Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Jun 1867, p. 3

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~ Cannington, April 17, 1887, 14414 County Treasure: 's Office, Whitby, April 4, 1867, » fo Se mmimiaan SALE OF LANDS S FOR ° he ps of Canada !|,,,, a gn Bitar cnt unde the bad adel of the Wendey of te i 0 me directed and bearihg da - ' elcbrated at | | ighth day of February AD, ise: 180% 1 am comtanded under the au of an Act Buriumeli Majes| 3 7 cn Vien chapter Doter Bhy-th and intitu] un amend and ouaiate the fever ih Tespeeting tho Tor then of Property in nada 15 lev; ghee the lands ove yp Hon id and deserived for Snoush of oF the were of taxes Hiereon 4s | as Litre} Fick ar tees QBS atl tice that nls yd rid arrears be hs ¢ Auction at the Court House in § in the ri one pd wil proced Pb MONDAY, 1st ho! AY OF JULY,| On Monday, the Twenty-second Say of E July, 1867, In the following manner: 8 of ors ds as 8 Rk k fn She {dchirs priya art 11 he 8 Suata oF 50 mash RACES. about suth salé and authorized by the said re Sug os aud all lawiul d incurred in Running Race. $25. Half mile hea! i oe [unti A Case Patent SN Lo Township of Pickering, : Watch ania bo atom at Boots How. art 98, BFront, "} 1857, 00.1254, #27453 $3 06 $99 59 Trotting Race. $10. Half mile Feats, best 3 in : sim » 3d 5, to Saddle, . Wm. Helliwell 35, " } 1856, 7,8,9 60,1 2, 34, 3062 230 32 92 Trotting Race. $5. ollitmile heats, best 3 in| & Co. : 2 5, le. 'winner of the above : Township of Reach. [b} .----Th 1 197, pia dlls TENS, D412 0M owaslips of 2 Syren and la tis ao |S: W.P. of 5, 13, 10, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5, 253019 272 tnd $5, Purses thero must be not less than 4 | S. part of 6, 14, 14, 1860, 34.5, 581 44 625 ¢ in 9, nin ee 1p cit i the si 43 o start. No. hs Raresel s plas of Prince le 2 860, 3, : y 33 4170 1(] must pC sompStiors entra Me, ets " 137, do do do 1860, 3, 4 26 2 : i SL Rach ot less nee to gd) ® "1%, do do do 1860, 3, 4 26 32 458 Sue Segrowmey La Scott's Hotel, before 12 o'clock Township of Scott. A S. part 13 2 70, 186v, 1,2,3,4,5,6 2179 163 234 SPORTS. p 0 ' 0 y 1,2,3,4,09,0, 2 5 2 Hurdle Rago. 200 yards, over four hurdles three ert of W. 3 19 3 79, 11800, 12 34.55, 667 3m 3867 igh, Best2in 3. 13t Prize 32, sevond Part of W.'} 20, 3, 85, 1860, 1,2,34,5.6, 28 08 2 10 30 16 ak ot less than 4 to enter and 3 to start. | East-half 32, 3 100, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6 b63 43 4 01 57 44 Flat Race. 200 yds. Dest 3 in 5 $3. Noi| Part of N. § 29 b, 50. 1860, 1234.5 8 o less than 4 to enferand 3 to start. > ; y J ' oR aR 18 92 142 20 34 v's Fla Race. 100 yards. Competitors to be W.3of E.{4 27, 3, 50, 1860,1,2,34,5, 1631 122 1758 w Joe and is 8ge, ; lst Prise JI, 20d $x 3 A Township of Thorah: d ater Jan Race. 200 yds. $3. Not less than | N. E. part of 5, . 15, 1860, 1,2,34,5, 248 186 26 66 se CS AI North ll © 8 2, 100, 1960, k SBacres arriving at the winning post having the or 63,4,5,6, 08 248 35 H6 Een = his pail will be | North-half 2, 6, " i oe. il 602 45 647 0g Race. ards. $2 Township of Uxbridge. iti 18 yards, 21 Fl q Som 71. Notes te iS, Wout 5 7 14, 1860, 1,234.5, 950 171 1021 Ve 8] 8) i i Eh TH, de of Nor Township of Whithy. ¥3*No entrance fee charged for the above Sports. | Geo. Robinson 22, a, }, 1860, 510 33 548 PRIZES FOR VOLUNTEERS. No.50, B. F. Perry's plan of Brooklin, 1858, 9,60,2,4,5, 10 37 78 '1115 Shooting, 200, 3, 400 yards. 5 shots at " 51, do do do 1858, 9,60,2.4.5, 10 38 78 Il 16 each range--no ess than 6 competitors, 1st| ¢ 58. do do do 1858, 60,23 4,5, 10 84 81 3 P 2 3, 3 - ' 1) 11 65 PrisoSi, Ind4d sel 42. OnentoallVob| u 59, do do do 185,9002345, 9% 60 993 Cartwright, WL ¥oluniger entering to| " 60, do do do 1858, 60,2,3,4,5, 7 26 54 7 80 a some Company. 5 brane Fri: member of| « 1, do do do 1858, 9,60,2,3 4,5, 960 72 1032 n ( i PE Det Pog, no Ci i ite TS. Part not sold in A BRASS BAND will be in Attendance, | 1860; of East § 1, 1, 50, 1860,12,34,56, 21 80 The various LANDID: ATES Jor Parliament- Ss Z 2, 200, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 89 29 ary Zonors and others arc expected to adress the | S. 1 8 100, 1860, 1,2.3,45.6, Hd 5 gleotors on subjects of tho utmost importance to ¥ 19, 8, 200, 1860, 1234 56, 9 60 God save the Queen and preserve the Dominion ! 27, 8, 181, 1860, 1, and 185 acres MANAGING Cosirree.--Capt Billings, Capt. for 62,3, 80 14 Hinelai John Rolph, W,M. Cochrane, E. Major, 28 8 115, 1860, 1, and 160 acres W, M. Wilcox. James Emaney Jos. Shaw, Geo. ! ? ? : 6 ¥ hie and H. Frsons, a for 62 3.4, 62 33 M.G. Romsox, T G IV, Joxzs, Sccy. 29, 8, 21, 1860,123, 23 67 Prince bers, Jung. i fahisen. 1867. S. 4 6, 9, 100, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6 45 39 31 9 13, 1860,1,2 13 81 r TTT 4 y 1%, N 0 TICE! s. 9 11, 100, 186012345, 47 02 \ 10 n, 100, 1860 ; 40 81 All persons indebted to the late firm of 5 12, 200, 1860,12,3.4.5,6, 95 18 CURRIE & BROWN, Prince Albert,| N+ # 12, 12, 100, 1859,60,1,2,34,56, 58 80 either by note or book account, are re |D¢ L] 12, 12, 100, 1859, 60,123,456, 49 88 quested to settle the same forthwith to the | N+ part 2 25, 1860, 1234,6 11 46 urdersigued, in order to save costs. non 200, 1860, 12,3 4, 5 8s 95 69 BROW N. J S. 4 13, 13, 50, 1853,8,9,60,1,2,3,4,5,6, 53 17 Manchester, June 19, 1867. Township of Kama. ' 29, Front 81, 1860, 12.34.56, 49 95 37 5370 BAZAAR! WOT Rapes Reon y s y 2097 1571 22 5 19,0 3 70, 18560, 1, 20 61 155 22 16 The Ladies of the 19, 3, 16, 1860, 1, 2 93 22 315 Wesleyan Methodist Church, T f Whi own of Whitby. In Prinee aithers, will holt, a Bazaar for a] 2 Nos Ward W. : 9 Sale of Useful and Fancy Articles, on the lst rock St. 128%, 1860, 3.4,5,6 3 08 23 3.31 A 3ULY, The patronage of the public is soli- do 129, 1860,3,4,5,6, 3 03 23 3 31 June 19, 1867. 24-2 is 216, 1860, 2,4,5,6, 318 4 342 : - o 218 1860, 5,6 215 16 23 CANNINGTON CORNET BAND.| do 235, 1800123450, 421 32 40 dl i members of this Band embrace this op- 2 ( pt 1800, 123,450, $03 435.4198 portunity of informing the inhabitants of do "382, 1860, 1,2,3/4,5,6, 4 42 33 4 75 North Ontario that they will hold themselves in do 275, 1860 1 vO o readiness for engagements for Excursions, Pic- 5 5 ant : 120 09 129 nics, Concerts, &c, &c. Choc moqerato, wr aud, 1860,1,2,34,5.6, 4 10 31 441 8. B. FAWSITT, do 307, 1860, 1,2,34,56, 0 nn a4 Late of Dodswortl's Band New York. do 308, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 4 10 31 4 41 ---- do 316, 1858, 9,60,1,2,3 4,56, 7 62 57 819 do 340, 1858,9,80,124,56, 625 52 677 do 343, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 387 30 497 do 360, 1860, 6, 14 11 155 do 362, 1860, 6, 144-2 215 do 304, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6 3 58 27 385 ; do 363, 1860, fosen 358 27 385 ) o 8, 60, 1 44 11 1565 SHERFF'S SE OF LANDS, > 3% is. 140 0 1B Pag of guar O%, SUTCOAY fe! NDIA STC, 10 } a f 2 22 2 24 JULY AD, 1807, at the howe of Twelve clock N Ward, E i § 1500, 1904, 7: 2M ms noon, m, i office Tn the ao le the own of Brock St. 33, 1859, 60,1,2,3,4,56, 6 97 52 749 Wii thy, in Jus, suid County, all the right, Jills do 157, 1860, 2,36, 416 31 447 ee as by iota adefon| Wo 158, 1860, 1,2,3,6, 503 38 5 4l 'acing issued out of the County Court of the do 174, 1860, 1,3,4,5,6, 5178 4 6 22 Counties of York and Peel, and to me directed, do 175 1860, 1,5 3 02 23 839 at the suit of > do 176, 1860, 1.5, 302 23 325 ROBERT JONES, - - ~ Plaintiff, do 188 1860, 1,2,3,4 5,8, 654 49 703 vs. do 187, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 6 54 49 703 WILLIAM C. McMULLAN, Defendant, Hylgaow's Plas 21, ig 52 aps, 2 in 38 2 53 5 o y » 0, 4 2 53 hid do 04, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6 2 35 18.258 "Dye avarter ofan acrein the Sarde do 25, 1860, 12.84.58, 235 18 253 fronting on_Fitzroy Place ud id ling, between do 26, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 2 35 18 2 53 Mountjoy. Square and Winchest tr Sire rast, aa do 27, 1860, 1,2,3.4,5.6, 235 18 253 shea in an engraved plan do 28, 1860,1.2,3,4,5,6, 235 18 253 NELSON G. REYNOLDS, do 29, 1860, 1,234,586, 285 18 253 Ep. EH Es. 15 5 10 Per R. H. TomLNsoN. o 0 8 2,3,4,5,6, 23 13 253 Sherif's Office, do 39, 1860,12.34,66, 235 18 253 : Whitby, 10th June, 1867 23-3w do 33, 1860, 1,2,3,4.5,6, 2.85 18 253 : do 84, . 1860, 1,2,3.4,5,6, 235 18 253 do 35, 1860, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 2 35 18 253 do 36, 1860, 1,2.3.4,5,6, 2 35 18 2 53 ; [] do 3 150. 1,2 33 438, 2 3 14 253 o y 1 1,2. ,6, 23 18 253 do 39, 1860, 1,2,3, 4,5,6 235 18 253 by is » vty TE rE orrthe | S. Ward, Radenhurst's plan, very tronage bes| upon him since | Block A. Brock St. 5, 1860, 117 13 19% in Reach. Hewouldinform| do D. « 3 1860, 1,2 6 596 45 6 41 "all whom it may concern that he has erected & do D. 'u 5, 1858, 9 60 1, 10 12 76 10 88 FIRST RATE OAT MEAL MILL| 4, D, « 7, ¥860,1, 264 90 381 dn on with'his FLOURING MILL on| do F. centre St. 1, 1859, 109 08 'enaT the Manchester Wallace's plan of Jot 28, in 1st con. . first rate state of repair. risen ng on the Block B. 1860, 1,2,3,4,5.6, 211 18 227 shortest notice, Jo 1860, 2,3,4,5,6, 322 24 846 « First olass Sat B eal og Hy on hand os plan of Lot 26, con. 1, 5 1860. 1,3,6 454 34 488 Flour and wie nsanly outa, Setror ce 1860, 1,3,6, '484 34 ase es ordering. ¢., in| Sca hog' 's yiéu, | 3, : Fe have it delivered | Yy7ogp. half 1860,1.2,3,4,5.6, 79 21 300 do 1g "1 + 1859,61,2,34,56, 13 02 98 14 00 NDREW PAUL. ach, ie 5 Ey do 13, "oq, . 1859, 61,2,3,4,5,6, 13 02 98 14 00 : : Township of Scugog. fo Brothers 4, 8 150, 10525,60 15,6, 19210 916 131 26 BISCUITS, CONFECTIO ac. S. W. corner 7, 10, 24, 1859, 60, 12.29 93 1321 Jee, (The above lands are all patented, and Retail Dealets in all kinds of Bisa, Wholesalg bain WM. PAXTON, J bo CANNINGTON, C , Ce W. 1 TREASURER, CO. ONTARIO. "nee ET == Mantles, * Grenadiers, Bareges, Parasols, Hats, Bonnet Fronts, Plumes, Saques, he pew Auvevtisements. FRESH ARRIVALS The Subscribers have just received a large lot of, PLASTIQUR & EXHIBITION SKIRTS! Which they offer very low. Tissues, Light Prints, Gloves, Bonnets, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings. We have just received a Of the LATEST STYLES, GREATLY REDUCED Fresh Supply Of the above as well as many other New and Fashionable Goods and at PRICES. CURRIE & ROSS, J Prince Albert, June 12 1867, ©» lll lp "Candidates i in the Hig WwW. H: PARK; PRINCE ALBERT, OULD embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous, friends for the liberal share of patronage he has received. further state that he purchased a First Class A large and choice lot of COFFINS kept constantly on hand. complete Stock of COFFIN TRIVMING Ys ripe hand, and for sale, Cheap for Cash. [ies decorated in the latest style, with double Sets of Plumes 13 FUNERALS attended to with dispatch, The highest price paid in Cash for Butternut Lumber. Remember the Place--Opposite Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and 0 mswmm Prince Albert, May 22, 1867. === abinet Maker and pi od He : Sof every description always "1 Charges modera te, A largo and we 19 tRHERS | To make room for Spring Stock. J. So ATTENTION = OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL. PRINCE ALBERT. "IS'SELLING ~~ 1 Cash Paid for Hides. Prince Albert, Feb. 13, 1867. MENS' 00D COW HIDE BOOTS AT $1.90, Women's and Children's wear also very low. * They have also rece! They are determined not to be undersold by any House in the Trade. 28. A Call is respectfully solicited. oice lot of first class LIQUORS coasoling of BRANDIES and WINES of the best brands-- OLD RYE, MALT and common WHISKEY, which ean't by beat.-- Prices moderate. ! A large and cb, 1867] R. & J. CAMPBELL, Beg to inform the ibis of North ®ntarlo that they have just received a Large Stock of [1867 NEW GOODS! AT THEIR STORE IN Manchester! Being purchased for CASH they will be prepared to offer Great Iargains in Dress Gon, Shawls, Mantles, Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, Prints, Grey and White Cot- tons, T'weeds, Gambrooms, T'ickings, Stripe Shirtings, &c. Ready ma 'They hold the largest Stock in the County in Men's and Boy's Coats, Vests, Hats, Collars, &e., which will be sold very Cheap for Ca THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT 'has just been stocked with n Sugars, Rice, Quisauts, Tohsesy da large | ock of lardware, > Manchester and Whithy, April, 1867. de Clothing. Cockery and Glassware, &c. R. & J. CAMPBY™ ~ Pagts and CW I a new lot of Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, Borders, Parasols, &ei ~grsy Cottons, Musing, &ec., which they offer at Greatly Reduced Prices. Brovyn & Christians ENE Jue 1a, 1867. The First Prize Stalhay HEAD QUARTERS 34th Battalion, V. M. BATTALION ORDER. Wharriy, May 2 Tri, 186%, The Battalion Staff Inspections for fhe quar ace ds GREEN MOUNTAIN MORGAN ! Will stand for Mares this Season us follows Monday, May 13 1867, he will leave his owner's stable, at Borelin, and proceed to D, Carmichael' Hotel, noon, aiid remain three hours; thenee to Wick, and remain one hour; thence tv Campbell's Hotel, Samtheld, and remain all night, proceed to Murta's Hotel, Greenbank | No. 6, Greenwood .. noon; the way of the 121h con. to Plank's Hotel { No. 2 Prince Albert .. Uxbrid, el RY all might. No. 7, Uxbridge. Wedie roceed to Epsom, noon; thence to The I paredy to be formed for Trspe ction at PRL tel ut ema two ours ; thence to his own | » 30 p. m., sharp, in summer 'marching order.-- stable, a ui 8 & Prise Albert ta Raglan, Offic ers commanding companies will see that all Tharsdny. proceed through Prince arms, accoutrements, and stores, are in store, the west to Myitle, then along the Tt ah Hotel, Manchester, id. retain wal By order of LIEUT. COL. FAIRBANKS, commanding Battalion. ending June 30th, 1867, will take p flows: No. 8, Colum 4 Wi subscriber keeps constantly a large quan< tity or his Celebrated Itch Ointment. A cure warranted, Price 25 cents a box. : J. HEAL. Prince Albert, Dec. 5, 1866. Tailor hours ; thence to Lis own stable and remain all night. Friday, proceed to Mr. Pusterts, Le ugg Teiond, and C. A. JONES, Cabra, \ ho th to his own stable and remain Mey Org CONDE the same route [ y Adjutant & Battalion D. 1. weekly during the season, health and weather permit- | Whithy, June 3, 186% 93 ting. soba PEDIGREE, --Green Mountain Morgan is of a heaus o ' tiful dark Chesnut eolor, weighs 1200 lbs, En, J. HEAL'S and stands 16} bands high. He wus sired by the note 2 horse Ethan A one, Hiack Hawk, 7. £,# Celebrated Itch Ointment | ma. Justin Morgan; dam known as the Bost oh rin] celebra ware, and was sired by Pr Margan, g. dam by Einperer. TERMS. --To insure a fonl -§8 ; Season Mares $6; Single Leap § E. MAJOR, Proprietor. « HALF 2 MILLION Money to to Lend. HE undersigned has 1 has completed arrange- ments, whereby he is prepared to lend £500,000 of Private Funds, on good mortgage security, ata low rate of interest. The borrow- er can ave his own time to pay the principal. PORT PERRY Tam also Agent for two i the Jagat mone- : tary institutions in Canada, that lend money Ww ] KF t from 3 to 10 years, at six per cent interest, 00 en a C ory No Commission Charged. Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNFE, Notary Pusric, Land Insurance, General Agent, §c., §¢ OrricE--MeMillan's Block, Brock Street. Whitby, Oct. 3, 1866. IIE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous customers for their favors durin; tho past two years, wishes to inform them an the public that he is Now Prepared to Execute all Work Eutrusted to him, on the shortesf possible notite and in |THE BEST STYLE: As a recommendation for honest dealing and 3 » Mo ne to 1 0 a n good workmanship, he would state this fact ® | in 1865 he carded only 8,000 Ibs of wool, and H 1866 over 14,000 hs. Ho hopes by strict atten- tion to business to merit an additional increase NY quantity of Mopey Nopsy to Loan at 8 per{ jge7. LX cent interest. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS, « Office over T. C. Forman's Store, Pri~ce ALBERT. or To JOHN ADAMS, Toronto Street, TNRONTO. Prince Albert, May 1, 1867. ey :--For Carding, per Ib--5 cents, if paid 1e Ist of January, 1868, if not sp paid, 6 3 will be charged. For Fulling and Pressing 10 cents per yard, and Fulling and Dressing 124 cents per yard, if paid before the 1st of January, 1268, if not so paid, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum will be charged. Shawls, Capes, Dresses, §c., Colored and Phos ed on moderate terms, Friend... Fl}. _C. T. YOUNG. 3 Tort Perry, May o£.) Pla 16-3m ~ 3 = Abbdnbiibnddadiingg g f-- Life-Like CEE B Yo. & [ep] -- 2 0) Can be had at LJ a E ' : : Hoit's Photograph Gallery; = SD OSHAWA. z Either Plain, finished in India fuk, Oil or Water Colors, Ion-- RZ] Also at the 3 eel ----" Prince Albert Gallery Eg wn --_-- Or OF MASSEY, of any size dr syle of nish bnew 2 ; =) Call and examine Specimens, s Oo -- J, E. HOITT. 5 2 po G. MASSEY, o fp April 17, 1867, BY ai | NOTICE ®| DIVISION COURTS ge as 0p FORTHE t mecting to be held afler the 1st day of July now next, propose County of ontario. Pp ASS A BY-L AW ¥o 1 Wok abun 15k Ti To open and establish as a Public deh "3 Prinep © July ad «road 75 links wide on Lot No.1, in the nde w i, Uxbriige Ln in} | epomot sie eid Townsein: diveried as G3 5, Canin } Aug. Jats, | cession at the, distanoe of 1 chain 63 Hinks on a " g, Beaver! . 4 and, ey Loures south T4 degress west the south east "nq, Alay LB an Bor Lot 0.1; jie ui 1 ty rE BURNHAM, im 10 Tika'; then mordh, ks Judge C.0| minutes west, 3 i 49 links 4 Whitby, Mar. 27, 1867. 51P $% minutes yuil 3 "Bi ike? 8 Shen-north Ee 3 a STRAY-COLTS. Hien Fe nutes west, 3 LY RATED from fe prem premises of the anloritr, | oracs Sh Lot No. 10, 5th ion Kast Whithy, ut the latter part of ir ast or beginning 2 Colts R Years Old On blaeles att the other bay, with & t | that wip Tead to their A enery Wl be rod

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