. . ' ¥ - : 2 | . nefits ot ITEMS. \ i + f this h ithout going out of | ports of Saturday afternoon from her ary that | posal of an armistice, and did vot maintain OIL SPRINGS Rk arrogant manner, as cannot fail to awaken Gommunications Dene od . to 1s, withavs thesrond of #9 miles have been laid, and that the [a conservative attitude, «je marcherai im- + -- i feelings of sympathy for Austria, and of de+ v + . | which Mr. Wright complains, except the signals are perfect. _ {@ mediatement en avant." Up lo the hour % oi 4 Prom the Chognikey, Seu cd : Sitabin. for a uation which is incapable of | =o per beupls raiding i wadiatous Prinea Albans, | "EPR ER TERSOn te' Binge' ur] wish kam writog We (43: my thorn S0 Mondey soy ove of sh betel | Intere sting News. exercising the virtue ot forbearance, or un- §ueTnithe. 0810 of the" Somreveisy pe ) #.10ng was AToRRA10 get to. 16 Austria has issed a manifesto in hich be/{ hes been na anew fro Frans, on A etrikes, ul om 9Ppen arrow dave 3 thiat one of Our | yy 1a¢ the heavy misfortunes which have | news that the King and Bismark are the Baxter Well, n Green well on ---- . willing to acoept terms of peace honorable which has been carried on, through the hall. : by thi neo ut " ! The de- | TUE, PUBLIC wil tako deep imterest-inl,, oir. without being degrading 10 Hr | olumns of ydbr papor,botween Mr. Wrighty Driacipal oejos fring Eiia vigimty, | befallen his army of the north moved ta its orate Spi Le the East Gum beds. It is down 245 feel in + learning thay 4 . The battle of Sadowa, the par- | Reeve of the Township, and Mr, Gordon, and I believe hove all been anxiona'to | inmost core his heart, but the reliance he | of Venoti 2 brooght by Prince Meltet- the rock, and 'when the tools were hauled FURTHER ARRIVALS! adversary . . hed us, was per. | 9oncerning the Manchester Road Beat, and | have a good. to Prince Albert, and if) hag placed upon the devotion of his people, | °f Yenetia yu ; by before yester- | Ps and the oil filled up at once 10 the top , Sienlars of whiclrhave reached us, Was pe more partioularly that part of the road lead- Ber been labor which w0dld have been the courage of his army, upon God, and his | Mich to the Emperor the day before y! of the candugter. 1t has notyet been test- oF I { haps the most sanguinary which has been 'Albert, Mi. red the road would d sacred light, had not wavered a |d8y at dinner time. The Emperor then od, tot will I a few d oon th RY COTTONS, P . [ing from Manchester to Prince Albert, Mr. long befor low we consider good and sacred light, had not wavered a | "% | _|ed, ill in a few days, as soon as the FACTO! Y PRINTS, fought in modern times. The Prussian Wight has made use of my name freauent- ae 82 rp i ts statute la swgle instant, Ho had addressed himself | 20 for M. Devgyn fe Lnv5s several inte necessary upparalus can' be 'put in onder, » ee ! and COTTON YARNS, | armies numbered 250,00 men, and the ly, and in my opinion, improperly. Por- Lie quis suffioi keep it in good te 1 10 the Emperor of the French, requesting his Frame ere 8X8 ol ror himself drew | It i8 believed that if a two-inch pipe were" Have just come to hand at the Austrians nearly ns many. About 1,500 | haps the gentleman intended by this Stufie ilbout "hr. Sigh BpopuAvl a 38 > good ite 1 biagiog bout aw prwiaicy So pa ee ve Enger aes row nvr ih wei foul id flow. ; Wis nou | est Warehouse ! have - , | to mystify the charges brought against im | ays, his ward money. Upon the whole, on | with Italy. ot merely the Emperor o . ; . I told you|¥here the old flowing wells were first | Ze Manchester wre guns are supposed to have * been engaged by Mr. Gordon, with regard to the dismem- | sami i up the matter,it really scom ato me | the French readily responded to his demand, ST iNls 1 Yoo Moin Vener ry push Js Jose 10.4 opis 10 give full ] > 2 Jus lave aasen, ought. ab Srently reduced The action commenced at half-past sven berment of this road division, and to place that nan union auate ibis for Mr. Weigh but offered lo mediate with Prussia for 7 : i i i ithout | is memory rous, ai i iti . i i Sab' 4 Please call early and share in the bargains |in the morning, aud continued withou! upon me, the censure he justly deserves ; orms conclusions so hastily wilhont faking ivi mg jo ny for spening Rn The money market in our midst is er . going. N cessation the whole day. Though the | for, from reading his communications, I : i ri dull, and an uneasy feeling prevails. Th © reThe pared " . | more time to consider. Should Mr. Wrighi t : i » y 8 P! ° highest oar 5 Clean Washed Prussians had made some advances, up to cannot discover that anything he has said ae another controversy with Mr. | cepted and announcedhimself prepared to Sas. b arrived sh Jy toe telegrap . e- present high rate of gold has had a very ] Wool. Also for Wheat and Sue, in any quan- " concerning me, applies to the dispute be- Sorton | hope his better sense will govern | make peace upon honorable conditions, to follosting ate the principal Tints i Fini,' serious influence on the working capital * tity delivered at his Warel ; td the matter, and that he will not try s . tween them, Mr. Wright's opinion to the to.makke uso of the peaple of Manchester as | Prevent bloodshed and the ravages of war. compensation for Veneta in Geroany ; aes employed Rere, and till goll goes down, 3 money will be scarce. Some of our largest cond, such a reform of the Germanic Con- ' . cont:ary, notwithstanding. Believing this| pic's id against Mr. Gordon, or use them | But he would not make a peace by which y { Whether the Austrians would not have hold to be the case, 1 think Mr. Editor, that 1| asa shield to ward off the thrust referred to | Auatria's position as a great power would be x s + Companies will nat change gold at present | ) federation as shall not injure the interest of | rales, consequently a greal deal of money | their own. But at that hour, the second am fairly entitled to a space in your paper, | in hie first letter. : shaken ; sooner than this, he would carry " ' {Prossian army, under the crown Prince at- (10 enable me to justify my 6wir conduct, in 1 Te aly. the war tothe utmost extremity. All gvail- atin ta » Bis rile poet 1 Germahy ; is taken out of the channels of trade < tacked the left flank of the Austrians, who | regard to this matter, as well as for the ABEL W. EWERS. | able troops, ke says, are being concentrated | thirds i ither in territory or in- | BU8iness as a matter of course, is dull. : satisfaction of the public'in general. Manchester, 18th July, 1866, and the gasps in the ranks filled by conscrip- | ®"Y preponderance, el er in territory were then compelled to retreat. - The re- In your issue of the 15th of June, ap- | === --------------------------====== | tion, and volunteering facilitated 'by 'the | fluence, over Austria; fourth, a Franco- New Yor, July 20. treat whs managed, according to the report pears Mr. Wright letter in answer to that| THE Lanjes' 'Friexo ror' Avevst.-- |newly-awakened spirit of patriotism. Aus- | 'T8!7» ove bay gelding Dexter won the pute of of the Prussian General, in a skilful man- [of Mr Gopdon's of the 8lst of May, in| "Harvest Time,""--the harvest time of life, | tria has been severely visited by misfortune, Tun Frstaw Prisoutns--aA day or tw $200 the ing Saleh he : . y > P re oh -- J 0) . Ly yes- ner. No details have yet beea given of | which Mr. Wright makes the following | as wellks of the season --is the appropriate | but she is not humiliated nor bowed down. ago it came to the knowledge of apthorities Vorday | beating General Butler - Toronto th bess of killed ded or pri : steel engraving of the 'August number of this| The Moscow Gazelts, of July 13, con- No ld jail th Hemp was being | Chi i 4 . ot x = Two years since the Council resolved to take | beautiful penodical. The double and finely | tains the following highly important an- | 8 the old jail t BL an; auempt We 8 | Chiet, when he made the best time ou re- steps to secure for that road the attention which | 10-04 stool fashion plate is a gem, as usual. | nouncement :--¢ Russia doas not desire any.| ™24e by the Fenians to make their escape cord, Flara Temple's famous three heats by taking the sheefing off a door in a pas- being beaten. The second mile was made dp e:h)bBbbbp@h THE DUTIES ON MACHINERY. aE Tae ot hon s hi Hg a By Jaw was passed "(the Then we have the usual number of wood- | change in the present state of things in out a prospect of ccmpenesation, Iam now three o'clock, 'p. m., they had gained no ADAM GORDON. material advantage, and it is questionable Manchester, 21st June, 1866. : eee 2 shi ¢ i a : Official Paper of the County. During the discussion on Mr. Galt's - Layne Jor Jt savant Me Gralteuy, cuts illustrating the ¢ Street Arabs,' and the Europe. If Austria and Prussia will render | **8® the upper story of the Being n 2219, whigh was never beaten, exospl by 3 _-- if d by Mr. McGill, | that he acted on that occasion ns the * willing | latest fashions in dresses, bonnets, hats, &o. themeelves the tools of Prance, Russia can where theijr sleeping apartments are. e | by Dexter himself in his trot against time ' > PRINCE ALBERT, JULY 26, 1866. |'" h in was Pops y Mr. Mec H 2 | tool" of any person) hin the Prine Alvest The music is the song of ¢Fhildhood and |, longer depend on them es heretofore, Hoop Wak-topl soe » 2 wigs one, » when lie made it in 2:18 1-5, ; --_-- for H , and the propositisn Ben of Manchester, emonstrated against] Home," Among the Titerary contributions, Venetia without Rome would constitute no | ry 8 nana Wi pi hy oted 2 InMENSE" Pigeon RoosT 1x STEPHENS i CONFEDERATION, was supported strongly by. T. N. Gibbs, Sat fot, of tie Dunc), aad shroush seine of we nolo ¢ Our Bummer's Romance,' by | progress for Italy. The submission of g away he Soul ey xen kee o | TownsHip.--The pigeons, in immense ! = Esq., member for South Ontario, that a duty | would repeal the By-law ead aions the boat sa] Clara Augusta; ¢ The Banshee," by Mra. | Austria to France 1s not advantageous, but rong pip 2 ro / "| numbers, are gregated in rear of Stephen We have waited patiently for the Lower of 15 per cent upon certain kinds of ma- [kia av it had beta before Wnt line; the sod Hosmer ; ¢ The Disputed Patrimony," by dangerous to the European equilibrium. Loader . P "| Township, adjoining Hay. They have Provinces to take steps in the direction of the creek. Believing that the promises thus| Auber F ier; ¢ The Di d Bachelor, | The suf y of Prussia in Northern RR selected a piege of wonds on the Canada . chinery imported, be im . The manu- 1d be carri ti faith, the By- . : a Confederation, and have been told time and il y : . i 0 Lh ie ae or nn Pies I Aen Find Li (concluded) by Mrs. Oliphant ; Novelties, Germany narrows that in Russia in the Bul- Tue Chicaco VoLuntrns anp tmx | COMpany's lands, about two niles square, ageinthat nothing Waswanting but their can mcturiog of machinery 4 som that it was based. ] ut how have the Soils Beceipu, Fashions, &e. | tic. Russia's love of peace does not sanction Fantans.--A despatch to the Toronto even- and have there built theirnests and are been carried on extensively at Oshawa, Hed who made the Tue Promises lo Me ours!" Price $2,50 a year; 2 copies $4,005; 8| eflons to atipin sipreme power. England's ing Telegraph says that the feeling in [rearing their young. It 1s an extraordinary sent and assistance toaccomplish the scheme and a vast benetit has accrued to this Coun- | and the Council were driven to the necessity of | copies (and vne gratis) $16. Bpecimen | interest may make her seek an alliance Chicago against the Canadians who left to sight, and one seldom seen in Canadg-- mak fi hi hi i > : : tr : 'Now they are ready, and where are our ty by the introduction of capital for the pro- making an ab) Topsiation from te yas ausbeis Yillse sont for Js Soke, Wala: with Frasse aii Jota, mn be Eastern fight for their county is intense. They are | every freq is filled with nests, and the air is ' Confederation champions. Ordinary mor- i : ised to build by statute labor. I do not churge iaesen Jen vlereon, S19 Walnut | question ; but the dictatorship of France in ly threatened, and on Sunday last one | literally dark with the. old birds fying 1 secution of the business, a very large num- | Mr. Gordon with making these promises, I a f ; ! openly threatened, and on y y Ly ying to iy yon yo iy owing Go i goo ju] Street Philadeipliia. ltaly and Germany cannot meet with her of them Mr. Clark, was attacked by four | and fro. Great numbers of sportsmen and tals will be unable to see any good reasons A ovusiant and pro | ONiY shewing that the Council had good reason --, a er of Yiande vg fini oust P for laking the steps which they aid, int they ARRIVAL OF THE «SCOTIA» support." Fenians and rather ronghly used. It the | people from the adjacent country waged un why our delegates are not ready to acccom- : i were driven to it by the bad faith and selfishness « . ntable employment, in the, establishment of of the people of Manchester," x --- A despatch from Florence of July 13,| Chicago Canadians go out after dark they | relenting war against them, withou tappear- jay Sipee fiom: 0% Yous Froninsor ww the Oshawa manufacturing eompany. The Now, Mr. Editor, it. appears by Mr. THE ATLANTIC CABLE. says :--The Courof Berlin has delared to |are followed by Fenians, watchful for a [ing to diminish their numbers--some go and E 8D nex ory . 29m 8 E proposal of Mr. Galt to remove the duties | Wright's letter of the 26th of June, that on the laljan Cabiuet that an armistice on the | chance to attack them. Only two or three | bring away their waggons almost filled. heanily tired of listening to and reading the 27th of November, 1863, (the fal! be-({ FRENCH MEDIATION UNAVAILING. basis of cession of Venetia is inadmissable. | of the entire company have proegred their | Our sporting friends will find this a rare | the stereotyped phase "wait for Confedera- i j- [fore all these promises were made,)~ == | The Itai i lati former situati Many people are afraw change. There is a slight drawback in the | tion." Are our rulers down at Ottawa and open ou Tatkele 10: foleigng compat} twenty dollars were granted by the Council | THE PRUSSIANS STILL ADAVNCING. The lixian Govern oe against A 10 emplog them, as the 2 asp swaar they {shape of re ns victim kt in to. | thinking of abandoning the scheme alto- von, was likely to hetethe Go Soup to rebuild the bridge, which was done the - Austrian Empire without relaxation, in con- | Will set. fire to the establishments of any turned from there estimates the pigeon at 3 4 othr, si ons Iw eating. Gl Hil Rokt ling proprietors to a heir business same fall, at this time Mr. Wright was not| AUSTRIA PREPARING FOR THE formity 'with the engagements mutually | persons who give them work. million, and the micquitoes at a million € ? P : Y Pu 8 ._|and remove their capital from the country, | in the Council ; why, Mr. Wright must have WORST. entered into by Prussia and Italy, until both te billion. A veil and a pair of 'buckskin your flat dommtieg vil oe up' bo gue Mr. McGill's amendment was no intended Bad 3 vision; of he ly ol ike such iy 3 these powers shail have obtawed from |HEAT AND SICKNESS IN NEW |eloves are indispensible to the aporigmen.-- . them a plausible excuse for laying it aside. ' . | statements as thése, and sign his name 10 Ew Yor, July 23. | Austria sais! ry terms for the conclusion YORK, London Free Press. "|What's in the wind' is the general enquiry 1 giverty vey Sganulasturgis any vf 34 them, , He ought to be ashamed of .him-{ The steamer Scotia from Liverpool on the | of peace. olory nw ------------ all are anxious 10 see the termination of this | "* "6> OF 8% ubjust monopoly of the | yop oy Joust J am ashamed of him.| 14th via Queenstown on the 15th arrived ------------ The heat in New York must be intense. | Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, makes trade, but mdlely to give such hmited pro- | It appears 'that I am the party al-| this evening. ' THE EUROPEAN WAR. On Tuesday there were fifty-njge deaths, | a Wicked Iynge atthe very "bnderpinning State of suspense. But wo PUPPOSO WO | otion as would onable them to contitue | luded to in his first letter,as having promised | The telegraph fleet arrived off Valentia : ho Ci and on Wednesday fifty-seven, from sun- | of society. - He says ¢tjlting hopps enable must still ¢ wait for Confederation." Are their business. Yet Mr. M. C. Cameron | 10 Tepair the road and bridge, for ho says : | on the 13th. The cable was successfuly According to one of the * Paris journals, | yi1oke, The increase in the number of |'he common people 10 see great deal mop the schemes of Mr. Galt intended, eventu- did all inhi toma that objest, Ine o But Mr, Ewers, who was ra at the spliced to the shore end, and the Great the following is the basis of negotiations deaths from other causes is equally appal- of good gocrety than they ever saw before.' id all in his power to " Couneil, made a promise on behalf of himse suggested by France ;--The Germanic ling. On Wednesday, 320 burials took| A westerp editor must be'ina bud fis. ally to defeat the whole scheme. and others, that the Pathmaster would the | Eastern commenced paying out, Signals 8 4 | y : voted to come Them to do business at a road and build a pt bridge." oud sepals the through the whole ey perfect. Re- | Confederation to be dissolved and a confed- place. The increase that has taken place He having duped a xubsriber for his sub- scription, he not only refused to pay, bop -~CC, OF give it up entirely. A great | andin th breath 2 : ia prior | €ration to be established, of which neither v THE WAR IN EUROPE. » ? ® and'in the next breath he says : ligious service took place at Yalentia prior 0 sheds appears as follows : threatened to fog the editor if he' ; + deal of interest he displays in the welfare | « The whole municipality were made sufferers | to the commencement of operations. Prussia nor Austria should form part ; ro DAY. DATE. DEATHS. | the Top. 0 S ciior, 3 be siopped ur The prospects which appeared ~Wdas] of tis county by recording his vote in fae Sy "5 the year 1804 1 was ry "Council, | _ English politics are unimportant. The Sersitosial dession tobe demanded of Aur, Sunday, July 46 .oooeninii.L 9] The New York $ Tribune' fs yp the 280.5}, ngacific aan «of the 9987- | yor of a scheme which must 1njure us most fad at menting held on theard of May the sub: Government stated in the House of Lords, na i the *andenment by fw Jag of fet Monday, July 16 ... +..145 { pank swindlings and embezzlements in that rel between Pr" aly and Austria, by materially. « New light," and a flood of | that the people of Manchrster had no intention | 'Nt Preparations were making to afm Bri- | "ighto in the Duchies, and to replace the Tuesday, July 17 ............... 158 | city for the least twelve months at about _esttion of France, have rapidly dis- of atten: § properly to the road, Mr. Marsh in-| tish troops with breech-loaders, war indemnity as first demanded by" Prus- Wednesday, July 18 320 | $8,164,000. the in it, is required to enable him t6 understand | troduced A By-law, which was d by the : . sia ; Prussia to incorporate Schleswig Hol- Le lBe Ire in koion Neamt B Iyn h 7 i 4 THe vintgn au ' Ll Jase y Another serious bank suspension has i I e It ia satisfactory to know, however, that rooklyn has a Mayor who js one of a a > awd uss ave are "| what js for the advantage of his constituents. a ay the Fines Af A taken pl that of the Birmingnam Bank- | #'¢1n, fesse Cassel, Hesse Darmstadt andy, ; ores is ih way die to the pres thossand, The Eity Sune hiving pass- ina » ept anything tut the most otpep-------------------- i that 1 was mistaken as to the vote given by Mr. ing Com puny~ announced on the morning of Biunswick. The population of the Prys- nd chiolers, the fatalitas from that 00 $5,000 the Mayor on. & iom $3,- upon American manufactured machinery, ~\ Campbell, who voted agzim, instead of in fayor, amuel F, | complete recognition of all their claims, as THE PIC-NIC EXCURSION. of she By aw, hich does a0 however, effect the 14th. Liabilitiesigomputed over £2,- sa kingdom auld thereby be ied - disease remaining stationary and at a very | Booth-- has vetoed it i --_-- Q e question al ue, which, as I understan H ¥i+ + 2 000,000. The me lo conshitute e a basis upon which o treat for peace. There ( y0 annual Excursion and Pio-Nic to | itis this. Did thepecpletor Manchester promise | 200,000 sterling. - This is a serious calamity tori router of Prusein, snd the provi: low figures. : et ---- 18 an evident determmation on the part of , to repair the rond and bridge ? and have they | for large Birmingham houses. DIED. - p Washburn's Island came off on Thursday fulfilled their agreement?" Accounts as to the progress of French | °° between the Rhine and Meuse to serve SAD Carawity.--On Saturday the Sth eTARROLL. M1 Poiorbore on fhe Tai, - Prussia to secure, either by war or diploma- i in hi i i i i last. There were between 500 and 600| Mr. Wright does not in his first letter, mediation? are conflicting. Nothi as an indemnity to the sovereigns dispos- 's B fe les bel ; 2 ag A . ' 3 g. othing auth- mst., at Bongard's Bay, a few miles below ANN, wife of James McCarroll, Esq. sof 23; the thorough humiliation of Ausitiaan charge . Sordon ih Paving Sg the] tic has transpired. The threatened armed sessed by the war. An exchange of ter- Picton, C. W., a Mrs. Pierce, wiih five of Toronto, in her torty-ninth year, po relying upon the power of her armies_to promises, but he says : am only show- intervention of France js not confirmed, but ritory to take place between Baden and her children, (four sons and a dapghter,) Se -------------------------------- well, and to the apparent satisfaction of all that the C. f : : § (id wring fzam the unfortunate House of Hans- wi , , {'og that the Counoil bad good reasons for French 18.h ' tia, It is | Bavaria, which would give the former near- he old bei bout 48 d the v a 4P¢*1 concerned. The communication of Aliquis | taking the steps whieh they did, and were T Ep anne Rave gone 19 Tupeiia ly the whole of the Rhenish Paiatiuate, Sng ste Ovens of So i ef Afertis E me nts, giving a fall account of the proceedings of | driven loi by the bad faith aay selfishness ico. Frenoh Juurnals declare that France, | Saxony, Hanover, and the Duchies of Saxe with a young man the day, was received too late for publica- % the peop. Wp Wanehener, I ili e Prussia and ltaly have come to an agree- Cohoerg lo conclude Za litary Shaventioue 20, and two sons of Mr. John Harrington, ' : i Rh ed obrerv, at Mr. Wright was not in the ' Is to be made to Austria, | With Prussia, the inhabitants of Landen to i 1d, started i | vs. Th ay amor ap Cony 15 a heen 0 HERZ 1 a det a | telly nd Gye es 04 naclvent Ao of $864, next. The spicy description of the trip | j,q year 1864, and on the third day of May fiom the Germanic Confederation. or Baden, and the population of the valley pose of picking berries. Tae hat ofous of AND AMENDMENTS = THERETO. last year, by this correspondent, was read in that year, Mr. Marsh introduced a By-! The Ttmes declares that England would [of the Saire to choose between France the obildren blew off, when one of them .\ -_ with much interest, and his humorous deli. law which was passed, extending the | o follow France in an intervention that is and the Rheuish sovereigns. Another altorpling to recover it, upset the boat in |In the matter of JOEL W. MORRIS and oe Ee neation of the various occurcences of thie Priee Athen road beat to the gravel road, calealated to aggravate evils. Paris journal says that the Prussian condi- about 7. feet of water. All were drowi~ WILLIAM MORRIS ~Ixsovexts, 8 remain spectators of the days amusement, will, we are cofident be this being lhe wih Bylaw of the kind ever| "uy, prucsiang had rested at Senitlan, 108 are the exolusion of Ausuia from the | except Mus. Pierce and the child | 5 tes 5% passed and repealed on the same day, and Germanic confederation," the exclusive Harnington, whom she saved by placing T nr UNDERSIGNED bas been appoint- ecencs of carnage which are deso-| 05 i enjoyed by all our readers, the onl lluded to by Mr. Wright, a ¢ mi i fi : dee in this matter, and re lating some of the fipest part ud y one alluded to by - Wright, command of the military and naval fore mn (1 t i 881g. mm y AN . 1g he fipest parts of Europe. ik i follows that it was in 1864jthat the hice and the vanguate was reported at Zuwa, of the contalvratinn by Prussia, the diol. him on the bottom of the upturned boa! quires claims to b filed within two onths 1t is scarcely probably that Prussia will be| ~ACCIDENW AT PORT PERRY. | : Bepedek's army was rapidly re-organiz- A from this date, * |were made it they at all apply to Mr.{. : j i 3 broad, . allowed to carry out to its full extent, her ! Mr. Wight's subject, and -- Te cause | "5° Onthe $141, bis fores Ws computed | Welis vepreseniation of Germany sbiiad, Er Tu, Brute !--The New York Herald JAMES HOLDEN. nh Cs ; i i ia of the duchi y ' ; . evident intention of destroying the Austrian On Tacsday last while Mr. lara Huckins of the By-law being repealed, or any justi- at 160,000, exclusive ofcayalry and asillery, 30d 100 aINéSalio 0. Prussi of lio dashion of the 17th instant, contains the following | Official Assignee's Office, e EI : h ' hy d daily increasing. and part of the territory already occupied. dout: Heal Contra 81 h Whitby, 16th July, 1866. 20.2w E ; . | was working in tte mills of Messrs. T. fication for again dismembering the road | *" s | 5 unkind cut : ead Centre Stephens has mpire. A declaration comes from Russia Paxton, & Co., his left hand was brought in| division in a year. 1866, pr ind Mr. Tl Lomdon Hub regards the, Promians | Thess lors have neilter besa sgespiod been arrested in ligsion for debi; released 10 the effuet that 'ial i » thi 3 nor rejected, and some time ust elapse ir hs : & a any material whanges in contact with a circular saw,asd three fingers | Gordon justly complaiva. Mr. Wright ad- 2 willing. wesk a ten dogs miteh of Wh Kiow their fate. . on bail ; surrendered by his bondsman; put | the present position of the several powers mits that he made one mistake when he Vienna. in jail, and bailed out again. Where are the j ( a : JS Nx persons in attendance, everything went off burg tke supremacy so fong exercised in the affairs of the Germanic confederation, there is little inclination displayed, to trust to the uncertain results of a congress, the decision which they firmly believe can shortly and eflectually be secured by the sword. It is not, however, certain that the great powers med Brown, nearly ETON hiro - their headquarters, but resumed the march, of the 'continent will uot be allow, nud os were instantly severed. The hand, which end that the whole Council, except Mr. Bavavians assert that the battle near Kis- army and navy of the Irish Republic while was shockingly mutilated, was dressed by | senger had nogesvlt. 1 | [VAIOLEON OFFERS MEDIATION, AND, IF RE- ket i i d he J * r . J 'the Head Centre is being subjected to such H preparing to back that declaration with Dr. G4, Joram of Atus place, uudat wise Sratam Joiatiai Arig and by ray Cialdini occupied Roviga, Flying| XVSED) FMBEATENS To MARCH To Tug De a a ™ AT fret class fap saneibting. of the curt force, arders have been issued calling in all : ; 1 Sortestion «ee ates that it was carried by |. ¢ Fhe sinticial Valin. ard. rod FRONT, ig ) Dalt of Lot No. 12, in the 5th concession of men absent from ike i 3 skilful treatment the injured man is doing] his casting vote. Of course it was only a | 20" ° © oh "Statrians on th an | Neuher Signor Nigra nor Count Goltz | with which the #lead Centre could pay his Reach, and adjojas the bun 2008 abo Pom the anyon aclongh, wud slip of the memory. While he admits the | "Fores op tio A1NTIenS "July 18. The | knew auyihing of the news of tha cession debts if fie hud them 7. Ani why ia. the Village of Manchester iarge bodies £ oqps are moving to the ------------ mistake, I do not see that he acknowledge , ations or ad vd made ao " op] of Venetia until they saw it in the Moni- Boston jail so much oie diffiol to escape he } 2 : frontier of Beleaiz and Galicia. If Prussia,| Mr. W. A. Tomlinson will please acoepl | that it makes any difference in the subject. Po The Prussian army contipue teur. Signor Nigra was still asleep when | from than that at Dublin | . There are seventy acres cleared, and the land is flushed with victory, and over confident in | our thanks for the v y nice present of ney | Permit meliere lo express the opinon, "that | 80¢ Progre i Motte of his friends, not in the embassy, iia oo Sulivation Thee fo 8 good ero 5: 1oh li 9 / P "¥{ had Mr. Wright included ah the reet that | to advance, and the Ausigians are. Yoguin came with the Moniteur (0 tell him the! A Bump Man's Rirpe.--A very extra fe prommiges. : ip wn refuses to ist, ioh ' y i i Y 4 rohit. X > " FE -- extra || ] ! EN powers, Ie 1968 lo listen lo the ad- | potatoes. whioh he sent us last week. They | he said concerning wyself, and the selfish ing sirength news. The new situalion thus created for [ordinary fire-psn is being exhibited in ars several puilding lots and a blacksmith's a friend ; inh : ness of the le of Manchester,-and ac- : ' Sios of ly nations, her | are y the finest spec of "early oto EL justice of Mr. Gordon's | L1e steamship Lafayetle, from New Italy, hae filled its representatives here with | London. It will, say the admirers of the For particulars apply to the subscriber on the ' «ourse, and pushes forward her armies to | murphies," (no relation to Mike,) that we complaint, he would have been correct. York arrived at Brest on the 12th. dooseir: "Tho 3 5 3 § a i * ; a ' hi : pair. They instantly telegraphed to the | system, entirely supersede Colt's revolvers, | P! ., 0 .. .Mhe Austrian capital, there seems to be no have seen this . No Sin is tour n he = he Eis fiom New Yori, aived Jo Italian headquarters, where &t first it was Spencer's seven shooter, the needle rifle, Manchester, July 24 ony MITCHELL. n' 4 y eines Mr. ) fy y J go Alaa + 1 i » «1 «doubt, 'that she will be compelled to fight PATENTS. y. Mr. Bray, that those romises were r a : Satu ray p.m, July W.-- seriously contemplated to reject Napoleon's | the Enfleld, or any other old or new inven- mr Russia i od. wa ; --- : made inthe year 1868. df bis evidence: P90; Saturd Apa * 1. \proposal of an i An accep tion, 'The principle of it is that in place of : if not other powers, and will pre-1 1, the Yast Canada Gazette We uolice is irue, is it also troe that in the lollowing:{ Tho steamer Hibernian, from (reencastle [P30 ey eo epuanse in the chambers of the revolver at-| OG TQVesteen & Co., i po ww) #0 'accept terme of peace with pleasure that the fotowisg patents ae on the law Sliuded 20 wis ntti, far Quabes hich jHniled. Yesterday, bas in Italy, where the party of action 18 now | tached to the pistol or rifle, the arm is; as it PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, which she might honorably demand, arid have been granted : i <r laser b oi hush 0 Qhscge Shiud the, poy Bock 3 ith screw Jona is Paris | ©Xc0udingly strong, besides which Bismark | were, a ekegton pistol, having barrel, stock | 409 Broa Away, New Fork which would be readily granted as 'a wolu- | Loglic B. Caldwell, of the Fikage of} puomise be i od bpild the bridge, Monten sagt tt he i are still { !* 2PPears, insists on the Prusso-Italian con- [and hammer. The cartridges are serted --d » | y } , . whieh' a n, 18 own account was 0 4 Pl i rention b 4 A 4 @ = tion to the difficulty bw. Every one must Myrtle, in the County of @otario, Cle, |"! ing, and the best feeling prevails vention being adhered to, in virtue of whieh {in a separate horizontal elongated steel re- ESE PIANOS received the Award. of - 4 I" be pained to observe the want of mag. [for ¢ A New and useful equalizing Spring. Be a ADs ao ot ressianinSancd hades be #5. {neither of the contracting parlies can make ceptacle. When it 1s desired to load the grime So oad { nimi displayed by Sevan Samar hor| Owes Bol Rebouny, 1066) | 40 lo ssors he Tra of Mr. Wilh] © vuquen ma aopeseroyw, |] paseo thot the ahers conourience.-- | pa, this hin shongalod ame soning | SeicHiE Bio" lim yuh 5 #4 ) : CESSIVE YEARS 14 Our Pianos contain fife French y a 3 4 : : . 3 : : Jas. B.Lagzier, of the Towhship of Reach, | 8380 than am. Mr. Wright finds' ~The Vi There is no mention however, of an armis- | the cartridges in separate cells is inserted, CF : p Lonnov, Saturday, July L5.--The Vienna, tice in thig'treaty ; 'and this, coupled with [in the empty place left foi it between the Fim andi du rovers Bate. Pui Tron ment warra ES rs. vi faun with nr expending a small por- the consideration that a continuance of the | barrel und stock, and then as fast as the As ra ey oars, & ie Super wil] on foe.' Having fully accomplished the |. . great © object for which the sword EE --- 540 County 9 Wntssia Arapla Ju- tion of our atute labor in consirpating| Presse of the I4ih says that the proposed pe 0 9 sword y plement Maker, © A new and useful iBarley cross streets situate 40, his xi lage, particy- mediation of Napoleon is ended for the pre- | '1 S008! f hostility 0 'F d lo. i i has a practical experience of over fli yeatablished a most enviable reputation for Fork, called ¢ 'Lazier's Improved Barley, | larly the,one which ads fiom the Prince | soit and Austria must trust to her own | War-would be an act of hostility to France, | finger can raw the trigger, it passes | has ker or over thiyfy-five © Jon By and military ostablib mont noth- | Fork.--(Ottawa, 80th April, 1866.) Atbert road to my he 3 although it was h n She has resolved | induced the Jtalian Government;to give con- | thraugh of itself until the cartridges are | Our fheilities for manufacturing éi sell there : ing was wanting to 'win 'the orjon and | Asraxam Fanzwxii, of the village of bh, orang oro Por ie a most_sirenuons exeitions fo] ditional,consent to the armistice. 'The re- | fired. Another can' then be inserted, and dima ments from $100 to $200 Cheaper hana fr did ages hea LS ER 7 | i ] 4 tmtai hi 3 ly of {taly was brought to the Emperor by | the firing continued at almost any rapidity, pr -------- cy win, of ho ol, bY ty hi et A Min S| ile bo on 1. gr oa | of ly wae bg he Bie and or 0 ong pric an sre sc recep | DMUPIRE_ SEWING MAGHIN 0, , T, adi 4 A new the mn our object n gon. Mal BE - | Signor Nigra, late in the afternoon. :lt is u © .geretous use of ielosy. 'But 'in! be, Sd pw, «il {rom Crude Rock and, tusting ihn road. Huot mon Sn ha Malian Gunes! La mora has » a ee tam eit mais | tacles of oartridges. A rifle could mn this| Principal Office, 618 Brpadway, ad of this we see a disposition | Mineral Oils; for the Deodorizaticn of all Fi oe ab my Mi oe ind occupied Padua, Te spbordonnee a I'assentiment de la Prusse, | manner fire 60 shots a pinute. Acchild NEW YORK. ~~ . pit "ba vindietive sind arbitrary, and a deter- [720k and mineral oils, and for rendering |ihat nearly all the Council moeiings fre] The Austrians are concentrating their | avéo laquelle le Cabinet de Florence est |copld be reloading the" empty cartridge GE NEROVEMENT in Se A sckier- 18 6 Vindietivy rT ¥ refined oils, obtained [from the same, mon- | held init, and also nearly all large public forces from she protection of Tyrol and lstria.| " lie par un traite." When Signor Nigra |oells witlf perfect salety. The principal is | 3¥, Emirs Shue, noiseless In wetion. C106 mn; |; (netion lo ike afwniage of the chances | pp give, up to, about ane hundred -and | ESHNGS: The bull wis batch i po: | "3 Par goumo 1s fim. Reniaa, {ad ef him, the Emporor called to lis also applicblo to big. gone. The mveutor ASE PR al tf ec fr re of WAF15 dogrado usd 0 | ft ugrus of Fanon, by the applins fre Soncne Andes cso hrs tectunal The. Pari. Bop proserios, M. Wendiand, the principal se. lis Mr. Jumes Gale, tho blind gentleman fui putt aniruing nebo ony A I ths 'her defeated 'enemy, and this tion of certain chemicals, steanrand heat.' {poi available in: the Township. Danial} Re -- - 5 'i ihe Great, cretary of the Prussian Embassey, and told who invented the systom of making powder foot aig Nias. Biter % vgents waited, hom ] ion displayed in such a bold and '--(Qttaws, 27th Juno 1868,) hi HIF Jpegple can avail themaelves of the! Lastern in paying out i cible. The re- him that #f Prussia did not saceptithe pro- | pon-explosive, ; EMPIRE SEWING MAGKINE 0, post 4 Ga ir : ee ¢ Fore x a i a y y rhofinon sy nie b ' rs afir 4 21