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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Apr 1867, p. 1

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a EA 94: HIE ger waar v ESEEE YOL:X, No. 13) | ---- ets Prac ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, ow, THURSDAY, APRIE 11, 1867. [WHOLE No. 418 -------- Bp finkvia Hhaerber, A WEEKLY POLITIEAL ABRICTLTURAL, FAMILY NEWSEARER,| ; 18 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSD AY MORNING, " BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS: «$1.60 ng mam, if paid within six months; if not paid within that time. $2.00. Nowsub-. scription takeii for less than six months; and no paper wiasontimnd antil all arrears are paid. Licensed [Ane THE Subscriber, holding County of Ontario, an tl Mariposa, wonld to state others, requiring his services, business is entrusted to his care, ly and surly srended to 'arms, s of Observer Office. rics Albert," * E. MAJOR. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 D. M. CARD, Li SED AUCTIONEER, Collector of Accounts on Commission, whether in or out of the County. Remittances made according to instructions. Sales punctually attended any- where in the County, on the shoftest notice.-- Charges moderate. Days for Sales appointed on, application at the Onservin Office. All letters properly addressed to the Uxbridge Post Office, will receive the promptest attention. 35 Letters containing money, whe his Office, pre-poid and registered, will be at big RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion, - =~ = $008 Subsequent insertions, perline - - - 0.02 Cirds, under B lines, per annum + . 5.00 Advertisemepds measured in Nonpareil, and charged nocording tot pace they occnpy. received for publication, wij ee cif instructions, will be inserted unil fa hi charged ucantdiigly, No advertisement will I h- ott uitil paid A liberal discount allowed to Merchanss and others who adye rise by the year or half-y otice, thé object o 'which istopromote he Porhary benefit of any nidividunl or company, to be eo iderei nn advertisement, anil charged accord- in ng! tr These terms willy' in all cases, be triely ad- hered to, The ¢ wstantly increasing importance of the Nath Rid ng of riorendersthe -publicntion o pile OnsE ® necessity, Ever right, and il it will constant take 1 ead in for warding ad in the amount 11 be unsurpassed hy ay local paper published in Can: JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlets, apd Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill pads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Clieek Books. Clrculars, Business. Cards, Ball Cards, &e , &e., of every style and color, execnled pro and an lower ates tian aL any other estal ny. Parties from a distance getting band bills, vy ted hare thew dome 10 take home with them. J. BAIRD. cai | H. PARSONS. a "Buginess Divectorp. ER JONES, (CORONER for the County of Quiario, Prince Albert. & 'WARE, (ClonoNER Hor the County a Ontario, Wi J. D. Cottingham, GRER DENTIST, FER BORIELIA, C.'W By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without ut pain, at-his office. J.D.C. is Iepared fo o3 to execute all operations connected with his profession with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine his specimens. Single leeth inserted--parts of sets,-or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTAND --Attention to the Teeth preserves the health. Without teeth in good order it is impossible to masticate food for the body, and consequently there eannot be good health. If you have deeayed teeth, get them filled. If you have any out get them replaced by new ones. Priees low, and all work warante d. Jf the work is not satisfactorily done, the moncy will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan. 15, 1867. English Pink Dental Rubber; New and beautiful Vuleanite Base for Arti- tificial Te Teeth ! C. Du "WATD, SURGEON-DENTIST, Mains, Tpbrivge. 'LE Dental operations with the utthost sk 1 HR Defame 0 give sat- isfuction or no lj nie anid atprices which defy 2-1y Physic and Pees gain, ' 8 - ? PF. H, BRATHWAITE, M.D, C M, XY RADUATE of the University of McGill NCollege, Montreal, Physiciari, Surgeon and Lecoucheur, Prince Albert. ice and Resi- 1eunce--the house lately occupied by Dr. Agnew. Drs. MeGILL '& RAE, HYSICTANS, r 2 P Hin King sire, Oshima. MGILL, ML DL JOHN BILLINGS, {3 ARRISTER, eines i Law, Solicitor cery, No! blie, Conte; \ ke. Prince Albi Otho over I. C. Forman' Office and wa. FRANCIS RAE. M, B. Revenpxcrs.--Rev. Dr. Short, and 77. D. 8, Port Hope ; Rev. J. T. Burns, Whitby : Gri Jos, Gould, Esq. and J. Bolster, M. B. Uxbridge ~ Dotels, &t. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER | B. PLANK PROPRICTOR. HY. ING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choic est liquors and cigars, Every attention paid {o gnests.-- Stages to and from Whithy call daily, Careful ostlers alway s in attendance, TTT & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &c. Prince Albert eo ~oppdsite the Town Hall; ort, Perry o ~over Mr, Bigelow's Store. NORMAN F, PATERSON, (La, illor & Paterson, 'Paronto ) TTOR! t-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Uonveyancer, &c., Beaverton. Office in the building by Dr. iioch Simcoe-st. A BURD, + \ TTORNEY at poo Sotinitor. i in Chan- " Notary Public, &c,, rants & McGEE, BARRE "Attorneys, Solicitors 'and Notaries Public. Offices, in fhe Post Office Building, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. J. B, FARNWELY, LL.B. Co wan, A "CAMERON & MACDONELL, » Bion and Attorneys at Law, oases +L Council Qatario. Offices: ourt ) ©. cAMmRON, | oo | H. J. MAGDONELL., Lin COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, HE subscriber wishes to: inform the traveling public that he has taken the above 'hotel, which he has fitted and furnished throughout, "and where the best accommodation, with careful attention, can always be found.-- Good stabling, cnclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, id quer 1 Proprietor. Greenbank, Peb'y 12,1866. ~~ = "6-1, Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendanee, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats, Saintfield Hotel. (HIS house being new, Wr, commedions) and well furnished: throughout, the public favoring Lim vith their custom may depend on finding ANDREW F. McPHERSON, BARRISTER ht and AorutgiatTawy Solici- OFFICE--Dundas 'stroot, 3 doors west of the URI J: WILSON, 54 Ser he Oe in 1 Vion ABN: By 7 init 1 'y to their comfort at- Ton to. Good Stabling, "and attentive Ostlers always in attendance, D, CAMPBELL, Proprictor, Po ; DAFOE HOUSE, Wee, Tuly 4, 1866. § UTICA : Jafio Oren i Bi 1 bet wi Wines, I 20 Set and TH bar spy with cigars s rudy Ton i bl DAFOE: Proprietor H, LLB, ou i) igh LAttorney, Fully shawa. + Office--=Simcoe Re Ke ovposte 3 post i ig ci Oshawa, i W, tl 0st Sbposite. th Aeadit of the OM o ii his] JOE r OW NSHIR| BBR, Convey: questi inch aa arf hh wa THE ROBSON. HOUSE! | #4 LATE SCRIPTURE'S Horr, ~ DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, 'W., hod ROBSON; + - a PROPRIETOR. ~, to announce that he has Ti Subger ky ergs Fea as Serip- ra e has rs ne iu Sha he Tne oy T are pl sitnated, op- posité Eh voice in the cin of the town. The at the Hotel, and the he fied for Yxiridgaand n leave the orn "55 Gaeta Ostlers alwhys in Attendance. $ GEQ. ROBSON ALBION HOTEL, 'East Market Square, Toronto, The Longest Month in AE Life. I am a martiéd man, and one who, m Good Stabling and every dation, at | that cap r | moderate charges, BOARD $1 FER DAY. cas ini Wi-SHORT, Phoyateran.. Toronto, March 20, 1867, 10 "| bachelor. Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, - - EGS Joost respectfully to inform the inhabi- tants of the County of Ontario, that he has leased the above premises lately occupied by Sandy Perrie, which he bas new ly furnished and renovated, and he is prepared to aceommo- date the travelling public. The bar stocked with the choicest liquors and cigars, and an at- tentive ostler always in attendance. MACKIES I1IOTEL, (LATE BRODIE'S,) Walton Street, Port Hope. Wn. MACKIE, Proprietor. ONTARIO HOTEL, C. DAWES: = 1 - Promiyron Proprietor. Marriage Iicensecs, (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. Offies the Scucoa House. HENRY CHARLES. Jan.23, 1867. 3-tr MONEY TO LOAN. T LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Apply to MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Prince Albert. MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest. 5 LYMAN ENGLISH, ; Barrister, &e.,, Oshawa. November 21, 1866. 46 Money to Lend IN RUMS OF 8300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & Mc¢GEE, Solicitors, &c. 45 2m MONEY TO LOAN I! Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. $100,000. 1 Lk HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars to Loan on Mortgage security, in sue lo suit borrowers, at a very moderate rate of interest. Apply at the far-famed , Manchester Warchouse, to JOIN {IODGSON. Rgvens cus kindy pe pe rmbt ed or, nN "os i. M. P. P., Oshawa ; "- Campton, Faq. M. Toronto; Rev.J 11, MEA. Team! ent, Osha. wa; Wm Laing 3 Cidwell, Myrtle; Adam & chester Warehou Rebar Men For.) Bor ing Neil Sinclur, Esq. Port Perry; Joseph Reeder, Fsq., Sengng ; John Clark. Fsq., Monilta; Jonathan Hodg- Inkwood ; George Biabazon, Faq. Wick; d., Brock; Col. Vidomun, He uty Spieran, "Egy Vroomaiiton. 1 M 32-3m 3 Mniichester, Sept, 6ili. 1666. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Insurance Company. INVESTED FUNDS,.......... INVESTED IN GANADA, Five Depavtnrent. INSURANCES EFFECTED OF ALL CLASSES of Prorerty AT CURRENT RATES. FARM RISKS ar SeecranLy Ripuckp TES. Lite Depaviment, | No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the COUNTRY, Life Policies fi the Jens of Wifeor i are tom re by 'Credit ; As Bolles for r $1000 ALE Guarantéed To Simi ji oe pave Tr Te, fourth of the Profi us. eo sum assured ; if turned ; after 30 yi Sia 0 Ju onc-haie itis a, the sum assured is doubled, and the heirs may claim $2,000. a 5 Claims payable one month after proot of eat] G. ¥ C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, ONTRE L, $ M. G. ROBSON, ' 2 Agent, Prince Albert. y, has! seen many moons beside the honeymoon ; but the lahgést 'month in my life by far took place' Whe! 5 =| Tt is/true 'that I was in Jove dur- ing the period in question, but if was' not the frantic expectation of coming bliss which clogged the wheels of time. * My beautiful and accomplished Etiza tad nothing to do with it. We are not wrapted up in one another as we used to be, and there are even vulgar persons in the village who os- sert that I sometimes ¢ hide' Eliza ' ¢which is ridiculously false); but at. that time no man cquld idolize her more § however, 1 repeat, i was not she, hor the 'antieipéition of her, which put the break wpon the "fain of life so sharp and sibing! « I'ie passion which for thirty days protracted 'my exist- ance' so painfully, was one more potent even than that of love--it was that'o['Abject Terror. Some males are absonlly proud and boastful of their physical courage, 'always imagining that somebody has called it in question, breathing forth fire and slangliter egainst persons of more diminutive statue than themselves on the slightest provoeation; lustful for combat ; for ever sharpening their teeth, For my part, any assumption of this kind would be as misplaced as though a gentleman without a nose should plume himeell upon his personal charms, The delicacy of my organisation is so extreme, that the snapping of a percussiofi-cap in my neighborhood -- let alone powdérand ball-- has been sufficient, from my youth vp, to cast me into a" profuse perspiration, while the excessive refinement of my mind has still further increased 'this peculiarity, 1 am like a 'magnificent race-horse which has been overtriined (although, indeed, if it comes to speed, I could hold myself with the bravest) ; but | am no /Aors de combat no battlo-charger. If [were a man-of-war, I should make ur good a running-fight es any ship in her Mojesty's service ; but "for any other kpecies of combat, lef me climb a tree and look on. The satiefaction which my known disin- clination for battle has diffused among my male acquaintance, is universal. It ! had nr I -- was, the longest month in my life whe' not passed in that amusement, as many an evening -wae, amid the contempt of my ad- versaries, and the unnatural deiestation of my partner. My four weeks' misery 'lies Tat she doot of wo romawbemg. "Ghosts I" murmurs the fair reader be- neath her breath, ins she edges nearer to the bell-handle ; ¢it is going to be a ghost- story, afterall.' No, madam ; your exquisite intuition has failed you forthis onee. Ghosts Aave given me many a long night, which, added to- gether, would doubtless make up a month, and more. I have dreamed of them, | have atwvakened, and sat up in the béd to think of them, to listen for them; 1 have met them (or something very like them) both indoors and oat of doors after nightfall, to the great disturbance of 'my equanimity, but nevertheless; it was not a ghost which made that mouth so! long. 4 It was neither man; mor woman, It was neither ghost, nor human, nor was it a ghou!. Jt wasa dog madam, a great black dog, which went raving mad in the month appointed by the calander for doge to do so, and bit mein the leg! Some persons are fond of dogs, or at least are gifted with a natural indifference to them. Their bark does not cause any thnll of ter- ror j their objectionabla habit of enuffing about one's ankles excites no apprehension ; but 1t is quite otherwise with me. Many a picterusque ruin have | omitted to explore in my aitist rambles, deterred by the pre- sence of a dog; and many' a countty inn have I passed by fasting for the same reason. It 1s tive that there were often ¢people adont® (as the saying is) in these eases, wlio would have donbtless called off the rapa- cious animal, had he attacted me: bot from what ? From my mangled remains, which he would very likely not be permitted to devour, butnot from my unscatched "and onginal form. Many a gninea=he con- descends in reality 'to take 10s 64, but both docter and patients prefer to speak of the fee as though it were two fees--many a guinea of mine,' say, has Dr. Carven missed through keeping that horrid terrier pup which used to sit and snarl at his gard- en gate, until it was one day devoured by a golp bythe rector's Newfoundland dog. designedly consulted the greatest happ of the greatest number, I could not have conferred that boon more universally. Man is a bully, who is never so pleased as, wherrhe is flapping his wings over some other cock of the walk who has siccombed to him ; agd at my approach there was not one in our - village circle who did not begin to crow. Mujot Blazer, late of the Plungers, but now retired to this pastoral solicitude of Tinyton Parva, inflated himself as I drew near, as if ho were an aeromaut abbut fo ascend, who carried his balloon inside him, It did not displease me to feel morally cer= tain that 1 was indirectly hastening the major on to lis natural 'dootn of 'apoplexy, He hectored, he domineered, he turned alf sorts of colors, in hig tremendous' superior- ity, and, in fact, behaved himself in allye- Feots after "the maniief of a farm-yard turkey-cock ; nay, he was inferior to that | foolish bird, 'insomuch as' the major would never have been good cating, although you might easily have ¢devilled" his 'legs with the expression he made use of. Ie had some, more or less, Satanic expletive for "his each particul: ar Jimb and featwe ; and when he had consigned them all to perdition, he used to begin with mine. If in_short, the major was a Jspecimen of them, our troops had not degenerated i in the accomplishment of bad language since the days in which they swore so tenibly in Flanders. My unassumin "presence incit- ed this watdor, T felt' Fol vinced, to coin anthems, and therefore, for his, own sake as well an for my own, I kept out of his way ad much as possible. Dr. Carvan, who hated, the major sons he habitually. designated, the neti por- tion of hig late |p 1 | and who willy; I know; defer the opening of! bie vein, when that apoplexy does come; as. long; as ho degently . cau, yet joined : with nfo (dismounted, Plunger in trampling upon my moral carcnss.., Afler having been walked over (in spurs) at Powderham a tage, the, doctor would,come. -on to. No. Pigeon Yillasgand take-t put on mes Our rector, the. Rev, Dubble Fyst, was as combative as ither of these and derived an equal pleasure from any company. The circle of society fan which that divine was | and Scott. cor PEE ear to, the Er Linear 65 an ' : A E. WALSH, v7 Farier, i is always in readinpss| ita dart as 5 : REVERE HOUSE y'} "BEAVERTON, . W. IB Subscriber begs to A 'that he has n fur- | nished ged fitted ap th of Non hE fe ol ny TS always ance. " WMP ARKIN FRE pan o d-cigars ie wil be) fur- Care- WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, CW, INCORPORATED, at ahaa. Capital, - 1 8400,860. | perro conn CIAL. HOTEL, announce in a Tod then. SECT AND TRE) oh ) Tarai Agen. ig HY oun ion "County of-Qm ded by: nature is, J feel bonviriced; the: prize-ring ; ; and though he is always talk= ing about his ¢ cloth,' I have neverseen one |rag of jt about him) except; indeed, he means the table:aloth--for ihe: js: the 'best tiencher-maniin Tinyton Parvac, oot 410 ig were mat. for myseloth, sir)'. he 1d say, swinging his celesal right .arm, eo hibiting to me the mudcles tHetedf; as thought he were my hired;mari" Hei slionld ito} poach my, spinneyy int chad \ Dissenters,' :it:wobld. bear Yery. strik- | fo F, svete: ta'publish his: «Short Way: STREET, WHITBY, Th or von el novated ti He tend to toll anit a mode of og th sareful auention, san can always be a. a g and ol ao . can treat success: Be Good stabling, en: ose yards, and atten- Pilly any disease tha La subject to.-- | tive Os Charges extremely moderate, Charges moderate, Residence, Fr Prince Albert. | 23-1y JOHKX MILLER. \ A py, Buran Si CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store, PORT PERRY, C. W perf indeed: Lluev Lud my When these three gentleman met to play at cards, and I was the fourth, it may be jectured that the e g did not pass sapidly ; but long as that long whist often il Rather than er the small but fero- cious creature in question, I have often taken a long country walk instead of his master's advice, and cured my indigestion without a dinner-bill from his dispensary. If he had taken a catinstead, it would have been a clear ten poud a year in his pocket, not to mention the absence of dog- tax--the wisest impost, by the by, in my opinion, that was ever laid by a patriotic parliament upon a conntry that dves not know what is good for it. What was far worse, however, than the doctor's keeping a dog, was that Jonathan Oatlands, of the Home Farm; the father of my then beautiful Eliza, kept a conple. They used ta sit en either siile of his garden gite, likethe lions in the ¢ Pilgrim's Pro? gress,' and I was Mr. Faintheart, who neyet dared pas between them 10 y ring tl the' bell, I 'daresny Thza thought me' very "remiss on the days when I didn't call; but althoug zh water (in moderation) to oblige' bet." could not face the terrible etvatures, Jock and Jumbo, | These huge black beasts de- lighted in contest, for, 4a-Dr. 'Walts obser- ves (who of all poets, understands dogs best,) ¢1t was their natare to ; and when. they had no one else to growl at, they ab- solutely growled at one another ; this 1 know for | have heard them scores' of lites, when they doublless believed 'fliemselves to be alone, 4s: I stood behine the! angle of the wall wailing for sordeboily te bear me com- pany. through the perilous pass they guard- ed, I never knew; thecreafures opayt--- which was Jock and which, was Jumbo -- nor, indeed, was it necessary that I should do s0, as they were always together. ~My Eliza pretended to be very fond of them, but from the first I gave'l ter td understand that she must: choose. -between 'me and them--¢ Love me, love my two black dogs," being 100 great on expansion: of the provers. ial demand ta be tol ot) wits August, "kd thie weather = was' more thar ubtally © seasofia ble,' 'which 1 ed fora 1|1he expression 1 believe; sed by 'all well regulated petsons, When it is either tog cold lin winter 'or too hot 'in summer. The' tile of No.1 Pigeon Villas were like those of a Dutch ovén j the whité road thiéw back the heat into our first-floor windows likea meat-gcreen." All "Tinyton Parva was baked; its thin folks 'were' dried' wp like mummies, its fat folks simmered and shore. Major Blazer's purple conntenative' listen ber glasses. 'A public meeting 'was' ton-' he | veyed, to 'consider the' proprieiy of 1 muzz ling | 400 'all doge 'whatsoever amd - I néed" not' 'say upon which side my vote, my interest 'afid my eloquence weére enlisted ; but fle 'major '(out 'of mere bravado, for he! "kept 'no dog) was.dead against ve § 80 was the master of ithe, 'terrior pup, of courde ; snd so was the 'Rev: Dubble Fyst,: This last 'gentleman pooh-poohed every precaution with a con- tempt that was positively indecent. * ¢ He was afraid,' he said, ¢of no dog living, either mad or sane. It people would only FAST wh AR BE IVT mlous with compassion 3 ed né he moved, like one of Hisown caecum |' understand how 10 treat these animals the llest child might subdue the most dang- erous of 'mastiffs. A little switch of hazel or willow wns all that was required. He was imagining an extreme oases but When the dog made its leap at your thioat, (sen- sation), all you had to do was to srike its tore-feet sharply with the switch; and the creature will turn tail and flee." The parson was known to be an eminent ly pracveal mn, and his speech was conclusive ; the dogs went about anmuzzled and the men with hazel switches and direc- tions for nse. Even 1 earned a httle switch about myself, althotigh with the same belief ins pho as thatof a diviting-rod. In the middle of August, 18~--, 1 wasreturn- ing from a country walk with my portfolio onder my arm; the day had been deli- ciously passed in a certain beesh-wood, where If had been making a ¢study' of a tree for dear Eliza's albom, 1 was not aware how intensely warm it had been (for copper beeches do not get red hot) ; unul I left the wood and reached the blinding road, which. had been receiving the rays of the sun for so many hours ; the ground almost scorched my feet: in five minutes I became as 'dosty and deliquescent' as any of Sidney Smith's stout female clergy, for there was not shade enough on either side the way 10 ac late a ther ter § and I wasat least a mile and a half from Pigeon Ville. Suddenly 1 heard distant shouts, and that sort of tumult which is called in old.siage directions ¢ an excursion.' There was certainly something of an exeit- ing nature ocenring inthe village. Itconld not be the murmars, because they only ap- pear at Christmas ; nor could it bs Jack-in- the-Green, who belongs only do May; and unless for these periodical excilements, Tinyton Parva was sunk in torpor all the year round. Presently 1 heard a gin go off, whieh eaused me to regret that | had left the'sbelter of the beech-wood so far behind me. What could have happened 2 I did not believe the French had landed, for they woyld scarcely have dared to do so during Major Blazer's hle-time: but I didthink that thege might be a general rising of the peasantry. For all that } knew, Tinyton Pasva, and what was worse, Miss Eliza Oatlands of the Home Farm, might be in the very arms of revolution. A horseman at full epeed comes fleeing from \he scene of disorder. ¢ The yeomanry then,' said 1 ty myeelf, "are routed and the poaching portion of the community are probably roasting the' Rev. Dubble Fyet and my fu- ture brother-in-law . before a slow fire. I | you. ---- Vista and hak there was_nothing the mate ter. There came a knock at the door. 'Mr. Palette,' nid the doctor through the keyhole, «We mean no harm : the time is gone by for the operation yon seem #0 much to dread. Open the door and for Heaven's sake, compose yourself ; Jo reason and your life alike depend apo your keeping mind and body i Pray, open the door." To this request, with the proviso, that his myimidons should take their departure forthwith. I consented, and Dr. Carvem examined the wound. visible dog-bite, inconsiderable in extent, and unattended with much inflamation. ¢ Is it not possible that the cloth of the trousers may have wiped the virus from i fis teeth? inquired 1 with anxiety, [y merely made a snap in passing, as I lifted op that ridiculous switch to keep him off. ' A evap I sighed the doctor ; "Ah, that's an almost eertain sign of rabies, No Mn. Palette, it would only be cruel to deceive 1 knew a case which occurred to & lady of the first fashion--a patient of my own, sir--whose clothes avere torn by a dog in a similar condition he never so much as touched her skin at all. The dy i up the rent with impunity, but unfortunately bit off the thread wiih her teeth, and the miscLief was done. She refused hock and soda-water-- her favorite drink, sir--upon the thirteenth day, and I had the honer of forming part of the funeral cortege, which was upon a style------ Bul you must compose yoursell, Mr. Palette--you must indeed, Now, what I was about to suggest this: do you think you could bear a kettleful of boiling water poured slowly on this hitle abrasin 1 for, indeed it is no= thing more. This is the very best reme= dy with the exception of the actual cautery which sience has suggested ; bat it requires a little firmness on the part of the patient, If you will permit me to confine your arms and legs within this bell-rope Lem= me-go, Mr. Palalate--lemmegosir--my- did-di-dear friend, let me go.' 1 had very nearly suffocated the man. 1 had leaped from my conch, and pinned him by the neck to the wall. His cravat was always tight, and I hud almost made an end of lim. Boiling water indeed ! 'Beware,' cried I~' Beware lost you taste of my despair, and learn by proof in some wild hour how much the wretched dare I I saw the doclor's cold eye quail before me as | executed a sort of war dance © defiince in my day shirt. This hectoring had always warned them that their game- preserving would lead to something of this soit. As the man drew near, [ recognized in him a farmer in the neighberhood, and called out to know what was the matter. "Oh L nothing," answered he, as he fled by ;* only amad dog. One of Mr. Jonathan Oatland's black uus is running a muck.' I sat downin thé dry ditch by the road- side and mopped my forehead? OxLv.a mad dog | oo Heavens, had it already bitten Eliza ? had it bitten that little eur at and me!' These horrible apprehensions were absorbed -by a danger so terrible, so real, that the hair of my head arose, and swayed tremulonsly from side to side, as a field of corn is agitated by contrary winds. 1 beheld wpon the horizon of the road a speck, a dot, a comma (alas, it wes far from being a full stop,) which, appooach- ing with hideous velocity, expanded, and disclosed a black dog running with his tongue oul--the always abominable Jumbo, and now MAD. When I recovered my senses, I found myself in my own bed at No.1 Pigeon Villas. Ieaw this very literdlly «with nalt an eye,' for I felt 0b eéxhauvsted" to thoroughly arouse myself, and us ston as I | had 'begome aware of my position, I shut | the Td again, and gave myselt up to reflec- 1 would readily have gone thtough fir and | tion. A dull aching pain in my left call materially assisted my memory in recall- ing what had happened, and there was a suppressed hp of conversation about me which supplied the rest. 'He 'was fhistlseen by my dashed gard- dary exclaimed a pompeos noice familiar me, 'and ejaculating: ¢ That dashed A has bitien me; run for a dashed Sawbones.' ¢ Mr. Pallote has his faults sir, bot he does not swear,' returned Mr, Dubble Fyst sternly. ¢ No man ghall swear in my com- pany wajor, mind that ; no matter who he iy Right, sir," absented a third voice, trem- or in Mr. Palette accustomed 10 apply scandalous and igno- terme 10 a which- in ali ages hus oblaindd the respect and'-- + Come, come," interrupted a fourth person wha was no other than My. Jonathan Oat- lafde himsel(§ ¢ do not wrangle, goilmen, over what may be a dead .man before the day'fs out. 'It is your place to advise, Dr. Carvem, and ours to assist youto the best of our power. ' Now, what is to be done ? ¢Theionly effectual remedy m cases of Joie.) ? observed the doelor, ¢ 1s excis- e wounded part, and: that, 1 am afmmid' Has been deferred too Jong : that 'twvitéhiing of the leg, you see, aflords pre- simptive evidence of the virus having en- tered into the system, still--I have not my instraments with me, but if the poker is in 'the kitchen fire, something may be dove by cauterisation.* «Stop I" cried I, with a vehemence, start- ing vp in bed and addressing the company § ¢ listen: to me, and desist from your fiendish purpose, for 1 am not mad at present, and what I say I men. 'If you venture so much as to lay u finger on me, you, sir, or you, or you, I'll Brre!' and 1 opened 'my jaws, ta illustrate this threat, to the uttermost. n an instant, thé room was cleared, and the Doctar's door, which lay between home | * fellow was bot a cowardy then, after all. ¢ Now,' cried I, "Tell me the worst, or per= ish, Dr, Catvem. Mention the very earliest time at which, if I am to die, the madness will make itself apparent." «No man has ever exibited the disease ag yety ' murmured the doctor -tremulously, ¢ before the eleventh bay.' 1 retreated onco more to my pillow, pros- trated and unnerved. Ten days of aganiz- ing indecision! It was enough to drive a man mad, even if he had not been bitten at 5 "And what the earliest perjod at which you will be able to certifiy me out of dar+ if 50 ¢ Not till this bay month,' returned the doctor solemnly :*a month is the very earliest at which I could risk my reputation by a decision.' It was this, ns may well bo imagined, which was the Longest Month of my Life. I was perpetually feeling my jaw to discor» er whether it was gelling lozked or no. Whenever I took the least chil, | i nagined it to be that rigour which is cne of the worst features of hydrophobia. Wlien I had tle slightest disinclination fo take my usual quantit {ol sherry, the misforiune of that lady of fashion who had ommited to use scissors was brought to'my remembrance, as it was by a hearse and six. If there was the slightest itching where the mark of the bie had been (for it soon disappeared), | gave mysell up for lost. The only satistaction [ enjoyed during this awful period, was that of imposing terror on those who had once played the bully over me. I walked into the parish one, afternoon; while the Rey. Dubble Fyst was christen ing an infant, and he could scarcely get through the service for sheer fright. He shook so that I thought he would have drop- ped the babe; and all because I looked a lii= tle wild, and asked whether there was much water in the fond. The doctor passed his daily visits to me" in a state of abject trepidation. 1 had been forbidden by Mr Oatlands lo come near the Home Farm, ¢ until my malaby hail declared iteell or 1 was safe' (a most ridicalous alternative) ; but I walked into his oak patler and demanded to see my Eliza, like some feudal baron addressing his meanest vassal, and Eliza came. ex- plained that f shoul! abstain from kissing her, for fear of pussible contagion, and the dear girl to that pr ial I tion without a murmur. . It was the last day of this long, long month that I sat with the Beloved obi ject in the yew-tree arbour of the Home Farm. With the motrow's stn' I should welcome, as it were a new existence : safe and sane; I might then venture to look forward to a life like other men. I was on the threshold of happiness, and felt almost as pecnre ns though I had passed 'it. | could even con- yer upon the calamity which had so dee; ly darkened the last few weeks of my life with comparative calmness. I was describ= ing how full of thought my Eliza 1 had been, liow elastic my step, how joyous my whole being, when the bluak dog Jumpo, like some wicked magician, bad appeared mn the horizon, and blusted all things. was the nightly habit of that abominable ammal. Panic-stricken, 1 crept between the sheets again, and tried to think that I was s only retiring to rest litle aurlior than « Our Jambo was shot Solore five o'clock I know," asserted Eliza, with a greater pos nual 90 om, uth gee "The village clock,' said I, with dramatio emphasis, ¢ had tolled the solemn hour of : It was a perfectly 3 had apt ang oot, od ded and locked the |g o> B "Fhey' had. fla from roe, hoe brag- | Nay, love, it must haye been fong bev, ae: like chaft before the wind. The fore five,' interposed Ei Biba, brutal. nd licentious wartiory the fighting ne a1; I pot! | eon, the cold 'ale sirtke "but comp : Fon staborn and hatd-handed Rariari as ih ow wy the time. Ay. J ha, ha, ha, ha. Gracious ness, why | faelin vat 1 ection wi hd Liangh Itke that? Was | then alraddy Friel was that "he speared " sight "ex lyoied sould fot Sacral from mysell ot k: ut: some that I felt a sort of longin, u r i chimes e " fours; 10° smiel well tinge pal id ts mY {hey ten ae Se. rest head and howel at the shades of evening, as bells.' CARS ar 5g FR £0 = SE

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