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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Sep 1866, p. 1

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; ; \ es p A & : : Rig Ne ARR / = i ; x TE EIR ) eee ---- ----- - r-- -- -- eee - . ! i * m---- A Ny i v A. -- ye VOL. IX, No. 38] PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONT ARIO, C. W., THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1866. [WHOLE No. 506 nhari E. MAJOR, - H. Burnh x : Eipsi bhog 4 ; ; " t TT 481 er, INSECED AUCTIONEER for the Cour " urnham, Literature In Elysiem, crumbling down, deep down, hving in the neighbvurhood. The cloth determined to prevent it--bat 100 late. And : L of Ontario. Terma made known. pcs nly CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, . a wreck. was cleared, wing was passing freely round | all the rest you know, my reading friends ; 2 A WEEKLY Salefixed, at the Osssrver Office. Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store, T=--==----=----o=---- | Qur favourite time for walking was 1n [for a moment was forgetful of my own [and what remains is foo soon told. My POLITICAL, ABRICULTURAL, 08. H. WALSHE PORT PERRY, C.W A Mistake and its Consequences the summer evening ; and once, as we | great load, and joined in the general talk. Emmeline died that night ! ; AND ICENSED i WALSH ne Towne] = --_ Ware tracking our way through the silent hd the bye," said my neighbor to a gen-| And oh, asl write, her sweet face seems FAMILY NEWSP fhe Brosh, Thorsh, Mars & Jama in| TMIONEY TO LOA A hia i parvo, so and meas ior § 106 | Leman siting oppeefe, +o you know, | even new locking down spon me in pardon w APER, orth ete., in ok Fama in, NE wail LOAN, --- nervous, soft and tremolous, « Here I must Mauston, tharfamily who "have lately taken |and in love! Isee her in every scene of 18 PUBLISHED AT THE Victoria, co-- Brock. Or- i . VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, | ders left 3% this office; or at his ence will be AT Low Ram ES OF INTEREST. I xnow not if the words of an old man will leave you for to-night: I have a call to | Melborough Hall 2 beauty. Her form is ever beside me. and COUNTY OF ONTARIO, aly hn hy nen |" MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE have much weight with my young fair make' and then, as ifin answer to my | ¢ Certainly ; very well,} was the reply ; | all I'hope is that I may not linger long sy waar ies, gpd r pt emitts os Prince Albert, | fiends, more especially when that old man | inquiring looks, ¢ 1 date say you will won-|¢ do you want an introduction ? The |upon this weary earth ; but may close my EVERY THURSD AY M ORNI NG, tario Auctioneer, TT mieoor | is, 100, a bachelor; buc let me hope that if | der, but I will tell you all about it soon : bat | daughter I euppose, eh 7 Well, she is | woeful life, and go hence. O Emmeline! 1 oY THOMAS COURTICE, . BARBER & PYE, my words have little forcb, my sorrows may | I cannot, may not apeak about it now.' I {beautiful, aud us good ms fair; but no|feel that day is fast coming. BAIRD & PA RSONS SALE Harness and Tronk Manotae | Architects, Railroad, Building and Land Surveyors, | have more ; and if my pen is disregarded | stood as in a trance. Her form was reeed- chance, my dear fellow, no chance ; she is ett y 5 turer, Simeoe street, Prince Albert, Every- | * VALUATORS &C &C for the truths it tells, then let the heart's [ing through the leafy shade, and I was left [a nun in all but the name.' - BEAUTIFUL EXTRACT. < > EB pt tan. +t maid ie ii] ing it the Jine opt Cnty 0 hand, Shop OSHAWA, o w, " still eloquence speak through the pangs it | alone with my thoughts, doubts, mustrusts,| ¢ Harlington ; Emmeline Harlington." . To I iC not paid within that lime, $2.00. No sub: RE prepared to furnish Plans, Details and | *Ufered--ay, and suflers yot. Time may, my fears and hopes. More inexplicable | 1 felt as though struck with paralysis. ft| The following Seautiful tribute to Noman { aim taken for leas | than aix guts; and no paper R, WALSH, 3 ; A. Specifications, for public buildings, private [and often does, soften the poignancy of | than ever ! What could it mean ? If worthy | was the fitst lime since our wretched part. | W88 Written several years ago. It occurs in | viata SLC EL pnd el whut ht Fe Bu PAT SOE many an oon efrot use of ht sve, woe sees) ran 1 Umea aur a ay, Spr voit <The i RATES OF ADVERTISING Pricing aca ime bequainted with the mode of | Uridfes, tombstones, patent rights, mills and | ot life-long grief; but memory wll assert | confidence ? Web itouly friendship, esteem, | from other lips than my own. With almost | Ioken heart,'--its author, Dr. F. J. Straton : 'i ricking and trimming ; and can treat success. | Machinery, can be had on the shortest possible its own supremacy, and while imagination regard --call it what you will but love-- | breathless eagerness, I listened ; and with |' Ob the priceless valve of the love, of a > Pure woman ! Gold cannot purchase a gem For each line, first insertion . - . $0.08 disease -- | notice. sal : 8 insertions, perline - . . 0.02 Bly ay dma Th he rs Wc Mr. Pye is recently from Manchester, England, | is picturing the, happiness which might | that she had felt for me ; and the touch-stone | the quickness of lightning, for the first Curds, under 6 lines, per annum - , 500) -- CE pd spurious in desighing, sur | hyve boon, olden recollections tell, too | of approaching matrimony had revealed the | time, a thought entered my mind which had so precious! Titles and honors confer upon the heart no such serene happiness. In Advertisements measured in Nonpareil, and charged Specimen Designs Jnuy bs seen in the Reading | truly, alas ! why such felicities-are not. So truth to her? Had I been made a blind, a [never found place there before--would to P " necording to the space they occupy. 0 A L Room, Oshawagor may be had on application to that if [ am wlous, asold men are wont | cal's-paw, a scape-goat, to hide some other | heaven that it had! Unmarried! Was it | ©0F darkest moments, when disappointment Advertisements received for publication, without spe. H. R. BARBER. gar pane an rey pe-goat, 1 er > red:+ and ingratitude, with corroding cure, gather en tinmtructions, wil be inserted wntil forbid, 'and W. H. PYE. to be, I pray you to bear with me ; if tedious, | lover's treachery ? Oh, how my brain reel- possible that by some fatal blindness on my 8 ® 8 » B out nti paid for" 7. Noadveilisement will be taken Oshawa, Ang. 30, 1866. 34 pardon me; but if from my narration you | ed as these tormenting furies in the shape of part [ might have been mistaken? No ; thiok around, and even the gaunt form of wi diberal discount allowed to Merchants and others TT Th A ArT can gether aught that may save you one | thoughts passed through my tortured bram. |did I mot see (hem ? Ah l~no, alas! | | POverty,menaces with his skeleton fir.gers oy uy Special tice thea et of which isto promote ' 1 D. M. CA RD, tithe the pangs | sufler, then will you freely | One thing I could do; I could follow but [could not be mistaken | But the conversa gleams wn the "ul with = Sul pecuniary benekit of any individual or company, io ICENSED AUCTIONEER, Collector of | forgiv Il my faulte, and I shall si fury, jealousy, nay r Il urged me | t od smile. Time cannot mar its brillianey ; be considered un advertisement, and charged d- y e give me all my faulte, and I shall sip one Ys) Ys y revenge, all urged me | tion was resumed. . : ch : ~ i wn -- and ¢ Sr Se i Lemmon Comin, Whee in or out drop of happi from having preserved it |on ; and so, with stealthy step and cautious | ¢ What's the reason. so good and excel- | distance will not strengthen its influence ; hered to. anes red-| Port Perey Agency. instructions." Sales Belly attended any-| 10 others, and, by dwelling on my own sor- | movements, I passed through the under- | lent a creature should not have bestowed bate 40d DU Sanat imi oo Diggien . = ig crmmly increasing importance of the North JOSEPH BIGELOW, Olarges moderate. Days for Sales sppojated on | ©%# Perhaps save many a one endurance | wood. As I arnived at the outskirts of ihe | her virtues upon some one with aspirations | follows the prisager into his dark cell, an x ey ver wore ef he Opti vEn Actas application at the Ouskuvi Ofce. Al Jesters of the like. cope, at but a short distance before me | worthy of them and her? Some little ro- | Weetens the hard morsel that appeased his Eltron, land i forwarding Will receive sha rapa oatride Post Office, | * op, wise could have foretold, when, wan- | stood a cottage. At the door was stationed | mance, I suppose.' { hunger, and in the silence of midmght it oeal aud Senoral news given, w Il be by | ------------ 2 dering b the umbrag foliage of | Emmeline's old nurse. «Ah! ah 1' thought | ¢ Partly right," said Muston ; ¢ there was | Plays around his heart, and in his gg - local paper ed in a. i ce rari Dokels, &o WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y | savour hauni--my Emmeline on hr 1 5 Fo complete Ao she, wher ag methine. She was ang wt | bo Io willy hough the word han wormed i { Pamph Jos DEPARTHENP, at a or palfrey, which she loved, for it was my gift | 40d gratitude should have led her change to Yowoilhy Nessie vilely, basely sind » Te es or U bd or he "amphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, P Bill = : : . : virtue, was guiding her to vice. Car fully was on my feet in an instant, ¢ A lie , Blank F " " "VW _ | on her eighteenth birthday, 1 walking b hy 8! 8 olully |. | y : vrcalars, Business. { a Check Douiey REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER! TORONT o » C. * | her side, listening to the Tia > concealed behind atres, I watched, my [cried | overwhelmed with passion. + She | hand of the loved lie ig Wot 10 1h oaly sufferer and the portion administered by the very st) la aid color, executed promptly, and at lower heart nigh bounding frém my by was the one who falsely played--she it was + Los than at muy other establishment in this county. 5 g "om my. Dieast with Y piay same hand, loses half its bitterness. The Varties from » distasice getting hand bills, &e., printed, -- : : ; over-wrought anxiet Minutes--to me | who dashed the cop from my lips. 1 am have them done 10 1ake hone with ier ----- : cultivated mind--now the maiden blush 8! ys ules 10 a . il folly adjusted by her brings ve- BAIRD, ¥. H. PARSONS. HAYne purchased the above hotel, and has Capital, =m 84.00,000. suffusing her fair cheek, as she checked the | !ike hours--passed, and then Jum inal ther the fi¥ing. frat of Hor Seay. AN pe. MIA d her ih of furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors : rch stood Emmeline, and by her side a | 80 again I say--a lie I" a: warmth her love for the beautiful around us | P® , y The end of this outbreak was too clear. | kind encouragement revive the sinking «1851. | voice, and the intellectual effusions of her PROPRIETOR. INCORPORATED,.. ' GEO. MICHIE, Fsq A -------------------------- 3d dps, rosy uitsntion paid_to geste Jaspayr.. on y RICH | had betrayed b man--young and handsome, He looked ] es to and from y ly. Careful | Pick-Presip EON. J. McMURRICH | had betrayed her into; then the soft, blue, | MAN e oe t 'God; comipas= | SB usiness Mivectory, sic asad |P Siam JAM ES PRINGLE. AN | bewitching eyes, bent on me, with the | ith a gaze of love and fondness; and she We W'S 19 det 9 yayOIea}. . ; ng Naud ves a ii ad { GEO. W. JONES, M. D, COTPAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, Travelling Agent, : lig parted lips, as she listened to my orurged buy Sede. At thos =0 A a sald Night still enshiouded the dark walls of planted this jewel in her breast, whose - \ WYSICIAN, Suigeon, and Obstetrician, HE subscriber wishes to inform the ly y ee emam-- County of Ontario 8 wistseno® io a she utter. it--they kissed and parted. A cold sweat | Melborough Hall, and the cold breezes of | heavenlike influence should cast into forget 3 . : g Niet torres Lil T traveling public that he has taken the THE COMMERCIAL UNION es nen fede \d hoe,and then came suffused my throbbing brow, my eyes re- | approaching daybreak stuck me: with a | fulness man's remembrance of the Fall, by 5 i ¥. H BRATHWAITE, M. D, C. M., Jhove hotel, w/ ich be Moa Stted and furnished A Co rsecioft loshin carried away by the fused their office, my limbs shook, and with | chill, as I gazed with fascinating look up at | building up in his heart another Eden, where ¥ NA RADUATE of the University of McGill | With careful attention; can always be found.--. ssurance mpany, 5% y ry ie 9 Savoeinees; ] a deep groan I fell upon the sward. the windows of thejhouse. Emmeline was perennial flowers forever bloom and crystal a ' iE Dalisge, Primos Alu sician, Surgeon n and Goad stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive 19 & 20 Corsmi, LONDON, 0 any arg Tes; lio Let me pass by the night and day that [there I Ob, if but once more I could see | waters gush from exhaustless fountains. Ny co--the ho s a Ten lately occupied by Dr. Agnew. R. A HRA 385 & 387 Sr. -- Sr, MONTREAL, | told 2--bat | am dwelling 100 long upon followed. No pen can depict my grief, my | her--speak to her ! for the last few hours I ------ -- Greenbank, Fel'y 13,1866. 6-1 Se 0 -- 3 Ye - = ing | F*8¢ my jealousy,--nought but imagina- | had wrought a wondrous change. - It was * DR. WARE, pita bil TR... CAPITAL £2,500,000 OR $12,500,000. rer, poevnieulifon all nothing tion an do jiiefioo to my state of mind. | probable that death might meet me with the ur pice- ox, And as evening again drew on, and our [coming dawn ; and yet I had not been so ; 3 usual time of meeting approached, how I | cool and calm for years. Again had that| 4 paper out west says that one of their TRONER for the County of Ontario, C *hysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Je wett's H otel HIS Company affords perfect security to the| Two years assed on--and two such hls ? ¥! p © wonld take th unity of informing his KENT STREET, LIND assured, and offers the advantages of a mu- | iwhii ie trends thal during i ics om mon en: iin NDSAY. tual office, with freedom from all liability. yous No milter the Uighting cares of the reveelled in the very thought that I should | thought intruded itself : ¢ Might I not have | orators spoke for a couple of hours--and was Throat an; rt which he can be consulted, | Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive JOHN H. BROWN, yo Sms znxiovn soon unmask this traitress. been mistaken ? Was it not possible 10 | sensible to the Jast ! with the" ther branches 'of his profession. or. ostler always in attendance Agent, [rouble come, she stilled the whirlwind : : Ly on 4 T-ly Manchester. | with a smile, and ail was calm What was As I reached the usual spot, I saw her. | explain the cause of all my-grief, my misery | po non that plays at once on the trum- reasonable terms, at his residence in Prince -- i Albert. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. the winter storm to me ? The winds might O heaven, what I felt! There was no shade my wrelchedness 2 The idea that it might pet of fame and the horn of a dilemma got Drs. McGILL & RAE, Saintfield Hotel. J. D. Cottingham, how! their mmost, the elements in fury Sod, Eve wa the Sp Sook of Wpsinees id 7 ining Vay b my Juughts; aN, his first idea of music on hearing a hay-cock PRSICIANS, Surgeons, &c., ke. Office and Ls roar--but by her parents' fireside, it was one | | oC ore Was no an Y oni DO 8 ating up y ined. | CTY» While he was tying a knot in a cord Residences, King street, Oshawa. HIS house being new, commodious, and well DENTIST : f her brow. ¢ Oh, hypocrite I" said I, be- thinking it might be hers, I determined, of wood, Wa. Mai, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M, B, furnished throughout, the puhlic hi ? Tonal sommer-rilie i aunshing of her ween my teeth, ¢ was ever treachery so should I pass through the approaching trial : : islati = To oo --------| lim with their custom may depend on finding ---- looks warming and cheering me and every b bo din a form so fair' Qh, | unhurt, at once to, know the .whole and| A Vill being brought before a legislative it F. OAKLEY, M.D, oF ouvehients heculiary to their comfort at- TEETH Extracted. one; and the gladdening smile of the hi) on Sra ' e 10 me--how en rly satis) " self. > body for the regulation of liquor dealers, a 5 ANILLA. Office and Residence,--the late es B Sttonaan hg, an attentive Ostlers | . 0 ™ moo, Sealed and Regulated. mother always met me, the hospitable, open Ny Joke Sa t ge YI h il 1 broke, 1 | distinguished member said : ¢ Mr. Speaker, residence of Dr. Bain, D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Teeth filled with Gold, Silver, or Cement. heart of the fath 1 I put forth her willing hand !--but no--to be| So passed the night. As dawn broke, I very much approve of the bill. The deal . -- : - Teeth inserted in Gold, Silver, or Rubber And, as Ne re Todd Re deceived again !--never ! 1 saw it all. She [saw two figures emerge from a gate of the ih mn all Hh appr Ynavae:l was oe yell' J : i i ? 9 "la isc this w ds and walked to the place of meel- i Rh er se | DAT OR, LOTS, | firms wi sinte ro, 2,8 J 0, Hd ply J L000 LA (0 i Bitsy Notary Public, Conyeyancer, UTICA. ae 7 ot bi expesteit folake ary work say, as I triumphantly cried «Checkmate I clutched her hand, 1 ed her wrist. of one, how well I knew it! It wasthe| 'Whatdid Mr. Hoke die of 2' asked a ro Store. Alpert: ver 1. C. Forwians 20D dati f Careful i Particular attentio Paid to the regulation of [* Not yet, my boy, 'not yet your mate,' for I looked with a mad sine upon her till she | same that stood at the cottage porch--the | Simple neighbour. .¢Ot a complication of 3 10 tl SIequfremonls y travelers and guests. | children's teeth, which should be an important | he loved his Ittle joke, and laughed right shrunk with fear. " Ab, guilty, guilty 1" | same that frightened my poor mind to mad- disorders,' replied his friend." + How do you re . 5 ! bar supplied with the; best wines, liquors and consideration with every parent. For at that . . s i icati i COCHRANE & COCHRANE, cigars. Good stabling. ho time of second dentation the identity of the | heartily, like many others, at his own, 1 thought. 1 ; « she dare not meet my eye." | ness, and made 1t what it was. All my old | Jeseribe such a complication, mv dear sir 2' Me ARRIS >, 3 . 3 H . . B Art gy uy Soames sae OL 7 POpHistor. ET Othoe mad eal sce-- BORELIA, never discovered but one cause of trouble in | , Falee, false I" cried ; « the veil is rent, | feeling of rage and jealousy sprung up, and | fle died," answered ihe olhai, *of i $2 ~ort Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. THE ROBSON HOUSE! Boy Claes Polio taken at cash price. oar Peppy sireio ier ia a Sracolvss the mist has passed away ; nor can your|then I longed for the time to pour my re- physicians, an apothecary, and a surgeon. 9 HUDSPETH & MARTIN LATE, SORIPTURE'S HOTEL, is, Rept. Gy, 1980. 5ly3- dig at. Jag X AE ae fair form hide from me now your black, | venge on some one's head, it scarcely mat- The day-laborer, who earns with horny 3 s DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, WwW, never ascot 4h Never told. perfidious heart I I know it--saw it all.-- | tered whose. hand and the sweat of his face coarse food ! only knew that mention of his name Away from me ! away I" 'And with a jerk | The morn was broken, the sun quickly | tor a wife and children whom he loves, 18 A Cntr ent de. bo. Soticeors for GEORGE ROBSON, - - . PROPRIETOR, lock, Kent street, Lindsay. HE Subscriber be amnounce tha y brought a elovd to the father's brow, a 18aT | of the'arm Lihrew her from. me, and has- | cast a lovely light around, and 1 perceived raised, by this generous motive, to true A H T criber begs to announce that he has 5 to th hes', H PAN Hupsrarae P. 8. Marti, i leased be building formerly known as Serp- PORT PERRY 91. not o 2 859. 4 owned to ink tened from thespot. Oh, I was mad--I | my friend had reached the rendezvous. | diguity, and, though wanting the refine- so Ta term of years, 38 of hm as the cause ight to many o ae d ading friend i ickly joined them. Endeavors at ex- f Jif h fi i NORMAN F. TERSO renovated and re-fi the building throug}, 4 know I was--and do, dear reading friend in quickly jo 8 ments of life, solved by wealth from serving _ (Late of Miller & Lan Joon, out. The premises are Pleasantly stunted, p- LIVERY STABLES i wh ie, of i he had mercy call me so--and so indeed believe planation were asked of me, and refused. others. ' : TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chan posi a Juan the. centre ol wa, n rather than of what he had become; For I loved Emmeline--alas, too| No! I had suffered too long and heavily to ; A 'Gonveyan 1]. The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and MACKENZIE; P Y bl Bhi '|me. For I lo J 8 y ¢ Dr. Parson,' said a man to the great A { the building occupied v3 Deon. goTee In he Sates for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the C. supplied with frsecla Horses 'ad Ons yor ARvat Jrgotng: Sither, that he a. well | be denied redress at last. The ground was |G ecian scholar, with Whom' he: had fra) ANS 1 riages, at moderate rates. ld. any rate he was an exile |o . . . . . . red the skirts of a small planta + : : oo I) Careful Ostlers al i : s 5 Measured on the a Pp disput f you is most con- EN TTORNEY A, HURD, ¥3 Careful Ostiers RD, ROBSON = hors from his parents' roof, } Five years have been added to my life.-- tion, and we took up our positions. Slowly re Shaun ol 3 the Fi '1 EY at Law, Solicitor in Chan- English Pink Dental Rubber; New and| And now, at the height of the sunshine | Five years of restless wandering through [ihe saconds spoke, while the airwas so : ' REVERE HOUSE beautiful Vulcanite Base for Arti- of my happiness came a cloud. = The day | (he highways and by-ways of the world.-- | sill that even our breaths could almost be oy Ka ao opinion of yours that was Sots Qoaveyancer, Notary Public, &c., yO W. : FAREWELL Ni BEAVERTON, C. W. tificial Teeth ! for voy Redding was fixed ; the wold tome The winds of the ocean had echoed my |pheard. z 2 A ules ¢ . Th a . Solicitors and HE Subscriber to announce that he has | . Oo. Di. WAID % ae: ge Paradide: sud E: g and my curses on the destroyers of | « Ready, gentlemen ?* said my friend. ile hoy Soputag with his su v ou : A on lions and acpeca tho shove ighout in she bests! |S UR 6 EO N DENTIST © queen of I. And if my for her my hopes in life ; and the mountain 10s | 4 Yes, yes," said I, «what need of this |®ome subject, hat how remember hawa, style. None but liquors and ; N- » | was strong, passionate, and warm, I was not | had Witnessed my agony of soul povred delay © - what, exclaimed, Is true, for ma said 4. B. FAREWELL, L.L.3. R. WoES, B. A. Ul be in the bar, and his table will be PAain=St, rvrivge. selfish in my love, but felt a kindness for | forth in maddened desperation at my 1088 ;| «Fyre 1' he exclaimed. #0; and if ma says its so, is 0, if it ain't _ CAMERON & MACDONELL, Rished wit 3) Shedolilasics of th jason. Gare TL Dac all the human race ; people, places, circum- nay, I have stood on narrow, Alpine crags, | There was a report--there was a shrill, | ** . ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, ot WM. PARKIN, Proprietor. A pion To ar Rr i stances were tinted by the reflection from repeating to myself the history of my love's heart-searching shriek, and a female fors. A dandy in Broadway, wishing to be & itu: Oot Oomell Ontatio. Offices: | Beaverton, July 27, 1864. 9 action or no charge, and at prices w ch defy'my inmost heart--and there was blise, | fall, till in the gorges of the we-clad recks was hanging on my neck, with hot blood | WittY, accosted an old ragman as follows :-- wo. . |___ = wacom. | COMMERCIAL H OT EL, | Rermuxxcss_Rev. Dr. and _J7. D. [indeed ; but, us I have said, the cloud was | the echoes have seemed to repeat my sad goshing from het breast. It was Emmeline ! | " You take all sorts of trumpery in your ANDREW F. McPHERSON BROCK STREET, - WEITBY. Sar glove: Rev. I. T. Ew Be Oana gathering--small at first, yet enlarging as|tale ! I have looked dowa yawning gulfs,| . . . ne cart, dont you?" «Yes; jump in, jump and. Attornsy-at Law, Solici- TE rndersigued begs to that he |__ 2 : the days passed on to such gigantic mag-|deep down into their blackened depths, | The chamber was still and dark in which | in." B tor in ERR, and. At y iS ake th ry knows premises nitude, that all my happiness was shrouded | and wished that Emmeline were there, that | I sat by the bedside of my lost and found,| . A Yankee doctor has regently got up a FICE--Dundas street, 3 doors west of the by him, and the best accommodation go- MM 0 N E Y in its deep, black folds. 80, with her enclasped in my embrace, I|and lost again beloved one. The life she remedy for hard times. It consists of ten Whitby, July 4, 1866, a Goo oe asention, can always be found. : f 1 There came a look of thoughtfulness over | might in one dread leap have sweet revenge | had sacrificed to save mine was flowing | hours' hard labor, well worked in. : -- tive Ostlers. Charges te, TO LOANI!! thie brow of Emmeline. Her joyous, buoy- | for my great wrong, and end, with her, my | fast, and her words were feeble and Yory | on old bachelor says that avery. Woman R. J: WILSON, 23-1y JOHN MILLER. ge aa step had less of lightness in it, and a lite of misery--mine any way--mine, even [siow. Bat, thank heaven ! she. hed wo) 10.10 1h Vamp Bd shes Bae ai ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solici look of trooding anxiety stole over her face. | if it were only in death! me all. Thecavse of all my woe--he in i : Biosey sowi in the Vieworia| THE ALBION HO TEL, Ww 1 00 0 O © 4 @ | The wonted smile seemed, fo me at least,| Bot at length, with whitened hair and | whom I had seen on the morning of the he i fn Whe sight stanly, , EAST MARKET SQUARE, z : forced and strained ; the tone of fervor in her | bent form, I turned my steps to England. | fight--was her once outcast brother. The What flower of beauty shall I marry ah MAN ENGLISH, ; LLB, TORONTO, C.W. ---- conversation faded, and a coldness grew | I sought the south, that there, alone. and cause of that dark cloud wkich first raised | *$ked 8 young spendthrift of his governor ; OLICI -- Chancery, Attorney, TE Subscriber having leased The Albion To (15, UNURED THOUSAND deliare about "her " that struck a chill to my poor | in quiet, T might find Topoee But my |and then confirmed my vile suspicion was|'© Which the Sovorar replied, with a grim the post office, converiad the two prommmer ccional, be ha | 15 suit borrowers, at & very moderate rate of hoping heart. And yot we were tu be chafed, exoiled spirit was not to rest. Al- |on his account. Ho had aken the cottage | *®iles Marigold. yin : BEL 7% Tree ; Hotel --the largest and ost commodious in the | Interest. married--the day was fixed. What could | ways the same shadow hovering over me, [at which Isaw them, while she endeavour-| ¢ Why don't you bold up your head in the 3 RACTHC CX VARS a CW ay, oy here be will glad ete ads pels 4 the far-famed Manchester [it mean? She hia Shedd not know there | always that one scene before my mental (ed, under vow of secrecy, to.plead his dae ToT vakats bghiy yu of ICAL Ds posite the post | SPared likely to conduce to the comfort and y 1 rae Ching bu 1, alas I 100 truly felt it. | eye. Peace was not for me ; excitement, | cause. The evening when she met me re-| a sterling old farmer. ¢ Squire, replied et Pie, ity he, venience of the guests, dali k --JOHR HODGSON, She said she loved as truly, nay devotedly, Soot, anything congenial to my apirit, was dolent of smiles and happinness was when | the farmer, ¢ see that field of grain § the. E of the Ontario Bank. SL The any 31 FER ive, and Rerznaozs Xindly permitted to T.N. Gibbs, [a8 ever ; but I had feelings of mistrust. 'She my element. I "Withdrew at once to a|she came to tell me all ; and how she had | well-filled heads hang down, while those i : JORN CHRISTIE, are under the charge of careful ostlers. op, P, Fo Ostawa; ¥ a meron, Fad marvelled at my doubts; but 1 saw canse | neighbouring town, where an election 'was [restored a wandering son, and made a home only. that are empty stand upright.' % : THOMAS PALMER, Proprietor. Incumbent, Oshawa ; Wr. Laing, Esq., Whitby ; | enoagh to raise them. And yet she tried fo ing, and entered into the heat and [happy that was to be 0 soon s0 says that it's all folly for : OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach; Convey- nang, Esq proceeding, PP: again so, Jonas. says y for bis % T , e of the Court of| Toronto, Feb. 17, 1864. 8 |Rev. L. B. Caldwell, ister Warchmoor: [B6 as shi was wont ; she strove to smile, | nose of party warfare, for | knew thy wretched! And thus, hoping that time friends to tell bir that he mucnx enlarge : . Queens Bench, &c. | 8 : TT eThawes, BUT TRUE! Mi ndly, Bq. | ; Neil Sinclair and laogh, and talk as but a month ago; favourite cangidate, and had a cordial wel- | might bring me back again a wiser man, | his debts, when be is doing all he can to Oce--Manches A Every young Indy aii gentleman i the United States Toa Gort Perry ; Jose Reeder, Voie, but the eflort was in vais. All inexplicablé | coms at his hands. \ she lived on the memory of past happy ¢ contract' thea. . an auiada can heat something very muck to their ad- , Oakwood ; Brabason, Eeq., | --all excruciating torture' to my distracted |. The battle was fought 'and Won. Our days, and longed for their return... P| «Mike, if you meet tell him to eruigned Those rach Gans Brock Pay, = having of bei icolm - Gillespie, ' J es brain. But the end was coming-- the cloud #idg was victorious. And in the evening | might have been, when this encounter hap-~ 'haste.' * rge) address. h ? humbugged noticing Af} | Vrooman, Brethour, " 1 ' : wg Apa Socks others ress chet iret ny # Esq., ah Henny Bi Baan James was about to break ; and with its lightening | we met to dine at an hotel, There was a pened ! She had heard her brother arrang- 'Shure, av' I will,' said Mike, ¢ but. what ~~ - ! 831 Boadway, New Yoik, | Manchester, Sept. 5th, 1866, 92-3m." smite my hopes, my bliss, my airy ca large party, chiefly composed of gentlemea ing the particulars with his friend, and' shall I tell him if I don't mate him 7° » i a : . ' ships of Reach, oes Jalen nt this ALBERT SPRING, J oahaeh Augtioneer for the Town og 5 Sneed office nd ad

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