Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Oct 1866, p. 3

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AA hl "PRINCE ALBERT MARKETS. a Opserys Orrice Oct. 4; 1866. J "Fall Wheat, $1.25 @ $1.50 & bush. _ = 'Spring Wheat, $1.25 @ $1 30 § bush. © Burley, 40¢ @ b5. i 0c. Oats, 360 @ 39c. Butter 156. @ 16c.@ Bb. ~~ "dl Eggs, 100. @ 10 dot. Hay, $7, @ $8. 7,7 Apples ¥ bus 600. @ 1. + Hides, 36. ¥ owt. Petr. Anfievtisements. HALF A MILLION Money to Lend. THE undersigned has Tag {Somplsted Arran ments, oxi Drepared to ge $oo0.u0e Private To n good mortgage Seonrity, A ata low rate of nent, The borrow- ve his own time to pay the principal. blo also Agent for two of the largest institutions in Ca Wh that lend ous from 3 to 10 years, at six per cent interest. Ne¢ Commission Charged. Bilver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, OrriciaL AssiGNEE, Notary Punuic, Land ons General Agent, &c., §c. Ormice--McMillan's Block, Brock pA 'Whitby, Oct. 3, 1866. 3 Public Notice! I, HENRY R. MORDEN, TAILOR. MANCHESTER, Wik distinctly to state that I have not e Village of Manchester, nor have I £=] il 4 the oShiast Tntention of doing so--having just erect comfortable Dwelling House and in the Village of Manchester, situat- uth side of the'road leading from the tre Road to the Gravel Road, where parties wishing ny hing in my line will alway find me Returning my sincere thanks to the inhabi- tants of Manchester and surrounding country for their liberal patronage and past favors, Work: dion the ' Jope 3 by sist attention to business--neatness in the execution of orders, and moderation = Fhatess, to secure a continuation increase of public confidence and support. The Latest Fashions Jegalarly received. Ed kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange work, HENRY R. MORDEN. Manchester, Sept. 25, 1866. 38 North Ontario Societ, Agricultural y: TAKE NOTICE!! OSITIVELY no entries will be made on the he Show. Entries made by letter iar ot Banchon and addressed to the Secre- ater, 3 at 4 Jeast four days previous exhibition, Secretary will receive A at his office, Acheser, till six o'clock Edi ., on Thursday (Oct. 4th) previous to the hibition} at Planks Hotel, Uxbridge, from 10 on the following day to 5 o'clock p. m., i Griliay; at Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert, from 0 o'clock a. m. to 6 o'clock Pp. m;, on the follow= ing day (Saturday); and at Sinclair's Hotel, Port Perry, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 10 o'elock p.m. on the day previous to the Exhibition, afer' which hour Dositiecly no entries will be J. CHRISTIE, Sec' y. Manchester, Sept. 25, 1866. 38-1w Teachers' Association. > . te ump Yu oou, THACTV TONITE 'TEISVRISOL © © 1 ov ood HE Reach and Scongog Teacher's As- sociation wil meet in the School House, Manchester, ou SATURDAY, Tth prox, at 2 o'clock Pp. m., for the dispatch of business. *J. BAIRD, Prest. Sept. 26, 1866. 38 Brooklin Drug JOHN D. AWES, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &c (= Horse and Cattle Medicines alway onhand. Store. bo | (SANNA FLVAIED) 'NOSE0Y 9 I oe"c% NID 8d 8 OF NRT 1 NEW PAINT Siiop PORT PERRY ! MARSH & FAINT EG id Inform the juhubitants of Port Perry P bert, Box and fAVbertisements. 1866. Port. Perry. Shaw & Gordon Are now opening out a splendid lot of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Ready-made ' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries, &c.-- Their Stock will be complete in a few days, when they hope to be visited by their friends, whe_ will find that Goods can be purchased as Cuear at their Satabiislment in Port Perry, as elsewhere. Queen Street, } Port Perry, Oct. 3, 1866. 39 1866. Prince Albert, Oct. 3, 1866. GO TO THE (Opposite Scott's Hotel,) FOR $225 Best Home-made $3 50 Kip 275 " Home-made 37 Women's Bats 125 PROPLEY BOOT & MIO STORE PRINCE ALBERT Where you can get a pair of COARSE BOOTS, ZC="Not Split Leather J. COX. Prints, Blankets, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Red Flannels, White Flannels, Cotton Warp, &ec. With a complete assortment of Groceries now prepared to show a very VIZ : Mantles, Shawls, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Crockery, &c. Dress Goods, EF AN.N. Importations. FOR iSe6. We beg to advise our friends and the public generally that we are LARGE, ATTRACTIVE, And varied Stock consisting in part of the following GOODS Books, Shoes, Le. , Hardware, Brown & Christian. MANCHESTER, Oct, 3, 1866. nl Sty oly they have Opened a Shop In Port Perry, where they will be eonstanti; prepared to execute all kinds of y 8; . a gn Fresco, " . Banner, and Ornamental PAINTINGY Map Grer the he Carpenter Shop of Messrs. H Orne Pn fn Cea Pintogs the "Ontario Birr Carriages painted in good style at le rates. MARSH & FAINT, fren April 29, 18686, HE subsesib of the 8 C ublic that havin affords, and having at the bad Wagons,Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. Parties in want of anything in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial contemptible and childish hint at counterfeiters A {i Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing. and General supply superior 7| Prince Albert, Aprilsl8, 1866. PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. a to inform the taker especial pains in secoring the beat | material the country some 27 years experience in the busiuess, he is prepared lo jealous rival, to the contrary Botwithsaadlog. Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. Black. Silks, 'Black Lustres, Black Cobourgs, Black French Merinos, "Black Shawls, Black Kid Gloves, A full assortment of MOURNING GOODS. Currie & Ross. Prince "Albert, Sept. 27, 1866, 37 CHEAPEST HOUSE $10,000 Worth of New Goods AT THE CENTRAL HOUSE ! (At fully 20 per cent below old prices for Cotton Goods) just being opened, comprising everything that is New and Fachionable, in Dry Goods, Ready made Clothing, * Oracles § Glassware, Boots, & Shoes, ardware, Ladies® Furs, Mantles, &c., Stationary, Ladies' Hats, Trimmings, &c., Room paper, o ny Sariety; Gent's Hats, Caps, Collars, &c., Paints, Oils, G Also.Iron, i &e. A few a Remington's Revolvers. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, Sept. 26, 1866. BOOTS AND SHOES. GOOD AND CHEAP! If you are in want of a good home made article, call at J. WRIGHT'S Boot and Shoe Store PRINCE ALBERT. If the workmanship gives out, it will be mended ------ LL home made work warranted. free of charge. NOW ARRIVING !-- An immense Stock of Boots and Shoes, purchased in the Cana- dian Markets, which will be sold at prices highly satisfactory to the buyer. Read the following List of Prices: Men's Cowhide Boots from $2 25. Men's Kip Boots from #2 75. Men's Cobourgs from #1. > Womens' Lace Boots $1 25. = Womens! Congress Gaiters, elastic sides, $1 50. This Stock is far superior to any that can be offered by persons unacquainted with the Leather Business, It has been selected by myself in the best markets, and on the most advantageous rms. 7 Call and examine it. Cash pard for Hides, Tullow and Bark, at all times. ST NEW J. WRIGHT. ¢Spring Goods HE Subscriber has now received the largest Stock of Goods ever brought into North Ontario, in one season, and not only the largest, but the most varied, best se- lected and Cheapest Stock of Goods he has ever had the pleasure of offering, and to which he most respectfully invites the attention of all who are in want of Goods that are Goods. Having no need or desire tn boast of ¢ former popularity," being perfectly satisfied to leave that to a discerning public, it being a well known lact that the BEST GOODS are always to be found at the subscriber's "Store. 1 would ouly say give me a call and be convinced that you can make a beuer selection for the same money than at any other place of business in the County. 6000 yards (all new) in Alpacas, Lustres, * Flannels in red, white, pink, als, utiful lot of Goods. Weleh, worth $1. 50 pe: te lot lot of Hotes own make (noimitation), and [ , splendid Lis of Gents Hats, on Straw, Felt, of Ladies' Belts, Belt In Dress Goods will be found a selection of over | 5 500 Funds Go Gambroons, Alpace, and Russel cord {rar Challies, Qlineties, Reps, Mo- 1000 yards Lai shourge urge, Cashmeres, Barcies, De-| checked, and some of To ve finest W 6500 hn joa of all kinds, in wide width atl cents § yard and upwards, a large A lot of Blue ne Dunjis, DAs, Ticking, Logging finest Chintz Prints ever im- Russel, posit and at the Same prices as others sell | A jorge or nt of Book, Jaconett, Checked the common Juli and Mull Muslin, &e. 4700 yards Grey on Shirting and Steam-: The finest loom. Ribbons and Buckles, to be had in any es- 100 Beautiful shawls (some real no ies), tablishment, with & Tot of Dress . Mantis, Parasols; Jad jos" Tiata'and Bonnets, a a the bale cg gli cl ly Cloths, some really Steel and Beaded Cord, Je, , and beautiful silk mixture, &o. Fancy Buttons, Ornaments, &c. With a fine assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &c. A first rate assortment of GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Some of the Weatherfield Onion Seed, the best seed in America. o Solisiting an early call as goods must and will be sold at the very lowest possible advance on T would also beg to intimate that™l have secured the services of ope of the best Tailors in the Province, nll goods required to be made up can be depended on heing doae in the very best style the couniey en can orodece. Parties bringing their own cloth can have them made up on the best or terms. solic Wanted any quantity of Butter, &c., for which the highest price will be paid. 3 : . T. C. FORMAN. April 19, 1866. : R. WILSON, BRUGGIST, ° OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT! EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Palnias Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, D Hair Tooth and Nail Brashes, Combs, Sponges, an &e. ial attention given to the preparation and dis, "5 5 ors Physicians prescriptions. Fh very August 22, 1866. pans pa SOMETHING NEW! New York in the Shade ! Photographs $2 per doz. McKENZIE'S GALLERY! Gallery over J. & W, Cowan's Store. H. McKENZIE. Piince Albert, Sept. 26, 1866. 38 EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. OF THE County of . Ontario ! HE Annual Examination of the Common School Teachers in the County of Ontario, will take place on the 4th & 5th days of OCTOBER next, Within the Grammar School Buildings, in Whitby & Uxbridge, Commencing at the respective places, at the hour of nine o'clock a. m EF All applicants are required to be forward in good season on the 4th, and to produce sat- isfactory testimonials of good moral character from their respective Ministers. By order of the Board, R. H. THORNTON, D. D., Secy B.P. I." Oshawa, Sept. 1, 1866. 35-5in SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Qownty of Ontario, LOWY SATURDAY, the 0 Wit : fifteen day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1866, at the hour of Twelve o'clock noon, will be sold by Public Auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Whithy in the said County, all the right, title and in- terest of the undermentioned defendant in and to the undermentioned Lands, seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the County Court and to me directed, at the suit of RICHARD EDWARDS, Plaintiff, vs. DANIEL PARLIAMENT, Denfendant. viz : the East-half of the South-ha!f of Lot No. Twelve in the thirteenth concession of the Township of Brock, Also the Eastehalf ofthe West-half of the North- half of said Lot number Twelve in the said thir Jeentl concession of the said Township of Brock, 1 Seventy: five by -- of land. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff C. 0. Sheriffs Office, Whitby, Sept. 6th, 1866. 36-td ! The most Popular Remedy ever offered to the Public. TO M INSON'S PHAKILLER For the cure of Fain ,both External and Internal, The greatest Pain Curing Remedy yet discovered. Pain cannot long exist where this Remedy is faithfully used. Give it one fair trial and you will use no other. It is acknowledged by those who have used other remehies of this kind, to be the best anc most valuable of any known, for the diseases for which it is recommended. IF" Sold by all medicine dealers. PRICE ONLY 235 CENTS. It is the largest bottle of medicine of the kind iff Canada. Manufactured by the proprietor, two doors east of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince Albert, C. W. TO CONSUMPTIES, The undersigned baving been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, r having suffered several years with a se- vere lung affection, and that dread disease, Con- sumption--is anxious to make known to his fel- low sufferers the means of cnre. To all who desire it, he will send a sony of the prescription used (free of charge), with the di- rections for preparing and using the same, which Yay will find a Sure, cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronehitle Coughs, Colds, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Pre- scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; 3 and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. P rtjes wishing the p ng the praseription FREE, by re- t wil i Rev. E Bn /ILSON, Wilamabogh. Kings County, 6-1y w Y or Grovesteen & Co., PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, TIESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit at the World's Fair, uver the best makers from London, Paris, Germany, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd Boston; al Jie, 5 Gown Mawar at the Mechanics' Institute, for FIVE C. RIVE YEARS!!! Our Piunos contain the French ie n practical experience of over thirty-five years, and is the maker of over deven thousand piano fortes.-- Our facilities for manufucturing enable us 10 sell these Instruments fiom $100 10 $200 Cheaper than ny 5 first class piano forte. iv KEROSENE AND GAS STOVES | Tea and Coffee Boilers, Glue Pots,0il Cans, &¢ E2 All the Cooking for a £3 53 family way be done with £x 3 Kerosene Oil or Gas with 9" less trouble, and {et X33" expense,than any othe: Each Article manufactured by this i guaranteed to pe; grt iy hs Compo Send for Circular. A liberal discount to the KEROSENE LAMP HEATER coy,| 4-8m 208 Pear] Stress, Now York. LAND CIR TIS of seced Wid Lot, and improved FARMS FOR SALE Atlow prices and on long terms of payment. WILD LANDS ! MARA-Notth 100 acres. "5 oh con 100 acres. bid South 13, 12h oon, 100 acres. - South 4, 13h con, 100 acres. RAMA-Lot 18, 200 wcres. hod North 18, 6th con. 100 " South 18, Sth con. 100 ncres. " Lot XN 100 - Lot 2, F, 100 acres. w Lot 13, RB. 100 neres. hd Lot 14, B. 100 ucres. The last two Lots 4 dion the Monck, (Government road.) and the, r Lots in Runa, are but 3 and 4 miles from suid Road. BEXLEY-lot 12, 41h con, 200 acres » N. P14, 1st con, nr a» 81, Gull River 65 = " 18, Gull River 158 " " 14, North West Bay [I SOMERVILLE. Lot 7, 12th ion. 200 acres, within 2 miles of concen the Bobcaygeon Government Road, aud convement to ELDON West 24, 5th coifeession, 100 acres. MANVERS~Sooth §--18--1st con., 100acres, J. H. PERRY. Farms for Sale." ACRES in the Township of Manvers, being, north-east part Lot No. 3 2nd concession ; within two lots of the Town line of DARLINGTON, 80 acres cleared, about 40 acres of which are tree from stumps. Comfortable Log House new tame barn, 34x50--good well, and a thrifty Joung, orchard of 250 trees, This property will be sold cheap, and on long terms of payment. ALSO Lot No. 12, 12th concession Mara, Two Hundred Acres, About 10 acres cleared, log house, &c. This is a choice lot, and is situated only some four miles from the centre road. ALSO . 75 acres, being the East part of the South-halfof Lot 10, in the 4th concession of Mara, adjoining the Village of Breechin, Aboui one-half cleared, and a portion free of stumps. This lot adjoins the centre Road. 100 acres, South-half Lot 10, in the 11th con- cession of Mara, some 8 or 10 acres cleared, Log House, &e. Apply to, J. HAM PERRY. Whitby, Sept. 19, 1866. 37 FARMTORENT f Bi Rent that first class Farm consisting of the West-half of Lot No. 8, in the 3rd con- cession of the Township of Reach, There is over ninety acres cleared, and the land isina good state of cultivation. There is a good dwelling house--a first rate barn 56x36, and other good out-building on the premises. -- Immediate possession. For further particulars, apply to the proprietor on the premises. ANGUS McKAY. Reach, 20th Sept. 1866. 37 FARM FOR SALE. ACRES of excellent land all 50 cleared, , with good Frame ouse and Barn, thriving Young Orchard, and a good well of water thereon--being the cast-half of the north-half of lot No. 5, in the 2nd concession of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH. JOHN 8S. M. WILCOX, Whitby P.O Whitby, Sept. 19, 1866. Money to Loan! At a Low Kate of Interest. Apply to D. J. ADAMS, Prince Albert, --Office over T. C. Forman's Store, Or to JOHN ADAMS, Toronto. Wanted Fpmediatgly ! 100,000 Good Shaved SHINGLES! For which the subscriber will pay the highest market price in tiade. T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Sept. 19, 1866. 37 uy NOTICE County of Ontario, ) YS hereby given, that the Wi Court of i Prius, Oyer od Terminer, and Gi Delivery, will be holden the Conuty of Ontario, at the or House, in the Town of Whitby, on Monday, October 15, 1866, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, and all others concerned, will take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS. heriff, C. O. Sheriffs Offi Whitby, Beebe 4, 1866. 34-2w Volunteers d to the Frontier!" J. BULLEN REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door 4] South of the Red ¥ Whie & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. EF Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. RULLEN Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. MILLINERY AND DFESS MAKING. ONNETS made to 7 order: The Inimst styles of Sacques and Dresses. Straw Bonnets and Hats cleaned and Ate over. Felt. altered to the present fashions. Prices rant next door to Mr. Park's Cabinet Shop. ; MISS MORE. | Prince Albert July 5th, 1866. « A PIN ----

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