NPA Yv.they are unapproachable. As & connter- HENRY GRIST, Vda] Froocomse Gms As a Free Ant. -- Rude and unpolished people, {when they inflict 'corporal panishment, do it without any pre- tence to delicacy. In classic Cambridge, 'on the contrary, with more refinement, one teacher claps Rerhand on the month. of a struggling girl of sixteen, & master holds her firmly to a settee, another teacher beats ~ her with a strap, while still another teacher | - is employed in playing a lively tune on the | piano, (o which the screams of the sufferer | : _.~80TVe 88 an accompaniment. live in an age of refi Boston Com. mercial. Truly, we | having el Ts gibeccihors fog en" and Outfit y undef thefirm and style FORMAN & WILSON, Pashionsble Tailors, PRINCE ALBERT !! pe C. FORMAN. 8. R. WILSON. * April 17, 1866. No less than 1000 carts, loaded with , more then $100,000 of furs, exclusive of those shipped by the Hudson Bay company, are on their way from Red River settle~ ment, from St. Pauls, Minesota. The Saskatchewan gold mines ware paying about $8 per day per man: The American papers of Fenian proclivis ties are full of misrepresentation of the treatment of Fenian prisoners. We have in our possession (the Irish American, of New York) that spins a doleful yarn about & Fenian Prisoner who was actally scratch- edtodeath by some infunated Canadian woman ! Alas ! poor Finnegan. ER00M PAPRR: ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, AT R. WiLson's DruG STORE PRINCE ALBERT. ' YE avd IW bhbbB bE EEE T9958535 ROOM PA WHAT 17 SALERATUS.-- Wood is burnt to ashes, ashes are lixivated, ley the resuls. Ley 1s evaporated by boiling, black salts is the residum. The salt umdergoes purifica- tion by fire, and the potash of commerce is obtained. By another process we change potash into pearlash. Now put these in sacks Place them over a distilery wash fob, where the termination evolves carbonic acid gas, and the pearlish absorbs itand is rendered solid ; the product being heavier, whiter and drier, than pearlish. Is is now salera- tus. How much salt of ley and carbonic acid gas a human stomach can bear and remain healthy, is a question foPa saleratus eater. Some people say that saleratus will not harm the stomach. It isa ¢ WHAT ARE SILVER AND GOLD? What are silver and gold compared to | good health? What will not a man gi that he hath for his own hfe? To ke well and so preserve his life is every sen sible man's first endeavor, and never was there a time in the world's history when a man might do this with more ease than at present, for Radway's Regulating Pills render almost all other medicinass superflu- ous. They prevent the occurrence of a serious ill health if taken at suitable times, and they promptly remove a disease when it boldly attempts to fasten itself upon its victim. Being very cheap, (only 25 cents 8 box,) they commend themselves to the economical as well as the more indifferent. Being coated with gum so as to be tasteless, they are the favontes of the delicate and fastidious, as well as of those whose pa- lates are not so discriminating or particular. Being. mild in their operation, as well as effectual, occasioning no pain and no grip- ing, they are preferrd by all who can appreciate a really excellent medicine. As an aperient they are without a rival. As a tonic they cannot be surpassed. As a purgative they are perfect. As an alterative they are Tonioa hl thoy are all that could be desired. As a sudorific they are inimitable. Radway's Regulating Pifls are in 'brief, and honestly speaking, a never-failing remedy for bilious attacks of every kind ; for nervous disorders ; for maladies arising from a depraved con- dition of the blood ; for rehumatism ; dys- pepeia ; for yellow and typhoid fevers; for erysipelas and kindred complaints, no pru- dent household should be without Radway's Regulsting Pills. They are better than silver or gold to every man or woman who properly values good health. Sold by Druggists. -- THE COMMERCIAL UNION Assurance Company, 19 & 20 Cornmmr, LONDON, As o Stim) s AND f « 885 & 387 Br. Pav SY, MONTREAL. CAPITAL 42,800,000 OR $13,500,000. HIS Com, ihre & TI seed adobe Perfect Security to the th freedom from all rif. JOHN H. BROWN, Agent, Manchester. & mu- -1y Wagons,Carriages, &c. AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. < tly on hand a large supply of those ex- Revol g Horse Rakes! Buch as manufactured last year. Tg JAMES PARKIN. Manchester, April 18, 1866. . Departmental; EARLIANENTARY, | a PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. ublic that having taker. especial pains in securing the best material the country affords, and having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply superior Wagons,Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. t of anything in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article, the cm rtion Jit wan} child: h hint 'at counterfeiters By a fing aa to the contrary notwithstanding. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. HELP! HELP! MURDER! Officer.--Here you rascal, what are you doing ? Thief --I am trying to get a pair 'of Davnes & SNELL'S good boots, and have not got time to wait until they can make them, they are so busy. Officer.--Well, go and leave your measure, and I'Il guarantee they will get you up a pair, right away, which for git Sor Workmatighip cannot be surpassed. DAYNES & SNELL Would add that they are now prepared to thanfacture every discription of Gents' Ladies' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, at the shortest pgssible notice, and of the best material. the «| Building Lot for I BLER § PICTURES taken in all kinds of par Mending punctually attended to. SHOP--opposite the Town Hall. nd fbn. g Prince Albert, Feb, 7, 1866. v 5-1 M. O. DONOVAN PRACTICAL . Carriage #22: Maker ! ' NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY I A GOOD assortment of Buggies eae on hand made from best material. Work made 10 order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing. (5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. - Bi to Loan! pero T_T ARPS] PE WELL & MCGEE, Barris cit Se ors and Sollsliors, iy T OULD most respectfully inform the inhabi- tants of PRINCE ALBERT, And vicinity, that I have opened a Picture Gallery J. D. Cottingham, GER DENTIST, SRR rpERTe Extracted. In Mr. Hurd's buildiug, coth Scaled and Regulated "Teeter wi God ier ooement. {Over Cowan's Store. inserted in Go Having* : given instructions in the Western Teeth Silver, or Rubber States a t summer, and having a thorou, All work entrusted to him will receive prompt knowledge of the art of Photo; phing, my pic- attention tures cannot be surpassed for beauty and dura- 1, atients vill uo be axpected to take any work bility, 1 feel confident 1 oan Jum out as good Particular attention paid to the regulation of | £ictures 83 the galleries inl Canada, Sonn children's teeth, a sold be an Ft jraterial tat San be M rocured, oa = consideration with every parent. For at that as tomake 3 Ho picture a hone mouthls of second deniation | the identity of the made by the common run her tor; 10 ten By Fe oat Locket Flours nay Lettergraphs prob wg to Children, and bly3- ah gol old tion Ded 2 3" You who know good pictures and want them--@ALL! You who don't know Sood b Ye tures when you see them--come and see them. , JF Instructions given in the Art. Call and examine specimens. T. CHESTERFIELD. 4 = and residence BORFELIA. 8s Cash-- produce taken at cash price. Brelia, Sept. 8, 1865. * Sale. VALUABLE Build: Building Lot situate bes tween J. Wright's Shoe Store and W. 'ark's Furnitare n the best busi- Prince Albert, Febil, 1866. nose pa 'part of the flouri ing village of Prince Fm werd sre, (Cash for Wool, Victoria Hote). --_-- 0 . 5 Good News for All! py J. A. CIARKS 4 : T mm, pi Sonn, gor p00 vered 20 os PORT PERRY WOOLEN FAOTORY.| SA ated el on dehvedy™ I SEE Cardin aan 4 garde win, ute Son, J Carl- SE i ha oH. Burnham, { prio having Jt To ai hi on the ;|CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, Onth paid fo g Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store, i, sip Sin C. T. YOUNG. PORT PERRY, C.W Port Perry, May 16,1866, 0-3m HE subscriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the |' EE EE ( 8, and BUGGI y bode go hey best' mom, pon key As Sy a ris of work are premises and under jy of own supertendance, I ean ani evel article 1 Yo give ee Sith satisfaction. Carriages and agons repaired and painted T) o for the trade. HORSE SHOEING and General Jobbing' Jone with neatness ard despatch. i Agent for Flint's Beyaiviig § Horny Prince Albert, April 4, 1866. © BORELIA AMES EMANEY. --_-- CABINET W W AREROOMS TR Si fel in bat ps ot tg of Boe, matting avr Cupboards, Bureaus, biNET LINE, Chairs, &o. House and Sign Painting and P: Hanging done on the shortest notice. [= choice Sale and Framed to order. Special Notice. A pumber of COFFINS of all sizes, ready- made--extra finish. 3 Parties living in the villages, gettin, york done at oy shop, will be furnished the freed oilin TAKERS. --Hearse to hire. ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, Good Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work, Bot 20, 1865. JOHN NOTT. (HE OLD STAND Ro ow il HE Subscriber takes this method 6 method ol retarniog thanks fo bi returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And Haat be he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR- ROWS made in the Tatest improved Scotch styles. Aik desiring to purchase would do well Ld call and inspect his Stock before purchasing else- where. Having t his Stock for Cash, he is determined not to be undersold by any other manufacturer in the oe All Work Warranted. , - WM, STEEL, Manchester Apri it 10, 1868, « 14 ce lot of STEEL ENGR VINGS Tor WANTED AT THE PORT PERRY UNION MILLS ! 20,000 BUSH. OF WHEAT, FOR WHICH THE Highest price will bepaid in Cash, GRISTINGBRY GOORBS I ILL have our prompt attention.-- GROTERIES, CROCKERY, &c., for Please give us a trial, and we Vi Sale Cheap for Guarantee Satisfaction. Cash or any kind of Farm' Produce, | 07 Salt aid Plaster Tor Sale Cheap, MARSH & TROUNCE. Port Perry, Feb. 1, 1866. A. BARRETT"S PHOTOGRAPH ROODHES I: ENG-8T., OSHAWA. ---- : Photographs $2 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. OsHAwA, Jan. 10, 1866. CALL AT THE BROOKLIN STOVE "TIN SHOP! HERE you will find a ment of COOKING, X, AND PARLOR STOVES, DUMD STOVES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, TIN, ' PRESSED, * AND JAPANNED WARE, PRESERVING KETTLES, SAD IRONS, SHEE1 ZINC Together with a variety of other articles in the house furnishing line too numerous to mention. All of which will be sold at thed lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to repairing, lining old ovens, &c. Washing Machines re-zinced and made as good as new. ber the Stand-- directly opposite the Globe Hotel. THOS, ROBSON, Brooklin, Dec. 20, 1865. large assort- Farm for Sale! FoR Sale by nivale contract, the rear half of Lots No. 13 and 14, in the lst Dension of the TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, and about 60 acres on Lot 14. The stamps that remain could sally be removed as the most of it has been cleared six or seven years. The land is equal to the best in "ly the township, and from which there isa view of Lake Scugog. For further particulars inquire (if by letter post-paid,) of THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Markham. > or M. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert. Markham, Oct. 3, 1865. 39-11 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLEN HAs REMOYED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. Sy SPYING Na Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 12 GENERAL AGENCY. habitants of Oshawa and vicinity, that he has leased the premises latel occupied by W. D. Hepburn, as a Beot and Shoe Manufacto: which he intends to open as an AUCTIO. ROOM, where he will receive consignments of goods of all kinds, on Tr at a moderate Percentage, ov SALES in the Village and Country attended to on the shortest notice.-- Terms reasonable, Accounts of merchants and others collected on commission. Also Agent for Western Fire Insurance S Copa, . DECKER. Oshawa, July, 1865. 26 Whitby Prince Albert, and 1 t Perry. WM. DECKER, PRACTICAL WATCHNAKED A28 § JINOLIR | HA Removed ta tely occupl Mr.' D. Jovy, Victoria Block, Hix south me own Hall, jay o sorisd bp ok a good stock i to 5 Be, Yo WATCHES, "CLOCKS '& "JEWELRY. Asa Er Aoi r Ele defies Smpetition and will warrant all work executed by him. ible for work left in possession Over one year. Victoria Bio oar iby the > office: : Jomess bers Dec 0.5, Ye bck, werly r 48 Be J. P. JOHNSTON, WATCHMAKER, AND JW ELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN DSTLVER WATCHES] LOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C, King Str iT tg - ; OSHAWA: (7 Watches dnd iy Neatly 'Repaired. Qsbawa, Jun: (25,11885, (© op i 3-1y, HARRISON - MAW, & SONS, Builders and CONTRA C TORS, Lou beh POR T PERRY! d. put up Buildings of all kind hether Wood it Store, Sod finish 9 off in. he ne yin, whi Ml he most mada Pe ments. ies requ work don Went i requiring ° o well fo 0a) |[EF+Plane and Specifica _ Port Perry, Dec. 20, 1865, 50-1y 0 THE Subscrib gs to i til to the travel- I community that he continues to furnish . lowered Jonveyace Letwosy je ghote en: Hone aces, every ay, leaving Whit ot the arrival of the Morning Trains, ny Fetching Prince Albert in time to connect with the Stage for Manilla and the North. Leaves Port Perry and Prince Albert after the arrival of the Manilla Stage, and reaches hithy in time for the early trains, east and west. FARES REASONABLE! and JFarcels a8) he risk of the a owner, unless ess hooked and aq paid ROBSON "Proprietor. Whitby, Jan. 17 1060 8, English Pink Dental Rubber; New and 'beautiful Yoaiita ia for Arti- tificial Teeth! OC. D. "WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, Iain=st,, Aybrivge. LL Dental. operations performed utmost skill and i LR ie or no Pay and at pricgs which i competitions. : Gri ig gy he: Ty J. Sd Whitby. a: rae, Whithy Farms for Sale. Te: subscriber 0 for Sale Lot No. 16; ) the 13th, and Lot No. 15, in th 14th concession of the Township of Reach), » Containing 100. acres each, yh | Mostly free from stumps ; Torin tha i conceeion heres 'a log Bows Svintfield, Feb, a, 188. HENRY, ROBINSON. TE undersigned ess to announce to the in-{+ -- -- R. R. YY R. SEVEN GREAT BLESSINGS SECURED TO THE HUMAN BacE : BY ONE BOTTLE OF > RADWAY'S READY R RELIEF. . 1st. ~If suddenly seized poized with paic or sick. ness, the use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford IMMEDIATE EASE wd extermi- nate the treatened disease. 2d.--If suffering from any acute, foflam- matory, neuralgic, rheumatic, miasmatie or other disease, whether Rhenmatism or Neurxl- y= Cholera Morbus, Canada Cholera, Diar- rhs, Bilious Colic, Peverand Ague, Weakness in the Limbs, Back, Legs, Strains, ruises, Burns, or any Pain or Infirmity, RADWAY'S READY RELIER will quickly curethe patient, without occasioning loss of time, change of diet, or {he use of other medicines. 8rd. --If subject to Headaches, Sour Taste fur the Mouth, Dizziness, Sickness at Stomach, Melancholy, Fits, Toothache, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, Coldness of the Estremities, Swollen Joints, Nervousness, Restlessness, Difficalt Breathing, Astlima, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Diptheria, Croup, Inflammation of the Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, or Bladder, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford immediate ease and quickly cure the complaint. Ath.--Ruspive THE SPINE. -- If afflicted with Spinal difficulties or with Diabetes, In- continence of Urine, Irritation of the Bladder, Paralysis of the Sphincter of the Bladder, Sluggishness of tho Kidneys, Leuchorrheea, Whites, Fleur Albus, Falling of the Womb, and other uterine difficulties, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, rubbed the entire length of the Spine for ten or twenty minutes, twice a day, will cure the worst cases. We have over 1000 well authenticated cascs, where RAD- WAY'S READY RELIEF, by this method of application, ius effected permanent and speedy cures. 5th.--All who, by exposure to hard service, either military, naval, or otherwise, or by the use of mercury, Lave contracted painful disea- 23, and those suffering from Rheumatism in any form, puins in the joints or limbs, Palsy or Paralysis, Weakness, Coldness in the Fx- tremities, and all pains and aches, lameness, and other infirmities, will be quickly cured hv the use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. 6th.--If the community is threatened with any infectious disease--either Yellow Fever, Typhus or Typhoid Fevers, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF is the best disinfectant in the world, and a sure preventive, to those who ' 8 use it, against attacks of these maladies. I~ oases of Inflammation of the Bowels, Bilious Colic, Painter's, Colic, or any active inflamma. tory disease, the READY RELIEF will imme. diately afford ease and comfort. It possesses marked advantages over all preparations of opium, morphine, veratrine, and other opiates and narcotics. It lulls pains, by impaging strength and vigor the system, and arousing the vita) energies to a healthfulaetion, instead of paralysing the perceptiyo faculties, and making them insensible to pain. Let thoge who would live aud enjoy health use RAD. WAY'S READY RELIEF. )%th.--To all who are sick' and in pain, use the RELIEF. It can do no harm, and will surely do good. Persons who are weak, ner- vous and debilitated, a teaspoonful of ¢he DEAD. DRLLGD Leo --imaglacs of water will do you more good than all the Bitters in the . world--keep your stomach clean and healthy, your breath sweet, your nerves' strong, your spirits happy, your appetite good, and your digestion regular. A dose taken at bedtime will insure calm and pleasant sleep. This Remedy is truly a Family Medicine. It can be used with the positive assurance of doing good in all cases where pain or uneasi- ness exist. It is the cheapest medicine in the world. One 8s well £4 being a superior medicine, than one dollar's worth of the ordinary pain-killers, liniments, &c., of the day. One . bottleof RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will do more good, and can be used for more purposes, than ten dollars expended for any other medicine in in use. * READ WHAT MRS. W WESTCOTT SAYS. FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND OTHERS SAY THE SAME : MRS. WESTCOTT, AN EXPERIENCED NURSE OF WESTCHESTER-- READ WHAT SHE BAYS : " Your Ready Relief and Regulating Pills do our family more good than all the physic and doctors we have had for years. If I have the headache I take Radway's Relief and one of the Pills--in an hour I am all right ; if pain in my bowels, Radway's Rea lief gives me ease and comfort ; if rheumatism, Luse the Relief; if sore throat or hoarseness, I use tlie Relfef; if neuralgic pains shoot about my body, I stop them with the Relief; if I catch cold, I take the Relief; if toothache, or earache, or raceache, I apply the Relief--in a few moments the most severe pains arelulled., If my children fall and Lruise or otherwise hurt themselves, the Relief removes al} pain and discoloration of the skin ; if they burn or scald themselves, the Relief takes out the fire and relieves them from anguish. 1ecould not sleep without a bottle of Radway's Ready Relief within my reach ; so with the Pills, the very my st h or bowels are out «£ order, one of Radway's Pills isall that I require to restore my system to order and regularity." IF" Sold by Druggists and Country Store keepers. Dr. JOHN RADWAY & CO, 878, St. Paul Street, Montreal, And at No. 87, Maiden Lane, Now-York, For Sale in £hgents, by R. 'or Sale nce Druggst, and T. C. Forman by Wilson Drugge and TC. Forman," "4 NOTICE!! PRINCE ' ALBERT Enfant Company, ia More emp vil amie at , until farther orders, T. 0, FORMAN, Capt, Commanding, bottle contains more medicine, ~ A RIE ins 57% \ 3 oh 35 eS -- a mow or Nn A ---- {