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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1867, p. 2

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Bs ree A \ ; ; Brive hi » EE ------ COLD-BLOODED ASSASSINATION, The Treasurer said that something must Funds, he | Dr, Bascom, and: SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY, REACH COUNCIL: A Committee consisting of the President, t be done regarding a supply of Button, ,SABBATH SCHOOL PIC-NIC. ¥ > Messrs, A. T. PRESH, =a". EC TNR - bo 2 i * Fontnnte Mono. July 8.-- Three negroes AY ARTY «| We are requested to state that a Pie-nic |: The Unioii Sunday School Anniversary This Counail met pureuant fo notice at | 63% that the treasuty simon if nok guile Boiby, Brown and Wagks wap appointed onliel ante Mos o fig Tar Ae ARRI A . S in coffstion with the Presbyterian Subbalh | held st §. 8 Ho. 13 Réach took place on | theie Hall Manhpeter, on Wedndedny 3c | py Yequired to meet late appropriations. | held on the evening of the second lay of . in vi dn 1 3 3 FRE er fol ween Mal ' onteon. Reach. The t ining appearance of tegve plated that . Treasurer be authorized by the Council to motion of the Secretary the Board ad- their] her | il 4 _ AT THE 4 Bush, Betwaqh i > ng Sort venfed | neCadsary retains in connection with the ro with the Bank for the accommoda- |journed to meet again at Pia 's Hota, | Fonte tache J gh and h Sniam shisy ., commencing | the early part of the day donbtless 04 Y n v a ow 5 pot rang Sey ye eerie Writ served upon +him, 'as Reeve of the |tion required by this corporation till the | Wednesday next, 17th Manchester W rehouse | stiek 4 sues SO ke unger Di % y ding the nh u was oncaping ith a child, wounding et ee ek. gm anon rod 07 Lf ys | onlay Cronin he ln of 08 1 CS ho th arn Fg uf lind te sbi oe cs The Pablic are respectfully. notified that the be delivered bythe resident ministers and | a good tur of scholars and others muaRapl lention for 186%. | ment be made with tho Royal Canadian. -- ped. 3 has on hand a large and varied stock | others on subjects snitable 10 the occa- | connected with the school, and of parents The iid read a communication from | Carried. 4 ! of Hay and Harvest Implements, made by the | gion, The public are respectfully invite! to| and (riends. - An excellent tea was serv- Col Fairbanks informing the council that| The petition of T. Paxton and others was ¢ Cliarles. Hohbe, Wh which are being made by the commiltee of best makers, of the most approved patterns, and | tak part in the proceedings. It 1s to be ed up in thegrove. After fea the speakers the Nonquon toad company had surrendered | then brought up when Mr. C. Crandell | years of age. Charles Hobbs who was |arrangementa for the Fenian pic-nic, to be low in ' & got A pure 2 Po. i» charge will | and the Band took the platform and the |all claims to the portion of the 'Nonguon | came before the oun and Fn i he | so scalded by the bursting of a steam boil- hata BE Clinton Forest, on the 17h silly, ; Ladies are informed of another arrival of | pg made, each one caters for his own wants people got seated for another kind of feast-- road referred to. pd Tort or Hy 15 so |©F that on Monday last 1st inst.,--four | 14 attract a large croud of people from ab< the elegant Prunella Boots so much enquired for | _y},4 Sooo) children will be provided for | an intellectual, : The account of Chewett & Co., Toronto, | hares of his land came within the bounds of | days after the accident--death put an end | road. An excursion party under the. aus~ : of late. Also that the price of Hats and Bonnets by their parents. Mr. Loo took the chair and 'Mr. White | for Assessment Rolls, $9.57 and $20 for | the special tax ; but the improvements fe- | to his severe sufferings. He was we | ices of the circles at Dunkirk, accompa= ~~ ¥ 3 ins offered + i v im 3 . | nied band of musiz, is to come by wa i J 30% aah rodent; Ge ae pio An interesting and pleasant time may be | Superintendent of the school attended to ho | Munioipal Manuals, and the account of | foriec I6 would not be any benefit to him 5} jo and an exemplary young man. His nia) ay "C7 of the ay i he lived in Borelia and he did not consider Cottons, kc. &c. expected and we hope uae 8 good gather- ainda Jle speaking. The school dud Cocprane for $3 were presented by the | aright i: have to build side athe dor Port | mourning relatives have' our heartfelt sym= o Rochester ane is gy yanyel Si . i iends of this noble institution. | exceedin well, they spoke some ver, . erry. The matter was deferred till next : ists are also to resent. s {hihy pros paid for Wook rssnt pice ing of ihe kien gd Tol po gh a dom en en me "iY | The Clark infarmedithe (council that bo | meeting of Connoil. Pathies.; O'Neil and other ominent mombareol fhe | ) da Batis Toity Wee t of importance : (iemaglyes and. all tle schol, | 12d received six tevdsre for the job of paint-| Mr. Richardson came before the Council AMERICAN NEWS. Brotherhood, hare signified Sher Jotet pin . we ADAM GORDON. ~ Rap Bel ---- eT 'B ect . ng the Town Hail but that of John Nott was | com laining that in spite of all remonstrance -- to be present-- Among the features of. 7 UNION '18 STRENGTH Free; 8 band, discoursed | ME 1" the r Totre: Cross Me Tih conedssion, | white,! the | o d with | SScasian. a a miliary review and an ora+ PRION '18 tC charming music whieh ibuted very | "FLUTE ($65) 4 y.ho hind 81¥N | 1g still kept up that he had spoken to the ite,! the lion king, eonhected with tion.--B express. 'te much to the enjoyment of the ocoasion. him the job ; and with regard to the hanging | Pathmaster. but to no purpose: Thayer and Noyes Circus was almost killed Thee was a capital supply of speakers, | of the doors he wished further instruction | My. Major moved that the pathmaster on | by & lion while performing at Rochester on POLE ¢ Mr. Lee 3 Sop's ops he ps of the | from the Council. said beat bo notified by the Clerk, to have | Saturday 6th inst. He went into the lions To rie bs Bs jubidgut importance. and advantages of Sabbath It was moved by Mr. Campbell that on | the obstruction referred to removed forth- | cage when one of the brutes knocked him | nial of the delivery of the Exhibition prizes School instruetion. condition of Mr. T. Bedford's becoming with. down and tore him fearfolly. 1t was with by lta Emperor Napoleon, on the 1st 10et-- = -- | where by uniting together in Mutual * con- Ho fend each other from the ruinous ef-, © i ; A communication regarding some of the i hen Mr. Huges, the inventor, of the print JAMES BAIRD ...cuui EDITOR | sort to defend each other Rev. Mr. Smith Greenbank followed. responsible to this Council for any cost that | cn 000 'on the town EE aes ond the utmost difficulty that he was got out ing. Telagraph am Sp . fects of one of the most common and at the | B : : 1 J li 1 i J ! c His subject was the Dominion. of Canada, | ™*¥ be incurred 1n closmg up that part of | Reach being on the road allowance was |&11Ve: : his prize,the Emperor took his hand,making Sara tiing 1a vel disasigrossculamition, is 8 |, , prospects, its extent, and rosonnos, the Nonquon road required by the eaid Bed- { submitted. : « Looking To Mexico.' --Already the i eT 10 all the other recipients point of view;that oan possibly be- Commercial, manufacturing, agticultural ford--thatthe Clerk give such notice of Members all present. [on to Mexico" ory 1s sonnded in Cali- |of Medale. . Mr. Huges as he touched. the Council resumed. , fal any one ; the destiuction of his prope ty y Ee : fornia and the neighboring territories -- There | Imperial finger slipped into the augustpaim by that fombls elément Fire ; A catastiophe and mineral.' Certainly none of the inter- sjuslig up the eine uu the lay durefta. Mr. Major moved that the sum of 8100 | 1} doubtless be ehiting \ime# there ere | of his serene highness, a little bit of paper It becomes our painful duty to record, the death of a promising, young man, 24 e---- A ------ Tae Fenian Pro-nic.--The preparations ee A Ae There is perhaps no better exemplification Naroreox AND Maxmfrian.--The New Manchester, aly 3d 1807. of the truth of the above proposition than Ee Pukario Phseeher tliat of our Mutual Insurance Companies-- -- ee] PRINCE ALBERT, JULY 11,1867. a THE FAMOUS ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR. ag ests of the Dominion Auffered at the hands | Carried: be expended on Water Street, Port Perry. | jong. containing the last message received by the --- which in very many instances We can | oo = Gentleman, but on the contrary | The Reove said that Mr. Phenix wished |On a division Major voted yea. Nays, XD airiivorohs July 9.--~The Mexican | Cable and Plinted by the machine for which Before another month has swept over | neither forsee nor prevent. How many || 0 nd in him an able and warm advo- | © be heard before the Council. Leave | the rest of the Council. Motion lost. Minister, Senof Romero, discredits the re- | he was just being decoratedi. It contained va have 'retired to rest in comfortable circum- Mr. Major moves that W. I2. Yarnold, | ported shooting of Santa Anna, as the Gov- | these words: ¢ Maximiligh is shot. His granted. Mr. Phenix complained that his property | Esq., be notified to have the stone monu- was being damaged toa conritlerable extent | ments all placed within three months from gravel from a pit on the | now.-- Carried. « Jast words were, Poor Carlotta 1' His Royal serenity tead the telegram, and im= meditely gave evidence of a fearful agita- tion. His cheek blanched his hands trem- cate. - ot heads (He electors" of the Province of t starices dreaming all safo, but lo ! the still: Rev. Mr. Macarthar was next called but 3 oR ) ernor of Campeachy, at last accounts, had Ontario--through their suffrages--shalli, qu of night is broken with the shuts of orders to keep lnm in prison until further orders. } have placed the destiny of this fair Pro- vince in the bands of 164 men to whose honor and integrity we might almost eay that our future propects as a nation very ' much depend. We however admit that otbing will moke up for want of ability ; a good henest citizen and a good legisla- tor are not by any means synonimous fire ! fire ! and the lurid flame already Iight- ens the murky sky. The occupants are disturbed | they start from their Beds to hear the crackling flames around their chamber. They flea from the building, and stand and gaze in stupid bewilderment while their house, their all is being consumed, by the foll destroyer. The materials exhaust the fire decays, their property is consumed, they look upon the ruins in utter dejection, houseless and homeless--without the means count of a bad cold. in his usual pleasing style a history of t pressed its claims upon the people. dress us. tal address. We had the pleasure of being last call and of bringing up the rear rank. was prevented from saying much on 8c-| py parties takin, The Rev. Mr. Miller followed. He gave Sabbath School stitution, and earnestly 11th concession adjacent to his farm. Mr. Campbell suggested the oppoinlting he | of a zommitlee to investigate the matter. Mr. Gordon moved that the Clerk grant his order on the Treasurer, in favor of J. Claughton for the sum of $7.75 being for Rev. Mr. Jamisgon was the next to ad- damge sustained from dogs destroying sheep Hoe took a general survey of what | --the same to be charged to the fund aris~ had already been said ; he gave us a capi- ing from the dog tax. -- Carried. Mr. Major moved that the Clerk grant ed his order on the Treasurer in favor of Chewett and Co., for the sum of $29.57-- and in favor of Cochrane and Cochrane for On motion of Mr. Gordon an order was gnited on the Treasurer in favor of S. lortson for 83 75 being damage sustain. ed by dogs injuring her sheep. The same to be charged to the fund from dog tax. On motion of Mr. Campbell the sum of $20 was granted on the town line between Reach and Uxbridge--a similar grant having been made by Uxbridge. Mr.Campbell moved that theClerk grant liis order on the Treasurer id favor of J. oapsized several miles from shore on Tues- day evening, and four men were drowned, names unknown. A BROCK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ' Brock Agricultural Society held at Thomp- son's Hotel, on Saturday 6th inst. Creaveeann, July 5.--A fiehing boat | pigj,and the diamonds on he Imperial gar- ter quivered 60 in the 'sun i arose from.the atlmiring multitude. the Emperor thought 1s, of course, not to be But we may conjecture that he heard over all the shouts and music hight that 'a » exactly known. out What -- ha above the booming of guns and the salvoes 1 send yon herewith a few details in re- | of artillery, the single shet that was death to gard to a meeting of the directors of the | his insane ambition as to his deluded dupe, the single cry as of a woman-- young beau- tiful, and good--answering the last ory of her young husband--¢ Poor Carlotia Pp Officers present, Malcom Gillespie Prosi- | Poor Maximillian."" terms--a man cannot be a good leghlator of procuring another. Those institutions Hh i unless he is possessed of rectitude, honor, | which step forward in the hour of man's). 1t was now nearly 6 o'clock when all re- | $3.-- Carried. P. Christie, for the sum of 880 ; the same | dent, Andrew Hill Vice President, Thomas | goys DON'T GO BEYOND YOUR ie ' 5 re ue him: by the hand and say 0 tired to make another attack on the well | Mr. Gordon introduced, and carried | being balance of his salary as Assessor for | Glendinning Secretary. Messrs. Juuns DEPTH, and ability, but a man may possess the re- | Citirest, y 110 - : supplied tables-- After tea we had to leave | through a By-law for appointmg a collec- the present year.--Carried. St.John, Daniel King, Donald Carmichael him this has been your misfortune anc not | --but the parties meant to have a concert | tor of the taxes for the present year. Mr. | Mr, Major moves that the sum of $20 | Charles Keelerand John Har : hs ie ui your fault we will make goodi your Joss or | that night. Too much cannot ba said in | Rail, Greenbank, got the appointment. be granted on the town line,between Brock | The first subject tak > i o'clock,a.m.,a young man named Archibald are very limited indeed. When we speak | gract you a building equal to that which bas Jaleesh tie Sabbath Scho) Snuiuionss and | Mr, Campbell moved for leave to present | and Reach, near German's mill provided | wh 8 i subject taken up Was regalo i Rally, lately arrived at Brockville was acci- f abiiiti do not refer t bounded | been destroyed.! Such institutions we say | p © they superintendents offi- | 1a petition of Mr. Whalen regarding his | 3 y DOS H y, provi when and where the show would be held. dently drowned. Deceased in company oii Sbisties we Nof:sy'e 40 un are not unworthy of ourmost cordial support -- i) Vichy who aro devoting them- | iaxeq Brock appropriate a like sum.-- Carried. | Afior a gocd deal of discussion ina cordial with another person,named Edward Cruds- , e ves - % i i 3 3 i interminable gab. Tow many thousands and Ey my We need not _ that Bath School ihn ay Mr. Wallen being asked to explain, said § on ation oF AL ojor. Toe sum of | way, it was docided to have the next show po Sart 10 AIRE 30 the a ak s v ngage ' on | $15 a H Illy nay millions of dollars has the country Paid | ho institutions to which we refer are our work that cannot be surpassed in point of ith s nambel of Sears Be a el yr hied Sn ° ) concession belUst Yarlentyee, on the 10th day of Octo- swuscely been fires Minas in the water a a' 4 ' . i e cried out for help. is.companion y y oy importance and no class of the community 2 : for the meaningless harangues of our would | Fire Insurrance companies Institutions ¢0 | hay an equal claim lo public gratitude and aad he wished the council to refund the! Mr, Gordon moves that the sum of | The Prizo List was next taken up; some immediately swam over to him, but although $20 be granted on the 3rd concession | yery important alterations weere made in he used every exertion toget him ashore ho a i i d | regard. money so collected. orators whose best efforts have just about constituted that for a mere trifle, compare 2! . : be . x 4 to the risk, our property can be secured to YC ------ ee -- The Assessor being called said that he |e between Simcoe St, aud the Non- |p; + f wae not able to ds so, and" the unfortunate as much oratory in them as there is in the |, + iis value restored. Atthe very head CANADIAN NEWS. had taken that matter into consideration in | "Co 0 Gee GL Kilpatrick be a this, especially in the clase of horses two [young man sank to the bottom. From _let- clatter of a cow.bell, and just about as| of those valuable institutions stands ¢ The = assesning the farm. oar to eaperd th [atric oY |prizes will ba given mstead of ons, ia |ters, &o., found in the pocketa of the de- -bell, Just olin 2 ry o In every constituency in the country the The Reeve explained to the petitioner | oy Assioner pend the same.--Car- | 00 stances 3 thero were aleo added to | ceased, itappeara that his family reside mn much sense. The calm judgment, the | Ontario Formers' Mutual Insurance Com- y that in consequence of the drowned land ("¢" tho Tist,prizes for arial Leeds, C. E.-- Brockville Canadian. M 4 \prizes for articles never before ex- On motion the Council adjourned. ited i ete et hibited in the Township, such as Wag- quisites of a good citizen, while his abilities DrownED.--On last Monday, about 10 DIRECTORS' MEETING. a -- i -------- THE TOWNSHIP AFLOAT. etl eee SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. ' ind . 4 any." A company which though but politcal surface 'Which has hitherto been | pis farm was assessed lower than it would penetrating mind, pure motives, and up: | ooo organized is fast growing in public unusually quiet gives unmistakable signs of otherwise have been. This ended the mat- Your Sr WiLL FIND You our.--=It will be right manly action--these are the prime | favor, and bids fair ere long to be the com- approaching commotion, the coming strug- | ter: ons, Cutters, &o, 8 y Pp s 8 . Clerk submitted th (Ww -- "Tete were alao. very nee and remembered that on the 24th of June Jast requisites. Wie would not for a moment pany of the County. (See their advertise ie oul} wertuinly bo. Suse, . Munisiors are lh Er g PLS. 8 Report of W, F, The Directors of the North Ontario Agri- iti y necessary and IM" |, residence of J. B. Dossanlt was destroy- tn. this days 1000 all about to take the stamp. Yarnold, Exqr., P. L. 8. zegariings survey [le eC ot--purmrant 10 notico-- portant additions made to the rules and re- - belittle that best of gifts the faculty of ment in. this Cay - just made of the proposed road north of Nomely. | gulations. On shaep sheering it was resolv ed by fire and that the remains of Dessault 8 Y QuamaELiNG ovER THE Sports.--The | Chalk Lake--raid Report spoke very favor- | of Annand's Hotel, Uxbridge, on Tuesday | ° © "on hibited I and his wife were found amongst the speech; it is its abuse we complain ofi-- journal of Quebec is making much ado over ably of the proposed road. -- Report receiv - oh Joa The Presid 1 | 2nd = that al Phase Shite) matliuse boon ruins. It turns out now that the parties i i ~ . i ed. resent. --The President, let and 2nd | shorn close irst day of Apri . For this profuse talk, these windy sus-| po ororing 10 our Ad i Mii loner ot he Aine neverihe "i. Gordon moved for eave fo mireducs « | Vice Presidents, Troasurat, Secretaty, and | ast. were first killod and the house fired. An pirativos our representatives are scarcely | will be seen that the Avoual Exoursion {acon a Maed , e either blot-| go_raw to establish as a public_highway Messrs. Marah, Harris, Carmichael, | The matter of judges was next brought for- examination of the body of the woman % F od from J. A. Macdonald's K. C. B., or (he road as set out in the above Report. Sharrard and Todd. y ; roves that she had first been murdered-- to blame from the fact that the publ from Port Perry to Washburn's [sland comes : 3 P . . ward and satisfactorily arranged afier a ver P e from the fact that the public gen. y . prefixed to Monsieur Cartier's C. B. The| Mr. Piles--of whose land th | The President in the chair. The minutes Y | the body of the man is much destroyed : ae off on the 19th inst. Doubtlass a good time | op 10 (bins ig li pil v he proposed | .° ,), i ting d and | careful selection of eleven competent men y . v! erally estimate the abilities of a member by | >. : 3 whole thing is like the curl on a pig's tail, | road will take up about 2 acres --came be- © e previous meeting wore read an : : that nothing can be found from it. One F. : . in in reserve for all who avail themselves | oo ornamental than useful." fore the Council and said that he could not | #Pproved: entirely out of the Township. It was aleo i i the number of times be occupies the floor | of the opportunity thus offered of enjoying a Msjor-G shi os . | consent to the establishing of the proposed The President read a communication | resolved that Messrs. Baird and Parsons do M: Lapierre is charged with tho murder. and the leagth of time be can talk ; forget. first rate season of healthful enjoyment. sjor-General Stisted was sworn in | road ns it would render his 0%) almost | from the Secretary of the Provincial Agri- | the Society's Printing.-- Communicated. He has, been arrested on a corners warrant 0 , : The additional Steamer cannot fail to give Lientenant-Governor of Ontario, on Mon- | worthless inasmuch as it would cut him off | cultural Society requesting (he Directors m-------------------- and committed.' . The scene of this tragedy ting that the country is paying dearly for much more'comfort and pleasure. day 8th inst. The ceremony took place at from the water and also deprive him of the |to furnish a judge for feicester sheep at| Le Pays saye every body is dissatisfied | jg contrecaur on the south shote of the St. - these . whistles not a P . Osgoode Hall, Toronto. use of vajuable lot of Cedar Which he has | the coming Provincial Show. with the late appeintments of Q.C.s. Even | [awrence about 30 miles from Montreal } P le . on sald lot, and he wou ld not for have | On motion of Mr. Graham the board pro- | the friends of the government are not &ilent. ee $e re. 4 rather serious matter it would be laughabl The Elections will most likely be all over | said road established, and does not intend ded t ise the Prize List. 3 | or woul dsb Jo : 2 if before the middle of August. y * | that it shall be established ; besides he * The ied ik ed the title to Sore of the new faveritss we He first to| A Nopv.e Onscr.--The New York 7imes {0 observe he way we take to ruin our| The Sunday School held in School Sec- said the proposed road, would be of no be- ; ep i throw stones at their companions. Mr. | says that a paper has lately been started i x . WeLL pone M A posed fo { the fair grounds which, on motion of Mr. A y pap y started in candidates at the very outset of their par- tion No. 2, Reach, held their anniversary ONE MoNTREAL.--A mannerly | nefit to Reach, it might be convenient 10| Graham, was accepted. Dennis says the appointment of. M. Clarke | Paris whose avowed objects. is to set France : Cabman paid his address to a cattle dealer) the people of Uxbridge living 1a that quar- nied : whi © rah : . on Sabbath and Monday, 7th and 8th inst. | Ee ookud won it ing) ih g Mr. Spears moved seconded by Mr. [a8 Q. C. is infamous ; while M. Clark af-| and Prussia at variance capital $150,000, liamentary career. We never ask how | mpg services on: Monday took place in Mr. " the public street and so weighty were speculation for HE TepRrers oF Ror ote | Carmichael that three committees be truck firme that it was a disgraceful act to confer | It is termed La Situation." Ty much talk isin the aspirant, or whether he Haliifay's boot | Some excellent pieces | 1'8 attentions that his dealership Coubled py, for making roads-for the people of Ux- and that the work of révising the prize list | (he honor of Q. C. on M. Dennis. The | This enterprising sheet which issued its has got anything to say, the bustings he | ¥°' recited by the chilyen, Mr. James | OP under them, the Cabman then applied | bridge. he divided among said committees, and that | ©. ode that every ono is prepared to | first number while the King and M. de they report to this Board in ongghour.-- Car- prep Bismarck were still at. Paris, i. permitted Mr. Campbell said that the road would as neither is : Gilroy conducted: the recitations. The a powerful boot application to straighten him dmit that both ight, : Syget Wit htlicrot "io osu on ohilren undo tbo lesdersbip of Mr. Lam- itn then 3h oder thal is wietish might | be oF meh png Rene it need Te. motion of the Secretary, the Board qualified for od ming 5 he Pblist, 5a June 11th | . i ia LA ] : a : ' j e following a += To- ' Ee .... ¢cupy a certain length of time ; while we kin sung very well: Me. Halliday, Super- rise more easily, he lightened his. pockets dik En Jestom | io water adjourned for one hour to allow the com-| Le Pays makes fun of M. Cartier our | morrow, ho 18(h of Tone is Te tio Rh ee «ool git nd ==isten. ~10...our.. tuture } erintendent:of-. the. Sahoo. pooupied the | of $43 and went on his_way rejoicing. a0 constructed ss to allow Mr.' Piles' oat- | Mitteestime to make out their Reports. new minister of war. | sary of the battleof Waterloo. Do not let p RE representative making bimself ridiculous, | chair. . Their worthy pastor Rev.Mr. Pome- Tho Montreal Lawyers are making marry tg a pase unde ta he. sales; aud. a8 far |. The yarions committees bronght in their EL ---- {us orget this fu We have » avenged Jig sng hi i iti \ Bi " : ' | his (Mr. Piles) preventing the establishment 'Teports, ing ce abe ATID BRS. OF. TE._DOMIN.|ourselves on all those who crushed. us by... ...... J 8 cheering him on to his oy political de-- | roy apenel, pogeedings rT culinary | over ths stupid seletiong Whish the gor-| Bh jt EAs ho eniablishment |e eo EE Laas eile (Ne. Spe To ret, 1804 ho Sin 5 Pe ae i struction, or the country s loss--as, should SL oe Sp Songer Mwy i J a made of Queens Councils. nothing of the kind, as if the Council wish | the prize list was adopted as revised. er = a Beaten The Riaeiane in the Crimea; we - he be successful in bis canvass, bie will [that we o spare we 10.1aave 'be-| Mr. Devlin is out in opposition to D'Arcy | to press it, the matter will be submitted fo : : 16 following are the names and titles | have beaten the Austrians in ltaly ; we bbe i toto memes, [Wise Em ete Tie dan wre. 1h spond 15 Now Mir a oo inh Offcit | ere dome See tan bn he Engl a / iy Ra JAA hy Muoh praise is due to all connected with TIO col Mr. Gordon said that he bad not sufficient Gazette, viz: ' { we have saved them at Inkerman. ' We Sp 'which be conceives carried him in--| praise ) A new Militia Bill will engage the early : ; Tt was moved by the Secretary that, in i '| have'avanged ourselves on everybody ex- al i * the school whether as officer or teacher. | oyiontion of the Government information on he maiter to give an intel- | 5mpliance with the request of the Secre-| The Honorable Sir Jobn Alexander Mac- | cpt the Prussians. When is an i o iE 5 strength of lungs--beedless that every such tt ! * legent votes and he wouid ia 3» have the | igry of the Provincial agricultural Sooiety, | donald, K. C. B., tobe Minister of Justice | come 7"? i y ; gust. of spurious 'eloquence will cost the| Our cotempotary, the Berlin Telegraph, Too MueK oF A Good THiNG'--Mr. Galt's eo could by rm_pim. Mr. Graham be recommended by this |and Atlorney General. : fe country, at least one 'hundred dollars. has donned his tidy Dominion Dress. This {tide is « Minister of Finance," and not | gonant to tax Reach to accommodate Us- Board, a ore of he Ju does, of Letseniot The Honorable Seosge Etheonio Cartier, | . Arrgmprep Murpes,.--For ' some {ime AE This is , of the many plads we adopt to ably conducted journal is rendered still Chancellor of the exchequer as some would | bridge. DnrDe Kin oo nh a 0 C. B., to be Minister of Militia. past, a woman and her daughter. of teputed JS . - LI . more aftractive by the handsome appear- | have it. - The tiles Foreign, and Home | The By-Law a first and second galop The Honorable Samuel Leonard Tilley, | bad character, have been accustomed to passed Mr. Sherrard moved that Mr. Harris be i di and the thir -reading was defer- » . C. B., to be Minister of Customs. red wil the next meeting of orci 1 and a tecommended, re oor ¢.llotl Gol tishy hensath the Sud Stand of the Whit- 4 e Honorable exander Tilloch Galt | by Race Course.--On Saturday ni Mr. Todd moved that Captain Spears be | C, B., to be Minister of Finance. Ror oe unken epotndie Begun tt tee 4 many things, which a moments considers- EARLY VEGETABLES FOR MAR- comntiltee appointed to mvestigale the 7 ' KET. is Secretary for Canada. matter, and report at said at Teuoibmened Searioll bf : The flonorable William. MaDougall, | 2Pon the ground. The girl hid herself r. Craham desired his name to be with= | ¢_ B. 10 be minister of Public Works. from them, and when the mother refused to tion would convince us were utterly ridicul- --- ARE : . £ 9 A , py : { Ari Apoarn.-- The officers of the Domin-| = Mr. Munro resented the petition of D. 4 ous, apd which no candidate worthy of Or thanks to Mr. Haight--Borelia, for| jon are falling into line. H. W. Stisted C. | Dalton and thers [inying To aid tothe ex- A iin raid he could not go, as he The Honorable William Poarco Howland, The 3 bit of ey ory olied het. ke . confidence would enlertain for a moment | his generous supply of gren; they are{ B. Major General commanding the regular tent of $50 on the 14th concession apposite | \ "ro an cements which Ae) alc. B., to be Minister of Inland Revenae. ! yt fed her in several places, and anemyty Ek in when the principles of econ. first class and highly relished at this season. | rope in Upper Canada is appointed _ | lots six and seven. : P The Honorable Adam George Archibald, | ed to cut her throat. The.girl, in t - ' Again urging the pri 8 on 8 ] , pe ppe! a is appointed Lieu : vent him going. ! C hi d gitl, in the mean 4 : - | Pease fully ready for table use on the 5h tenant-Go "of 'Ontatio;"" Sif * _ On motion of Mr. E. Major the Clerk x ; to be Secretary of Stato for the Provinces. | time, had obtained aid. When. it arrived omy on our iekure representatives we. 000 | Cp yoyo i not bad for Reach. Ray Covert Oataris: es. N- ( washuinorized to grart "bia order on. the The volo being (aken Capiain Speste| yg fianorable Adam Johnston Ferguson | they, were making prepevations hear be found profitable expenditure with waste and oh, | F. Belleau, of Quebec. Sir F. Williams, | Treasurer in favor of W: E. Yarald for the | * olosted. |g rtoho President of the Privy Council. | the unfortunate woman ini the well. "She g corruption ;, and we confeat ourselves with NEW VIOT G MTORE, Major-General, 'of Nova Scotin. C. H. |sumof $16. Y . Mt. Graham moved that this society holds ".® "pr 0 uo" pater Mitohell, to be | ¥28 found in a horrid mass of wounds and 5 pledging our candidates. that. the Tone A , : . "Doyle; Major-General, of New Brunswick, Mr. Cassie came before the council re- | the coming fdirat the village of Uxbridge a > bruises. Two of the parties have been ar- penditure of the country will not be as great A Lira DY 1n their reign 8s it was in that of their Yet victuals are indispensibly necessary to 'Man doe po Bread : . m 5 and' taxes when Frrsdoy and Friday the 10th and 11th | Minister of Marine and Fisheries. . ot boo Tr | a et sme hn. EE AE Ty pos wa | Helge As Compe (SSE ds Soe sors entirely forgetting that proper bis existence. Tn order to supply this re- investment of capital, 'even should 1t be quisite in still greater abundance our friend ruin our candidates. "We bore them to A Mr. A death in order to get them 'to promise is Secretary for the provinces, and Langevin Tibal h are a ancerof its new tpye. ' JATLANTIO CABLE, | $100, ' Mr. Graham moved that the following be | Post-Mastér neral. from being sent to penitentiary some time Mr. Major moves : ; a committee to make the necessary pro-| The Honorable Jean Charles Chapais, ta | ago upon asome what similar erime,-- Fin- a jon mavey tha the sina 37 390 be parations for holding the fair viz : yr be Minister of Agriculture. pe 2% upo ae Har Fin tha Non won in the 14th concession, Yeas| A Committee isting of the Presid ble Heptor Lous Langevin, The Americans in the various cities of The H borrowed returns withiua given time, | Mr. Pascoe bas rented that convenient | Europe celebrated the 4th of July in capital | Gordon, Major and Munro, Nay Camp- (and Messrs. Graham, Spears, and Car-|lo be Secretary of Stato of Canada, A lau if the 8 s a Nay P| Micasl was appointed fo make the noces- | The Honorable Edward Kenny, to be Re- wideable, suman Vg Th a pe © will exceed the outlay is good management store one door east of the Anglo American | *'¥/e: 'and shout encouraged. We feel satisfied if | FLotel, Prince Albert, where he wil always i Ah w, 10. prosent {SavY anaugomeiis or he Plowicg eh. |esiver Gonoral. tain locality on King street, last evening, { 4 i Ms. Major oved for leavi The King of Egypt is on a visit to London | tke petition of T. Paxton others for a| Mr. Harris moved that Rule 14th be| Thirteen in all. If, as rumor hasit, each which attracted an interested knot of - we can extort a promise from the candidate keep on band a choice ' y of everything he was received with considerable distincs special assessment of $400 for certain im- amended by adding a clanse making it im- | ot hese receive $8,000 per annum for his tors, to whom was revealed pa of pov 7 . that so mor 'works will be 4 [in bis line: (See his De tions ; ¥r "| provements in the village of Port Perry. | parative that ull caltle over one year old | 0 es it will require $104,000 to meet conse of infidelity to the marriage vows. In io more public 'engige r require $104, hy v ia-for the present attests ~The ould . " Brosdstifis'and provision will aul. Mr. maved for leave to present the shall be tied up while on exhibition, and ! he locality referred to is asmall mercantile ; ot Jeast. re © AN ABUNDANT Lrzctizes.--Oor an i f petition of Mr. Sexton oth ying | that the owners furnish halters for that pur- {hes salaries alone; and $50,000 for the | establishment devoted to the sail of ginger "sot be'a works line "of policy--we "should ellow Coloniets have an eye to| ViEnma, July 7.--An Austrian| fleet is tothe council for license opt 4 a ey at | pose. Governor-General would make the entire beer, peanuts, talfy- and other tem . 1 ror 2 teint: y pling i 3 . i : 'be immediately despatohed to Mexico for the the village of Port Perry. > Mr. Graham moved in amendment that | cost for our ive G run wp to , the proprietor of which followed carefully distinguish betweea the profitable fA luordtive in hid re | ody of Masini : This latter petition could not be enter | only bulls over one yere old be required 10 | 5154 000. We believe bowever that Min- soma mechanical calling daring the, day- Just started up in Mel Brun, July 8, (evening.)--The states of | t2ined oa the dounodl had no avthority in the | be tied up. Original motion onrried. isters will be satisfied with & less sum than then Jeaving. is Wifo in charge, of , the 10'three hundred thousand of| | > I a ratio hays aos jmatiers Saloons uot being allowed in vil-| Mr. Harris moves that the following be t5al tn | business of the ehop. Adjacent thereto was 'dometimes packed and | opie the plan of a tarift poratimn by Prus- | 18896- : added to the 7th Rule viz: Thatall articl $8000 of Salary. 3 ' her establishment for the dispensing of : sop P rift pi y t be Ticdstser davie etre He counail for exhibition except fnicokle Hast =a AT ALL roun-- The forenoon, # couple | proprietor. wh of he Sisqifting aie r, the ! - od regarding the Municipalities' Fand. He the ground by 10 o'clock a. m.; of the first | ory, g patrols of the dog police, each having | glances at the wife of his ki designing Loxpon, July 7.-- A detatehment of regu- | gomplained of wanf fication | 18 of the fair, and all anima 8 for exhibi- Ne 1 § ! s meighbor, and rk. | Jar troops eon ordered to Abbysinia to | ; plained of want of notification | o0 1 et be on the ground by 9 /o'clock a. | T large canine in cusody, met on King street | lrequently repaired to the. peanut store to Sbbyw: in regard to this fand. - Jast year every ' when the enraged captives immediately | beguile her solitude dnring the absence of will justify the ex] bb Torre +r compel tha King 10 release the: tish 8ub- | fort had been made to. jutormation | M-2 of the second day of the fair.--Car-|p came involved in terrific combat. In [her lo is i i focta held prisoners there for a long time | from the Doh made. io, abitin_iotorm and | ned. - ' ame fone, 10 ho treped rd a industrial ig The past. Sa """ |ihat he found it necessary to obtain it The matter of admitting p esinto the fo « police" also pitched in, and |evening, and suddenly enterin ao an Lonpo, July 9,[(evening.)--In the House | through a private source, and had to allow [grounds was taken up and after various |g sanguimary serimmege ensued, the | the rear.of his shop, disco a Foam. mn of Lords this evening Earl ' y | 8 greater commission that when obtained | suggestions with regard to members and | dogs suspendindin hostilities meantime | affairs that only an immediate dissoluti o denounced the actioniof the Mexican gov- throngh the department. | non-members. Lo ' and one of them effecting his scape from | of the conubial relations could remedy. His s ernment in potting Maximilian to death but | ~ Mr. Campbell moved that the Reeve be| Mr. Todd moves that every one--unless custody. The: flagrant breach of decorum | exasperation and despaif were Uverwholm= he made no disclosures as to what measures | inétructed to communicate with the Depart- id A : | inthe corps will doubtles be" brought to the ing, The injured Mr. MoGee, the lats the government tend to edop wilh regard Ta oy oor Pa pig hg oF omtermg | attention of Pog Board, -- Hamilion | dooF in a ushand a he to 110 Mexico. © iets ater y "ol once. the stiow ground,-- Carriod. Times. ' lum shouts that the guiltof his faithless ' A i

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