Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Nov 1866, p. 3

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SALE Doone} SWRI ml BL iri WL LD LANDS } | Eg her which w nih # NER * LT wy gos k: y. oe Tad by oe 108 scren. 4 bs . under and by rel of Writ of Fieri ox mel J / Zi t ry _-- % acves. 5h vie J i Yon out of 'the Oi Oourt and to mel o = 13th con, 100 acres. AR : eens irected, at the suit of RAMA Lot i dth cou, 200 scres. ¥ 111 i 1 . [RictiarD EDWARDS, Plaiatiff, | © Romy' 1% Gomi.' 108 acres % 3 i ) PY 1: F. cres, Rl Lot - : . i 1 DANIEL PARLIAMENT, Denfen dant. hi Jw 100 sores. choiee lot, and is sitaated o only some from the centre road. les. * * Wirles, Brandies, &c.. for medical purposes. A: B 0 R ELI A He would say .tp HOTEL KEEPERS that hays goly 10 call and oxamine > a | his Stock to be survived that they can do batter by yMig nt | establishment than ag Ca yl i - Ww » . [any other in the County or out of it. Come, Jodi need. (J hi A A larga assortment of FISH will AL net wee " SS ak ess 4) ml ne a r ape L ooms ALSO 75 acres, being the Bast part of the South-halfof + | Lot 10, In the 4th concession of Mara, adjoining cy ; SLIDE EL Lhe gt PIE TE FRNA a By, 100 ¥ : : vin thie East-half of the South-a'fof Lot N. Pi a ai [Tam prepared to offer inducements ce! it not superior to any " i. 50 oh §3 er, y o r d. "Twelve in the hirtoenth concession of the. a ar a RTT fy rg Plo. house in the trade. Also an immense pt § 4 Frets a pe 4) Townshi Brock, | sexuny-im 1m © ance 200 acres 1. fh. |Purchased inthe e bot markets, whiehtiil os be. at a: il sails or he Noth 2. oi ry SR § . : ] A vance Wid Tin a) big A Bi on i tee Concession of the smd Tonnes sip oh- » Ho Norh West Bay aw * S hb} by * admeasurement Seventy-fi fie N eo Tasolvent Act of 1864, , ay ou gi 0nd da to your advantage to come and examine wl Bm fi 100 PIEC ES or TE ofan ie dln v8] tua SOMERVILLE, . AND AMERBMBMS THERETO. wl Hides, Tallow : and Hemlock iy es SG Sheriff C. 0. er roi Rot, aeahin 3 miles of 3 ih AR co Sop, of thi Ftc / 3 Bel GE © : Fa 1866. 1301] ELDON West 124. bik conessiion, 100 acres, ooo, en dh Coty PRINCE 4L8ERT 50 aNentesten, - : : Ty 1a oth [to 1 to ouneet i a . 'rent ober 9: TF g i ; = rs of | are hereby no- - ; y aE % & TR + ee Se d= foding 10 « y JE ~ 3 lg the Law = Ty < , Suivible 4 for Mbescriinaiipride) Hah um 50 50 {3 ip." Sah ios 8 F a rms for Sale. 4 oun nesday, t ------ ; t ry il ot, ny in SHEE IND oO TI TE £1 hi Eas , 00 ! vic = Flanels. lankets, Lambs Wool nd Drawers ; Fur Caps, Ch : » G-- b> 00 ACRES tn the Tonal of 7 ofthe les i ginny ani i na Bk a fo Jack al Spe eT i" 5 : te ata pi Li q 100 within two fois of i Tr noti at J very fine awls in k al le i » i LL eameet : SEE A SINCLAIR | gr El HA i Hr i pe ewes| es and nice quality. Black Silks, ee rh orable ule ew > bo Hh Xl ot' York! this'oth EGS " Safar Nik friends and the public generally Poi bis Fate STOCK has just] ! ah Siler Colored. Véiyat: dress and: § 3 Try a 8d. 1 Hn. 4 oun og. 34u80- trees, hie property a -- fo Bo Po DARKER. fo ahyived, iconisting OOFIRST CLASS, TEAS aud a Y . mantle Trimmings, in great variety, @ > 1 sold cheap, and 2a Jone terug Payment, #0 8T00K Cia 01K LOT'OF, GROCERIES, pa anariow. on CURRIER") ROSH, = g owe Ef dared ia " 3 oh in nes,' Brandics, and other Liiquots of the best brands wm a» | &d phigh acres on [ nae oe pd " --Porter and = & four miles Hdd She Ls EW" | Prince Albert, Oct. 17, 1 dilly : Village of Breechin Fh the FIRS PRIZES LH the BL HE § N ber is still wo Ing at Wie 0 5 Very place of bus: ho a . Aboui one-half clea portion of ky the Coty tnd of the Town pi Hing in 1he CABINET LANES ohh fn bin, hay jot oe oe am" Tl tse a i yon TN 0H 8 1 o oo a -- + Ghrges 75 oents, for each service, ' GO TO THE why Cupboanis, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, &o. 0% House and. Sign Painting and Paper cession of Mara, some 8 or 10 agres cleared, Log VV as WILLIAM, PARISH Hanging done on the shortest notice, (3 A choice lot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS or House, &o, fa ; i | LEY Bl b TUR Sule and Framed to order, Abply to, Prince Alben, a Special Notice: HALF A MILLION a 10,1500, HAM PERRY. £ Al numbeRof COFFINS fof all Sizes, ready- Money to fo Lend. B R' ° WwW O O BD ' ! g % mado--eztrg JSinish, ; x ! A Fi t C I H Ee PROPRIETOR OF THE A (Opposite Scott's Hotel oy rst Class carse, Fue undersigned hus has completed arrange-| Qttawa Cancer Infirmary, 4 DIVISION COURTS ALS0, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, : +2 . $500,000 of Private Je a prepared lo 1nd STARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, " -- = ol rivate unds, on good mor gage A 1] + FOR THE -P R IN oS 1 C E A LL, Bb E R T. (5 Goad Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work, JOHN NOWT Seauriy usta lowaaives I os erage OTTAWA, C. Ww. rglia, Oct. 2, 1866. a | lam also Agent for two of the largest mone- aL . 0 ee ---------- ne ------ uations in Canada, al end mone, Ww here. you can get a, pair of COARSE R OTS, ---- Ee re i : tary {OR ijutions | » Can 0 that Jean 3 y CANCERS CURED "Not Hin LitL ath = 4868 -Fort Porey,. 10, No. Commision CHAFEed. so row but ceri spt 0 bd ea er ua he, Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold, ly Painless process, and Fhout the Apply personally to use of the Knife. FOR Lr 25 ~ - » Shaw & Gordon > 3 Ed - JAMES HOLDEN, The cure will be guarantteed, and, rb Wye Cannty. of of Ontario. ® £4 & Beaverton, .. ; CrrIciaL "A SKCNTE, of thie; no pay is required, until the cure is eriinl AO rose Best Home-made ~~ $3 50 », Ate now opening out a splendid lot of » Ny Te » plete. The uname 8 cancer 8 discovered, it cirles Z ' Kip 27 ie Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Ready-viade Holruurane General Agent, dc. de. | seedily cured than when of longer standing, «Homi 1 3% Orricr--MeMillan's Block, Brock Street. and there is no to gain, and rrvhing Whitby, Oct. 30, 1866, Law Sag e 1 % Clothing, Boots, gud Shoes, Crockery, Whitby, Oct: 3, 1866. 30 oso 1 by Jel. i Se a a Sng omen's Bats TU f oo Masmadke; Hurdre, 'Ooerie, gc. ne Sof Ur os rong ew ne 'no or small wart or sore on the li may, iu a few rr DOI C 3 TO bias Abel or, 3; 8 Their Stock will be complete in a faw days, Brookli n Dr ug Store. 81 tont shore id pidiouti tine: RE DI IT 0 R S, EI, % snp = { frien they hope to bo vied By their | : "DAWES. cured man year oc, re ae docu = 3 TF aur an : 4 4 " Ylonds, who will find that "Goods can' be i Dien n Yor Patent Modicines aud healt a1 communications Sromptly . P Panta, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &a No in advance, $i ALi persons itabrod. to the late firm of ; i! purchased as Crear at their establishment So A lorse and Cattle Medicines alway | none untii the Fi vif complete ¢ in Port Perry, as elsewhere, onhand, : { ) etme mp THOS. PAXTON &Co..| _ i UE Dhrasy, } Volunteers ordered to A i i E W NT 10 N! AY Book" acount promissory' notes _~ i i ) ng Pont Perry, Oct. 3, 1866. : 39 the Frontier | pr are required to make immedi- nee ot i om go i 23 0 the public, more ore. especially to those who 5 ate payment to tie undersigned who hold such : meres SA = AND T are desirous of disposing of their Farm ~ Ea MET (me. J. BU DECKER & Ed HA © I. |CHEAPEST HOUSE' BULLEN Toi wi be . | : LAs LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ii a (34 Ba i A. ~ R BE M 0 V E D fon int of 'la iy doting Cony of of . 3 s 1 urbam, on the mos nable terms. Octobe 1, oe $10,000 Worth of New Goods Maine, ani. a. From his Old Stand to one door Fire, Life, Marine, and Accidental Insurance Agents, Collectors, and geperal Commission - fH i A Im ort ations 4 AT THE South of the Red Whie & Blue. Agents Rooms--corner Centre and King " FARMERS Pp . : 8. CE NTR A LL -H O U W BE! All Garments made in the de 1866. 40 He pre ed "oF ; A rn on ® (Latest Styles and a Fit war-| -- Saas ; Hi d (At fully 20 per cent below old -prices for . Cotton Goods) | ranted. An Excellent Opening 6 Nor th Ontario ! just being opened, comprising everything that is New and cory bring: and Summer Fashions just re- FOR : "When'yon vinit the front, give tho Fashionable, in Prince Albert, March 28, 1806. "UFEN- | A Farmer, a Merchant, and a ROOB LIN oct, 0, | Ge Gar tr byes rom 4 Y & Sho pe Hosen The most Popular Remedy ever : 4 r 4 be i B = SEE 3 fous. § Shoes, 1 8 We Satis offered to 0, the Publis. A FARM, A STORE AND A TAVERN Stove Depot ar CATT 1! PRERE ou will find a large assort- Port Perry, a 5) 1866. Taal bf Tt No. 18 in the ii concession of the i JOSEPH BIGELOW: = |) A omKiNG, : E-- -~ 11 g| Township of Brock ! q pol ' AND..PARIOR Wa 1 yds Bier are 70 acrescleared, and in a good state of . Bison' FURNACES, Spr ing roo = For the cure of "Fain ,both External iba iiag to ent oi Spd. this «quod ray Ladies' Hats, T' uf c., Roo m Kaper, splendid variety, Gent's Hats, Vi odugs, $e. | Paints, Oils, Glass &e., TO OM LIN IN SON' S A few a Remington' s Rev olvers. +Also Iron, Steel, &c. We beg to advise our friends and the public Snerslly that.we are now prepared to fo, 2 rE FE Subscriber is + desirous of Benting thas url] sre PIPES, and Internal, in the country, He is also prepared to rent his excellent in part of the followi grea i uring ; J An varied Stock adtbving in in par 3 e fo Ing Sd Tae Subscriber as how received th the largest Stock of Goods ever brought into The i Pain Corll Reedy yo "mm 3 pe iene » : 25 No:th Outario, iti one seasoii, and not only the largest, bot the most varied, best se- [i 3 & discov NE E W S T 0 R E, at' Hy Se . lected and Cheapest Stock. of Goods he has ever had the pleasure of offering, and te Pain Saunt + long" Jekist where this| Situated in the thriving : gg var igs a as y | 4 hick he most resp y invites the of all who ure in want of Goods that Remedy is faithfully used, Village of M chester Li FR CE ee Tot EU SEA ei ne ie id yon wil wl LAS Of Manche i [46 leave that to%a ering a well wu fac tuntinl misner. Few better opportu ne my oo ice (posh IER cor wl are always 10 be found dui the Bubb i but i of. i would} 'only say ive me a call find no other. subs an : op - ask Phi flo fis ene } "| beicon winced Lh! y beter tion for the same money thau at any other oh a « «pi viz: , | oA 2 / 4 fi] place of So n the on hn 4 SLs ackaowislas LY Hise he Bans nee Ho wishes also to rent his ae Dress Goods," [Ae oop, Bev paca ad Ra cord | mash sbi of sa Laps fo he dims ri A ERIN STA ND | Prints, J jie Wai 2 1 ress oods, : Orleans, Challis, Ppl Ds, be 1000 yards Flannels in red, white, pink, bine, |" X3- Sold by all mediise deers. Jit the Lok on which it siaads, consatmg of ; ---- A SUEY Arey 4 vEr oth Lain, de. aif lott (5 Webi '$150 pe pes rans eek Whits FRICE, OILY a3 CENTs. Baht Ten J) en el ted ire rey C a : Mantes, ¥ | A 4 f o3i 8300 yards n bi opsint of olf k fds, Gu ui Auge of Blue De Dele Tickings, Logging ju 1s the largest bottle of medicine of the kind jos Bcd on He mote font commer of the a "i ! n Ca 2n sion, i] x iicy lukof ER wd A pen ipo Geni J Ti Sheu, Felt a ianafuiturel by the, "it Enea Spaaee ssiion CHAS. PAYNE. A) ! Sort $s east lo, e's rince : . 3 yy . Vhite Cottous, Shawls, A FT; By =. ma PRED 0H) 4 are as ont or Bo Book, Jaconett, Ohecked irs ee of Moggridg, a Gxt 70 sik I 5 : " : i iri a. and Stem: The fat se ir Ladies Bet, Bal oh ie] Flannels, Ribbons, th SER Ye ED : ment wi 2 fain lot of. Dres Trim. im| TO CONSUMPTIES. ON TARIO BANK. ) 18 i > Sie a Bana "Cant, Ges = eth anderinel lasing ret "Dividend | d No. 19. acl, (Flowers, [wed i et] Fi Bt, 1 Mh iy ATs nk Tn a GR, Fr 9 et riui ol Gor Crockery, &¢. A first rate assortment of an cas CY SLY eyo INOTCE: is given that a of 1g np BY + 3 J cure. Tiwwb lames, eh LY GE NTT .a TELD: SEEDS, Parr Ti acopraitil. 4 PER CENT ... by RY charge), - 3 SAL Lo "ae [, 1] 7g ¥Bome of N AN Onion Seed, the best-soed in Ameria, Fotio ions tr renting "nd tain ht sue, which Upon the raid u Shulint gach ort abi, nie i " ! i: pl Kl sure cure for Consumption, | 10 nd ' Cot ton 'Warp, Se ¢ Boots; Shoes, de. a call as goods must and will be sold at the very lowest possible advance on ier And a (Lee a So declare ed, and that the came wil. ve papshic at i f the best Tailors in the | onl Joieet of the vertices in sending the Pre- orp alto best dintinity Ee ete of neuf in the very best style [seription is to ix he aitieiad, 1 and spread Saturday, the Ist day of December next. i : 3. TT Tr Pa $e comply can produce. Parties bringing their own cloth can have them made up on the best or wh iC! The Transfe fer Books will be closed from the Wik a complete assortiont of drooeiiss, ar ware, ART and hohe evry ufone will ey his remedy) TORR to te Sail ail be closed: ps Yl by eared, and the an "Gultivation. There is 4 z a " : ; lagive ) So esl ae fot ui we tos, : Crockery, &c i abi any guapily of Butter, &c., for which the highest Blessing. NEA BERS by co. Iter of Bade Ha ( Tmodiats possemion: 1 & Chri stian price will be paid, {wn of mail, will plese address FILSON, y A \ ih ree apply tothe proprietor Brown 1 ' T C. 0 ORMAN . Williamsbegh, Kings County, Ougtario Bank, 3 if id ; 4 ANGUS MeKAY. Freer April 19, 1865. 3 3 51x New or 'Bowmanville, Oct 27, 1866. 940 - Wh 20h dn Any env MANCH ESTER, Ol, 4,71666, -- ' | > 2 i oe 5 : i he 13 FREE OR fine ae. Bag Sug : 3 di Hn ne ak 5 . me » : i rate ; : : Cer RAR Re We a ;

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