Ce res re an Money to Lend were in extacles not in poy pf the discovery of the Jou sues ju view pi y fellows -- fresh from the flowing underground of the Mi vg a wi were little fish by our friend Jos pl a of so face in hye Ohio. In boring for water]. } ity rentioned, the augur; after lepth of twenty-eight or thirty ry ing w dropped two or three feet, evidently encountered a subterran- Zen oA of some description, containing cligpaters a strong and 'continuous flow of water om hag continued to be thrown dhe uriaon. face ever since, The water}: vel and is strongly impregnated ith a eel hut. mane quantities of these up along with "the water hat an on Jugoes Pp) ced plied wit $300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest. a FARE a MCGEE, | : | Solicitors, "wien you visit the front, give ihe * BROOKLIN St ove Depot =: gontinue as ny ne vigar- 9 Baking am ah rine A c A TL 11 he: soo 0 tothe 1.¢ } vark gated, HERE you wit H find a large aso "ar tnd wif i Morotiint, & and ? AV! oper | STORE KDA TAVERN - Eenyiing inthe Hine, and at prices as Jas any other shop .in the County. , A Cooking "Sioyes furpishéd wit extra heavy farmure. Give a oall and examine my: prices, I} SRG ol purchase, a nor. i 4 Ro is a fair ral, Remember ul Stand --irdetly opposite the Globe Hot THOS, ROBSON, Brooklin, Nov. 1 1866. HENRY GRIST, Departmental. PAFITANENT SEY: PATENT. 'AG INT, OTTAWA. iy ots business with the Srewn sun] and vernmen epartmen es- but Ale wishes alo to renp his i pains for inventions; Sil Boeraion 'or Qompan! otters Patent; Drafts an TAVERN STAND, Jk neo duct tho Session, With the Lot on which it stands, consisting of to, fot parties s residing han 3 "11 'Acre, being part of Lot No: 1%, in the 2nd FERBNCEST concession of Reach, The stand is well situated Ton. A. oo Commissioner of Crown Lands ; beip@t plaged on 'the north-west corner of the| R. Justin, Eeq., Hamilton ; Messrs. R. Lewis & Son, Ty Wm, Wi y Sil Hon. J. Ca oF immediate po aan he Wiki Grave oad | RARHEL WE, Nir ot Ses 0, CHAS. PAYNE. are 10 acregloleared, , gud ir ing good sate of » & wishing to rent will ht Aint 'a food . chance as there no better wheat growing d in the country. He is also prepared to rent his excellent NEW STORE, Bituated in the thriving 'Village of Manchester The Store is 24 by 40 and fitted up in a most substantial 'manner.: Few better opportunities ! voteut themselves for establishing a prosperous ty 1 fo Assurance Co. sT AN D AROUND! TSE suroaE FAving returned to Reach, has got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying on the (G-Tailoring Business id In all its branches. Garments entrusted to his care will be made up in the lateststyles ; and nothing will be' left undone by him--in way 0 neatness of fit, moderationdn charges, and care« ful attention to orders--to ol and secure a large share of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly and regularly, JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. Reach, Oct. 30, 1866, ATTENTION! Los the Pas, more pre especially to hose who aed desirous td disposing of their Faru DECKER & WADDELL LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, Are prepared to attend Sales of every descrip- tion, in all parts of this and adoining County of] onthe most reasonable, terms. Life, Marine, and Aocidental Igsuran Ae Collectors, and general . NS opurane Anetion Rooms--corner Centre and King streets, Oshawa. Oshawa, Oct. 10. 1866. a 40 ry * SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. County ot of Ontario, Yass (SATURDAY, the o Wi fifteen day of Decem- ber, A.D. Ni at the hour of Twelve o'clock noon, will be sold by Public Auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Whithy in the said Oounty, all the right, title and 14 terest of the undermentioned defendant in and to the 'undermentioned Lands, seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facing, issued out of the County Court and to me directed, at the sul suit of RICHARD EDWARDS, Public Notice! I, HENRY R. MORDEN, TAILOR. MANCHESTER, ISH distinctly to state that I have not left the Village of Manchester, nor have I the slightest intention of doing. so--having just erected a comfortable: Dwelling House and Work-! Shop in the Village of Manchester, situat- edjon the South side of the'road leading from the Centre Road to the Gravel Road, where wishing anything in my line will bia on hand. Returning my sincere thanks to the inhabi- tants of Manchester and surrounding Somty for their liberal patronage Bnd past favors, I hope by strict attention to business--neatness Plaintiff, DANIEL PARLIAMENT, Denfendant. viz: the Easthalf of the South-half of Lot No. Twelve in the thirteenth concession of the Township of Brock, Also the id of the West-half of the North- Half of said FN in the gaid thir- 0! rties nd me teenth conc he said 1, of Brock, | and despatch in the exccution of orders, and containing kicn oyihe said Tow Bip of Brock, iT rs in charges, to secure a ri acres of land. and increase of public Sonfidence and support. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, | '#The # Totes Falons regulary received. ; Sheriff C. 0. Ral kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchangd Sheri s Lome thy, Sept, 6th, 1866. 36-td i" $8 HENRY R. MORBER, | , Sept. 25, 1866. Volunteers ordered to the Frontier.) L in MILT Jaw! 1, BULLEN REMOVED Bull tha Rid Wiis ae New Blacksmiths Sih MANCHESTER: . Th subscriber would hh to ll 2tiention of ublic. gon :t sgh! t) Nir kin's ox i sry 1 pins intends Hiding 0078 branches (ahaa Sa Shop a term Of yefrs= atten ad to awe mo posite 'Mr. Pde || io T, Where be ng all its All Qasperte made in the| lores br pons ox Servi ou Latest Styles and a Fit war.| oer OF CHARGES: ' ranted. | For ode oT Speing 'and, Sipe Fashions, Just re] '¢ Settin un Sw Avid al of 3h 212 ton Sates: Sof hS Sn J. RU LEN, formance of rk, he hopes to secure a fain share of pub- io oii a perp R THE : 3 rr ie rage to gl 3 aatishetion, 2x ] : LLL AVIS wort sto Outario, Frascternsr 0ét 10,1000 AnD hg ii Abert, March 28, 1806... Na spect oes PARN, FOR SALE. fa OKT eres tusesers Besse eri North Ontarid |g Allo! you fe ! Fit Fwant his A Daynes & Snell, who neversfail in getting up a first clas: material and neatness of fit. CONSTABLE--TI am aware of that--but go and let them take your mearure and oi Janam that you wil get a pair that cannot be surpassed in sty Jor work b prepared to eee the shortest notice, of the best material--Gent's, Ladies', Land-Ohidpens' BOOTS end SHOES. { SHOP opposite the Town Hall, Prince Albert. 17, 1866. they were u sould e both in q ally of |b Prince Albert, Oct. Ornamental Trees, Grape. Vines, Roses, Strawberries, Hedge 2 Plants, &e SELL THEM FOR THE oe I WILL LOWEST . LIVING PROFITS. font beled and healthy, and are aie gifing agnoral satig- M Y TREES ato well faction throvghout thig ded; dil when the selection 15 o,f 1 Will ighars The fruit grown in the Toronto Nurseries is indisputably the best in the Province of Canada. would gall particular attention to the fact that mnee the establishment of Peavingil Exhibiwons, I have not fled fo] cary off! the Fimst Prize ror THE Best Dispray oF FRruit,~ except in one instance, and that year I did not exhibit. And in the case of the last exhibition in Hamilton, in the Fallof 1864, my productions were considered: of: pp sperior a nature, thay {he:judges ia additionto the First Prize awarded them a DipLoma. Mr, Thos, Guy, Mr. Morris, Mr. Golden, Mr. White, Mr, C. C. Kellett, Mr, apd, 3 Li ft ¢ pif #10 7nd Mr, Pringle Are now soliciting orders in this and adjoining Counties, and with much pleasure I can confidently recommend them tp oy, pbingrous patrons and the public generally, . | All orders sent to the rubecriber' will be punctually attended to. J. H. BE. HOGG, i Wholesale and Retail Agent." TORONTO NURSERIES, se Art "= rh Box. 75, Pont Perey, C, W. Port A, Ang. 13, 1866, ., 32 R. WILSON, BRUGGIST, OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT! flop antee their success. 3 pq in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soaps, &o preparation and dispensing of Physicians preseriptions, Prince Albert, August 22, 1866. PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. Special atlention given to the HE subgeriber at the commencement ortho Summer ammer, CRmpais? begs to inform the ublic that having taker especial pains in securing the best material the country affords, and having had sore 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared to enpply superior Wagons,Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTIOE AND REASONABLE PRICES. f anything this li yonget substantial artiele,the donfempy nl $a L hide Hiht at Sonar by Aas 'the conteary noth thstan ithe Particular attention paid 'to Horse Shoeing. and General Jobbing. ! GEORGE WHITE, Princes ATbarty Apri 18; 1866, } " wp Sr FI NW 0. DONO PRALTL AL Carriage #9 Maker 1 NEAR THE TOWN HALL, La a BROCK STREET, WEITRY | GOOD wsortment of Buagies SAY on/hand: ron haathde from. best material.' * Work hails, fo onlet witlf fikhtoess mn dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing. 5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. y oer o "i HE dao! Apecial 'Notices > QE of excellent Tand and o1} POEs We hi copeegeion of 0] TOWNSHIP, OF do A liberal discount to the 1 walsr Amat Jor Oi alts it 5, 1 "Shr abs ; place of business, manufacturing every-| dive Tab | Bees foifnfordn hisfiiendd andy arrived, consisting : die fort ul Ales, Won, Bids on ni pons. wdvld aaj to, HOT: SE conyinced. Ans RENE ying % A 'large ic FISH: w week fii v7 ol Yi Albert, Okt. 17, 1866. hi " 41- -1y | Ad COME TO 1; Tibker's T ra Princo. Albert." where you can: iL "Vout choice from the largest and best Sfock of Cooking, Palo and is + Box Stoves in"{he Cofifity. STOVE PIPES EAVE TROUGHS TIN and, JAPAN WARE, of every option : AE] MCCAW. fo Basticalar attention irs to' all kinds of Jostimg, : : aan Prince Albert, Apyil, 19, 1866. . . rp aaVIANAY T2yL 14 s | Cabinet Habit? # Cwdertaker, FE «PRIVEE, ALBER'P. F AS now on hand a! p in Bow. ARO oy Gti Furniture, which he isselling Cheap. * Stock consists of Chairs, Bedsfeads, Sof.s, Bureaus, Cup- Every article of Honse- boards, Stands, Dining and RE TFab'es, of newest styles. All repairing hold Furniture made fo order by fist class workmen, and waganted. promptly attended, (= A large Stock of COFFINS, and COFFIN. TRIMMINGS of every description kept constantly on hand and for sale. Directious selaung 1a. fonerals will be promptly forwarded to the Cemetery without charge, ~All prders in this branch of his business will teseive prompt and faftiful attention, at very feakbnable cliarges. A Hearse furonslied when féquired. & [ie od The highest price paid in CASH: for -Butternut Lamber, W. H. PARK, Sign of the Red White and Blue, Prince Albert, Sept. 5, 1866. CAUTION! HEREBY notify the public generall and ine urchasers aMticulntl to be I BY rary he. Bon they conslude Ba AS Torch theyll at hap! ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Where they can see GENUINE CARRIAGES, WAGONS, and BUGGIES, &ec. made of The best material, and by men that understand the business. As all the variovs parts of the work are made on the premises and under my own #tipertendance, I can warrant every article to give entire satisfaction. Carriages and Wagons repaired and painted. PAINTING by for the trade. HORSE SHOEING and General Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. t Revolving Horse Rake. Agent for, Flint's Revolving Horse ake. £8 EMANEY, | Prince Albert, Apnl 4, 1866. 13 THE OLD STAND FOR BVER. HE Subscriber takes: this wahod al ve returning hr thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is Rowpreparing, g. FIFTY. Seta of: his PREMIUM IRON § WOOB FEED IT AR- ROW made in the latest improved Seetoh style < Parties 8 Sesiring to purchase would do well to cs ail and inspect his Stotk before putt! -hasing ele Having ty his Stock for Cash, be is determined not to be undersold by any other +. | manufacturer in the County, All Work J arranted, Machel wa 3 WM, STEEL, Ba aly LR 1 AS Removed to the prémres 3 apie or Ne Oo ok Victoria Block, tavo tthe Town pis ay und, us aoniroll dart WATCHES, CI. COCKS 6 JEWELRY, As a practical watchm: e ¢ Hons an EL shop by him, b Kem e will nok be resto] year, em r the shop--i Albert, Dec, 3, 1865. NTN hi uj ad SAI J: P. JOHNSTON, = JW A PAHMAK ER, a 60 0 AND: FW E LPR 1 0d ba BUFORTES AND Mins WH . 0d CLOCKS, or iney a Walia n King 'Street; ast aval. OSHAWA. i ih DLN Rd iB AR R ET rs a us Hid BEZEL ni be pio % DERAR H ROBES By Photbsr "i 8%. J OSHATA, per, dozen... Satisfaction]: tho phe $2 " Copying one reagoguble. | KEROSENE ies HEATER CO%Y, | 4-8m 4 206 Pearl Street, New York. Osuawa, Jan. 10, 1866. + phawa, Jan % 5, 1865, 2lavisdSdy |¥MPIRE_SEWING MAGHINE 00, p2, 1 sinh; G18% Brpwiwnly, | 10 uilding Lot t fox Sale. | Lim do dDED a BORK 10d o.ls ATOR A dt ween REAT IMPROVEMENT i in Sewing Machines. Empire Shute, Crank Motion Sewing Machine. Wright's Shoe Store H. Park's ROTA Sse} in the bei i de bein lpi onde ie or iasichp in so Saar oo mir I ness part of the flourishing village of Prinee ae FRE ie edie Ghetto pte Albert. Fiiters. For terms enguire Hw Soot, A Toor 4 Shoe willbe given. Ne es ate EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. Victoria Hotel WabrsAoe ; Tile ge ol) on and a Khas i= Sustoners A Ii Furniture 'Warerooms | Good Sheds on. the. fore Carriagety &¢., v vA Eid Gh Soihack. uch od Bowls, | = ana mod $id "Sewing. M 'Machine: CT en ous Sewing Ma chines. RRL nw ORM mle only lags Shenp Tunghin £FEE By one the late im] chirte to be oom i gh priced mac! ine tan excel In oe Baar fof fan Peles. Forpaytigalprsa "Tr isi add Lt & oh best style, Ehotogra Crosby' s Biore. a +| graphed, or enlarged to any. Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1868, THE MORE. DURABLE 1 sbetiep than Sy Mareh » October, 1865, & fear of rusting, 4 CR poi free all "vin nee wha ple ve Whithy, Jan, 17 1866, clita Ya Grand he Cr od ite Howe Complainta:so, oy "thir setison of 'the' va Bouse should have a. bottle or = Ea SH Price 135 and 25 cents per Bottle. . OZOTMS ALTPOMLINSON,H , Manufacturer, 1 Raiign AveEnr. ICTORIA" AGENTS "WANTED 1 $10 to $15 B15 per dNY: 5. The grea Ee 8 ania Wi mi buy the V' clr pea Jays oo cortalnty: with all red ih ith it it fat work. "Sample Macliines a ie fhe 1 Le! : Good News for a Loe, RICTURES' taken fn' all kinds of wet J. ASCLARKS |) PHOTOG ATT TAK. UXBRIDGE. ie subscriber is prep to exec! Tarte 0 Visite, eA all kinds of iol? rofession, at his Can, west rof eap and ted to suit customers, Helier Sopjed ed. and ho Fy CLARK. MORE ELASTIC I! MORE GRACEFUL!!! And wil i hep 'its Shape and, wd, regia i Place . her Skirt. This new and beautiful ih. ofSir {Patented A choad Tirole Fart eld id vey Silver Medal! The highest premium eter 'given Jor a Hoop Skirt. J The Steel Springs are wound with a fine : Plated Wi On plage of a Verin| i { the bit hi - SAS SUT ns good oy pov. THE. -- SILVER SKiR HH dw &d u b the i Company., 80782: ar aod peal) 20091 12 New Work 7.8. SPERRY, Supt ' AL & 48 Exvors "of fo au abel] bus tuvia dani id® hoeiaf Pky aya ai he Nervous! Toa sweater ims 1 ABLE pws i Deen v3 Fahavie lhe Tigkofthe .v G. ROBSON" Proprietor. AHI vo nd sell Family te t cod no cheap Be ror | ee binds 4 } ------ iin. A-- SILVER SKIRT | <x T Lo Ey § " Resta Hen saved 20d 1 This io combines with the ordfiary ; Skike skirt, oh raatagey Li 8 i rif adioh. hia { au in Iver skitt, the covering of which 1 cannot wear off, while the upper o; 3 rib oie Hobdy arg Ry | r ) to wi a8 J fs of Kinds are soon i whaoall tag o1 { 6d in \heir construc- fm el sien : TEX 32-1. gwiTia hb. ney 33