Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jan 1867, p. 4

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lt mg m---- ce Rite am at i FSR ean a . "SCOTTISH PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1835. BONUS YEAR. a next Division of Profits (accumulated | uring preceding five years), takes as at 31st Hohe? NERT. flecting Assurances now will thus be . EE Ae te Bonus. A DAVIDSON PARKER, ecretary. Place-d' Armes, 16th Dec., 1866 is PRINCE ALBERT: ABNER HURD, Jr, Agent. 'NOTICE. A P, LIGATION will 'be at the next of the Provincial Parliament for Charter opinion a Railway from Some on Lake Ontario, between the Western I ota the Township of West Whitby and the oaate tern limits of the Township of East Whitby to Port Perry, on Lake Scugog. October 17th, 1856. Serer ee eee mtmnt Low OF LETTERS remaining in the Prince Albert Post Office, 'on Jauuary 10th, 1867. Bell Mrs Henry Powell Caleb Boyaten J Purdy Jacob Brown Wm Pound George Coates Henry Robinson J*W Cyrelan Thos Roberts Lewis Doyle J Stapleton Mary A "Gibson Wm Stovin John Lee Mr Stork Chris 2 Leaing Joseph Sweeney H Karr Miss Solley Geo McKinley R Webeter Mary A 2 Moon Samuel Wicklam Elizabeth McLean Donald Wiodsor Noah ~ Nelson Gulgey . McCAW, Postmaster. 'Common School Male Teacher WANTED. COMMON School 1 Male Teacher, holding a A first or gecond class certificate, wanted im- mediately. for School Section fo. hy Reagh. None need apply but men of good abi Apply--if by Jatter, Post-paid to is of the undersigned Trustees. THOMAS BEDFORD, NICHOLAS DYER, SAMUEL NETHERTON, Trustees. Reach, Jan. 9th, 1866. 1 First Class Stock ! Breeders of Stock ought to know that the Best Breeds are fitable in the end. 5 TE subscriber wishes distinctly to state that is in posssession of the BEST BOA In the County of Ontario, having tukeu First Class Premiums wherever shown. J Charges $1 for each service. JAMES PRILLIPO. PortPerry, Nov. 15, 1866, EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE £0. Principal Office, 616 Broadway, NEW YORK. G Envi IMPROVEMENT i in Sewing Machines.-- Empire Shuttle, Crank Motion Sewing Machine, Its motion It is thus vendered noiseless in action. being allpositive, 1t is not liable to get out of order. Itis the best Family Machine! Notice is called to our new and Improved Manufacturing Machine, for Tailors and Woot and Shoe Fitters. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount willbe given. No Consignments made EMPIRE SEWINGMACHINE CO. ovesteen PIAND: -FORTE HANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, ESF. PIANOS received the Highest Award o. Merit ! at the bs Fair, uver the best makers from London, Paris, Germany the cities of New York, Philadelphia, 'Baltimore and Boston ; also, the Gorn Mf upaLal the Mechanics' Institute, for FIVE SUC- YEARS |! Our Pianos contain the French Deana i Hem Harp Pedal, Overstrung Bass, Full Iron Praine, and all Modern Improvements. Every Instru- ment warranted od FE er Made Jane! the super- Ltn of VEST N, who a raiial Sjperionce of of oer hd five years, apd inf ma ker ya! lities for ny enable us it these Burien $100 10 $200. -Sheaper than any Sunt classpiano forte. "TRANGE, BUT TRUE! Every youug lady and gentleman inthe United States and Canada can hear something very much to their ad- fouage by return of mail (free of charge), by address- nr the undersigned. Those having feurs of bein hi mba ged willoblige byuot noticing this card, A oilers villaddress their Ghedjeniservant HOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 HES New Yok. TO CONSUMPTIES, " The dersgned. havin having been sstorel a2 ealth ina few weel a very simple reme: after having suffered several years with a se- = vere lung affection, and that dread disease, ao sumption--is anxious to make known to his fel- jw sufferers the means of cure. "Toall who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), wit! ith the di- Jections for or Preparing and using the same, which hey el a sure cure for Consumption, 8, Broselitly Coughs, Colds, &c. The v el. [FARMERS N orth Ontario ! "When you visit the front, BRO OGKLE N Stove Depot A CALL!!! a will find a large assort- COOKING, ' » AND PARLOR S70 VES, AGRICULTURAL FURNACES, DUMD VES, STOVE ny IN FACT! Everything in the line, and at prices as i ep other shop in the County. All Cooking Stoves furnished with extra heaty. fiirniture. ive'a call and examine my prices, whether i purchase or not. All 1 ask is a fair'tria Remembet the Stand-- directly opposite the Globe Hotel. THOS, ROBSON. Brooklin, Nov. 1 1866. HENRY GRIST, Departmental; PARLIAMENTARY, PATENT "AGENT, OTTAWA. Transacts business with the Crown Lands and other Governmental Departments; Takes out patents for Inventions; Obtains Incorporation or Companies b; Letters Patent; Drafts and kes charge of Private Bills during the Session, Yc, for parties residing elsewhere. \ REFERENCES: Hon. A. Campbell, Sompissioner of Crown Lands; R. Justin, Esq., ilon ; Messrs. R. Lewis & Son, Toronto; Wm. Wilson, Esq , Simcoe; Hon. J. Carl- 15; Fowaens Be, R. Sully Tuspecior of Agencies, Colonial Assurance C STAND AROUND! has got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER 'Where he intends carrying on the (G-Tailoring Business Ins all its branches, Garments entrusted to his cate will be made up in the latest styles; and nothing will be left undome by --in way tness of fit, mod cares ul attention to orders--to obtain and secure s share. of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly ogular | and r y. JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. Psorocomium. THE GREATEST ITCH KILLER Of the 19th century. It cures in halfan hour.-- Price only 25 cents. W. A. TOMLINSON, Wholesale Dealer in Medicines, Sole Agent for Canada, PRINCE ALBERT. Public Notice ] I, HENRY BR. MORDEN, TAILOR. MANCHESTER, 150 distinctly to state that I have not ft the Village of Manchester, nor have I the Mighiat intention of doin, erec a comfortable Dwelling House and Work-Shop in the Village of Sr lRgies situat- edjon the South side of Sheva peadiog dh the Sut 3H J Road). Tae Hn ving Just wishi) on tants countr for their liberal By and past favors, hope by strict attention to business--neatness and des) Spatel i in the Heegtion of orders, and modera ure a continuation and increase of pu ic 'confidence and and a port. The Latest Fashions regularly recei All kinds of Farm Produce taken in NS ohtige for work. HENRY R. MORDEN, Manchester, Sept. 25, 1866. New Blacksmith's Shop MANCHESTER. HE subscriber would beg to call attention of his fHlends, and the public er to the shject of the advertiser in sending the Pre- | fact that he eased--for a term of fonste- ; 5 ion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread | that New Hlackaniii'e Shop 0 aed which he canceives o be invaluable; kin's gps ory i-- tty 1 and he hopes every sufferer will py X remedy, | intends Blacksmithing in all its 43 iil cost them nothing, and A prove a 3 aris wishing the prescription rags, by re- turn of will p : v. EDWARD A. wnson, "Willinmsbugh, Kings Coun Roa ork y 'Building Lot for Sale. VABUABLE Building Lot situate be- tween J. Wright's Shoe Store and W. ark 's Faraitute Store, in the best busi- » Beta pa part: ofthe fourishing Yilisge of Prince For terms enquire of WM. SCOTT, ° Vietoria Hote). AD Brooklin Drug Store. "JOHN DAWES, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines 'Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffd, Groceries, &c 'Horse and Cattle Medici egatuy JomN 8. M. WILLCOX, Whithy P.O. wait, or 19, 1686, oy brauiches, Tone will ar be on hand ready to attend to all who way require his services. Horses sl the year or otherwise to sult customers. LIST OF CHARGES: For Rear ag shor shoes....$2 3 per span. tion to busages his wate, ha ol lic confidence and support. All work warranted to give satisfaction. WILLIAM DAVIS. Manchester, Ost 10, 1866. A Th i, hen a rm, Sho Publ «: IBORELIA For the #ale of Gentlemen's, Ladd, od popietine and Bhoes. Noting bt, joe best material is used; and Cg oi work none are that he can, with Ae oe, warrant + | going from his establishment. . Remember the place--one door south of oF oa ft Civculur.. A Viera! gngouid. 10 186 | gure years ? , and who are now sound GOOD assortment of Buggies PEMA on on hand made from best mate . Wi Jewett's Hotel. D.' ROSE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO%, [5nd and | healthy, y. All Sommuning Or A made to order with Bi and Lo Particular attention eid gy Borelia, Nov. 28, 1866 47) 48m 208 Pear] Street, Now York, ons waif) fhe cur complen fH 41] [Ze ALL WORK WARRANTED, HE subscriber having returned to Reach, | tet) my' Sincero Shanks to" thie 'fuhabi-| ol P- | Prince Albert, Sept. 26, 1866. "ATTENTION fo won| Lr he Dey Er ee of their' Fart 1 HEREBY poily 0 the public enerally and ini cautious with whom they conclude Fafors They Sella atthe ONTARIO CARRIAGE "FACTORY, - Where they will find on hand's' quahiity of first class Hi Cutters and Sloighs! i Manufactured on th on the premised of the ohidtcest material te 10 my numerous hen a ER os as Prince Albert to old your or a done. Work Warranted " no Pay. Prince A bert, Dec. 26, 1866. HARRISON MAW & "SON, (OVERACTORY & - BILDER PORT PERRY! 2a | ARE] prepared to. ments. tions made 10 order. HARRISON MA Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1 JOHN H. MAW. BOOTS ! BOOTS! POLICE POLICE! CONSTABLE--Hallo! you scoundrel youll pull off the man's leg. ROBBER--O No! ® | Daynes & Snell, who never fail in géting up a material and neatnese of fit. CONSTABLE--T am aware of that--bat go and let them take your warrant that you will get a pair that cannot be surpassed in style, material--as they sell nothing but their own workmanship. material--Gent's, Ladies', Misses', Youths' and Childrens' BOOTS 2nd SHOES. HOP P All Prince Albert, Oct. SHOE apposite the Town Hall, Prince batt. PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE GE, FACTORY. HE subscriber at the of the 8 ublic that having taker affords, and having had some supply superior Bar SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. contemptible and childish. bint at countetfeiters by a jealous rival, to the contrary notwithstand Ing. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. L GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. purchasers particularly, to be JAMES EMANEY. 51 Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- Parties requiring good work "dons will do well to call. (Plane and Speoifica- I don't want his leg, I wan to get his Boots ; they were made by first class article both in quality of measure and I'll workmanship and DAYNES & SNELL Are prepared to manufacture--on the shortest notice, of the best ign, begs to inform the especial pains in securing - best material-the country 27 years experience da ihe business, he is prepared 10 Wagons, Carriages & Implements Parties in want of anything in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article the BROOKLIN. --De § CE ---- N.B. All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED. BROOKLIN, Deo. 26, 1866. IF YOU WANT A : coop #A STOVEF COME TO Ne. 1, Tinker's Terrace, Prince Albert, where you can have your choice from the largest and best Stock of Cooking, Parlor, and Box Stoves in the County. STOVE PIPES, EAVE TROUGHS TIN and JAPAN WARE, of every description, « A. E. MCCAW. Particular attention paid to all kinds of Jobbing. Prince Albert, April. 19, 1866. Furniture Warerooms WwW. H. PARK, Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, PRINCE ALBERT. AS now on hand a large and compete assortment of Cabinet Furniture, which he uu . vidi soe Nov, Tr id tds ak! Treen. eessnnnnst JIE to IN his A ST ous rosa ho sous Store, where he is 8 propared: Wagons,0 Ee AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Constantly on hand & . large supply of those ex- Revolving 'Horse Makes ? Such as manufactured last year. Good Sheds on the fsumiscs vadds which to tore Carriages, &c., 3 * JAMES PARKIN, Manchester, April : 1866. 1 VICTORIA Sewing M Machin AGENTS "WANTED ! $10 to $15 pe day. ASTOE Agents wanted to canvass and sell our new and besutiful Vic Family isselling Cheap. The Stock of Chairs, Bed: Sofus, H Cup-| 8 boards, Stands, Dining and Centre Tables, of newest styles. Every article of House- hold Furniture made to order by first class workmen, and warranted. All repairing | { promptly attended. 05 A large Stock of COFFINS, and COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description kept constantly on hand and for sale. Directions relating to funerals will be Lrompiy forwarded to the Cemetery without charge. All this branch of his business will receive prompt aud faithful attention, at very reasonable charges. A Hearse formshed when required. 0 The highest price paid in CASH for Butternut Lumber. W. H. PARK, Sign of the Red White and Blue, Prince Albert, Sept. 5, 1866. 4 3b THE OLD STAND FOR EVER. HE Subscriber takes this method iia method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! dee at Jed is now Priparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON & WOOD EED HAR- ROW made in the latest improved Scotch styles. Partios desirin hid urchase would do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasing else- where. Having ght his Stock for Cush, he is determined not to be undersold by any other manfastares in the. ey WO. STEE ' L. 14-1 BORELIA Cabinet Warerooms!! ee C-- HE Subseriber is still working at his old place of business, manufacturing every- thing in the CABINET LINE, sash a as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Brousrast Tables, House and Sign Painting and Paper Bi o, STEEL ENGRAVINGS for Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, &c Ha, ing one ion the A ---- ta choi Sale and Framed t a x0 Special Notice. A number of QOFFINS of all gine; ready- made--ezxtra A [First Class Hearse. tL RR 8 ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, ABIL 5 Good Lomber ang Produce taken in exchange for watk, R{ Bocas, Oct. 24, 1 : SOMETHING NEW! Photographs 82 per doz. McKENZIE'S ¥ : JOUN NOTT. the Frontier | 38) J RULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866, public, more especially to those who | J) nts. &c. PROPRIETOR OF THE iE & WADDELL, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, STARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, Toa sndCoffoo Botlers, GluaPots ol Oxns, fo Budi All the Cooking jor sel speedily cured than Kies EE Back Article to f WATCHES, Volunteers ordered to J. BULLEN REMQVED rr ui Old Stand 0hié dott CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. &C: South of the fod White & Blue. | King Street East - - - - OSHAWA. All Garments nts made in the GALLERY! Gallery over J. & W. Cowan's Store, Latest Styles apd a Fit war- H, McKENZIE. ranted. ¥9 Spring and Summer Fashions juat re- WooD, Ottawa Cancer Infirmary, Are prepared to attend Sales of every descrip- oe ot Ea! OTTAWA, CW. £ docidental Insurance he Coecios, "general Commission Bt on Rooms-=sorner Centre and King CANC RS CURED a os Cov By a New, bu ; Speedy, and near. OshwwmOotio. 1066. 4 ly Painless process, and 0 KEROSENE AND -GAS- STOVES | of, he, Haife The a i a d, | A f fe I Adel ce ioe Or Carriage 3% Maker ! hE , an a Tess £1 lose 17 Sel " Tord ot elsewhere, i Spey ce, | Ee te Li ted tor 3. dering maa of Samer If 203 roi DECKER, , April 10, 1866. . PRACTICAL "WM AS Removed ® the premises lately occupied by Mr. D. Jorut, | in He Victoria Block, two 'doors south of the Town Hall, where may be found a good stock of CLOCKS & JEWELRY. Asa fps practisal watchmaker he defied competition, and will warrant all work executed by him. fe will not be responsible for any work left in his possession over one year. rh the shop--in the Yictoria Block, neatly under the * Observer" office. Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1865. J. P. JOHNSTON, WATCHMAKER, AND JWELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN - GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES 48, 07 Watches and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. Oshawa, Jan ' 25, 1865. 3-1y. A. BARRETT'S FIRST PRIZE PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS J KING-8T., OSHAWA. Photographs $2 per dozen. guaranteed. Copying done reasonable. Osuawa, Jan. 10, 1866. 1 | Uotridee, Oct. 11, 1005. JATCHIRRD. £8 § JIWELIR \" Satisfaction | drei for ming te Sewing Machines. Price only $165. gloat mple, and wan ni Tor RE o imp e, ul Jaren y ng machine ever introduced Do ot be hum! into Canada some cheap worthless e. you _ the Victoria you have a soaigly with all the late improvements. There is ojcheal 1 a chine to be compared with it ; in, high priced mac! pe can excel i ck er all Tidy of work. ple Machines Seat on i Be aos in a ot letter. Ne commissions or Jill jaya} penses. For partic and terms 3altry and ex tamp), SamP: GATES & CO, No. 14 King Strest East, 8-1y iToroNTO. Good News for All! 1 BELEE PICTURES taken in all kinds of weather, at J. A. CLARK'S PHOTOGRAPH CAR, UXBRIDGE. hale ubeciiber is roband i exectie, in the st style, te OV non 20 al Riot. of Movares types, f pictures known to the Rrcfession, at his Uar, west of Crosby's Store, Uxbridge, cheap and 'warranted tosuit customers. Pictures copied and photo graphed, or enlarged to any size hy Po JA, CLARK. | THE SILVER SKIRT MORE DURABLE 2 'MORE ELASTIC MORE an ATRRL 113 And will. keep its Shape and retain its Place better than 24 other Bkirt. This new and beautiful ot style of Skirt (Patented March 7, 1865,) was awarded by the Grrar Axerioax InsTiTUT® Fam, held id New id October, 1865, a Silver Modall The highest premium ever given for a Il The Steel are wound! wif plated wire am ton co Thich will a Dl ioe of, & So the whole skirt m fear of rusting, an ay be eid be as good as i THE COMBINATION SILVER SKIRT This invention combines with the ordinary Sotton, the advantages . : the bottom hoops Ne a8 | So nn EA ty the t ff, covered rp ths upper ouca ase dovered he lower a om a ota aro wid to' er ad rom this durability a A FAVORITE SKI 7 Manufactured and sold by the Silver » y T. 8. SPERRY, Supt. of Yi A Genil-man who sulfe ad for years Debilitv, Premat . Decay, tiser's experience, can fined JOHN B.: i Ne. 13, Chambers 8, ™. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL 4 ge THE TOWN HALL, BROEK STREET, - WHITBY I Whitby, Prince Albert. Vhi V pont Al : and RE a e for p py he il nd te tr Uh An] 3! ny et oak ent, 1» In " REASONABLE! poder arcelé 34 the sisk of Whe owner, and P 8 booked 4 and Ro Fro er Whitby, Ja, 17 EN Toprioter, An ---------- Le A A a ----

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