A ; ~~ BY THE ATLANTIC CABLE. Nzw York 6.--The following despatches I ARM 0 RENT | | 0 . : | were received through the Atlantic Cable - a : esterday by the assoclated press. id] " epley 1 he 8.--Martial_law has been TH first class farm consisting of the east "Ld Te of Lot No, 12 in Sie Sih Soncession of proclaimed in Lower Austria and also in ? Reach, Venice, Prissia and Waurtemburg. The Village of Manchester. T 0 S L L DIVISION COURTS Fresh Arrivals] ese © --a_ 2, Pickering, aves Soulérunta wba eld a-Pragu.~- LO en : » a L : | 2 3 Nansiens ate Zotgl ; The preliminaries thereto, ss agreed to, are venty acres : ' rh ase; th, if a Austria is to withdraw from the | jo, hl ao et nd \ : 0 ; 2% Sonninet i. pti y | CEES RAE roo New Goods! =. ; i d h of dohleswig-Holstein.-- i 4nd 4 Blacks : , Fo / : : Visinis apoyo millions of dolar ro aciae pay foe waiir anol Worth "of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, : Whitby, wdy 31,1966. Judge 0.0 to-her adverearies as expenses of the war. JOHN MITCHELL, Shrubs, Gra Vines, He Plants, Wine --- : a ; of i . Roses, Herbaceous - Are constantly being received ate aio woe he quidacn omen ion. ig Plants, Lostio's Mammoth Rhowbert, hormrs y being The most Popular Remedy ever a Pr ing and Budding Plats, ll hobs | are 49 Sus Touts Shae EEEEEET SIIB TOR THR SISO seman The Italidn pattie Carlo Ligos: Farini is which these Nurseries In the Goodwood race the Goodwood stakes ries #ere wan by Special, and the Goodwood J EE err REDUCED PRICES. IA IAIELER . Lowvon, Suu, Angus 4--The French AR % Ambassador to England left for Vichy last | 78 hereby given that the Council of the O J ' i ' t # ~ A id AG ¥ 5 night by ------G see the Emperor. I poration of the Township of Reach, at's 1 ] 8 ) Ha od ' 7 For the vue of Pain beth External] : 4 z 3 oy | meeting to be held at the Town Hall, x Cottons, Shirting, Prints, Tickin Gambrogns, Summer Coat- , eT woe tg ot opt ee, 1600 akin thorough canvas rom Kington to Cllingwood AP : The ron Pin Orin Remedy / t " and will su, eir patrons' wit tl i 4 i J oud ' food lise in the House of Com- x Propose to pass svery ioalty tha my canvas. 1 Having had fo g Sxparanoe, I am rabid 1 met a ng Ready made Clothing, Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, Men's discovered. ns last night. at w ® 8000N none. grafted . Mr. Gladstone, in a speech, supported the A B Y - 1 A Ww, snd budded, and _-- giving entire satisfaction Senne Canada ih Straw and Felt Hats, irr great variety, Pain cannot | Tug, exist. where this < > government and warmly praised the treat- To stop up 'and close as a public highway, all All orders left at this office, or addressed to the subscriber, will be putotuaHly aMended ? Remedy is faithiqlly ysed, "7 ment accorded to the Fenians by the U. S. | that portion'df the allowance for road between | 1© , S------" . Give jt ope fair trial and you will use government | Mr. Maguire's resolutions The 3rd and 4th concessions of Je mid Town. J. 1 BE. HO : ' . no other. against the bill were negatived by a vote of | number four in the fourth concession thereof, INTO NURSERY AGENT, Cash paid for Wool. 105 against 31. Thera is nothing iu the | 4nd vost the same Teil Box 75, Pear Pray, C. W. . oil i askuowledgnd A {Io lave . poliveat newalvede} pot interns " Toumship Clerk. Cash paid for Wheat. facet valuable of wraors, for. the diseases fop NDON, Aug. 4.--Consols were quoted at | pegqn, July 11, 1800, 26-5 r . ge pine e close of busingss to-day at 87 for money ; simi 1 i NORAD IE oa ; Cash paid for Oats, Trai a C. shares closed at 74} ; Erie R. shares i i U. 8. 580' quoted at the close 68} ; III. i { quoted at 41}. i 112 the largest bottle of medipine of the kind et ~----ees The pen of 'the tongue should be dipped . in | Currie & Ross. Manufactured by the Preprictor, two o Farmers | -.. [RE ; he! » : Albert, C. W. in the ink of the heart. "TCU l wey | z ----C---- Al = » " IMPORTANT QUESTION, Seer : PARK--In Prince Albert, on Saturday, the Ro a oa am 1 PORT PERRY dae wren Undertaker, ' WHERE CAN WE GET GOOD LIVERY STABLES PRINCE LBERT. . sien, ANT A large lot of Hoes, Hay Forks, Manure Boots & Shoes, Cheap? CC. Sabotage aes Horses and Base --In T y 5th N Oo T I C BE ! ! riages, at moderate rates. . ' LowyAS Yo Bouck ow Sealey Ho ok Forks, Cradles, Barley Forks, Scythes, If you want a good HOME-MADE article, call at NEW Win. Lowman, aged 13 years. PRINCE ALBERT |Hay Rakes, &c., Just arrived, and for Sale low. A, Fir Dnt 4 Bin Sonny Josie SB wares, TANNERY for drill every WEDNESDAY evening, at DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. half-past seven sharp, until further orders, T. C. FORMAN, a or PORT PERRY TEs eel, ows iui BOOT & SHOE STORE : $10 to $15 per day. B wn & i s Cash for Hides Relph 2 Richargson, Ass WANTED 0 soll dur Now I'0 Christian. PRIN C BB ALB ERT. t HE Subscriber will th igh | Is this day dissolved by effluxion of time. The ' ' 03 All home-made work warranted--if the workmanship gives out, it will be T Price for sak Qasnty OF Hides ad Shes | business will in future be carried on by Mr. John | 81 § PAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 4 mended free of charge. : . delivered at Lis Tannery. i Rolph go shout all ogists, dus he Ly The Greatest Invention of the (with our 0 CASH paid at all times for Hides, Sheep Skins, and Tallow. Also Wanted,:200 Cord Hemlock Bark, { ve i mips and the is here i ho nat New Patent Looper [mproremient) hing ndapied * Wanted.--200 Cords of Hemlock Bark. Sop 9 WM. T. ARMSTRONG. . g a for years. -- h 3 * ' u] fm will be paid by lime ol on, will Hem Fell, Tuck, Bind, May 16, 1866. ~ J. WRIGHT. ort Perry, May 30, 1866 2-ly JOHN Ri Cord, Quilt, and Embroider beautifully, No mo eta GEO. F. RICHARDSON Household is complete without one of our Cele- H S d L t Prince Albert, August 1, 1866. 31-4W | brated Machines. Sample machivie s gout. on re- TI b i ouse an 0 em TT Tr | ceipt Of $15/in a registo etter. ew ve . ie il 5 . ; : the above Commissions, or will pay $16 per | I Ne | subscribers will also pay the hichest ] N Li : W z, Grovesteen J& Co.. or nad pa or paminu) ars, address . . p y 1 oD ! FORI SALE PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, | with stamp.) price in CASH for . h ) GATES & CO., HE Sitsusibiay olfirs for sale hig House and ' i ' Lot situate: the the corne; 499 Broadway, New York. | oat Be Sumas, lupe svete: opposite 1s Behe Houma : 2 -ly , the Village of Prince Albert. The house is 20 3» if HE SE PIANOS received the Highest Award of bp 26 feet, with large kitchen, wash house, and Merit tar the World's Fair, uver the best makers . wood shed attached. There is also on the from Londun, Paris, Germany. the cities of New York, ~ ' iledelphin, Baltimore and Bosien; also, the n Nitodeoph the Mcehanios' Institute, for Five: SUC- CESSIVE YEARS 1! Our Piunos contain the French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Oversuung Bass, Full Iron el kc Bo es ent warrant 8. ie ui s '- Jikion of Mit, 3. H. GROVESTEEN, who has a practical experience of over thirty-five years, and is the maker of over eleven piano fortes -- Qur facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell these Instruments from $100 to $200 Cheaper than any first class piano forte. 20=1y |. ise: table, driving ho ) it orchard, ands Sood well and cite 3 TUE nu For further particulars apply to the proprietor ood clean 00. WL. Park, Se = Cabinet Warerooms, Prince Albert, March 7, 1866. The Subscriber has now received the largest Stock of Goods ever brought into North Ontario, in one season, and not only the largest, but the most varied, best se- _---- lected and Cheapest Stock of Goods he has ever had the pleasure of offering, and to MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. which he most respectfully invites the attention of alf who are ii want of Goods that trees are { Goods. ONNETS made io oiler, The Jatest styles i H " ity.?? i : of acques and resses. 80, Stra EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE G0. aviog no need or desire to boast of ¢ former Popuailly, being perfectly satisfied Ww (G= Butter, Eggs, Ham, Bacon, &c., taken in exchange for i it bei Bonnets and Hats cleaned nnd "8 *y . to leave that to a discerning public, it being a well known fact that the BES GOODS | porns pieaned chu nade Over, Goods at Cash Prices. : are always to be found at the subscriber's Store. 1 would only' say give me a call and Fell Jue slureg the present fashions, Prise be convinced that you can make a beter selection for the same money than at any other | Establishment next door to Mr, Park's Cabinet Principal Office, 618 Broadway, NEW. YORK. i198) se [eImysu 5% 2014} UY) SossAR}T EAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing 'Machi place of business in the County. Shop, REA' / in ines. -- oo, G Empire Shuuid, © nk Motion v Sewing Mac ching, In Dress ocd js wil De found 8 fic Le over | 500 Pords Suentireons, Alpaca, and Russél cord Prisce Albert July Si WL MORE. . I. 3 . ing allpositive, it is not liabl of order. Iti Orl Challies, Poplinettes, Mo- i eee sm------ ae trons RY irs BROWN & CHRISTIAN Bair, Cobourg," Cualmere, Baris, De. | 0070 Flanoels in red, white, ink, bin, ud fmproved Manufacturing Machine, for Tailors und Laines, &c.,--a beautiful lot of Goods. Welsh, worth S10 er onesy Insolvent Act of 1864 and Shoe Fitters. Agents wanted, 10 whom a 6500 yards Prints of all kinds, in wide width | A jor of Blue Denis, Drills, Tickings, Logging ? Jiberal discount will be given. No Consignments made. t 12 t ard and ard large on EMPIRE SEWIKG MACHINE CO. fot of oyic's own make (hs wattatlon, se Ary law, Holasy nde suaw, Pelt AND #VENDNENTS THERETO, 9) hy lings Fiinte evis sii Al Russel, $e, f Yo P or or Oana. al the County Court : 0 ly ROVINOP ANADA, ) In ul TOMLINSON S | the common ualities, > "and Mul Muslin Boo k, Jaconett, Checked Ren or ONTARIO fot the County of One % ; : MANCHESTER. 4700 yanlg Grey Cottons, Shirting and Steam- The finest assortment of Ladies' Belts, Belt 'o Wir: tario. h a June 21, 1866. : 100 Beauiful shawls (some real novelties), iublishment, with & area 105 Dios." In the matter of JOHN FOGG, an ig RN hiram oe rd : ees pay Jira aud Bogue Biodl hu Bead coed Te ial 4c8 | yy pup sy JES0Ivent TY-FIRST ] 4 : i an RTY-FI Fig ROR in pion od ba Di, EE Ree rv FEL BHI OR Or papa, BE en ny a RY OSHAWA, ©, W., 9, Ao With a fine assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, kc. A first rate assortment of under said Act, re re i 1 Dated at Uxbridge this 2nd Co) 'Salways prepared to execute plans for public ea |cmmcrmitens NEW SPRING GOODS !| (GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, ies LA - jon: \ cations | i > . : Pips t = . pemctialy Sind lions, by J , Some of the Weatherfield Onion Seed, the best seed in America. » ill Feb. 1, Soliciting an early call as goods must and wi be sold at the very lowest possible advance on MOREY TO LOAN. a Remedy| yonuy 10 Toa, The Sargent Neock in rnd ERE ERE SR SRR Lt RS | + sow wai oF Tremaa the country ean own cloth ean have them Ai Choler f terms. A trial od Dholera, Cholera. Morbus, Cramp in they | Dmmsceieyed is propuved io discount good : . Wante any quantity of Butter, &c., for which the highest ENS COCHRAN SOCHIANE, . y , and 7 . . > ro, Drees 4 |i ver and Groanbacks bought Comprising all the latest Novelties of the Sea on, price pa T. C. FORMAN. | 2 at this season of the year. $200 000 will be Sold CHEAP ! April 19, 1866. + . | For eB ls dtr td 7. 2 9 : 390 per cent Saved by buying here. . J n Cc oO X . | Foi, Princo Albert Cutty omnis, funds, on improved farms ¢ Fett wes: | JosEem miGEiow. . .. of . | Ral 93 ovus yur Boks: I am also Agent for the Freehold Permanent dpa 13, 1905 : OF THE 7 ~ + A TOMLINSON, | puiidingand Saving Society which Joon mens : , y rao MS we MP NT 0 Money to Loan Hoon ng col G dE pr J vu re SE oy XOOAMESIOVE prince ALBERT A CIS TO Feta) ore, To Ee NSUMP TI 29 Ne o 1 ° Tdn ker's Terrace, | returning thanks wile numerous patrons for the liberal osovmgaiain he has 1 ih OA Prince Albert, where You can have your a a 5 IESE Ll | i | olc0 from the largest snd best Siock of Cooking, Parldr, and B oo ts ant Sh oes | Ei arn of mail 4 by. a om ) GEL RE Hox Stoves in the County 2 ey For Spring aud Summer wear ever ofr in hs ke--consiing of Mo Boos REG STOVE PIPES, EAVE TROUGHS Spain Al Mies ad Chin wen gs re "01% $104 2 TUL YAPAN WARE, of ete dprition. 1 |ovinsouth feionment of Boots sud Shoes manulctured on the : ? POR SALE BY ; = JC. Jubving oy hand some extra fine genuine French Calf Skins, City Slanghtered | A. E. MOCAW., [Reds rha ai ko tos poruniomuba s up sage 2 oor airing neatly done at short notice. A ssn pi to all kinds of Jobbing, = ul AE sei yi g50r FINDINGS very low, i - (SANNJ ALVAISD) a T0404 8 4% WOT 0) 'NOSE. 49 'WT Al 'LEIETV ZORTEJ 'TEISVIISOL © OF MoAV *