Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jul 1867, p. 4

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A ------ 'How a MannizpMax May sx Known.-- One of the standard maggazines thus gives the mode of distinguishing married me? ""groen single ones :--¢ Whenever you find a man whom you know little about] oddly dressed, talking ridiculously, or exhibiting any eccentricity of manner, you may be tolerabl ysure that he is not a married man. For the little corners pre rounded off, the little shoots are pruned away in married men. Wives generally have more sense than their husbands, especially when the husbands are clever men. The wife's ad- vices are like the ballast that keeps the ship steady. They are like the wholesome, though painfol shears snipping off little growths of self-concelt and folly. ---- A ------. A celebrated French preacher,in a sermon upon the duty of wives, said : ¢ I see in this congregation woman has been guilty of the sin of disobedience to her husband, and mn order to pont her out, [ will fling my bre- viary at her head. He lifted the book and every females head instantly ducked. \ Boys Drownep AT York MivLrs.--On Monday, the lst inst., two boys aged re- Speatively 9and 8 years, sons of Mr, Gideon urry and Mr. Charles Eden of York Mills, were found drowned in a deep hole in the mill race a little above the Covertdale mills. The poor little fellows had gone in to bathe, as thier clothes were lying on the bank op- posite where the bodies were found. The alarm was given by another little boy, who h fishing with them a lutle before in the lower creek. He statesthat, wishing to + ho| he called for the other boys to °, 6n receiving no answer, he ran up f the mill-race und saw the body Ed oe on the top of the water, and the body of Murry lying at the bottom. Dr. McMaster happened to be driving near, and was on the bank when the bodies were t out and he pronounced life /juite extinct. n inquest. was held next day by Coroner Philbrick, ard a verdict retorned in accord- ance with the above facts. The bodies were burried in one grave. Great sym- Jus has been manifested in the neighbor- with the sorrowing parents. » Ri Vion or THe WorLp.--We find in #mAmencin-exchangy, atable showingthe length of railroads constructed in the opera- tion at the end of 1866 in each country into which they have beeu introduced. In the Provinces constituting the Dominion of a, there were 2,440 miles of railroad ; in {he United States, 36,896 miles; in Mex- io, 78 miles jtotal in'North America,39,414 miles. In the West Indies, 410 miles; in South Ameriga, 1,042; in Europe, 50,118-- fi; irens Britain and Ireland have a rence, 8,982; and Prussia, 5,695 ; in Asia, 3,660; in Africa, 875; in Austral-, asia, Total in the world, 95,727 miles IN BUMS OF $300 'and Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors, &c. Oshawa, Nov, 14, 1866. 45-2m Jed A H IN Licensed Auctioneer. ] a Licence for the . Subscriber, hol ty of Ontario, and the Township of won to state to Farmers and others, -requiri Yt rvi that whate puatat entrlted to his a, will bo prompi- Jad carefully att . Charges moderate. Days of Sule, &c., &c., arranged at the Observe: Office, Prince Albert. a E. MAJOR. 'Bovelia, March, 27th, 1867 THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Insurance Company. INVESTED FUNDS,.......... INVESTED IN CANAD Five Department, INSURANCES ErrecTED ON ALL CLASSES oF Property AT CURRENT RATES. FARM RISKS ar Sexciainy R Rares. Hite Department, No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the COUNTRY. dh. Police fo ths. fit of Wife or Children are from Se by Creditors. Policy for $1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus A tem costs af age 30, $24.70 a year. 1d it become payable after 5 'ears, one- the Premiums are retu: wiTH the 3 if afte sum r 20 years, one-half are re- turned ; after 30 years, three-fourths ; after 51, oe heirs may ,000. th. $15,000,000 $350,000 assured is doubled, and the =r Claims payable one month after proot of G. F. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, MoNTREAL. M. G: ROBSON, Agent, Prince Albert. 2 i WEST] ERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. W, INCORPORATED, ... 1851. _ Capital, - - 8400,000. val ! ARR TaxAS.. D HALDAN, Esq Pls JAMES PRINGLE, Travelling Agent; County of Omario » ily. - MACKIE'S HOTEL, (LATE BRODIE'S,) Walton Street, Port Hope. War. MACKIE, Proprietor. teammate nities 'Walkerton, Co. Bruce, C. W. HEREBY notify the publio lly and intending purch parti to be I onal with ee they conclude Bargains, before they call at the * ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY 'Where they will find on hand a quantity of first class Carriages & Wagons, fact the premises of the choicest material and first class workmen. Call and see iy A -- intimate to my numerous friends that this is the Cheapest House in Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. Work Warranted or mo Pay. JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, May 22, 1866. 51 . PRINCE ALBERT CARRIAGE YACTORY. HE subscriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the ublic that having taker: especial paina in securing the best material the country affords, and having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply superior Wagons,Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. Parties In want of anything in bis line may rely on getting a handsome and substantial article, the contemptible and childish hint at counterfeiters by a is rival, to the contrary notwithstanding. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. JUST RECEIVED! FRENCH CALF SKIN Which will be Sold Cheap for Cash ; also on hand a large Stock of Spanish Sole Leather, which will be disposed of on the most favorable terms to cash purchasers. Having a large number of men constant employed in manufacturing Boots & Shoes I am prepared to offer inducements equal if not superior to any house in the trade. Also an immense Stock of Boots and Shoes purchased in the best markets, which will be sold at a slight ad. vance on the cost. You will findit to your advantage to come and examine the Stock. Cash for Hides, Tallow and Hemlock Bark. J. WRIGHT. NOILICE! Sa SINCLAIR gooenll that his FALL STOCK arrived, consisting of FIRST CLASS TEAS and a CHOICE LOT.OF GROCERIES. Wines, Brandies, and other Liquors of the best.brands --Porter and Ales. Wines, Brandies, &c., for medical purposes. He would ray to HOTEL KEEPERS that they have only to call and examine his Stock to be convinced that they can do better by buying at his establishment than at any other in the County or out of it. (= Come, see, and be convinced. A large assortment of FISH will arrive next week. Prince Albert, Oct. 17, 1866 R. WILSON, BRUGGIST, "OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT! EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soaps, &ec. Special attention given to the preparation and dispensing of Physicians prescriptions. Prince Albert, Jan. 22, 1867. FARMERS CARTWRIGHT ENCOURAGE Local Industry and Home Manufacture. TRE Subseriber having fitted up and thoroughly repaired the Amboy Woolen Mills! Bg Lape J Hie, Ou ight 'ownships, tha s pre- pared to do Carding, Fulling, Cloth- ing, and Dyeing, on the shortest notice, and wi the greatest promptitude. From his long prac- tice and experience in the busin he flatters himself that parties entrusting t work to him will have the same done to theirsatisfaction. LIST OF PRICES: For Carding 5 cts per 1b, cash--6 cts t. WF Fottng 10.0% por.yard: aan '* Fulling and Dressing 124 cents per yd, cash. " Tulling, Dressing and Dyeing 25 cents per yard, cash, * THOMAS STINSON. Cartwright, May 23, 1867. 19-3m Brandon Brothers Ga Manufacturers of . BISCUITS, CONFECTIONERS, &C. Wholesale Retail Denlers Lin lk kifids of Biscuits, CANNINGTON, C. W. Canuington, April 17,1867, 5 PRINCE ALBERT ano MANCHESTER, October 24, 1866. 2 har 41-1y THE subscriber begs to ntorm his numerous customers that he has removed from the shop lately occupied hb; remises Eri ERR uj aU Pole Wagons,O arriages,&.c. AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Constantly on hand a large supply of those ex- i; cellent Revolving Horse Rakes! Such as manufactured last year. Good Sheds on the premises under which to tore Carriages, &c., while under repairs. JAMES PARKIN. Manchester, April 18, 1866. Valuable Farm for Sale. rP\HEundersigned will sell the N. E. part of ship of Hoa County of Onthsie containing 6 ounty of On nj acres all cleared and moderately Sopining 64 Improvements--Frame Barn, Log House, Well, &c. Roads good and markets convenient, bein situated on the west side of Lake Scugog an about 3 miles from Port Perry. Terms $1800. At least $800 down and the balance in annual instalments to suit the pur- chager, with interest at 7 per cent. Apply to JOHN CHAMBERS, Proprietor, 14-14 or JOSEPH GOULD, (Tenant) on the Farm. Walkerton, April 2, 1867. 12 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suflerered for years from Nervous "NOTICE! mdebfed to the late firm of & BROWN, Prince Albert, note or book account, are re. HAMILTON NURSTRILS complete in every department. raising HARDY Varieties of Winter Fruit. 05 Borelia, Oct. 24, 1866. New Clocks! W. HEPINSTALL"S WARREN HOLTON, Proprietor. The Stock of Fruit Trees in these extensive Nurseries are very Particular attention is paid to To parties favouring IRST CLASS us with their orders we gurrantee to bring them Orders or NURSERY PRODUCE and NOTHING ELSE. Communications carefully attended to. We would call the attention of intending Fruit Growers to the substantial Testimonials below. Brooxvin, Jan. 9, 1867. I saw some very fine Fruit Trees, &e. from the Ham- iltou Nurseries, delivered at Brooklin, by the Agent, t Mr, Geo. B. Fain J. B. BICKELL, Reeve of Whitby. RagLaN Miss, Jan. 8, 1867. Mr. Fain, Sir,~I have great pleasure in stating that the Fruit "Trees, Vines, Shrubs, &c., I received from you are the the best I have received from any Nursery yet, They all seem to have been taken up with great care, as the roots are in excellent condition. MOSES SMITH. East WaiTsy, Jan. 5, 1867. I have no hesitation in recommending such Fruit Trees us I received from the Hamilion Nurseris.-- 'They are fully as good us represenzed. HENRY GRAHAM. Wharsy, Jan. 7, 1867. I received a quantity of Fruit Trees at Brooklin, which I had ordered from Warren Holion's Nurseries, Hamill W.. and [ must say that they were just what his Agent, Mr. Faint, represented them 10 be. In fact all the Trees that | have seen fiom these Nurseries are fine specimens of the different varieties, THUMAS ARKSEY. East Wuitsy, Jan. 3, 1867. 1 uve my order for Fruit Trees to Mr, Faint, Agent for the Hamilton Nurseries, and have much pleasure in Brooxrin, Jan. 8, 1867. Mr. G. B. Faint delivered several boxes of Fruit | stating that I was well satisfied with the way in which Trees at ny Hotel, Brooklin, last full. They were| it was filled, The Trees were very large, well formed, carefully packed, and seemed to give general satisfac- | healthy, and in good growing condition. tion to his numerons customers. ALEX. ALEXANDER. Whairsy, Jan. 5, 1867. Ido Jereny certify that I received a number of Apple 0 Trees from the Hamilton Nurseries ; they are first class A trees in every respects ROBERT GARDNER. HENRY DEARBORN. +Corumpus MirLs, Jan. 4, 1864. 1 hereby certify that I received a number of Apple, Pear and' Plum "Trees, from the Hamilton Nurseries, hrough the Agent, Geo. B. Fuint, and have no hesita: ion in recommending them to intending Planters, as Trees of the very best PES GOODMAN HARRISON MAW & SON, (OVRACTORS & BUILDER, +L ORT PERRY! ARE prepared to Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well to call. (%Plans and Specifica- tions made to order. IARRISON MAW, JOHN H. MAW. Port Perry, Deo. 5, 1866. THE OLD STAND FOR EVER. T= Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is coustantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR- ROW made in the latest improved Scotch styles. Parties Jesiing to Durelige woula do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasing else- where. Having bought his Stock for Cush, he is determined not to be oraor by any other manufacturer in the County. WM. STEEL, All Work Warranted. 14-1y J P. JOHNSTON, WATCHMAKER, AND JWELER, GOLD AND SL "ND DEALER CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C., &C, King Street East > OSHAWA. 07 Watches and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. Oshawa, Jan. 25, 1865. 3-1y M. 0. DONOVAN, a : PRACTICAL _ Fa a Carriage 8% Maker NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET ,WRITBY I A GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best material. Work 5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. Y SAINAd DNIMS LNHLVA VER WATCHES] J. BOWMAN, JO YIUALOVAONVIN Borelia, Co. Ontario. Borelia, May 1, 1867. Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLLN HAS REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. Ey Spring and Summer Fashions ceived, J. BULLEN. Prinee Albert, March 28, 1866. i The most Popular Remedy ever offered to the Public. TOMLINSON'S PAIN-KILLER, For the cure of Fain both External and Internal, The greatest Pain Curing Remedy yet discovered. just re- ) & Pain cannot long exist where this Remedy is faithfully used. Give it one fair trial and you will use no other. It is acknowledged by those who have used other remehies of this kind, to be the best and most valuable of any known, for the diseases for which it is recommended. 3 Sold by all medicine dealers. PRICE ONLY 235 CENTS. It is the largest bottle of medicine of the kind in Canada. Manufactured by the proprietor, two doors east of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince Albert, C. W. Life-Like: PIUTURES Can be had at Hoitt's Photograph Gallery, OSHAWA. Either Plain, finished in India Ink, Oil or Water Colors, Also al the Prince Albert Gallery ora. Massuy, of any size or style of finish! known ° eo Arte Call and examine Specimens. J. E. HOITT. G, MASSEY. ' 1 April 17, 1867. -1y PORT PERRY WoolenFactory HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his *_ numerous customers for their favors during the past two years, wishes to inform them an the public that he is Now Prepared to Execute all Work Entrusted to him, on the shortest possible notice and in THE BEST STYLE. As a recommendation for honest dealing and good workmanship, he would state this fact that in 1865 he carded only 8,000 lbs of wool, and in 1866 over 14,000 lbs. He hopes by strict atten- tion to business to merit an additional increase in 1867. Prices :--For Carding, per Ib--5 cents if paid before the 1st of January, 1868, if not so paid, 6 cents will be charged. For Ping and Pressin 10 cents per yard, and Fulling and Dressing 12 cents per yard, if paid before the 1st of January, 1868, if not so paid, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum will be charged. Shawls, Capes, Dresses, §&c., Colored and Press- ed on moderate terms. C. T. YOUNG. Port Perry, May 1, 1867. 16-3m R. THOMAS, SADDI.E AND Harness Maker Thomas' New Building, South of Gibbs Block, Simcoe Street, OSHAWA. HE attention of farmers and others is in- vited to his stock of heavy and light har- ness, all of which is new and of superior make. Also there will be found a eho.ce selection. of whips, general saadley trunks, portmantcaus, &ec. Everything in the trade made tor order on the shortest notice. Repairing done neatly and cheaply. R. THOMAS. Oshawa 'Jan. 23,1867. 3-ly VICTORI1A Sewing Machine. AGENTS WANTED ! $10 to $13 per day. CTIVE Agents wanted to canvass and sell our new and beautiful Victoria Family Sewing Machines. Price only $15. The great- est invention on a new principle, is the most simple, and warranted for three years, being the only first class cheap machine ever introduced in Canada. Do not be humbugged into pur- chasing some cheap worthless machine. If you buy the Victoria you have a certainty with «11 the late imp There is no cheap m « "RIVIE $UOPIOY § MUYS 19A0--J OHS made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing BORELIA Cabinet Warerooms!! ----TD 4 CS -- Grovesteen & Co., PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, HESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit ! at the World's Fair, * e., s % . ' from London, Paris, G Vi pa Sobsetiber is S111 Sy uukin at bis old place of business, manufactnring every- Phildelphin alimore Th Hk : hid Yoke int EDAL AL the ies? i S | thing in the C! , Such as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Bronx1ast Tables, | Msoatat, YEARS Tr ou ritute. for I IVE Sue. Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, &c. (5 House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging done on the shortest notice. (7 A choice lot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS for Sale and Framed to order. Special Notice.--A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. A number of COFFINS of all sizes, ready-made--extra finish. Fly ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, Good Lumber-and Produce taken in exchange for work. JOHN NOTT. NEW WATCHES ! New Jewelry & Silver-plate, BROOKLIN. Grand Action, Prame, and ul nd ment warranted FIVE years. Made under thi - vision of MR. J. H, GROVIBSTEIN. wh hos a practical experience of aver thirty-five yenis, and is the maker of over deven thousand piano fortes. Our facilities for manufacturing ennble ue to sell these Instruments from class piano forte. Good News for All! TA SouEE PICTURES taken in all kinds of Haip Pedal, Overstiung Bass, Full fren Modern Improvements, Every Instru- N, who $100 10 $200 Cheaper than any first 20=1y weather, at J. A..CLARK?'S PHOTOGRAPH CAR, UXBRIDGE. The subscriber 18 pre] to execute, in the pared best sites Photographs, Ambrotypes, Meleneo- known to the et Crosby's Store, to suit customers. graphed, or enlarged Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1865. arte d' Visites, and all kind. rofession, at his Chr, west of xbridge, cheap and warranted Pictures copied and photo to any size desired. J. A. CLARK. 40 MR. A. BARRETT, Photographer King St.» Oshawa. either ! Debility, Premature Decay, and all the eflects of youth- J Se el mn bl oe eo Hi | \ me PACER bot sie we ; : J. H. BROWN, | Suffers wihing i profi by he adverimers experiens N, B. All kinds of Watohes and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED, firancs Shrough Mr. Carawell's Con- Manchester, June 19,1867, 24 -1y JOHN,B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Sureei, New york, BROOKLIN, Dec. 26, 1866. 51 Oshawa, April 17, 1867, 14 chine to be gompared with it ; in fact there is no high priced machine can excel it in all kinds of work. Sample Machines sent on receipt of $15 in a registered letter. We will give the above commissions or will pay a liberal salary and ex- penses. For particulars and terms address (with tam), grem GATES & CO. No. 14 King Street East, 8-1y ToronTo. THE SILVER SKIRT MORE DURABLE ! MORE ELASTIC 1! IMORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its Shape and retain its Place better than ang other Skirt. This new and beautiful style of Skirt (Patented March 7, 1865,) was awarded by the Great Axericax Institute Fair, held lm New York, October, 1865, a Medall! The highest premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated wire (in place of a cotton Sireriog} which will nol wear off or become soiled, an the whole skirt may be washed without injury or fear of ruéting, and will be as good as new. THE COMBINATION SILVER SKIRT This invention combines with cotton skirt, the advantages of he Siflinary T ; the bottom hoops are the same ose used in [the silver skirt, the covering of which: cannot wear off, while the upper ones are covered with cotton. No lady, having once worn one of sur Skirts; Ya he willing ig year any other, as: lower hoops i injured and soiled. otis Lists are soon A hosts materials re nied in their construc- om t {on and, fom their dura y and neatness they (5A FAVORITE SKIRT. LY Manufactured and sold by the Silver Skirt and. Wire Manufacturing Company. : 30 & 32 Barclay Street, New York T. S. SPERRY, Supt. 32-1-y¢ Silver . BARBER & PYE, hrchiteels, Taiload, Building and Land Surveyors, VALUATORS, &C, &C., a OSHAWA, C, W., 3 prepared to furnish Plans, A Specifications, for public stalls and > residences of every description or in any style of architecture. "Plans of all kinds of stairs bridges, tombstones, patent hts, mills and mashineryy can be had on the test possible Mr. Pye is recently from Manchester, England, wher he has had experien ning, sur 3 ine sha sube Sxporis he in desig sur- cimen gns m: seen in the Reading : Room, Oshawa, or may be had on cation tos ; HR. HARARE Oskaws, vg. 30, 1866, 34, A

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