WHAT ARE SILVER AND GOLD} What are silver and gold compared to good health ? What will net a man give, that he hath for is own life? To keep well and so preserve his life is every sen- sible man's first endeavor, and never was thee a time in the world's history when a man might do this with more ease than at present, for Radway's Regulating Pills render almost ail other medicines superflu- ous. They prevent the occurrence of a serious ill health if taken at suitable times, and they promptly remove a disease when it boldly attempts to fasten itself npon its victim. Being very cheap, {only 25 cents a box.) they commend themselves to the econvmical as well as the more indifferent. Being ented with gnm so as 10 be tasteless, they are the favorites of the delicate and { astidions, as well as of those whose pas ak are not so disc riminating or paiticular. Fewg amild in the) operation, as well ag offset, cocakioning ro prin and po grips th wf ni by af 'who 'ean elliot medigine, withontatival. As Be surpassed, As a Asan allerative As a counter- As a stimulent 1 uy yi Ash inier To vatrd wt pl ¥ are una wie perfeot, proachable. they are admirable. & all that could be' desired. As 'a' they are mimifable Radway's + Pi"s ave 1 byief, and hones.) ly +d never-fi' ng remedy for bilious Low oy kid ir nervons disorders ; hes nricing from. a depraved con- t ood 3 for rehumatism ; dys- ¥ilhod fevers; for Pking id d eomplaints, no pro- hold ghonle! be without Radway 's ag Pills" They are better than vee or gold 1o every man or woman who rocrly values good health. Sold by Pi LERIsly THE COMMERCIAL UNION Assurance Company, 19 & 20 Coryminy; LONDON, AND 385 & 387 Sr. Pau St, MONTREAL. CAPITAL 3,500,000 of 812,500,000. HIS Company affords perfect security to the , and offers the advantages of a mu- JOHN H. BROWN, Agent, 7-ly customers that r has removed from the fay Sec occupied by him to the premises Store, where he is prepared;io fo supply the public with first cl AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Oonstantly on hand a 6 Jurge supply of those ex- "Buch as manufactured last year. iy Sheds on the premises under which to JAMES PARKIN, Manchester, April 18, 1866. 2 (in ~ PORT PERRY BES to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry, surrounding country that they have Opened aShp assured, tual office, with freedom from all liability. Manchester, B suliserfber beg s to inform his numerous occupled as a hotel south of Mr. Gordon's Wagons, Garriages,do. Revolving orn Rakes ! Carriages, &c., while under repairs. MARSH &§ FAINT Prince Albert, Borelia, Manchester, an In Port Perry, where they will be ly Gents' Ladies' and Misses' Boots and Shoes, at the shortest BROCK STREET, WHITBY I The subscribers having en- | tered into ). paterding a8 Tailors and t- 'ters, under He firm and style FORMAN e 'WrLsos, Hew to inform thepubliithat FORMAN & WILSON, | Fashionable Tailors, PRINCE ALBERT !! b> AT R. Waison's Druc Store, & PRINCE ALBERT. SE [i= 2) iw Ry = (lo 4 ROOM PAPER, (ROOM PAPER, ea RQUM PAPER, ROOM PAPER, . > ROOM PAPER, \ Roou & PAPER, 3 . Lg w a Xd ed WL ny wa Si <i or QO or O oo MK EET PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. VHE subscriber at the commencement of taSurgmer Samar. begs to inform the 1 public that having taken espeéialiphind i jin kechring the best material the country affords, and having had some a7 years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply superior Wagons, Carriages & Implements : i SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. Parties | want thing in his lir p I ub logth contemptible and RAE at. coun ri Riciiing A veilsame nd gut Finns taadlg Partioular gttention pailito Hors Sk and Gegergl Iobbing. h hd GEORGE oN ih Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. HELP! HELP! MURDER ! @Micer.--Here you rascal, what are you doing ? : Thief --1 am trying to get a pair of Daynes & Snet's good boots, and have not got time to wait until they can make them they are so busy. ill Officer.--Well, go and leave your measure, and I'll guarantee they wi get on 0 a pair, right away, which for ol Sor werk mavewie cannot: be surpassed DAYNES & SNELL Would add that they are now prepared to manfaeture every discription of iossible notice, and of the best material. pa Mending punctually attended to. SHOP--opposite the Town Hall. Prince Albert, Feb, 7, 1866. M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage 2 Maker! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, 5-1y GOOD assortment of Buggies FI on hand made from best material. Work A made to order with neatness and d.dhepateh, Particular attention paid to repairing: prepared to execute all kinds of House, Sign, Fresco, - Lanner, ug SE 2 ™ we Wey ; oy in of Messrs. H. Maw. & Sous, Port Perry, f° 3hop for Carriage Painting at the "Ontario | Carriage Factory," Prince Albert. Old Carriages painted in good style at reasonable rates. MARSH & FAINT. Port Perry, April 29, | 1866. gy op pon EE WEAVING {4 SUV SCRITRER having 2 LOOMS ®gN-OPERYTION, is prepared todo al Kir 4 EAVING, svah us Twilling, Sati "Full Cloth: Fiannels, Striped Shi: ve Checks, "§c., Bu the shortest Lol 0 the most "EA;ONABLE TER Al warran (ve tion. The uhm nadian Cotton Warp fi , if wequired, at the Jowest ANDREW GRAHAM. Lot 16, foo} 2nd Concession, | 4 ®. 'that is not satisfac! ge Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1865. Money to Loan! N sums of from $400 to $1500, on unencum- bered farm proper VAREWFLL & MCGEE, Barristers and Solicitors, Oshawa. ETT WOULD most respectfully inform the inhabi- Ci tants of J. D. Cottingham, |['RINCE ALBERT, And vicinity, that I have opened a fF, 22 TIST. FR, Picture Gallery od by ra Hurdls building, ¢ hd Ii WEE bel JOver Cowan's Bote | iven jnstructions in the Western | "Ali work entrusted to him twill receive prompt | States all last summer, 'and havifig a'thorouj attention. knowledge of the art of Photograp! ing ay bic Patients will Jor be exflected to take any work | tures cannot be su a for beauty PASSE! bility. I'feel Avion an An A i ie a paid to the segulition o of Tus children's teeth, So should be an Jmpo ictures 1s the Dest gall eries in vg I El Tk det tity of pe Rel Di Fhgic material that can be 2 by the common run woo i ech or lie. BORELLE: pe SA dhe iy tinea) 3 Term C taken by the most improved method: Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865. 13~ Special attention paid to: Children, and, y r TE, eth o at nad Regul price. | Manchester, April 10, 1866. \ ) , add, BUGS HES) hd | a As uae 15 various pertendanee, I can hy Ph ; Fane pore ofithi/ fork: are thade :on the preimises and ntev faction. sin {J mf oun Wa ns repaired and | printed. "FRR ong fr on. Caring and, Wagon p d & SHOEING and Gb neral Jobbingldone willineatriess and despatch. Agent, far Finks. igh Rum Rags, ; AMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, Apnl 4, 1866. X 13 aD. 0 RE LIA CABINET WAREROOMS Dig ire EABINE at, his old place of business, manufagturing every- i dong on the thong yt ay A choice F h 8 Sat ih tg 10 order. Special Notice. PEFINS of all sizesy ready- -y gg ¢ » uch & as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Breakfast Tables ouse and Sign Painting and Pap Jot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS 1 4 A number gs Xi y Hy my ny shop, fre oa [ERTAKERS.--Hearse to hire. ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, (5 Good Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work. Borelia, June 20, 1865. JOHN NOTT. CALL AT THE BROOKLIN HERE you will find a . large Rasont: Tent of go £3 1 KING, | § £2 oy & wi BOY, ¢ AND "PARLOR A STO VES, DUMD STOVES, STOVE 1PES, ELBOWS, TIN, ; PRESSED, AN JAPANNED WARE, PRESERVING KETTL. SAD TRONS, SHEET ZINC Together with a variety of other articles in the house furnishing line too numerous to mention. All ot which will be soll at the lowest living. prices. (= Particular attention paid to repairing, Iming old ovens, &c Washing Machines re-zinced and made as good as new. FIE- SESE TOR EVER FJ HE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is Lord preparing FIETY Sets of his. PREMIUM IRON; $ woep SEED HAR '§ nade in the latest improved 'Scotch styles. Partids desirin fo purchase would do wi his call and inspect "his Stock before, p pug lg where, Hank hn i is Stack fi for Cash, he is determined not, tobe undersold by, any other manufatturerin: WM. STERL All Work oral WE EAT! | & WANTED AT THE PORT PERRY UNION MILLS ! 20,000 BUSH. OF WHEAT, FOR WHICH THE Lin Ttighest price will bepaid in Cash. il GRISTINGEBRY GOODS { V ILL have our prompt attention. -- GRO ERIES, CROCKERY, &ec., Please give us a trial;-and we will Sale Cheap for Guarantee "Satisfaction. . | Cash or any kind of Farm Produce, I= Salt and Plaster for Sale. Cheap, "MARSH "&' /TROUNCE. for Sr Port Perry, Feb. 4 1866. A. BARRETT'S FIRST, RRL PEOTOCRAPE ROOKS I BNG-8Y,, 03 OSHA A. Photographs $2 per per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Copying done pessonshle OsHAWA, Jan. 10, 1866. WM. DECKER, A Lk 1 an n the tock of AS Remorgh doors pt = WATCHES, CBOCKS $. &1%] hier rai fo 8 ELRY. ractical watchmaker he defies competition, tnd will warrant all work dg by him. opt Ho will not be res) Borsa tie rit The hgyer. ane ea Jiomeniar this ! Joe od thw 48 You who kn$#* good pict tures®and want [Building Lot PT] Rh oul SE J0-P. "TORSION, v EF Instructions given in the Art. he VALUABLE Build: Building Lot situate Lek i pean examine Species. u \ Boge EE RR pean: ) Li 1 | Bint PICTURES taken in all kinds of A, CLARK'S " CLOCKS, King Street, &Co FANCY, GOODS, &C., ®F eparreaq. PHOTOGRA. | CA oo bays, dgn da % aen vor wade Fed d "gay oh Bu 4 10 RG To Car Sy To OTT Tho RT SO EE Tr pee oe = RRISON "MAW, ~ be Se: Sui Vii Sa Eh oF Woul delivered 4 RT Cf Ta z rown ie, Da of RORT PERRY WOOLEN FACTORY. | shee TE Builders ae 2 to suit customers. Pious oo el ay ho enlarged to any sive desired. © vi rit SS ETAT LA, fn J. A. CLARK. is Gina oy alsg prepared to _ 40 me caving, Fulling, by Shearing, of "|CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, % Wurabam, Parties Tn rusting. me with 'their' WO Lied depend on ha 'well done, And shortest i * Cash paid for Sheep Sinse 5 vou: | Port Perry, May 1 Office over Mr. Bigelow's Stote, "PORT PERRY, C.W ah CONTR ACTOR ORT PE RRY!" RE red to On 10. Lo 1 put 4 Buildings of all kinds, Shethes Pukid Brick or Store, and finish off in the latest tyles, with all. the A nts. Parties requiring good work 'done will do well to call. wy b) ong 'made to order. Port Perry, Dec, 20,1865, {{ and about 60 acres on Lot 14. y|{ the townehip, and from which there isa the Stand-- directly opposite io Giobe Hotel THOS. ROBSON. Broaklin, Dec. 20, 1865. i ale by private contraet, the rear Farm for Sale)! Qt half of Lots No. 13 and 14; m the lst concession of the TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, The stomps that remain could, easjly be removed as the most of it has been cleared six or seven years. The land is equalto the best in beaunifol view of Lake Scugog. For further r particulars inquire (if by letter post-paid, ) of THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Markham. or M. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert 3, 18656 39-11 Markham, Oct. Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLEN REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. 3 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Sin, March 28, 1866. GENER L. AGE OQY. HE 1 igned hogs § to wg to the in- T habitants of Oshawa. and vicini hat be has leased the premises lately occu! D. Hepburn, as a Boot and Shoe iaaitors which he intends to. open as an 4UC. MOOM, where he will receive consignments of goods of all kinds, on Commission, at & moderate per-centage. ¥3 AUCTHON SALES. in the Village and a attended to on the shortest Notice Terms reasonable. Accounts of merchants and others collected on commission. Also Agent for the Wi estann Fire Insurance Company, E. 8. DECEER., inge All Albert, and THE Subscriber erry to intimate to the travel- that he to furnish 3 Oshawa, Fulys, 1865. THE GREAT PURGATIVE: DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. YOR THE CURE OF - ALL DISORDERS OF THE « Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, 'Nervous Diseases; Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indiges- D Se . speps Biliousne ious Fever, Inflam- mation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the in< ternal Viscera. ONE TO SIX BOXES ARE Warranted to offict a Pusitive. Cure, DR. RADWAY'S a PREPARED IN VACUO; Superior to all Purgative, Cathartic, or Altera: tive Medicines in general use, COATED WITH UM, Which renders them very convenient, and well'adapt- ed for children, and persons who have a dislike to take medicine, and es; aly pile Atelier reat superi- ority of Radway's Pills' over all other pills in general use, Jia the fact of their wonderful med Ay Strengths being highly concentrated. Ome to six of these pills will act more thoroughly, and cleanse the alimentary canal, without as cramps, spasms, piles, tenos- mus, ote., than any other Pills or Purgative Medicine use, THE GREAT WANT SUPPLIED, Aisa well known fact that Physicians have long sought .to discover a vegetable purgative as a substitute for Calomel, and that would cleanse the Alimentary Canal of all diseased and retaiped humors, as tho- roughly as Lobelia will the stomach, with- out producing sickness -at stomacly weak- ness, or irritation of the mucous menfbrane. In Dr. Radway's Pills; this very 'im- ortant and egsential principle is securegl. \ dose of two to six (according to the wndition of the system) of Dr. Radway's Pills will produce a. the positive alterative Mshnge--from a fluggish "of t6ipid, to a aealthy action of the Liver--as the phy- sician hopes to obtain by a dose of Blue Pills, or Calomel; and will as thoroughly cleanse the Stomach, and purge Trom the [ bowels the diseased and retained humors 1¢ the most approved emetic, or cathartis without occasioninz i: iconvenience or sick ese to the patient, Professor Reid. --College of Pharmacy. THE GREAT PURGATIVE. The celebrated Prof. Reid, of New York, Leoturér on Chemistry in the College of Pharmacy, siyles { by Radway's Pillsas " the Great Purgative," and the oly Purgative Medicine safe to adminieter in cases of exe treme Debility, and in Erysipelas, Small-Pox, Typhoid Fever, Bilious Fever, their action being soothing, healing, cleansing, purifying, instead of griping, i and "After ox- amining these Lilla," writes the Professcr, "I find them compounded of ingredients of GREAT MURITY, and are frec from Mercury and other dangerous sub- stances, aud prepared with ekill and care. Having long known Dr. Radway as a scientific gentleman of high attainments, I place every confuse Lis remedies and statements, * ¥ "LAWRENCE REID, © Sdn Ray, Chemistry." * Dr. Syday 4 Stevens" iy Jreatm tment' of Cure b Radway's Pills Tefamation o of yb i sia--Costiveness--Soarlet Blogs Fe roi we" U. 8. INVALID Hosrrrar, New Yor Dr. RApWAY & Co.: I send you for publication the bi Gi of my treatment with Your Fills in the folowing Case. ~Inflammation of {he Bowels, John C. Chapmau, aged this four, was seized ou the night of - Bnd of Uetober inflammation of the bowels; was called at 10 'p.5t. ; gs Lad then Teen eufferin over three hours; had not aL assuge for six da ing six of your: ills, and applied the Ready It tell to to the abdomen' in a few min utes the pain cedred, he fell iuto a calm sleep; at 4 Aa he bad.a free evacuation; at9 A.M. eat his breakfast; at 11 A., more pills, and for fiyd ta S day; he is How "ell an iooced fu R ¥emoy ing all ave him six ve him' thice pills jer ay: In all aces A of ne i Covered C ioned places, every lawful day, Sho 8be Whitby after the arrival of the Morn| ng Trains, and reaching Prince Albert in time to connect with the Stage for Manilla and the North. Leaves Port Perry and Prince' Albert after the arrival of the Manilla Stage, and reaches Whitby time for the early trains, east and west. FARES REASI LE! J3" Ba and Parce the risk of the 0] owner, booked and T. 5 . ROBSON, Proprietor. WhithyyJan. 17 1866. 2-ly in | with bilious fever Tor at ily hours. six fix of you your pills Srey omg Hour. sid give |miecent NOW. Br 50 Cav Sarah Ex the hard, | danger by a or le dose 0 eight in six hours, 14 lead cl oli hd give! he ins oe doses-- #iX to eight, and a fo wincglass of water every vk i eli 2nd Canad ruce, Frxi heniyi 0 Sra. on N six, enlled at attacked ve him waim our Lours Lie was Ey, Lealthy. yea ed with ours for 0 Ready it to on, " soar | rt gave her 2 {vey four Bouts; pr ETI ik, Is in cases of Jib Spgs of the ts our nese, i "Indigesticn, Cestivels nye vor' or pity and English Pink Dental Rubber; New and |¥ 3 lieve icin rnd Vuleanite Base for Arti- EA un Seite eiico aon ils nd [EEE tifioial Teeth ! 1 ements Seles ons Ss SOUR AID. int, Wrbrivae, fi Pherations Jorrrmed oe the skill an ive sat- op or no ge, an and atp cos whiah defy and H: D.|4 SR or for . Sale... [1 Janell Be Yoo aa HE subscriber ¢ oligs hor Sala Lot No.|" | 15, in he 13 3th, and, a Xo, 15, in the | quged 4th concession Township of Reach, ort Gane. D Rev. r ort an uld, Esq, aud J. Bolster, M. B, 5 a ENRY; ROBINSON. Swieidels, Feb, 21, oh A ty _{ Fever, Small Pox, and #0 red in nine gmcid ie Fever, earlct ptive" Fevers; their onje, and id #perient properties rexder ous 4 STEVENS, a AD. {Suppression of, the Hystetics, 1 'Nervousness Cured, : J., Oct. 10t Dz. RADWAY: rou SA sud Keady ro Ved: utp: ters: In June last the was 0 ontls her monies it bleod, For Sale in Pri ES. R n Driggs and T.C Cc. > Win + Forman ful plying" Ss ovine lide ' pe.