a a A 150A PRINCE. ALBERT, COUNTY ARIO, C. W., AY, NOV. 22, 1966, Fhguabis ck TE Lak HW. Burpham, THIRD , DIVISION, COURT, | Mr. Bigelow's Store, ., PORT, PERRY, MONEY 70. LOAN. RATES OF INTERESY. "URS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, dure uo longer that his onl UE MAJOR OkD ATOTONERE [1 daughter. should wor d, at the Onssever Office. a tyrant, a barbarian.' exclaimed the other, almost ave an only daughter sacri- + AURICULTUR 0 ul AND wis NEWSPAPER], hs i] T hip 1g IOS. H. ICENSED or ALSE ihe. Town- 1h 'North Ontario ; Marip IS PUBLISHED AT THE 5/1, [+ VIGTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, (Hh COUNSY (OF ONTARIO, EVERY. THURSOAY. MOANING, BAIRD & PARSONS, net with what patience, what wweet- what perseverance | -- e, rio Auctioneer, 'THOMAS, COURTICE, ADDLE, 'Hurrvess and Trink Manufac ty, Prince Albert. Every- .... BARBER '& PYE, Mri, Railad, Building and "Land Sic, | VALUATORS, &C:, &C;, | OSHAWA, OW; wnish 'Plane, Details and public buildings, private plion or in any style, patent rights, mills and on the shortest possible 1 iol Joe Iy.one boon, a gentle fring want to commit suicide ! lessed visions from above y round thy happy hens, pierces my. heart Ij have" way jo op wine you must tell me your history . then, if. you-have no objection; I wil BR, WA ORSE Farrier, is nl to attend to all 'who may favor him with | of Is well acquainted with and can treat success. hes Bi Residence, Pring Albert. ---- ee. ROYAL CANADIAN. BANK, Port Peven Agency. JOSEPH BIGELOW, pliers gong maey, ast thou one tender thought, of me | with mei | wee a bridges, tombstongs, ; - ik s RATES OF ADVERTISING. opes like summer Hoon d Thy holy memory in my heart -- f i cently from Manchester, y 1y hear once --there is no occasion for ad experience in design hal op pe ad op applipation to 1. R. HARI. Y Oshgwa, Aug. 30, 1866. " ear CA tq its leaves be given, But it. will live and flourish stil ly As deathless as a thing of heaven, greets thine, unngked, unsou; ou for me one gentle thought Farewell! farewell | my far offifriend | etween us broad, blue rive; And foreats wave and plains ex sin the sunlight glow, row ally are as you re 4 Advertisements widnsurell if No. nger have 10 work, your daughter will no 10 ing Lu the space they. occupy, and you hall not starve The old man allowed | ged along by his compan ments (hey were geated at a table in a tavern, with full glasses before them, and each of 'them examiniu Room, Oshawa, or may himsel(' to be drag: A libergl discount allowed 19 g curiously the fea- Is not. the wind that breath The starbeams shining on th Are not the beams that on But memory's spell is with anst thou the holy part forget? The bitter tears (hat thou and I el na adyenaineyy, a Refreshed and comforted by the effects of » Thine ork Will Th W1 cases' be <riotly ad. the wine, the old man began' thus ; v $ i y history 1s soon told, 3 but fortune never favored me, ad*no honey myself, and 1 loyed~ and I'eould never begin emittances made aceording to ng importance uf the North nthe County, on th Ng ioe married a poor girl, i business on my own' a situation as book-keeper, ul I became useless from men were preferred to me, cumstances were always cirenmseribed, bat my domestic happiness was complete. My wile' wag an angel of love, kindness, and fondness, good and pious, active and affee tionate ; and my davghte But age and illness have stremity, and my 1st the idea: of the Ty addressed to the Usbridge will receive the promptestattention, . | WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y ORONTO,. C.W. : INCORPORATED... : Capital, «- 8400,000. zle i oud ; nich lov ed'friend, though we | paper published m Canad, r pe 'publishe anadu must live and. move, Wolds, Sa "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER . JOB DEVARTMENT, Oan mingle in the world wer ablishment iis this coumy, AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar it nd cigars. Every attenti Stages to and from Whitby pa! ostlers always in attendance. COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, ----gre HE subscriber wishes to inform . the public * that he has taken ithe brought me to the last e gonscience revolts agait bes! cliild in the world sacrificing herself fot an old useless fallow. much longer to live ; and'l hope the Lord will pardon me for cutting off a lew days or weeks from my. hfe, in order to preserve ar proloug the life of my dear. Bertha. ' You are a fortunate mau, my friend,' exclaiméd the young man; "J have never seen a more fortnnate one. your misfortune is sheer nonsense; and ean To-monow I will make my will, and you shall be the heir of all my possessions, and to-morrow night 1 will take the leap from the Main Biucke alone But before | leava this world, I must see your Bartha, for 1 am anxious (0 one who is worthy of the name o h, the choicest liquors THE LEAP FROM RUC RDivgtory, ithe lights on the ciosses the river Main L ABusiness. aC JAMES PRINGLE, stone bridge which at Fraukforit were sti footsteps of passengers had die some time on ifs pavements wh man; approached the bridge from the town i Al the same time, ne 1 RONER for the County te THE COMMERCIAL UNJON Assurance' Company, "19 & 20 Conrsmur, LONDON, BRATHWAITE, M. D,, C. M., APE uf the University of McGill ge, Montreal; Physician, Sur, lately ocoupied by Dr: Agnew. attention, ean alyays be found.-- b or found, another man advanced i g, 'enclosed yards, 'and attentive towards him from Sachsefhausen, the we known suburb on the: opposite gide of the The two had not yet met, when the latter tarned from ns wali's the parapet," with the evident inten- tion of leaping from the brige into.the Main. The young man fol ard laid hold of him. 'Sir, said he, <Ithink you want to dr wn AND 385 & 387 Sm Pauvi' Sr, MONTREAL. 'CAPITAL £2,500,000 OR $12,500,000. "DR. | TRONER for the County of Ontario, Surgeon and Accoucheur, tunity of informing his nee from among thém, particular study diseases of the Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. -- a HIS Company affords perfect securit owed um gnicily, assured, and offers the ac tual office, with freedom from all liabitty, JOHN H. BROWN, 'ends that during his abse ¢ But, sir, what can have made you so u happy at this early age? and the old man, [ moved with compassion, * | believe it was my father's weulth. am the only gon of one of the richest bank- ers of Frankfort : wperi I mention my name, you xill be at once convinced of the truth My father died five years ago, and left me the Leir to an immense From that moment, every one that has coma in contact with me has endeavor- ed te deveive and detrand me. | was a child Ag) A i y tusting and coufidipg ; my | Madame Berg witl not give you any more | me what 1 wanted? ¢ Viitles, wid 1, edacation had not been neglected, and | possessed my mother's loving heart. endeavored to associate mysely in the unior of love and friendship with good and gen- erous people, but | found only "hypocrites and im postors, who pretended lviendship for | no other. purpose than to partake ol my wealth, and enjoy themselves at my ex- My friends, or rather fhe vil whom I mistook for friends, opened .my heart; betrayed laughed at my simpheity ; bot in time anthered experiéiice, and 'my heart w filled. with distrust, nches of his profession, or, Yon think right, sir ; but what 1s that to at his residence in Prince Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. Saintfield Hotel, 11S house being new, commodious, and well furnished throughout, him with their custom ma every convenience necessary to their comfort at- 2, and attentive Ostlers ¢ Nothing at ail; T was onl Youtodo me the favor tv wait and allow me to join you. to each other, and, arm in arm, take the The idea vi- making the Journey with a perfect atranger, who las chanced to come for the same purpose, is really rather interesting. Indeed, I- have pthing so exciting. for and I ghould not have 1hougln thal, in' my last hopr, #0 plea rence would happen, Drs, McGILL & RAE, goons, &c., &e,. Office and J. D. Cottingham, , FER DENTI ecth filled with Gold ceth inserted in Go All work entrusted to hi pected fo take any work ways in attendance, z hid D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor, DAFOE HOUSE, not experienced an MEE epi ; INGS, .. ARRISTO RA LLIN i Solicitor Come, sir, for many 18 I have notumade a requess 10 any 2; do not refuse me this one, assure yon, ['do not remember having éér spent so many words about any request whatever.' Bo saying, the young man held ont his haud ; his companion wok ii, and Le then continued with a kind of enthusiasm : be it: arm in arm--and now lef us be quick aboat it} it is really"charming to fuel w human beart near me ix these last momeilg. L do not ask what you are, good of had-- Patients will not be ex| that is not satisfactory. Particular attention paid ta the children's teeth, whigh should be consideration with: eve he time of second den mouth is formed for life, 3" Office and residence-- BORELIA. Cash-- 00D accommodations. . Careful attention nts of travelers and guests, the] best wines, liquors and g. J. DAFOE, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HMOYSE! LATE SCRIPTURK'S, HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, 0, W., GEORGE ROBSON, « =» - PROPRIETOR, TV Parent. For at that ey lains | Liold more sacred than her memory and the and to whom 1 | promise I gave her; but still, for my father's me; and then | sake, I'must not hesitate. With a fremb- pposite the . Town Hall ; offico--over Mr. Bigelow's Store, Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865. as (the shelf. «0 sir," said she, ¢ during I, was betrothed to a many a sleepless might I have been accns- 1ich heiress, possessed of ali fashionable ac- complighments'; [adored her with entliiasm; lter'fove, 1 thought, would repay me for every dwsappointinent. PORT PERRY d bscriber hegs to announce that he has | # thebuilding fornteriy known ag .|'ture's Hotel, for a terin of years, hy and re-furnished the building through- ises wre pleasantly situa ost Office, in the centre of the way Onthibis calls at the for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the : Wr; Garefal Gatlers alw, REVERE HO CUBEAVERTON, CV 1 HE Subscriber begs to anno oS caiber begs to sua Office EEE |. SAS xa he two, who had at first been m #0 great a hurry toend his existences ii the watere of the river, now restrained the impetuosity of the younger. ¢ Stopy sir,' said he, while this weary eye, tried (0 examie the features of hiv companion as wellas the' lickering light of the nearest lamp would allow. him--¢ Stop, ir ; yon seem too. young to leave life inthis But I soon saw that g hore: than a proud fool, me her slave, and les 10 her tiiumphial 1 brake off' the ennagenrent, and | #selbcted a poor but charming girl~a sweet i 0}. being, as 1 thought, who would be | Solicitor in Chancery, yoko all men bei, LIVERY SABI Coed * benntiful 'Valoanit 8 ~ efoved : she had accept- - > |tenvess ond decay, of mind,émy:futava: hopes. ail, a)l tredchery, the same mise becamd disgusted with life, ahd: reco! y put an end this night tothe pitiable, farce.' " pnfortunate young man, ith fears of sympathy wh bors Thad been mare fotta- "1 povsenred 0 'wife and a came forth pure and seraaca- nd so Young! Your experience must. very sad to. make. you. consider ich have they human, form ¢ I have found none,' said tha : 10" Vit our Ganghter to. found, y RA MON. words of-honer that, you, ESAS GIT ban, vikbom = oy {o-faleshoodl; there are very fow' 'upon my lipss antl 'therefore | is Kar) Pei, 1 am' Thdeed 2=~-1hal is interesting, And: Lh oe, pleaVing it; 'm hiscawn) f vib and, do; you, Balog ver 18 art Hileman, . You recquire rest, Il; happen, 'do nol forget thé word you fohiaey a #hiw hue vr De, "himeelf, his.companion, had Jolt (he o, and the water cattle 16 ight' him To] wearied and worn out, wsbis'o earn "snyih IL [WHOLE No. 614 feet and worship her. It wag late In one of the narrow and ill-lighted streets | T------ went home that night ; but" 'the of Sachsenhpusen, in an attic of a lofty and | leap from the Main Brucke was nd my unsightly house, sat a pretty Yonding, about (thought of. He came to the house ol twenty years of age, busily employ, poor, but clean and tasteiul 5 thegitis' whole dress: would net' have fotohed many kreutzars ; but ev articleswas as neat, and fitted her as hind 4 as if it had cost hundreds, Her fair locks shuded a face brightened by a pair of eyes of heavenly blue, Fhish 0espoke a posta a Purdie AF" The kpirit of order, mic esty, atid' cleanliness reigned in everything arronm her. - Her features were delivate, Sike 'those ol ane nobly born ; her eyes betrayed sleep. lessness and anxiety, and ever apd anon a deep sigh rose from fhe maiden's, br, Suddenly, steps were heard'on the slaircase, and herface lighted up with Joy ; slié listen ed, and 'doubt seemed 'to overshadow her {| brow. Then came a knock at the door, 'which made her tremble so much that she "mast wanted the courageito say ¢ Come tn.' the YopR man, shabbily : dressed, entered ' Herr Schmic, with | evening, in order, as he said, to share wit her needle. The urniture of the was | them on scanty earnings. ' : About a fortnight after, as he waa going away oue evening, he said 1 Bertha ; « Will 'yon become my wifa 7 * 1 ) a paor clerk, but I am honest and upright." ertha blushed, and cast her eyes 10.the ground. ; . ET + Can you loye me, Bertha 2 Lis asked again in an overflow of feeling. v She was silent and did not raise her head, but she held out her hand. He seized a and kissed it feryently : ' i ¢ Bertha,' said he ¢ [love yon immeasgr rably ; you have sayed.my life,' il A few days afier, the young eouple,. a ly but respectably attired, an by Herr Schmidt, went (o church, whe Whe they accom pani were married ip a quiet way. came out man and wife, an_elegam carriage' was 'standing Ar' the dbor, and a footman in rich livery let down the step. and made a low but awkard bow. | ¢ Come,' said the happy "husband to kik mor pardon, Miss," sad he, ¢ does | bewildered wife, who looked at him with "Yoo, a. ive here 7 amazement, ¥ . A ' : i is your pleasure #' Before she oould utter a' ward; the three 'q ir 18 Cho ter Bertha 7? were sented ina earringeg driving a ¢ Then its you that 1 your father,' « For Heavens sake, where, he 7 Wha. has happened ? ° Someteing "ast have happened--this ia the first time he "has 5] . a quick pace, The cariioge stopped before "ek, I core from | asplendid mansion iff the best part of Frank- fort. domestics, who conducted them to apart- nia decorate in tbe moat oietly siyle, Q They were received by a number 6f h = p tees,' gaid Tee slayed away all night.' the servis J 0" 118 . jon bave « The misfortune is not very great.' henceforth. I Te apne Ye wifes 'Oh, my poor, poor father, what shall | said he then, they hear 7? The young man seemed to observe the | city vixible marks of anxiety with great initerest ; f gto Bertha, ¢1 am Karl Teo I .palthiest men of thie 118 110080 18 yo and those ser~ vants will attend on you. "4 old a pledge then, looking round the room," he wei: |" that riches wall not corrupt yn P hom, Pe 1+ Do not be frightened, my dear girl it 1s | Here it is, in the prayer: book of r nothing of great importance. Your father | mother, written by your own hand : {fg met last night on old acquaintange, who in- |" thon wert to give me all the treasures wh vited him to a tavern. They had some wine | the world, O Lord, 1 would still 'remain Jogethér ; but when the landorit came for |" Thine humb'e servant, For whats gold his bill, your father's friend had decamped | * 'before Thee, wv' o lookest intg the heart 1 and felt lim to pay the score. He had not | Thine hs my lieart, and thine it shall re- sufficient money for this ; and now the man |< main,' will nothlet him go until he is paid, "and | ¢ It is the Loid's and thine, my beloved declares that unless he gets his money, he | Karl," whispered Bertha, ard sank in his will kend Lim to prison? arms. ' "wo: 1 w. "To prison !--my father 10 prison ?? ex- | ¢ Hurrah for the Lepp from the Maiy claimed the girl. "Can you 'tell me how | Bfucke ' exclaimed Team embracing hig much the bill cones 10 #* father-in-law. So ¢ Three florins and a half," 1 or 4 ---- rr "0 Gad?' sighed the girl, "all I have| A Hoosen at The Astor. --B-- me} does not amount to more than one florin ; but | on the triio an elderly * Hoosier, who had: [will go at onee 10 Madame Berg, and [been to the show-case at. New York, anil beg of her to advance on the money. who had seen the hi.po-dro-me, ag he ¢ Who is Madame Berg 1? calle it. "¢ Did'ybu remain' lgng in Naw "The milliner for whoo, I work." | York: 2" asked Brees.' © od Well,-n0" he ¢ But 1f Madame Berg does not advance | answered, thoughtfully ; # only two. days; the money--what then The girl burst | for I saw there was a right smart chance of into tears. starving to death, and I'm oppose to 'that -¢1 am much afraid she will refuse. * 1 | way of. goivgdown. I put up at ene: of already owe her one florin, and she is very | their taverns, and allowed I was going to be hard.' treated to the whole." « Where did you ¢ U'or what purpose did you borrow the | stop ?"? said B---, internupting him. At motiey you owe her 7? the Astor Lopse., I allow you don't ketch The girl hesitated to reply. me in no such place again. They rung 8 "You may trust my, I take the deepest | dong as they call it, four times after breaks interest in your mistortunes, and [ smeerely [fast 5 and then when I went to Lat, there wish I could assist you ; but I am only «| wasn't nary vittles on the table." - « What poor clerk myself. * Tel) me, for what pui- | was there 2 B ventured to anquire. poBe did you borrow that florin ? " Well" said the old man enumerating the ¢ Well, my father 1s very weak, and oe- | items cautiously, as if from fear of omission, casionally requires strengthening 5 1 bor- |" there was a clean plate wrong side up; rowed that money to get a quaiter of a fowl | kuile, a clean towel, a spitton, and a hand- {or him.? bill ; and what wag worse' added: the old ¢ Under these circumstances, I fea, [ man, ¢ the insultin' nigges up and asked Here 1s one florin, but that is a'l I possess' | ¢ bringin your vitties,aid 1°1l help myself,? % Have yon any valuables upon which we rire -------- y y ov We EE could raise some money 2° Bertha consid- | Piow Tuy Weanv Heap.--A youn | ered for a moment. Editor out west who is an ardent admirer "I have nothing,' she said at length, 'but the fa sex, but who hasthe greatest hor my poor mother's prayer-book. ~~ On her death-bed, she entreated me not to part | with 11, and there is nothing in the world 1 I bling hand, she took the book down from tomed to enter the secret thoughts of my heart on the blank leaves at the end of the book. 1 hope no one will ever know whose writing they are; will you promise me ror of "made up" charms thus describes mn a puff the stock of a celebrated wire. worker t--¢ Tulk about Barnum's Greek slave, we believe thete 1s nothigg jn thy tout en seninble of a young lady hi pos= sesses such magnetic power as the « gently heaving, plump, bosom," and where Nature has vot supplied the necessary material Mr. L: 'The false « bosoms' are made of 7 fine wire in the shape of a bird's nest with a small spring in them, and really look quite natural. They have akéo on' und a large %s wire comes in very handy.-- that 9 supply of ¢ swells" which are fastened on - ¢ Certainly, my dear Bertha. Do mot alarm yourself; 1 will care that your the teeth in such a manner ag lo make, th: lace appear round and {uh, aad catenlat secrets shall note profiined. "But now get [to deceive'the unsubpecting. Young: gen~ ready, that we may go." temen heed have no fears. They are all, Whilst she left the'réom 10 put on 'her | fightand need no artificial fixings, but we Bonnet and shawl, Karl T------ (for the 'ad¥ise:them hot to mupry: a modern " gig reatler will have guessed that 'the young | Without investigation, ' een sane Eanont |. oir BETTY Haka ou uf hiseyes fitled 'with teavs of ion aud de- hight as he read the outpourings of a 'pure eae he offisiatin olergymen bei the bride away. : /. 1 Woda¥ Vorers.-- The cause of womant ' d suffrage was-ably pleadeil by Madame . dy first went to Madame Berg, who rir ot as-ably p y 0 .&nd pious heart § and when they * had left the hogee together, amd she was entirely : 'untonkcious, He cast upon her locks of re- "pen and admiration. Li 11 did not give the advance required, but' as- saréd the youn, ng as & local editor giving i adr dw a1 at the Social Science chon. 0 ress, arid Madame Bodichon was galt man that Bertha was an any followed on the' same line. by Fb. angel. Certainly this praise Mr. Fe { \/ Walker. Tt may safely be said | valued ligher than the money he hadasked | i iy nas is fir-to vote, so 18 Avob - for. "They pawned the book' dnd the' re- Guued in Paar made up." 'Bettha was yed. ¥ ~ BF sou pend 'all your 'money to- shat women are to, exercise poli Tunet theo man ;" on contlitions.. ia trp gue, Jiks men, 'they must acoe| gation of the sleriér sex: For in tag remarked the yeaog man, ¢ on what | ytajrcn, the right of voling would ' give , we il ou live to-morrow ?* : : + lon" kiow!but 1 shall trust in God. Eh shall 'work the we # night through.' ¢ Ye, trust in firndy;, 'and. He. will help you? exclaimed Karl with-an enthasi- Moth wlhijch almost betrayed the emotion. be "When they came fo the tavern, tha you 8 8 themselves in re ime ian' Wert inf first to prentfyold Mr. Schmidt VoLdbrabrs 16 SIgHITS. that A yoice in the organization of the army. ought not 16 ex art from' Tiberali tia, or fo begonte if that 'method ing should come lo be adopted ifi this - Cofiy.s Phe. Indiek; Who sigh for the should loge no time in enroll ol Amazonia lst they demantl for (Hié pitt be wished Lim 10'act ; then he | the rights, they. ara. rdady. lo sogept the (hed Bertha." It's impossible 10 describe | duties ofc 11he joy he felt when he saw the young «girl a her father's arms and 'press him to | Bouma | her heart. Yur et <0 Inher, nid shes what drama [can a iain i fate ned Ih wine ahd wiumphwhity | ted ity lope or gw more k fiih Nia |e nd sai ¢ Pocket s sho had batter go: alder. hom |g Remmi tb anh Jo th] Vi a . LL horse ands ih So at hie] young man felt as if 'he could fall at at t | id--how uneasy Ihave been several age mafiignit houses and hug 5 i fave heel hin he , "thank "God 1 'Hive fou or neo : whi! Hd "upon Joxurious cham " nshi Punch. ; TT] fornia. with EA Jate!! 1 Tounpend