\ Pod 9 (REN ETA work wily J MNG P------ : meres BT AND New AVvevtigentents. 1506. | AND a \ RIL AR 2 W | 4 ' AROUND! Tue subscriber having returned to Reach + A has got himself comfortab 4 HE BA Vine Vil ly located at the MANCHESTER Whero he intends carrying on the 0G-Tailoring Business An all its branches. Garments entrusted care will be made .up in the hail to Js nothing will be left undone by him--in way of EE lia pie Ags shafe of pa 0 patronage. SHG sheurew Latest Styles received pro; a Se ymplly JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. a 1 : Te be Sold by Public Auction, on Friday, October 26th, AT THE VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER The following. Farm Stock, Implements, ' &e., belonging to JNO. MITCHELL VIZ: 1 Horse, 3 Cows, 2 Heifers two years old 20 Sheep, 9 Pigs, 1 Plow, 1 Set Te oe, 1 Cultivator, I Horse Rake, 1 Pair Bob- Sleighs, 1 Wagon, 2 Cutters, 1 Covered Buggy, 2 Sets Harness, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Saddle, 1 Parlor Stove, 1 Washing Ma- chine, 1 Sewing Machine, 6 Tons Timothy . Huy, 4 Beebives, a quantity of Peas and Oats, and other arti 100 to @* ' Rees to inform his friends and ig public generally that his FALL STOCK has just A. SINCLAIR arrived, consisting of FIRST CLASS TEAS and a CHOICE LOT OF GROCERIES. ines, Brandies, and other Liquors of the best brands -- Porter and Ales. Wines, Brandies, &c., for medical purposes. 5 He would say to HOTEL KEEPERS that they have only to call and examine his Stock to be éunvinced that they can do better by buying at his establishment than at any other in the County or out of it. (= Come, see, and be convinced. A large assortment of FISH will arrive next week. 5 « Prince Albert, Oct. 17, 1866. 41-1y BOOTS! BOOTS! . < \ POLICE ! POLICE ! CONSTABLE-- Hallo! you scoundrel you'll pull off the maw's leg. ROBBER--O No! I don't want his leg, I want to get his Boots; they were made by Daynes & Snell, who never fail iu geting up a first class article both in quality of material and neatnes® of fit, r CONSTBALE~--T am aware of that--bat go and let them take your measuro and I'll warrant that you will get a pair that cannot be surpassed in style, workmanship and material--as they sell nothing but their own woikmauship. DAYNES & SNELL Are prepared to manufacture--on the shortest notice, of the best mention, [5=Sale to commence at 12 oclock, noon. Trays or Sare.--All sums of $10, and nnder, cash: over that amount 13 months credit will be given, by furnishing ap- proved joint nojes--interest charged from date if not paid when due. Ten per cent discount for cash. A. SPRING, Auctioneer. Manchester, Oct. 17, 1866. 1-1w New Blacksmith'sShop MANCHESTER. HE-subseriber would i to call attention of his friends, and the public generally to the fact that he bas leased--for a term of years-- hat New Blacksmiths Shop opposite Mr. Par- in's Carriage Fuetory, Manghester, where he futends carrying on Dine nithing in all its branches. Ie will always bé on hand ready to attend to all who may require his serviecs. Horses shod by yesr or otherwise to suit . eustomers, : LIST OF CHARGES; For 8hoeing with new shoes,.,.$2 50 per span, * Removing shoes... ii 80 Par Span, # Setting Wagon Ti » w Buggy Tire And all other work done proportignably cheap. By the moderation off charger, stcict rs n to business, and care in the performance of is work, he hopes to secure a fair {share of pub- fic confidence and support, 1,560 per set. Yas: terial-- Gents, Ladies', Misses', Youths' and Childrens' BOOTS end SHOES." Prince Albert, Oct. SHOP oPposite the Town Hell, Prine albert GO TO THE PEOPLES BOOT & SOF NORE (Opposite Scoti's Hotel,) PRINCE ALBERT. Where you can get a pair of COARSE BOOTS, =" Not SplitLeather FOR $225 Best Home-made #3 60 Kip 275 # Home-made 375 Women's Bats 4 25 J. COX. Prince Albert, Oct. 3, 1866. a to give [73 PT WILLIAM] DAVIS. Manghester, Oct 10, 1866, ! 40-3, ATTENTION! TC the public, more especially to those who are desirous of disposing of their Farm Stock, Implements. &c. DECKER & WADDELL, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, Are prepared to attend Sales of every descrip- Hom in all parts of this and adeining County of Durham, on the most reasonable terms. Fire, Life, Marine, and Accidental Insurance Agents, Collectors, and general Commission m gents, " Anstion Rooms--corner Centre and King wa. Oshawa, Oct: 10. 1868, 10 BR. WOOD, PROPRIETOR OF THE Ottawa Cancer dnfirmary, STARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, OTTAWA, C. W. CANCERS CURED By a New, but Cerlain, Speedy, and near, ly Painless process, and without the_ use of the Knife. The cure will be' guarantteed, and, as a proof .. of this, no pay is required, until the cure Sr plete. The a cancer is di d, i oi should be cured, as it will "cost less and is more speedily cured than when of longer standing, } there is nothing to gain, and cverything to by delay. t now seems 'a harmless Jumpin the breast, neck, eye-lid or elsewhere, Lor 2 the li fi es tar on Pr Iuny, inp few ; hecome a hideous, disgusting, red refor: mass of «disease, } : ences can to given to parties who aye been © years sicce, and who are now sound « 'and healthy. All Somumiation promptly } n ad An mong until the cur is complete "40-1 NEW PAINT SHO 'PORT PERRY !| wild HEE Ts 'MARSH & FAINT In Port Pi 1 be ca de OF prong, eed REET ; nos? H Lt 100 + Banner, MARSH & AINT. [Port Perry, April 20 1808, © 01 LARGE, ATTRACTIVE, "asap on ANTINE] Ww Perry. Ps ORE x I Gutringen painted in good style a " i L1 Ma. CHESTER, Oct. 38, 1866. * Importations. FOR 1866. vas We beg to advise our friends and the public generally that we are now prepared to show a very And varied Stock consisting in part of the following GOODS! VIZ: Dress Goods, Mantles, cw Shawls, Ribbons, Flowers, - 'Prints, Grey Cottons, White Cottous, Red Flaonels, White Flannpels, | Blankets, | Plumes, Cotton Warp, &ec. Books, Shoes, &c. With a complete assortment of 'Grocer. , Hardware, AE, 'Crockery, Portes = Tag F642 A 8. 6500 yards Prints of all kinds, in wide width at 4700 yards Grey 3 .. 1866. Port Perry. Shaw & Gordon Are now opening out a splendid lot of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Ready-made . Cloihing, Boots, and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries, &c.-- Their Stock will be complete ina few days, when they hope to be visited by their friends, who will find that Goods can be purchased as Cugar at their establishment in Port Perry, as elsewhere. Queen Street, } Port Perry, Oct. 3, 1866. 39 ~ BOOTS AND SHOES. GOOD AND CHEAP! If you are in want of a good 'home made article, call/at J. WRIGHT'S : Boot and Shoe Stores! INCE ALBERT MANCHESTER ALL home made work warranted. free of charge. NOW ARRIVING !--An immense Stock of Boots and Shoes, purofiased in the Cana- dian Markets, which will be sold at prices highly satisfactory to the buyer. This Stock is far superior to any that can be offered by persons unacquainted with the Leathe: business, It has been selected I pself in the be WE huginie pe $ Dow in yolk ed bY myse in the best markets, and on the most advantageous Cush paid for Hides, Tallow and Bark, at all tines. Oct. 11, 1866. If the workmanship gives out, it will be mended ® 3 whioHT. Black Silks, "Black Lustres, Black Cebourgs, Black French Merinos, Black Shawls, Black Kid Gloves. A full assortment of MOURNING GOODS. Currie & Ross. Prince Albert, Sept. 27, 1866. a 37 CHEA $10,000 Worth of New Goods AT THE CENTRAL HOUSE! (At fully 20 per cent below old prices for Cotton Goods) just being opened, comprising everything that is New and Fachiefiable, /in. Crockery, & Glassware, Dry Geods, : Ready made Clothing | Yom Bobts, & Shoes, ? Harder, Ladies' Furs, Mantles, &c., | Stationary, : Ladies' Hats, Trimmings, §¢ , Room Paper, splendid variety, Luints, Oils, Glass &c., Also Iron, Steel, &ec. ya . JOSEPH BIGELOW. Por Perry, Sept. 26, 1866. 38 Spring Goods Gent's Hats, Caps, Collars, §c., | A few a Remington's Revolvers. 2 Goods VHE. Subscriber has now received the largest Stock of 'Goode ever brought into Noith Ontario, in ono season, anid not only the largest, but the most varied, best se- lected and Cheapest" Stock of Goods he has ever bad the plessure of offering, and to which hie most respectfully invites the attention of all whe are iu want of Goods thal are Goods, Having no need or desire to boast of «former pularity," being perfectly satisfied 10 leave that te a discerning public, it being a well known fact that the BEST GOODS are always to be found at the subscriber's Store. | would only say zive me a eall and be convinced that you can make a better selection for the same mouey than at any other place of business in the Conaty, In Dress Goods will be found a tion of over yi 0000 yards (un adie Eres | 500 Fuels. Canbroo; Alpaca, and Russel cord Orlosns, Challies, Popl ps, Mo-| 1000 yards Flannels in red, white, pink, blue, hairs, Cobou! ges, De- dy and some of the very finest White rgs, Ci Laines, &c.,--a beautiful lot'of Good Welsh, worth $1.50 pe at 12} cents yard and upwal a large lot of Hoyle's own make (no imitation), and some of the finest Chintz Prints ever im- ported, and at the same prices as others sell the common qualities. Cloths, Linen A splendid dot of Gents' als, in Straw, Felt, Russel, &e. = assortment of Tooky Jaconett, Checked ry and ul ul 3 Jas: ottons, Slitting and Steam-| rye finest nasortniat of Ladies" Bele, Del 100 Boautiful shawls (dome real novelties), Rhionsand Bice to a Mantles, Parasols, Ladies' JZuta and Douuets, mings in all the varieties of Gimps, Laces so med aud untimely Steel" and Beaded Cord, Jet," Gls, and beautiful silk mixture, Docsking, &e. 5 Fanuy Buttons, Oramments, §s. With a fine assortment of Groceries, urdware, Ctockery, &¢. A first rate assortment of. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Bome of the Weatherfield Onion Seed, the beat seed in America. The | Soliciting an eprly call as goods must and will be sold at the very lowest possible advance on T would also beg to intimate that T have secured the services of one of the best Tailors in the Provinee, all goods required to be madp up can be depended on being done'in the very best style he country ean produce. Parties Bringing their own cloth can have them made up on the best or terms. A trial solic % ' Wanted any quantity of Butter, &ec., for which the highest price will be paid. 4 : : d ~~ T. C. FORMAN. = Brown & Christian. i sy April 19, 1866, wo r yard. A lot of Blue Deng, Drills, Tickings, Logging oland i SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. County of Ontario, N SATURDAY, the 'o Wit: fifteen day of Pecem- ber, A.D. ee at tl 4 4 o'clock noon, will be sold by Public Au at my office in the Court House in the Tawn af Whith, in the said County, all the right, title and in- terest of the undermentioped defendant in and to the undermention: Bands, seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, fssued out of the County Court and to me directed, at the suit of RICHARD EDWARDS, . Plaintiff, ve. DANIEL PARLIAMENT, Denfendant. viz : the Enst-half of the South-ha!f of Lot No. Twelve in the thirteenth concession of the Township of Brock, Also the Enst-half of the Weat-half of the North« half of said Lot number Twelve in the said thir- teenth concession of the said Township of Brock, ini 1 t Seventy-five land. " NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff C. 0. 30-td acres of Sheriff's Office, Whitby, Sept. 6th, 1860. he '9981 'g "uer'uoq(y ooulg 'LEIETV TIONTEJ 'HAISVRLISOd (SANNE ALVATED) OS "SF 'NOSE0Y "9 'IW IND) 43d 8 LF "NVOT 01 HALF A MILLION Money to Lend. igned has completed arrange. hy: he is prepared to 8500,000 of Privi ands, on good mor security, ata low rate of interest, The borrow. er ean have his own time to pay the principal. Tam also Agent for two of the largest mone- tary institutions in Canada, that lend money from 3 to 10 years, at six per cent interest, No Commission Charged. Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold, Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Notary Punric, Land Insurance, General Agent, §e., §e. Orrice--McMillan's Block, Brogk Street. Whitby, Oct. 3, 1866. PE unders ments, Ww Brooklin Drug Store. JOHN DAWES, FALER mn Drugs, Patent Medicines 7 Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &c 025 Horse and Cattle Medicines alway onhand. Volunteers ordered to "the Proutier | From fiis Old Stand to one door South of the Red Whie & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. 1% Spring and Summer Fashions Just re ceived. : J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28,.1866. ELL The most Popular Remedy ever offered to the Public: TOMLINSON'S PHAKILL For the cure of Fain iboth External and Internal, The greatest Pain Curing Remedy yet discovered. Pain cannot : long exist where this Remedy is faithfully used. no other. It is acknowledged by those who have used other remehies of this Kind, to be the best and most valuable of any known, for the diseases for which it ia recommended. 13 Sold by all medicine dealers. PRICE ONLY 20 CENTS. Ib 1s the largest bottle of medicine of the kind Manufactured by the proprietor, two doors Ca of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince Albert, C. W. TO CONSUMPTIES, The undersigned having been restored to health in a few by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a se- vere luiig affection, and that dread disease, Con- sumption--is anxious to make knowu to his fel- low sufferers (he means of core, To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the preacription used (free of eharge), with the di- rections for preparing and using the same, w hich they will find « sure cure for Constmiption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, &e. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Pre- geription is to henefit the afllicted, and spread information which he conceives to Linvaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Ok 3 i Parties wishing the prescription FrEg, by re- turn of mail, will bi address ? Huy. EDWARD A. WILSON, | Willismsbugh, Kings: County, : y New or Gly WILD Give it one fair trial and you will use| FARMS FOR SALE Atlow prices and on long terms of payment. LANDS | MARA--Norh§ 11, » South 9, 1hth con. " South 13, 12th con. 100 acres. » South 4, 13th con, 100 acres, RAMA-Lot 15, 4th con. 200 acres. 3 North 16, 6th con. 00 ocres, » South 186, Sth con. 00 ncres. * Lot y F. 100 acres. » Lot 2, I, 100 ucros. " Lot 13, B. 100 acres » Lot 4, Bn. 100 ucres. The last two Lots adjom the Monek, (Government vod.) and the other Lois in Rama, nre but 3 und 4 miles from suid Road. Mills, School, &e. ELDON West }--24, 5th concession, 100 acres, MANVERS--South [--~18--1st eon , 100acres. . J. H. PERRY. Farms for Sale, 100 ACRES in Va Townslip of Manvers, being, north-east part Lot No. 3, 2n concession ; within two lots of the Town line of DARLINGTON, 80 neres cleared, about 40 acres of which ite trea from stumps. Comfortable Log House new frame barn, 34x50--good well, and a thi soung orchard of 260 trees. This property will sold cheap, and on long terms of payment, ALSO als Lot No. 12,2th concession Mara, Two Hundred Acres, About 10 acres cleared, log house, &e. This is a choice lot, and is situated only some four miles from the centre road. ALSO 75 acres, heing the East part of the South-halfof Lot 10, in the 4th sonigsion of Mara, adjoining the - Village of Breechin, About one-half gleared, and a portion free of stumps, This Tot adjoins the centre Road. 100 acres, South-half Lot 10, in the 11th con- cession of Mara, some Sor 10 acres cleared, Log House, &c, Apply io, J. HAM PERRY. 37 Whithiy, Sept. Public Notice ! 1/7, HENRY R. MORDEN, TAILOR, MANCHESTER, ISH distinctly to state that I have not W left the Village of Manchester, nor have I ghtest intention of doing so--having just erected a comfortable Dwelling House and Work-Shop in the Village of Manchester, situat- edon the South side of the'road, leading from the Centre Road to the Gravel Road, where Jistied wishing anything in wy line will alway fild me on hand, Returning my sincere thanks to the inhabi- tants of Manchester and surrounding country for their liberal patronage and past favors, I hope by strict attention to business--neainess and despatch in the execution of orders, and moderation in charges, to secure a continuation 30 | and increase of public confidence and Support; The Latest Fashions regularly receive: All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for work. HENRY R. MORDEN. Manchester, Sept. 25, 1866. | 38 0 ACRES of excellent land all cleared, with good Frame House and Barn, thriving Young Orchard, and a good well of water thereon--being the east-half of the north-half of Tot No. 5, in the 2nd concession of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX, Whitby P.0. E) Whitby, Sept. 19, 18 Money to Loan? At a Low rate of Interest, Apply to ' ii D. J. ADAMS, Prince Albert;--Office over T, £. Forman's Store, Or to JOHN ADAMS, ! Toronto. EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. Principal Office, 618 Broadway, NEW YORK. NT ii Sewing Machines. -- A Mation Sewing Machine, felons in nction. 11s motion thus being allpositive, 1t is not | the best Family Muchine! Notice | cturing Muchive, for Ta and Improv Root and Shoe ters. Agents wanted, to liberal discount will be given. No Consignments unde. EMPIRE SEWING. MACHINE CO. Grovesteen & Co., PIANO-FO MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, NESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of 1 Merit tat the World's Fair, over the lest makers from Londo, Paris, Gennany, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd" Boston ; wise, the G Anat the Mechanics' Institute, for FIVE TMSSIVE YEARS Our Pianos contain the French Grand Action, Haip Pedal, Overstrung Da oll fron Prame. aud ail Modern Iniprovemeps, Every histru- ment warranted FIVE Jens Made under the super vision of MR, J, GROVESTEKEN, who has a practienl experience of over thinty five years, maker of ower cleven thousand piang fortes, -- cilities for mmnufucturing enable us to sell these n ents (rom $100 10 $200 Cheaper than any first class piano forte. 20-1y KEROSENE AND GAS STOVES | 'Tea andCoffoe Boilors, Glue Pots,0il Cans, &o, Pt) x3 All the Cooking for a. 13 family may be done with £4 4 Kerosene Oil or Gas with £4 7 less trouble, and at less £4 13% expense, than any other fuel £3 Each Article d by this Cc need to perform all that is claimed for Ay ! "3 Send for Circular. A liberal discount 16 ho " ade, * 5 KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO%, 4-8m 206 PearlStreet, New York, FARMTORENT ™ Rent that fiest 'elas Farm Sonsisting of the West-half of Lob Ni in the 3rd con- cession of the Township of Reach, There is over ninety sores "cleared, and the land ivin a good state of cultivation. There is a good dwelling house--a first rate barn 56x36 and other good out-building on the premises. -- Tmmedialy possession. : "For further pacticulirs, apply to the proprietor the pre 5 OF he ies ANGUS MoKAY. Roach, 204k Sopt. 1830. JST of sleced Wild Lots, aad improved : BEXLEY-Lot 12, 4th con, acres - N. Pi, 4 1st con, nv b # a1, Gull River id 18, Gull River 158 * boi 14, North West Bay on -- SOMERVILLE, Lot 7, 12th concession, 200 acres, within 2 miles of the Bobeaygeon Government Road, wil convenient to . FARM FOR SALE."