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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Nov 1866, p. 1

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; ES ro Mi-- mm ILA, pre Ta Le PLT ARITA, ramiLy, # EWEPAPER, pe Rd aT THE | Vicar: 0, in tie Connty of of Bn AL Bitoh, | ma nuws, EE ET So a Yd Rigi LL THAI Wi MORNING, so ds 1ange THOMAS COURTICE, : i \J NADDLE. H " BA RD ® "PARSONS, Sl BULA gi { dy in the line kept constasitly on hand. Shop | a LA eS dad oA ia i i iC Boi 4 rihin six i mei ad vo paper "money: J ena arad 10 ered, will be ap our isk, a oF ihe Jo luedon - . ry CL ho, asure and charged | yn iecioia reaslvsd o pblcation without» pes ib forbid, and re 5. vena" will be luken i fo Merchants and others Wtf yen a ct afehiolsié tuprmhiote Foot oleh ors Fan Judiidunf or con Nl Ans vith aud charged ri i REE Verma. willy. all casos: be. riety nds The inerensi i rin f the North Na SE SD Bllention off O neve Layer Koi and condemning; J 1m, AUCTIONEER for the County BMA, | Snlefixed, at the Onssxvgr Office. wend days fib ni: Save Thorah, Mara & Rama in opposite the Ontario Carriage Factory. to attend to all who may favor him with call. He is well acquainted with the mode of 08 | pri sickin and Srimming and can treat success- fit an diséase that horses are subject to.-- Charges moderate, aly Prince Albert. ROYAL (AMADA BAM, JOSEPH BIGELOW,, AGENT » necessity. L& LA will lead AEE LE ir ad To pring ¥ rrr i smn WFamphlets fin THOS. H. WALSHE. 5 Y 1CENSED Anctioneer for the Town- ' R, w Hee Fitrier, ix alwayk in readiness [residences of every deseri m------------------ PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Ee EC inl la bia H. Burnha CLERK THIRD DIVISION. COURT, Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store; PORT PERRY, C,W MONEY TO LOAN. UF AT LOY RATES OF 1 OF INTEREST, hiisstens COCHRANE & "i | Albert, | 7 BARHER &: PYE,/ Architects, Railroad, Building and. Land Suryeyom, VALUATORS,. &C, &C., OSHAWA, CO, WW, rE prepared to furnish Plans, Details and Specifications, for public buildings, private on or In any style of architecture. | Plans. of all kinds of stal dges, Jombgtones, Jatent rights, mills au nae ineryy ean be had 'on he shortest Poss ible Rr Pye is FRoently from Manchester, Fngland, where he has had experience in designing, sur- vying and ad a pechnen Designs may Rb seen in the Reading Roo , Oshawa, or on applieation to erga W. H. PYE. Oshawa, Ang, 30, 1866. 34 D. M. CARD, ICENSED AUCTIONE Oollector of Accounts on Commission, whether in or out "{ of the County. Remittances Lnde according to instructions. Sales punctually attended any- where in the County, on, the oo rtest notice, -- OF Ari's dio fos "Ad's quantily ol Household d Porfre ®'be Sold by Publis Auf Paion Alben, ale On Friday, Nov. Oth. 1866 The following valuableproperty belonging to A Hom aml i he of Land, Coos Lot No. 15, on the east side of Hoon sires! iti Prince Albert ;1 Bureau frowx Rock- ing Chair (new y, 6 Parlor 'Chala' (new), 1 Cottage Bedstead (new), 1 Sofa (new), 18 yards Carpeting (new). 4 dozen common Chair, 1 Parlor Stove. 1 Bedstead, 1 Corner Capboard, 1 Clock, 2 Lounges, 1 ocking Chair; 1 Centre Table; 1 Dining Tible, 1 Wash Stand, 1: Wheelbarrow, 3 Looking Glasses, 1 Bluckemith's Vice, and; a great many other articles tponumerous to ment on, Sale to vommence at 12 o'clock, noon. . 88 Terms Cash =u i, MAJOR, Ayglioneer, Bhan moderate. ~ Days for Sales app application at the Onsmrves Office. All letters fu rly addressed to the Uxbridge Post Office, receive the promptest attention. Dyotels, «tr. x (seen te Bt Clueek, Hooks eoularic Busi ll Cards, pi id by at eae ro ih, ei ued, Yaitios prs ited 10 take mb with (ili J. BAIRD, i] H. PARSONS. SD dd ,uosc Wuglwess Divectory. 'DR. JONES, * "ASSOCIATE XORONER id tlie County of Omrioy Prince A FH BRATHWAITE M. ry 0. M., RADUATE of the-Un versity of MeGill 1X College, Mon Thawtand dis ol! pe Kd be consulted. "with the other beanbhes of his profession, on Tobe Seat; i bo rosdonte tin -Prince vg "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! B. PLANK. uu FROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention nid te to ste -- Stages'to and hon Whitby cal ostlers always in attendance. COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. PRE rUPeRAbor re] wishes to inform the traveling public that he. has. taken. the aboye hotel, which be has fitted and hag throughout, 'and where the best ag ation, with careful attention, can always de fund Good 4 stabling, enclosed yards, Xs attentive 3 R.A. MURTA: roprie pe tor, Greenbank, Feb'y 13,1866. B-1y Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stile and shed attached, and hn attentive tler alwayein | in attendance, - = Free Omnibus to aud from from the Cars and Boats. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORO NT TO, C.'W INCORPORATED, ... Capital, * - "54001000. GEO, MITHIF. ¥ N. J, AMOR tie W VRESIDEXT...... Pick-Presivel 8xc'Y ARDT REA! JAMES PRINGLE, Travelling: Agent' County of Ontario ly "THE COMMERCIAL UNION Assurance Company, 19 & 20 Corxmui, LONDON, why AN hei : 385 & 387 Sr. Pact Sr, MONTREAL. '| CAPITAL 282,300,000 OR $13,500,000. d ho Compavy affords perfec t securd o the assured, iy offers dsiparise Advantages tual office, with freedom from all ity JOHN H. BROWN, Agent, y T-ly Manchester. - Albert, Eo GILL & HAE, PEGS Susans, oq, &e. | Office and WM. M'GILI, M. D. FRANCIS RAK. M, B. ot OAKLEY, M.D, Office and Residence,--the late ANIL A of Dr. Bain, Saintfield Hotel. Th house being new, ew, commedions; and well furnished throughout, the public favoring | him with their custom may depend on finding every convenience necessary to their comfort at- tended to. Good Stabling, and attentive Ostlers always in attendance. D: CAMPBELL, Proprietor. JOBN' BILLINGS, Jammie, Attomey at Law, Solicitor gy ly Noga so avec 1. Oomterandesy gh RRA & COCHRANE, RARE TER>, Amey. , Prince FA am WM Bel HUDSPETH & MARTIN, TIORNBYS-aLLAw, $t. &e. Solicitors for Ki He Ontario Yiroct, yo in cenan's Avan Hyoarseay NORMAN E. 1 E PATERSON, Paferson, Taronto ) P.8. Marrs: TIORNEY ata, Solicitor in Clisncers, n| the Beaverton. Conveyancer, &¢ fed by by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. building occupi DAFOE HOUSE, ' UTICA 00D dati Careful i to the requirements of travelers. and guests, The bar supplied with the, best wines, liquors and cigars. dé stabling. \ J. DAFOE, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEONGE KOBSON, - - - PROPRIETOK, Tete Synseriber Veg to. to announce that he uy the building formerly known as tures Hotel, fora term of edt and that he his renovated a) situated, 0 or out. cto th Post Office, Phe Riva Gite' lif RX the Be toe, ad for Ux ridge and Dstiers always in attendance, ' GEO. ROBSON door every mo! 33 Careful J. D. Cottingham, SRR DENTIST, = TE ETH LIAN iin Teeth Scaled and Regulated. "Teeth filled with Gold, Silver, or Cerant; Teeth inserted in Gold, Silver, or. kubber Base. I~ il work entrusted to him will rective protipt ention. tients will not be expected to take work. that is not satisfic) af Particular attention paid tothe regulation of!| OR children's teeth, which should be an important, consideration with every parent. For at that he time of second op the dgentity of the manth is formed for 1 IF Office and residencesBORELIA, Terms Cash-- produce taken at cash price. Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865, + bly3- PORT PERRY" MACKENZIE, Ja ARE with firs Hr on [Prince Albert, Oct. "50, 1866. Money to Loan! At a Dow Mate of Interest. Apply to ] D. J. ADAMS, Prince Alpert,--Office over T. C. Formas Store, Or to i JOHN ADAMS, Toronto. 5 T AND AROUND! HE subin] having returned tp Res ch, T has got oh comfortably wh, at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER 'Where he {ntends 'carrying on the 0G- Tailoring Business In all its branches, Garments a to his care will be Shue Hs in the fa est styles ; and nothing willbe le byl him--in way of | 4 neatness, of fit, a in charges, and care- ful attention to orders--to obtain and secure mus | large share of public patronage.' The Latest Styles recéived promptly and regularly. sgolar JAMES SQUIRE. Mifichestér, Oet, 18, 1866. Public Notice! 1, HENRY R: "MORDEN, TAILOR. MANC HESTER, 3 Wht distinctly state that I haye, not Teft the Village ¢ Manchester, nor have | thet slightest intention of doing so--having just ere a, comfortable Dwelling House and Work-Shop in the Village of Manchester, situnt- don South side ef the road, leading from the Centre to the Gravel Road, where. parties wishugcanything in my lide will alway' K i sin anks to the imhabi- tants of Manc! oSinenre hu rrounding country for:their liberal patronage and past favonsy hope hy strict attention to husiucss--neatness and despatch in the execution of ordersjiand moderation in shares, to secure a continuation and ifinseas of publie confidence and suliicet. Latest Fashions larly receiv 9 AES of jis Pro Hb in exchange, io HENRY R. MORDEN. Manchester, Sept. 25,1866, a8 |New Blacksunitl' s Shop| i = MANCHESTER. | P. A. HURD, i TTORNEY at Law, fr in Chans Vii. Sypverancer, Nola, Buttle, 4. Ll 1000 oneyRar Law, ourt 1 ior JA . 0.0 H. 4. MADONELL. pi ay RePHBASON, TER, And Attorgoy-at-Luw, Solici- Fe rE July 4, 1806, IHREN BEE to IcENSED A tious for the Fown- , Brock, Uxbridge and Scott. on ori a atthie office, and days of of sale sale ap-|' olny FIOk Dantas 3 git of the | by REVERE HOUSE . BEAVERTON, C.W." NR prot None but i fobghont in GREENE eaverot duly Teh amprin HW COMI Cha oh JOTEL, | that he He taken ie 4 a groom premises hich have been Rewly fur farhished 2 hed and set Hono and where the jenn Shea R So MILLE, |THE ALBION HOTEL |. BAST MARKET SQUARE, #50 BUONO ! TAL 0 bi Toronto, Feb. 17,1 1863. 6 "TRANGE, BUT TRUE! > Every yong 'rand ue bitlomial on the United Rriites Aud Oat a enn much i hele nibs return ge; addiess~ jue i. EEE having Re nf Doi hambugged will ian » tic ing this curd, A 'best or cigars | E8.--R . Shart, tn Ghat sich Jos. | R and J. Bolster, he has i ) ; re i EE re to suit borigiwers ere « | interest, English Pink Dental ye beautifal: Vulcanite Base for Arti t tificial Te Teeth fan = : & ik Aa to's sfectioutue wo culrgertnns py i SEE bscriber would beg to call attention of d the pul ly to the fact kl term of years-- that New Bl Bhopo, ite Mr. Par- ERT i & RT dpe Eh 0 In; RE will al Rn hand ready to tend to all Li servi wild * oe shod | it IHS your, OF, 4 "LIST. OF CHARGES: 3 Por EE 482150 per ¢ fos, Vix fey sl pki CTH pers ne bin « Hail Hyak ore sad a yas jos © CRED NO TI€E: arf Jada a Lo wel dag don t Sian 7 Bt a very Fy i t a okie Apply Warehouse, to Jou ie RP Si ed) Ti Moc Ih Tuouies Bon ev. weal Myrtle; » Live, AA toe ut the Man- eh: et are Roben: a Poreliay N hie . Pa a VAD an 1 *q., iy ire XL hoi Luby Via kwon Gacrge: iy Eo Malcolm Gillespiv, Fsq.¢ Brock; So Vio ol Vines i Heury 8 bisa others wilus ohedtien iy terval. ot 831 Bioudway, THA Vou. "Brethour, Kagy James pieran, Esq, Viooma Manchester, Sept, 5th, 1866. ona 3m prizoivion will be adh at | ie next | 0° of the Prosi |W i a ak: io to Fe iy, 10 Fort n gob uo, Rr ® AUCTION SALE! HOUSE &- LOT AE iA ik x moro a Hs our dissipo beauty; she. pro- Fa L0,pours punk Sn init dlase | w et, i ok ala ht Ll reed foe loose, neglected robe, and n- ing baok her luxuriant but dishevelted 'ht, she said; +1: wonder what somo of my admiring slaves wonkl think could they see me now,' and then, with a lapguid' move- ment, Kate threw herse!f'again upon the sofa to which she Had just transferred herself y by the bed, though the glorions sun had been nourishing and gladdening the more worthy though poorer of Nature's children for some hours. ¢ What could they think 2" returned Har- riet, «I doubt if many ever think at all; and as for secing, [suspect their eyes are far100 dnzzled to beable to see anything but grace and loveliness my Kate Kilton, however it muy be clothed ; that is, so long as she ean keep up lier present position --1hat may make a difference te be sure ;" and. there was a blight tonch of sare in the tone of Kate's more sober an lesa flinting friend. " Ah, you are'an old girl," kai Kate. «| don't quite understand you, and win far too lazy to try just now, By the hye; mre you going 10 the wilnary ball 19m? Your riend James Darrell is to be there, 1 hear," "No," enid Harrjet, her cheek slightly flushing at mention of the name. «Do you know, dear, the 1earon James never flullers about 'me hike the res ?' asked the beauty, turmning--#hghtly excited by the eau-de-cologue and the subject. "No," said Harriet, "1 have. wo idea, unless 11 is-- No, ve uo iden," « Harriet, I've been thinking about him. He is very well off, | hear; und my fonds are gelting ndiculously low, and, to tell the truth, } owe a trifle-- in short, I. mean. to marry James ;" avd Kate spoke with a com- posure and in a tone of confidence that called forth a stanger look of wonder from her frond. ¢ You--menn 10 marry James Darrell 7 eard Harriet slowly und deliberately, her colourless cheeks telling too plainly that something more than interest was connected with surprise. ¢ Yeu; what ia there to be astonished at 7 Hy hae fot proposed, certuinly 5 neither does he speak 10, me much in a general way=te" thirrks 1° "ceqaettish, 1 fancy. Bur ms | do know whut Hel would like-- Thats halfthe bintle and the other hallie long usy a matter 10 trouble me much, 1 shgl bay) pretty well settled it to-night"? hat my re: ball at wae a thing to be reniembered, as it was by more than one or two, who won!d rather have forgotten it if they cond. - My eyes seem hall-blinded éven now by the mere thought of it. The man wete certiinly: hot 'amiss ; but bright, gay, and briliantiusthey were, the belles bork off the palm -, The swan's-down en- circling egme of their fair shoulders lost its purity by comparicon with those rounded lorie 3 'while the spirkling eyes, redolent of heart sytfipathies and mischief, ehone more beautiful than any diamond. could, from life and expression bey added to their brillianey. O what emotion ! ns there small and wall-turned lany feet went winding through the witching. dance, peping from out of paradise, what mortal man but most be held @xenscd if éonimon rense were nol the standard of his conversation. Yel nei- ther wis intellect of a certam class wanting 1 the seene : the ready compliment and the quick retort, the pointed sally and the cut- mg feparten ; while slander, envy, and all unchuritableness were not missing. either ; and if many a faucied triumph were achiev- wd that might, many a reed of misery was xown that stayed its thorny growth but tae cluy-cold grave. {But pmong the beanteous and the lov ly, Keto Kilton was supreme ; her fine volupt~ vous form, her brill: nt, sparkling eye, now lit 'with 'almo-t 100 much light) her Jangun! grate of movement--all helped to armiaet if nol fo.etichdin admirers. But Kate can be cald as well as gay to- night--she can be sober yet bewitching can be discpe and coguettish at the same time ; in short, Kuté lis a game to play, and she can play ity Why; even James Durrell wonders to tes how, much she is improved --10 see how pi od she thiows aside He painted mothe who ontd barn their wings on the fire of her altar, - Really to night lie 1nnks Kate is as sensible ae utitul ; 'and that combined must form perfection i, mn woman. James Darrell Su, himself, essay a word or two. And so James Darrell does; and finds, or, thinks tie find, that what has ! ru mi shall. Tthat glass, and add a And afier ally, thia og io ina bore 1t ite be 44 me. Wo hnepice. wp the} roper and the ig Ys weirs me' Ye ec: 10 y thet or Raleligle litnerjuice into [| uly 10] reanfy the acidity--the stand is 10. the bouffit | and a'slight shadow bf A bloeh passed over the face of Kate as she made the later Part of this request, latuitively she felt the. worm was gnawing at _her, heart, «not Wither or stiength oF energy. 0 er "Kate," aiid aver; Gs the kind or unkind office for her friend, "do you really love James Darrell 1°» "Lave I' returned the beauty, as she re- placed the glass wpan the table, and a flash of excitement shot from her flery eyes; "1 loved once, Harriet, and shall love no more. But we must nol talk of that-- enough that wan 80 ; the thought of it maddens me, and drives me to--There, no matter," she added, suddenly rising fropy her Jounge, and walks ing into the balcony-- possibly to cool ber hot eheek in the garden breezes. « What do you think of this bracelet? James gave it me last night," Hurriet thought it lovely, and raid so. Knte' thought the same, but eaid it wae plait fairy, and that Jimes would have mple opportunities for displaying his taste int at way very soon. bye, dear joss . . The fan is laid down olor Jumes Darrell's tesidence; and the Death-King |; 19 striding with alent tread: into the house. There 18 a hush and a tone of 'dread per- vading men and things. All is qui t, all is solemn 3 about all there is a stillness and qnietnde, that is overpowering, for irf one closelv-curtnined room lie the ruin of a reckless bean'y--the mos harrowing of all sight's, mare especially at the last. ? Kate Darrell is dying --has been dying for w year pat. The love of « excitement, han been eating its insulivus way for' six long years-of misery to all, James Darrell 1 by' her side, old-looking and wan ; his fwee: betekening more of anxiet and fear thanveither mourning or regret. The ex- of y the Idened ravings interrupted only by eo supplication for 'a few days more 'of life, the agonizing im= plorings for forgiveness, fall upon bis. ear, and cut to his heart's core. Wiithing in pay. lies the "belle of the reason." ~ But how changed! No sweet lis ping from her Iitle ehild, just five years old, of Say with me, mother doar; do not go away,™ to soften the 10ugh passage to' th: ve; no soothing balm fiom childhood's inno- cence and love on nich to rest the hope to "meet again; but the pour child, pale and frightened, for fair cheeks sunk and wan, the lily growing where 1116 rose should bloom, shrinks "ir consternation from: her mother's grasp. But the tyrant is at work. See how weak she yal Cold perspexaticn stands upon hér marble brow, and she stares with a lok which, once seen, was hanlly ever lo be forgotten, expressive of a life's regret, of trembling hspe, of memoties of - wasted years, of vires sacrificed, of feelings tram- pled in the dust-- all were in that last fixed gaze of misery and woe, while a sense of reason for a moment passes through her mind, and a ray of her old beauty flite across her pallid face, fo vamsh forever more. And the once Doauiians; greeful, "and bewitching Kate Kilton dies, a victim to habit which ve of excite- ment, and pit with loss of reason and the grave.. And there she lies, cold and still-- the saddest thing this world can show--a mother unmonrned, a wife unwept. ----t-- An Ewnremest.--Some three or four years ago Mr. Geo. Peacock, of Hullet, pod in his emnloy a widowernamed Robert Jockalil e, : bout thirty-five years of age, to whom Mr. Peacock had acted in'a very Inendly manner. White an inmate of Mr. Peacock's fami'y he made advances to a Jdavghter of not more than:twelve years of age, and sueceedvyl in prevailing npon her 10 be married to him c!andestinely.; After obtaining a license, says the Courier, he waited upon a minister of Clinton, request- ing him to perform the ceremony, but he, fenting from the 'age of the intended bride that things were not ns they should be, re- fused till he had made enquiries, which re- sulted in the stoppage of the marriage. Up to this period the parénts had been entirely ignorant of what" had been going on, but immediately they became aware of it 'took fo prevent jn between the two parties, «hich prevented any further attempts at elopement till a fow days ago, when the daughter left, her 'father's honse and 10 avoid suspicion, weat in her eyery day attire, and met Robert Cockaline; Who had a license, and they were shortly after. wards married: before is a ceriaimy now. Kine is hour doubt the beuw ideal of stnse, wit, and loveliness, James Darrell dances with Miss Kilion ; 3 !'PJaries Darrell accompanies Mise K. to sup- perafierwards, m short, James 'Darrell is in =the: tails; and while bghtly placing her cashmere shawl abou her, beantifal form, James, asks rer permission lo, escourt her home, And $0 Phe' air wale déne dud "Bright, 'anti the | placid: beauty.on their homeward way, and the silver tars bo! (ness. jo the vows "q whould ivik Fatt 06 R06 16 nitngs]! ith those for a" time? 'sid Kate Kiitton:| | rrr i FOR safe i (ORES enencellent 1 O Seared, with, - alt olse 3 and Fain i Young shard, an ka good" Sh sich aie fe Jy SA No: x on es 2 POWNSHIP OF REACH JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, 'Whitby P.O. Whitby, Sept. 19, 1866, 31 © | extreme, Pee of linen, silks, sation, lyces, and every, 1} ion ol ei irl 'might "think proper to order, Eni of her paying time, «1 should thiuk~ 80; 100," sail Harciet; " what a sum you must have spent!" «Spent 1" exclaimed the beauty-- 4 per- haps you'll say theyer paid for next. by, my dear Harriet, you must be simple in the No, indeed-- it will be just oné of the little pli asures James will revel in through winning the belle of the season. moon Jooked dowdy wnmovell sini alt her | 'an rou Tiere god in all Ae a Oe who "shall "say soot 7. Andsoly je Darrell, where sow |, hen oti i. iorghand ilton oir six repo) Nod , love, aud a Bows oy a, ileaeferring:her friend Harriet 1a several « finery" that an extravagant, | © What 4 Dinconamis "Constsvs: ror down east: Editor hearing # youn, making enquiries of ane of her com| if ¢ she had noticed her. Dingoramis lately 2' started for the nearest reading room an after wenrching ull the dictionaries in that establishment was about to give np in des= pair, when a lncky thought flashed through 16 mind an lie espied a rather diminutive specimen, of the genus street arab Saming toward him with the enquiry 2 « Wanta paper Sir 72 son, 1 do not I. aim the «li of i Meyomnt fT f les 1% t r you are offering f 1 sule! $r i Tihs eth the ih 'heel wepaing oe AD Mlinok on an ald dy mem of the | Christian benevolent | « Sayboy 1 said ro) py or' @ you ne omg GPA tell me. what a Samia wl atte [WHOLE No. 611 KEEPING ms WORD, he td Clerk of a ge im m Cine baif's bale of ay duok '10 be at one o'clock, when the 0 leave town with his goeds. were out of Duck and the Ok "to Boston 10 boy some. eackiia, vo hired a man to i over a wheel-barrow. Finishin, busi on his return 10 Charleajon t found or the man not half way ever the bri Sound 3 ting on his barrow wo half dead witli (he Neat. hat Was 'to'be dona.l s.olt was shen half-past twelve, anil the goods were pro- mised a1 one. ere wag not a m | re lose. In spite of the heat, the dust an fine light summer lothes, the young the seizad the wheélbrrow and pushed on. Ptetty coon a rich merchant: whom the r ung man knew very well, riding on orsebaok, overtook him. ?? said be, « Mr. Wilder turged " Yes," answered the Clerk, * the, are. promired at one v'clock, and my' man has given out ; but you see | am determin. ed to be as good as my word." " Goouly good!' said the gentleman, and trotted on. Calling at the store where the young man was employed, he told his employer what he had seen. " And I want to tell him," eaid the Ltlemnn, " that when he goes into Col ih for himself, my name is at his service for 'thirty thousand dollars," Reaching the store, which he did in time, you may be sure the high price set on his conduet made amends for all the heat, anxiety and fatigne of the job, Keeping his word. You see how import ant it is regarded. It is one of the best kk! of capital a man can have. To be w much to anybody, a boy must form a oa - acter of reliability. Ho must be depended upon. 'And you will like to know, perhape, that this young man became one of the most eminent of his'day, known f.r and wide, both in Europ» and in this country, Hisname war S. V. 8. Wilder, and he was the first President of the Americah Traot Society. amr TEE Somebody having said 10 Jerrold, ¢ 1 have just had some calf's-tail soup," the wit replied, « Well, extremes do meet sometimes." 4 et re eA A --eee ee Judy, my darlint, what are ye doin" there? Whist, Patrick, IVs thrying an_ experi: ment I am, sure. Fant, what init? Sure and it's mesell that's afther givin the hen hot wather to see if she won't lay boiled eggs. A clergyman, on 1eading the 27th verse of the eighteenth chapterof the First Kings incoherently placed the emphasis, render: ing {he verwe an absunlity. And he spoke to his sons, saying, saddle me the ass, and vigy saddled Aim. -- gg SL " Pride goethi before a fall," and it fre< quently goes before a « waterfall." There | are few who know how to be idle' and innocent, nud the first step ont of busi~ ness is usually into vice and foliy. tet A -- ee. At Clevelrnd, during the delivery of Mr. Johnson's speech, that interrogatory gentle man repeatedly asked, ¢ What pledge, Inave 1 broken ?* A dilapidated boot-black on the pavement below, getting tired of the repetition, responded tn a shrill voige :~= The tempetance pledge." i Ro PRET Sg. WISER TRS) A fire-enting Irishman challenged a bass rister, who gratified him by an acceptance. The duellist being very lame, requested that he might have a prop. ¢ Suppose," said he, "Tecan lean, against this mile- 8 "ne Mss With pleasure," replied the law yer, 'on condition that | may lean; against the next." The juke settled the quarrel. BE a am---- Dr. Busby, of Westminster, met one of hia old pupi's, who had tured Romanist, and the Ialter accosted him. Basby dil not remember hin, hut when he named himself, replied, ¢ Yon were of another faith, sif, when yon we e under me--low camé youto change it © «The Lord hath need of me.' replied the conveil. ot yon. sir 7" sail Busby. ~ ¢ Why, I have rend the Seripturk as much 'As any man, and J never, read that the Lord had need of anything b but ance, and then it was an ass."' ---- -- Aa American editor' thus dintinguishes between different sorts of patriotism :-- « Some esteem it sweet 10 die for one's, for one's gouatry 5 but most of our patiiola: told it sweelesl 10 live on one's countrys" {ritualist named Richuid Ayéra com- mit trade of the stairway in the second story of his residence.' He had for a' long titi labunng under a kind of mania which. led eu by dome adverse spirits. He! threatened J | frequently 4¢ 10 dispose of his body 'that his ih) oo t Laye fair plays" Ou Saturday A a clothes line, und went up stants, . | immediately after brenkfust, snywmyg to his wife t 4 There was na use tn delaying it any longer !, lis bady must be fliapor red of 1? His wife thought little of the rer hi tut alle wine, when sha went up slarrs, she i bi rage hoging quite dead, Fit Soa se gn Ch a Newman's. Doe. Ths 1 « That'sa bargain 1 eail the young gHinninz, and scratching his: a. "ADI Tiss ise . - Wh twenty-poander ping puddin nei of one pps k fille woh raw Pei and paper, and is * le or makin' water. falls. " wie R-- fof A woman's heart ix + ficensed 10 cany' not exeeeding one inside." In 1776 the Duchess of Charterica bent her husband itt a foot-race of two hundred ards for two hnndred guineas. The Pocnees was allowed (7) 10 secure her pets | licoats above the kuves. To disperse a mob motot a and be- gin to give them good advice. ™ The © ting sick, sent outa' boy to dehver the papers; who, being unacquaints who stopaed it the door of evely subscriber Dever missing ove in a list of six hundred. At the door ol ore anbseribers who had not paid for a lon time. the dog was heard to bowl !=N VY. Tribune. nt -- A -- ¢ Ma ried couples resemble a pair of acis- sure,' said Syduey Smith, "#0 joined that '$they cannot be separated, ohiés woving in opposite directions, yet always mishiig (hose who come between them." -. a ¢ Need coutry 3 others regard it sweeter fo live' - suicide' on Saturday in Pitsburg, | + ay by hanging himself to the balus- , him to believe that bis body was bewitch= Albiny > Knicker] ui aceonil of a won- derful d longing lo one of "ils carries, od with the sends was followed by the dog, 3 a AER ER RS WAY RR

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