Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Jun 1867, p. 2

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so dolermui Take not the echo of yout ve voice as a con- "ficmation of what you say. + Admit po guest into your soul that the faithfol atchiog § in your bosom barks at. ++ There's no use of taking a lazy man to task. He won't perform it if you do. Musio is the most delightful rational, en- tertainment that the human mind can pos- sibly enjoy. Itis more important to discover a new sourse of happiness on earth than a new plavet in the skg. ' 'We may be in far better health to-day than we were yesterday, but we are nearer Yissolution. wu It is very vuskillful flattery to tell a man that he isn't balf so big a fool as the world tthinks him- Constant motion is the first law of nature nothing being stationery except pen, ink and Paper. We cannot behold the proportions of the great ship of the universe, lor we are shut up in the hold. To all men, the best friend is virtue ; the best companions are high endeavours and honorable sentiments. There is frozen music in many a heart thatthe beams of encouragemeut would melt into glorious song. An editor ont west says he will not raise the price of his paper for present, becausc he is not able, as a general rule to raise mors than half of what he charges now. " Have you ever brokena hors: 2" in- quired a jorse-jockey. «No, rot exactly,' replied Simmons, ¢ 1 have brokeu three or {our wagons. True joy is a serene sober emotion, and they are miserably out that take laughing for Tejoicing ; the seal of it is witliin, and there is ho cheerfulness like the resolutions of a brave mind. A gentleman not long since wishing to pop the question did it in the following manner. Taking up the lady's, cat, le aid, ¢¢ Pussy, may | have your mistress 2' It was answered by the lady, who said, « gay yes pussy.' A cynical journalist saysthe reason eso muy marriages occur immediately after a grat war is that batchelors become so ac- cu tomed to strife that they learn to like it an | alter they return in peace they enlist in matrimony as the next thingto war. A sea captain being at a ball, had been accepted by a beautiful partner, who, in the most delicate manner possible, hinted to him the proprioty, of puttiug on a pair of gloves ¢ Oh," was the eligant reply, ¢ never mind me ma'am, 1 will wast my handy when I've done dancing. SELLING A SUBJECT.--A man was silling one evening in atavern thinking how to Bg provisions lor the next day, saw a fel- ow dead drunk upon the opposite bench. Said he to the proprietor of the house .-- * 4 Do you wish to get tid of this sot-- lying on the bench 7% " [ do--and half a crown shall speak my thanks," was the reply. " Agreed," said The other; get me a sack--quick." A sack was procured, and the drunken guest put into it. Away trudged the man with his burden, till he-came to the house of a noted resurrectionist, aud at whose door he knocked, ¢ Whose there 7' said a voice within. "1 have brought you a subject," replied the man so give me my fee." The money was immediately paid, and the sack, with its contents, deposited in the surgery. he motion of qaick walking had nearly recovered the poor victim, who, before the other had been gone two minutos, endeavor- ing to extricate himself from tho sack. oe purchaser, enraged at being thus out- wilted ran after the man who had deceived him, and cried out-- ¢ Why, the man is alive !"' "Alive I" said the other so much the better ; kill him when you waat him I"? A CoLoURED SOLDIER ON SENTRY.-- At Cambrage General Wusington had heard that the colored soldiers were not to be de- pended upon for sentries. So one night the pass word was ¢ Cambridge," he went outside the camp, put on an overcoat, and then approached a coloured setinal :-- ¢ Who goes there said the sentinal. ¢ A friend,' replied Washington. ¢ Friend, advance and give the counter- sign, said the coloured man. ashington | came up and said i in a rather voice ¢-Roxhary.' ¢ No sar I" was the response. ¢ Medford !' said Washington. ¢ No sar,' returned the colored soldier. ¢ Charlston,' said Wasington. The colored immediately exclaimed in in rep Sip Itell yon Massa Washington no man go by he here': out he say Cambridge. be ug said ¢ Cambridge' and went b,, and next day the colored gentle- aman was relieved of all further necessities for attending to that particular branch of military duty. FADELESS 18 A LOVING HEART, Fimo fe may loose their brightness ; oral sa wk lightness ; Ce fey dest vay hy ko ne gy Checks be pale and eyes be dim ; Raat the voice and weak the limb ; But, though uth and strength depart ; Fadeless ished heart. og + -Bebs-acTLY.--~A man boasted yesterday of iy i om forty nine hard boiled eggs. Why ou not eat one and make even ny "m i. old Sounds. Humph want to inake--a hog of himself for one egg." Ea exhibitors at the Pang ht ad s thing to board a ins have known fit ob aman 0 have hoe ya BR Ww SOD, 1 t pndriagron OF THE i 'Cancer Infirmary, STARKS. Li Lod WA, C. v CANCERS CURED te , and near. | 8 process, and thout the - e of the Knife. "| Amboy Woolen Mills ! Wr | Township ding, Ba supply of e Utica. A J HEREBY notify the public generally and intending purchasers particularly, to cautious with whom they conclude Bargains, before they call at the ONTARIO CARRIAGE FA --- they will find on-hand a quantity of first c| Land | first class workmen, Call and sec Manufactured on the s of the choicest materi QusC them. ¥3%*1 would 3 50 intimate to A Ty a friends that. 'this je die Cheapest Jf . Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done ted ° Pay. or rd LC or = . Work Wa JAMES EMANEY. 5 Prince Soi Fo m AL B ERT CARRIAGE FACTORY. HE subscriber at the commencement of 1 the Sommer mer Caniinlay, begs to inform the Th ublic that having taker especial pains in securing the best material the country atlol oo and having had some 27 years experience in the business, Le is prepared to supply superior Wagons,Carriages & Implements 2 SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. ties In want of anything in his line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article,the Pog and Childish hint at counterfeiters by a jealous rival, to the contrary notwithstanding. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing, GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. JUST RECEIVED A superior lot of * FRENCH CALF SKIN Which will be Sold Cheap for Cash ; also on hand a large Stock of Spanish Solé Leather, which will he disposed of on the most favorable terms to cash purchasers. "Having a large number of men constant employed in manufacturing Boots & Shoes I am prepared to offer inducements equal if not superior to any house in the trade. Also an immense Stock of Boots .and Shoes purchased in the best markets, which will be sold at a slight ad. vance on the cost. You will find it to your advantage to come and examine the Stock. Cash for Hides, Tallow and Hemlock Bark. J. WRIGHT. 2 PRINCE ALBERT axp MANCHESTER, } October 24, 1866. NOTICE! A. SINCLAIR GS to inform his fiends and the public generally that his FALL STOCK ha ii consisting of FIRST CLASS TEAS and a CHOICE LOT OF GROCERIES. Wines, Brandies, and other Liquors of the best brands --DPorter and Ales. Wines, Brandies, &c., for medical purposes. would say to HOTEL KEEPERS that they have only to call and examine iE ran that they can do better by buying at his establishment than at any other in the County or out of it. Come, see, and be convinced. A large assortment of FISH will arrive next week. Prince Albert, Oct. 17, 1866. R. WILSON BDRUGGIST, OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT! EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, Hair Tooth an Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soa 5 &e. Special attention iven to the preparation and epeneios of Physicians prescriptions. Princo Albert, Jan. 22, 1867. REM 0 VAL FAR M ERS THE subugeiber begs to ntorm his numerous CARTWRIGHT ENCOURAGE Local Industry and Home Manufacture. lately a ad by him to the pi Fi fad ly gughpied 3s a hotel south of Mr. Feikises Store, where he Garring to py the public es,8.0. HE ons Oarriages, OTICE. or on hand a large supply of those ex- Revolving Horse Rakes! Such as manufactured last t year. nder which to too Sheds on 5 he lenis u er whic! JAMES PARKIN. Manchester, April 18, 1866. nb nia Bo ts 5. to AA Valuable Farm for, Sale. 8 41-1y Hl bscribed haying fitted up and T B Bu thoroughly repaired the Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Cart- oh nd agin adjacent To Townships, th hat.) he is pre- BE oc on tho shortest ly eT nts | the East prom Bf tho rin his Jou prac fice an ng experion 0 partios Sntrustin gn ty Dimentit have the same done to Sher satistietion LIST OF PRICES: For Carding 5 ots Perl en vagh3 ets credit. " Fulling 10 cts pe: " Fulling and i Diving hase cents per yd, cash. " Fulling, Dressing 2B Ye per , cas ndersigned will il sell the N. B. ihe Hote of concession THOMAS STINSON. by ah Gounly oF Otani contaln Cartwright, May 22, 1867. 19-3m | acres frame om Lo 3 ba fond 5 Fgh, in 8 tuated on I ra side or Farm for Sale !m moto tbe, Terms $1800. po least $800 down and the R Sale that excellent F usinting of) mance 1 anneal Xr 47 Ep Suite pn 0. le that ex: 'arm consis at 7 pel "the half of Lot No. 8, in. the 5th con- to SL oa "a CHAMBERS, Proprietor, of Reach. Walkerton, Co. Brace, C. W.. or JOSEPH GOULD, A eas (Tona 0) on the Firm. Fonveniont a | Walkerton, April 2, 1867. ERRORS OF YOUTH, n who suflérered for year fron Norvons Sie. rama nd ll 1h cfinEts of: MORRISON & SAMPSON, Corner of Church and Colborne Sts., | onus, ERE a The shove Farm willbe rented for a of | for ma torm he red. one to three-years. Apply to J. Mogeridge, Bt a tro by Lh adver £3 paren CAT TION! FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TRERS, ey f J HEHOGG Wholesale ard Retail Agent for the above Nurseries, is now liciting orders in Phi and adjoiningnCounties for the Sale of Grape Vines, Shrubs, Strawberries, Hedge, Plants, &c. ME TREES are well grown, stout bodied bor healthy, and are giving general satisfaction throughout the Province, and when the selection is left to me, I will guarantee their succes The fruit grown in the Toronto Nurseries is indisputably the lest in the Province of Canada. I would call particular attention to the fact that since the establishment of Provincial Exhibitions, I have not failed to carry off the First Prize for the Best 1isplay of Fruit--except in one instance, and that year I did not exhibit. And in the case of the last exhibition in I1Iamilton, in the Fall of 1864, my productions were considered of 80 superior a nature, that the Judges in addition to the First Prize awarded them a Diploma. All orders sent to the subscriber will be punctually attended to, J H E. HOGG, Box 75, Port Perry, C. W. Roses, Port Perry, Feb. 5, 1867. HARRISON MAW & SON, IRACTORY & DUIDER PORT PERRY! RE prepared to Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern i improve- ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well 10 call. (Z%=Plans and Specifica- tions made to order. HARRISON MAW, Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1866. THE OLD STAND FOR EVER. JOIN H. MAW. HE Subsériber takes {his po of retnrning Aa fo 0 his numerons customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prevared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sects of his PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR- ROW made in fe latest improved Scotch styles. Parties desirin urchase woula do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasing clse- where. Having had ht his Stock for Cush, he is determined not to be undersold by any other manufacturer in the eT All Work Warranted. 'WM, STEEL. 14-1y Manchester, April 10, 1866. ia, is WATC HMAKER, AND JWELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GOLD AND SILVER 'WATCHES 05 Watches and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. Oshawa, Jan 25, 1865. 3-1y M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL . NEAR THE TOWN HALL, - BI ) (8 § 1D (Hy VAR) 5) 12) A i 9 A) i A GOOD assortment of Buggies ray on hand made from best material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid"to repairing f"% ALL WORK WARRANTED. BORELIA Cabinet Warerooms ! Special Notice.--A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. I A number of COFFINS of all sizes, ready-made--eztra finish. ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, {= Good Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work. Borelia, Oct. 24, 1866. pS NEW 'WATCHEN'! JOHN NOTT. New Jowshy > Sitoer-plate, WW. HEPINSTALL/S pr BROOKLIN. N.B. All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly hel oul WARRANTED. = Q SAIN Od CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C, &C., : King Stréet Bast - - - - OSHAWA. 1 Carringe 42 Maker ! 9 | PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, HE Subscriber ig still working at his old place of business, manufacturing every- fom London, Paris, die the sities ofNew York, thing in the CABINET LINE, such as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Braaxiast Tables; Euilodelphio, Baltimore nd | oalon; alah Jie Soup 4 Capl 9, Bureaus, ads, Chairs, &c. (= House and Sign Fainting and Paper gs avis Y¥ ARS 11" Our isp cont hthe Proc x " b O+ Hanging dono anh shihast note. §- A civice lof of STEEL ENGRAVINGS Yo grand acon oy, Pin Orrin Hb |Good N ews for All Lia! PICTURES takewin i Kinds of 'New Clocks !.: 1 | graphed, or niarged to anyisize desired. NL J0 ATALOVIANS Borelia, Co. Ontario. Dorelia, May 1,18C7. Yolunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLLN REMOVED From his Old Stand to one'door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. | 13 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 12, The most Popular Remedy ever offered to the Public. Ay INSON'S For the cure of Fain Fain both External and Internal, The greatest Pain Curing Remedy yet discovered. Pain cannot long exist where this Remedy is faithfully used. Give it one fair trial and you will use no other. 1t is acknowledged by those who have used other remehics of this kind, to be the best and most valuable of any know n, for the discases for which it is recommended. 3= Sold by all medicine dealers, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. Tt is the largest bottle of medicine of the kind in Canada. Manufactured by the proprietor, tuo doors east of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince Albert, C. Ld0d HN NUYS 1030--dOHS 'Jorrey, 9[qBUOTSE +9101 OPV! 'A¥Uad Grovesteen & Co., 499 Broadway, New York, Pr PIANOS received the Dighest Award ob Merit ! at the 's Fair, tver the best makers ment warrunted piv ents. de ul the super, elon of . ne ROY S SHEEN N, who lins a uth Shek We Jinpive years, nd is the maker of over eleven ne fortes.-- Bur facilities for abinofuand Agusand 0 sell these Metruments from $100 10 sy #Eheapery ha an os class piano forte. oh weather, at . A. CLARK'S PHOTOGRAPH CAR, The HUXB is RIDG Chase in the | togtaphe, Ambrotypes, Heer and'all as of pi fom 2 iy ent Ra van of to suit customers. Pictures 2D a and photo best style, Pix Photo 10 A. CRARK. 4 Wit Ye #4 (Uxbridge, Oct. 1, 2 1 Fite : MR. 'A. BARRETT, otogr apher : ng Bt. O Oshawa. promt very best style are + Entrance through Mr. Carswells Con~ fectionery Store. : Rresnasc RS kine pev permiited 10'T. N. Oia, wa; Myrtle; Adam Gordon, Esq. chester Warehouse : Rober Mel 40! TO LOAN 1} $100, 600. NE_ HUNDRED 0 THovsk "dollars" 0 to Loan on Mortgage seculi , in sus fo suit borrowers, at 4 very mod \é rate of interest, the far-famed. Manchester JOHN HODGSON. Be rh Apply at Warehouse, to M. P. P. Oshawa Cameron, Esq Toronto; Rev. Til Worrell: M. A ten, Ona: Ex Whith B Cadwell Wn nine, Eacy , FR Er. of the 2 Man. Kind! eling ei eo Feq., 1 Perr: Neil Sinclair, Ea er hed Suman Tiody" Sengog ; Jobn rk, Kisq., son, Feq ,O: ; George 'Brabazon, Feq., Malcolm , ., Broek; Col. Vrooman, Rony Brethour, Esq, James A pictull, Esq, Vroomanton. Manchester, Sept.5th, 1866. 32. PROCLAMATION ! To all whom it may Concern: Now all men by these Presents, that it having come to the knowledge of the un- dersigned that there are certain individuals resi dent in and about PORT PERRY! Who contemplate ERECTING oweuve {TR Houses, ac. In the aforesaid Town of Port Perry. Now this is 'herefore to notify the aforesaid residents of Port Perry, that I 'am prepared to BUILD, ERECT AND COMPLETE, In a substantial manner all such buildings, whether of Wood, Brick or Stone. And Whoreas having Leased the Gush & Door Factors, I am prepared to furnish Sash, Doors, Mouldings Scroll-sawing, Woodturning, Face-Planing, and Flooring on the shortest notice and at reason- able rates. Given under my hand at Port Perry in the Township of Reach and County of Ontario, this 4th day of April, 1867. (Signed) GEO. ROBINSON, BuiLDER. Note.--A few thousand fect of Seasoned Floor- ng ng for : sale. Ww. H. MARSH, PRINCE ALBERT, House, Sign, Carriage, ay Ornaniental PAINTER. LACE of busiiess nt tie at the * Ontario Carriage . Factory." Paper Hanging, Flag and Banner Painting, &e. Prince Albert, April 24, 1867. 1% PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER Bakeries ! RE the places to buy your BREAD, FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. ep... Eurst class, Confectionanies. Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer use ; and Fruits in their season. Wedding Cakes made to order. ' He is also prepared to furnish Soirees, Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. 6 Feb. 13, 1867. ; Brooklin Drug Store. "JOHN DAWES, " EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes. Oo Hors and Cattle Medicines dlvaygy on hand. To Consumptives. 0. 1 having estored to health inn fe eT oie edy, er ving sar, fered for several years with a severelung ection, thirt dread disease Cone anxious' to nr. known To his Tellow- sufferers og means of cure. Ta all desire it, he will - it ie of de arte) i N or ab lad ect benefit the afllicted. and spread Juformatio which So conceives to be invaluable, and hie hapes every sufferer will try. his remedy as it will cost them nothing may proven blessit Parties wishin k the prescription, FREE, by return of mail, will please a REV. DIVARD A. Wil manure, BA. Witson v STAND. AROUND! PS Ln has go! self com! te thriving Vill ic t fe MANCHESTER ere he intends carrying on the (0G-Tailoring Business -1y York. In i branches. .S Garments as sii to his i" nothing will be en nd he atest Eivieg jana Jeniness of fit, moderation he and care- "of publie a The La = e aa Sivles x received promptly JAMES SQUIRE. | Prince Albert. 0 mo by ng, in perfect 14-tf April 17 1867 17-1y JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New york, bs BROOKLIN, Dec. 2, 1866. 2 Ostevay April 17, 1867. 14 Manchester, Oct, 18, 1868.

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