-- . Stomach and Bowels, Dysentery, and | f---- / L XIMPUDENT ROBBERY, About a week ago, a lady, who is a strager in the sity went to ah ' exechange office and had $25 mn silver changed for bills, She enclosed them in a letter, and asked the exchange broker to direct the letter for her. He did so, and she went on with the letter in her hand. As she was crossing the Sappers' bridge, a man sprang over the stone fence, snatched the letter from her , and before she could recover her surpriee, the thief was out of sight. As it was a dark, night, she did not swe the man distinctly enough to give a description ol him to the police ; and, thinking it a hopeless case, she returned home and give up all hopes of ever recovering her money. -- Oltawa Post. et -- Tue Huxors or Tyrosrapny.-- Daring the Mexican war, one of the newspapers hurriedly announced an important item of news from mexico, that General Pillow and 37 of'his men had been lost in a bottle (battle). Some other papers mformed the public, not long ago, that a man, in a brown surtout, was yesterday brought before the Court cn a charge of stealing a smull ox (box) froma lady's work-bag. The siplen property was found in his waistcoat-pocket. A rat (raft), says another paper, desceding athe river, came 1n contact with a steamboat, aud £0 serious was the jury to the boat, that great exertions wero necessary 10 save it. A colemporary once stated that the Russian General Backmoflknowsky was found dead with a long word (sword) in his mouth. [It was, perhaps, the same paper that, in giving a description of a battle be tween the Poles and the Russians, said that the conflict was dreadful, and that the enemy was repulsed with great laughter (slaughter). Again, a gentleman was recently brought up to answer the charge of having eaten (beaten) a stage-driver for demanding more than his fare, Te ---- ----eeee WANTS HANGING OR SOMETHING EQUIVLENT, The Chicago Rewiew, in alluding to a recent bank fiilure in that city, says: ¢ Somebody needs hanging, as there 1s no law to do it, the sooner one is passed the better for all concerned. Last week a ¢ banker? in this city swindled the public out of $50,000, and it turns vut that he com- menced business without a "single cent of capital. Had he been a poor vagrant, without money enough to purchase a dinner, and had stolen a five dollar bill, he would now be immersed ina filthy cell, previous 10 going to a penitentiary ; but the ¢ banker' lies safely in a $25,000 house, and whenever he is asked what he id with the money he stdle, he replies, ¢ Don't ask me any ques- tions, you will see to it that those gentle- men who wear fine broadeloth, rent mag- nificent offices, place over them the word ¢ bank," and commence business with no other capital than brass and impudence, will héreafler get their deserts.' A little fellow, not more than five years of age, hearing some gentleman, at his father's table, discussing the familiar line, ¢ An honest man's the noblest work of God.' said he knew it wasu't true : his mother was better than any man that was ever made. Furniture Warerooms A WanH., PARK, » : Cabinet Maker & Undertaker PRINCE ALBERT. AS now on hand a large and compete assortment of Cabinet Furniture, which he is selling Cheap. The Stock consists of Chairs, Bedsteads, Sofas, Bureaus, Cap- boards, Stands, Dining and Centre Tables, of newest styles. Every article of House- hold Furniture made 10 order by first class workmen, and warranted. All repairing promptly attended. ig 05 A large Stock of COFFINS, and COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description kept constantly on hand and for sale. Directions relating to funerals will be promptly forwarded to the Cemetery without charge. All orders in this branch of his business will receive prompt and faithful ion, at very ble ch 4 A Hearse furnished when required. © 07 The highest price paid in CASH for Butternut Lumber. W. H. PARK, Sign of the Red White and Blue, Prince Albeit, Sept. 5, 1866. ' . 35 NEW ARRANGEMENTS! "NOW IS THE TIME TO. PURCHASE "fruit Trees ! Fruit Trees! Ornamental Trées, Grape Vines, Shrubs, Roses, Strawberries, Hedge Plants, &ec. HAVING YET ON HAND OVER $7,000 OF MORSERY PROBOCTIONS I I WILL SELL THEM FOR THE IF YOU 00d EH St BL a ™ COME TQ +4 . AH io ts ' [] i 9 Id atk itis a Ne. 1, Tinker's Terrace, Prince Albert, where you can have your choice from the largest and best Stock of Cooking, Parlor, and i Box Staves in the County. STOVEPIPES,EAVE TROUGHS TIN and JAPAN WARE, of every description, FOR SALE BY i A. E. MCCAW. (= Particular attention paid to all kinds of Jobbing. Prince Albert, April. 19, 1866. i 1 - » particularly, to be call at the nd i ling purch o Bargains, before they ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Where they can see GENUINE CARRIAGES, WAGONS, and BUGGIES, &e. made of the best material, and by men that understand the business. As all the various parts of the work are made on the premises and under my own supertendance, I can I HEREBY notify the public lly a cautious with whom they conclud warrant every article lo give entire satisfaction. Carriages and Wagons repaired and painted. PAINTING done for the trade. - HORSE SHOEING and General Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. int' i e. Agent for Flint's Revolving Horse Bake. ibe EMANEY. Prince Albert, Apnl 4, 1866. : 1 LOWEST LIVING PROFITS Y TREES are well grown, stout bodied and healthy, and are giving g Satie «. M faction throughout this Province, and when the selection 1s left to me, 1 will goar- antee their success. The fruit grown in the Toronto Nurseries is- indisputably the best iu the Province of Canada. 1 would call particular attention to' the fact that mince the establishment of . Provincial Exhibitions, I have not failed to carry off the First Prize vor Tie Best Dispray or Frurt,-- except in one instance, and that jeer I did not exhibit. And in the case of the last exhibition in Hamilton, mn the Fai 1 of 1864, my productions were considered of so superior a nature, that the judges in addition to the First Prize awarded them a DirLoma. Mr, Thos, Guy, Mr, Morris, Mr. Golden, Mr. White, Mr: C. C. Kellett, Mr, Card, and Mr. Pringle Are now soliciting orders in this and adjoining Counties, and with much pleasure I can confidently recommend them to my numerous patrons and the public geaerally, All orders sent to the subscriber will be punclually attended to. J. H. BE. HQGG, Wholesale and Retail Agent, . TORONTO NURSERIES, Box 75, Port Perry, C. W. Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1866. 82 _ A citizen or New Hartford tells that the first time he attended church, he, a litle four year old, was seated in a pew. Upon li:coming home he usked what he did in church, when he replied, «1 went into" a cupboard, and took a seat on the shelf,' ee -- The daughter of a distinguished French official invited a young American to ride in the Bois de Boulogne. A gentleman in a very plain equipage recognizing the coat of arms of the carriage, bowed very gracefuily, The young lady confused and indignant turned to her companion and said, ¢Did You see that impudent man bow to me ?' ¢ Ob, yes, that was the Emperor I' ---------- Large fights of locusts have been visit- me several places in the northern provinces of India, and in some instances have com- mitted serious devastation. ------ A new practice 1s in vouge among the fa- shioiables of both" sexes in Paris. They spend from four to five hours in the water of bath establishments, playing games of dominoes, chess, singing, and also in flir- tation, Strayed Sheep ! Te Subscriber had six Sheep (4 wethers and 2 Ewes,) strayed from his pasture field-- near Borelia about three weeks ago. 4 Parties finding them or giving information where they can be found to the Subscriber, or at the office of this journal will be suitably reward- ed, CLARK CRANDELL. Borelia, 10th Oct.. 1866. 5 4 0 NUMETHING NEW Photographs $2 per doz. McKENZIE'S GALLERY ! Gallery over J, & W. Cowan's Store. H. McKENZIE. Piince Albert, Sept. 26, 1866. 28 TT 2D [4 Al HENRY GRIST, Departmental; PARLIAMENTARY, i AND i PATENT AGENT, OTTAWA, Transacts business with the Crown Lands and other Seernmentul Departments; Takes out ns by Letters Patent; Drafts and 'akes charge of Private Bills during the Session, tc., for parties residing elsewhere. By REFERENCES: ' FOR Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cramp in the «all Bowel Complaints so prevalent . at this season of the year. LE Ty . u ve a bottle on' -- * Price 124 and 25 cents per Bottle, R. WILSON, DRUGECIST, OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT! EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soaps, 2 : Special attention given to the preparation and dispensipg of Physicians prescriptions. Prince Albeit, August 22, 1866. PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. FPYHE subscriber at the nt of the § Campaign, begs to inform the public that having taker especial pains in securing the.best material the country affords, and having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared tv % supply superior 9 . Wagons,Carriages& Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. Parties in want of anything in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article, the contemptible and childish hint at counterfeiters by a jealous rival, to the contrary notwithstanding. | Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. "M. 0. DONOVAN, Carriage ZF Maker ! rw Qe A, ey NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCE STREET, WHITBY I fo Sl dl GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best material. Work . made 10 order with neatness and dispaich. Particular attention paid to repairing. "BORELIA CABINET WAREROOMS -- HE Subscriber is still working at his old place of business, manufacturing every- T thing in the CABINET LINE, such as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, &e. (= House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging done on the shortest notice. (= A choice lot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS for Sale and Framed to order. Special Notice. A number of COFFINS of all sizes, ready- made--eztra finish. y ] JF Parties living in the villages; getting work done at my shop, will be furnished the Hearse free of charge. . T0 UNDERTAKERS.--Hearse to hire. ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, (5 Good Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work. Borelia, June 20, 1865. THE OLD STAND FOR EVER. FPYHE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerons customers for their libeial patronage for the past NIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON § WOQD SEED HAR- ROWS made in the latest improved Scotch styles. . i i Parties desiring to purchase would do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasing else- where. Having bought his Stock for Cush, he is determined not to be undersold by any other manufacturer in the County. WM. STEFT, try JOHN NOTT. 11 Work Warranted. Mauchester, April 10, 1866. A. BARRETT'S PHOTOGRAPH ROOKS | BNG-8%., OSHAWA. Photographs $$ per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. Osnawa, Jan. 10, 1866. WM. D -- HECKER, VICTORIA Sewing Machine. AGENTS_WANTED ! $10 to $15 per day. A oTIvE Agents wanted to canvass and sell fii LUAEIV FONINd IFE-LIKE PICTURES taken in all kinds of | weather, at 4 J. A. CLARK'S PHOTOGRAPH CAR, UXBRIDGE. subscriber is prepared to Ereote, in the The 20th, best style, Ph Am w es Cat FV ent lt kinds 1, A : FOR THE - County of Ontario. ew seeennirs SED Bt, 1866. " 3rd, " rasan PRACTIAL WATCHMAKER £3 & JEWELER | FL rn 2 Jr, te Vir ls, te WATCHES, CLOCKS .& JEWELRY. As ap vat hmalk E Ho defies o tio mud will wajoan} all work executed by him. IF He will not be responsible for any worl n his possession over one year. Remember the ry the-Victoria Block, nearly under the " Observer" _ Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1865. ¢ J. P. JOHNSTON, ice. i! 48 HARRISON MAW, & SONS, aie Builders and CONTRA OCTORS SET IRE Me ments. Parties Brick or Store, and finish off in the lajest styles, with all the most modern improve- W. 'A. TOMLINSON, Manufacturer, Prixge ALBERT. Whitby, Aug 15, 1866, of pictures " Kiowa to ar, west of 41 AtherlYispniiis "3h 4 |i oustombrs, Piotaren copes aud phot Z. BURNHAM, |zraphed, or enlarged to any sine deren © Judge C. 0 1A CLARK. Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1865, requiring good work dane will do well (o call, (FPlans and Speoifica tions made to order. z Port Perry, Dec. 20, 1865 s 50-1y Ei ERE Ia asa 'south A Gordons eparcd ubli Nr Wagons,Carriages,8.c. AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Constantly on hand 8 large supply of those ex- n Revolving Horse Rakes ! Such as manufactured last year. Good Sheds on the premises under which to tore Carriages, &c., while under repairs. JAMES PARKIN. Manchester, April 18, 1866. STOVES! CALL AT THE BROOKLIN STOVE TIN SHOP! W HERE you will find a large assort- ment of COOKING, . ~ 0X, AND PARLOR STOVES, DUMD STOVES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, TIN, PRESSED, AND JAPANNED WARE, PRESERVING KETTLES, SAD IRONS, SHEET ZINC Together with a variety of other articles in the house furnishing line too numerous to mention. All ot which will be sold at the lowest living prices. # (03> Particular attention paid to repairing, lining old ovens, &e. Washing Machines re-zinced and made as good as new. Remember the Stand-- directly opposite the. Globe Hotel: o THOS, ROBSON. Brooklin, Dec. 20, 1865. i . 50 Farm for Sale! [OR Sale by private contract, the rear half of Lots No. 13 and 14, in the lst concession of the TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOS,. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, and about 60 acres on Lot 14. The stumps that remain could easily be removed as the most of it has been cleared six or seven years. The land is equal to the best in the township, and from which there isa beautiful view of Lake Scugog. . For further patticulars inquire (if by letter post-paid,) of THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr., Markham. . or M. G. ROBSON, Prince Albert. | SEVEN GREAT BLESSIN | SECURED TO THE HUMAN RACE © sosmvorimor [0 .RADWAY'S" READY RELIEF. 18t.--If suddenly seized swith 'pains or sick- ness, the use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford IMMEDIATE EASE and extermi- nate the treatened disease, ilar 2d.--If suffering from any acute, inflam- matory, Igic, rh ic, mi ic or other disease, whether Rheumatism or Neural gia, Cholera Morb Canada Cholera, Diar- rhea, Bilioua Colic ver and Ague, Weakness in the Limbs, Buk, [.-s, Strains, Bruises, Burns. or any Pain or lnlirmity, RADWAYX'S READY RELIEF will quickly eure the patient, without occusioning loss of time, change of diet, or the use of otlier medicines. ' 8rd.--If subject to Ileadaches, Sour Taste in the Mouth, Dizziness, Sickness at' Stomagh, Melancholy, Fits, Toothache, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, Coldness of the Extremities, Bwollen Joints, Norvousncss, Restlessnes, Dificalt Breathing, Asthma, Sore Throat, Cougiis, Colds, Influenza, Diptheria, Croup, Inflammation of the Bowels, Stomach, Kidoeys, or Bladder, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford immediate case and quickly cure the complaint. a a 4tl--RuppiNe" TE SINE. -- If afflicted with Spinal difficulties or with Diabetes, In- continence of Urine, Irritation of the Bladder, Paralysis of {Le Sphincter of the Bladder, Sluggishness of tho Kidneys, Leuchorrheea, Whites, Fleur Albus, Falling of the Womb, and other uterine difficulties, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, rubbed the entire length of the Spine for ten or twenty minutes, twice a day, will cure the wogst cases. Wo have over 1000 well anthenticated cases, where RAD- WAY'S READY RELIEF, Ly this method of application, Lus cfftcted permanent and speedy cures. 5th.--All who, by exposure to hard servico, either wilitary, naval, or otherwise, or by 'the use of mercury, Luve contracted painful disea- se3, and those suffering from Rheumatism in uny forw, puins in the joints or linbs, Palsy or Paralysis, Weakness, Coldness in the Ex- trewities, und all pains and aches, lameness, and other fofirmities, will bo quickly cured I'v the use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, 6h If the community is threatened with any infectious disease--either Yellow Fever, Typhus or Typhoid Fevers, RADWAX'S READY RELIEF is tho best disinfectant in the world, and a sure preventive, to those who use it, against attacks of these maladies. In cases of Inflammation of the Bowels, Bilious Colic, Painter's Colic, or any active inflamma. tory disease, tho READY RELIEF will imme diately d ease and comfort. It possesses marker i ateges over all préparations of opium, morphine, veratrine, and other oplatis and narcotics. It lulls pains, by imparting strength and vigor the system, and arousing the vita) energies toa healtliful action, instead, of paralysing the perceptivo faculties, and making them insensible to pain. Let those who would live aad enjoy health "use BAD WAY'S READY RELIEF, )7th.--To all who are sick and in pain, use the RELIEF. It can do no harm, and will * surely do good. Persons who are wenk, mer- vous and debilitated, a teaspoonful of the READY RELIEF in a wineglass of water will do you more good than all the Bitters in the world--keep your stomach clean and Lealthy, your breath sweet, your nerves strong, your spirits happy, your appetite good, and your Markham, Oct. 3, 1865. «39-1f Whitby, Prince Albert, and Port Perry. THE Subscriber begs to intimate to the travel- ne community that he continues to furnish a Covered Conveyance between the above men- tioned Pluses; every lawful day, leaving Whitby after the arrival of the Morning Trains, and reaching Prince Albert in time to connect with the Stage for Manilla and the North. Leaves Port Perry and Prince Albert after the arrival of the Manilla Stage, and reaches, Whitby in time for the early trains, east and west. FARES REASONABLE! 5" Baggage and Parcels at'the risk of the owner, unless booked and paid for. G. ROB \ SON, Proprietor. Whitby, Jan.'17 1866. 2-1y THE SILVER SKIRT MORE DURABLE ! MORE ELASTIO I! MORE GRACEFUL!!! And will keep its Shape and retain its Place better than ang other Skirt. This new and beautiful style of Skirt (Patented March 7, 1865,) was awarded by the GREAT AxcricaN Institute Fam, held in New York, October, 1865, a 4 . Medall! PT Silver The highest premium ever given Jor a Hoop Skirt. a our new and beautiful Victoria Family The Steel §, Tis are wound with a fine Sewing Machines. Price only $15. The great- 5 plated wire (in p of a cotton Sovering) est invention on a new principle, is the most which will not wear off or become soiled, simple, and warranted for three being the WwW A T C H M K E R the whole Siz may be washed without injury or K only first class cheap machine ever introduced oY 9 | fear of rusting, and will be as good as new. i Sarah Bo 3% bE bia 1 ur AN. wa A > a! wey uy the Soa Jou pte » Sortainty } Cal \ : . IMPORTER AND DEALER IN » THE COMBINATION SILVER SKIRT. chine to be co with it; in fact thers is no NOITT : we---- H kinds ( ) I | ) { ) ; V | R W A Thi bil ith di primal GO Al 1 SILVE TCHES) 2 simi Ea comm - ion or will pay a liberal ly and 4 C FANCY GOODS, &C,, &C., used in \the silver Shirt, the covering of » Li J % a uj n Samp), akin a res(vih| Ring Street East + = - - OSHAWA, i olin. 2 ny hati onc wom on of { iy * * a ---- () -------- : + + | our Skirts, wi 'wear any other, as No. 14 King Street East . the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon 8-1y ne Bree nso. | (T= Watches and Jewel y Neatly Repaired. |wigemasia, * "™ "0 jm _ # pi Oshawa, Jan~ 25; 1865, J 3-1y | tion, and, from their durability and neatness they Good News for Alf} "7" "1985 7 | ave destiied to become DIVISION COURTS A FAVORITE SKIRT.) Manufactured and sold by the Silver Skirt and Wire Manufacturing Company. 80 & 32 Bavclay Street, : New York. T.8. SPERRY, Supt. 321. Errors of Youth. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature o and all tie effects of indisoretion, will' for the sake of offering ity, send 10 all who need ii, the 18cipe mu directions for Inking the sin'ple remed, ii ois } in 10, by the adver- eis Cation An ah toby Ang od JOIN B. OGDEN, No. 13, Chambers St , New York. regular. A dose taken at bedtime will insure calm and pleasant sleep. This Remedy is truly a Family Medicine. It can be used with the positive assurance of doing good in all cases where pain or uneasi: ness exist. It is the cheapest medicine in the world. One bottle contains more wedicine, as well 4 being a superior medicine, than one dollar's worth of the ordinary painkillers, liniments, &c., of the day. 2 One bottle of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will do more good, and can be used for more purposes, than ten dollars expended | for any other medicine in use. READ WHAT MRS. WESTCOTT SAYS. FIVE HUNDRED TIIOUSAND OTHERS SAY THE SAVE : 4 MRS, WESTCOTT, AN EXPERIENCED NURSE OF WESTCUESTER= READ WHAT SHE SAYS : "Your Ready Relief and Regulating Pills do our family more good than all the physie and doctors we have had for years. If I have the headache I take Radway's Relief and ane of the Pills--in an hour I am all right ; if pain In my bowels, Radway's Repdy Relief gives mo ease and comfort ; if rheumati-m, I use the Relief; if sore throat or hoarseness, 1 use the Relief; if neuralgic pains shoot abut iny body, I stop them wth the Relief; if T catch cold, I take tho RNlief; if toothache, ar earache, or oR I apply the Rel M ' or 4 e If my children fall and bruiss ar. burt Senge 3 ef | 'and discoloration of the sift or scald themselves, the Relicf takes out the five and relieves them ogg ae sleep without a bot Relief within my reach ; so with the Pills, the very moment my stomach or of order, one of Radway's Pi Tn to restore my system to ordur and regularipy." IF" Sold by Druggists and Country Store koupors, es Pamir fipc#h Dr. JOHN RADWAY & CO, B78, Bt, Paul Street, Montrexf, And at No. 87, Maiden Laue, New-York. Agents. A rtd Drogeish and 1. G. ay . Wins Building Lot for Sale, -- ete VALUABLE Building Lot he- Toi weds bay of the flourishing village of Prince tween J. Wright's Shoe A Purk's Foraituns Sia ing wy 'which he | Abe _ For terms enquire of WM. SCOTT, Victoria ' Hatak