ; 1t is sald notiliable to lead or foul ; it admits of aliout {durieen rounds being fired in a minute; and it shoots from twenty to twenty-five per cent better than the service Parties in want of anything in his line may Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. a HELP! HELP En ammunition, pra Fa RETREAT OF THE GRAND ARMY, Povéuxeersix, N. Y,, Jand 14.--Infor- mation received here states that three car loads of Fenians and roughs got ito a ight on the milk train on the Hudson River Railaoad last night, they having previously the "milk cans on the train, and ot ise conducted themselves in a. shatheftT matiner. Between Cattekill station and German- town, fighting was resumed; and one ot the number having exasperated his comrades, he was thrown from the car window while the train was in motion. Th ey didn't stop 10. pick him up. At Tivoli the roughs eutered a hotel, helping themselves treely and paying for nothing. At Rhinebeck one of the party was put off the train and injured in a terrible man. Der, his entrails hanging out. #fion 'having been received of #1 coming, the train was not allowed to efler the depot until the night express up lofty 8nd thus giving the proprietors of tue tesiaurant un opportunity to close their house, "When the train passed through here al- 'most a'l the roughs were asleep, and quiet scomed 10 prevail, Officer --Here you rascal, what Thief --I am trying to get a pair have nut got time t DAYNES & Gents' Ladies' and Misses' and of the best material. SHOP--opposite the Town-Hall, Prince Albert, Feb. 7, 1866. M. 0. DO A made 10 order with neat 03» ALL WORK WARRANTED. Itis plesanter to get a smack from a woman's lips than a man's hand. Green Mountain (od widow out West married a man to whom she refused her daughter, because, she said, her first husband was an ugly 'critter > and she had learned how to Kind mother. The alderman who was lately injured by the accidential discharge of his duty, is reported to be in afair way of recovery. * He says he'll never be caught that way ! ain while i in' possession of his senses. MONEY _To LOAN. AT LOW RATES OF 1 OF INTEREST. Apply to \ MEBEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Prince' Albert, nday Aris MORGAN: 's Ho Satorday, th ih orn ce, &t°10 o'clockMthree limes as much as xe ris wing the same i= 0.328, © oe ng. if the systef Epsom the name, alle at the Globe Hotel Brooklin, Chronicle yl EA] louse, Whitby, in the evening. ,--at MeEjroy's 2 Hotel Oshawa, at attention ¥ of ? dy Co bon at 30 's Hotel, abject. . Epsom at noon ; Medcalf's Hotel, Gravel Road, at} | ised to pay all expenses attending the re- Brinting wo a th Soa Road hat | eeption and dinner. The amount due the hich is following Monday morning. onartios ind ae in p9 x3 FP or Particulars 49 as to terms see posters t any of the above places. of "Money to to Loan! |" Be 3 : of from $400 to $1500, on unencum- Green sn ured 'Chesnul & McGE| Ras ad Ss, Ek EE i fir stn Shorts, ££. rn SY "agrd ie ar ip Se . E. MAJOR, Proprietor. Borelis, May 1, 1866. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y| TORONTO, C. Ww. INCORPORATED, .. ersmsemssessesrnnn 1883 Capital, - - $400,000. Bs Bests i =X D . Cottingham, 8@= Mending punectually attended to. GOOD assortment of Biggin vonstan cornet 5 hand on band made from best materigl. ness and dispaich. Particular attention paid to/ repairing. PHOTOGRAPHS! To WouLp most roopectiully inform the inhabi- ¥ \ P Picture Gallery Over Cowan's Store. Kaovielg Beat the art the art be the fc Hay be seen at the folowing places during the La best galleries in n Canada 1 a. Tusa ihe D) a Si Sweluic said the Yolunteore had ampbells | aE. A. Murta's Hotel, Greenbank, | 18-td' Meebo Joo PAPER: = 1 hl.g Re © Po hy R. 'WiLson s DrRuG STORE, H © ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, AT ya v5 ALBERT. ALBE RT FACTORY. Tb subscriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the ublic that having taker: especial pains in securing the best material the countr 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared I supply superior Wagons,Carriages & Implements s.r SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE LRICES. tting a handsome and substantial GEORGE WHITE. ! are you doing? of Davnes'& SneLL's goodboots,and o wait until they can make them, they are so busy. Officer.-- Well, go and leave your measure, and 1 '1get you up a pair, right away, 'Il guarantee they. will which for eh Jor workmanship cannot be surpassed && SNELL Would edd that they are now prepared to manfacture every discription of Boots and Shoes, at the shortest possible Ratise, 5-1y NOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage 42% Maker-! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY] Work RINCE ALBERT, And vicinity, that I have opened a Ino Mr. Hurd's buildiug, Having. fiven instructions in the Westerns gi Summer, £2 d hav) a thoro P| y bonuty"sad Ld su ura~- yn con tI can t material that oan be p KF Special atte, Copying from old Picturon: ¥3 You who know pictures and want £Xy don't know good pic- Soom ---08LL1 = who don ws A A ie ay T. CHESTERFIELD. Prince Albert, Feb. 1, 1866. 4 rr aC 3000 ne roa PORT PERRY WOOLEN FACTORY. Parties Wool to Sell Portis In market price. on pul vi rel articls contemptible and childish hint at counterfeiters oe petit rival, to the contrary ic) ythe * Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing. and General Jobbing. [GOLD A parts of the work are made on the premises and und watrant isle article to Jo give entire patisfaction, Carria painted. one for the trad 5 HORSE SHOBING and General Jobbing done wil pss an, Agent for Flint's Revolving Hol Prince Albert, April 4, 1866. BOREL] i, at his oh place of place of busin} <a |T : Subscriber is still working af bia ol in the CABINET LINE such as Sofas, Centre, Di Cobo s, Bureaus, Bodsteads, Chairs, &c. (=~ House and Hanging done on the shortest notice. 0 A choice lot of STH Sale and Framed to order. 'Special Notice. A number of COFFINS of all-sifed; ready- I~ Parties living in the villages, getting work done at my shop, will be furnished the Hearse UNDERT AKERS --Hearso to hire, ALSO; AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, Pape [ GRAVINGS od = PLL ily, ST , AN] HERE » you_ will find » large aunt COOKING, CABINET WARE ROOMS" oo PRESSE. Onn PRESERVING ERITL Together with a Jariely of other articles m [| ihe house mention. lowest living prices. the treatened disease. ei suffering uy acl; fnflam- matory, neuralgic, rheumatic, 'miasmatic or other disease, whether Rheumatism of Noural- gis, Cholera Mors,' Cansdas Cholera, Dlar- rhea, Bilious Colic, Feverand Aue, Weakowes in the Ligibs, Back, Lage, FB Alte 8, or any Pain or Infirmity, RAD £ DY RELIEF will quickly carethe patient, without occasioning Joss of time, change oy diet, or the use of other medicines. ment of. AND PARLOR If subject to Headaches, Sour Tapio fi pump ames STO" i tm Seen mt c ly, Eo i STOVE" LE ois; © mir Golduiss of the Extremiites, ? * TIN,| gwollen Joints, Nervousness, Restlessuiess, Difficult Breathing, Asthma, Sore Throat, Goughs, Colds, Influenza, Diptheris, Croup, [aflammation ofthe Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, or Bladder, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford immediate ease a quickly care. e complaint. |.' o| Van ania THE Pd 1 atficted with Spioal difficulties or with Diabetes, In~ continence of Urine, Irritation of the Bladder,' JAPINNED WARE, HONS, 4b fig E71 ZINC hi oy re hoe forpinl 1 wie Dartieuta: Sueniion paid to repairing, y Borage, June 30, 1808 and Produce taken in exchange for work. & Wasnt. oy Yo winced and made of br hv a of the Bladder, " hy 1 ood x 8, Leuchorrh » oe good 3) Nel the Stan Shtectly opposite| Whites, Fleur Albus, Sin ie ors the Globe Hotel. and other uterine difficalties," RADWA bOLD-STIWD FOR T= Subscriber takes this method elliot of returning thanks their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, constantly prepared to furnish them 1 to his numerous ot and begs to grove oh with Wagons and Buggid) And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON & WOOD SE. ROWS e in ow prepar ary Scotch ot Tes, ¢ SEED Parties desirinj mah i rchase would do well to call and inspect his Stock before Jurehnsindy where. Havin 2 Stock for Con he is dete: d not to be er a] ag bou 01 h, he letermined no undersold by any All Work ot Manchester, April 10, oes. WHEAT! PORT PERRY UNION MILLS 20,000 BUSH. OF" WHEAT, FOR WHICH THE Highest price wil bepaid in Cash. GRISTING WILL have our prompt attention.-- Please give us a trial, and we will Sale Cheap for Guarantee Satisfaction. Cash or any kind of Farm Produce, 05= Salt.and Plaster for Sale Cheap, ) MARSH & TROUNCE. WM, STEE YROCERIES, CROCKERY, &e., for Port Perry, Feb. 1, 1866. . BARRETT' S PEOTOGRAPH ROOKS J ENG-8Y., OSHAWA. Photographs $2 per per _ dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Copying done veasodabled OsHAwa, Jan. 10, 1866. WM. DECKER, PRACTICAL WATCHMIKER .£% ¢ JEWGLER 1 HS Removed he premises 1a tely occupied by Mi HA me of the own Hall, where may be fon ¥. D: Jousy. in te V BEL 8 oe a WATCH 5 cs & JEWELRY, watchmaker he dfies competition, and will warrant all work executed by him, Tespol k left in his possession over one 1 AY fhe Vi . oria Block, only vr the " Observer" 2 eg Dec. 5, 1865. 48 Brooklin, Dec. 20, 1 Farm for Sale! is| ror Sale by private contract, the rear TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, "| and about 60 acres on Lot 14. most of it has been cleared six or seven % ! dr Je Wl to She ta ERLE DRY GOODS i: eee AA : READY RELIEF, rubbed the entire length of the Spine for ten or twenty minutes, twice a day, will cure the worst cases. We have over 1000 well authenticated cases, where RAD- WWAY'S READY RELIEF, by this method of application, hus effected Josue and speedy cares. ; 5th.--All who, by exposure to hard service, either military, naval, or 'otherwise, or by the use of mercury, have contracted painfal disea- ses, and thoss suffering from Rheumatism in any form, pains in the joints or limbs, Palsy or Paralysis, Weakness, Coldness in the Ex- tremities, and all pains and aches, lamencss, and other infirmities, will ba quickly cared Iv 0 the use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. » 6th.--If the community is threatened with any infectious diseass--cither Yellow Fever, Typhns or Typhoid Fevers, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF is the Dost disinfoctamt ia the world, and a sure preventive, to those whe use it, against attacks of these maladies. la cases of Inflimmation of the Bowels, Bilions Colic, Painter's Colic, or any active influmma. tory disease, the READY RELIEF will imme. diately afford caso andfgomfort. It possesses marked advantages over all preparations of opium, morphine, veratrine, and other opiates snd narcotics. It lulls pains, by faparting strength and vigor the system, and smousing the vita} energies to a healthful action dpatesd of paralysing the perceptive faculties, aml making them insensible to pain. Let those who would live and enjoy liealth use RAD. WAY'S READY RELIEF. ¥7th.--To all who are sick and in pain, nse the RELIEF. It ean do no harm, sad will | surely do good. Persons who are weuk, ner- debilitated, a teaspoonful of the oy ROBSON. "0 half of Lote No. 13 and 14, 1n the lst concession of the The stumps hat remain could easily be removed as the ears. The land is equal to the best in the "township, and ha which there .is a antiful view oi Lake Scugog. For further particulars inquire (if by letter paid,) of THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Markham. or M. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert. Miham, Oct. 3, 1865. 391 NERAL AGENCY. which hdjtends to on as an A 0. x he will receive consignments of] of a nds, on Commission, at a moderate for. ning 'ON SALES in the Village add attgded to on the shortest notice.-- onble. Accounts of merchants and ollectt on commission. Also Agent for: ern Fre Insurance Company. E. 8. DECKER. a ' - 3 Prince'Albert; amd] vous ort b Perry. REA! ina lagi lass of water will do you more good tlign fhe Bin in ther IIE Sui begs to intimate to the travels ) c ing § co gist that he continues ol faraidl world--keep your # anand healthy, Horovered Uyveyance between the above men| your breath sweet, your n strong, your tioned pl: ful d: leaving Whit! after the ari of the. Morsing Trains, augl| Spirits happy, your. ee I, nd your reaching Prin Albert in time to connect with lar. A dose. Lat bedtime the Stage for Yanilla and the North. Leaves willnisure calm and pleasant sl Port P Albert after the arrivi olin anil rince Al pibdilid thy a This Remedy 'is truly a Family Medicine. ns, cast and es. | It can be used with the positive assarance of - SONABLE ! doing good in all cases where pain or uncasi- urls 2 at the risk of the| ness exist. > ' " It is the cheapest medicine in the world. GRORON, Proprietor oy One bottle contains more medicine, as well £4 being a superior medicine, than one dollar's worth of the ordinary painkillers, liniments, &c., of the day. One bottle of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will do ord gid, and can be used for more purposes, than tem doflars fired for any other medicine noi use. READ WHAT MRS, WESTCOTT SAYS, | FIVE HUN THOU D 3ST HERS Le Shr ve Le MRS. au i © and os booms Whitby, Jan. 17 1860" CA owner, un English Pink Dent\] Rubber; New and beautiful Vuleanits Base for Arti- . tificial ial Teeth! ! C. D. WAID, URGEON-DENTIST, Faint, TArvrivge. Al Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give 58 isfaction or no charge, and at prices which competition. RerzrENCES.--Rev, Short, and AN EXPERIENCED NURSE OF WESTCILESTER== rig 8, aa ore) ie 4. T. urns, whine: and Bolster, M. B. , Uxbridge READ WHAT SIE SAYS: " Your Ready Relief and Regulating Pill) do our family more good than all the phyrie and doctors we have had for years, If I hare the headache take Radway's Relief and one X am all right ;i€ pain dbp for Sale. HE obec ime for Seite "78, in the 13th, and Lot No. 18, in in 14th concession of the Totonship of Reach, Containing 100' acres each, i Between 80 and 90 Cleared on each I Mostly free from stumps; the two lots Lat body, I stop them with the Relief; weold, I take" the. Relief ; -if to 3 P. JOHNSTON, WATCHMAKER, AND JWELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN SILVER WATCHES 8, FANCY GOODS, Ee C King, Strept East - 0 Watched and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. : nnd iE Bay ~ HARRIS ON MAW, & "SONS, Builders and co TRA CTORS, PORT PERRY! red to/Confract for and put uv . Buildings of all kinds, hoor Wood, | ran Oshawa, Jan 25, 1 ik ot Site, ish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- in good work k done will pid di fy (Plans and a Spooifion | oo 50-1y OSHAWA. | x EF the 13th concession line, On the | earache, or i the ¥ ok in the Lith concession there is a log house few moments the most severe paine sols gual Young, oichard; on the pid 1 iy children fall and bruiss or 7, a Giving ugh Tame bin hurt t! a i ing hone, dud al and thmedleoh tie oes fon ed farms are situated sbout e scald themselves, the Boker in fiver To, which In Situated on the Yollage 0 i 354 Yelioves Shim feos angus Sow 404 tween Whitby and Beaverton. Possession sleep without a le of Radway's y be given mediately. Relief within my reach ; so with the Pills, the or £5 SROlY to the tor A a very morient 1a gtooiacl or bowel aro ont of y Beintseld P, b onler, uae of Radway s Pils fal tt 1 gus to restore my systein 10 order and "| wr Sold by Druggists aud keepers. 3 Da. JOHN RADWAY co, HENRY. ROBINSON. arity. * Svintheld, F Feb. 21,188, 15 Store © A a ------------ » | h ¥ 878, St. Paul Street Montreal, AND 114d at No. 87, Maiden Ls NewYork, "BULL B Agents. | 3 ee? Vor 59 0 Phong aon wit: | REN OV Eps radmzy rr | 7 "From: his Old: Staind ib one door § ; - ? South of the Red White & Blue. Sale. 'All' Garthenits in the Latest Styles and a it war- ha and Summer Fashions Josh ree . : J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866, 13! rince Albert; March 9, 1

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