(eS oA ani J Vix No. 50} PRINCE. ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTART C. W., THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1866. 3 [WHOLE No. 519 ST tdvtss-- RT Huburia Bhsecier, | BLT AITLTIAAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 1 18 POBLISHED AT THE | BROOK; FRINCE ALBERT, | BOUNTY. OF ONTARIO, § oY THURSD AY MORNING, B AIRD & PASONS, pri le 2S Ty of Rafa onfithin six six THOS, H. WALSHE. JACENSED - Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in orth Ontario ; Mari etc., in ag Gey Vietoria. Residen Block. Or- doreloft at this oo or at bis: will be H, Burnham, Office over Mr, Bigelow's Store, PORT PERRY, C. W din Can Eo ete te North On § ted THOMAS GONRTIC: BE, Ste si Hono sud an: Trunk Manulac r, Simcoe street, Prin bert. Every- th he Tine ki band. oy ingle Jy the tne kept constant constant]; fall Shop ALSH, R. W. H ORSE Partioty ia r always in readiness to attend to all who may favor him with a call. He is well acquainted with the mode of Finke sud wits and bein i and cAn treat success- any disease t horses are Subjocy sna. Charges Sigeane tin yy Prince 8 MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Apply to MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Prince Albert. BARBER & PYE, Architects, Railroad, Building aod Land Surveyors, VALUATORS, &C., &C., OSHAWA, 0. W,, A' prepared to furnish Plans, Details and pecifications, for public buildings, private Hh six moniha and no paper Winduutiunied er are pai ers ing movey, his ro-paniand in i ar Hh at our 3. y his QrADvER big id bog 47 t insertions, perline - - yi S1bsequen Cixds, under 6 lines, pet annum . 5.00 1 I , and charged rp Ahe space they vera. al vi # received fr publication, without spe. 1 until J i Noadvertisement will be a " ad ml ray to Merchants and others 4 yo or Ar ee. pea olice, the object which isto promote Shelppy fit Dotels, &r, "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! B., PLANK,............. PROPRIETOR. HAN purchased the above hotel, and hes furnished the Bar with the choicest Jiquors and cigars. Hvery attention gues Stages to and from Whitby call daily. Ours ostlers always in attendance. any a0 be con era) an advertisement, and charged ueeorde Fe cae "ierms will, in all cases, be 'rtietly ad- hered ip. The, cogaiaply increasing im ance of the North Rie Ht FH ; % IR hin le OpskRven right a coca. | i. hee IC will rae take the [pr mn forwarding efit Aerests of the conmty; and in the amount aenarul news given, will be unsurpassed by ok lqeu) pees Rublished mn Canada. wire JOR DEPARTMENT, Samphlere Hand Bills, Posters, 1 kFofms, Receipt Book A pro og Business, Cards, Ball Car &e , ke, of J very sty le nnd calor, exe died promptly. and ai lower "tes than at any other tee " Fe ptt bic Erie TA Jw 11. PARSONS. err---- Bugfresy Divectorn, ---- rt DR. JONES, SSOVIATE CORONER for the County of Ontario, Priuce Albert. COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. HE subscriber wishes to inform the traveling public that he has taken the above hotel, which he has fitted and furnished throughout, 'and where the best accommodation, with careful attention, can.always be found.-- Good. stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers, R. A. MURTA, Proprietor. Greenbank, Feb'y 13,1866. 6-1y Jewett's KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Hotel, Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. Saintfield Hotel. d ho house being new, commodions, and well furnished throughout, the public favoring hiay with their custom AY pend on finding 0 their comfort at- DR. WARE, TRONER" 'for the County of Ontario, tended to. Good Stabling, "undatientive Ostlers always ance. D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor, Prince (rig v ", FH BRATHWAITE, M.D, CM, i KADUATE of the University of McGill UX College, Montreal, Pl Si and Abvoucheus, Prince Alb i aeuce--the house lately occupied by Dr. Agnew. Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSICTANS, Surgeons, &c,, ke. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. wa, M@TLL, M.D. FRANCIS RAR, M, 8. F. OAKLEY, M.D, MASA Office and fmidenoey--tie late residence of Dr. Bain JOHN BILLINGS, Bist at Law, Solicitor Public, C: 3 Prinea Aen" Ofc over 1. C. Forman COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISPER.S Altlomoys, &e. Price Fay oar Mr. town Soe. ' HUDSPETH & MARTIN, TIORNEF Sat Law, &c. &c. Solicitore for Oics in' Keenan's Simei poriario, Hank Ofige In Ecos Avax Huvsbrrin P. 8. Many. DAFOE HOUSE, UTICA © 00D accommodations. Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The ho bar supplied wh with the best wines, liquors and ood stab) ling, - DAFOE, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S py DUNDAS STREET Y, C, W GEORGE ROBSON, - - - PROPRIETOR." Subscriber begs 10; announce that he has leased the building formerly known as Serip- ture's Hotel, for a tern of years, and that he has renovated and re-furnished the b building through- out. The preniiies are pleasantly situated, op- posite the in the centre of the town hy Radiway, Omnibus calls at he Hotel, and he Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the hed every morning. ¥3~ Careful Ostlers always in attendance. GEO. ROBSON REVERE HOUSE 4 BEAVERTON, C. W. to announce that he has hich has been fur- p ughout in the best of style. None but the choicest liquors and cigars will be kept in the bar, and his table will be fur- Jished with all the delicacies of the season. Care. NORMAN P. PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, Torouto ) ostlers always in attedance. WM. PARKIN, Proprietor. Beaverton, July 27, 1864. |] TTOR "at-Li i Solicitor in Ch Conveyancer, verton. Office in bullding ocoupied by bg Dr. Wilson, Simeoe-st. P. A. HURD, TTORNEY. at Law, Solicitor, ih Chans Arte Soaveyanopr, Notary Public, kc. FAREWELL & MoGEE,, ARRIST Attorneys, Solicitors and Notaries c. ie n the Post Office Building, Sim Oshawa, V4 3. E. FAREWELL, L.1. Vi, w'GEE, B. A Solicitors ourt House, «« ~ C. & MACDONELL, pis ip Hi Law, | J COMNERCIAL HOTEL, 'WHITBY, tive Orr ® Bly CC ON MILLER. of every description or in any style of architecture. Plans of all kinds of re bri tombstones, patent rights, mills and Jusg inery, can be had on the shortest possible ce, Mr. Pye is recently from Manchester, England, where he has had perience in hoster, England, g, and superini cimen Designs m: os seen in the Reading Room, Oshawa, or may be had on application to BARBER. 2 Ww. H. PYE. Ostia, Ang. 30, 1866. 34 D. M. CARD, J SENSED AUCTIONEER, Collector of Accounts on Commission, whetlier in or out of the County. Remittances made nee ording to instructions, Sales punctually attended any- where in the County, on' the ny notice. --~ Charges moderate. Days for Sales appointed on application at the Osserver Office. All letters property addressed to the Uxbridge Post Office, will receive the promptest attention. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORON ITO, Co. WW. INCORPOR ATED, ... essen 050s aesnesnaaaT 1851. $400,000. SEQ MITHIF, Esq HON. J. MeMLU RRIC W BERNARD HALDAN, Esq JAMES PRINGLE, Travelling Agent, County of Omario Capital, - - VRRSIDRNT.... Pieg-VREsiprNT,. Rec'y AND T eRaS.. ly THE COMMERCIAL UNION | Assurance Company, 19 & 20 Comrxmri, LONDON, AND 385 & 387 Sr. Pabn Sr, MONTREAL. CAPITAL £2,500,000 OR $12,500,000. TEC Company affords perfect security to the assured, and offers the advantages iu mu- tual office, with freedom from all liability. JOHN H. BROWN, Agent, Manchester. J. D. Cottingham, OF x £5. OE fi Extracted. p Teeth Scaled-and Regulated, "Teeth filled with Gold, Silver, or Cement. Teeth inserted in Gold, Silver, or Rubber All work entrusted to him will receive prompt |! Patients will not be expected to take k that is not satisfact pe any wor | T1Y Parti paid to t! lation of children's teeth, ation should be an important consideration with every paren 'or at that he time of second Paki Mag te identity of the mouth is formed for life, 3" Office and regidence--BORFLIA. Terms Cash-- produce taken at cash price. Brelia, Sept. 6, 1865. 51y3s- PORT PERRY LVERY SABLES ap MAOKENZIE, Prop tor. The public « supplied with first-class Horses and Car- riages, at moderate rates. THE ALBION HOTEL, EAST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, c.w. ving leased The Albion Ho Ty NL 0. CAMERON: 11 0.3 ANDREW ¥. McPHERSON;' and Attornay &t Liew, Solio BASIE ut A OFFIC Dunia i, doors wat of the Pot 0 ¥ cuba 4 o uly'd, 1868, ead I : «BJ; WILSON, : $ Bitter Atiornoy at L at Law, Soliciteh| in Chamery; &c. Of the Vietoria ling, Bepokests, Whitby. 17! 1 " TTY L ? N er Va ¢,, Oshawa, aid office, s+) 0, N.VARS, Phicns Dentist, Osliawa, Cc. WwW. SRE Be the Jom, N QHRISTIE, |. OWNSHI ee Jor Reach, anvey. Rueen'e. e,' Ly fash iy ated Al 9, ce--. "ALBERT, SPRING, 1 ICENSED Apctioneer for the Town- 4 ships of Reach, Brock, Uxbridge and Scott, Usitess fulton at thie' office, and days of sale ap- poin' E, MAJOR, Chin AUCTIONEER for the County f Ontario. Terms made known, and days ! | Be Heads hc y to condues tothe bit and con- venience of the guests, PE EB "THOMAS PALMER, Prapriter. RY Money to Laan! At a Low Kate of Interest. ! Apply to 'D. : A ADAMS; : Prince Albert,--Office over T, C. Forman's Store, =0r to JOHN ADAMS, Sa Grovesteen & PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 199 Broadway, New York, AE HESE, rianon eiyed he lest Awe 0. T's eri] a1 the. Worldss Fir, he. Hi Dest Inadkels PL, Patis, Gerioguy. the cities of New York, ndelphin, Baltimore and' Bosion ; also, the Gorn TenaLat the M:chanies) Institute, for FIVE SUC- CESSIVE YEARS! Our Pianos contain the French Giand Action, Harp Pedal, Overstiung Bass, Pail Iron Pigme. and all Modern Improvements. Every lustru. ment warranted ET Rr Made under the super ision of MR. VESTEEN, who fy a pi experience of ayer ihistrative years, nd 1s the er uf over eleven thousand piang fortes.-- Our PA for manufacturing enable us to sell these "oro Pre ni on mam English Pink Dental Eubber; New and beautiful Vuloanite Base for Arti- tifloin] Teeth! iO De WATD, A SURGEON'DENTIST, PASE, Trbrivge. Tr tr ye isfaction or no charge, and at prices compet ton ar Rr. Sho Hog 14 i: Sy Bae and J. Thoher fer, . B, Be Usbrdes MONEY aly aan Brmito TO. LOAN, $100, 000. ONE HUNDRED T1 THOUSAND doltafs to Loan on Mortgage security, in snug to suit borrowers, at a vary moderate rate of interest, . Apply at the ferdamed Manchester Warchousg, to JOHN HODGSON. RATSRULER kinalS permit ited 10 T. N. Gihle, Par M.P. P Oshawa even, Esq, M A an Toronto Rev. J B Worrell, M. A. Tp eta wa; Wi Laine. Esq. Whitby Rev. Ln Saduell Myrtle; Adam Gordon, Esq. M chester Warehouse ; Robert MeKindly, ¥sq., Bore Neil Sinchur, E¢q.. Port Perry ; Joseyh Reeder. Fsq.. Manilla; Jonathan Hovdg- Sengog ; July Clark, Esq, son, Esq .Oukwood ; George Brabazon, Esg., Wick; Malcolm Gillespie, Esq., Brock; Col. Vraomnn, Hey Brethour, Ei pf Salefixed, at the Opserves Office, Instruments fiom $100 to $200 Cheaper than anh hwy cluss piano forte, 29-1y es SViguhns Esq, Vioewmanton Manchester, Sept, &ih, 33.3 CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, fine face, but for a little too much self-will | so far beyond it, but that ever ; | having been intoxicated with some slight THE WISHING GATE. Tt was rushbearing time at Greenside, in the north country--the last Saturday in July, the day whereon the earthen floors of our small churches have their carpeting renewed with rushes from Mineton Mere: There wera two wagons oY uid upon the horses' heads that drew tl ed their feathery tops; and in thedrivers' bats, like knightly es, they nodded; and npon the hats of each of the band that followed, playing " Annie Ladrie," they kept measure with the tune; and bound up gracefully with wreaths of wild-flowers, and carried by young girls, still came the Mineton rushes wn procession. = Where the twin rivers run into the Mere, they grow upon a bank of sand, and in the little bay beyong, under those moss grown rocks whose heads are purple with the heather. This isn great holiday with us at Green- side ; the shops----there are but two' in all the rvillage--are shut, as though it were Sunday, and the chureh bell is clanging : it 1s the same which tolls for service and knells for burials, but no one can mistake its tones to-day for anything but! meyri- ment. Every urchin in the place is having bis pull at 1t, and, as many as can, together, so that it never gives (wo tinkles ahke. "To be carried up by itinto the belfry, dnd so hit heads agmnst the rafters, is rare fun, Our women folk are employed for days | wpor: these garlands, and every household | strives that out of it shall be chosen the rushbearing queen, 'The fewer the ribbon the better, ¢ Phebe," was Dame Forrest's advice 16] her daughter upon this occassion; and Fliebe--who was but seventeen, and likely to err upon the ribbon side--made a simple girdle' of blue flowers round her rushes, and was proclaimed Queen by ac- clamation. ¢ Hail, beautifyl Phebe For- resp] bail, pretty Queen. of the Rush- bearing I' . It was the proudest mpment of her young life, walking at-the head of her subjects ; asit was to, that of her mother, whose eyes, however, were filled with tears ; the proudest too, of Leonard Hird her lover, whose look rever strays away from her, nor relaxes in its steadiness ; one would think he was watching a deer in Martindale, lest it should creep out of rifle range. A powerful young fellew with a about the mouth. He has the fleetest foot after a-hill fox in Westmorland, and is tlie king 'of the dalesmen hereabouts in the wrestling ring ; and the fear of the men and the love of the women have spoiled him: he says be will marry Phebe Forrest whether she will or not--and Phebe says no--which seems a strange sort of wooing. There was but one in Greenside that sommer-noon who bad not yet ackoow- ledged Phaebe his queen, and that was not for lack of love, nor loyalty neither. Frank Meredith, the landscape painter, who lodg ed in the farmhouse on the bill--be was the rebel: be had been there for the last three years, until his portfolio was filled to overflowing, and scercely a rock in West- moreland has escaped bis canvass ; but still he gave no sign of departure. The artist flood was mow rolling over our beautiful valley for the fourth time since his arrival; but however pleasant his brethren--how- ever lovely was High Crag, no wave of it ever bore him with it further than the neighboring dales. .. Certainly his home- view was so beautiful as not to be excell ed elsewhere : the grassy: mountain side sloped down to the river and woodland from his door, and Mineton Merg'lay not sail ppon its bosom could be defy | sycamares gave forth perpetusly bes: to the song of the dancing brook. pid bis garden ; and towering behind snd above the farm' house, crowded the whole" moun- tain world, Still there was something be. yond "thé besuly of its landscape that, jear after year, chained Fraok Meredith to Greenside--its gossips said, They bad found out all about him before the second year was out ; how that be was a black Sheep, and had disgusted his noble family, and was allowed a pound a week, upon condition' of keeping out of their way ; whith was not Frank's history at all, 'or anything like it. | He was indeed of a no: ble stock of painful respectability, and had shocked it a good deal by bis inartifi- cial bebavior- He was by pature vulgar, or at least had preferred landscape paint- ing fo any gentlemanly profession ; and success, pursued it; which was lis rela tives' account of the matter. And his inherited thousands and tens of thousands, and chariots and horses, did, we know, dis. nherit him for making negus of his par- ticular sherry--* The fellow put hot water and sugar, sir, to my 38, at eighty-four shillings a dozen'--and the family follow- ing suit to the rich uncle, washed their aristocratic, hy bi, Jeaving, the, ung artist to live as he could vpon a hundred a year of his own, and upon his cunniag in water colors. On this same rushbearing night, he stands on the natural terrace that leads into Greenside from High Crag, leaning upon the carved gate which opens into the quar- ry-field, and smoking his clay pipe. He has not with him, woaderful to spy, the io- I look upon you, I confess you do not seem like a seduger, With regacd to Phabe being your wife, that shall never be; and as to the thrashing to a muminy, let us try at once.' 'I have promised not to harm yom to- night," returned Frank. ¢ But to-morrow,' * said f shall be at Carel in the sin ring.' Frank hesitated: a momen! re- plied with meaning : © And I ot pe 'there also, Leonard Hirds ;" and cach took bis} way in silence to bis own home. The two young men were not without respect for one another at heart: Frank Meredith knew that amongst the dalesmen, | with most of whom he himself was per fectly well acquainted, Leonard was | thouzht highly of; it was true that he had forbidden any to aspire to the hand of oung giant, struments of his beloved art, for he has taken that same view from the Wishing- gatea t housand times. Plabe save himself, but ikis pre-emmence i of his excused him somewhat i in the paint- | | er' s eyes, who made allowance for his! fore each contest, and the sympathisiog look, without a trace of vaunt, with which he regarded his uosugcessful rivals, made him popular wih the whole assembly, albeit there was not one amongst them who could hope for his final success, Nevertheless, it did so happen that the day' wore on and the pairs grew fewer and Bay until Lord Hirds and Frank Meredith alone ".stood up,' of all competitors. There had been i quit: 'the mat~ ter throughout, like the concen'rated pur- pose of revenge, which had prompted bin po take the mioutest pains in every con- test, while the former had thrown his op- ponents to the right and left like a mad man, as if they intercepted his approach to some more worthy antagonist ; both had opened their lot-tickets with greediness, and read them with disappointment ; each ired up till now, a combat with his par- ticular foe. The embroidered champion'y belt, and the honor of being King at There are movy | arrogance as he would have done for the | Carel," must needs now remain with one of spots in the north to which poetic legend | hke pretentions in a higher rank, where a | | them, and the excitement grew intense. It bas attached this ¢ faculty of giving, and to none with a more harmonious fitness than | to this one at Greenside. The good fairies never had a more lovely dwelling place than that on which the perfect moon then out-pouring her silver treasure : the songs of the Loliday makers had not yet ceased, but came up from the valley be- neath on a gentle wind, set the clouds afloat over the mountain sides, but could not bend the fir-trees on their crests 3 the lake lay sleeping with a quiet like a mawden dreaming of love. was which smile, It is of | ave, too, the painter dreams as his clarm- ed eyes wander over the scene j his lips | are parted with a smile too, as \ie whispers | his wish across the gate. low many half | believers before him have done the same in | the same place! How thie carved bar is eut | along and across with the various desires | of men! some of them in and some in simple song, but" all of the earth, earthy.' 4 A woodbiney Cotage and a Kowe' is, dlas, the best of them. * 40001. is the fimit of ene -nmbitious mor tails. wishes ; and ¢ A five pound note' contents another. "Carriage and Pair, exceedingly well cut, and with a flourish, must, we think, be a young ladys vision of bliss, and ¢ Susan as unmistakably a young genileman's. ¢ King at Carel' is the most- remarkable in- scription, and would puzzle many to de- cipher ; but Meredith, who is an excellent wrestler himself, and wellconversant with scher prose | fortunate us well as a bride might have | been the prize, and some hair- -triggering, | twenty-pacing cousin the monopolist. On | the other band, Leonard iirds would free ly own that there was nothing like pride | about Frank Meredith, but ple nly of pluck and spirit, The young painter had long | accustomed himself to ~ Westmoreland | sports, and was especially skilful in] wrestling, making up in lithness and ac-- | tivity for what he wanted. in strength: he had been {brown by the young dalesman | often enongh, but each time with the | greater diffe ulty, so asto become of | fate by far his most formidable antagonist. Frank well knew by whose unclerkly hand the desire to bes king at Care!" fad | been carved upon the Wislihg. gate, aot] he determined, it it were pos sible, to humps Leonard's pride on the morrow in the prescuce of the threo counties, Our wrestling in the north isa very | diffi rent matter from prize-fighting, and 1] should be sorry if it ever gre w to be like | it : it is seldom that any serious hurt be-| falls the competitors, ond victors and | vanquislied © appear to be equally i in good | humor. I'he Lonor of being in. the last two or three pairs--much more that of | being sole 'éonghieror--is- esteemed far | higher than the prizes themselves, which, indeed, are of no great value. Wrestling at Carel,to a youth who is only'experieaced || in'contest with his neighbor dalesman, is what speaking in the House of Cemmons is to a Cicero of ' the Union' at Cambridge or Oxford. There are a great number of pairs, aod a young and unknown wrestler rarely "stands up' more than one or two, and there are thcuands of spectators to applaud or criticise. Raised and covered seats for those who fear the rain or love high places, and forms let out at a lower rate, the arena, and a plentiful = Westmoreland aspirations, recog at once the darling hope of seme young athlete that he may win the champion's belt at the spproaching meeting at Carel (Carlestle). Frank Meredith smiles again and again at all these things, but, nevertheless, he draws forth his penkuife, and begins to inscribe a little wish of his own heart. ¢ P>~that bas something to do with paint- ing, or perhaps power; ¢ PH'--that may possibly be the way in which an. eccentric genius may spell fame: ¢ PHOEBE FORREST !"--the note of admiration is our own--is what it at last came to! ¢ And here she is," said a sweet low voice as be finished the inscription, but the queen of the rushbearing was standing by his side She had-aid aside her sceptre, and taken the wreath, of flowers from her hair, but looked no whit less lovely than before. Frask gazed at her an instant, as though she were indeed a supernatural visitant who had obeyed his call, and then convinced himself of ber bumanity by an embrace. He was very handsome, and, although still something tog youlbly in figure; bad a frame well knit and active. The two seemed, in that time and place, fo be the fit jnhabit- tants of some new Eden Garden. '¢I could mot ctme before, she said, ¢ Frank, for Leonard made me dance with him three dances on the green there ; and as it is, 1 fear be half suspects vs' shrill scream concluded the sentence, as the. buge form of the young dalesman strode in between the pair. ¢ I do suspect you, Phebe, and I blush for you, he said. ¢ Go you home 1g your mother, when, at once; and for this young gentleman, T will take his chastise- ment into my own hands. " Don't move a step, Phoebe I" exclaimed Frank: * By what right, man, do "you dare interfere between bpr and me 2° ¢ Because [| am her cousin, Mr. Mere- dith, and. shall be her husband. Because I would pot have your blood upon my hands, which, -as there is a God in heaven, would be there if dishonor---- ¢ Silence, sir P thundered Frank. © Go home, Phebe, Nay," as be saw ber besi- tate to leave such angry folk together. ¢ we.are not going to fight, dear.' And she obeyed him instantly. The two young wen stood opposite each otlier, face'to face, and there was no cow- ardice in either's eves, ¢ If, Leenard Hirds, ycu came up here to stand between we anil her who is to be my wife, 1 will thrash you to-narrow, big as you are, to a mummy ; if you really came to defend the purest god best girl cn earth from hit you supposed to be a villain, | forgive and honor you.' mn | uncle, indeed, from whom he should have sprinkling of the masses he down within upon the grass, The umpires also stand within to watch the combatants, that the fall be not attempted untjl each has obtain- ed a fair hold--one arm under, and one over, and that when they bave once grap bled, neither shall let go. Two men come forward, chosen as the first by lot, and strip themselves, except to their shirt and drawers; they have been weighed in a neighbo'iag field, and are light or heavy weiglits 'as they are under or over eleven stone. They shake bunds before commencing, and endeavor after a hold, each seeking for the best purchase, and grappling tightly when it is use 8 fovad, 'Then comes the tug and the their arms are almost at stretch ; faces which were but now seen over oy other's houlders, have disappeared ; the backs of tLeir_heads are alone visible, drawn downon a level with their spines. The strain for a few minutes is very great, , but it does not commonly last long ; one of them is dragged downward, ani touches ground with his koees, or their legs mingle together, and, after revolving twice or thrice with great velocity, they both come to the ground-~the uppermost being of couise the winner. The cries of ¢ Bonny. Ambleside!" ¢ Bonny Nipthwaite I" or whatever may be the dwellingeplaces of the respective athletes, vever cease, The phrase of ¢ Bonny leil one' puzzles the stranger a good deal, and he begins to think it some extremely populous district ; but ¢ leil one' means little one--the smaller of the two competitors. At this particular meeting the light aud heavy wrestlers were mixed aud the prizes made general without regard to weight -- 'We. of Greeuside, had several likely youths, but Leonard Hirds was our best wan by far. Much to our astonishuent, we saw the young painter drawing his lot among the rest, ot whom Lécnard threw a [3 ontemptuous smile, and wat evidently dis. appointed at not being in the puir with hin, Frank Merédith locked - fragile enough |! when stripped. One ancient wrestler -- now with ove leg and one arm ovly, their fellows having been blown away by pow- der blasts in Longdale--who alwais at- tends this scene of lus former feats, as- sured 'me that " the bonay Tad would be broken atiwact the middle " and indeed he did lock rather waspish ubout the waist. is fiest competitor was a lavg and pow- erful lellow 5 snd when, alter a loug sting: gle, Frauk cost bun 1o the earth by the + swinging hype'-- the knee thrown inward sharply against the adversuy™ thigh-- there arose a great ery ol astonished joy He was afterwards heky in lis drawiog for some. time, and obteined pretty easy victories 5 bis beauty and youthlulaess, the + did think you meant falsely, Mr. Meredith,' said Leonard frankly ; ¢ but now, et lat d down? { four had | gle was nigh. was evident that Leonard Hirds thought seriously of the work before him, and would pot let slip a chance of success through contempt of his less sturdy rival. They were to wrestle for the best of three falls; and it was evid nt from the begin- ning that the design of the stronger was to weary Meredith o ow. Frank wstantly obtained bis hold, but the other refused to clasp his own Vands for a great while, so that the strain might fatigue lus antagonist. Many shouted to the young paioter to be- ware of this, for he was a favorite as we have said, and Ilird bad made bimself wany ene mies through arrogance j but Meredith gave no need to us in his excite- | ment; forgetting that to himself none had while to his Foe no less than succumbed without an «fort, leaving him by far so much the fresher. | Frank suffered as we feared ¢ after many losings, in which his object had been great. ly obtained, Leonard took up earth in his hands, as is the custom for the firmer hold, for the first time ; and we knew the strug- Both of them © held' at once and together, strained to their utmost I shoulder to shoulder, and then head to head, rapidly whirled round for a second or two and then (¢l} heavily-- Hirds upper: most. The chances against Meredith were now two to one, aud lus strength seemed fail- ing besides. Some spoke to him flatter- ingly of bis laving. obtamed the second prize ; and even his rival, as 'he shook hands after the (all, said something to the same effect, to which Frank answered in a fierce whisper, that he would throw him yet, and be ¢ king at Carel' after all. It seemed as if the painter's whole hype now was to be 'the winner of the wresiling match. Ju the second trial, they took less cave for holding, as Leonard found he could not play the same game twice, and both grappled at once, as if with hooks of steel. The dalesman clasped his right leg round his rival's left, and bent the slender body backwards like a reed. With every muscle at fullest stretch, and the veins standing out on their foreheads, but without a trace of ferocity, bey stcod-- models of power aod firmness. ~~ For up- wards of a minute and a half they stood, every instant of wich we expected Mere- dith to give way, 'with the whole weiglit of bis opponent thus thrown upon him, and he himself off tie perpendicular ; but all on a sudcen Leonard's leg-clasp failed ; w saw it tremble, and then relax, and ahnogt instantly, taken at fright= ful disadvantage, the young giant was thrown heavily. A great cheer burst from a thousand throats, but not so much as a smile came over Meredith. Although his rival gathered himself up, and retired into the tent without (hfficulty, Frank knew that he was seriously hurt. An overstrain= ed sinew had indeed given way ; and while the spectators were awaiting the issue of the last "tie," the contest was virtvally over, anid the victory remamed with the young painter. At present, none knew this but the two combatants, The victor followed the vanquished to where he was sitting alone, and took his hand. ¢ You're king, sir,' muid the poor gaint, ¢ through this cursed strain.' «Yon mnet have thrown me, else, Leonard,' exclai ved Fraud honestly ; ¢ and it is not fuir that you should be deprived ot your honors by an accident : your heart was set upon this "victory, as [ know by what was written on the Wishing-gate, and 1] shall "lay down' to you, Leonard Hirds. Leonard lifted himself up with pain to grasp his_rival's hand, and tears weie standing in his eyes, as, after a little pause, he said: + Frank, I thank you sir! 1 don't wonder at Pharbe Forrest's yelernng so generous a fellow lo me.-- From what 1 read too, an the Wishing- gate last night, I think [ know the dearest wish of yoars 100, Mr. Meredith, What juterest [| may have wih my aunt, her mother, 1 bez then to transfer to you. I took too much upon me every way, trust- ing to this brote strength of mine, and Iam fitly ha wbled.? « Nay, .then," sail Frank, + yon have more reakon to be proud of vouraslf than ever, and have conquered at Carel indeed, There was great disappointment and disapprobation when it was kuown that Meredith had given up so good wn chance, and ¢ Led down' withont a strugale to his antazonist, It was thonght*there would be no living at Greenside now, for the ars of the victor would be sure to give himsell,-- But from that day, on the contrary, was our young dalesman alters, in aff points for the berm 3 md Frank Meredith, on his part, was [amply consoled for his loss of the kinasuip ui Carel, by his gain of the queen of the ra<hbearing. And ihus -did the smile upon his face as he shook bands be- good fairies of the Wishing-gate give lo each man the gift he pi od ge >A oh A oS