Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Jul 1866, p. 4

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he Hntarin Hhserher, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY. OF ONTARIO, "EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, The subscribers having on 3 IE eral outst: ters, under the fim and style 5 and tasteful i #the latest New Arilndel phis hi ric Sor over the Store 0 Toran, Esq., FORMAN & WILSON, Fashionable Tailors, PRINCE ALBERT !1 | ber 0. FORMAN. 8. R. WILSON. Parsons & & Robinson. April 17, 1866. TERMS : -- $1.50 her annum, i" paid within six months; il not paid with tim 2.00. No sub. scription laken (or. less and no paper 1: discontinued untilall arr A ters containing vhen addressed to fice, pre-paid and registered, will be at our risk RATES OF ADVERTISING, | | 0 | A f I RI: For each line, first insertion - - .. $0.08 B1bsequent insertions, perline - - - 0.02 Cirds, under 6 lines, per annum - , 5.00 ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, Advertisements measured in Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they occupy, Advertisements received for publication, without spe- cific instructions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged aceordingly. No advertisement will be taken out until paid for, A liberal discount allowed to Merchuits and others who advertise by the year or haif- Auy Special Notice, the object " which is 10 promotg the pecuniary benefit « individual or company, (0 be considered an advertisement, and charged aceord- ingly wn 'These terms will, in all cases, be strictly ad- ered Lo, The constantly increasing importaice of the North Rug afUmariorenderathe publiention ofthe OBs ERY Ek a necessity. er advocating right, and condemuing stanly take the lead in forwarding of the county; and in the amonnt news given, will be unsurpassed by slished in Canada, o local and any local pa JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Mand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books. Check Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &e , &e., of every sty le and color, executed promptly, and at lower rates than iy other establishment in this county. Parties (rom a distance getting hand bills, &c. sprinted, ean have them done to take home with them. H. PARSONS. | W. ROBINSON, _ Business Divecto re. GEO, W. JONES, M. D. HYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Obstetrician, Simcoe-st., Prince Albert. -- ¥. H. BRATHWAITE, M. D, C. M., a RADUATE of the University of Mei Gill College, Moritreal, Physician, Surgeon and HH. sar, Prince Albert. Office and Resi- deuce--the house lately oeeupied b by Dr. Agnew, DR. WARE, AORONER for the County of Ontario, *hysiciam, Surgeon and Accoucheur, 11 take this opportunity of informing his friends that durisks his absence from among them; he has made his particular study diseases of the Throat and Lungs,on which he can be consulted, with the other branches of his profession, on reasonable terms, at his residence in Prince Albert, 0 F, OAKLEY, M. Dj ANILLA. Office and Residence, --the late residence of Dr, Bain, FRANCIS | RAE, M MB, 3, PHY SICIAN, Surgeon, Accoucheur, (succes- --. sor to Dr. Tempest.) Office and Residence : 1) house lately occupied by or Tempest, ng-St., Oshawa, ~ COCHRANE « & C0 COCHRANE, ARRISTER», Attorneys, &e. Prince Albert office--opposite ~ the Town Hall ; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. eestor ee en ees JOHN BILLINGS, | TER, Attoimey at Law, Solicitor Cup Store. in Cha 7, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Prince 4 t. Office over T. C. Forman' P. URD, TTORNEY at 5&5 aw, Solmitor in Chan- cery, Qonveyaneer, Notary Public, &c., Lindsay, bw, FAREWELL & McGEE, ARRISTY 23 Attorney: 8, Solicitors and otaries Public. Officer, in the Post Office Building, Simcoe Street, Oshaw. a. J. BE. PAREWELL, L.L.B, ] nr. I wae, B.A. MILLER & PATERSON, TTORNEYS at Law, Soleitors, in Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, &e. Cffice--south-cast corner on King and Churgh-sts., Toronto. CAMERON & M & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: Court House. M. C. CAMERON. | H. J. MACDONELL, £NDREW F.. McPHERSON, ARRISTER, and Attornay-at-Law, Soliei- tor in Chancery, OFFIC E--Dundas ot 3 doors west of the Post Office. Whitby, July 4, 1866, ---------------- R. J: WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chanery, &c. Office in the Victoria Building, Brock=st. .» Whitby, terest tte LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B, OLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyaneer, &c., Oshawa. "Office--Simcoe street, opposite he post office. C. N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W. Dental Rooms directly opposite the post office--entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. JOHN CHRISTIE, Moyhsues Clerk for Reach, Convey- Quen Donal) , &e. ancer, Commissioner of the Court of Business carefully attended Office--Manchester, ALBERT SPRING, Losi' Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Reach, Brock, Uxbridge and Scott. rders taken at this' office, and days of sale ap- pointed, T.1seckD AUCTIONEER for the ivi Ontario: Terms made kn of Salefixed, at the Onserven Office." i at Aulraidiib nities, THOS. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Towp- fips of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in ortn Uni Mariposa, etc., in the Con Victoria. ae annington Broonryof ders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Dehts collected in on in ton, or otherwise, and prompt remittan; o. Hemamber 2 PALS TE, the North On: 0 ae E. MAJOR, ANOPACTORE Sash, R of Pi M Mills, Simeoe Sirect, Prince Albert the Losing opposite the residence of S, P. ber. Sah work warranted. mE Base. attention. children's teeth, which should be an important consideration with every parent. mouth is formed for life. Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865. Building Lot for Sale, H. Park's Furniture Store, in the best busi- ness part of the flourishing village of Prince A Good News for All! PHOTOGRAPH CAR, bee a Plotopmplie 4 ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, AT i; - R. WiLson's Drug STORE. PRINCE ALBERT. PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. 333508808) F33333FFFE 193d V.d IK ROOM PAPER! FJYHE subscriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the ublic that having taker: especial pains in securing the best material the country affords, and having had some 27 years experience in The business, he is prepared to eupply superior Wagons,Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRIQES. Parties in want of anything in bis line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article,the contemptible and childish hint at counterfeiters by a Jealous rival, to the contrary notwithstanding. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. HELP! HELP! MURDER! what are you dong? Officer --!lere you rascai, Thief: --I am trying to get a pair of Daves & Sners's good boots,fand have not got time to wait until they can make them. they are so busy. Officer.-- Well. go and leave vour measure, and I'll guarantee they will get you up a pair, right away, which for workmauship cannot be surpassed DAYNES & SNELL Would «dd that they are now prepared to manfacture every discription of Gents' Ladies' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, at the shortest possible notice, «nd of the best matérinl. pay Mending punctually attended to. SHOP --opposite the Town Hall, Prince Albert, Feb. 7, 1866. M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage £7 - Maker! ! BROCK STRESS, Wars | GOOD assortment of Buggies a on hand made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing. D : ALL WORK WARRAN' WOULD most respectfully inform the inhabi- I tants of PRINCE ALBERT, Aud vicinity, that I have opened a Picture Gallery In Mr. Hurd's building, Over Cowan's Store. Having given instructions in the Western Fuates all gis summer, and having a thorough knowledge of the art of Fhotograpbing, my pic- Sunes cannot be surpassed for beauty and dura- bility. I feel confident I ci turn out as good ictures iss the best galleries in Canada, 1 use the fue material that can be procured, (the same as Ysad by the bestoperator in England), and spare 0 expense tomake my pictures uperior to made by the common run of artists. Ambrotypes, Locket Picyrosand Lettergraphs taken by the most improve method. 13" Special attention paid to Children, and Copying from old pictures. JF Xou who know good pictures and want them--CALL! You who don't know good Hoe tures when you see them--come and see them. EF" Instructions given in th the Art. Call and examine s T. CHESTERFIELD, Prince Albert, Feb.'1, 1866. Cash for Wool. Wool 5-1y Money to Loan! N sums of from $400 to $1500, on unencum- bered farm prope ret MUWAREN ELL & MoGEE, Barristers and Solicitors, OsMrwa, J. D. Cottingham, Boor ER ETH Brmced. Teeth Scaled and Regulated. Teeth filled with Gold, Silver, or Cement. Teeth inserted in Gold, Silver, or Rubber, All work entrusted to him will receive prompt Patients will not be expected to take any work that is not satisfactory. i p Particular attention paid to the regulation of For at that he time of second dentation the identity of the Office and residence--BORELIA. Terms Cash-- produce taken at cash price. 5ly3- VALUABLE Builds Building Lot situate he- | tween J. Wright's Shoe Store and W. rt. For terms snquis of WM. SCOTT, Victoria Hote' IFE-LIKE PICTURES taken in all kinds of weather, at J. A. CLARK'S UXBRIDGE. The subscriber is prepared to execute, in the Antroly pes, Meleneo- 11 kinds of pictures HE subscriber will pay Cash for 80,000 of Wool delivered 2 . Be T THOMAS COURTICE, on the e%y and at his Car, west off PORT PERRY WOOLEN FACTORY Shes Harness and Tronk Manofao Kon 1g fle pean, a | and warranted Parties having Wool to Sell may depend oa Simoossteeet, Prince Albert: "Exery. | losult customers. Pictures copled and photo! geiring the highest market price su aehenty SER pt consi Cringe Faclory. Shop E 4 a JA CLARK. The subscriber is also Jesse to dg Cuno Uxbrithge, Oct. 11, 1865, 40] Jaiding, Weaving, Pulling Pressing, ihe Parties in trusting me with thei ke depend on Jinwi ng 5 a TY Yepend t well done, and on the Cash paid for | Sheop Skins, Port Perry, May 16, 1866, H. Burnham, LERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, ico 'over Mr. Bigelow's Sos PORT PERRY, C. Ww Cc. 1 YooHG. | Where the {made of th | made--extra finish. ICA HEREBY notify the 'pablio generally and intending I BY routs i. aed Snigsding before they call at the ARIO CARBIAGE FACT y cin tee GENUINE CARRIAGES, WAGONS, and Fv material, and by men that ARRIAGES the business. frp yo the ations paris of the work are made on the premises and under my own supertendance, I can warrant every article 10 give entire, satisfaction. Catriagés | and' Wagons repaired and painted. PAINTING done for the trade. HORSE SHOEING and General Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. ) Agent for Flint's Revolving Boise Rake, MES EMANEY. CT CABINET WAREROOMS HE Subsernber is still working at his em place of business, manufacturing every- thing in the CABINET LINE, such as Sofas, Centre, Diningand Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Cuairs, &e. 'Honse and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging done on the hottest notice. (7 A choice lot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS Ror Sale and Framed to order. Special Notice. 13 a, A number of COFFINS of all sizes, ready- 5 Parties living in the villages, getting work done at my shop, will be furnished the Hearse 1 h "I 7d NLR TAKERS ~Hearse to hire. ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONEF, Good Lomber and Produce taken in exchange for work. Borelia, June 20, 1865, THE OLD STW THE Suhseriber takes this ero of returning t hak 10 hi to his numarons eostomers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and: begs to intimate_ that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Baggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR- ROWS made in the latest improved Scotch styles, Parties desiring to purchase would do well to call and inspect his Stock before Pure chasing else- where. Having bought his Stock for Cush, he is determined not to be undersold by any other manufacturer in the County. All Work Warranted, 'WM. STEEL, Manchester, April 10, 1866. 1 "JOHN NOTT. | 10k EME WANTED AT THE PORT PERRY UNION MILLS ! 20,000 BUSH. OF WHEAT, FOR WHICH THE Highest price will bepaid in Cash. GRISTINGIBRY GOBBS } \ /ILL have our prompt attention. -- {RO ERIES, CROCKERY, &ec., Please give us atrial, and we will 'Sule Cheap for Guarantee Satisfaction. [Cash or any kindof Farm Produce, 05 Salt and Plaster for Sale Cheap, MARSH & TROUNCE. for Pont Perry, Feb. 1, 1866. A. BARRETT'S FIRST PRIZE PHOYOGBAPH BOOKS! BHG-ST., © OSHAWA. Photographs er por dozen, Natisfaction S 3 hy guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. Osuawa, Jan. 10, y 1866, WML WATCHMARER 38. & JEWELER ! HA Removed to the premises lately occupied by Mr. D. Jour, in Ae Victoria Block, two HAR Re south of the Town Hall, where may be found a good stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. As a practical de he defies competition, IF Ie will not be responsible for any work left in Remember the shop--in the Victoria Block, nearly Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1865. - and will warrant all work executed by him, his possession over one year. under the " Observer" office, 48 J. P. JOHNSTON, "WATCHMAKER, AND JW ELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GOLD AND SILVER WA TCHES 'CLOCKS, "FANCY GOODS, &C, &C. Z a King Street Hast Basti =~ -L- - OSHAWA. = Watches and Jewglry Y Neatly, geepgired. HARRISON MAW, & SONS, Builders and CONTRA CTORS, . PORT PERRY! ARE prepared to Contrast for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood, Brick or Store, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- ts, good k done will do well to call. Plans and Speeill i ) SD dyn : er i Spores Port Pe hy 1865, 50-1y purchasers particularly, to be > STOVE TIN § West living prices. 4-Ty | the township, and from which there isa .| the Western Fire Insurance Company, "CALL AT THE | BROOELIN HOP! ! HERE jou will fidd a large assort- ment of COOKING, 0X, AND PARLOR STOVES, DUMD STOVES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOW: s, TIN, iY, PRESSED AND JAPANNED WARE, PRESERVING KBTTLES, SAD TRONS, , : SHEET ZINC Together with a variety of other articles the house furnishing line too numerous to mention. All ot winch will be sold at the Particular attention paid to repairing, lining old ovens, &c. Washing Machines re-zinced and made as good ag new, ber the Stand-- directly opposite the Globe Hotel. THOS, ROBSON. Brooklin, Dec. 20, 1865. Farm for Sale! JOR Sale' by mivate contract, the rear half of Lots No. 13 and 14, m the lst concession of the TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, and about 60 acres on Lot 14. The stumps that remain could easily be removed us the most of it has been cleared six or seven years. The land is equal to the best in beautiful view of Lake Scugog. "For further particulars inquire (if by letter post-paid,) of THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Markham, or M. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert. 3 [ Markbs am, Oct. 3, 1865. - Volunteers ordered to 'the Frontier | J. BULLEN HAS REMOVED From his 01d Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. 17 Sorin and Summer Fashions just re- ceive 3 J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March #8, 1866. ts DR. RADWAY'S PI Fo! THE CURR or itt ALL DISORDERS OF THE Stomach kiter,Bawels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Hggdache, ( Constipation, Costiveness, oro * Bilsuincan fo [1d ious Fevar, In mation of the 1 os, and all derangements of the in ternal | Viscera. ONE TO SIX BO BOXES ARE Warranted to effect a Pusitive Cire. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS ARE COMPOSED OF VEGETABLE EXTRACTS PREPARED IN VACUO; Superior to all Purgative, Cuthurtic, or dltgra- tive Medicines in general use, or COATED WITH GUM, Which renders them very convenient, and wells - ed for children, and pursony who have a hi 3 ly pills. yuother gr medicine, and capecia rity of Radway's Fd over all other, use, is the fuct gf their wonderful medidin: being highly centrated. One to six tre will act hore horoughly, and cloanse the canal, without producing cramps, spasms, y ngs, te. than any other Fills or Rurgative Hpdiciio in THE GRLAT WANT SUPPLIED, Itisa well known fact that Physiciuns have long sought to discover a vegetable purgative as a substitute for Calomel, and that would cleanse the Alimentary Canal of all diseased and retained humors, as tho- roughly as Lobelia will the stomach, with- out producing sickness at stomach, weak- ness, or irritation of the mucous membrane. In Dr. Radway's Pills, this very ime ortant and essential principle is scoured. \ dose of two to six (according to the dition of the system) of Dr. Radway's Vills will produce a.! the positive altcrative :hange--from a sluggish or torpid, to a icalthy action of the Liver--as the phys sician hopes to obtain by a dose of Blue Pill, or Calowel ; and will ag" thoroughly cleanse the Stomach, and urge from the bowels the diseased and retained humors a8 the most approved emetic, or cathartis vithout oceasioning inconvenience or sick > to the ptiang Professor Reid --0ollege of Pharacy. THE GREAT PURGATIVE. 5 The celebrated Prof. Reid, of New York, Lecturer on Chemistry in tho College of Pharmacy, styles Radway's Villsns the Great I'urgative," and the only Purgative Medicine safe to administer in cases of ex- treme Debility, yud in Erysipelas, Small-LPox, Typhoid Fever, Biliou§" Fever, their action Leing routhing, healing, cle: g purilying, instead of griping, irritating, d ting, and nauseating 'After ex- Snining these Pills," writes the Professcy, * d G ENERAL AGENCY. HE undersigned ges fo announce to the in- habitants of Oshawa and vicinity, that he has leased premises lately occupied by W. D. Hepburn; as a Boot and Shoe Manufactory which he. bitends to open as an AUCTION ROOM, where he will: receive consignments of goods of all kinds, on Commission, ata moderate per-cents ge. 13 JCTION SALES in the Village and attended to on the shortest notice,.-- Terms reasonable, Accounts of merchants and others collected on commission. Also Agent for E. 5. DECKER. Oshawa, Julyb, 1865 Whitby, Prince Albert, and Port Perry. re Subscriber begs to intimate to the travel- ing community that he continues to furnish 26 | ( Hh 1 of GREAT 'UR XY, Fé fico from Mores ary and other duygerods sub. und prepared with skill end cme. Huviug n Dr. Radway as a scientific gentleman « f mments, I place every confidenco in Lis rewedics aid statements, * § 9 "LAWRENCE REID, Ls Professor of Chemistry." Dr. Sydny Stevens Treatment cf Cure with kadway's Tiis, Inflammation of the Bowels--Bilious Fevor--Dys, su--Cosuveness--Scarlet 1 ever -- Leas A do &e. U. 5. INVALID Hos York, DR. RADWAY & Co.: ]scidy or LBL the resull of uy teatmeis wich your Liils fu the following cases: st Casg.--Inflammation of the Bowels, John C. | an, aged thirty -fotr, was seized on the night of nt gt October with Tiiflanmation of the bowels ; al E10 pa; he Lad then been 2 oor over Pe Rar had not w passrge for six on, gay him six of your Villy, nn i tid the hay "Nel lief 5 the abdomen; iu a few mi ie s the Lain ceased, he fell r iuto a calm sleep; at 4 4.x, lie Jad at 9 A eat his breakiast; at 11 Am loti of ing a free ey actation i im six a Covered C onveyance between the above men- tioned places, every lawful day, leaving W hitby | aftex the arrival of the Morning Trains, and | reaching Prince Albert in time to connect with the Stage for Manilla and the North. Leaves of the Manilla Stage, and reaches Whitby in time for the carly trains, east and west, FARES REASONABLE! w3 Baggage and Parcels at the risk of the owner, unless booked x Ju paid for, Port Perry and Prince Albert after the arrival |g oy on'N ors ps and for five ways gave i fies pi pis is Bow well and nue on of the bowels, 1 ees 1 romoy) danger by a single dose of from six to mi i hours. In lead cholic, 1 give the pis in Inrge doses-- #ix to eight, and a teaspoouiul of Le. ief to a witeglasy of water every three hours--it always cues, 2nd CAE. avid Bruce, aged twenty-six, called at A 2th; found that Lie Lad Leen attacked with ions Tov for (wes niy-tw 0 Loire. 1 six of your pills every fovr Lou i inks . In twent rl is now at work aud yateetly Laliy. aruli Burns, aged six years, seized with i gave hor two pills every four Licurs fur twenty-four Wurs; applied 'the Tieudy Relief to her lls er iA, OBSON. Proprietor. Whitby, Jan. 17 1866, 2-1y English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautifal Vuleanite Base for Arti- tificial Teeth | OC. D. WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, Paint. Wrbrivge. ALL Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give sat- isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy competition. RerERENCRS.--Rev. Dr. Short, and XH. D. Griggs, Port Ilope; Rev. J. T. Burns, Whithy : i Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge ".Farms for Sale. (PHE subscriber offers for Sale Lot No. 15, in the 13th, and Lot No. 15, in the 14th concession of the Township - of 'Reach, Containing 100 abies each, Between an803 and 90 Cleared on each Lat, Mi m_stumps; the two lots beihia Hos mae by the 13th concession line. On the lobia 5: the 13th concession thore i8 'a log honse - small yo orcl ;.on the one in the Teh there is a re ouse, a frame barn 57 by an a8 ing honse, and uther 7 aud w splendid orchard. iParks a. are situated about throe- - le east of the Village of 7 Saas 1d, which is_situat leading road . Possession wii be Riven fi | ME Selutfield, Fel le 8. 7D the propriet the address, (pro paid) HENRY ROBINSON. & | We conifienced throat, gave her lemonade With haf a teaspoo Reliof us a drink. In thirty- ei hours the i Sy with her brothers and sisters. 1 haye preseribed ue { Lills in ocuscs of Dyspepsia, Indigesticn, Cestiy ene Sluggishuess of tlie Liver, or Jorpidity, witiiessed the most astonishing aut Phere hv the only true purgative rg valuab.e, living a greater controlling hinaees in ok am lcen derangements than calcmel or blue yi. Your ¥ lls are the ouly purgative that Lt Le acminjet red aith safety- in rary Sipelus, pn uid Fever, de Fever, Small Pox, and all Fruptive Tevers; 1 hs soning, to ud apericut properties revder inv; Yours, ete., SYD STEVENS, ALD, Suppression of the Mences, Headache, Hysterics, Nervousness fod, Nd Oct. Revs Dr. RADWAY: Your 1 saved my daughter's lifo, hteen yous of' Ly Sud d for three months her menses uld fre 1 Pom leudachiy and pa ei sui bie of Chen its of A: Serie, RA Lead; X Of ycui Sheer lips. We continued af Cf eri hay Frc our jo; oe was level Tent Ge yuk hel is now wi Jd segular, aif cult, aud has becu i ever yo very ul truly, Your ro it Piles ohusod by ovendosing with dr . HODGEON, x i i § feel assured was Loss of Appetite--Melancholy--Nervous- Rem Su Sleeplessness Cured : RADWAY'S Pills, 4 PEPTICS READ; : LET AS A DINNER P1112, HE XT 2 vis cig Were suppressed, suffer Sn, the back an Highs, and had Jie giving hes Mig ht, aud rubbed the © Pilla' will "emai on aig : weak : ri h to Teta, relish, au Sh Fine ong bo SOLD BY ALL DRUGG1STS. Price 25 cents per Box. : [ Agents. ; ; For Salein Prince Albert hy R. Wilss, oggist, aud 1. C, Forma,

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