Plaintiffs > ie Defendant, h hr iol nuthber Three in rei © 49-d 1 Bagel su Prey Atney Dre: 12,1866, Apply GEO. ROBI NON. , n Hall, Prince Albert, Oot of Amaten: ar A fo SER PROGRAMMES! Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1866. - GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINNENT. ging to Miss Frazer's Clase intend giving her a « COMPLIMENTARY "oN CERT d_ Instrumental Masie in the On Tiissday, 18th inst., ers will pieces y hue bow HT will Serato Partormed | Bi oe » Coal o'clock precisely. 48 gia HEAL" Celebrated Itch hi TR subscriber heaps ton constantly a large quan- uy o or his oe, "paernted Itch Ointment. A 25 cents a box. ne J. HEAL. 48-1y | | i Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1866. | i Psorocomium. : THE GREATEST ITOH KILLER OF the | 18ih century. It cures in halfan hour.-- Prics poly 25 B W. A. TOMLINSON, sd Dealer in in_ Medicines, Bole Agent for | 3 Prince Avpear. f beh 0 EITHER FOR Fo. In Dry Goods will-be found $2,000 worh oh of Cloths, Twsedn Cassi $1,000 pri of Prints. i 'oe 1 $600 worth of Flannel, | $2,000 worth of Dress Goods of al) kinds, $800 Noite of Shistinge, Cottons wy Dea- A og fo of Shawls of all Kinde A large and beautiful assortment of adios and Gentlemen's Furs, Ladies' Ca and Hate, Gloves, Hosiery, &o., A first. raté lot of Ready-made Citog, - from the best establishments in Mon treal and Home Marts. PRINCE ALBERT, Deo. 18, 1866. the ver, Tobaccos at all prices. Pure oor 50 and 60 cents, Cigars at all prices. Peel, &e., Grocery Line. the very + Aud the Subscriber bes just edeived a splendid' STOCK OF GOODS, In al Tho different departments of Dry Goods, Groceri made Clothing, &e., to a Hug which he would invite the all who are in want of an ying in this line, as the whole will be disposed of | Smallest Advance Over Cost, Gash or Short Credit. Yo h H Bi on Jy oe or "ET 8 cee 1 or Teme [AR 0 ATTRACTIVE New Crop do, 11 Ibs for $1. Some of the finest ter the finest article ever im, Virginia Smoking, worth $1 per Ib., will be sold at 75 cents.-- Very fine cut Chewing Tobacco at Essences of bh kinds, Orange and Lemon and everything in the | JUST RECEIVED a large and beautiful lot of Codfish, Pickled Hadldook, Split and Round Herrings and 100 Haroarily of Lake Huron White Fish-- very prime. T. C. FORMAN. r srtations|r FOR 1866 We beg to advise out ds pink the public generally that we are Prepared to show a very Tm And varied Stock consisting in part of the following GOODS! / ANOTHER LOT New Goods. Consisting of Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarns, Ladies Nubias, Scarfs, FURS. NENS CAPS in great variety (latest styles.) New Dress Goods. Qur Stock is now complete for the Whiter Trade and will be kept so, as we are receiving' New Goods, weekly, snd will' con- tinwe to 30 s0 in' order to mest the. incrensing demand. hs Don't hd ace, Sapir SHAW & GORDON. Queen Street, Port Perry, Dee. 18,1866. } 49 Prints, Dress Goods, Grey Cottons, Mantles, White Cottons, Shawls, Red Flannels, Ribbons, White Flannels, Flowers, Blankets, Plumes, Cotton Warp, &e. Boots, Shoes, &c. With a complete assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Pi I Gents' Fine French Calf Boots, ranted, home made .....%... Water-proof Gare | Boots. . ... Knee Boots ...... 3 50! Common Lace Boots. ....... ...... - JOHN DAWES, | Drugs, P { Dies Oley Dye-staf,Grocoion, bo i 34 Fore. 'attle Medicines alway Brookiin Drug Store. N | VBI 5 AN ( URI MANCHESTER, Oct. 3, 1866, " YR h P I it E_ALBER J. COX N tendering thauks to his numerous customers for the liberal patronage extonded to him daring his firat year of business in Prince Albert, feels encouraged to solicit a continuance of the same, assuring them that no effort chall be wanting on 'his part to maintain the HIS GOODS HAVE ACQUIRED. J. C. would aleo call attention to the following : 4 50 | Satin Calf Boots " Men's Coarse Boots ............... $22 Home made Boots WARRANTED... .. 3 50 LADIES Rip Boole. ...eioviee. iirrassen sos 27 Skating Boots 00 French Calf Boots (home made) .. " Misses, and Children's wear equally CHEAP, Boys', Prince Albert, Dec. 13, 1866, HIGH REPUTATION? Crockery, &c. Brown & Christian. ', PRINCE ALBERT. Web, and Cioepont Sock to. Onin. To SADULES. HARNESS) Tm A A lngs hl of WHIPS and SLEIGH BELLS--wholessle and retail. Come and A whole Set of Ilarness, somplate, for only 813. Other articles in Popurtien, Prince Albert, Dec, 5, 1866 The most ~ Remedy ever ps ax Eetualy over OMLINSON'S PAIMAILLE For the ure of Fain Pain [both Exter. and Internal. ! The greatest 03 Cui euedy ye 'X¥¥3AJd ryo04d : Ii! i 9 | Pain cannot log 'exist Where this 'Remedy is faithfully used. Give it one fair trial and you will use no other. a va tar : of remehies an most valuable of any knows, for the diseases for | [[SSALUTION OF OF PARTNERSHIP. which it is recommended. 3" Sold by all medicine dealers. THE co-partnershiy? hithe Nitberto PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. between Harrison Tt 1s the largest bottle of medicine of the kind mutual consent. in Canada on in future under the ong ' Manufactured by the ietor, two | rison Ma propri ill ki payme: doors east of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince be Bly againat the he Tate to firm bat? this Ta ROBT. H. MAW. Port Perry, Nov. 28, 1866. 48 dw STRAY CALVES. CANE into the premises uiises of the subscriber, on Lat No. 13, in'the 4th concession of Reach, some time towards the end of October last, 8 Yearling Calves, Two of them elng Red Steer Solves; and Other a Red and White Heifer Calf. not = ple evened within one month from date, sold to defray expenses. Jon MOSURE Manchester, Dec. 6,186 BR. WOOD, PROPRIETOR OF THE Ottawa Cancer Infirmary, STARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, OTTAWA, C. W. CANCERS CURED By a New, but Certain, Speedy, and near. ly Painless process, and without the use of the Knife. (SANAT ALVAINY) looses | 'NOSE0Y 9D 'IT. = INI 484 8 IV Wot HARRISON MAW & SON, Om ¢ DIILDARS PORT PERRY!' A RE prepared to Contract for and pnt up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the moat modern i improve- ments. Parties requiring good' work don~ will do well to call. 05~Plans and Specifica~ lions made (0 order. 1 HARRISON MAW, JOHN H. MAW. Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1866. 48-1y 2+ CHEAPEST HOUSE i $10,000 Worth of New Goods Li bons, Hoisery, be, paid, 47 Prince Albert, Nov.;14, "3 [ad + Buffalo Robes 50 : Labrador Herrings | wi Goality, and very cheap, i in | halt barrels, iN Any uantity Outs and Pork DRESS GOODS. ,- great variety. FANCY GOODS. f'and Brown Whitneys, CLOTHING! » ST aad, which the highest price id Cash will | the CURRIE & ROSE. Men's Over:.Coats from $6 00 to $16 00 UnderCoats do 400 14 00 Vests. do 160 3 00 Pants: do 200 5 00 Lamb' Wool Shirts . 100 2 60 do. Drawes 1 3 3 00 cent less than ] Additional & Stock y UST RECEIVED! ,| Striped Skirting, Velvet and' Fur Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Rib- loves, Belt Buckles; Mantle Cloths---in Black, ut yours i A I am of Wheat, Barley, Pons CENTRAL HOUSE! (At fully 20 per cent below old prices for Cotton Goods) just being opened, comprising everything that is New and ¢ Fashionable, in Dry Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Ready ps 3 ade Clothing, Ernt. 4 ! Stationary, pon ry, Ladies aces be Baath oocrs spicriid tori; Gent's Hats, Caps, rs, §c, | : A few a Re ton's Revolvers. Also Iron, Steel, &c. w & Ramivgion's Revo JOSEPH BIGELOW. First| French Merinos, Coboutgs, Thibets, and Fancy Stuff Goods, in| port Penny, Sept. 26, 1866. JUST RECEIVED! } . nA superior Tot of of 8olé' Leather, which will be disposed of on bd jal Sol¢ Le to Cash' purchasers. * Having a large number of merr constantly smplo in manufacturing Boots& Shoes if not superior to any gk of Boots and Shoes a. om prepared to offer inducements house in the trade. Also an immense 5 - | purchased in the:best: ot markets, which wil be. sold at a slight ad. vance on the cost. 0g ¥ You will find it to your advantage wo come and examine Cash for des, Tallow and He Bark. is - i. J. WRIGHT. PRINCE ALBERT asp JAICHESTER.) hi Pn jo October 24, 1866," : : The cure will be guarantteed, and, as a proof of this, no pay is réquired, until'the cure is com« plete. The moment a Suneer is discovered, it shonld be cured, as it will tost less and is more speedily cured than when of longer standing, and there is nothing to gain, and everything to HALF x MILLION Money to Lend. lose by delay. What Dow seems a harmless "HE undersigned has dmpleted arrange- | or small wart or sore on the Tip, may, in a Mew T ments, whereby he is oared to lend | tort short months, become a hideous,disgusting, $500,000 of Private Funds, on gdod mortgage | destroying mass of disease. If required, refer- security, ata low rate of interest. The borrow- ences can to given to parties who have been IMcKENZIE'S FRENCH CALF SKIN: | Which will be Sold Cheap for Cash ; also on hand a large Stock |S er can have hig own time to pay the principal. Sure i mn Jos Slee, and Who are now sod Iam also Agent for two of the largést mone- | #1¢ _heatthy communications promptly tary institutions in Canada, that lend money suswered, Xo money. Fequired in advance, and from 3 to 10 years, at six per cent interest. one until the cure is complete 40- No Commission Charged. "TRANGE, BUT TRUE! " Every youug lady and gentleman in the United States Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. PILLAR Ln, adn very much to their ad- Apply personally to vanage hy re clurh of mail (free of charge), by address. x ing th signe hose having fears of bein JAMES HOLDEN, i ot ries Ja oticing this card, Al OFFICIAL ASSIGNFE, | others willaddress thert 0 ohedienisersat, | 0 Notary Pusnic, A Land Insurance, General Agent, §c., §e. 81 Braudway New Vors, Orrioe--McMillan's Block, Brock: Street. Whitby, Oct. 3, 1866. MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest. LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, Ses hawa. NOMETHING ii Photographs $2 per doz. An Excellent Opening FOR A Farmiet, a Merchant, and & Tavern Keeper. A FARM, A STORE AND A TAVERN Gallery over J. & W, Cowan's Store. TO LET ! H. McKENZIE. Subscriber is desfrons of Renting, that Prince Albert, Sept. 26, 1866. 38 TLE Subasiter Fam i" cone Se of te Hou half of Lot No. th concession of Grovesteen & Co., Township of Brock } PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, GALLERY! There are 70 aches cleared, and in a good state of cultion, 499 Broadway, New York, soe - en ee d Gir fod coun! ESE PI, Ft "the Avan o He fs algo prepared ¢ ao tema szosllont Merit {at World 4 of N make of r Pride bar German and a Gouin N E WwW S T 0 R EB, Munatat tie Mechanies pC Situated in the thriving contain ion, Pedal, Overstiung Bass, Full Iron . Pre sai si pir imprevemens, Evry rs: | Tillage of Manchester me J. pri Made under the super. ig Wi. MT GROVESTEEN, who The Store js 24 by 40 and fitted up in a most Ba prac epee Of erent oi, Jea'%. | substantial manner. Few better opportunities Ee EE [= eld Tn. He wishes also fo rent his Instruments class piano TAVERN STAND JO CONSUMPIIES, With the Lot on which it stands, vidersigued 'having having been restored to ul Aste, 1x ing past, of Jot Xo, 1) ols, the = i avi ) se- spol simple remedy as oti a, ah Cou: | 2a 2nd ¢ concession and on en Whitby Gran known to - A Fi CHAS. ay 8.copy, of the | Reach, Oct. 30, 1866. "NOTICE. ro will ry bis remedy, | A PRLICATION wifl J bo + A Season of the Provine Charla ia comtroct & Ri f 5 wishing the Sir by re-| OB oe between 4 te wi WARD iim or a owen of Hes Wh ph to Perry, on Lake Scugog. October 17th, 1866, November 21, 1866. 4"