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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jul 1867, p. 3

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5 ee a Ie. ete e------ mn ' hi brought in therr Report tecom- The ig that the claim $95 be fsaid. eport was adopted without debate ; and the Treasurer authorised to pay the same. Ie, o On matidn the use of the Barristera® Room | tas granted tothe Clerk of the Division Eourt' when notused by said Barristers. Mr. Bickell moved that the Roeves bel tpecially reqnested torattend the adjourned meeting of the Qharter Sessions. -- Cunied. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the Council ndjourned sine die. BANNINGTON STILL ON THE MOVE Ths vol of No. 10 Company, 34th Batt. have juet vadergone four uccessive days drill six hours each day under the in- struction of C. A. Jones, Adjutant of the Ptt.,, and MF. Paterson, their late iu- stritotor On Friday 28th of June a beauti- ful silk flag was presented to the Company by the ladies. Mm. C. Keller of €anning- ton, read a moet wppropriate addiess.-- Ca. Cowan made a capital reply wih as teceived with much applause, and followed by three-times-three, and wav- ing of hats, while the ladies testified their ahirobition by a prolific display of cambric, he Capt. spoke Inghly of the volunteers of Canala, stating that should a band of desperadoes ever aga invade oar shores that No. 10 Company will be on hand, and do tfigit part in driving them: back ; for what Liis Company Jacked in military train - ing~bainga new Company lig felt proud 10 say that it was second to none in pliyrique + and good behaviour,in this part of the coun- try.« The presentation tothe Company was a very pleasing sight, and' created quite a sensation. It is expected that au silver bugle will be presented to the Company in a few days, (also by the ladies), whose in= defatiguable zeal in a good cause never fails to accomplish its object. Above 600 per- sons wilnessed the presentation. In the evening the non-commissioned officers and men gave a complimentary supper to Ad- jutant Jones, at Thompron's Hotel, Can- nington. Amongst the invited guests we naticed M. Gillespie, E<q , Reeve of Brock, sopupied the chair, Adjutant Jones on his night Sergeant Walshe on his left. Capt. Cowaa in the yice-chair, on his right was Ensign Ward, on lis left Sergeant Nichols. ° Among other distinguished guests we ob- served Messrs. J. Miller, of Beaverton, A. Smith, - Torento, J. Miller, Richmond Hill, and other gentlemen whose names we could wot learn. Afier ample justice had been done to the excellent supper, our worthy host of the ¢¢ Royal'? placed on the festive board" his choicest brands, to give due honor tn the followng toasts. The chan- man on ising congratulated the Capt. on his fine Company or young men be said they eun not be excelled for eo'dier-like appearance and good econ- duct {by any Company in the Pro- vince. Afier the usual loyal toasts had been given, followed by some eloquent re- rpouses from the Reeve, Capt. Cowan, Mr. Smith of Toronto, Adjutant Joues an others, the song and jest went meirily rutiod. The company separated at an early hour with a hearly wish that this meeting would 'be the first of a long series of pleasant evenings between the men of the tenth Company and their many warn friends. We might add, that "Adjutant Jones erdeared himselt to the volunteers during the lute four duys drill. A SUBSCRIBER. -------- Orrawa, July 2. No official announcement of the arrange mot of offices in the new government has yet been made, but the follcwing may be taken ns pretty. nearly correct :-- Sir J. A. Medonald, Mivister of Justice, Mon. Mr, Campbell, Post-oflice. Ion. Mr. Howland. Excise. Hoo. Mr. McDougall, Public Works. 1lon. Mr. Blair, President of the Council. Hon, Mr. Cartier. Minis'er of Miitia. Flon, Mr. Galt, Finance Minister. Hon. Mr. Chapais,Mivister of Agriculture, Hon, Mr. Langevin, llome Secretary. on. Mr. Archibald, Foreign Secretary. Ikon. Mr. Kenney, Rec eiver-General, Ton. Mr. Tilley, President of the Board of Trade. Hons Mr, Mitchell, Minlster of Fisheries. Teh fst. FPYHE Department will be closed at T Ottawa on and after the FIRST JULY. The Department of Crown Lands for the Provinces of Quebec and Outario will be opened atQuebes and Toronto as soon there- alter'as possible of which due notice will be given, x A. CAMPBELL, 26-6w] . Commissioner. Farm for Sale, 0 "fiat First Class Farm bemg the . F 0B Sule fat Fie No. i in the 13th: con~ ; cession of the Township of Reach. 00 Acres cleared in a high state of cultiva- tion, and well fenced. are two good me Houses on prope: with good out- Yuildings. There is a capital young orchard of ehoice fruit trees and an abundant supply of water on the . For further Jie niyo he prnictr Anco Bagahaw---on the premise oe © AARON BAGSHAW, : adn Proprietor. €recnbank, July 8, 1867. 26-tf STRAYED CALVES. z the premises of. 4 Calves: 3 red and white ; lead, to (ong -l WANTED : on evs ATioh) and oy pink W ages 33 i , WM. SCOTT, Piopriotor. July 3,1867, 8: vis 1a 028 per month. "HALF A MILLION 'lsMoney to Lend. ~~ JOHN ROLPH," | 20-47} {DIVISION COURTS. FOR THE _@ounty ot Ontario. No. 1, Whitby, . June 1st, 1867. Tne Ish ee wg Pi " » Fisker ibe July 28th, " "4 Uxbridge, 29th, " ' 33 game aes 4 « 7, Atherly.... "bth, y £6, 3 Z. BURNHAM, Judge €.0 'Whitby, Mar. 27, 1667. PROCLAMATION 57 1} To all whom it may Concern: Z NOW all men by these Presents, that it having come to the knowledge of the un- ¢ | dersigned that there are certain individuals resi- dent in and about . PORT PERRY ! Whoteontemplate ERECTING REACH L. 0. D. MEETING, T a Meeting held at Murta's Hotel, Green- bank, on Saturday, June 15th, 1867, it was resolved--That this L. 0. D. meet to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, at PRINCE ALBERT, and offer a cordial invita- tion to any Lodges, members, or others friendly to the order, to join them on that occasion.-- Arrangements are being made several first class speakers. ROBERT IRVINE, D. M. 2 to secure July 3, 1867. J IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Prince Albert Post Office, July 3, 1867. Beatty Wim Holhbert Wm Bolton Wm Hamilton Mrs J B Brown Mr Kennevan Jus Cameron P C ~ Eake CV Dusten Taha 3 hang Jus 0 eases ebeee lowes [FR wouses, ac English John Robertson Mrs R English P ul Frazer Mr Foster Mrs Gibson Wm Hazlewoo! Joha ilalt Mrs Ei Hayne Jos Halloran P Tuber T Tahahany E Young J A Whitaker John Warren Win Wallis W M Watson A In the aforesaid Town of Port Perry. : Now this is 'herefore ta notify the aforesaid residents of Port Perry, that I'am prepared to BUILD, ERECT AND COMPLETE, In a substantial manner all such buildings, whether of Wood, Brick or Stone. And Whereas having Leased the a Sash & Dood Fact Sash & Boot Factory, Iam prepared to furnish Sash; Doots, Mouldings, Scroll-sawing, Wood-turning, Face-Planing, and Flooring on the shortest notice and at reason- able rates. Given under my hand at Port Perry in the Township of Reach and County of Ontario, this 4th day of April, 1867. (Signed) GLO. ROBINSON, Buber, A few thousand fief of Seasoned Floor. le. : 11. fl. McCAW, P. M. . STAND. AROUND ! Te subscriber having returned to Teach, Has got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intendl carrying on the {G-Tailoring Business In all its branches. Garments entrusted to his care will be made up in the latest styles: and nothing will be left undone by him--in way o | qr TMT Ah Ah WR neatness of fit, moderation in charges, and care- kad WY © © 3 ful attention to orders--to obtain aud secure a e 9 large share of public patronage, PROPRIETOR OF TRE es nt 1he Latest Styles received promptly |@ttawa Cancer Infirmary, STARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, and regularly, JAMES SQUIRE. . o OTTAWA, C. WV, Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. -4 CURED J. HEAL'S CANCERS - . ' £ 4 - Celebrated Itch Ointment * | By a New, but Certain, Speedy, and near. 4 by subscriber keeps constantly a large quan- ly Painless process, and without the tity or his Celebrated Itch Ointment. A use of the Knife. cure warranted. Price 25 cents & box. J. HEAL. Tailor. The cure will be guarantteed, and, as a proof of this, no pay is required, until the cure is com- plete. The moment a cancer is difcovered, it should be cured, as it will cost less and is more speedily cured than when of longer standing, and there i3 nothing to gain, and every thi lose by delay. What now seems a | lamp in the breast, neck, eye-lid or or snmll wart or gore on the lip, may tort short months, become a hideous rusting, destroying mass of disease. If req 1, refer- enees can to given to parties who have been cured many years siece, and who are notv sound and healthy. All communications promptly answered. No money required in advance, and done until the cure is eomplete 40-1 Farm for Sale! OR Sale that excellent Farm consisting of the south-half of Lot No. 8, in the 5th con- cession of the Township of Reach. Nearly all cleared. A ITouse and a good Frame Barn, with a constant supply of good ter.-- Conveniently situated between Manchester and Utica. Apply to MORRISON & SAMPSON, Corner of Church and Colborne Sts., "oronNTO. 4-1 Prinee Albert,Dec. 5, 1866. Psorocomium. THE GREATEST ITCH KILLER Stheentury. It cures in halfan hour.-- only 25 cents. WW. A. TOMLINSON, Wholesale Dealer in Medicines, + Sole Agent for Canada, PriNee ALB ERT. PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER Bakeries ! RE the places to bny your BREAD, 4A FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every deseription. First class Confectionanes. Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer use'; and Fruits in their season, Wedding Cakes made to order. He is also prepared to furnish Soirees, Tea Meetings, &ec., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. S ewhere, na few April 17 183 FPYHE members of this Band embrace this op- portunity of informing the inhabitants of North Ontario that they will hold themselves in readiness for engagements for Excursions, Pic- nics, Concerts, &e:, &e. Charges moderate. 8. B. FAWSITT, Late of Dodswortli's Band New York. } SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Count, Onitatfo," On SATERDAY the To Wit: THIRTEENTH day JULY A.D. 1867, at the hour of Twelve o'clock noon, will be sold by Public Auction, at my office, in the Court House in the Town. of Whithy, in the said County, all the right, title and interest of the undermentioned lar.ds seized by me under and by virtu¢ of a writ of Fieri Faeias issued out of the County Court of the Counties of York and Peel, and to me directed, Feb. 13, 1867. TO LOAN 1! $100,000. NE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars at the suit of to Loan on Mortgage sceurity, in swe TR CI Sapna 10 suit borrowers, at a very moderate rate ol ROBERT JONES, interest. vs. Apply at the far-famed Manchester | WILLIAM €. MeMULLAN, Defendant, Warehouse, 10 1 JOHN HODGSON. viz: One quarter of afl acre in the Village of Atherly, being composed of village Tot number three, , Poy fronting on Fitzroy Place, and lying between Toronto ; Rev.d B Worrell, M. A.. Tucumbent, Osha. Mountjoy Square and Winchester Street, as wa; Wm Laing. Esq., Whitby; Rev. L B Cadwell, | shewn in an engraved plan of the said Village Myrtle; Adan Bordon Fe rifiintor ob the Bun | of Atherly. x H ndly, Fsq., Borelia a a Nel Sinclair, bn, Bort. Fert Rebdor. Yooq. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sengog; John Clark, E nilln ; Jonathan: Hodg- Sheriff, C. 0: A Per R. H. TomuinsoN. Sheriff's Office, Eng. , ksq , Ouk: 1; George Rinlazon,' Wick; Hino icant. ad ick; W "Whitby, 10th June, 1867. 23-3w To Consumplives. 1iagy Jumes Spieran, Esq, Vicomanton 866. 32. The advertiser, having been restored 10 health in a our, Munehester, Sept, 5th, 1 few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having sof Plaintiff, R ccks kindly permitted to T, N, Gils, Esq, Mob Poa AEG Grmeren. Fat AL PT, Joseph thatdtend disease Consumption is. anxious te make known to liis fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre- scription used (free of charge), with the "direetions for preparing und using the same. which they will find a sure cure (ur Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, nd all Throat drd Lamg. Aflections, The only bject of the tdvertiser if sending the Preseription is to , ata low rate of interest. benefit the afflicted. and trends information whieh 'have Lis own time to pay the principal. ceeives 18 be Invaivable, aud Lhe hopes eves £2 err 'fant Aq 4 bi will try his remedy a5 it will co m nol 1 ant also Agen th fortwo, $i i) argos sone ma Daten bleasing. Parties wishing tHe prescription, my og arinl six: per cent nt t. y FREE, by return of mail, will please ess y 2 : REV: EDWARD A. WILSON, No | Commission harged. Williamsburg. Kings Co., New York. Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. ' Apply personally to SAL i © 1. JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, I 8 "whereby he is pared to lend "000 of Private hy ns good mortgage zc Lr nndecsigned ling completed arranze- 'ray Brooklin Drug Store. JOEN DAWES. + Notary Pusuie,! EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines General Agent, de. de. Paints, Oils, Dyo- Stuffs, Groceries, &c, ook, Brock Sureet. | Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal J] +r »! A . s : > V2 oo 4 ge 'and Cuttle Medicines ahda; Money to Liou, || ora cut: sin cio i¥e i Kori, Sh SRT 9 t ™ Directors' Meeting. ESS #xbridge, on Taesda Rr EEO TONS CHRISTIE, Sec'y. July 3, 1867. 3 = AML, igre tow #15000 APPLE. TREES 5 .» DAVID J. ADAMS, FOR 'SALE. Offigo over T. C. Forman's Store, | 305 per 'Flundred. ; on 3a JOHN ADAMS T. 0/. +7 T. BURNHAM, REAL 110 Street, TXRONTO. Lot 31, 7th Con, Pring Albert, May b 1687, Te MOTO rude 24,186% on : fered for several years with a severe lung affection, nnd | "fA large and choice lot of first class LIQUORS wd OF" Shawls; Mantles, Saques, . Muslins, 'Grenadiers, Tissues, Lustres, _ +Bareges, Light Prints, Silks; . Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, . . Hats, Bonnets, : Bonnet Shapes, Bonnet Fronts, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Dress Trimmings. We have just received a Fresh supply Of the above as well as many other % . ~ New and Fashionable Goods! Of the LATEST STYLES, and at GREA LY REDUCED" PRICES. CURRIE & ROSS. Prince Albert, June 12 1867. . l= [| ©andidates in the Field. ii 4 3 WwW: HH. PARR, Cabinet Maker and iy] PRINCE ALBERT, cn OULD embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous h! friends for the liberal share of patronnge he has received. le would sms further state that he purchased a First Class HEARSE, decorated in the latest style, with double Sets of Plumes A large and choice lot of COFFINS kept constantly on hand. A liirge nnd see. complete Stock of COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description always on hand, and for sale, Cheap for Cash. 1 43= FUNERALS attended to with dispatch. Charges moderate, The highest price paid in Cash for Butternut Fumber, I temember the Place--Opposité Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and Blue.™5g Prince Albert, May 22, 1867. | | 19 === FIRAERS! AT --- ~p J. COS PRINCE ALBERT. isa TT et RING sii iia rn MENS GOOD COW HIDE BOOTS AT $1.90, 4 To make room for Spring Stock. Women's and Children's wear also very low. 19° Oash Paid for Hides. Prince Albert, Feb. 13, 1867. 1867.] 1867 R. & J. CAMPBELL, ived a Large 'Pew WUDeriigenen Bo nih rigs % 4 ; complete in every department. We would call the attention of substantial Testimonials below, Brook, Jan, 9, 1867, 1 saw some very fine Fruit Trees, &c. from the Ham- ton Nurseries, delivered at Brookln, by the Agent, Mr, Geos B. Fain, J. B. BICKELL, Reeve of Whitby. Racran Minus, Jan, 8, 1867. Mr. Fabit, Sir--I have great plensure fn stating that the Froit Trees, Vines, Shrubs, &c., ed fiom you ate the the best I have r any Nursery \ 'They ull seem to have ) key dp with great care, #8 the 10918 ale in excellent condition, MOSES SMITH. BrookLin, Jan. 8, 1867. Mi. G. BL. Faint delivered several boxes of Fruit Trees at Tuy Hotel, pokling last fall. They were carefully packed, nnd seemed 10 give general satisfac Lion to his munerons customers. ALEX. ALEXANDER. Wnurrny, Jan. 5, 1867. I do hereby certify that I received a number of Apple Trees fiom the Hamilton Nurseries ; they are first cluss liees in every respects ROBERT GARDNER. FRESH A HAMILTON NURSERIES, WARREN HOLTON, Proprietor. GEO. B. FAINT, Agent,--Brooklin, P. O: : | | -- a. 3 The Stock of Fruit Trees in these extensive Nurseries are very Particular attention is paid to rajsing HARDY Varietiesof Witter Fruit. 'Vo parties favourin us with their orders we gurranfee to brin NURSERY PRODUCE and NOTHI Communications carefully. attended to. them FIRST CL G ELSE. Orders or intending Fruit Growers to the Fast Warrsy, Jan. 5, 1867. 1 have Sto hesitilon in recommend Tues as | received from the Hamilion Ld hey are fully as good as represeined, \ HENRY GRAHAM. Waitsy, Jan. 7, 1867: I received n ntity of Fruit Trees at Brogklin, which 1 had ordered from Warren Holiwate Nurseries, * W.. and [ must sny that they were just ni, Mr. Faint, reprosented them to be, In fact all the Trees that | have seen fron these Nurseties ure fine specimens of the different varieties, THOMAS ARKSEY. East Winey, Jan. 3, 1867. gave my order for Fruit Trees to Mr, Agent I Faint, for the Hamillon Nurseries, and hgve much plegsire. in stating that I wus well satisfied withthe wuy in which it was filled, The Trees were very large, well formed, healthy, and in good growing condition, © * HENRY DEARBORN. Corumpus MiLLs, Jan. 4, 1864. 1 hereby certify that I received a number of ly Pear and Plum "Trees, from the Hamilton Nurser) through the Agent, Geo, B. Faint, apd have nohesita- tion in Ig them Planters, as Trees of the very best qualin "to JAMES GOODMAN! RRIVALS ! The Subseribers have just received a large lot of PLASTIOUR & EXHIBITION SEIRTS.! Which they offer very low. | Also anew lot of Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, Borders, Parasols, &c.; | Grey Cottons, Muslins, &c., which they offer at Greatly Red MANCHESTER, June 19, 1867. uced Prices. Brown & Christian. W. H. MARSH, PRINCE ALBERT, House, Sign, Carriage, ANY Ornamental PAINTER. Pid CE of business at the " Ontario Carriage A Factory." Paper Hanging, Flag and Banner Painting, &e. Prince Albert, April 24, 1867. 15 a 4 i ] IHD: 404 8 48 "Nv 01 | & i a "L981 '€ "UBL uaqlY eouug (SANA ALVAIYD) ce" C% 'NOSE0Y 9 I 'LEIATV FONIEZ Beg to inform the inbabitants of North Ontario that they have just r Stock of NEW GOODS! AT THEIR STORE IN Manchester! Bei chased for CASH they will be prepared to offer Giréaf Bargains in Dress Goo Shawl, Mantles, Trimmed aig Hats, Prints, Grey and Whité Cot- tons, Tweeds, Gambrooms, Tickiogs, Stripe Shirtings, &ec. Ready-made Clothing. hold the largest Stock in thé County in Men's and Boy's Coats, Pants and They be Vests, ats, Collars, &e.; which will be sold very Chéap for Cash. THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT has just been stocked with new Teas igars, Rice, Currants, Tobaccoes, &ec. . : ; Ser have also received a large Stock of Hardware, Cockery sod Glassware, &e. They ate determined not to be undersold by any Touse in the Trade. pe. A Call is respectfully solicited. ~~ 4 consisting of BRANDIES and WINES of the best brands-- OLD RYE, MALT and common WHISKEY, which can't by beat.-- Prices moderate. ; : ts PH TRALES } XR. & J. CAMPBELL. vu | Manchester and Whitby, April, 1867. NOTICE S hereby given that the Council of the Cor- |. TI poration of the Township of Reach, at its | first meeting to be held after the 1st day of July J HOW next, propose to PASS A BY-LAW To open and establish as a Public Highway a road 15 links wide on Lot No.1, in the 2nd'con- cession of the said Township, described ds fol- lows,--commerteing in front of the said con- cession at the distance of 1 chain 63 links on a course south T4flegress west from the south eas ;.then north, 47 degress wes 4 chains 19 links ; then n 72 fogtest Mest, 6 chains 79 links; then north, gress 30 minutes west, 3 hains 49 ks; then north, 62 degress 30 minutes west, 3 ns 53 Jinks; then Toke 4 3 Oona Li Wes! inks ; then nor 3 chalns 7 links { then vorth. 47 ), 63 the out ig 7 degrees 3 with URING. on. EE I ee ey Tu connostiqn with a Ds; oe a 82 {and oi Rg pl Rr Br ekreos west, 3 chains 00 links 0 ram rei. A a PORT PERRY. WoolenFactory FE Subscriber, fh returning themks to his ~~ numerous customers for their favors di the past two years, wishes' to inform t! the public that he is Now Prepared to Execute all Work Entrusted to him, on the shortest possible notice and in THE BEST STYLE. As a recommendation for honest dealing and good workmanship, he would state this fact that in 1865 he carded only 8,000 1bs of wool, and in 1866 over 14,000 Ibs. He hopes by strict atten fio fo business to merit ep additional increase in 1867. Priogs :--For Carding, per Ib--b5 cents, if k before the 1st of January, 1868, if not so 6 cents Will be charged. For Fulling fn 10 cents por yard, and Full ne Dressing 12 ay cents per yard, if paid before 1st of January, 1868, if not so paid, at the rate'of 10 per cent per annum will be charged: : Shawls, Capes, Dresses, §c., Colored and Press- rms. ed on moderate te C. T. YOUNG. | Port Perry, May 1, 1867. 16-3m° Life-Like PICTURES €an be had at' Hoilts Photograph Gallery, OSHAWA. Either Plain, Guished in Tada Tnk, Oil or Water Colors: Also at tiie Prince Albert Gallery Or G. MASSEY, of any size or style of finish knows o the Art. Call and examine Specimens. - J. E. HOITT. 6. MASSEY. April 17, 1867. H-1y OAT MEAL: MILL! t BIH pnb" Este tet, 2 i very liberal patronage upon him since; d business h 'would inform. 1S starle oh messin Reach: n FIRST RATE OAT MEAL MILL d west, totices 5 2 4 li bove described form- 3 , Nand Eng th nother mt of the Lend road, ma | Fst elas. : on hand 30 to stop up and close all that portion of the i 0 C ; a nal allowanoe for oud eG he Jat and | 'Flour and ¢ bar oly ay hind rand F i Sin Ho tween the Townships otf, I Parties An . bi "yom caisTik, father Townshi, hy . Reach, 20th Nay, 1867, np 21-5w each, Jans 81851. » Ip Er AIS, te ares . Caro Kane -

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