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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Jul 1866, p. 1

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badatmamain sts + VOL..IX, No. ---------- a PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY W.. THUKSDAY. JULY 12, Io, [WHOLE No. 502 "¥roM THE NoTES OF A DETECTIVE OFFICER. Ch aes " = ik AAA Sd ep At was vain 10 urge her: She grew sullen "anit lost a child Marie-Loui Lips. 4 viice iemulous with emotion. : i$ Then, I have to inform you that the | reaction and point I child so 'long supposed 10 be discovered | Mich 'or he wavering intellect, She re- [9 'females, 'nglirly three weeks ago.' . ; "The 'woman fairly leapt toward me, | Placed in Bedlam, where she remained two clasped me. tivioely by the arms, aud peer- | Vor. Atthe end o' that period gha was ingiw iny'face with eyes on fire with ins excitement, hissed out, «Yon lie--you lie: wy you dog! She is in the heaven : the anger | "N°. Not only to kend her to Paris, but to told me so long since,' YI do nat know, by the way, whetlier the falsehooll' I' was endeavouring to npon the woman was strictly justifiable or uoty but 'I am fain 10 believe that there are few moralibts that would not, under the : | Girsumetances, lave acted pretty much as renting MY entrapment. It might per- ale i . >| the peril I had enconntsred from my wife; become acquainted will these particulars ? 'Troé--irue,' she muttered : « how should he know? Where 15 she 2? the woman, in tones of organized entreaty, as' whe Kank down and clasped my knees, as you hope for life or else | foram 1haPahe was mformed of it. Lovage sell me--réll me, -mptey, where Fmay find my child 2 give me a chance of escape Paper; or rather the reporter of the « Times,' and to-morew your chuld shall be in your | Herald," ¢ Chronicfe, 'Post' and ¢ Adver- eluse, and the secret dies with She sprang quickly to her feet, nnelasped the Nandenffs, snurched a knife from the table and ent the cords which bound me with edger haste. ¢ Another draught of { (24), and Sebastian Levasson (49), were wine,' she said, sull in the same hurried, almost insane wauner, "You have work todo! Now, while I seours the door, do your stiflened joints.' | were connected with the lato plate-robbery The door was soon fastened, and th8n she | in Portman-square ; but as a conviehon A my | could not have increased their punishment, This was at | the mdictment was not pressed,' and Marie Duquesne | #evasseur, I had almost dre yi toward a window, which she soft- | #ate, admitted that it was he who wounded | ation should be provided. * It is useless," she whispered, [ me in Ryder's-comt, Leicester-square. * losallempt a struggle with the men below. You must descend by this," and she pl her "Hand upon a lead waler-pipe, reached from the roof to within a few feet assisted iy restoring the circulation fo pattiatly benumbed limbs. las" Aucompli-hed, 'And you,' I said ; « [Lwill tell you. Do you husten on toward' ampstend, from which we are distant in a | thorough test, The reports submitted spe k here is [bighly of tie weapon, aud the assertions « northerly direction about a mile. : Procure | made in these wound lead us to expect a a hause of about haif the distance, lielp, and return us quickly as possible. The door fastuings will resist some time, You | the ments of this gun took place at Montreal, "Be assured [| will not.? The descent was a difficult and somewhat but it wassufuly pecoinplished, and [ge he top of my speed toward Hamp- when the distant 'sogud + comitiz "dt 3 slow trot my ear" 1 paused; to m deceived, and as I did' ake sure I was no #0, a Wid scream 1 had left followod by (her, broke upon the sill- doubt; discovered i y escape, aud were aboutde wreak their simultaneously with the es, increased 10 a rapid wxclaimed tie horee-man, where the scream come fio horse-patrol who thas proyideiit up! L brigfly Alated. that the + piven exc Martin saw u , An | mation alarmed the side against the wall sand very fortunately, have finished me. Matin escaped, which "Do not trouble yowsell about my name,' | [Was not very som for; but the patrol she replied ; "That is my afr, uot yours.' Jed Dobarle safely, and | eripped '* « Becausd if you are the Marie Duquesne | "C¥Seur with a "strength and ferocity "who once kept a shop 10 Crauboarue-alley, | "18 which he was powerless as nn infant. se, 1 could 1a) Our victory wag complete ; and two hours : afterward. (he recaptured 'convie's were | "TA Wid fight broke from her dark eyes, safely lodged in a station-honge, "and a suppressed scream from her "I'am that Marie Duquesne !' she saw, wu [2en!ly undeceived the next mornimg as ! possible with respect io her child; but the | disappointment proved too | I caused Madame Duquesne 10 be an lapsed into positive insanity, and was prononnced convalescent, A &nfficiert sim of money was raised by myeelf and enable her 10 get np ina smal! hat respect- able way. As lately as last Mav, when | saw her there, she was in health both of mind and body, and doing coinfortably. With the conenirence of the pdlice authorities, very little was faid publicly ars have excited a monomania among " 7 liberate convicts --colored and exagonratod "APyour child was lost when going on an " is | *8 every incident wonld have heen for the errand to Coventry-street, aml her name is . Aro} : x amnsement of the public -- to attempt gimilar Maris-Lowsie Duquesne, | tell you she 1s exploite. Twas also anxions to conceal and it waa not till I'halleft the police senr and Dubarle were convicted of return. ing from, transportation before the term for which they had been sentenced had ex- pired, and were this time rent across the «ean of life. The reporter of (he morning tiser," gave precisely the same account, even to the 'misspelling of Levassen's name, diminishing the brief trial in the following paragraph, under the head of ¢ Old Bailey Session ?--« Alphonse Duburle identified as unlawfully-retamed con- viets, and sentence to transportation for life. The prisoners, it was understood, iced | THE HENRY REPEATING RIFLE. This latest addition to the instruments' of warfure is attracting some allention among ¢ how are you lo es- | military men, and it is graulying, at least for the sake of tho public advantage, to know that iis qualities are receiving-a complete revolution in one department of our fighting matenal. An examination of by I of the L -General of the average time occupied 1 loading was to discharge fifieen rounds, with precision, 90 seconds. As the result of these examina- experiment made, it 1s evident that con- boy of men, however excellent, so armed, I died yards distance to such a eontinuous repeating principle. Yesterday the qualities Dennisun's range by Mr. C. Giles, formerly a member of the Queen's Own, and one of the resuit :-- At 200 yards, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4; a 300 yards, 2, 3,4,4,4; a 500 yards, 3, 4, 4, 4,4. This is a result alike creditable 10 ihe shooter and to the rifle. womail wasat the .thercy of * {wo "Then for God's sake shall be thers col p did 50; the horse--a not entirely unused nates, powerful animal, and CHIL; yprehended tia neces- + 3 Ina, very brief space of ih ulidhe-door of thie' hotise from |* till idly screaming as we room below, - There was no « Pray, sir, sai could be obtained, «io you know what we sit here for 2. « Yes, verily, I do, said the Quaker ¢ three of you for four 'dollars each It iofand year. BA German being required lo. give 'a re- 'produeed the following :--t¢ | ish full--] want no more monish. John Swackhei meningen, one there, and we swittly ascended the Hairs, at the top of which we could henr Levasseur and Dubarle thundering at Boas ADJOURNED door, which they liad unexpectedly found fastened, and hurling a storm of impreca- tions at the woman within, the noise of which enabled os to approach them pretty neatly before we were heard or perceived, "COUNTY COUNoIT, JUNE SESSION, 1806. COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT, The following report was read on the first day, but for want of space we could not in- To the = Corporatio Dubarle and that the | Martin made adesperate rosh 10 pass us, gag should be replaced iu my mouth, when | PY Which I was momently thrown on one atliought struck me. ¢ Levasseur called you Marie Duquesne |** the bullet leveled ut me from a pistol JUL now ; but surely your uume is Jaubert-- | LevAssenr held in his hand would probably lwve the honor 10 report, that from the 1st of January tothe 81st of May lust, alt tiecessary supplies for the Court House and Goal, have been obtained xamiued and certified, are herewith submiited. That the repairs ordered in the Shenifl's Office have been made at an ex- pense of $35 02; that I have procured cer- tain mecessary stamps, and a standard yard use of the Inspector of Weichts and Measures, at a cost of $4.25; aud five barrels of lime for the usb of the Jail und Court House, at a cost of $2.50, all of which have been paid by the Treasurer , having been That during the five montha ending on the 31st of May, the Jail records shew that 26 persons, of whom 17 were males, and have been confined ia Jail, for ying from three days up to the 3 that during the suid term wale and 1 female have been committed twice, and 1 female 3 times :. that on ay, there remained in Jail 3 males that the average number id term 1s 7.25 the of prisuners during the sa gregate number of days on which prisoners were on Jail rations, is LIS, and the agaregate cost for rations is $91 ¥7, be- ing at the rate of 8.15 cons per day, r That agreeably to the recommendation of your committee" on Roads and Bridges, 1 have purchased a pair of Jack screws, to be Bridge, at a cost of used it the Narrows $32.40, which hus been p: suter on my order, one half of which will be refunded by (he County of Simcoe as been put in a proper state of alg cost for labor and material of $66, (the accounts for which i detail are here- This ameunt has been paid by the County of Simcoe, one half of which will-have to be refunded Some further repairs will be quired in the Fall, about the swing and torn- table, some of the timbers being much de- That the County Council of the County of aimed any intention to claim exclusive right to the house occupied by the Bridge keeper, their object in least ing the house to the Bridge-ke terely to facilntate any process, which jt necessary to institute, lo | leave when required so to do ; aud that the house 1s in a badsiute of repair, able and il adapted for the accommodation family 5 the Bridge-keeper is very forgotten 10 | Jeyirous that some advitionul accommod- All of which is respectfully submitted. County Engineer's Office, Wiitby, June 26, 1866. Whaitsy, June 27, 1866. The Warden took the chair at e o'clock. The foliowing communications, reports and petitions were Presented ;-- From J. H. Perry, Registrar of the Conn- 1¥y setting forth that the present registry of- lice was to small to accommodate the public, aud the vault too small 10 contain the forces in Canada, about two months ago, | books, papers, plans, &c., and calling at- and Captain Grant, by whom the test was | lention to section 6, cap., 24, 20h Vie., made, save an elaborate report, stating that Stututes 65. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. 15 seconds, and the ayerage time required | 7% th Warden and Council ing. Wood for County butfdings Mem Insurance Co. Buildings ....u ge. Crown \ititesses, inquest wolves...... he Jurors and selecting. c Amount due on County rate Mara & Rama Fines, Fees, and Licenses... Shewing a balance to be provided for......... $21,080, Registrar, Bank of Montreal for interest on a runnin sand. dollars, which was accepted, in 1h this session. All of which is respectfully snbmitted. W. PAXTON. -- bY this PETITI)NS, yah Of Col. Cameron anil others praying for au increase of salary of C. Harris bridge keeper.-- Mr. Kennedy. lished atthe Town Hall.-- Mr, Thompson. parated from Mara.-- Mr. Kennedy. Of certain rate-payers of Reach, Uxbridge Reach and Uxbridge, 1 =Mr. Spring. iArth of Strattonville OF ceutain jnbabitants of Uxbridge, praying for the removal of obstructions on thetdwn line between Uxbridge and Scott, --Mtr. Chapman, THE VOLUNTEER GRANT. Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Rowe, moves that a sum of mouey, not exce: ding $4,000 be appropriated by this Council out of the funds of the County, to remunerate the Volunteers resident in this County who turned out with such Praseworthy alacrity to defend our altars and our homes during the late invasion of our soil by a lawless horde of marauders, and that a special com- miltee be appointed to report a By-law for the raising and distribution of 1he same amongst the several volunteers, and the special commiiiee be composed as follows, viz : Messrs. White, Wright, Thompson, Fairbanks, Perry, Guy and the mover. This motion was the result of a long dis- cussioh as to the mode of distribution of the money whether single men should receive County of Ontario : Your Treasurer would beg to report cash on hand 181 * Gr January lust Ri 2 I Tous, Cuplaiy Grant teforted Hat, from the County rates of '64 and 64... Sram Graamar School Grants. as much or less than married men, After some notices uf introduction of by- laws : toconfirm township by-laws the il adjourned. ! fidence can uo longer be placed in the Govt for Crimmal Justice... 'muzzle: loaders of our service, and thit uo | Fines from Magistruics and | could exist when exposed within six hoa- The payinents from shower of lead as could be discharged on the | Less mv ueceptance due 6th iustant wns of the Henry repeating rifle were tried on Excess of paymenthuensumnias The above payments include penses $2,081.70, which paytnents I trust best shots in Toronto, The following was | you will ratify as just and proper. h is standing to the dent Land Fund ties as follows : bag The Township of Uxbrii wih Thorah, 152.30; Whinby, $81.01 ; Township of Mara, 9438 angnly, to a blung é : fi ip 72; Rama, $245.32; Reach, $108.83; And old Quaker fiom whom no dire answer at oredit of non-resident Land Fund, $1,463 credit of the. non-resi- for the several municipali- colt, 205.17; Town of And your Treasurer would submit the i } ] 4 followivg estimate for the carrent yeart day, and the fu ne in the middle for four Balance unpaid under Road Byclaw 197 ..... 4 + Debentures and linerest Conpoiis ..... i County Attorney, Clerk of the Peace, Crier iret t Ad Gaol BUTGeoNsummniseesyusssesiosannss ceipt in full after afier much mental effort, Seugog ridge, Narrow: al 'Canty Property, Gaoler and Gaol eupplies. : THIRD DAY. The Warden took the chair at twenty minutes afler ten. i Mr. Wheler, seconded by Mr. Chapman introduced a by-law to coufirm by-law 308 of the township of Uxbridge. Read first and second time and referred 10 Road and Bridge Committee. _ Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Way, introduced a by-law to erect the village of Cannington inte, a police village. Pickering. Read first and second time aud referred to Road and Bridge Commitee. Mr. Proctor, led by Mr. K dy, Under the new Registry Act, beoks have become a considerable item, and acting un- der your suggestion, [ have addressed a cir. | unteers of this county called out for actoal cular to the principal bookbinders of Cana. | service during the present month. da, asking for tenders ; from some, tenders | Jud. That said sum be distributed as hate been received, others asking for a de. | lollows: --To each non-commissioned of scription and' number of books wanted, | ficer and private who are married, or on while many are stlent. Under the circum. | when others are depending for support, be stances, and in view cf the approaching | puid filty cents per day for each day "while session, 1 did not feel warrinted ih giving | 00 actual service, du order without referring the matter for| 3rd. That all tion-commissioned officers your consideration, although I am told the | and privates not included in section 2 of this delay has somewhat incouvenienced the | report, be paid rateably per day the balance In answer to the application made to the a ; account, Mr. Dean, the late manager, "wr Ath. That on the production by the trea- instructed to allow three per. cent on ail sums over a working balances of two thous mean time, as the best we could do, -- Whether in consideration of the 'accommo- dation heretofore granted by the Bank of Montreal this arrangement should be eop- demued, or taking advantage of the iu- creased banking facilities accept of such more favorable offer as might now be ob- tained; is a matter in which [ shall expect your direction. Your Treasurer has this day received from the Shenfi $465.37, on account of a late tax sale; a full return ot which lie hopes'to bs able 10 lay before you Ot certain inhabitants of Cannmgton, cipality having advanced to any person con- praying that that village might be formed | tmed 1m said list the whole or any portion 1010 a pdhice village, and a Lock-up estab- | of the money due under this report, the re- Me. White, seconded by Mr. Haight, in- | troduced a by-law to confirm by-law 234 of and the mover. -- Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. o'clock. VOLUNTEER GRANT. tee to whom was referred the appropriation for the volunteers. REPORTS. ferred the subject of a graut of money to the volunteers of this County, beg 10 report :-- Ist. That your committe recommend that the sum of four thousand dollars be ap. portioned to the use and benefit of the vol- 73 of the above sum of $4,000, provided that such payment shall not exceed 50 cents per day while ou actual sery surer of any local municipality in which the head quarters of any volunteer comn- pany are situated tothe County Treasurer, a cerlilied copy of the pay list as accepted by the pay the Paymaster or A. General,amd signed by the commanding officer of euch company, giving the names of such non- commissioned officer and private, the num- ber of days on actual service, and separa- ting the same under sections Rand 3 of this report, the County Treasurer shall pay over to the local Treasurer the total amount re- presented on such list, calea lated according tlie tenor and terms ol this report, Sth. That the local Treusurer pay to the several Persons named in such hist the amount placed opposite each name, taking a receipt therelor, aud return 10 the County Treasurer sand list with the receipts and moneys which may not have been called for on or before the 1st day of December next. 6th. That in the event of the local muni- cept of the Reeve or-Mayor,stating each nn of J. 8 Garnett and 99 others ratepayers such separate amounts to have been paid, of Rama, praying to have that township se- shall be made on such pay lists. Tth. That the farther sum of one hun- dred dollars be provided for the use and be- Brock, and Scott, (2 petitions, praying for nefit of such mon as we fesidents of His an appropriation on thytows line between | COUNLY, and belonging to Major Button's Cavalry Troop of Markham, on condition that Major Button furnishes the County Tieasurer with a cenified list of each man, and further, that the aid men have not re cewved (rom the United Counties of York aud Peel their proportion of the grant of these moneys, and farther, that no provision is made in York and Peel for the payment of such men, 8th That the amount per day, terms "and conditions of the grant to#liose named in section 7 of this report shall be the same as afe contamed in this report for the On County ~volunteers, except that said amount when ascertained shall be pid by the County Treasurer, direct 1a Major Bution, taking the usual receipt on Payment of such list, to be held as his vouctier for payment of such money. 9h. That the Finance and Assessment committee are hereby structed 10 provide for the assessment of the above moneys, 10th. That in case of substitute, the com- mauding officer of each company shall cer- ufy whether the payshall ba given the sub- stitute or the person whom the substitute re- presented, or neither, A. KENNEDY, Chairman. giving fifty cents per day to each married man was adopted. moved that 1n the third clause 37§ cents per day be struck out and 50 cents inserted, A discussion arose upon this amendment which at first whether married and sj fo give the single men 'fifty cents. Tire ing Session of the next day Mr, Wright's introduced a by-law. to. confirm by-laws number five and one of the township of Thorah. Referred to road and Bridge Com- miltee. y ; Lo Mr Haight presented the petition of A. Boome :ini reference to the sale of a' certain road allowance in the township' of Picker- ing. ! Referred to Road and Bridge Com-: mittee. Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Perry Solaries including Warden. moved that the petition of J. S. Garnett 10. Several' Ss were | aud others be relerred 10 a Bpecial commit- | to more than fifty cents per wa oo | 1€€ 10 consist of Messrs, Thompson, Rowe The Warden took the chair at five The Council went into Committee of the olen thie report of the special commit- Ot the select committee to whom was re- tee of the whole, wil, chase of the most rifles. thought it would be teers and giving them the money eight or ten dollars per man, 1t would soon be gone aud nothing to show for ity but with a good sixteen shooter in their hands they would be well prepared to meet their foe. The motion being put only Messrs. White and Haight voted in favor of it, remainder of the Céuneil voting nay. was 10 repott, council we the whole thereon. y.-- Carried. |ihori zed to fit up the office now occupied Mr. Wnght concurred in the above | by the Division Court Clerk for such office. motion, 4 FOURTH DAY. AFTERNUON SESSION. The committee have had in their congider- ation the communication of the County Registrar, they recommend that the County = Engineer be instructe to Mr. Ferry moved that there be added to | ave a suitable building erected at the report, hat captains commanding. com- the north end of the Court House, the panies shail cuttify whether, pay shall be | 99%t Hot to exceed $1,600, and the Warden, given to substitutes or to the persons send. | Mesers. Rowe aud White be a special com- wg them. = Carried. miltee to superintend the erection of the Upon the report as amended being brought Proposed building. : a before the Couucil, Mr, White seconded by | This report way adopted without discus- Mr. Haight, moved that the report be not | son, y J . received, but referred back to the commit-| The courti] Weubinto committee of the | p: tustructions 10 amend | whole on the report of (he committee on itin oder to expend the $4000 for the pur- | Education, improved repeating | ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT ON EDUCATION, The Standing Committes on Efucation In support of this resolution, Mr. White | Pe8 to report:-- The report was then adopted. Mr. Wright, seconded by Mr. Spring, moves that a petition be sent 10 his E lency, praying that the Western goveining he of the township of Reach be surveyed, and that the angles be marked by cut stone monuments, and that Mr. Yaruold, P, L. 8. be recommended to bo employed to do the same. Referred to Road and Bridge Com- midee, Mr. Rowe introduced a by-law to appoint Inspector of Weights and Measures. Mr, Rowe said that according to the statute, it necessary where there were two in- spectors lo make one the senior who should hold possession of the weights and sues. The by-law was agreed to; PRINTING, The commitige on Printing being ready ut into committee of Mr. Fairbanks in the chair. A REPORT uF STANDING COMMITTEE ON PRINTING, . -- The Standing Commutiee on Printing beg to report that having examined the accounts submitted, recommend payment of (he following : acceptable to the voian- doing them more service than from this county, recommen that Rev. R. yy it they received | A+ Campbell be appointed Local Superin- fi the Xcel- nea- The Rev. J. Michel having removed tendent of the Township of Mara and Rama, in his stead. The Rev. J. Campbell and A, Smith, Esq., two Trustees of Manilla Grammar School having removed, recommend their vacancies be filled by appointing Dr. F. Qukley and W, Coulthard, Esq., (The following two clauses are in full.) : The attention of your committee hav- ing becn drawn to the question whether the\ Pupils of one municipality attend- ing the school of«another in which their parents or guatdiand'dé uot reside should be eligible to eampete for scholarships in the municipality in which they have attend- ed for the specified tino to authorize them 10 compete for a sch Jlarship under the by-law, desire to express their opinion thatat the ume of awarding scholarships to the diflerent municipalities, it was the intention that they should be for the children of residents of the several municipalities to which the scholarships were awarded, and that in case of a Union School of part. of two townships, pupils should be iligible only to compete in ihe township in which their parents or guardians reside, and that the competition for scholarships should only be Leiween puptis witnin school age, The recent nvasion of our peaceful coun- try induces your committee to express Laeir belief that great advantage would acerue to the youth of the courtry if the teachers of the common schools were required to be possessed of a sufficient knowledge of mili~ Luke & Larke, in foll,........ $15 80 tary drill to enable them to instruct their W. H. Higgs, $21 30, less $6 for printing 250 circulars (invitation to Excursion)... 0... ly. aie Parsons & Robison $235 46, less $36 80. beg an overcharge on advertising Auditors' report of the tee appointed at the January son's bill, Mr. Perry moved that all items not certified to by. the Clerk be stiuck out. were lor work done for the Board of Public Instruction, and was certified to by Dr. The cluuses appropriating $4,000 and Thornton, the Secretary of the Board. tween Messrs. Perry and Wright upon the Mr. Wiight, seconded by Mr. Rowe, | bill, after which the report was adopted, -- Messrs. Perry and Kennedy only voting for the former motion, occupied about the whole of the sittin item in W, I. Higgins' account for print- this and the next day, Tie dire ing the invitation circulars, Mr. Kennedy e volun- | moved the $6 be allowed, on a nt of teers should be paid tha'same sum, (hen as the printing being ordered by the Warden. to whether the $4,000 would be sufficient -- Carried, The council went into committee of the discussion : was frequently conversutional, | whole on the report of the committee on long and generaliy uninteresting, and owing County property and Gaol Management, 10 ita length has to be omitted. In the morn- | couNTY PROPERTY AND GAOL MANAGEMENT. g & The following is an abbreviation of the was lost, the vote being 9 to lengthy report of this commitiee :-- I The com lent land fund y.. $198 66 Totaly. .... CL $223 76 "Your committee recommend that in fa- ture the Clerk advertise in the month of Janoary in each and every year for sealed tenders for printing, said tenders to be di rected to the chaivman of the commiiteoton Session every year may consider the contract, and have the Clerk. the same approved in full Council, and- by this means save unnecessary tiouble ; and that said tenders be in every respect the v same as for the year 1866, with the addition | [or common schools for the current year:-- of the Auditors report of the state of the Non-resident Land Fund. And your com- mittee would also recommond at a copy of each advertisement or item bf job work be attached to the accounts and be sent in to the Clerk of the Council, All of which is respectfully submitted, J. WRIGHT, Chairman, In reference to Messts, Parsons & Robiu- Mr. Wright explained that these ems A discussion eushed, principally be- Alter considerable discussion about the abd amangst the married men. It was then Mr. Peniy moved that married men be report an adeq supply but not put. Mr. Fairbanks moved that | of bedding and clothing for prisoners, the lL forty ceuts per day be given to each man prison is kept clean and neat, and the | and ihe surplus of the $4000 be divided | management 1s satisfactory. R | ¥ art discovered that the clause giving fil y cents $293 01 for supplies for Gaol and repairs be made 1l'such amendments out of order. paid, The commitice { paid filly cents per day and that the sur- | ted statutes that the "county raust provide plus be distributed rateably amongst the an office for Deputy Clerk of Crown, re- singlo men, provided that it did not amount ' commend that the County Engineer be au- its to the of y the consolida~| fille attention of the Chief Superimtendent . {of Education to this subject, your commit. County Printing, m order (fht the commit- Fairbanks went (children to of the Government iy male pupils therein, which, if at any time their services should be required in defence $15 30 of their country, would render them much more efficient, or if fortunately their ser- vices should notjbe ro required, would be the means of giving an ease and propriety of car- tage which is readily acquired by early in struction 5 and would recomipend that pro- visions be made compelling male teachers to acquire a knowlege of military drill be- fore obtaining a certificate entitling them to Governmeit pay, With a view of drawing tee would recommend that a copy of this clause of the report be forwarded to him, by / The following sums will be required to be raised to meet the general appropriation Bioc Marg Pickerng Rama. Whithy Eas 460 85 Whitby West.. 496 25 mite Iu addition, it will be necessary 10 raise for Local Superintendents :-- Brock... me | Mara and Ru «3780 Pickerin, 2 4 Reach, «15 60 Sco. . 25 20 Scagog. . 12 60 Thoiah 21 00 Usbridge 43 00 Whithy 46 20 Whitby We: 29 40 Recommended the following accounts to. be paid ;-- R. H. Thornton, $3 44; G. H. Darnell, $9 64; John Thompson, $4 49; Thomas Kirkland, $16 00 ; J. D, Gibson, $28 80; John Campbell, $21 50. 4 Mr. Fuirbanks thought that every teach- er should understand military drill, and alter a hmited time, every teacher should have a second-class certificate from the military school, or a certificate of ability as a drill instructor, before he slionld be quali- . tv draw Government money, "Mr. Haight ted 0 this. There were ople who tid n t believe in fighting and Id not | nd if this proposal of Mr. 0 operation, it would pre~ others from sending their The amendment of oling the anaiie is subject, moved vent Quakers | by Mr. Fairbanks " to the report, Be , Fn "ug ~ Say " > pe RY

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