7 Ty cur yd SHORT. yor hear atthe Rtowiti ood arber of our town; having a ft of gab, used 10 amuse his. custo- mers with his long yarns while he went _ h his functions on their beads and Doe day ap old colger came, in, jg his seat, and ordered a shave and hair - "The bar ber went to work, 'snd began the same time on his long yarns, to the no little dissatisfaction of the old gentleman, who, becomirig irritated, at the barber said: Cut it short." " Yen sir? said the barber' continging the yatn, until the old gentleman ordered-- ' out short, I say j out it short." sr,' clapping away and gabbling a er. _Cut it short, cut it short, I say I" says the old gent. '¢ Yes, sir," says the barber, going on with his alory. ¢ Will you cut it short, blast you ?' bawls out the old gent in a rage. ¢ Can't, sir," says the barber, ¢ for ity you look in the glass, you'll age ve cut it all oar And to his horror, on looking in the glass, the old gentleman found the hair all cut from his head. el meet A MINISTER ¢DONE/ In common with the rest of the world, Dr. M --, an eminent Church of Scotland divine, visited the International Exhibition, metropolis, an Irishman came running to him on the street, crying' Och, blessing on ye, Docther M------w--, How are yez ? I'm very well, replied the docter dry'y. And when did yez come to London ? Lust week ; but how do you come to know me? Give me a shilling and Dll tell yez. ~ The doctor, curious to know how the fel- low found his name out, give him the shilling, and was answered by the Irish- man: Sure, then, and I saw your name on your umbrella. ret Aes What is the difference between a honey- comb and a honeymoon? A honeycomb consists of a number of small ¢ cells," and a honeymoon consists of one great ¢ sell. Mr. Todd, of Acton, when the Act was put infforee for writing the owner's name at length on taxed carts, instead of ¢ Amos Todd? Acton, a taxed cart,' caused the fol lowing anagram to be described--¢ A most odd act on a taxed cart.' . In Switzerland the telegraph 1s the pro- peity of the State. An office is established in almost every village, and the clarge is uniform, one frane for twenty five words, irrespective of distance. The dispatches are printed, and the establishment 15 yield- ing a'large revenue lo the government. Dun Rice, the great eiowman, is a candi- date for Congress, from the nineteenth distriet of Pennsylvania, He is entirely justified in aspiting to a position which i- now occupied by many a worse clown than himself. Upon what particular hobby Dan proposes to ride into the ¢rig' at Washing ton 1s not stated. A young lady of our acquaintance who was rebuked by her mother for kissing her « fellow," justifiad herself by quoting the passage, ¢ Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them." She had kissed him for his mother [7] A paper, in a glowing account of a recent fire, says that owing to the ¢ almost super- human efforte of the pail department,' the fire was confimed [to the house." We think they ought to have put it oat. A Scotchman asked an Inshman, ¢ Why [= were hall-farthings coined in Eugland ?' Pat's answer was, To give Scotchmen an opportunity of subscribing to charitable insti- tutions.' It 180°t always the raggedest man that is 'the shabtiest fellow. Adhere always rigidly and undeviatingly to (ruth ; but while you express what is 'true, express it in a pleasing manner. There is an editor out West, who, when he is short of maiter sends out his paper with one side or page entirely blank, mere- 1 ly drawing his subscribers' altenuon to the T SETH, Extasied, fact by a note--¢ Tins space will be very useful for children to write upon.' Departmental, PARLIAMENTARY, AND PATENT AGENT, OTTAWA, Transncts business with the Crown Lands and other Governmental Departments; Takes out tents for Comper Lo Obtains Jncorporatioy fts rivate Bills during the Sessi = ie residing elsewhere, e lo FERENCES: Hl, Commissioner of Crown Land 2... Hamilton ; oes, R. Lewis & Son. R. bull, Inspect ife Aniare Co. peeing vn AHR BARBER, Aehitettud Drachman aud General Desiger, Be, ; OSHAWA, C. W.,, eave, pre] to execute 'Sios for publi buildings. y © ie and dwelling od all - Communications by post ed to. Charged moderate, =~ - b, 7 1866. oy Agencies, Colonial ANADA, ) In the County'! Sse Anio re County of Ou- | Shortly after his arrival in the |r Base. All work entrusted to him will receive prompt attention, children's teeth, which should be an important consideration with every parent. mouth is formed for life. Disa, Sept. 6, 1865, \ A VALUABLE Builds Building Lot situate be- [+ Call and examine specimens, ness part of the flourishing village of Prince . Wilson, Erg , Simcoe; Hon 3 Cari- | Alb Good News for Alll "| PHOTOGRAPH, CAR, best style, Photographs, Ambrotypes, Meleneo- known to the an] raphed, or-enlarged to any. ae | Uxbridee, Oct. 11, 1865. Wirmmmmionn de ERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, : 5. The subscribers ha ered nto tn al i ©) p and eral cr, de the i 2 of --substan- ly made,-- in the latest New York and Philadelphia fashions, at ow los and FORMAN & WILSON, " Fashionable Tailors, ] : a PRINCE ALBERT !! JI J: Rormbty Lisa. Be 0. ToRIAN. | i B. RR, LSON"| April 17, 1866. APERIGS ROOM PAPER, ROGM PAPER, Ke ---- ROOM PAPER, . ROOM PAPER, TIED ROOM PAPER! JeoDMPENER, Room rapER } PE hs oe § : Tn Wa son's DruG STORE, H © PRINCE ALBERT. a a PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. HIE subscriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the public that having taker ecial pains in securing the best material.the country affords, and having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply superior Wagons,Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. Parties ne want of any thing in his line may rely on getting a handsome Sndsubaiantialticlethe contemptible sind childish hint at counterfeiters by a jealous rival, fo the contrary notwithstands Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. HELP! HELP! @fficer.--!lere you rascel, what are you doing ? Thief. --I am trying to get a pair of Daxnes & Snert's good boots Sand have not got time to wait until they can make them, they are so busy. Officer.-- Well, go and leave your measure, and I'll guarantee they will get you up a pair, right away, which for io Er odiimnriig cannot be surpassed DAYNES & SNELL Would ndd that they are now prepared to manfacture every discription of nd of the best material. pe Mending punctually attended to. SHOP --opposite the Town Hall. Prince Albert, Feb. 7, 1866. NM. O. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage & 423 Maker ! BROCE vl i GOOD assortment of Buggies a on ou han made from best material. Work A made to order with neatness and Juigpateh Particular attention paid to repairing. mer ons [pITOOR DS] 5-1y Money to Loan! N sums of from $400 to $1500, on unencum- Oshawa. I WOULD most respectfully inform the inhabi- tants of PRINCE ALBERT,| And vicinity, that I have opened a Picture Gallery In Mr. Hurd's buildiug, Over Cowan's Store. Having given instructions in the Western States all last summer, and having a thorough knowledge of the art of Photographing, my pic- tures cannot be surpassed for beauty and dura- bility. 1 fel sonh nt] Sau Bir ony 88 Job 7 ictures ud the best galleries in Canad use the Particular attention paid to the regulation of fo he aL 'procured, ne used by the best operator in England), and aie no expense to make my pictures superior to made by the common run of artists, Ambroty pes, Locket RI nay Lettergraphs taken by the most improved method. 3 Special attention paid to Children, and Copying from old pictures. ¥3 You who know good pictures and want them--(C'ALL! You who don't know good pic- tures. when y 3 them--come and see them, 7 Instructions given in the Art. IY. D. 'D. Cottingham, SEER DENTIST, GER, Teeth Scaled and Regulated. "Teeth filled with Gold, Silver, or Cement, Teeth inserted in Gold, Silver, or Rubber Patients will not he expected to take any work For at that he time of second dentation the identity of the 15 Office and residence--BORFLIA, Terms Cash-- produce taken at cash price. bly3- Safe. Building Lot for T. CH ESTERFIEL Prince ask Feb.'1, 1866. tween J. Wright's Shoe Store and: W. 1, Park's Furniture Store, in the best busi ert. For terms enquire of WM. SCOTT, ' Victoria, Hote) IFE-LIKE PICTURES taken ioral kinds of weather, at J. A. CLARK'S UXBRIDGE. oo &h The gubscriber is prepared to execute, in the TH tam ny ods for wn Y Jt ee ETA NT of Wool delivered at the rte sl and al inds of pictures lg. profession, i his far, res uf PORT PERRY WOOLEN FACTORY. ¥ Crosby's Store, Uxbridge, cheap and warran p, 4 suit customers. Pictures lit aid, photo Duties Javing es marke rics on. 0 Sho oi sired, The subseriber is also prepared to, do Custom A. CLARK. © Qurding, Weaving, Fulling, pared tod Shearing, | yeing, &e. Partios In_trasting me with their work depend on having fe well done, and rk may shortest notice. Cash pag for Sleep Skins." tybes, MH. Burnham, Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store, er YOUNG C, T. bt P ORT PERRY, C. W Port Porry, Nay 16, 1866. ; H BY notify He, TL enealy and intending purcha rs} post ularly, to Noha ar) bef ) Ie & pare of he war RAE AR manufacturer in the County, Photographs $2 per per dozen. ' Oshawa, Jan 25, 1865, HARRISON Where they ARI GENUINE CAnpIAGES JraGonS and BOCELES, id en ghat and the dy sa vari tal ge and oh Beal ghey ey i arrant Artie tisfagtion, ages. s_ repal an painted. © PAINTING a 'one neta 0 tion. Gaering i a: li od HORSE SHOBING and Gerieral Ssbbine g done with neatitess and degpatoh. Agent t for Flint's Revolving Hor fo rs Baer. | Prince Albert, April 4, 1866. oc f 3 y s9¢ biti oi danb : BORELIA CABINET 'W WAREROOMS Subscriber is fe il kings cturifig'every= fg, _ -thingiin the CABINET sich as Sofas, Centre, Bi oll reak fast Tables, ds, gine ca Bedsteads, Chairs, &e. Housé and Sign Paihting "and Paper [ZA choice lot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS or t Eatin o old d thas of. of business, il Hlauging done on the shortest notice. Sale and Framed to order.' Special Notice. A number of COFFINS of all sizes, ready- made=extra finish. #3 Partics living in the villages, getting work done at my shop, will be furnished the Hearse free of charge. 16 UN DERTAK ERS. tearso to hire. ALS0, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, Good Lumber and Produce taken-in exchange for work. JOHN NOTT. HEAT BRO OGELIN ST 0 TIN SHOP ! ! J HERE you will find a aig assort- ment of Ci IN Pout OOK], YX. i AND PARLOR, DUMD STOVES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, TIN, ) PRESSED, AND JAPANNED WARE, PRESERVING KETTLES, SAD IRONS, SHEET ZINC Together with a variety of other articles mn the houffe furnishing line too numerous to mention. All ot which will be sold at the lowest living prices. (= Particular attention paid to repairing, lining old ovens, &e. Washing Machines re-zinced and made as good as new. STOVES, Borelia, June 20, 1865. I. OLD STIVLLFGR VER --SIpr--a----e & SHE Subscriber takes this method of re turning Thanks 9, his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is not preparing FIFTY Sets of his PRE] MIU TM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR- ROWS made in the latest improved Scotch styles. Parties desiring to purchase would do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasing clse- where, Taving bought his Stock for Cush, he is determined not to be undersold by any other WM. STEEL, 14-1y All Work Warranted, Ma helms April 10, 1866. WANTED AT THD PORT PERRY UNION MILLS 20,000 BUSH. OF WHEAT, FOR WHICH THE Highest price will bepaid in Cash. SJERITSTINGIERY GOGBS Gents' Lndics' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, at the shortest possible notice, {ARO ERIES, CROCKERY, -&ec., for WiLL have our prompt attention.-- Please give us a trial, and we will Sale Cheap for Guarantee Satisfaction. (Cash or any kind "of Farm Produce, 05= Salt and Plaster for "Sale Cheap, Te MARSH &, TROUNCE. Pony, Feb.' 1, 1866. A. BEARRETT'S \ FIRST ie PHOTOGRAPH ROOGHS J) EK NE-8%., 04 OSTAT A. Saiisfction fi pert bered art PROOEtY 8 MCGEE, guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. Barristers and Solicitors, Osawa, Jan. 10, 1866. 1 WM. DECKER, na WATCARER 228 & JEWELER | 3 lately occupied HA Jomory d to the prem avhercanay be Mr. D. Jour), fn ie Vitoria, Block, t Hix soutl fof the Town. stock ' hv und a good. stoc) WATCHES, CLOCKS ' &: «JEWELRY. As a practical ae he defies competition, and will warrant all work executed by him. 1 LF He will not be re: sponsible for any work left in his Possession over ane year. Remember the. shop--in the Victoria boa Reply under the * Observer" } Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1865. y "" ' : 48 3. P. JOHNSTOR, WALCHMALER, AND JW ELER, IMPORTER. AND' DEALER IN ber the Stand= directly opposite the Globe Hotel. THOS, ROBSON. Brooklin, Dee. 20, 1865. Farm for Sale! {OR Sale by private contract, the rear half of Lots No. 13 and 14, in the Ist concession of the TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, and about 60 acres on Lot 14. The stumps that remain could easily be removed as the most of it has been cleared six or seven years. The land is equal to the best in the township, and from which there isa beantiful view of Lake Scugog. For further particulars inquire (if by letter post-paid,) of THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Markham. v or M. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert. Markham, Oct. 3, 1865. 39:4 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND S$. BULLEN REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted." yi Shine d Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 1 GENERAL AGENCY. FYI undersigned begs to announce to the in- habitants of Oshawa and vicinity, that he has leased the premises lately occupied by W. D. Hepburn, as a Boot and Shoe Manufactory, which he. intends to open as an 4 ON ROOM, where he will receive consignments of goods of all kinds, on Commission, at a maderate per-centage 13 AUCTION SALES in the Village and Country attended to on the shortest notice.-- Term: sonable. Accounts of merchants and others collected on commission. Also Agent for 8 CO the Western Fire TesnenlCompant; * « DECKER. _ Ostipw, a, July3, 1863." Whitby, Prince Albert, and Port Perry. JIE Subscriber begs to intimate to the travel- ing community that he continues to furnish a Covered Conveyance between the above men- tioned places, every lawful day, leaving Whithy aftex the arrival of the Morning Trains, and reaching Prince Albert in time to connect with the Stage for Manilla and the North. Leaves Port Perry and Prince Albert after the arrival of the Manilla Stage, and reaches. Whitby in time for the early trains, east and west. FARES REASONABLE! X3 Daggage and Parcels 3 the risk of the owner, unless booked aud paid for. ROBSON, Proprietor, Whitby, Jan. 17 1860 English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautiful Vuleanite Base for Arti- tificial* Teeth ! CO. D. WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, IRain=St,, SArbrivge. I AL Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give sat- isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy eonstition. Tov. Dr Sho EFERENCES,-- rt, and M7. D. Srisgs, Port Tope ; Re wv. J. T. Burns, Whitby : Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., , Uxbridge | nate the treatened i $s aan wl HiwoEtig y ppp] | a RELIEF: Ist--If suddenly gel ness, the use of RADW, will afford IMMEDIA' po 2d.--If suffering from' any matory, neuralgic, rheumatic, other disease, whether Rheumatism or Ni gln, Cliolera Morbus, Canads Cholera, Di rheea, Bilious Colic, Fevirand rove Wetknom in the Limbs, Back, Tiize, St = Burns, or any Pain or Infirmity,, A READY RELIEF will ar without .occasioning fr Ys, change of diet, or the use of other plik wire "8rd. --If subject to Headaches, Sour Taste in the Moputh, Dizziness, Sickness om Melancholy, Fi 1 offachs aly General Debility, Colducss of the Extremities Swollen Joints, Nervousness, TRestlessnoss, Difficult, Breathing, Asthuia; 'Sord Thidab, Doughs, Colds, Influenza, Diptheria, Croup, Inflammation of the Bowels, Stomach, Kidney: or. Bladder, RADWAY'S READY RELI wilt afford immediate ease and quiekly curé the complaint, Atl.--RepBING THE SPIKE. -- If afflicted with Spinal difficulties or with Diabotes, Ing continence of Urine, Irritation of the Bladder, Paralysis of the Sphincter of the Bladder, Slugzishness of the Kidneys, Leuchorrheea, Whites, Fleur Albus, Falling of the Womb, | and other uterine difficulties, RADWAY'S RADY RELIEF, rubbed the entire length of ine for ten or twenty minutes, twice a day, will cure the worst cases. We hate over 1000 well authenticated cases, where RAD- WAY'S READY RELIEF, by this method of application, has effected permanent and speedy cures, 5 R who, Uy exposure to hard service, ary, naval, or otherwise, or by the usa of wereury, have contracted painful disea- 522, and those suffering from Rheumatism in uny form, pains in the joints nbs, Palsy uralysis, Weakness, Coldness in tho Ex- and all pains and aches, lameness, and other infirmities, will be quickly cured I'v the use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Gth--If the community is threatened with nfections diseaso--either Yellow Fevor, vs ry, eit any Typlums or Typhoid Fevers, RA READY RELIEF ia tho bast disinfectant in $ the world, an 1a sure preventive, to those who use it, against attacks of these maladies. 'In & of Inflammation of the Bowels, Bilious Colic, Painter's Colic, or any active inflamma. tory discaie, tho READY RELIEF will imme- diately afford case and comfort, It possesses marked advantages over all preparations of opium, morphine, veratrine, and other opiates. and narcotics; It lulls paivs, by imparting strength and vigor the system, and arousing the vital energies toa healthful action, instead of paralysing the perceptive faculties, and making them insensible to pain. Let thoso who would live and enjoy health use RAD. WAY'S READY RELIEF. )7th.--To all who ave sick and in pain, fe the RELIEF. It can do no harm, and will surely do good. Persons who are weak, ner- vous and debilitated, a teaspoonful of the READY RELIEF ina wineglass of water will do you more good than all the Bitters in the world--keep your stomach clean and healthy, 2 your breath sweet, your nerves stroag, your spirits happy, your appetite good, and your digestion regular. A dose taken at bedtime will insure calm and pleasant sleep. This Remedy is truly a Family Medicine. It can be used with the positive assurance of doing good in all cases where pain or uneasi- ness exist. It is the cheapest medicine in the world. One bottle contains more medicine, as well £4 buing a superior medicine, than ono dollar's worth of the ordinary. liniments, &c., of the day.' md One bottle of RADWAY'S. READY RELIEF will do more good, and can be used for more purposes, than ten dollars re for any other medicine in use. READ WIIAT MRS, WESTCOTT SAYS, ~ FIVE HUNDRED TIOUSAND OTHERS SAY THE SAME: = 2 MRS. WESTCOTT, AN EXPERIENCED NURSE OF MESTORESTER- READ WIIAT SITE SAYS: " Your Ready Relief and Regulating Pills do our family more good than all the physic and doctors we have had for years. If I have the headache I take Radway's Relief and one -1y | of the Pills--in an hour T am all right ; if pain in my bowels, Radway's a ivés mo ease and comfort ; if rheu thy Relief; if sore throat or hoarsencss, I use thie Relief; if neuralgic paip: body, I stop them with t oat if 1 tr cold, I take the Relief; if toothache, or earache, or raceache, I apply the Relféfi--in nn | few moments the most severe pains are lulled. If my children fall and bruise or otherwise hutt themselves, the Relief. Foot Bl pulpy and discoloration of tho skin ; if cy ar scald themselves, thie Relief takes out tlie fie' and relieves them from anguish; Tcoyld uot sleep without a bottle of Radway's Ready: Relief within my reach ; so with the Pills, i ° GOODS, nC, &C,, King Sora Hast = HH OSHAWA. A Watches and i | deréciry. ally Repaired. A MAW, & SONS, 0: Builders and © CONT RAC TORS, PORT PERRY! aréd to Con (rdct for and up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood, TT ty PEN ARERR Bridk or Stove, and finish off in the' why styles, with all the most modern improve- ments, Parties requiring good work dene will do well to Fall, Slane aad Speifion, fio 5 made to order. Farms for Sale. FVHE subscriber offers for Sale Lot No. 15, in the 13th, and Lot No. 15, in the 14th concession of the Township of Reach, : Containing 100 acres each, Between 80 and 90 Cleared on each Lot, Mostly free from stumps; the #wo lots being separated Dy the 13th concession line, On the Tor. in the 13th concession there is a log house fand a small yolng orchard; on the onedn the 14th there is a good frame house, a frame barn 57 by 37, a stable, outbuildings, ond fo sp endid orchard lots ara well watered. These desirable farms are situnfed abont three- ? | quarters ofa'mile east of the Village of Saint-' eld, Ruch: a situated on the Jeading road be- tween Whil Beaverton. Possession will be given BEY ud I eb Spry 0 the Roprieta: o on re premises f ik etter, ad address, ! el 2, TENRY ROBINSON. ort Perry, Dec. 20, 1865. 50-1y Seinticld, Feb. 21, 3 driving house, and other sand { very tiny h or bowels a order, one of Radway's Pills isall to restore my system to order undgreg ii > 1 Bold by Druggists and Conntiy, Btore keepers. f 2 Dr. JOHN RADWAY & co, 4 2 978, §t. Paul Btreot, Montreat, And at No, 87, Maiden Lane, Now ork, : ents. : sot Spin SECTS, ison or Aleiny rince Albert RW Druggust, and T. C. Forman PRINCE 2 ARE Enfantey Soest. PEE sb save huentioned { Ge | aie, plod ik oy A T. Co FORMAN, ny