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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Oct 1866, p. 1

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SN is 5 [FP 9 <> 10, C. W., THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1866. an humble wheelwright, and who first drew breath in an Austrian village ; when he PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTAR [WHOLE No. 50 6 TT that of Hidlebrand, the talented son of a carpenter in Tuscany, who was born early broken bones were ever recovered of his remains. H. Burnham, EE------------ "EVERY THURSO AY MORNING, 1 tty bn = . ---- i he Pnkurin Bhgerber, gon 2 Jaron, for the County 'A WEEKLY POLITICAL, ABRICULTURAL, FAMILY NEWSP APER, of tario, T made know d di L Salefixed, at the OpservER Office." and dave THOS, H WALSHE. « * ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store, , PORT PERRY, C. W MONEY TO LOAN. I am thine, and thine Poetry. TO MATILDA, Yes, I love thee, dearest maiden -- Throbs this heart alone for thee j~ rely-- The father of John Bunyan wasa tinker; and the humble cottage, with its small gai- had attained the age of threescore-and-ten, he witnessed the performance of his own beautiful oratorio of ¢# The Creation," at in the ¢leventh eentury. This clever, en- ergetic boy became an inmate of the mon- astry of Clany, near Macon, in France, den plot of crocuse sand snow-drops, in which his gifted child first drew Ereath, is yet Vienna, attended by the Princess Esterhazy. His entrance was welcomed by the nsing and, 10 the retirement of its shady gar- dens, formed, even in boyhood, those Eis nie North Ontarlo: Mari eté., in the County of LOW ITED or TEES Thine for ne | shown to visitors ; but it was in the heart of allt ii a y . A ctoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or| * A ever iw London, 1n its Bunhill-field Cemetery, tha, | UP ©f all the moet illustrions personages in | vist plans of church reformation which, 8 ders left at this offi t hi di ill be Apply to Trust me, dea: one, deem me faithful: jony old Lemetery, tha, : . + VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, dere left St Uiie office; or 4 is reshience Sl be donly fo COBHRANES, COCHRANE. L110) dud), one i bg the immortal author of the Pilgrim's Pro- | 'he land, the triumphant flourishes of the | amidst the most arduous difficulties, were COUNTY OF ONTARIO, BAIRD '& PARSONS, TERMS: -- $1.50 per annum, if paid within six months; if not pnid within that time, $2.00. No sub- seription taken for less thun six months ; and mo paper discontinued untilall arrears are puid. Letters contuining money, when nddressed to his Office, pre-paid aid registered, will be at our risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. my tario Auctioneer. . THOMAS COURTICE, ADDLE, Harness and Trunk Manufac \.) turer, Simcoe street, Prince Albert. Every- thing in the line kept constantly on hand. Shop opposite the Ontario Carriage Factory. nington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances iy Re ember IT ALSILE he North On r--erri Rm tei . Prince Albert. BARBER & PYE, ; Architects, Tailroad, Building and Land Surveyors, VALUATORS, &C., &C., OSHAWA, C. WW, R. WALSH, "ORSE Farrier, is always in readiness to attend to all who may favor him with He is well acquainted with the mode of ARE prepared to furnish Plans, Details and Specifications, for public buildings, private residences of every description or in any style of architecture, Plans of all kinds of stairs, bridges, tombstones, patent rights, mills an machinery, can be had on the shortest possible Friendship, when. dark clouds han, Nought shall shake my firm devotion-- Never will 1 love thee less. Earthly happiness is fleeting, Brightest prospects quickly fade ; oe'r us, Loathing, leaves the dismal shade. Bul, should every friend forsakg thee, Comfort, hope, aud joy remove, One, undaunted, thee will cherish Still, with ardent, fondest love. Oft false words by man are uttered, Sordid hearts inconstant prove, gross' was interred ; and a monument, since erected to his memory, marks the spot. The vicissitudes of fortune are particular- ly illustrated 10 the lives of professional persons, whose eminent talents, frequently, | alone raised them to eminence ; and of this truth, Sir Thomas Lawrence, the son of a 8 country innkeeper, is a notable example. Visiting royalty on the footing of a familiar acqaintance, fame and fortune crowning his ¢ ochestra, and the loud, reiterated applauses of the whole august assembly. then raging between France and Austria, and the aged composer was ternbly alarm- ed by the firing of Napoleon's cannons at War was he very gates of Vienna; and one day, having sung the national anthem, ¢ Ged ave the Emperor,' three times with great enthusiasm, but trembling accents, he im- mediately fell into the stupor which pre" eded his death. Mozart's requiem was ufterwards carried out when the young monk became Pope Gregory VII. He sustained many deep disconragements, mingled with brlliant Uinmphe over his enemies and the Charch's guilty errors. But, though feelings on Lis dying bed that he had sown good seed, whose fruit would appear hereafter, yet, when thus surround ed by his sorrowing bishops, who knew that they should soon see his face no more, {he could not kelp murmuring: ¢I Lave )) ng and trimming ; and can treat success- | notice. li . For each line, first insertion - - . $0.08 Rally any digense that horses are subject to.-- | Mr. Pye is recently from Manchester, England, | Wills are fickle, vows are broken, brilliant and sucoausful artist-career. A | horformed in his honor, and he was laid in | loved justice, aud hated evil; therefore I Bibsequent insertions, perline - - . 0.02 Charges moderate. Residence, Prince Albert. | where he has had experience in designing, sur-| Passion wears the guise of love. knight of the French Legion of Honor, and |e game distinguished sepulchre which [die in exile." An aged bishop bent over Cards, under 6 lines, per annum - , 5.00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they occupy. Advertisements received for publication. without spe- instructions, will be inserted until forbid, und charged accordingly. No ailveitisement will be taken out until paid for, . A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others wh oadvertise by the year ur half-year, An; of which is to promote dividual or company, 10 be considered un advertisement, and charged accord- ROYAL OINADIAN BANK, veying, and superintending. pecimen Designs may be seen in the Reading Room, Oshawa, or may be bud on SP pliention to W. H. PYE, Oshawa, Ang. 30, 1866. 34 D. M. CARD, ICENSED AUCTIONEER, Collector of 4 Accounts on Commission, whether in or out of the County. Remittances made according to Not from mere external graces, Not from wanton, base desires, Springs that love with life coeval, Shoots that flame which ne'er expires ! But the fine etheregl feeling, Ever seeking to impart Happiness unto its object With unselfish, guileless heart, Dauntless, thoughtful, warm yet truthful, Based on principle secure-- a 'nember of six foreign academies, he died amidst the most sunny prosperity, and his mortal frame rests in the national mauso- leum of St. Paul's Cathedral, whither it was uitended by the Lord Mayor, the Sherifl's, and a lurge body of the members of the Royal Acadamy. A yet more inter- esting instance is that of the great painter, Claude, whose poverty sticken parents Ou the steps of the church of St. Jean Le Lond, in Paris, in the lust century, a police- man picked up the body of a little found- ling, left there to perish, wile took charge of the infant, who after- wards became, under the name of D'Alem- A kind glazier's vontained the bones of that master com- | him, and tried to comfort him, by reply- poser. ing: ¢ Not so, holy lather ; you cannot die'in exile; for God has given you all nations for a heritage, and the ends of the earth for a dominion ;' aud, while these words were speaking the carpenter's son expited. His iuveternte enemy, Hey 1V. of Germany, svon uhterivards ended his royal hfe on a door step, wheie he died of BGs oa he 'These terns will, in all cases, be strictly ad- instructions. Sales punctually attended any- be i | " : ; rt, one of the most eminent mathema- ay horedto, Port Perey Agenwen. where in the County on the shortest notice.-- | This the love which never wavers, were compelled to bind him to a pastry- |. » : pp ig as red Days for Sales appointed on | This the love that must endure. 5 : 3h 0.2 J Y" | licians of France. He died the peaceful [cold aud hunger--thus adding another 2 JOSEPH BIGELOW, application at the OuSELYEN Dice: All oises Obi [ b i , tor ' ut Vite artist-spirit, airing within death of a great and amiable savant at an | nawe to the long list of regal persons pu ; properly addressed to the Uxbridge Post Office, ect of my best affection im, spurred im on to leave France for sesh "rs urhe v " re gr ve general interests of the counfy; and in the amou AGENT will receive the promptest attention, : oing of my steadfast choice! aly where he created for himself a reputa- Sdvanced ue, Cadmon, the eurliosty Wise lives Lave eialed sagisally, Wins ¥ Yi May we never know deissension-- ' I Euglish poet, and who sang of the creation | a peaceful conrast 1s presented by the ' Neal and genvral news given, will be unsurpassed by ¥ locul paper published in Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, P Bill ds, Blunk Forms, Receipt Books. Check Books, vreulars, Business Cards, Bull Curd, &e , &e., of or, executed promptly, hér establishment in 1 uty. Dyobels, Ks. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! B, PLANK,.... PROPRIETOR. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y OF TORONTO, C.'W, INCORPORATED, «1851. One in love, in aim, in voice ? Thus, as hand in hand we journey, Oh! may all my conduet be By the purest motives guided, "Proof of changeless love to thee! Honor's ayren voice may hail me, tio that will last as long as those European vations which proudly: exhibit so many hundreds of lie paintings, Amiable and illustrious, he breathed his lust in the Eternal City, at the venerable age of eighty- two yeurs. The first rural landscape that Milton himself did not disdain to tate him, was originally a cow-boy, and died in the receipt of royal patronage, the revered membei of a religious establish- meut, and leaving his name recorded in the o finely that some commentators suppose imi- closing scene of the sweet gifted poet Petrarch, whose paternal inheritence, though small indeed, did not prevent his leaving a rich legacy of meutal fiuits to his country. When seventy-two years of age, wasted as he was by repeated fevers, he tance getting hand bills, &e. , printed, --_ Ww, y i ) hare thew done to ake | vith them. wp : ealth may scalter treasures round, ainter of England, as he been termed i og : y DAIKD: G10 Hii i PARSONS AVING purelvised theabove hotel, Sri hus Capital, a 84.00,000. Rank of homage may assure me, : LE 4 ey oo" 1 as ph i -: phy annals of his country's literature. But to still stiuggled on, lo fuquire knowledge, 2 : furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors Fame her silver trumpet sound-- Ag £ 1asipale uotge Moriaad, reversed | oyymerats more of the long list who have [and to give expression lo his own vivid con- Business Divectary. GEO. W, JONES, M. D, puysicias, Surgeon, and Obstetrician, Simcoe-st., Prince Albert. F. H. BRATHWAITE, M. D,, C. M., YY RADUATE of the University of McGill Ww College, Montreal, Physician, Surgeon and and cigars. Stages to and from Whitby cal ostlers always in attendance. Every attention Dald to Buosis aily. Careful 8 COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, | HE subscriber wishes to inform the traveling public that he has taken the above hotel, which he has fitted and furnished throughout, and where the best accommodation, with careful ¥ Good stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive attention, can always be found.-- ...GEO. MICHIF, Es HON. J. McMURRICE RNARD HALDAN, Esq JAMES PRINGLE, Travelling Agent, ly County of Ontario VRESIDENT...... PICR-P RESIDENT, Skc'Y AND TREA THE COMMERCIAL UNION Assurance Company, 19 & 20 Cornmitt, LONDON, Be my noblest, chief ambition (Next to that which looks above), Dearest, to promote thy welfare, And secure thy lasting love. Thoughts of thee my mind inspirit, Bughtest hopes my bosom thrill ; Ev'ry power | freely offer, All thou hast to shield from ill. Sacred is my wish to serve thee; And shoul.l ever tongue or hand Venture to defume or harm thee, the sual order of advancempnt, and, though born of parents in good circumstances, ex- pired in a spouging house ; whilst Opie, the portrait painter, who passed his earlier || years io a carpenter's shop, near Truro, in|, Cornwall, atter winning a high reputation, finally reposed in St. Paul's Cathedral. A most beautiful aud wonderful songstress of the last century, Mrs. Billington, the raised themselves to eminence fiom lowly lations might become monotonous ; so, passing by Arkwright, Brindley, Burns, "elford, La Place, Franklin, Canova, aud host of others, who, born in hovels, final- ly repose in stately tombs, we will notice another class, who, their career in prospenty, closed it amidst the bitterest reverses of fortune. having commenced Of these ceptions ; and, one July morning, was found dead in his study, seateid in las favountg arm chair, and his head resting on the open pages of a book. Cowper, born in aristocratic paternage, and who spent many of hus best days writing for the cottage homes of Eugland, expired in that clouded stato of intellect which seems so myster- | ious, and which at the same time proves Aécoucheur, Prince Albert. Office and Resi- | Ostlers. AND daughter of a Ge hautboy play: v 3 : : i alit slearly, by showing us how 3ence--the house lately occupied by Dr. A h R. A. MURTA Pav: Deem me, love, at thy command. ghter erman hautboy player, was | Sir Thomas More is a notable example. | immortality so clearly, by showing 3 ' ly pied by Dr. Agnew, Provriior 385 & 387 Sr. Pauw Sr, MONTREAL. » y y wm born in Loadon, and after realizing a | His futher was a judge ou the King's Boneh, | independent are he spirit and its penshible i) . ! " DR, WARE Greenbank, Feb'y 13,1866. " 6-1Y | CAPITAL £2,500,000 OR $12,500,000, Mem'ry oft recurs with fondness princely fortune by her extraordinary voice | w romisiie i earthly tenement of each other. : id 3 ! y y whose promising boy, born in London, and ; 2: i ARONER (or the County of Ontario,| =~ =. uw ee : Smee To the blissful neason past, -- which sometimes brought her as much as led b bd ! ivaniage Win | Shoulboys,, whose imagmations are i hi ! C *hysician, Surgeon and Accouchenr,| Je Wett's Hotel T= Company affords perfect security to the ( When our mutual troth we phghted, sh surrounded by every advantageous cucum- | flamed by the romantic incidents with $A would take this opportunity of informing his 7 assured, and offers the advantages of a mu-| Vowed to love while life should last. £10,000 in the course of twelve months-- | stance which could be bestowed by birth | which the lives of the ancient Greeks and 3 friends tha} during his glhsenee from among them, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. tual office, with freedom from all liability. Let the love which then inspired us died on her own fertile estate of Le Ternier, | fortune and education, won the regard of his | Romanus are Bild, will w udu that we su ny ne has e his particular study diseases of the ------ JOHN H. BROWN Fau the flame of hope within ice. Ti a . . : . i pass over so rich a store of smtable allostra- Gh Throat and Lungs,on which he can be consulted, | Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive Agent, That in near and dear ans : Deas Yauice;, ig fies) buns singer ol king, the, tove of his country, and the vene- | io, iy gy subject; but they would require Piel with the other branches of his profession, on ostler always in attendance. T-ly Manchester. Soon our voyage may begin. England, Bartleman, first saw the light in | raqion of foreign nations, ouly to close his | a chapter to themselves, though 1t w with Phe : *Snsansble terms, 'at his residence in Prince Yrs Ohlutbns 16 art Toms tl 0 A Ties ------ a London garret chamber, and began life | Jifo on the scaffold, condemned to death by | reluctaice we omg all notice of Platarcl's : ree Omnibus to and from the Lars an ats, : Then, while over life's rough ocean a ol br esti A : : | heroes. The wery name of this well known Bonita ' z as a chorister boy in Westminster Abbe al re boll- y Drs. McGILL & RAE, Tr ---- J. D. C ottingham, We our barks together steer, ! y. of ie ? y: his most ungrateful monazch, for his eon- | Diogtuplur vecalls a host uf blogdy exploiin . : ' Sa tfield Hotel in whose clostors he was buried, after | seieutious adherence to principle Every > ), ov sm HYSICTANS, Surgeons, &e.. &c. Off d 1n . May no angry tempest gather, tog ill il Fort 4 10. § pie. of Pompeys deati--he beloved by the Ro- oy P Ln iy of a oe an : : HERD ENTIST, May no mountain waves appear! og dtlness 'v! terrible suffering, and where | 5,6 will remember the deplorable termina- [ mans 1 lus early youth, and who, embia=- 3 > HIS house being new, commodious, and well Chee ful, trustful, onward ghiing, his modest grave may yet be seen, with the | joy of life whieh awaited that early favor- | cing his wits, well aware that his end drew WN. WILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAR, M. B. furnished throughout, the puhlic favoring > : ah, 0 od awl, tion of life whieh awaited that early favor 8 4 8 ch ' io him wjth their custom may depend on finding : a our Maket 8 ver blest, mseription of the commencing notes of | jie of fortune, the most lovely aud unfortu- | "C0 repeated thesefiines from Sophocles : , ie v to their comfort at- EETH Extracted. lay we reach at length in salcty Serruleni's airs 4 : . 3 |" Whoever to a tyrant bend wily F. OAKLEY, M. D, ER RE attentive Ostlas T Teeth Scaled and Regulated. Heaven's eternal port of rest! Peigoles sais *0 Lord have meroy UPON | pate Mary Stuuit, us woll as the untimely | [gpaden slave, ¢'cu if he goes lis freeman.' MANLLA Office and Residence, --the late | glways in witendance. . Teeth filled with Hold; Silver, or Cement. S. E. (NEWBERY.) me! The infant Quaker of the United | gd of France's wisest king, who wits as=| And then, stepping into a smaller boat, in residence of Dr. Bain. . D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Testh inserted in Gold, Silver, or Rubber tL ae BL MY _. | States, Benjamin West, who was obliged to sassinated in his carfiage, when in the [oder to land on the Egyptian coast, he was § 31 im will recei cat' i a i : Chi ; ; dered by 11 @ cogrpiritors, and his ashes i JOHN BILLINGS, All work entrusted to him will receive prompt ne ™ tob the cat's tail of hair-10 make his- fire! Milly -seventh year of his age. * Sir Walter [mur d {RpITiors, wid h : | £3 \RRISTER, Alsiney al Law, Solicitor DAFOE HO SE, gn. will not be expected to takewgy work itevature, brush, was bor in Puladglphia, and, win- | Raleigh, also, the sou of a Devonshire Hiterad In lus Alba Jie Toma, wl A C. J tuetey, Notary Pulile, Comurantey, v, rica, that d8 nut satisuctory. ie PRT Bl ing his way to eminenge in Rune and | farmer, distinguished himsell in a prosperous | Julius Cmsar, by Brutus and others, within RY { Be? 7: tormans es 1d ition rlionlar atention paid to Yio segilariie M"PHE OPENING AND THE CLOSING | England, died President of the Royal and most romantic career, until lie was | the walls of the Sete) and dhe ort i Bion Y i | consideration with every parent. For at that [SCENE IN THE LIVES OF CELE-| Academy, aud was followed to his resting- re anoui relve years of 'his exist- | decree, alter the deed was done, that he COCHRANE & COCHRANE, The barsuppiied With the best, wines, liquors and he time of second dengfption the identity of the BRATED MEN. | i ys Daul's 'Cathe: i ng forved to languish twelve yeu Folsliy exis | shonld be Loroied as a god 2 And what ARRISTERs, Attorneys, &o. Phince| "2% ood stabling. : : month is formed for Hg, piace in St. Paul's Cathedral, by a train, of | giice in a prison ; and, after being unjustly young student does not dwell 'with delight \ B Albert offico--opposite the Town Hall; I J DAFOE, Proprietor. KF" Office and residence-- BORELIA. i ast which Nieatonth it noblemen, ambassadors, pe artists, "A | condtenined to death, was sent out of the [gn ho history of the stem, uprist: Cato, . 2ort Percy office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. ay Terms Cash-- produce taken at cash price. ig conuast 'Whic'y so lrequently exists | yo y i: ffarent ending, at least ithe feelings | sommand a warlike expedition | who, whin lie had resolved on selt-murder, x THE ROBSON HOUSE! Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865. 5ly3- | between the external circumstances that | a: I cl ed Yotidid f canpiry ts commang u I il went 10 bed, and after roading Plato's bean J URE af the party con clos splet i aTice ine _ dy and alter reading Phi san- { HUDSPETH & MARTIN LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, mbes cnseniee | eniftound us al the fine of. pur birth, and party concerned, ed the splend i of importance, for which in return, filteen at dieu an an coal eatals pera -- } > ' ' sou i career of the son of a poor bargeman, early years after the sentence of condemnation avila . ; > TTORNEYS-at-Law, &c. &c. Solicitors for| DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, those which distinguish the ciosing scenes |. ; y to hisexistonce, but a few years beluie the 1 A the Ontario Bank. Office in Keenan's| GEOKGE ROBSON, - - - PROPRIETOK. Xl f life, aflords, in the ¢ T iiiustrious in] the sixteenth century, who, 100 poor to| had been pronounced, he was, out ol | agyent of Him who would have taught him i Block, Kent street, Lindsay. ihor beg that he 1 x 5 91 Hie, 8 llonls, 1 i fase 01, bus To hi pay for a light by which to study, was comphment to Spain," beheaded in the | low inconsistent was such a close 10 the i Avan Hooseeri P. 8. MagTIN, LE ribs Sas to duende that I Jas PORT PERRY Svidmals, uSuote and not ine Ree obliged to prepare for his classes by the | Tower of London. Little, too, could the Lis Sich fe td hi go it had slone 1 » ture's Hotel, for a term of years, and that he has A chapter in the history of humanity. YOUR [lamps in; the street: 'and 'chiuch porches > sabitiiiv ixteciith [1 Nght lake aw ow wirused to : a NORMAN F. PATERSON, renovated and re-furnished the building through- LIVERY STABLES not, however, fall within our present pro- ap . ioe ° io ¥ 3 {humble Pisau mechanic of the sixteenth revel in the account of the Roman iufant (Late of Miller & Paterson, Toronto ) out. The premises are pleasantly situated, op- ~ -- vince lo petform the part of manilof, by and, gradually attaining to successive pre- century, who, perceiving that one of his| porn in a fuller's workshop, to whose nurgs 4 A TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Posie He ost Oey, in te sents Sf the town, MACKENZIE, Proprietor. The public We Pa pal tant. | ok ferments, finally ascended the papal throne, boys possesseduncommon abilities, strained | a vision appeared teiling hor that she was { } Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton. Office in 8 Ay mang CE al ie Dr Ald wplivd with fi bil Car- | Ueducing the various important le i i ; i nurturing a great biessing for all Romans : : ) r { the 8 for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave th o supplivd with first-class ZZorses and Car. A under the title of Adrian VI. His own | his own narrow means to send him to the 3.2 pron g lor 3 0a ihe building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. | the Stages for Uxbridg '¢ | riages, at moderate rates. which might fairly be drawn frog so covious : | b . 35 but whose nursing. after a mingled eourse NAT aX 1 4 door every morning. ro : . bh words, which he commanded should be Univereity,foreseeing that the young Gaiileo | + weakness, crime, and many good deeds, RAE Ld P. A, HURD, ¥3™ Careful Ostlers always in a source; but simply to farnish to our |. : + , yu » RR { Vall eh tas GEO. ROBSON English Pink Dental Rubber; New and i f inscribed oir his tomb, will best relate the | would become one of the world's most | wus murdered on the sea shoro, leaving his SRN, | TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chan- A td tifal Vulcanite Base f Arti readers some of the significant instances .u sequel of his greatness: ¢ Here lies Adrian | yo entific men, and then conclude his fam- | discourse on old age, and numeious other Ri Las a. Soy Gonveyanser, Notary Public, &c., REVERE HOUSE eautifu. A cani al or = | this kind which are recorded in the biogra- Vi., who esteenied' no misfortune which lite, blind, dou, and crippled, aude writings, to instruct poster ty an | ren ler his > a4 ee 4 tificial Teeth! phies of celebrated persons, and which we happened to him in life so great as his being ous JI i wr loracs ns the doogeons of { 1AIne famous. Tl Romans seem to have 3 A FAREWELL & McGEE, BEAVERTON, C. W. hope will be found both useful and eter- | Loco ell known Times | LPPIAION © g looked upon self-destruction with _pecoliar Ri Iuquisition. Born of an ancient family in Nottingham- shire, the fate of the celebrated Archbishop, Thomas Cranmer, is always interesting, from the character of mingled sweelness, power and weakness which, strongly enlist- ing our sympathies, first raieed him to the highest station in the Church, and aftei- wards betrayed him into a false profession of his religious sentiments; expiated in some measure by the subsequent nobleness of his recantation, and the heroism with which he met a martyr's fate, and expired amidst the flames at Oxford. Ciadled in HE Subscriber begs to announce that he has 6 .. WATID El Ie aL ans SO. D 3 nished and fitted up throughout in the besto*|S UR G EON-DENTIST, style gione but the choicest liquors and cigars Paint, Trbrivge. ept in Bie Tar, and 1s Sabie will ne are nished with all the delicacies of the season. Care- LI, Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give sat~ ful and obliging ostlers-always in attedance. WM. PARKIN, Proprietor. i Beaverton, July 27, 1864, ' 9? isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. THE undersigued begs to announce that he has taken the above well known premises which have been newly furnished and renovated by him, and where the best accommodation go- ing, with careful attention, can always be found, Pr Good stabling, enclosed yards, and atten- tive Ostlers, Charges iT dat taining. Columbus, the discoverer of the western world, and the son of a poor wool-carder, was born at Genoa, early in the fifteenth century ; and, having attained celdbrity as a navigatop and goegraphist, came to Valladolid, where he was patronized by the Spanish monarch and his courtiers. Here, too, he subse- quently expired, in the zenth of his frame as a discoverer. No reward had crowned VI 0 N BE Y his splendid success. The king was jea- , lous of his ronown ; and the last days of the TO LOANI!! great man were embiltered by a sense of royal disfavors. When it was too late, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors and Notaries Public. Offices, in the Post Office uilding, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. 3. B. FAREWELL, L.L.B. RB. M'GEB, B. A. ~ CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, i Sistas County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt House. ML. 'C. CAMERON. I ANDREW F. McPHERSON, JB ARBISTER, and Attornay-at-Law, Solici- tor in Chancery, &c. OFFIOE--Dundas street, 3 doors west ot the ce, Piling: Tuly 4, 1866, R. J: WILSON, lurge list ol complaeent executioners in this line. Brotns, by some su; posed to have been of piebian parentage, was one of those notorieties, and received a (ital wound by falling upon his sword int the presence of tus frends who had passed the niaht with tum ; but the strangest of the seif-immola- ters were Antonius and Cleopatra, the former of whom having lost a battle, and in despair at the supposed dea h of his 3 inconstant and beautitul wife, pierced hive soll with a dagger; and then, finding that Cleopratra still hved, was drawn up to her by women into an upper apartment, where he soon expired, and his example was imi= tated by his extraordinary wile, who feasted herself on delicacies, and then, decked in 3 or, of Grey, concerning the Miltons and Hamp- dens, whose talents he thinks remain buried in their villages, in the absence of exciting circumstances to call them out, wouid seem to be almost disproved by the numberless examples of villagers who, unassisted by patronage or interest in tak- ing 'le premer pas qui coule,' have yet attained to the highest honors. The cele- brated philosopher, Sir Isaac Newton, a weakly, posthumous child, was bon in a Lincolnshire hamlet, on a small ances- tral farm, and, commencing his education at the parish school, made himself a world- satisfaction, for they farnish a singularly § Rererexces.--Rev. Dr. Short, and J, D. Griggs, Port Hope; Rev.J. T. Burns, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge H. J, MACDONELL. 23-1y JOHN MILLER. Lif | pomp, Charles V.,.at sixteen years of | NOTION | oii tsb ri Sadism mise Ferdinand endeavoured to make atonement | : regal pomp, diadems aud regal robes, allowed un asp fo A RRISTER, Lloreyu Lev Saturn THE ALBION HOTEL, i HO 0 da 0 for his injustice by the erection of a monu- wide reputation, and was knighted by Queen age, succeeded to the kingdoms of Arragon | «yuo her to death, It 1s d-flienht to quit the . LL : 9 . inscribed, | Anne: Rich in friends and fortune, he was |, \j Cqqiile, then became king of the | Eternal City when once auti r or artist has RAE bg: Brock £ 5 EAST MARKET SQUARE, - ment to the memory of Columbus, inscribed, a ) in Wente » : iE Aki BE - ARR TORONTO, C. W 4 -- in the Spanish tongue, with the words, at last interred with great pomp in €At- | Romans and emperor ol Germany, and, forty sie within its w CTs yet, fre we RY . . 0 . Mol eave them, we would réverently advert to Seyi qo THAN BNGLISE LL.B. Ee Oo | (NE MENDED THOUSAND don nll 000 eros thet of eo ar, ave wp he goverment t,o S80 EF 20 NE rp wi a : Ye ey, HE Subscriber having leased Zhe Albion Ilo: lo Loan on Mortgag Ys 4 new world? humble Parisian tradesman, could neither | Philip, and, retiring to a monastery, | was sacrificedywithin its walls only one cen- ARRAS Conveyancer, &¢., Oshawa. 'Office--Simcoe tel, in addition to the International, he has | to suit borrowers, at a very moderate rate of | ed a : Wi f foaiteen & 'yot hy only . street, opposite the post office. Edi bimino dhl Bg ahupap Ratan d Hold Three centnries later, another voyager, | 704 nor write at the age of fourteen ; yet | jj, ior two years' practice of the most | tury later than the barbarian exatnples just . ha Hotel--the largest and most commodious in the Captain James Cook, was born 'of parents he was destined to change the whole char- unkingly susterities, in a stato of the deep- quoted. Boro.of no mean lineage, how Apply at the far-famed Manchester Warehouse, to astonished would the proud young Hebrew Wave felt, had any one "prophesied in xX hie youth that, afew years Inter a new \ taith should have nsen, which would no longer single out the lsrachtes as a people, acter of the French drame, by produsing a series of immortal works. He was attack- ed by his last illfbss when performing the part of Le Malade Imaginaire, and died City, where he will be glad to receive his friends ~ [C.N, VARS y, which nly th JRRACTcAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W.| und the yblic.. Re inbor or expense will ve dst melancholy, whieh appeats only ihe r tal spared fitting retribi of one who had mowed down his su 5s by hundreds of thousands. in the diabolical game of war. It would be equally low, his father and mother both earning their subsistence as servants on a village farm near Whitby, in Yorkshire, JOHN HODGSON. Rooms directly opposite the post A em06 of The BRoots. Rererexces kindly permitted to T. N. Gibbs, i Sinise street, third door north BOARD--ONLY §1 PER DAY. . The yard and sta very extensive, and | Esq., M. P. P., Oshawa ; M. C. Cameron, + | Recei ing high and merited honors during fi BN ; 3 we J. Bi Ay Lo ., altho? he : be rolely honored by --its adoption; and JOHN CHRISTIE, 2 ki a PALMER, Pro rietor. ae Trey his life-time, Cook's summons to the better $0 Sasoly regrelion tbat Lucie XUV, withy matter of whim sical speealation, eoski wo - En of his Fon hin he Would PYOWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Co - "Feb, 17. 1864 sy 210P! ¢ | Bev. L.B. Caldwell, ; Adam Gordon, | and game whilst he was still engaged in | he comedian ha he. I | trace the history of all the gieat men who | ite friends, country, the time honored o Sogr, Commmlssionte of the Court % Toronto; Feb 00864 tl oper Doh tar Sarchouse the labors of discovery near the Sapliwich |8nd was regarded with ubligtrencs by the | were bred iu a carpenters shop. Certainly ritual of his native Jerusalem; and, supe Sneeny &¢. Business carefully attended ZTRANGE, BUT TRUE! s(1., Port, Perry ; Jose] 1, Esq., Scugog ; | felands. In this distant rogion, a colliasion | clergy whom he so severely satirized, pre~ |, very large number have sproug from | poring himself by the work of his own 4 oot anchester, . Every young indy gn geht WnitBdUnind Siniee Jom Clas, Esq., Man 4, Jonathan Hodgson, having occured between a party of the vailed on the Archbishop to allow his much parents engaged iu this humble profession, mules wale va A ts ain difoin the J -~ pe = : Canada " = 3 g 3 3 : o als ine ar famed Roman 4 is exe c i ICE: BLBEBT SPRING, Te Yau sg by iu of mui (es ol cha by irons Naliolm espie, y Broek a James natives and his ship's erew, he was stricken | Prized remains to be buried in consecrated which must ever be @ source of saered by the monster Ne 3 N datorih to. NSED Auctioneer for the Towns | lig the Rule hie inte Je igPoly rooms, Hows Sretiou; 8., James Spieran, || and, his body being seized by the | ground. Of musical notoriety is the in| terest to all who profess the faith of the | render yet more i ¢ ., Vroom % , . dge apd Scott. otheys willaddigys their Sisdieniservart, y . o Carpenter's Son. One uotuble example is' nations. $41 Biouiar, New York, + - Nauchesier, Sept Bi 1966, P n stance of Joseph Haydn, whose father was ays-of sale ap- of h, k, U, i Ri Jom wiv; posting but 2 few. ghasted end ES

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