mt tani New A a Sai i BIOIOI TIS! MONEY TO LOAN. ET al Bilver and Green cs bought y2 90; 000 iFresh Arriva Apply at the far-famed Manchester | OF THER JAMES HOLDEN, : ; of A b ve ar 5 10 : bile, Aucti __ JOHN HODGSON. I : personal ann ad Rerznxyoss kindly permitted to T. N. Gibbs, g Are constantly being received Apply AMES HO undermen Lands, seized b; A aa rtay J: 0: Wyameron, Ee ET s Virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, | M. B. P., Toronto; Rev. J B. Worrell Official gnee, Land, and irec A ad ev. 1B, Juba iia Fo vier tbr Difiso--MoMillan's New Block. k yf oie 13, 1865. 49:00 MONEY TO. LOAN 1! $100,000. -- NE HUNDRED D THOUSAND dollars to Loan ¢ on Mortgage security, in sun.e ~ | to suit t 's, at a very rate of ted, at the suit of L.. B. Ci rdon, RICHARD, EDWARDS, Plaintiff, tor of the Manchesier Ware ios, ir Bi Ney Ste Md Soi PRINCE ALBERT, a John Clark, Esq. J Manilla ; Jonaian "Hod fon, | Wig most Popular Rem 23st DANIEL 'PARLIAMENT, Denfendant. | 7 vis Mhe East half of the South-half of Lot No. wel Sain" George Heuman, ide 1 col espie, ' Twelve in the thirteenth concession of the Y Bre Bon Vrooman, ry Brethour, Esq., ji iy pam ., Vroomanton, BESS to return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of onch ani and joing Townships for their liberal support, and assures his patrons that he is determi Sell Hoots an d Shoos of the dest description at the very And at much REDUCED PRICES offered to the Pul TOMLINSON'S Township, of Brock fami v= LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE, IT | Drookim ro OT'€. | As he has heretofore done, extraordinary advance in thé price in all kinds of th concession of the said Townsh Soniaining iy" admessarnens Serene A g Lentber. Ho has naw on oman avy iin Cottons, Shirting, Prints, Tickings, Gamhroass, Summer Coat- "NELSON G. REYNOLDS, La DAWES. " workmanship fal fails, eit will bs repaited free charge. ts and Sho of & - Sao Sheriff C. 0. IDALER Oller Dito, Croat he | from the Montreal Market, sultable for & eT, ot acs sad Sod Cheap for © i Ready-made Clothing, Ladies' Hats and onnets, Men's (] "Wichy, Sepk. 6, 1866. 36-4 | G3 Horse and Cattle Medicis alway. | Prince Albert, Sept. 13, 1866. Straw and Felt Hats t variety: . w and Fe ats, in great vari gy i ra For the cure of Pain (both Externe] i NOW PAINT Sip BOOTS AND SHOES i ] ; . The greatest Pain Curing Remedy yet o ' ROOD ASD ih x Cash paid for Wool. discovered, y i ITA SENN A . PN NOTICE. " 00 one ! Cash paid for Wheat. Pa ena. WITS [This Hi - . . ww ha, A. rgd) Ky iven, tht the PORT PERRY ! EVERY ONE INTERESTED | ! Cash paid for Oats. Give it one fair trial and you will use Na Terminer, aud General Gaol = . - no other. = the Ca ¢ Ontario, | INLAR F ; ; 3 ARE Bel: Jovi be toiien ounty of Ontario SH & AINT If you are in want of a good home made article, call at Currie & Ross. Jie acknowleds ed Ly those who lve used hl other remehies of ti nd, to be the best an ah ouse, in the Town of Whitby, on Prince Albert, June, 13, 1866. > ie Mu most valuable of any known, for the diseases for Monday, Octobe 15, 18686, | BF" Albere, Boreln: Monchesier, 'aod Ww ' ay, Oc r y rinee T rel anc! hestet, au At the lyr of 3 o'clock, noon, of which all surrounding country that they have J - R X G H T S which it is recommended. FEY Justices of the Peace, Coroners, and all others (0) ened a Sh 3 Sold by all medicine dealers. HHL a be °P'BOOT & SHOE STORE NEW re ne en XN Port P I i ra NELSON G. REYNOLDS, |" T°" prepared to executs al kinds of bd iu iio largest bottle of medicine of the. ing ER Sail Sheriff, C.0- ype . . PRINCE ALBERT: ® Manufactured by the proprietor, two Shel s i - 2, Whitby, September 4, 1866. 34-2w Sign, A LL home made work warranted. If the workmanship gives out, it will be mended oars esp of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince By Fresco, free of charge. rt, C. W. i DIVISION COURTS Banner, ° NOW ARRIVING !--An immense Stock of Boots and Shoes, purchased in the Cana- X 111 ot ; dian Markets, which will be sold at prices highly satisfactory to the buyer. 4 THE 3 FOR THE and Ornamental Read the following List of Prices: FOR 1866. - fe Re --_---- County of Ontario. PAINT IN GV 3 ; -- Stop ove the Carpenter Shop of Meer. 1 Men's Cowhide Boots from $2 25. SILVER SKIRT A No. 1, Whitby, ... Sept st, 1866. Maw & Sons, Port Perry 1 Men's Kip Boots from $2 75. SRA a3 DJ 3 "« 3, Pickering, ad, * | oT in iy fr Soriae Tinta Ontario Men's Cobourgs from &1. HE Subscriber has now received the largest Stock.of Goods ever brought into EN " " " ' - a 8 Manchest 80 | Gi ariages pained tn goodie ae| Womens' Lace Boots 81 25. EL EL Ne i ood " 3 . -. ' *¢ " 5, Canuington,. Oct. 9th * reasonable rates. MARSIE& FAING Womens' Congress Gaiters, elastic sides, $1 50. whic Io m most respectfully invites the attention of all who are in waat of Goods that 0% "4 Beaverto « 10th, " INT. are e. MORE ELASTIC !! \y " Sr Hates » « jagm, Port Perry, April 29, 1866. 17], This Stool 1s far & ae Superior to any 1 by myuef in the bn 1 Dursons spssquiiated with the T.esihis Having no need or desire tn boast of ¢ former popularity," being perfectly satisfied {& : Zz BURNHAM, terms, RIAA an 10 leave that to a discerning public, it being a well known fact that the BEST GOODS MORE GRACEFUL!!! ME * Judge C. 0 f Cash paid for Hides, dios and Bark, at all times. wre always is be found at the subscriber's Store. 1 would only sly give me a call and A Aug. 29, 1866, J. WRIGHT. Sr aoog ihm yuu sap makes beter selection for the same money than at any other And will keep ita Shape ands velain.. its. Place Whitby, Aug 15,1866. Servant Girl Wanted dad DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GEO. CURRIE. Prince Albert, Aug. 29, 1866. 4-tf EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. OF THE "County of Ontario! HE Annual Examination of the Common T's hool Teachers in the County of Ontario, will take place on the 4th & 5th days of OCTOBER next, 'Within the Grammar School Buildings, in Whitby & Uxbridge, Commencing at the Fespective places, at the hour of nine o'clock a. Bi All applicants are tire to be forward good season on the Ja and to produce sat- irbeory testimo f moral their respective Min iS (SaNNI ALVA) OCOo& CF 'NOSE0Y 9 "I INI 4d § IV "NWOT 'LHIATV TONITE a bi Houlid fans Horses and Car- from By order of the Board, April 19, 1866. R. H. THORNTON, D. D., ells . : A hai Odie, Sake 2666 Sec'y B. BL PORT MERRY at 'and under Cost Prices, in order to make room for their ire oe I Sout. 2 : i Al % New York. LF TOMLINSON'S LIVERY S' STABLES f T. S. SPERRY, Supt. 32-14y. I MACKENZIE, Propetar. The publ ' : "chs Horses and Cur: s| Grovesteen & Co, « supplied with first-c riages, at moderate rates. ic er- Ty i000 NEWS FOR ALL HE SUBSCRIBERS will dispose of the balance of their|, Summer STOCK OF GOODS Fall Stock! In Dress Goods will be found a selection of over toh yards (al new) in a Lustre, | 500 Janls Samiyraons, Alpaca, and Rugsel cord rlear A 0 ow nettes, Reps, 0= 1000 oan Banos in red, white, plak, "Blue, rs, Cobo bourgs, Cash Vy reges, De- cked, and some of the very finest White Tain es, &c.,--a beautiful lot of Good: Welsh, worth $1.60 per yar. 6500 yards' Prints of all kinds, in oy width Alot of Blo] Denims, Drills, Tickings, Logging ghiZ) sonia yard and kp Wards, a args) Cloths, Linens, Hollands, &. ot of Hoyle's own no imitation), an some of the finest Chintz Prints ever im- A splendil Jot of Meats' als, fn Straw, Pelt, Josted, and at the sme prices as others sell | A Jarge assortment of Book, Jaconett, Obecked on quali 4700 yaniy Grey Cottons, Shizting and Steam- | ye "Maent assortment of Ladies' Delts, Belt loo Ribbons and Buckles, to be had in any es- tablishment, with a large lot of Dress i- Joins inal in all the Sarjelics of Simp, and Beaded Cord, 100 Beautiful shawls (some real novelties), Mantles, Parasols, Ladies' Ifuts and Bonnets, To a I BL s Tweeds an othe, some rea beautiful silk mixture, Doeskins , &e. y Fancy Buttons, 0 ie 'With a fine assortment of Grouries, Hardware, Crockery, &c. A first rate assortment of GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Some of the Weatherfield Onion Seed, the best seed in America. Soliciing an early call as goods must and will be sold at the very lowest possible advance on rns Op would also beg to intimate that I have secured the services of one of the best Tailors in the Province, all goods required to be made up can be depended on being done in the very best style the country can produce, Parties bringing their own cloth can have them made up on the best or terms. A trial solicited. Wanted any quantity of Butter; &c., for which the highest price will be paid. T. C. FORMAN. better than ang other Skirt, This new ard beautiful style of Skirt (Patented March 7, 1865,) was awarded by the Grear AMERICAN INSTITUTE Fair, held in New York, October, 1863, a Silver Medal!! The highest premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated wire (in place of a cotton covering, which will not wear off or become soiled, an the whole skirt may be washed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be as good as new. |THE COMBINATION SILVER SKIRT. This invention combines with the ordinary cotton Skirt, the advantages of our SILVER SKIRT ; the bottom hoops are the same ns those used in the Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones are covered with cotton. No lady, having once worn one of our Skirts, will be willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon injured and soiled. The best materials are used in their construc- tion, and, from their durability and neatness they are destined to become (5A FAVORITE SKIRT.) Manufactured and sold by the Silver Skirt and PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, health in a few weeks, by a very simple Tenis; Xp NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE HH EMT) TUESE PIANOS, received the Highest Award of ho A FE hel Parties wishing bargains will avail themselves of V from Lo Yi Now York: Sit i " 3 F35:E Tr Mena at ! FIVE SUC- at 14 - "/ 8 k-F 5 / = W |e in EY oll Tron ii Cholera Remedy iM This Opportunity moe ror ial bt] P P Noite * Trees, Gr} ra pe Vines, Shrubs, |i a rater vr ibe ea Cholera, Cholera Morb Cramp in the <= ) BEEZ Ho : 5 ; Our facilities joe Exnfcioring enable us 30 sel these Stamach tes. Sperry on od ir A LARGE STOCK OF GENTS AND LADIES Roses, Strawberries, Hedge Plants, &c. | lpimmens from $100 wo $200 Cheaper than any fit 3 bh oxp>s ¥ Bod Complaeaty So prevalent Ge 2iiT HAVING YET ON HAND 'OVER A, Exvors of Youth. house should have a bottle on hand. TE | De man tele Juflcted for yours, om Nervoot rove by all medicine teale an routhful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering manufacturer, | two doors ioe 's is £L3 umanity, send free 10 all who need it, the recipe and Howl Prince Albert. $2 " phy lott pil be pig 123 and 25 cents per Bottle. 35. 5 tiser's ApeHionce, tun do why afirewns oe w. 4, TOMLINSON, 51 3 d Sh & £ th No. 13, Chambers St , New York. F > c., of the gos ster 1h Boots avd Slee; So T0 CONSUMPTIES. The undersigned having been restored fo _-- SEWING MACHINE CO. Principal Office, 616, Broadway, NEW YORK. Money to Toss ! At a Low Xate of Interest. LATEST STYLES Just received and for sale CHEAP. I WILL SELL THEM FOR THE after having suffered several years vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Con- drat anxious to make known to his fel- low sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he ill song pond a Sop of the MPROVEME. Sewing Machi Emp Sn Cra Motion Sawing Machine ver] Apply to tia thus re vod nolssices fn Action, lis wok ion D. ADAMS, '| prescription used (free of charge), wi the, i lng ee ices: culled sons new | Prince Albert,--Offiee over T. C. Forman's Store, LOWEST L 1 i NG Jb ok pening ad 5 1; an, Wh 5 oe Hi Apnts Sai, Sher a JOHN ADAMS, : Asthma Bronehi Coughs, , Colds, eo. The i Toron t of the advertiser in sen re- pis PE SEWIKG NE 00. | : nto, { , » % sc nly hie is to Benet the piticted, hi spread 5 Y TREES are well grown, stout bodied and healthy, and are giving goneral satis- " Brown & Christian. M faction throughout this Province, and when the se ection 18 left to me, 1 will guat- aud he hopes ew BYetX sullecer will try bis remedy, Furniture Warerooms Ww. H. PARK Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, © PRINCE ALBERT. : tof Cabinet Furni A no at hand 4 gs ad pe a n 5 y which he Cup- 10 order by first class p and w hold Forn pro 1 § Li eS of CONTIN au Sakon reat In. anal wi] be promt 'PRINCE ALBE RT ! Wholesale and Retail Agent, forwas! tot without ag All orders i in fois 'branch of his business wi Dh: in D Paant Modine felon, (Dt 24 Paints, fa ly Porcumery) Trusses; 70. RN NORE RIES fo prics paid in CASH for Rotomut Lumber. _ W. H. PARK, h aad & : Br Sahes, Som es a Bhysieiaus prescriptions. | - " 2 he ws Sign of the Red White and' hin hg or gees 1666. © F Port Perry, Aug. ¥ 1866. ia Rosi, 1866. i gy q i and Centre Tablee, of newest syle. Joy anicieof | of House- |. MANCHESTER. Aug. 23, 1866. y e fruit grown in the Toronto Nurseries is indisputably the best particular attention to the fact that since the establishment of Provincial Exhibitions, I have not failed to 'carry off the First Prize yor THE Best DisPLAY OF Frurr,~ except in one instance, and that year I did - exhibit. And | in the case of the last exhibition in Hamilton, in the Fall of 1864, jered of so superior a nature, that the judges in addition to antee their success. Th in the Province of Canada. 1 would call R. WILSON, DRUGGEST, OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, the 4 Prize rn them a DirroMa. Mr. Thos, Guy, Mr. Morris, Mr. Golden, Mr. White, Mr, C. C. Kellett, Mr. Card, and Mr, Pringle Are now soliciting orders in this and adjoining Counties, and with much pleasure I can confidently recommend them to my numerous patrons and the public geaerally. All orders sent to the subscriber will be p lly led to. J. "H. BE. HOGG, P: wishing the Dresusiption FREE, by re tug ih BWARD A WILSON, oy illiamsbugh, Kings County, KEROSENE AND GAS STOVES | Tea and Coffee Boilers, Glue Pots, 0il Cans, 80. 3" All the Cooking for a be done with