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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Feb 1867, p. 3

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0) » * "BAEATEST SALE OF THE SEASON. . 1Stabble Rake, 8 § Lot No. 1 Span of Horses, Company Drill Shed! " Pot Barley, per Ib. , Candles, per Ib. Soap, mses _-- ely. Avfrertisements. 7 Noto © Lost. " OST--a Note for r $10--duted East ; Whitby, 8th January, 1867. Made by James Geaham and Jobn Senders, Jointly, an aud payable 4welve months after da or bearer. All parties are chy proliied | from <value tor it and payment is forbidden. sid JOHN GRAHA 0. Radel Feb. 19, 1867. i iT Over $2000 worth of] Valuable Property "To be disposed of by Public Auction! WITHOUT RESERVE, AT . J.C. Wesloy' 8) Nonquon House, SIMCOE STREET, On" "WEDNESDAY, March 6th, 1867, + CCNSISTING OF 1 Steel Mould-board Plow, 1 Pair Harrows, 1 Roller, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Pair Bob-Sleighs, "1 Boggy, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Mare four years old, «1 Mare nine years old, 1 Horse nine years old, - "1 Set of Singie Harness, 1 S~t Doutle Harness, 2 Cross-cut Sawa, 1 Cow three ycarsold, 1 Cow in call, seven years old, 1 Yearling Calf, 1 Mare nine years old, 1 Gig, (new) 1 Mure eight years old, 2 Cow in eall, 2 New Light Wagone, 1 New Cutter, 1 Yoke good Working Oxen, 1 Horse six years old, 4, 13th con. Reach, 1 Gang Plow, Steel Mould-board, 1 Seotch Plow, Sieel Plate, 1 Scotch Plow, 1 Bull two years old, 2 Lumber Wagons, 1 Light Wagon, Buggy, 1 Cooking Stove, 3 Seta Short Tug Ha nese, do Long Tog Harness, 2 do Silver Mounted Harness, 4 do Single Harness, 3 de Silver Mounted Harness, A quantity of Household Furniture, &o. Sale to commence at Ten o'clock a. m, "Terms of Sale.--All sums of $5, and under cash ; over that amount eleven months credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes, + For the land 10 years credit will be given. E. MAJOR, Auctioneer. Nonquon, Feb. 19, 1867. 7 Tenders Wanted. "TENDERS will bé received at my office until 'Thursday, 28th Feb'y, 1867, At noon, for the Erection of a In the SiLLack OF UXBRIDGE. "Plan and cations be seen at the office Capt. Spea on 2 By inh ay WHELER, Reeve. Uxbridge, Feb. 18, 1867. TENDERS WANTED. -lw EALED TENDERS (marked Ten. "ters for Jail supplies) will be received by the undersigned, at bis office, until|. roon, on Saturdav, 28rd inst. For the following articles, to be delivered at the County Jail, in such quantities and at such times as the undersigned mayore _ quire, durieg the present year, viz : Oatmeal per bbl, Split Peas, per Ib., per Ib., Coal Oil, per gallon, Oat Straw, per 100 Ibs., and Boots and Shoes per pair. JOHN SHIER, Pv Engineer. County Engineot v4 « Whitby, Feb, ne 0 oe 1867. T-1w RI REE NOTICE Tr to iven, Ba will be olde jn'an' Ea maler fn he Ot foe Bu" ov of ON MONDAY, MARCH 18th, 1867, a the rol 12 weld Joan, of [Whish 1 Toners, ces o -y others £opoarnal wi aL ake 'notice goverp them- ELSON G. RYN Sheriff, Oro Per R. H. Tom PRINCE ALBERT isi JorkShop in the ¥illage of Mashastes situate th side « the ond from the vel ty willing fo Rowi 0 § hay line Rondon herd Parties k AND 'MANCHESTER Bakeries ! RE th 'BREAD, A Er ony Fi MEA L of every description. yo class Counfeclionnnes. Toys in great variety For Spring ad iy hea; and Frulte Wedding Cakes made to olor. (SAUSAGES kept constently on hand. He is also Yrepased to furnish Soirees, Tea Meetings, &o., on liberal terme, CHAS. HISCUCkS. ¢| Feb. 13, 1867. Volunteers ordeal to outh of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. Xr Spring and Some Fashions just re- ceive J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 12 Insolvent Ac Act of 1864, County of Ontario, | Court ot the ¢ TO WIT: County of Outario. In- the matler of Alexander York, of the Townihip of Uxbridge, an Insolvent. Profiner oF Canava, | N the County N Tuesday the 16th day of April the under- 0 signed willapply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under the=said Act Dated at Wiitby, on the 6th day of eb. 1867. 6-9w] ALEXANDER YORK. FARM FOR SALE! "xX (OPPOSITE. - SCOTT: Ss, HOTEL. PRINCE. ALBER T IS SELLING MENS' 6000 COW BOOTS AT $1 90, To make room for Spring Stock. 'Women's and Children's wear also very low. ® Cash Paid for Hides. : Prince Albert, Feb, 13,1867. p. = ~~ ANOTHER LOT New Goods Consisting of Berlin Wools, Fingering Yarns, Ladies Nubias, Scarfs, FURS. MENS CAPS in' great variety (latest styles.) New Dress Godds. Our Stock is now complete for the Winter Trade and will be kept so, as we are receiving New Goods, weekly, and will.con- tinue to do so in order to meet the increasing demand. Don't forget the'place. SHAW & GORDON. - 49 - oi Queen Street, Pont Perry, Dec. 13,1866. MONEY Hem HE Subscriber ei for lilt of Lot No. 1, in the 6th c in of the Township of Scott! Containin, 2% Acres--nearly all cleared. -- There is 3 Touse and Barn on the premises, and a never Eniliog stream of water running through theentire length of the Lot. The land is first class--equal to any in the Township. For further particnlars apply to the Dropristor on the premises, or if by letter pre-paid to ALEX. HARDY, Uxbridge P 0. Scott, feb. 6, 1866. -5W Madoc Gold. A MINING COMPANY is being formed: on part of Lot No. iy concession of Madoc, Particulars may be fad by. applyinr to either of the following Smith, ast thy ; D. E. fede, "Pleasant Point ; S. Green, Whitby ; vB Caldwell, Oshawa or the" undersigoed. Voy THOS. COUTTS. East Whitby, Feb. 4th, 1867. Bedin lan nt I% 'eace and County Court, in and for the County of Ontario, %vill be holden at the Court Hause, in the Town of Whitby, On TUESDAY, MARCH 12th, 1867, hereby given that the Count fr of of Dual, Court of General Quar- ter a 'of the F At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon: of which all Justices of the Pence, Coroners, Constable: and all others concerned, will take notice, an govern themselves according] ly. ' NELSON G. REYNOLDS, i - SEE RRR C0. per R. H. ToxLINsON. w Sheriff's Of Whitby, Jan. '23, 1807. ---- ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY 0 LIND The subscribers are ina position to lend any ° quautity of Money, (Private Funds) . 8 per cent per Bans Interest. Payable yearly and no payment required in ad- vance. HIDE New AVDevtigements. CURRIE & ROSS Have on hand a very Fine Lot of New Tea in Small Catties--Cheap. Also NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, RICE, SUGAR, SYRUP, and ' he Groceries Generally, to which they invite attention of parties laying in SUPPLIES! FOR 'THE SEASON. A lot of Labrador HERRINGS in Barrels and ITalf-Barrels at COST and under. SALT and PLASTER, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, BUILDING MA TERIALS, constantly on hand and Cheap as the Cheapest. ---------- Also Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Turnip Seed, Carrot Seed, Mangle Wurtzel Seed, and Garden Seeds--all NEW and FRESH. Prince Albert, Feb. 21, 1867. OPPOSITION Farm for Sale, That First Olass Farm Cami veing ng patof Lt Xo. 1 1 he 100 Township of : Reach, five miles. of Sows a frepiet ees STONE SOUS el wh House 30x40 ings suitable eh ng ir ming og i water Tinta of cultivation, EE Sous fonves: - TERMS-- $8000 $1000 down and $1000 in twelve months--the rest to suit the er's convenience. Interest 8 per ig per annum, Apply~--if by letter pre- JAMES JOHNSON. Greenbank P. 0. Feb. 13, 1867. CASH . JOB. Chopping & & ; & Clearing. HE subscriber is pi to leta Job of Chopping and Clearing 20 Acres on Lo No. 18, in the 7th concession of Ushridge. Jd Jo to be completed by September next. inished. WM. ROOKE, Lot No. 18, Tth Con. rE soon as the job is Feb. 13. 1867. L404 'Io[18], O[qeuOTYsBL 'SNIM HAE 'af VIUIg UOPIVD | MuYS PA--JOHS rX494¥3ad THE MOTTO AND THE CONSEQUENCE The Subscribers will dispose of the Balance of their Winter --a ro They are also Agents for the largest money loan- ing institution in Canada, which loans money from to 1S yearsat @ per cent And payable by equal yearly instalments. Also will lend sums not exceeding' $150, on "good endorsed notes. 1% MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD.) APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, Lasp AND Insurance AGENT, VaLuator, &c., - Office over T. C. Forman's Store, PRINCE ALBERT. Or To JOHN, ADAMS, wy ='Poronte -Srresr,~ Toronto. Tom x mele ae Prince Albert, Jan. 16, 1867. | = 7) BEE 0B oo 2 R= =i 0 BE 0 HO em i220 Public Notice! I, HENRY R. MORDEN, TAILOR. MANCHESTER, Wii de Ssungly i state that I bave not Manchester, nor have I age of doing so--having just le Dwelling House and Sen ont the So of ti heading Returnin g my sin necro thanks to the inhabi- tants of ter and surrounding coun for their de lier Dutrounge und t favors, stric ee ich in the Sonim of orders, and moderati Ho secure & continuation and i an Pp P! The Latest Fas ons Folens received. All kinds of Farm P taken in exchange | Sherilr's Offer, Whitby, { "Feb. 12, i8et,, \ T-dw for work. HENRY R, BORDEN. Manchester, Sept, 25, '1863, H ¢ JUST RECEIVED A superior lot of F RENCH CALF SKIN gj Which will be Sold Cheap for Cash ; also on hand a large Stock of Spanish Sole Leather, which will be disposed of on the most favorable terms to cash purchasers. Having a large number of menconstantly employed in manufacturing Boots & Shoes I am 'prepared to offer inducements equal if mot superior to any house in the trade. Also ay immense Stock of Boots and Shoes purchased in the best markets, which will be sold at a slight ad- vance on the cost. { You will find it to yeur advantage to come and exami ne the Stock. Cash for Hides, Tallow and Hemlock Hark. J. WRIGHT. PRINCE ALBERT axp MANCHESTER, ; ' _ October 24, 1866. : RR. WILSON, DRUGGIST, . x orromiTh SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINC E ALBERT! DES in Drugs, Patent Wedicineny Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, Hair Tooth and Nail Brushee, Co ges, and Soa ¥ Stock of Ready Made Clothingg Dress Goods, Tweeds, Flannels, Shirts and Drawers at and under Cost Prices, in order to make room for Spring purchases, also a large lot of White Fish, Herrings, Salt, Plaster, Clover and Timothy Sceds. at reduced rates. b GALLONS OF BEST COAL OIL, WITH CAN, FOR 82. Groceries Cheaper than any other House in the Trade. A large consignment of BOOTS and SHOES at COST PRICES. The above goods will he sold for Cash or its equivalent only. Cash paid for Wheat, Oats, Peas and Pork. Brown & Christian. MANCHESTER, Feb. 7, 1867. BANKRUPT STOCK FOR SALE! 00 Prrrem------s The andersigned having received an Askignment from the firm of' EDWARDS & HODDE, Merchants, Oshawa, offers for Sale, by Retail, at MR: PAYNE'S NEW STORE, Manchester! The whole of their immense Stock consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY - MADE CLOTHING ? Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Neck Ties, Collars, &o., First quality Coal Oil at 25 cents per gallon. As the Estate must be closed up -at once, Goods will be sold at a great sacrifice. Do not forget to call and purchase while an opportunity is afforded to get Cheap Goods. JAMES HOLDEN, Special atfention given to the preparation and dispensing of B Physicians prescriptions. Pies Alb Jan, 22, sey, mere Py 3 OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. Manchester, Jan. 15, 1867. VERY CHEAP GOODS THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Insurance Company. $15,000,000 ..$2560,000 INVESTED FUNDS, INVESTED IN CANADA,... Five Depavtnent. INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASHES or Prorerty AT CURRENT RATES, FARM RISKS ar Seecrarry Reovcen Rates. Life Depavtment. vo EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICH én defence of the COUNTRY. Life Policies for the benefit of Wifeor Children are Secure from Seizure by lors. » Policy for $1000, by the ranteed Bonus System costs at age 30, $24.70 a year. Should it become payable after & re ono- fourth of the Premiums are return sum assured ; if after 20 years, ei Ie are re- turned ; ufter 30 years, three-fourths ; after 51, the sum assured is doubled, and 'the heirs may claim $2,000. 3 Claims payable one month after proof of death. G. I. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, ONTREAL. M. G. ROBSON, Agent, Prince Albert. Marriage Licenscsy (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. Office at the Scucoa Houss. HENRY CHARLES. Jan. 23, 1867. Ff Farm Stock For Sale P: ARTIES in want of excellent Farm Stock are requested to inspect the Stock of the Subscriber, on Lot No. 18, in the 14th Concession of the Township of Reach. He has some first class Stock which he is prepared to part with at mo Prices, viz Ewes Ra ow in Lamb by Mr. James rig Prize Ram. 2 Mares in Foal by * Canadian Chief." 1 very superior Grey Colt rising 4ycars old and 2 Milch Cows. Also: A FIKST RATE TAVERN STAND situated on the main toad betweea Uxbridge and Brock, 4 miles North of the Vilage hy Immediate pos- Uxbridge. A capital opening. session and Title guaranteed. JOHN BLYTH. Reach, Jan. 22d, 1867. R. THOMAS, SADDI 5 Harness Maker, Thomas' 'New Building, South of Gibbs Block, Simcoe Street, OSHAWA. TRAE attention of farmers and others is vited to his stock of heavy and light - ness, all of which is new_and of superior maki Also there will be found a eho'ce selection of Wiiips general saadley_ trunks, portmanteaus, fiverything i in the trade made tor order on Repairing done neatly and R. THOMAS. _ ly 5 shortest notice, cheaply, Oshawa, Jan. 23,1867. Brooklin Drug Store. JOHN D4 AWES, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &o Best Wines and Liguors for medicinal DUrposes, or Horseland Cattle Medicines alway on hand. {DIVISION COURTS | ] n : FOR THE ~ County of Ontario. No. 1, Whitby, «.. Feb. 1st, 1867. ' 2, Pickering, Z. BURNHAM, Judge C0 Whitby, Jan. 22, 1867,

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