A -- consis A Layves ¢ Dorte Wrws.--There were un few adver Savi in the State of Illinois A ? © a3 fquarter of a,century than the no Judge Purple, of Peorin. He was the author of several Smportant law booke. By hie entire devotion to his profession he had attpined merited celebrity as an, advo- cale and jarist. Some yeaks since Judge P:, when in the city of Washington, me with a gentteman from Bosten, who, npon Jearning that the Judge was Hlinois, made particular enquiry as to the Success of 2 young aptig of the law by name of B--, who had emigrated west some five years belore. He his doing very well,' very i 0 replied the Judge. * He is ? Well, am glad to hear it--glad to hear it indeed. You think he has a good. practice, do yon Judge ?" «Don't know anything about "his practice,' replied Purple ; ¢ but hes doing well--succeeding finely.' «Making money, then, is he 7 persisted Boston, ¢1 tell you I don't know anything about his business,' said Purple. ¢ Well," said the Bo ton man, ¢ yon seem to'think he is doing well, and yet you know nothing about his practice or business. ¢ What do yon mean ?' ¢ I mean this," said Purple, ¢ that any man who practices law in Illinois five years, and keeps out of Penitentury, is doing well, whether he has practice or not !* RE -------- THE PIN AND THE NEEDLE, Lem Smith, the ent and philosophical editor of the Madeson Record, tells the fol- Jowing witty fable, which is ar good as any- thing we. have seen out of Asop. "A pin and a neddle, says this American Fountaine, being neighbors in a work-basket ,and both being idle, began lo quarrel, asidle folks are apt to do ¢ I should like to know,' said the pin, ¢ what you are good for, and how you expec! to get through this world without a head ?' ¢ What is the use of your head," replied the needle, rather sharply, If you' have no eye I' ¢ What is the use of an eye,' said the pin, «if there is always something in it 2? 'Fam more active, and ean go through more work than you can,' said the needle. ¢ Yes, but you will not live long.' ¢ Why not 7" ¢ Becanse you have always a stitch in your side,' said the pin, ¢ You are a podr, crooked creature,' said the needle. ¢ And you areso prond that you can't bend without breaking your back.' ¢ '1) pull your head off, if-you insult me again.' 'I'll put your eye out if you touch me ; remember your life 'hangs by a single thread," said the pin. While they were thus conversing, a little girl entered, and undertaking to sew, she very soon broke off the needle at the eye. Then she tied the thread around the neck of the pin, and allempting to sew, with it, she soon pulled its head off, and threw it into the dirt by the side 'of the broken needle, ¢ Well, here we are,' said the needle. 'We have nothing to fight about now,' said the pin. ¢It seems misfortune has brought us to our senses." ¢ A pity we had not come to them sooner,' said the needle. ¢ How mnch we resemble human beings, who quarrel about their blessings till they lose them, and never find out they are bro- thers till they lay down ih the dust together, as we do.' et A -- Lroar.--Ata law club the p president called on an old lawyer to give) us a toast the person whom he' considered the . best friand of the profession. ¢ Certainly,' was the response, ¢ The man who makes his own » will? -------- How the Fenians are to get across the " Atlantic is a matter that puzzles the brains of many. * We they will lish the task when they go Bridget ? ---- ~~ ----ee. A merchant, knowing little of geography, on hearing that one of his vessels was in jeopardy, exclaimed, ¢ Jeopardy, jeopardy, where's that?' ublisher of a newspaper out West, in "he ret 1esue of his journal, returns thanks 10 those who Joaned him the pecuniary means, and gratitude to heaven'that there is no law in that State Safercing imprision= ment for debt. A munister having preached the same discourse to his people three times, one'of his constant hearers said to him after ser- vice --¢ Docter the sermon you gave us this morning having had three several readings, 1 move that it now be passed.' etl A eeeeet It is impossible, said one politician to another, tg say where your part ends and the opposition party begins. Well, sir, re- plied the other, if you were riding a jackass, it would bdumpossible to say where the man ended #nd the donkey began. A London cabmran said: ¢ If you run over a' youngster down here, the folks don't say CONSTABLE -- Hallo! you scoundrel yoo'll pull off the man's leg, ROBBER--O No! I ddn't want his leg, | want ta get his Boots; they were made by Daynes & Snell, who never fail in getting up a first class article both in qua y of material and neatness of fit. CONSTBALE~T am aware of that--bunt go and let them take your measure and ul warrant that you will get a_pair that cannot be surpassed in style, workmanship and material--as they sell nothing but their own workmanship. DAYNES & SNELL Are prepared to manufacture--on the shortest notice, of the best material--Gent's, Ladies', Misses', Youths' and Childrenis* BOOTS end SHOES, P te the Town Hall, Prince Albert. Prince Albert, Oct. SHO coppost na . NEVA BRANGEMENTS Now IS THE TIME TO "PURCHASE Fruit Trees! Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Shrubs, Roses, Strawberries, Hedge Plants, &c. HAVING YET ON HAND OVER $7,000 OF . NURSERY PROBUCTIONS II 1 WILL SELL THEM FOR THE LOWEST LIVING PROFITS M Y TREES are well grown, stout bodied and healthy, and are giving general satis- faction throughout this Province, and when the selection 1s left to me, 1 will goar- antee their success. The fruit grown in the Toronto Nurseries is indisputably the best in the Province of Canada. 1 would call particular attention to the fact: that since the establishment of Provincial Exhibitions, I have not failed to carry off the First Prize vor THE BEsT DispLay or Fruit,-- except in one instance, and that I did ro exhibit. And in the case of the last exhibition in Hamilton, in the Fall of 1864, ions were 1 of so superior a nature, that the judges ia addition to the First Prize awarded them a DirLoma. Mr. Thos, Guy, Mr. Morris, Mr, Golden, Mr. White, Mr, C. C. Kellett, Mr: Card, and Mr, Pringle Are now soliciting ofdér& it this and adjoining Counties, and with much pleasure I cif confidently recommend them to my numerous patrons and the public geaerally. All orders sent to the subscriber will .be punctually attended to. J. HH. B. HOGG, © Wholesale and Retail Agent, TORONTO NURSERIES, Box 75, Port Perav, C. W, Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1866. 32 R. WILSON, BRUGGIST, OPPOSITE scoTTs HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT ! EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, D Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soaps, &c Special attention En to the SPreharation and dispensing Physicians prescriptions. wi "« PRINCE HA now on hand a large and compete Sues of of Cabidet Furnitre, whieh! he selling Cheap. 'The Stock consists of . CI rs, Bedstosde, Sofas, | Boteans, Co wird styles. Every article of Hou boards, Stands, Dining and Centre Tables, of ne { Fa Madey for by, fi isl, clase 'workmen, and Warranted. "All Teparing 0 nded. 4 _ / p ib fin Stock 9 ia fore TRIMMINGS of ever description constantly on hand 1Il'be prompt! rded to th hoy A fre . oul in the Rami 'business charges. i Qu « wee prompt and faithful atfention, & "Lomber. __W. H. PARK, A Hearse furnished when require Sign. of the Red White and Blue, "1 The highest price paid in CASH for Pattern J WANT A Prince Ate Ser 8 Eww FY £2 come 10! , Tinkers 5 Terrace, Prince 'Albert. where * yon' ean -have your choice from the largest and best Stock of Cooking, Parter, and * Box Stoves in the County. .. STOVEPIPES EAVE TROUGHS TIN dnd JAPAN WARE, of every description, nin, as good as new; FOR a EE MCCAW. 0% Particular attention paid wall kinds of Jobbmg.. i Prince Albert, April. 19, 1866. . 14 CAUTION! 1 HEREBY notifyithe public g ily cautious with whom they yd Bargains eed they Pais at Hod ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Where they can see GENUINE CARRIAGES, WAGONS, and BUGGIES, "&e. made of the best material, and by men that gnderstand the business. As all the various parts of the work age made on the premises and under my own supertendance; I can warrant every article to give entire satisfaction. Carrisges and Wagons repaired and gaivted, PAINTING done for the trade. HORSE SHOEING and General Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. Agent for Flint's s Revolving Horse Bake, ic EMANEY, 18 g . ] & COOKING | ove ATE Me roils TIN. SPY. : Wr i find a pe assort- ment of STOVE. PIPES, - ELBOWS, ~ PRESSE. DD PRESERVING £0 4) JAP, AXED WARE, AD TONS, ' SHEET ZINC Together with a variety of other articles in the house' fu mention, lowest living 'prices. hing line tdo numerous to Alba which will be sold at the Particular attention paid to repairing, old ovens, &c. ashing Machines re- -zinced and made Remember the Stand-- directly opposite HOB. ROBSON. ; the Globe Hotel. ' ! Brooklih, Dee. 20, 185! x a R-- 'Tore, eiqEuO SE NVINEOJ | D| iL9agIv JONIud THE OLD STAND FOR EVER HE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate - thathe is constantly prepared to furnish #lrem with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON & WOOD SEED HAR- d_Scoteh sf REVS wa A bead gan on in enil and inspect his Stock before Purchasing else where. Having t his Stock for Cash, he is determined not to be undersold by any other "RII Work Warranted Wit. § or' . ¥ Apr Ie, to. Tey PRINCE- ALBERT CARRIAGE "FACTORY. FJYHE subscriber at the com t of the S begs to inform the public that having taker especial pains in securing > best material the country affords, and having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply superior Wagons, Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. t thing in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article, the mum pL ya deh bk at counterfeiters A a oi rival, to the contrary notwithstanding. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing. and General Jobbing: GEORGE WHITE. Prince Alby; April 18, 1866. nothin, they have got mete cluld and no wittles for 'em ; but if you jist run over a goat or a kid, or a cow, or a pig, I'm blest if a mob ain't arter you in two munits !' re ---- A ---- ee. ¢1 wish my portrait taken,' said a young man {rom the country to a daguerreoiyp st ¢ Very well just také a seat here.' You warreut a resemb ance 2' Certainly.' ¢ For how long a'time ?* ¢ For many years, and even when old age overtakes you, there will be some traces of your features." * But suppose I catch the small pox, how can you warrant a durable likeness 2° ¢ Just bring it back,' said the artist, smiling: and I will punch a few holes in ity' AN EpiTor's AccompLisi MENTS, --At a late printer's festival in Boston he ¢ following toast was given. ~< The Fiitor~The map that is oxpected to Too he tell all he knows, and guess at the rest; 1o make known his own character, establish the reputation of his neighbor, and elect all the candidates to office, to blow up every body and reform the world ; to live for the benefit of others, have the epitaph on his tombstone : ¢ Here he lies at last ;* in short he is a locomotive running on the track of ublie notoriety ; his lever is his pen 3 his boi i 0° is filled with ink ; his teader is his scissors ; his driving wheel is public "opin- ica; H whenever he explodes it is ca by |] he not pavmert ean gasmex! Sf subseription. MM, O. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage #2 Maker! NEAR THE TOWN HALL; 0CK STREET, WHITEY I GOOD assortment of Buggies -- on hand made from best material. Work made to order wit 1 and d h. Particular paid to repairing. Wal dy J Markham, Oct. Farm for Sale! FoR Sale by pivaie contract, the rear half of Lote 13 and 14, mn the lst concession of the TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOS,. There are about 75 acres cleared on Lot 13, and about 60 acres ony Lot 14, that remain could easil most of it has been cléured six or seven years. the township, and from which there isa beautiful view of Lake Scugog. The stum be removed as the | The land is equal to the best in For furthér L particulate ingiite (if by letter THOS. SPEIGHT, Sr ' h IE gr arkham. so oM. G6. ROBSON . Prin 3, 1865. post-paid, of A. BARRETT S FIRST PRIZE Whitby, Prince Albert, and ort l Perry. THE Someta fo intimate to fhe travel- PHOTOGRAPH BROOKES I iiaaiiss ENG-8T., OSHAWA. Photographs. $82 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. Osawa, Jan. 10, 1866. RY be B P) Albert in ti ie Bo h the Stage for Manilla and North, "Leaves Port Perry and Prince ,Albert after the arrival of the Manilla Stage, and reaches Whitby in time for the early ti ns, east and west. FARES REASONABLE! " IF" Baggage and Parcels at the risk of the booke id i + Ri rp dr, owner, Whitby, Jan. 1718605. -1y u WM. DECKER, : i PRACTIAT AL Se), Be Yi WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY. As a practical hb aud will warrant all Jrork ex Sxctuig by him; IF He will not be posite Je8 ao Sei in his possession .dver one Bomempet he the Shop 5, 1866. the ha ictoria lock, nearly under the " Observer" of Hay 5 Prince All x re. VICTORIA Good News for All| Sewing M Machine. FELIX PICTURES taken in all kinds of AGENTS ~ WANTED ! $10 to $15 per day. - J. A. CLARK'S PHOTOGRAPH CAR, OTIVE wan! can: gel A oer nd Beh" Victoria Family and ell UXBRIDGE. Sewing Machines. est invention on a new prin ol subscriber is I Kr in the ANE ad il ras of piowases | SWing SONETIING NEW Photographs $2 per doz. McKENZIE'S GALL 9% 1 Gallery over J & 1 0 's Store. . H. McKENZIE. Piinos Albert, Sept. 26, 1866. 38 CholeraRemedy i= re Car, west of | S01 HYEAMD : a is: the most 9 , cheap and warranted | Simple, and warranted for Tears, the ryan 3 Pictures Copied and photo fuly first 8 Fheap ma ever svotico graphed, or enlarged to any size desired. bs ae le bugged or par- 157 Ju A. CLARK. | bug th Vi head achize rou Usbridgs, Oct. 11,1805. oi She late improvements. sere is no Shean ma- TOMLENSOIN'S |bighprced machine can exo ft ail Eder work. Sample Machines sent on of $15 in a registered letter. We will give above WATC HMAKER, AND JWELER,, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GOLDAND SILVER WATCHES Mar wl 1865) Wi NeRICAN INsTITUT® October, ihe whole ok i ch suis SKIRT = MORE DURABLE ! ¥ ww to - MORE BLASTIO LR ¥ RE GRACEFUL 13 And will keep its Shape and retain ts Ilace | fa better than ang other Skirt. nd benistifl style of Skift (Patented awarded by the Great Pie, held in New York, 80,4... 3 Silver. 'Meodalll JPifinco Erato Hoop Skirt. wound with a fine si Hig of a cotton Sovring) hich will no Re _ off orl become Solled, an was) ut or ill be as good as ay THE COMBINATION SILVER SUT, This invention Sqmbines iH the 3 i] Xo RIOR 4 Jot Did roves, DUMD STOVES, DR. RADWAYS PILLS. FOR THE CURE OF ALL DISORDERS OF. THE ._. Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, . | ¢ Goat engss,~- . | 1 7, ah Sl A | Bi, Bil= | ious Fever, Inflarh= TT mation of the Bowels, Piles, and all deran me ts. $f jha | in ornal Viscerg. Fi" 'ONE TO SIX BOXES ARB Warrantod:- to: offeot: -8> Positive «Cure. DR. RADWAY'S PLL I.8 OF VEGETABLE EXTRACTS PREP, IN VAGUO;- Superior to all Purgative, Cathisrtic, on » dltera- tive Medicines in general use, COATED WITH GUM, 'Which renders them convenient, and well' very 2d for ahildron, and persons oh = pee ori ana y's Ty her allo, ly the fact of their wonderful ned icinal being highly concentratéd. One to six of these Bi will act more thoro) e , and clea: cahal, without fous, ote. thah any. other Fill or +4 THE GREAT WANT SUPPLIED, Ttis a well known fact that Physicians have long sought 'to discover a vegetable purgative as a substitute for Calomel, and that would cleagse the Alimentary Canal of all di d and retained h , a8 tho- roughly as Lobelia will the 'stomach, with. ut producing sickness at stomach, weak- ness, or irritation of the mucous membrane. In Dr. Radway's Pills, this very im- ortant and 'essential 'principle is secured. \ dose of two to six (according to tho «wndition of. the system) of Dr. Radway's ills will produce a.l tho positive alterativo -hange--from a sluggish 'or torpid, to a ealthy, action of. tho or the: Bh sician hopes to obtain' rk do § Mo Pills; or Calomels and" wilt ad' tho ghly cleanse the Stomach, and Juige fon' thio bowels the" di d wd tai uw. the most; approved. mete; at. ahaso. without occasjoping inconvenioneeror sick wes tu the patient. ' Professor Reid. --College of Pharmacy.' # THE GREAT PURGATIVE. yg celebrated Prof. Reid, of New York, Lecturer on Chemistry iii the College of Y'harmacy, styles Radway's Plilsas tho Great Purgative," and the only Purgative Medicine safo to administer in cases of ex- treme Debility, and in Erysipelas, Small-Pox, Typhoid Fever, Bilious Fevor, thelr Getion being soothing, healing, cleansing, purifying, instead sof griping, and After ex. amining theso T'ills," writes the Professcr, "1 find them compounded of ingredients of GREAT MLRMY, and are free from Mercury and other dangerous sub- 'stances, and prepared' with kill and' cdre. uving long known Ly, Euqwaygis Lo sgientitio gentioman of 4 C--O. high attainments, I' pice 'every 'cotfidenco in Lis pougies and statements; "eee ¢ WRENCE age) Low 80, _¥ Prgfeas lin n} Dr. Sydny y, Stevens' © Treatment cf of Cut Inflammation of the Bowels--RBilious Fever--Dymep- sia--Costiveness--Scarlet Fever --Lead Cho ie, Bop. U. B. INVALID HOBPITAL, Nxw ORK: Da. Rapway & Co.: I vend you for Fev ho Teault of of my treatment witty your Pills fu the follow] 8 Casx. --Iaflammation of the Bowels. no Chapman,' rty-four, was reiged on'the Jao the 2nd of ber with Jufle imation of the &fowelni was Salle at ty P.M; ho Lad 4 Leen gree three hours; had not Pg eae fo r tix ri Ting ove him six of your I'ills, an. arr 3 ihe (Revd) Leli Jue. Sidon} jin afew minuioes t u ceased, he wit ramoying all ti in xc danger by a si BE py load ol foi I give bi at hd rolls PI] lief § of water avery. SE ita: 36 ios FR Sud Casx--Day hentyix, enlied 3 3r.M.0n Now Si Tonga dL Satine d with bilious fever for Es Lo ay dx scour pil pills Srey vo Y gav 1 cony, tds oh I rip pace) 1 8d Cask. --Sarah Burns, aged i Sy ith scarlet fever; gavo Lior two pills every four licurs Seon! Jolie Jo gure; 4 i ppliod tio = ih iit 1g In Shifty sh | Liours +) as 3 have preseriled your Pills in cases of Dys; aad EE pid J a ET BT Hare the diy REEL Suppression of 5 Mences, Bcadacki; Bytaria, Jervousness Gps. our File sad Sty: oh Ret eo in a Jun une last the waa cotton. skirt, the advantages' of our SILVER |o SE Fe ft adertyine, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C, &C., " He beso bent avo ou Sp En La King Spt amt © "Odiawa. [CRETE ESR | our Skirts, will be to wear any. other, b+ PRL J PR. 7 05 Watches id | Jewelry y Neatly Repaired. ads OTA WO Nlad lar Won | of ison Oshawa, Jan. 25, 1868, LEST ib LANEY A) t materials are used in their construc- Che bes tjonyand, dooum sheit durmbility and veatuess they MAW, '& SONS, 2 6tdl) Sisto? Builders and £ 0A FAVORITE SKIRT. Manufactured and sold by the Silog Skirt oll Wire Manufacturing Company! Ro 4H Bary me o » 3 I SPER: ysopt! | BAY Ne a: ro bar Aa .C.T. POR 1.1.0 PN GATES ; co. Cholera, " Cholera a Cramp in the| « . ing Strat Stomach and Bowels; Dysentery, and |g. iy No Jt Eng ff all Bowel Complaints so pr phar ny Stray. Sheep I: we should hae a botl on and Subseries Ba ii 4 Ee Gealers, and by, ihe TH, fsa is ia Hotel, Prince Albert. Furchs fhing them ve ing ta Price 124 and 25 cevts per Bottle, ns found to oF at the office of tis Journal ilkbe Samaciiber, oF at CLARK CRANDELL. al We A. TOM LINSON, prnfact it I Borelia, 10th Oct.. 1866. CRE E pre to Co for and pt Buildi f all kinds, chair Brick ped bo Cs finish offi in the haar iy with ihe oo Wout, ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well to 30 md 'and Speen 8 made to order. ort Perry, Dec. 20, 1865) 50-1y Seuss wapusites, gui deisel y. . Errors "of Youth. suffered for years from Ni yy and all the ibis of will for the ho need it, the 1ecipe ing by h he to by the adver- DEN, No. 13, TE 8t, New York. + choly--Nervcus- Cured BOLD | BY ALL DaUGGisre Price 25 cents per Box, nts. For Sal, Agen by' R or Sale in Prince Albert . Wilson, * Drugguet, and T.'C. Forman. ye Waser, x