Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Jun 1867, p. 1

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= hy A S ALN 3 A SL PRES Py rn TS Lila s . wu _-- y 1 7 v3 7 % VOL. X, No. 24.] _ PRINCE ALBERT. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. W,, , THURSDAY. JUNE 20, Wr. sian [WHOLE No. 428 -- oe rn - a--r-- ---------- . \ YOENSED AUCTIONEER, Oonector of East Market Square, Toronto. - A WEEKLY rl csounts, on. Comnitgion, whether in or out Re of the County, mittances ma to very ion, at POLITICAL AGRI CULTURAL, instructions. Sales punctual attended. Saye Sout Suning | SAL every AcomRIAoY, § Y Shere in Je County, on the Shortest tick -- BOARD $1 FER DAY. arges moderate. a, te F A M ILYN E WSPAP ER, spin a te Opeeueen Ofe. | i Jeers W. SHORT, ProPRIETOR. ei it proper! J 18 PUBLISHED AT THE il a, bn e es Poet 0 oe, | Toronto, March 20, 1807, 2 VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, MA KIE'S HOTEL, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, J. D. Cottingham, (LATE DRODIE'S,) EVERY THURSDAY MORNING a (Walton Street, Port Hope. BY ' HERD ENTIST, ER War. MACKIE, Proprietor. BAIRD & ¢ PARSONS, BORELIA,C.W Ontario Hotel, ; TERMS: -- $1.50 per annum, 1f paid within six B BROCK.ST. WHITBY. : E months; if wot he within that time, $2.00. No sub- y a New Process, Teeth can be Ex-|c, DAWES, = - =~ PROPRIETOR. sition takon for less than six monits and no paper tracted without pain, at his office, er ---------------------- TeUrs are pu A-- is Btls cumining mone) when sidressed 1o| J.D. C. i prepared fo exeente ll operations ROYAL HOTEL, As per Treasurer's Books, for the year ending 31st of December 1860. connected with his profession with neatness and WHITBY, C. W. RATES OF ADVERTISING. dispatch. Call and examine'his specimens, rYVIE largest and most commodious Hotel in re For each line, first insertion - - - $0.08 Single lecth inserted--parts of scts, or whole own, A special conveyance to the Rail- RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURES. Subsequent insortions, perline - - . 0,02 |sets--Cheap, and warranted way Station. Stages depart from the Royal ! Curds, under 6 lines, por annum. , 5,00] UNDERSTAND--Attention to the Teeth | Hotel duly to all places north. ~ Atientive bost- FROM CASH & BALANCES OF LAST YEAR'S REVENUE YOR LIAILIDIES INCORUED PRIOR To JANUARY, lsv. 1866. irate bio preserves the health. Without teeth in good lers always in attendance. iy 4 : & a ampaaursd iwsYodpreil.and charged | order it is Impossible to suastionte, food, for the JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. . 1st. Bills payable, ontstanding .........ceeeuereieenans $4000 00 Advertisements received for publication, without spe- body Sonsequently; tuere: eanny goo 2} per cont, commissions on County Malbipaitien.. 883 91 o liye averse a oa Ifyou have decayed teeth, pot them filled. Jan. 1st. Cash in hands of Treasurer from 1865... ........... $7694 01 " Mrinicspal School Assessments due Muffipalities . 1774 00 out until paid (or. If you have any out get them replaced by new « Tiensurer Maraand Rama, balance County Rates 1864, . Adjourned Sessions, orders for services......... 834 when een ye and others | ones. Prices low, and all work warranted. oy FL A 59% 10 4 HTB WE ai arrears salary, &o. . 33 i ' _ OF ah If th ork t satisfactorily di th " reasurer Mara & Rama, county rates 1865. 932 19 Gti, BARR REE ad dal A ish intoptomuts Tape TS es, suctorily Gout. fie « do Bek, ye 3529 24 " « Wardan's orders, salarios, contingencies, &o.. 1634 1 . be considored an advertisement, and charged accord-| Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. 4 © do Neugog, do do... 528 61 " Gi yeymonls ander Ny-Luw 197, for Houde aid 1453 16 ing reli 5 G T idges. ....... eeescsssssasninastanassrnanrenasn "ee 0 These terms will, in all cases, be *tietly ad- Borelia, Jan, 15, 1567. yl Marriage IL. " do Thoush; go gos us : -- hered to tema rita anette 2 1Censes: " do Village of Oshawa, do... 1015 11 -- $1037 61 The woianlly increasing importance of the North English Pink Dental Rubber; New and (EY' AUTHORITY.) 46 do Reach, balance do do 409 45 SALARIES & CONTINGENCIES. Riding of Ontario renders the publication ofthe Onsknver | beautiful Vulcanite Base for Arti- SSUED at Port Perry. Offics the Scveoc | © do Whuby Township,balance do....... 405 42 " County Treasurer, Clerk, Enginoer and Auditors, in full. I-$2180 00 el eo seating SEH), S00 Sieriiing tificial Teeth! Houses. . o" Government, on accounts of Criminal Justice... 605 77 " Court House Keeper, 3 iguatiets vasssnsees 187 50 the general interests of the county; and in the moun ts HENRY CHARLES. " Treasurer, Oshawa, Peddler's License . « 1500 " County Registrar, copying, &6.....ueeezues onl ie general owsiiven foil be unsurpassed by oD. WATD Jan. 23, 1867. Af] « N. G. Reynolds, interest on tax Sales... 39 N isl " Y C. Crevel & Los Hake fo R'y. Office. ve . TT Rea EE aoe ---- $16714 5 " reasurer Reach, Volunteer Grant ........ : SURGEON-DENTIST MONEY 'TO LOAN. MISCELLANEOUS. " do Oshawa, do... © JOB DEPARTMENT. ) mr e " d Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro . 4 ' RATES OF INTERES «. Treasurer T { Whitby, Pt. Volunteer Grant ret'd.... 2 52 do Town Whitby, Na ows man Ep i LE PRAISE, Trbrivge, | AT 10 OF IRIE «Sundry Magiaraies' Finer... . 03 WE ws irculars, 1 al rds, &e 0. Of 1 i © ory style had cor, pra fs Tat LL Dental operations performed with the MESSIEURS COCJIRANE & COCHRANE, " Auctioneers' Licenses... 163 00 " J Townskinde in bi rates than at any other establishment in this county utmost skill and care,warranted to give sat- Prince Albert. ee; Peddlers' Do iii tieaiiaaeee 25 00 "« se Uetoness so on Wartivatiom distance qoutinghand bil Se. ili, isfotion or no charge, and at prices which defy ONE " Interest from Trsusurors Mars and Rana, and Osawa, « Major Button grant to Markham Cavairy 'Company - : | petition, M Y and County Rates for 1865..........0ceuieinniinns 62 77 J y i i J. DARD, | I. PARsons. | Rererexces.--Rev. Dr. Short, and JZ. D. 3 " Sundries, Printing, Advertising and contingencies. . -- soll in 3 i T. ans, Whithy | (RRIVATE FUNDS) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. « County Councillors & Messenger, attendanci -- = EEE 0s. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Usbridge | To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest. | ¢¢ Government, Sundry Warrants, ceeeeeee evenness ... 1365 46 " Warden, Grant snaps ie Business Divectory. -- -- mek LYMAN ENGLISH, 6 LV 0m, Jory Mette css nar nsnesein ay. GB U0 « Agnoultutal Societies Granls. . . TRS TERS arrister, &c., A ? ---- $1755 10 DR. JONES, Dotels. Kr. J ' Oshawa.| « Non-Resident Fund, to meet Coupons R. R. Debentures. . 500 00 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. {CORIRER, fot tha, County of Qotarie,/ ! LR EE. EDUCATIONAL. Sundrios, adjourned Sessions, Orders. ...... ! ae Ay lon . rr -- | MM « Legislative Grant, Uxbridge Grammar Jehool.. mien ... 400 00 " 4 Criminal witnesses. . ! DR. WARE, "REVERE HOUSE," " MANCHESTER ! on ey} ° Lend " Lo lative Grant, Senior Erammar School .. 810 0 Jury Lists--4 Courts Quarles Sessions, and 3 Assizos. .-.. 1638 60 i NORONER for the County of Ontari " do Oshawa, do oes . 4% : : 4 Physician, Surgeon ny ia B. PLANIS,.... PROPRIETOR. B300 and Upwards, " do Manilta, 0 eames 330 00 . EDUCATIONAL: Prince Albert . ae So Ata Jow rite of Interest. " do Common Schools, Township of Brock...... 5 0 @ _ Prinoiples of Senior, Oshawa, Manilla, and Uxbridge Gram- 05 00 TAF BD ATTIC AND A ae 4 hased the ab Totel, 0 do 0 ara. . Sch UG eee crn nmissastinnassrssnnenss eeesmn: F. H. BRATHWAITE, M, D, C. M,, H furnished the Bar i hes FAREWELL & McGEE, " do de » do Rama. 48 00 " Local ivi and others Salaries attendance > RADUATE of the University of MeGill | and cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- Solicitors, &c.| « do do do Pickering 960 00 Board, and grants by Committee on Education. ....... 669 37 LX. Colloge, Montreal, Phy: sician, Surgeon and Stages 10 una from, WVairoy 4 call daily. Carefu) Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45:2m | « do do do Reach.. 745 00 Sundries BeOIRIShIPS. sve «vss nas ers vasesess . 270 00 i Atuco--the house ltely i fice,and Rusk re Te do do do Scott. 287 00 « Treasurers Townships, Logislative School grants. .. 4516 00 { COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, " . do do do Se ugog' 93 00 « Treasurers Pickering, Uxbridge, Whitby & East 'Whitby { Drs. MoGILL & RAE, ply " ® go 40 Usbrid i £0 % Municipal Assessment. .......cea.eneeeens caves 2326 00 $9246 37 YHE eubsoriber wishes to inform the Lo co id HIDY _ PREIS Gate Oneornt| L ines ptt, fn bs oo nen i « i. Ye: 197 00 DEAUNTURES & INTEREST wa os Te ras 1 SA poo ie Sf heen i oeeseeeess M100 (iy gof «County Debentures, Nox 21 and 2.... fi -- ' RQ 2 P 1 D t 28 ~ JOHN BILLINGS, Site mui) Metin ean x/vings te fotnd Licensed " Auctioneor . COUNTY RATES FOR 1866. " Provisions ahesture Na 7,8, 84, each $400. ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor/| Ostlers. HEN Subscriber, "houling a Licence for the | « Township of Whitby, in full «oeeiieieiiiniiaii . 3336 00 " Coupons Non-resident Debentures No. 9..... £2 Pines Alber. Of Publi, Gonvevances R. A. MURTA, E Couhly of ninth and the Lownshis of " Township of Pickering, in full........ . 7332 06 "« do do do No. 10. ie A ilice over Forma ietor. ariposa, won! 90, state to And 0 hus Greenbank, Tel'y 13 1866. ERY Ny Fequiing iH a i 4 Tounsbipol Bat Wits iu full. x She 35 Y Yo County Debentures, No J tS ee etter tember ore business is entrusted to his care, will be prompt- own of LY In il .aeernerss re <0 do 0 i COCHRANE & COCHRANE, J ewett's Hotel t 1, ly and carefully attended to, Charges moderate.| "Village of Oshawa, in full.. . 85810 "« do Provisional Debentures, No. i > ote Terms, Days of Sale, &c., &c., arranged at the "« Township of Uxbridge, in full. . 2607 10 " do . do No. " ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &e. Prin ¥ } B Poitou Tne On Hie KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Observer Office, Prince Albert. 2 MAJOR « Township of Reach, on account... .. 4159 66 " do Road No. : . ort Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. Rovelin. Match, 20h, 1880 0 0 , " Township of Seugog, on account. .ea..u.uilas Barceran . 313 96 . « do do No. 4 RENT PATER Good stable nnd shed attached, and an attentive Ore li VAreh, nish, . od 1$24,200 00 -- $23512 61 $7178 00 AN F. PATERSON, ostler always in attendance. YY " Bills payable, discounted $ (Ke of Milt 4¢ Fatrion, Toronto) ~~ i me THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE De els Sd hr es $ 23811 15 COUNTY PROPERTY. \ TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. 1 : C ---------- AH Spence & Barnes, Wing of Court Houso Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton. Office in ax nsurance ompany. \' « Fire Insurance County Property....... ee { the building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st, Saintfield Hotel. ERE « ° Sundnes, Orders, Wood, Supplies, &0.eeeessvanense... 636 21 3 { ae INVESTED FUNDS, $15,000,000 -------- 2377 { P, A, HURD, HIS house being new, commodions, and well | INVESTED IN on: Xo $330,000 u ' ' u v TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor 2 Chan- 0 hte throughout, ne public favoring ROADS AND BRIDGES. wi cory, oftveyano Notar Publie, &e., | him with their custom may depend on finding 3 . t= As hw iz fres ie gecydonvenionco negesenry Lo thelr comfort ae | JFive Depavtnent. : is ot AR » i FAREWELL & McGEE, eh attendant. HUve OSIRIS INSURANCES RPFecTeD OX Ali Semsiel osetia Sm sa testes nae atti amulet apdibm sition). Tablet Bridge ia dss rsd 1 Bw Shad i ta Ga 5 ARRISTE Attorneys, S and D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. oF Property AT CURRENT RaTes. « J. W. Gamble, mateirials and labor, Sougog ideo: eat 1 . Stns auth Ni > ARM" RISKS 5 i # % i Paes et Ton: nto Pest fe DAFOE HOUSE, ¥ ISks oF. Semon Rpovey " oe cent commission on County Rates to Treasurers of f ¢ J. E. FAREWELL, LL.D. | R. GEE; D. A UTICA habe East Wibss Totnes a Whitby, Pickering, cit 2 10 br bbb tee Peer Reach bridge. shawa and Scugog.... 1 CAMERON & MACDONELL, OD avetmmodations." Caselli attention]. Bubs epaviment, «Bills payable at Ontano Bank, TL 16000 00 0 ARRISTERS ang Attorneys at Law, to the requirements of travelers and guests. | No E.YTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE - Balaoce of Cash in hands of Treasurer, 31st Dec. 1866. . 6906 64 4 Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and in defence of the COUNTRY. » ? wt {ourt {lowe | Good stablink. vB, Propriotor, | Life Policies fo the lencfit of Wiser Children " . 72814 37 72814 37 fq : -- - : are Secure from Seizure by Creditors. 4 ANDREW F. McPHERSON, THE ROBSON HOUSE! A Policy for $1000, by the ated Bonus Tlie wnlerigied Auditors of the Corporation of the County of Ontario, for the year 1867, cerlify that {he ahove is a correct Abstract of the Recoipts and Expenditures of the Bik A TER, and Attornoy-at-Law, Solici- . & i po costs nf age 30, Su a year. | said Corporation, as per Troasurer's Books, for tho year ending 3let of Degember, 1866. JOSEPH DICKEY. Chancery, &c. LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, ould it become payable after 5 years, one- . w ' y fvirt L t ROBERT H. J Avorrons. - OFFIC Dundas street, 3 doors west of the| PUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, ini of ly Prnfie es ind, in i Whitby, May 23, 1867, ; \ : . ' : " ERT J LAWDER, Py. July 4, 1866. GEORGE ROBSON, - - - PROPRIETOR. Yihedy after Foals rh os hoi 51, or pe =r ) y en c sum assured is doubled, and the heirs may : : RTE I ey BS a I TR ITE Subscriber begs to announce that he has | claim $2,000. g 128 - x5 io BEE LE ecm ee STATEMENT OF THE a ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor renovated La, form of bow and at Helin death » i ' £1 oii 3 Bi Chanery, &c. Oftco i in the Victoria | ou i ° anti ing throngs G. ¥. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, ! heii ¢ ! : x . hind ¥ ding, Brock-st., Whi thy, Sy oe he pera or in i centre of the town. Mors. ? The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and M. G. ROBSO! u hd ENGLISH, L. L. B,, the Stages for huge and Beaverton leave the {2 Agent, et Albert. i OLICITOR in. Guten. 0 Attorney, | door over orig. | ays in attend pert tb : onveyan o. awa. Office--Simcoe i ndance, , a b slot opposite post olive. a) ceo. rosson | WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y | "% {waTh ©) | Soares x FT oid 57 Fad 2 LAT TE y . was apt 110tey ; 5% rah ow BEVERE HOUSE|TORO NTO, C. W. tr onal OF DHE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, ON THE 1st oF LATA: 1867. . Dental Rooms directly opposite the post BEAVERTON, C. W. oT ' ' i , als -snirance Hus sires, Hid door 96K | rE Subscribes bossa annovcs thug | OOF CRATER pe eel "ASSETS. ; LIABILITIES. of t rio eased the above ately which has been far- x TCA - a oF 100 CHAD Sanh sss tnL un | 8 SSE Te et Capital, -'- .2290,000. Cash. in hands'of Troasurdr from 1866... «sevens <rraeen<$ 6906 pA Bills payable otitstanding.......... ; "CHRISTIE, a None but the | Pcloicest Tnors un and cigars 7 Township of, Whitby advanced for school assessment in 1864... 77,00 '4 Municipal School Assessment for 1666; doe Hin OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Convey- spt I Ce Ay an! v : Shh MICHIE: E) 'M lities, bal. Gounty rates for 1 8630 80 .| Mara and Rama, Reach Scugog, Seott and -~ nished with all the delicacies a. Care- | Pick-P RESIDENT a. Ael 808» "ancer, Commissions 'of tho Court "of | fu] and obliging ostlers always inattedance, «| Ssc's ANDTREA 2 | Government Warran iy ain since received, to cover 'proportion' of Ad- C.u. |2} percentcotimisson on.County Rates 1866, to re a n's Bench, «& er ly attended WM. PARKIN, Proprio, : 3 AM i PRI INGLE, ministution 0 Criminal Jisuge Jor Septem tember and Desqmber 230 45 ! 4 A pone .& Rama, i & Lo = a : iid Beaverton, July 27,1864, Travell! 881018, rear i mount unexpen under w . RING, NC RCAL Wen. Wy 2h ? ; ye of i) alic Amount received fib ® E. a Perry, a account of and sold Bim... 40000. Balance due L. S. Superintendents & Soholarships. sits Ae fas, the Tos: COMMERCIAL OT EL, ee Mortgage from A. &R. Peuekion, balance "do... 497 00 on » ae Octere x Otfers for win RT ripen, 4 i v ee rden' lauces, 5 ws iad? An RTE yp ho SR, TY BR, TEL ORE AS, | Nottie cond, Soown tog ho dsbotars. 8500 00 lus Orders fot haliucan, salon, wir 300, SUN GEReISt NH ne i HE undersigued bogs to announce that he d Court House, and . Furniture belonging th his thbiigy 17} . pointed has taken the above' well known premises SADDLE Gab), Bn Cou Look-up . 40000 00 + which have been newly furn and renovated - 4 verton aks snenpanes sre rs "sued 3 40000: 00 08, H. WALSHE. by him, a and where the best accommodation go-| Vez I anv BH wow : i Any for the Town-|i mg, ih cre Atiention, cana ays be found. oH 84 #4 alt dike Mara encle and atten- y a mow f ¥ NiAROR: Sosy aly ES ae Coty of oo Charsts Button e Sen ik ay Har ness Maker " wit . ii ng 1 HN R. omas' Sout, 14 loftns the AOE or a ah ? pt 5 ee osama : bo boa Busia Aon g 1 af ebts coll 'an- : . i LM ry 3 2 En i Brooklin Flouse. " : : ui 1 shoud edi md 31 e Nol n-| on 2 19! : Ham : *C. VICKERY, - - PROPRIETOR. TRE stnton of farpers and of oftas ts n- ie $67470 o mil if To Tre _ |mess, all of which is new and of superior = oR WALS i. Ri Bis of th, County oiaform, the fulali hig Ly a St off The undetsigned Anditots for the pe 1867, certify that the above is a correct stadomontt of t , [ us, ai . SRE to lly Tio may fivor Bil with} ny Sandy fi, Shove rls Ta 7 gecuiied | vt vor ads tor order oe | Corporation, on the 1st of January, 807: so far as ascertained, : acquainted with the mode of ol renovated, and he is prepared to accommo- be shor - bein rade ms done neatly and Bi a) oa and can treat success- | date the travelling publicy The bar stocked | cheaply. lly any disease that horses are subject to.-- | with the choicest liquors and cigass, and an at- R. THOMAS. W hitby, May 23, 1867 Charges moderate, Begidencs, Prince Albert, | tentive ostler always in attendance, Oghawa, Jan, 23,1867, : 31y itby, May 23, . : J

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