Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1867, p. 3

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§ i y H a" oS ---------- and the treachery of his neighbor might ublicly exposed and placed - beyond i. The couple were finally premit- St otice lo 'sc opie other | at l ihe gric or haem gave i on i of present, ic await the eomple- other arrangements.-- Hamilton Nr" ee na 3 Kinasron, July § >About six, 0%look Jas evening ix ns Were burned more or Jess severely, through the explosion 'of a 'coal oil can at the house of Edward. Mooney. Miss Mooney, to make ine fire burn hr brightly, [oun rome the wood which' imme- Tr od na the flames burst out, set- ting fire to the oil in her hand. The can burst, scattering its contents around the room. Her clothes cavght fire and could not be ramoved uutil she was burned so bably that stie died about four o'clock this morning. Her brother is serionsly thongh not dangerously burned, and the others slightly. -------- A ---- The " Scotia" from Liverpool, the 30th arrived at New York yesterday. She brings the news that on the 20th the Bank of England had the largest amount of bul- lion in its vaults on record--over £22, 000,000 specie in bank. Also, that over 100 vessels had been lostiin the White Sea, shipwrecked ; the crews suffering dreadfully." i 4 '| BIRTH. "In Prince Albert, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr. William Bond, of a daughter. MARRIED, EWEN--WALKER.--On the second of July, hy the Rev. George Miller at Hendersons Hotel, Hsbridge village, Mr. John Ewen 10 Miss Tsabella Walker both of Uxbridge Township. ely Auberhisements. ~ GRAND Excursion PIC-NIC! LAKE S€UGOG THE STEAMER ANGLO-SAXON WILL LEAVE SEXTON'S WHARF, PORT PERRY, Friday, 19th of July, At 8 o'clock a. m., arriving at WASHBURN'S ISLAND, Af 10 o'clock, where the excurtionists will land and enjoy the pleasant and romantic scenery of this interesting spot till the afternoon. On the same morning the LADY IDA will bring a load of excurtionists from Lindsay to Jjoin those from Port Perry. Freeman's Celebrated Quadrille Band Has been engaged. 13 Everything possible will be done to ren- der the entire day one of pleasure and comfort. Tickets - = BO Cents. COMMITTEE. Jos. Bigelow, T. C. Forman, E. Major, T. Pax- ton, WA, Cochrane, W. M. Willeox, G. W. Jones, M.D., W. S. Sexton, C. Dawes, J. Stan- H. Foy, J. Jewett, B. Plank, Chas. Gould, 11. Barnbam, July 9, 1867. 272% 1 S hereby given that the Trustees of all School Sections within this Township, who may be desirous that their school .Assessments Should be inserted on the Collectors' Rolls for the current year,do make their application to the Clerk Previous to, or to the Council at a meet- ing to be held at the town all: Manchester, on Wednesday, the Tth day of August next, other- wise: such Assessment cannot be fnserted on such Collector's Roll. JOHN CHRISTIE. . Township Clerk. Reach, July 9th, 1867. 21-2w THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company. pany is 'now fu nized and is eden Fr ie te! ry School Ho an K a hom ishing tn lnsre and thereby pport a Home Insurance Compa bi 'opportunity of doing so either by applying 10 the Head Office, or to any of the .of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of an: nsibleMutual REACH L. 0. D. MEETING. ATs Mee! held at Murta's Zotel, Green bank, on Saturday, June 15th, 1867, it was resolved--That L. 0. D. meet to celebrate the Tlveisiry the Battle of the Boyne, at PRINOE ALBERT, and offer a cordial invita- members, or others friendly to the order, to. joi Thom on that occasion.-- Arrangements are ing made fo secure several first class speakers, ' . ROBERT IRVINE, D. M. July 3, 1867, 26 1 OF LETTERS remaining in the Prince Albert Post Office, July 3, 1867. tonto any Li Beatty Wm Hollibert Wm # Bolton Wm Hamilton Mrs J B Brown Mr Kennevan Jas Cameron P C Lake CV Coates John Laing Jos Dougherty Jacob Macpherson C Campbell J B 0'Connor J English John Robertson Mrs R Enghsh P.ul Taber T Frazer Mr Tahahany E Foster Mrs Young J A Gibson Wm Whittaker John Hazlewood John Warren Wm Hall Mrs E Wallis WM Hayne Jos Watson A Halloran P H. H. McCAW, P.M. AROUND ! rR subsériber having returned to Reach, has got himself comfortably located atthe thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying on the (G-Tailoring Business In all its branches. Garments entrusted to his care will be made up in the latest styles ; and nothing will be left undone by him--in way o neatness of fit, moderation in charges, and care- ful attention to. orders--to obtain and secure a large share of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly and regularly. JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. 4 J. HEAL'S Celebrated Itch Ointment! HE subscriber keeps constantly a large quan- tity or_his Celebrated Itch Ointment. A cure warranted. Price 25¢ents a box. J. HEAL. Tailor. Prince Albert,Dec. 5, 1860. Psorocomium. THE GREATEST ITCH KILLER oth century. It cures in halfan hour.-- only 25 cents. W. A. TOMLINSON, Wholesale Dealer in Medicines, Sole Agent for Canada, Prince ALB ERT. PRINCE ALBER AND MANCHESTER Bakeries ! A BE the places to buy your BREAD, 4A FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. First class Confectionanes. Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer use; and Fruits in their season. ~ Wedding Cakes made to order, He is also prepared to furnish Soirees, Tea Meetings, &e., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13, 1867. 6 $100,000. NE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars to Loan on Mortgage security, in sus to suit borrowers, at a very moderate rate of interest. Apply at I¥arehouse, 10 the far-famed Manchester JOHN HODGSON. Rrerrrexces kindly permitteddo T, N. Gibhs, Fel M.P. P.,Oshawa; M. C. Cameron, Fsq., M. P I, Toronto} Rev. H Worrell, M. A..'T wa; Wm Laing. Esq., Whithy; Rev. I, B Cadwell, roprietor of the Man- neumhent, Osha- M Myrtle; Adam Gordon, Est. P chester Warehouse ; Robert McKindiy, Esq., Borelia ; ir. Esq., Port Perr i Joseph Ree er. Era. EPR: Can WakBanan fe, Wick; Malcolm Gillespie, ., Brock; Col. Vrooman, Henry Brethonr, Esq, James Spieran, Esq, Vioomantion. Manchester, Sept, 6th, 1868. 32-3m 1 HALF A MILLION} Money to Lend. Company in Can Head Coe 'ings, Brock Street, Whitby IL. FAIRBANKS, Jr, : Secreta 27-1y Ty. AhOYold Registry Office Build- | ithy. HE undersigned has pleted arranges i ments, whereby he is prepared to lend $500,000 of Private Funds, on good mortgage security, ata low rate of interest. The borrow- "kop atOttatio; (YN SATURDAY the To Wits ot 0 TH DIVISION COURTS. FOR THE : County of © pot Oo 5 ntavio. ce bert © 4, Uxbridge, ici be " 5, Cannington, Aug. 1st, " " 6, Beavertol "ond, 4 7, Atherly.... aU UEhy Z. BURNHAM, Judge C.0 Whitby, Mar. 47,1861. TB PROCLAMATION | To all whom it may Concern: ° K3Y all men by these Presents, that it having come to the knowledge of tho un- dersigned that there are certain individuals resi dent in and about PORT PERRY ! 'Who contemplate ERECTING owerune Ry nouses, &.c. In the aforesaid Town of Port Perry. Now this is 'herefore to notify the aforesaid residents of Port Perry, that I 'am prepared to BUILD, ERECT AND COMPLETE, In a substantial manner all such buildings, whether of Wood, Brick or Stone. And Whereas having Leased the Sash & Boor Factory, 1 am prepared to furnish Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Seroll-sawing, Wood-turning, Face-Planing, and Flooring on the shortest notice and at reason- able rates, in the Township of Reach and County of Ontario, this 4th day of April, 1867. (Signed) ° GEO. ROBINSON, BuiLper. Note.--A4 few thousand feet of Seasoned Floor- ug for sale, DR, WOOD, PROPRIETOR OF THE Ottawa Cancer Infirmary, BTARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET, OTTAWA, C. W. CANCERS CURED By a New, but Certain, Speedy, and near. ly Painless process, and without the use of the Knife. The cure will be guaranteed, and, as a proof of thig, no pay is required, until the cure is com- plete. The moment a cancer is discovered, it should be cured, as it will cost less and is more speedily cured than when of longer standing, and there is nothing to gain, and everything to lose by delay. What now seems a rimless lump in the breast, neck, eye-lid or elsewhere, or small wart or sore on the lip, may, in a few tort short months, become a hideous, disgusting, destroying mass of disease. If required, refer- ences can to given to partics who have been cured many years siece, and who are now sound and healthy. All communications promptly answered. No money required in advance, and done until the cure is complete 40-1 Farm for Sale! n OR Sale that excellent Farm consisting of the south-half of Lot No. 8, in the 5th con- cession of the Township of Reach. Nearly all cleared. A Houge and a good Frame Barn, with a constant supply of good water.-- Conveniently situated between Manchester and Utica. Apply to MORRISON & SAMPSON, Corner of Church and Colborne Sts., ToronTO. 14-tf April 17 183 CANNINGTON _ CORNET BAND "Fas members of this Band embrace this op portunity of informing the inhabitants of North Ontario that they will hold themselves in readiness for engagements for Excursions, Pic- nics, Concerts, &c., &c. Charges moderate. S. B. FAWSITT, Late of Dodsworth's Band New York. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. IIRTEENTI da JULY A.Di 1867, at the hour of Twelve o'cloc noon, will be sold by Public Auction, at my office, in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, in the said County, all the right, title and interest of the undermentioned lar.ds seized by me under and by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the County Court of the Counties of York and Peel, and to me directed, at the suit of ROBERT JONES, - =~ = Plaintiff, v8. WILLIAM C. McMULLAN, Defendant, viz: One quarter of an acre in the Village of Atherly, being composed of village lot number three, fronting on_Fitaroy Place, and lying between Mountjoy Square and Winchester Street, ns shewn in an engraved plan of the said Village of Atherly. - NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Qhavif 00 0 Kh aw Per R. H. ToMLINSON. Sherifi's Office, - "Whitby, 10th June, 1867. To Comsumptives. 'The advertiser, having been restored to health ina le remedy, after having suf with a severe Jung affection, nnd sumption--ig¢ anxious to make (Terers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre- seription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the sam which they will find a cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronelitis, Co 22:0w er can have his own time to pay the p I am also Agent for two of the largest mone- i fons in Can Flour and Feed Store. » ; bi 1 Sabgeriber Tore to timate to the in« PRINCE ALBERT, d surrounding Villages that he has opened a 22 ~ Flour and Feed Store, " 'OppositeSowan'sStore Where he intends to keep constantly on hand a quantity of 4 FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, BRAN AND SHORTS. Wheat, Oats and Corn taken in exchange. Partics ordering any of the above articles 8.0 them kind at their residences. Sg Terms - - Cash. THOMAS PASCOE. Prince Albert, July 9, 186. tary ada, that lend money from 8 to 10 years, at six per cent interest. No Commission harged. Silver and Greenbaeks bought and sold. Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICIAL ASRIGNER, Notary Pusric, Land Insurance, General Agent, §¢., §e. Orrice--McMillan's Block, Brock Street. Whithy, Oct. 8, 1866. o Sn Money to Loan. FREE, by return will please address yg p EDWARD A. WE RE' 1M-1y Ww amebors, ingnld tore. oklin Dry Bro Der P Medici JOHN anos EALER in IY 4 Paints, 0it Liquors for medicinal ' Best Wile Cattle Medicines always He aha APPLE TREES cent interest. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS, Office over T. C: Forman's Stor! «PRINCE il Ju or 70 JOHN ADAM Toronto Street, T: 27] prince Albert, May 1, 1867. AT, Jutakis of Moar to Lown at 8 jj © FOR SALE. 25 per Hundred. T. BURNHAM, Lot 31, 7th Con. Whitty, ne 24, 1867. Given under my hand at Port Perry {- sure ughs. Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only ohject of the cdvertiser in sending the Prescription is t . ' benefit the afflicted, and spread information which, i ives 10 be le, and he hopes ever yeu will try his remedy as it will cost them nothin may proves blessiig, , Partjes wishing the pr They hold the lary Manchester and Whitby, April, 1867, Prince Albert, June 12 1867. ar a gt Mn By OFA Cs We have just received a Of the above as well as many other New and Fashionable Goods! Of the LATEST STYLES, and at GREA LY REDUCED PRICES. CURRIE & ROSS. T0 EXHIBI Shawls, Mantles, Saques, Muslins, Grenadiers, Tissues, Lustres, Bareges, Light Prints, Silks, Parasols, , Gloves, Hosiery, Hats, 'Bonnets, Bonnet Shapes, Bonnet Fronts, - . Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Dress Trimmings. will be placed i lection. Port Perry, July 10, 1867 . fro Rew muvertisements, TORONTO Amerie Nurseries #1 The Subscriber would beg to L inform all parties. indebted to him eitlier by note over due, book ac- count or otherwise, that all must be paid 'immediately, otherwise they n Court for cols J H BE. HOGG, Box 75, Port Perry, C. W. The Subscribers have ju WW. \ ------ Prince Albert, May 22, 1867. JARMERY! @ Cash Paid for Prince Albert, Feb. 13, 1867. [ Candidates in th PF. PA RK; Cabinet Maker and . Undertaker, PRINCE ALBERT, OULD embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous f 1 friends for the liberal share of patronage ho has received, He further state that he purchased a First Class A large and choice lot of COFFINS Ly constantly on hand. complete Stock of COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description always on : i hand, and for sale, Cheap for Cash. FUNERALS attended to with dispatch. Charges moderate. The highest price paid in Cash for Butternut Lumber. Remember the Place--Opposite Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and Blue, e Field =l=l==l===E Grey Cottons, Muslins, Feb HEARSE, decorated in the latest style, with double Sets of Plumes MANCHESTER, June 19, 1867. FRESH ARRIVALS ! st received a large lot of PLASTIQUR & EXHIBITION SKIRTS! Which they offer very low. Also anew lot of Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, Borders, Parasols, &c., &c., which they offer at Greatly Reduced Prices. Brown & OChristian. ONT MEAL WILL! HE Subseriber would embrace this oppor tunity of thanking his many friends for the very liberal patronage besto: upon him since he started businessin Reach. Ie would inform all whom it may concern that he has erpcted a A large and FIRST RATE OAT MEAL MILL In connection with his FLOURING MILL on the 5th ion Reach--between Manch 1 Y-------- 9 ii and Utica. He has got his Flouring- Mill in a first rate state of repair. Gristing done on the shortest notice. First class Oat Meal always on hand to exchange for Oats. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. amore TIENTION! QI -- re J. COX OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL. CE ALBERT. IS SELLING MENS GOOD COW HIDE BOOTS AT $1.90, To make room for Spring Stock. Women?s and Children's wear also v~ Hides. 1867.) Beg to inform t* tons, T'weeds, Gambrooms, Tickings, Stripe Shirtings, &c. - Ready-made Clothing. ist Stock" in. the County in Men's and Boy's Coats, Pants and Vests, Hats, Collars, &e., which will be sold very Cheap for Cash. THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT has just béen stocked with new Teas Sugars, Rice, Currants, Tobaccoes, &c. 'They. have also received a large Stock of Hardware, Cockery and + They are determined not to be undersold by any Liouse in the Trade. pe. A Call is respectfully solicited. T=EEE=FEEEE 1867 R. & 4 ««MPBELL, _avitants of North Ontario that they have just received a Large Stock of , GOODS! AT THEIR STORE IN nchester ! purchased for CASH: they will be prepared to offer Great Bargains in Dress Goo, Shawls, Mantles, Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, Prints, Grey and White Cot- { Glassware 5 &e. A large and choice lot of first class LIQUORS isting of 28 of the best brands-- OLD RYE, MALT ay py WHI 2 DRANDIES wns Win ES Prices moderate. KEY, which can't by beat.-- R: & J, CAMPBELL: ¥3= Parties ordering Flour, Oat Meal &c., in the neighboring villages, can have it delivered at their residences. ANDREW PAUL. 22- each, June 5, 1867. 2m pty PRINGE Apr-£T, ; « Carriage, mouse, Sie a any anvental paINTER. PLACE Df pusiness ut th Li Ontario Carriage Paina 4 aper Hanging, Flag and Banner Prince Albert, April 24, 1867. 15 ' NOT OF » (SANAZ TLVAINI) - pre-paid, Greenbank, July 3, 1861. MONEY _ TO LOAN. AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST, Apply to MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Ptince Albert. MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDs,) To loa on'good Farms, at 8 per cent interest: LYMAN ENGLISH, . Barrister, Se wa Novem ber 21, 1866: "a pr! ALBION HOTEL, Bast Market Square, Toronto, Good Stabli moderdte charges. BOARD $1 PER DAY. W. SHORT, ProrricTor. dati and every Toronto, March 20, 1867, 10 Ontario Hotels - DBROCK.ST., WHITBY. C. DAWES, - =~ =~ ProPriEToR: ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, CO. W, TE wen and most contmodious Hote! fh Town. A special conveyance to the Rails Hon Statin to all Ee past Tolbe Koval Hote pr BA in attendance. Te oats JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. Department of Crown Lands, . OTTAWA, 28th June, 1867. Te Department will be closed at Ottawa on and after the FIRST JULY. The Department of Crown Lands for the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario will be ned atQuebec and Toronto as soon theres after as possible of which due notice will be given, A. CAMPBELL, Commissioner. Farm for Sale, 26-6w] For Sale that First Class Farm being the cons North-half of Lot No. 10, in the 12th cession of the Township of Reach. 90 Acres cleared and in & high state of cultiva: tion; and well fenced. 0, Frame H on the property 'good sie, They is a capital Sung chop of "here trees and an abundan , prenises. For further culars &pply to the tor Aaron W-on the PT to fey by letter AARON BAGSHAW, Proprietor. pe f6-1f 'NOSE0Y 9 'IN 'LEILTIV TONTId ND 48 1 3 Heifers he "on hs ther se an hie. Any peracs SEER « us Reach, July 8, 1867 STRAYED 'CALVES. TRAYED from the of the Dagither, eon | Ei » a a XE) 4 Yearing Calves. 1 Bteer; the sicer Tod and white} J0BN ROLPLL. - Marriage Licenses: ( : / e Lie WANTED A A PTT Tove HENRY CHARLES. (**™™™ ' wu scorr, Jan.2a,086T, 34July3 1867. A ag { Jd i 3 Xo

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